#Zane rocks
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calibunny · 2 years ago
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Played some Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath, Vengance of the Slayer tonight and it ROCKS
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megamangxtheadventure · 2 years ago
sunak fired a pure conceratred beams of maths energy while zane blasted him with pistols “THE S BLADE HAS A HACK BLOOD CHARGE!!!!!!!” he chrgarted the hack blood and blowed away 100s of psykos in one hit
suella braverman takened out a gun shotgun “i will send you back to the boats you little basterd” she snizzled and fired but robbie rotten kicked her in the face “theres only room for one villain here!” he pointed and windmill kicked her over and over
kemi banerdock laughed “why becuse suffering is the point we want people to suffer and have no rights and be in pain becuse the suffering energy will bring our dark god into the world GOREFIELD!!” she laughed and megamangx had a look that was the horror “GOREFIELD ARE YOU INSANE IN THE BRAIN IT IS THE MOST EVIL ELDRERITCH HORROR OUT THERE IT WOULD BRING THE VOID OF LIGHT AND END EVERYTHING”
sunak fired more maths energy at megamangx while zane had gun fight with kenmi baderdock “theres too many psykos they keep coming�� zane shouted holding his grounder as 900 psyko syndicate members had comed
yukari joined the fight and suddanly  remilia scarlet was there too “don’t worry megamangx we’ll help you fight the psykos you just deal with the torys” re,milia smiled and fired red spears of magic into them killing lots of the psykop heavy weapon solders.
megamanGX was filled with angry and remembered the magi books “the power of the elemants the true mage forms i must focus and draw from new power TO GAIN MY MAGE SUPER FORM!” megamanGX glowed as magic runes floted around his body “elemetnss of fire wind water ice and void i call to you and the crystals”
MEGAMANGX glowed WITH LIGHT AND ELEMANTS AS THE CIRCLED AND HE TURNED INTO HIS MAGE SUPER FORM WITH A SILVER WIZARD ROBE AND WIZARD HAT “ELEMANTAL JUSTICE STORM!” he shouted bringing a rain of fire and ice onto the tory party members hurting them real bad
“what is this he is not meant to unlock his mage forms kill him now!” screamed sunak
megaman gx kicked him in the face as he flyed into a tree real hard “i am the hope of the world the light of the crystals of magic and the end of suffering, you will pay for all the people you hurt for your culture war” megaman gx flashstepped and began punching him at high speeds
with the way cleared zane used the hackblood talisman and blew all the psykos up “you messed with zane now its time to pay the price” Zane grin and blasted kemi banderdock and suella braverman away as they crashed into a boat and exploded into explosions “at least you stopped the boats haha” zane laughed.
MegamanGX turned off his super form and joined the others “if they want to bring gorefield back thats bad news” said megamangx
Robbie rotten did not know the name “gorefiled what is that?”
Yukari looked nervsous but had to tell him “many years ago one of megamangx mentors who we joined with on a few missions years ago, a super sayian wolf called Vash but also called codename blade was tracking down an evil edlerich eniety called gorefield its not like garfield but his dark counterpart made up of all the evil garfield varianats from the multiverse you see everytime there is a good garfield there is energy that goes to make the gorefield” yukari sai
megamang gx looked at the sky “me and vash blade tried to stop it back then but it was to powerful almost destoryed contntess worlds so we had to work with a powerful girl lain to seal it away”
“lain the most powerful hacker ever, the hack blood masters have only heard of her in legend some say she doesn’t even exist” zane was surprisnised to hear that name.
“that is right only the most powerful hack blood masters ever knew even the name becuse lain feared her hacker powers so she sealed herself away and erased her name from peoples mind to stop the evil of the world from abusing her powers” yukari siad.
megamangx ofolded his arms “lets go to the human village i want a pepsi afgter that” and they all laughed
one day ago
Cat boy sans was in chains beaten  as a bald pattern sunglasses man was smoking a cigar and cover in gold chains “hey boy hey boy you mess with me you messin with top g” he said and booted catboy sans with hard as he couthed up blood
“i will never betray megamangx or tell you how to break the gorefield seals” catboy sans couthed and the baldy man punched him.
he lighted up enother cigar “i’ll teach you not to fuck with andrew tate you betyter give me what i want to know OR YOU A GONNA DIE!” andrew tate slapped him
there was a group of 12 year olds with there hair shaved bald wearing andrew tate shirts sunglasses and gold chains “listen up kids you want to be true top gs like me then you gotta k ill this son of a bitch a real man a real alpha he kills people cold blood style” andrew tate ordered as the 12 year olds started kicking the wounded catboy sans.
“THATS RIGHT YOU GOTTA KILL HIM DON’T BE A PU SSSY HIT EM HARD KILL HIM HIT THAT FUCKER HARDER YOU WANT TO BE AN ALPHA LIKE ME RIGHT!” Andrew hate laughed watching his radcialized fans beating catboy sans to death
one buy was scared “i don’t want to kill him its not nice” the boy said and andrew tate grabed him by the neck “you want to die instead you want to die as a beta male boy?”
THE boy cryed “no sir i dont wanna”
Andrew tate throwed him to the grounmd “then kill him or your not a real man DO IT YOU LITTLE SHIT” andrew tate said as the bot kicked catboy sans over and over u ntil he was dead
“there your becoming a real man now like me just make sure to keep paying your month fees for the program” andrew tate shed poofing his cigar and a man with a mushtash comed in wearing red and black overhalls and the mario hat but it was black and had the andrew tate cobra logo
“good a work with the a kids you are making them stonger for the a new world a world where a weakness will be a purged” SAID MARIO!
andrew tate poured mario a whiskey and they sat looking over the night city “you have learned well from me Mario i am glad you embraced the darkness being a hero made you weak” said andrew tate
m,ario pufed a cigar “i was a weak as a hero but your programs made me an an a alpha and lots of money now i will make sure i get my a money and anyone that gets in my way will a b e destoryed” mario said
Andrew tate looked over the body of catboy sans “send this beta cucks to the tory party as a massage to megaman gx” andrew tate ordered his followers,
mario looked at city and puff cigar “it is a new world a cruel a world only those who a embace pain and stength will a survive and a soon all that is a good will burn” said mario.
to be continued.
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phibsies · 28 days ago
“man i wish the geckles would agree with me so we can work together”
the kind and supportive zane:
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also a bonus of kai getting hit with a rock
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al-luviec · 7 months ago
Shout out to whatever this was.
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mashedmangos · 11 months ago
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I will never shut up about Nya and Zane's friendship (bonus Jay and P.I.X.A.L drooling over them)
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kindaasrikal · 3 months ago
The og 4 ninja, individually, are smart.
Kai is amazing at strategy, Cole is great at planning, Zane is fantastic as observing, Jay is brilliant at on the spot thinking.
They’re all good at planning and strategy and leader ships roles in their own ways, as shown in the show, and they all are amazingly smart.
But together they’re all idiots.
NEVER put them in the same room, not even Zane is free from the stupidity when they’re together. They literally mimic each other at every chance they get its the funniest shi ever
They’re like a married couple x4 except they all have individual lovers and it makes it so much more entertaining.
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windmills123 · 10 months ago
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i cant stop thinking about hypnospace outlaw... here is my fanart for it
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months ago
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colesother · 10 months ago
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They look so done 😭😭
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pigeonburrito · 8 months ago
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Cl4ptastic rocks I painted. Just used acrylic Markers.
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mimenoises · 4 months ago
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Why choose between who to ship who with when you can just make them all a polycule
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sneakyswag · 1 year ago
Okay so I rewatched s12 of Ninjago and DUDE??? I forgot how much I liked Scott like oh my gosh-
I have some headcannons about some of the Ninja’s +Scott’s favorite games
Okay but like I feel like he totally hangs out with Jay or Cole and stuff.
They tried to introduce him to like TF2 or Mortal Combat or Call Of Duty
Scott is just trying to process how advanced video games have gotten.
So they made Scott try Undertale to get that retro kinda vibe
Scott was like “EARTHBOUND???”
Jay told Scott about the Nintendo Switch and stuff.
Cole has one so the three of them played Smash Bros.
Scott got used to the controls pretty quickly and started to get the hang of it.
Scott introduced Zane to Mega Man X because he thought he would like it.
Zane did, he liked how basic but fun the gameplay was and liked finding all the secrets for the armors and stuff.
Scott’s fav game is Smash because of all of the classic characters.
Scott did find out Lloyd likes Tetris so they geek out with each other and try to get higher scores than each other.
I also feel that Jay likes Doki Doki literature club 💀
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megamangxtheadventure · 2 years ago
at illuminati base ted cruz was there with the most powerful men in politics “megamangx is back i am tired of losing to him!” ted cruz slam fisting into the tables.
the golden doors open and a stinky fat man in a suit and white ugly boots comed in it was ron desantis “ron why are you here what happened to trump?” ted pointed.
“trump was too woke so i killed him this group has a new leader but it must be purged made pure becuse even illuminati has become woke and i must make it pure like me!” ron said and the politicians looked scare
“are you betray us?” shouted sargon
Ron smile and started to fart real hard as the room was filled with fart gas and air was green with farts “silent but deadly my friends” ron laughed as the illuminati members choked to death “smell my freedom farts you woke fucks its time to build a new empire a strong mepire filled with strong white strong people who think like me no parish you cucks!!!” he farted real bad and the room was farts and he even grebbed turd cruz face and sat on it and forced him to smell the farts and he die of fart “eat my farts of freedom EAT THEM YOU FUCK!” Ron laughed with villainy as everyone in the room die of poson
shadiversty and some medevil knights on horses comed into the room with steampuink gas marsks “peasants remove these dead bodys i would be speking with the great leader” said sadiversty with an english old voice
“i pledge my sowrd to you kind desanta becuse i fear woke will turn my daugter into a woke and i can not live in that world we must purge weakness and go back to tradation and middle ages where life was better” hje said.
ron laughed and started eating some meatballs “dont worry in exchange for helping my side you will be rewarded i know like me you hate democrcy and want an empire of the powerful”
shadiversty nodee “yes america was on the wrong side of the revoluiton engerland should have won but the mistake will be corrected and everyone shall know the glory of king charles our ruler and the true emperoer of america and knights and castles will come back like the olden days”
a chamber opened and a bald cyborg had come in “lord putin i had not expected you so soon” ron kneeled to his master
“i was near death after that megafool gx killed me but russia sciance has made me powercul again and i will build my empire and have ravengence” said putin.
shardiversty kneed “what about gensokyo this realm they are after why not let me take it and i will make these girls into wifes who know there place as it is in the naturol order”
Putin opened a window and below was 1000s of robot “we will turn them against themselfs these bots can bend in and spread my ideals and turn everyone against each other i shall infest gensokyo with them and spread russia desires to everyone”
Robbie rotten woke up “why did i get here where is that pesky megaman gx” he danced out ofg bed
outside was megamangx in a cool mage trenchcoat over his armor studying the arcene boots “robbe you comed back good you must listan to me illuminati are bad guys and can not trust them woodman knowed this its why they tryed to kill him ten years ago” megamankgx explined
robbie was sad “i just am a villain but these people want to destory the world and make it a not fun place for everyubody in it and no matter how many times you beat them up or getting new super forms they just keep cominmg back and being worse” he signed
megamangx equiped his magibuster “we needing to find yukari she will have answers to what is going wrong and help me unlike my mage forms”
but then the two of them got blastered by glowing numbers as they hit a tree “what was that attack!” robbie gasrped!
a man in a suit was there “MATHS!” he laughed and blasted them with a beam of numbers.
“IS THAT RICHIE SUNAK!!” megamangx shouted.
sunak throwed a body with white hair on the ground and a blue jacket and wound on back with smoke “ITS CAT BOY SANS WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU SON OF A BITHCH!!” screamed megamangx
richie sunak laughed evil “the uk has decided the catboy fandom needs to be banned for public order so i decise to do the banning myself with death” he laughed mad and kicked catboy sans body and got megamangx real mad
two more was there in powered armor with laser sword it was kemi banderdock and sueila beaverman “youll pay for killing boris” kemi banderdock spit at megaman gx and beaverman point her laser sword at robbie rottens back “
megamangx glowed with the elemental runes as he flaoted in the air with books “i am not letting you hurt more friends you will pay for catboy sans death!!!”
sunak blurst inwto laughter “you think its just us 3 ever since brexit we needed more power to keep order in england it was dark time but now we privatized the army with our new friends THE PSYKO SYNDINCATE!”
bald men in purpel jackets and guns comed “YOUR WORKING WITH THE PSYKOS YOU IDOTS YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THEM THEY WUILL DESTORY YOU!” robbie rotten glasped.
a green portal appeared a beam of green light and bullats blasted into 100s of psykos and sunak was shocked “WHO DARES!” he said and fired maths at the portal but the man with blonde hair blocked it “I DID! THE X SLAYER!” SAID ZANE ROCKS!
to be continued
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phibsies · 24 days ago
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this is either a wip i will finish next week or a wip that’ll never see the light of day again . either way they were on my mind
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rt-lots · 2 years ago
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wake up babe new headcanon just dropped
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iamsonormalaboutninjago · 1 year ago
Okay this was a part of an Ask:
What Progressive Rock Bands I think each Ninja would like ✨
Kai: Definitely Rush and Styx. More hard rock, but he listens to sad Genesis songs late at night.
Jay: Alan Parsons Project, Yes, ELP. Symphonic and ADHD pleasing
Cole: Genesis, King Crimson, Camel. 〰️ Slow jamssss 〰️
Zane: King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Styx, Alan Parsons Project. More complex beats cause he’s a music snob imo
Lloyd: Styx, Genesis, Yes, Tool, Kansas, Rush. The others got him into these cause he doesn’t expand his music tastes much lol
Nya: Tool, Yes, Rush, King Gizzard. Whatever’s hard and fast and can ebb on felony speeding
Arin: Genesis, Styx. He will competitively sing and dance to sad songs of romance despite never having a crush
Sora: Genesis, Alan Parsons Project, Pinky Floyd. Bands with a consistent beat that she can have on in the background.
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