#Your muse steals from mine and gets caught.
oleander-nin · 3 months
I see that your requests are open- {at least I hope they are because I see that they're open in like- 3 places-}
Can I get a RoTTMNT Donnie x reader with these two prompts:
Stealing clothing
"One more chance. I'll give you one more chance."
It can just be a silly little fluff thing where they keep stealing each other's comfort clothing or something sifdhufiigejj I jsut like seeing 1 prompt that could be seen as angst then going like "how to turn FLUFF?" You don't have to make it fluff and sorry for talking so much in this paragraph I'm just. So far ufsuguu
What's Yours is Mine
A/N, not important: Aww, I liked that you wanted to turn it fluff and I tried my best to keep it that way. Sorry it took so long(this ask is back from SEPTEMBER). Sorry if Donnie's out of character, it's been a while. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. -Ollie
CW: thievery, apologies, OOC Donnie
Words: 956
Summary: Donnie catches you stealing his hoodie.
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The hoodie you were wearing was softer than most you’ve ever felt, the fabric so light and soothing you almost forgot it was on. You had to keep looking down before passing a window, making sure you hadn’t forgotten to put on a shirt so you don’t walk by with a bare chest. The earlier guilt from taking it had died down by now. No accusatory texts, no panicked calls. As far as you could tell, Donnie didn’t even know it was missing yet. Made sense, you thought. He never wore it that often. Not unless he was going out into the public eye. 
The sense of safety you felt in the hoodie so far has caused you to grow careless, cocky even. You knew Donnie was popping in today. The time of which, you weren’t entirely sure. He could pop in at any moment, yet you were still in the stolen hoodie. You sigh, deciding not to push your luck. It would only tick off Donnie to know you stole his favorite(and only) hoodie. Not to mention he'd have probably lent it to you if you just asked either way.
You slip the hoodie off your shoulders, shaking it twice to get the imaginary dirt off before hanging it up in your closet. The thought, while feeling a bit silly at first, ended up being a good idea. Seconds after you close your closet and take a step back, Donnie raps his knuckles against your window. Shaking off the guilt and the embarrassment, you open the window to let him in.
“Greetings,” Donnie says, a self-satisfied  grin on his face. It was later in the night, his back lit by the moon and his face by the lights of your room. It was nice to see him so relaxed, you realized. Having him content in your presence, his confidence showing through his eyes. You loved seeing him like this, and quietly vowed to never let that smile falter. You step out of the way to let him slip through the window, his battle shell sprouting spider-like appendages to assist him in balancing.
“Good to see you,” You say smoothly, walking across your room to grab the controllers and set up the console you weaseled into your room earlier in the day. You've already set up everything for you both to have your weekly game tournaments, with the stack of games selected now reaching up to your knees. Plenty of material to go through, and you could easily set up a movie or pull out the board games in your closet if either of you get bored of button mashing.
The sound of a door creaking open while your back is turned makes you jolt, your eyes widening as you realize that by opening your closet, he definitely had seen the stolen hoodie. You turn to look back at him, trying to push down the sheepish look and maintain your innocence as he pulls out the accumulation of your thievery. 
"What do you have here," Donnie muses, holding up the hoodie to his plastron and looking down at it like he was trying it on in a store. You shift on your feet, unsure what to say to him now that you have definitely been caught. The crazed twinkle in his eye and the urge to maintain your dignity held firm, causing you to double down.
"New hoodie I just got. You like it?"
Donnie looks you up and down, completely unimpressed by your innocent facade. “Oh really? You just happened to come by a large purple hoodie with the back modified to fit over a shell and larger pockets to fit hands like mine?”
You stare blankly at him, pursing your lips. “Mhm.”
“I’ll give you one more chance to admit this one’s mine,” Donnie says curtly, his eyes twitching as he looks the hoodie up and down for any damages. “I mean, you could have just asked before you rifled through my belongings to find it.”
You slump forward slightly, giving in. “Yeah, it’s yours. I’m sorry I took it, I should’ve asked.”
Donnie grins at you again, smug. “Apology accepted. On one condition, of course.”
You grimace at the thought, sighing deeply. Conditions from Donnie usually meant trouble, or you becoming a new assistant/experiment for one of his inventions. “And that condition is?”
“I get to take one of your hoodies in exchange. And allow Papá to make the needed alterations to it.”
You chew on your cheek, trying to weigh the consequences of your actions. “Who gets to choose the hoodie?”
Donnie scoffs, shoving the problem hoodie into his battle shell as it opens up. He crosses his arms over his chest, giving you an incredulous look. “Me, obviously. You stole my hoodie.”
The point he made was fair on all accounts. You knew deep down Donnie likely wasn’t mad, more frustrated you had taken something without asking(again). However, knowing he’d almost definitely choose your favorite hoodie to alter sucked. There was a reason you didn’t wear Donnie’s hoodie outside and instead used it as loungewear. Mentally mourning your collection, you wave your hand towards your closet as a sign to let him have at it.
“Take what you want. Mi casa es tu casa.”
Donnie grins smugly once more, clearly having expected that answer. He turns back towards your closet and starts to dig through it, looking through your hoodies to find his perfect victim. The glee in which he did so had you suspecting he had set you up in some way, but you keep those thoughts to yourself. If he wanted, he could alter your whole closet to fit him and you wouldn’t say a word.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i @rottmntsimp
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rainecreatesstuff · 8 months
AS A HUGE FAN OF BOTH FITPAC+HADESTOWN UR AU IS MAKING ME FEEL <3 NORMAL <3333 who would be orpheus / who'd be euridyce?
okokokokok hear me out here
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fit as eurydice, disillusioned with the world and taught to always have your own back, take things as they are, if something’s too good to be true then it’s not.
pac as orpheus, bright-eyed and determined, sees the world for what it could be and wants to make that real.
You know how the song goes.
Fit falling in love with Pac in the spring, things are warm and good and food comes easy. Watching his son play carelessly and laugh and sing. Listening to Pac’s visions of the future and hearing his song, and believing in him full heartedly. They wed in summer, laughter and wine falling from their lips during their first kiss as husbands.
Summer leaves early and faster than ever. Pac focuses harder on writing his song. Ramón is starting to complain about the hunger. It’s cold. Fit loves Pac more than anything. He can handle the hunger, he can handle the cold, he can handle being alone. He can’t handle his baby boy going hungry.
He leaves one day to buy, to find, to steal some food, some firewood, anything to keep his boy warm. He gets caught in a storm. Death approaches him and offers to keep him and Ramón safe and warm and fed. If it had been just him, maybe… but Death’s voice is deep and warm, and the coal mine calls with promises of heat, and the canary follows.
You know how the song goes.
A lot can happen behind closed doors. Fit is not naive. He is hungry. He is cold, and he is lonely. But he is not naive. He signs his life away. Ramón, his baby, is safe. Has no stake to his name.
Pac descends from his office, and the fire is out. Blankets lay on the couch untouched, no coats hang from the coatrack. There is a lonely pair of shoes at the door.
He searches and searches and yells and screams for his husband and filho. The Traveller finally comes to him when he has screamed his throat raw. Rattlesnakes are meant to hibernate during winter. Regardless, he sees his love with the twin wounds left by fangs.
He asks to join them. The Traveller offers a different route. He takes it. He plays his song, he plays it loudly and clearly and with his lyrics he calls to his amô and his filho. He calls to Death and Spring and he cries his sorrows to them. His pain brings Spring to tears and his regret brings Death to movement.
Ramón runs to him the moment they see each other. They cry and hug and Pac will never let his boy go again.
Fit, his love, his muse, is held back by the chains of Death. Pac pleads again with Death. Fit crumbles and cries. Pac twitches as he tries to reach out but can’t.
Death loosens his grip on the chains and Fit collapses into Pac. There is a moment of pure relief and joy and clarity. Fit and Pac are together with their boy between them again. They make each other promises, fix the ones they made as their vows, and begin to rebuild what fell apart so fast the first time. It is warm and safe and it is love.
The moment is short-lived. Death’s voice calls out. The canary flinches towards it.
You know how the song goes.
Ramón is allowed to hold his hand as he leads them out. There is no claim on his life. He never should have been there in the first place.
Fit is not so lucky.
They are steps away. The cold breeze hits Pac’s face from the end of their ascent.
You know how the song ends.
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Music’s playing, candles are burning, there's no light beside the sun peeking through the curtains, shining down on her prettiest subject.
Her glass of white wine is being babysat, cause knowing her and how much of a lightweight she was, a few sips were enough.
Leon definitely took a shot before they got started, since he'd never been a model for anything. His last minute nerves made him even more adorable to Zora.
Blk Odyssy had become one of her favorite musicians, thanks to Leon and his impeccable taste. Their new album, diamonds & freaks served as the soundtrack.
Sexy lady
Got me faded
I'm intoxicated
I been watching, baby
Sexy lady
Sweet Jesus, save me
Go on, and rock me, baby
Don't stop it, baby
“Love this song,” she comments, dipping her brush into the deep red paint, using it as one of her base colors.
“I thought you would.” He replies.
“Yeah, you knew.” She hums a laugh, tilting her head to the left, following the curve she's creating for her study of her boyfriend.
“Are you painting me just like I am?” He asks.
“Well, everything above the knees. That's all I can fit in the canvas.” She answers.
“Where'd you get this idea from?” He asks, curious all of a sudden.
“My sisters actually suggested it. They were really excited that I had started painting again, and since you're my muse, it seemed like something really fun to do.” She explains, poking her head out to look at him, snickering at the focus in his face.
“Quit laughin’ at me,” he mumbles.
“Sorry, you're just so still, like you might break if you move. Relax a little.”
“I thought I needed to stay still.”
“Yeah, but not that still.”
“Hm,” he hums, staring at the back of the easel and the sliver of her face that he could see. A smile graces his face as he watches her in her comfort zone.
Still singing along to the music, she takes another sip of her wine and paints another fine line onto the canvas, super pleased with how everything is turning out.
His green button-up covers her thick frame like a dress.
Her feet were tapping against the bars of the stool, her sloppy bun, flopping around with every concentrated turn of her head.
She was just as focused, but he wasn't gonna tease her. He loved seeing this new side of her. She let him into her art world, finally.
Taking her advice and relaxing, he falls into his natural trance of her, when she readjusts the easel, giving him more than just a peek at her beautiful face.
All the while, she was looking at him and back at the canvas, perfecting every curve, dimple, divot with striking blues and oranges, deep reds and browns.
Stealing glances at him, she tugs on her lip.
She knew it was gonna be kinda distracting, but he definitely wasn't playing fair.
Flexing those big arms of his, “stretching”, was already enough and too much for her. And every time he licked his lips, her left leg would tangle with her right. He caught it each time and smirked.
Once he got to readjusting the only article of clothing he had left, her eyes diverted to his lower region and hers began to throb.
Almost finished.
“Jesus,” she mumbles to herself, shaking her head like it would clear the explicit images swimming around her mind.
“You alright over there?” He asks, a hint of amusement in his tone.
“Yeah, I'm good,” she shakily answers, taking another sip, which looked more like a gulp from where he was sitting.
“You sure?” He teases.
She laughs, now looking over at him. His devious smirk does nothing to help the wet spot forming between her thighs.
“You done?” He asks.
“I'm distracting you?”
“And, you know it.” She nods, making him laugh.
“You told me to relax. I'm just tryna follow the rules, dear.”
“Yeah, and now your friend is winkin’ at me.”
He simply shrugs. “That's your fault.”
“Mine? How?”
“Cause you're so fine. This happens every day, babe.”
“Every day?” She repeats.
“Yeah. A couple times a day.”
“You've seen you, right?” He asks.
She scoffs, lifting the brush back to the canvas. “Boy, please. I can't even look you in the eye, right now.”
He snickers, moving out of his pose to further mess with her. Pulling his chair just a bit closer, he leans forward to stare at her and she keeps her eyes trained on her work.
“Zoraaa,” he drags out.
“I'm so glad I got all the details I needed, you play so much,” she laughs, trying her best to ignore his taunting.
“Come play with me,” he continues, almost making her drop her brush.
“Can you get back in your position, please?” She asks.
“Can I put you in a couple positions?” He quips, earning that eye roll that he knew was coming.
“If you let me finish… maybe.”
He holds his hands up in surrender, moving right back into his pose. Zora fans her face, no longer caring if he can see how flustered he's made her.
The next thirty minutes dragged on by and she was finally done, not even getting to sit her brush down good before being whisked over to the couch, him hovering over her.
Bruising her lips with his rough kisses, he quickly discards the scrap of lace that barely covered her ass, as well as his own briefs, before sliding into her with one fluid motion.
Gasping into the kiss, her hands cling to his broad back and shoulders, sinking her nails in as the feeling of him bottoming out with every thrust sends fire through her.
His mouth latches onto her neck, while she lets out every expletive she can think of, into the damp air of her apartment.
“Oh m— my god,” she pants, holding him so close to her body, shivering as his groans vibrate on her skin.
“You feel so damn good,” he rasps.
His tongue trails down her chest, nibbling on her breasts as he rips the shirt open, squeezing her flesh into his big hands, driving her crazy as she cradles his head.
Her feet are pressed against his chest and he leans up to do more damage, his hips rutting against her ass that's hanging off the couch. She looks up at him in disbelief.
His hands have her ankles bound, as she cries and writhes underneath him. Her hands move up and down his arms, back down to scratch his hips as it gets too good.
“Fuc– king me so— good,” she squeals, catching both of them off guard as she releases all over him. His thumb finds her clit, making matters slipperier.
“Yeah, gimme all that shit, baby.” He moans, encouraging another orgasm to happen right on the spot. Her edges were back curly by this point.
“C’mere,” she whispers, pulling him back down to her level to swallow his every breath in a kiss. Her cramped legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer if that were even possible.
Pulling away, he smirks down at her, taking her in, breathless, sweaty, hungry for more as she stares back at him, ready for his next move.
“So beautiful,” he says, dragging his thumb across her parted bottom lip, “why don't you pose for me, now.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Once she got around to actually taking in her painting, she was super pleased with how it came out. So was Leon.
“Can I just say, I'm flattered.” He smirks, cracking up at the look she gives him.
“Stop it,”
“Seriously. That's literally me.” He exclaims, pulling her into his side.
“All of me.” He mumbles, hearing her disapproving groan sound through the space.
“Leon, please!” She laughs. “But, you really like it?”
“Love it, sweet stuff. I told you. Art gallery.” He says, smiling down at her.
She smiles back up at him, shaking her head. “Nah, not yet.”
He raises a brow at her, earning a brighter smile.
“Not yet, huh? So you're getting closer to putting yourself out there?” He excitedly asks.
“Yeah, I thought about what you said and it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'm just nervous, ya know?”
“I feel stunted. Like, I gave everything up to be someone's doormat and.. I don't know. I just feel like the level of artistic ability has kinda dissipated? And yeah, I know. I look at my paintings and I see what I'm capable of so get that sad look off your face,” she pinches his cheek as he laughs, “I just have my doubts.”
He wipes the frown away, but there's still sadness there. He wants nothing more than for her to believe in herself. Fully.
“It's harder than it seems to cross some hurdles, I understand that. But if you really want this, that's what you gotta do.”
“No, I know. And, I appreciate you for putting me back in front of this here easel. It's been a while, but it's always so much fun.”
“Of course, baby. It's a pleasure watching you in your zone.” He says, leaning down to kiss her temple.
“I cannot show this one to the girls.” She snickers, before looking up at him.
“Yeah, nah. Maybe the top half.”
“Please. I can hear Nique fighting for the extra details, as we speak.”
“That girl is hilarious.” He comments, moving to stand behind her and wrap his arms around hers.
“Funniest person I know, besides myself, of course.”
“And me. Hol’ up.”
“Right, right. Can't forget about you,” she snickers, yelping at the pinch to her butt.
“It's what you get.. talkin’ shit.” He mumbles into her neck.
“Oh yeah, don't try and bill me for that shirt, since you were the one that ripped the buttons off.” She says, making him chuckle.
“One, I would never do that for real, it's an empty threat every time.” He admits, making her laugh. “And two, I can always get the buttons put back on. Or you can just add it to your collection.”
“Oh, I was gonna do that anyway, cause that's how I am.” She smiles like he can see her.
“Something else.” He shakes his head.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“Why I can't see that one??” Nique asks, pointing to the covered canvas and stomping her heeled foot like a bratty child.
“Cause you play too much, man.” Zora waves her off, pointing to the painting on the easel. “But you can look at this one!”
Nique immediately gasps at how breathtaking the painting was. It's as if Zora had committed Leon's face to memory and captured him in five different lights so realistically.
“Girl, when I say talented doesn't even cover it.” She shakes her head, looking over at her best friend.
“Oh, girl. Stop.”
“Nah, man. This is on another level!” She swats her arm in excitement. “Like, that's his literal face, dude! How do you even do something like this?!”
She shrugs. “I honestly just sat her and did it. He came to my mind and I just let my paintbrush guide me.”
“Wow.” She says in response, making Zora laugh.
“Yeah, I said the same when I was done.”
Staring back at the canvas, she smirks. “So, are you gonna do anything with it?”
“Ah— I might. I don't know yet, really.”
“Cause you know, it would be really nice if someone invested in you snagging a spot at the mint museum to display such a piece.”
Zora squints her. “That's still something you'd do for me?”
“Zora, it's like you forget who I am or something. I'm highly offended right now.” She places her hands on her hips, reminding her of both of their mothers.
“Get your hands off your hips, Roberta! I know who you are! It's just.. I don't know. That was a long time ago and that was the biggest dream I've ever had to give up.”
“It's okay, I understand. But my offers are never conditional to you, dude. You could not even be my friend anymore and I'd still send you the money to do it cause I believe in you. That bozo of a boyfriend was a hater and he fucked everything up, yeah he did. But look at you, rebuilding it right now. Every time you get in front of the canvas do this,” she's eyes wide as she points back to the canvas, “you're getting so much closer to that dream of yours.”
By now, Zora is wiping tears away. Nique frowns and pulls her into a much needed hug. She wasn't expecting to get emotional today, but leave it to her best friend to pull a few tears out of her.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I know you hate that,” she softly laughs, wiping her cheeks.
“It's okay, I think I've needed to let it out for a while.” She smiles, covering her face for a moment to get herself together.
Nique heads into her kitchen to wet a paper towel, bringing it back to cool down her flushed face.
“Ugh, anyway,” she outright laughs. “I really appreciate you. That really does mean so much that you could hate my guts and still help me out. That's the kind of support everybody needs.” She covers her heart, Nique doing the same.
“One of a kind, I know.” She nods. “And it's nothing, seriously. You're my mother’s kid as much as I'm yours. I got you, you got me.”
“I love you, dude.”
“I love you too, man.”
“I've honestly been thinking about getting back out there for a while, but you and Neoma already knew that cause that's what y'all do,” she snorts, beating her to it, “Lovita is close to getting there, she all into Clyde right now—”
“You mean, he's all into her?”
“Right. Anyway, she'll catch on, but Leon asked me a while ago and I've just been sitting on the idea for a while. Maybe.. I wanna paint a couple more pieces and then maybe I can look into it.”
“Yeah, hey! Nobody is pressuring you. I promise. You know we just wanna see you do your best and you are  the best. Fuck him and fuck those negative voices he left behind. You're the shit, Jean. Let's ask his ass to come pick up a fucking pencil and see if he won't jam it into his eye, before tryna attempt what you did on this canvas. I'd bet you the air in this room and win. He's a bitch.”
“Okay, okay,” she cackles, “relax, relax. You hate him more than I do, at this point!”
“I could kill him,” she smiles, “because you deserve better and girl, look at god! Better meets you at your favorite place!”
“I know, I can't wait to tell everyone at the wedding, someday.” She giggles.
“Oh lord, that's gonna be the countriest wedding ever!”
“Stop! It's gonna be the most beautiful wedding you've ever been to, shut up!”
“Y'all gon be letting doves go, it's gon be a duck pond somewhere cause y'all love the ducks, flowers of every damn kind!”
“Nah, I'm pretty sure he's already got flower combos to present to me.” She laughs, remembering one of their trips to the shoppe this past summer.
“He was asking me which flowers were which one time, and they'd just happened to be my second favorite flower, my mama's favorite and he asked me if I thought they would pair well with aster, which is his mama's favorite flower, and I just kinda looked at him like… I know what you're up to.” She laughs at the giant smile on Nique's face.
“Aw, that is so cute! He thinks he's slick, let him be slick!”
“Nah, I'm not gonna burst his bubble! I thought it was adorable. He's so cute, I can't take him sometimes.”
“Lord have mercy. So, I got a question.”
“No, I'm not having a maid of honor. Y'all ain't killing me, cause I'd make it all of you.”
“You can have three! It's your wedding!”
“Three maids of honor? That don't sound crazy?”
“Nah, not to me. I was gonna do that for mine.”
“Really?” Zora smiles, making Nique laugh.
“See, look at your face! Do it for yours, too! Wouldn't that work out better anyway? Three people to divy up your something old, new and blue. Might be something you've have your eye on.”
“Okay, okay! We're getting so ahead of ourselves, and what if I don't get married? Then I can't get that something new… or blue??”
“Girl,” Nique laughs. “You worried about the gift?”
“Yes, duh. Leon ain't going nowhere. We don't have to get married, honestly. It's just another dream of mine, but I'm not as traditional as I used to be. But, I'd love to get married, too. Don't listen to me.” She cuts herself off.
“No, no. I totally get it. What girl doesn't wanna confess her love to the man of her dreams in front of everyone they both love?! In a frilly dress! With a veil! Or no veil! Big poofy hair! A reception! We'd throw the biggest party, you already know it!”
“Yeah, we would!” She agrees.
“Right! Don't let go of your dreams, keep 'em close. Just in case. Hell, Leon seems like a wonderful suitor so far!”
“Yeah, he’ll do long,” she jokes.
“Now back to this canvas, over here.” Nique says, making Zora sigh super loudly.
“Let. Me. See. It.”
“Whyy??” She whines again, adding extra syllables to the word.
“Because, you play too much!”
“I'll be good, I promise! I just wanna see it!”
Zora rolls her eyes, before moving to uncover it, watching the joy wash over her best friend.
“Behave. I'm serious.”
“I said I'll be good, girl! Uncover the thing already!”
She does so, waiting for her snarky remarks, but they never come.
Again, “wow” was the way she described this one, too.
“See? I'm lost for words, actually.” She shakes her head. “You've done it again, man. The detailing is beautiful.”
And with that, she covers it back up. “I knew it wouldn't last long.”
“Long, like—”
“Okay, okay!” She holds her hands up. “But uh.. congratulations!” She puts emphasis on the end of her sentence, stomping her foot again.
“Thank you. I love it over here.”
“Trust me, I love it over there.” She winks, both of them falling into a fit of giggles as she covers the canvas back up.
“Do tell, since I basically just did.” Zora presses as they sit on the stools in her kitchen.
“He's big all over. He makes me dizzy, sometimes,” she laughs. “Baby is hung to the left, and you know how I feel about a curve!”
“Yeah, you love it over there!” She cackles, slapping hands with her.
“Wait, y'all ain't in love too are y'all??”
“Chile, no. As much as we be up on each other, he's my man and I'm his woman and that's good enough for us, right now. I really like him, but we can kick it just as long as I don't gotta kick his ass.”
“My girl.” She laughs. “I told you I'd find you a boo!”
“Thank you, Zora-Jean. My god!” She exasperates.
“You're welcome! That was so hard for the three of you to say! Why?!”
“Y'all are so ungrateful,” she playfully digs.
“Stop it! Personally, I was holding my breath for a while. I didn't wanna thank you too early and then all this bad shit would start happening, and knowing you, you'd think I'd resent you for it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't waiting for the other foot to drop. I'm sorry.”
“I accept your apology, and don't feel bad seriously, I get it. Knowing me, I probably would think that, but I know better! It's one of those negative voices,” she shrugs, “but I'm glad this is a good relationship. You deserve it, honestly. Plus, I'd kill him if he ever hurt you.” She smiles.
“And you talk about Lovita!” Nique cackles.
@ghostfacekill-monger @sheabuttahwrites @thegifstories @blackerthings @cecereads209 @soufcakmistress @abeautifulmindexposed @harmshake @mauvecherie-writes @honestpreference
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phoxphenex · 2 years
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genre: academic rivals but not really? fluff
word count: 1.9K
things to know: arch-nemesis doyoung, jaewoo being annoying, happy birthday to the loml 🖤
“literally what are you wearing?”
“what am i wearing? what are you wearing?”
“bitch, i’ve been dressed since 9 am.”
“i got here before you!”
you and doyoung continue bickering about your outfits—your matching outfits. no, it was not intentional, despite what the others try to claim. how would they know? they weren’t the ones wearing the same outfit as their arch-nemesis.  
yes. arch-nemesis.
ever since the fifth-grade spelling bee, you and doyoung had been academically at each other's throats. you couldn’t stand each other, and you both blamed it on one another.
“look at you,” doyoung mused, pouting his lips mockingly as he crossed his arms over his grey sweatshirt-covered chest, “stealing my style just like you stole the spelling bee trophy from me.”
your mouth falls open before slamming shut and you can feel steam forming in your ears. “oh yeah? cause to me, you sound a bit... puzzled.”
the color of fresh strawberries touched every speck of doyoung’s face, and you could tell he was trying hard not to lose his cool in front of you. “you set me up to look like an idiot in front of the entire school!”
“i did no such thing!” you shouted back, genuinely offended that he’d think so low of you, especially as a child. “you spelled it wrong. you lost. boohoo, get over it—”
“aww, honey! look at their cute little couple outfits!”
both you and doyoung grimace in sync.
cute. couples. outfits?
i’m going to be sick.
“hey g—y/n, why are you and doyoung wearing the same clothes?”
you didn’t hesitate to smack jungwoo in the stomach with the back of your hand, shooting him a glare. “it was an accident.”
jaehyun stood beside his roommate and grinned as he eyed both you and your nemesis up and down. “yeahhhhhh, ‘accident’.” the finger quotes tipped you over the edge, and you slugged him in the shoulder as jungwoo recovered from his wounded gut.
“moving on,” you raised your voice after clearing your throat. “how are we splitting the fee? is everyone paying for their own ticket and food?”
every year, the four of you went on a nostalgia trip to work your way through everyone’s bucket lists. this year was disney world, which, unfortunately, both you and doyoung had on your list.
when you noticed how quiet the two roommates got, your eyebrows raised. “what? what is going on?”
“y/n, don’t get mad…”
“mad? why would i be mad?” your words came out rushed as a mix of fear and irritation spiked the nerves in your spine.
jaehyun and jungwoo shared a look before the former finally said: “we’re not going to disney world with you.”
“i can’t believe i’m in the most magical place on earth with you.”
“look, i’m not necessarily pleased, either.”
you rolled your eyes and took another bite of your mickey mouse waffle. “at least you could have changed. now we look like a couple!”
“i wasn’t the one who decided last minute on matching bunny headbands.”
“i bought mine first!”
“i wore them first!”
before you could bite back with another snarky comment, something caught your eye. you sucked in a deep breath as you watched the white blob float higher and higher into the sky.
doyoung followed your gaze, wondering what could have possibly distracted you away from getting the last word, when he saw it. instantly, his head fell towards you with a dull look in his eye. “really, y/n? do you know how bad that is for the environment?”
“i need it.”
“it’s a fucking children’s balloon. think of the environment.”
“do you even know how to spell environment?”
doyoung poked his tongue against his cheek. hard. “you know what? i’ll get you that ugly fucking balloon if it’ll get you to shut up about it.”
your feet stammered beneath you, and you almost tripped at his sudden statement. it sounded like an empty threat, but the words themself threw you off. he said he’d get you something you wanted. doyoung.
“fine. not another word until that balloon is tied around my wrist.” true to your word, you talked doyoung’s ear off the entire trip to the balloon stand, where your favorite huggable creature was waiting to be bought.
when doyoung pulled out his wallet, his jaw dropped. “thirty-five dollars?!”
“you flex your cash all the damn time. plus, this is actually going to something good!”
“no, it’s not. it’s going to you.”
“exactly! think of it as a gift.”
“charity, maybe.”
you stomped on his foot, not hard enough to actually anger him into stepping out of your deal, but enough for doyoung to scowl at you from over his shoulder.
within minutes, your giant baymax balloon was tied to your wrist, and you and your nemesis continued visiting all the disney-related items on your bucket lists.
turns out, aside from clothing style and academics, you and doyoung had a lot more in common than you thought.
“f. r. eeeeeee—“
“y/n, shut up.”
“what am i doing?!”
you were laying on your back across doyoung’s bed, bored out of your mind. you’d already studied all the material and invited yourself over to distract doyoung from the material to “sabotage” his grade, but he wasn’t the least bit interested in you.
“pay attention to me,” you whined, trying to get a rise out of your nemesis. since the trip to disney world, your hatred for doyoung had… changed into something else, but teasing him was the most effective way of avoiding your feelings.
doyoung simply turned his body away from you and either dodged or ignored the random items you threw at him as you tried to land them in the hood of his grey sweatshirt.
the same grey sweatshirt you were ironically dressed in.
“you haven’t even made any comments about our clothes,” you tried, pulling your legs beneath you as you huffed a sigh. “we didn’t even plan this and it happened again.”
still nothing.
with a sigh, you decided to bring out the big guns. you twisted so that your back was facing doyoung and leaned until your backs were pressed against each other. “you know, i still have that baymax balloon?” you felt him tense beneath your shoulders and smiled. “he’s a little deflated, but i think it’s cute—“
“can you stop?” doyoung suddenly spoke, his voice cracking a bit from lack of use. you pulled yourself up and off of him, turning over your shoulder to see him avoiding your gaze.
was that… blush on his cheeks?
“why are you here, y/n?”
to say you were there to bother him wouldn’t be a lie, but it also wasn’t the complete truth. so instead, you shrugged your shoulders. “i needed to make sure my arch-nemesis wasn’t slacking off. apparently, this test is really hard—“
doyoung shook his head and finally faced you. yep, definitely blushing. “why are you lying?”
“i’m not—“
“you are!” he took a breath as he faced his lap. “something… happened on the trip to disney, right..? i know i’m not the only one who noticed it. you’re different.”
you suddenly felt exposed, your fingers instantly reaching to brush through your hair. “different how?”
when doyoung failed to answer, you felt your insecurities bubbling up through your skin and let your gaze fall as well. “look, i know you hate me, but—“
“i don’t hate you.”
the comment was so abrupt that it startled both you and doyoung into silence. your breath was caught in your throat as heat rose to your cheeks. you stole a quick glance at the boy in front of you, who had gone sheet white, probably shocked by his own confession.
when it was clear that he could not come up with an excuse, you scooted closer and flashed a bright smile. “you mean, 'cause you adore me, right? and aspire to be me? i’m flattered!”
“y/n,” doyoung finally voiced out, and you felt your neck turning red. he couldn’t confess to you. not first, at least. “y/n, i know why you think i hate you; i mean, you drive me absolutely mad. but i just... fuck, why is it so hard to talk to you?”
his eyes gleamed with distress, unsure how to say what he was clearly thinking. seeing him like this made your heart swell, and you couldn’t stop your hand from flying toward his. doyoung’s eyes shot wide at the sudden contact, finally realizing how flustered you’d become.
“stop talking. you’re so bad at this,” you joked, happy to see your nemesis smile. “ever since disney—no, even before disney—being around you makes me... nervous? i don’t know. i get this, like, sick feeling in my stomach and at first, i thought it was because i’m jealous of you, but now i think...” you trailed off as you softly swiped a thumb over the back of his hand. 
“i think you’re just as bad at this as i am,” doyoung chuckled.
you pushed him away as a joke, but you felt strangely empty once his hand left yours. “shut up, this is harder than i thought.”
the backs of doyoung’s fingers gently grazed the soft skin of your jaw, and you froze. when he realized what he was doing, doyoung quickly moved to pull his hand away, but you caught him before he could. you looked up, catching his gaze. 
jesus, are those butterflies? he smiled. yep. definitely butterflies.
taking a deep breath, you decided it was now or never. here he was, your nemesis, in front of you and ready for you to say something. to confirm your feelings and accept his.
“i like you, doyoung. i like when we accidentally match our outfits. i like how our bucket lists are in synch. i like how you challenge me, intellectually. i just... i like you.”
doyoung’s thumb pressed into your jaw, not enough to hurt, just enough to show that... “i like you too, y/n. as much as it pains me to admit.”
you laughed and went to shove him away again but he grabbed your hand in his and intertwined your fingers. “pretty girl,” he said with a smile and your entire face turned scarlet red.
“shut your gorgeous self up right now.”
“can you even spell gorgeous, y/n?”
“i literally hate you.”
“good. i hate you more.”
“y/n, you should seriously consider going to a hospital or something. i don't think anyone’s feet should be this cold.”
“shut up, you just have extra warm calves. maybe you should get those checked.”
“hmm, alright. we can just go together.”
“yeah. okay.”
“bitch—“ you cut him off by snuggling closer against your boyfriend, wrapping your limbs around him like a koala. despite his complaining, doyoung didn’t hesitate to hug you back and give you a little squeeze. “you’re so obsessed with me.”
you hummed, your cheek squished against your boyfriend’s chest. “i am.”
his hand gently caressed your hair, “i guess i’m kind of obsessed with you too. yuck.” you gave him a playful punch in the chest. doyoung laughed at your attempt before planting a soft kiss against your temple. “happy birthday.”
you couldn’t bite back the beaming grin that consumed your mouth. “shut up and let me sleep. when i wake up, we’re watching the baymax series and eating cake. deal?”
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lillywillow · 2 years
Summary: You feel uncomfortable in everything you own. Luckily, your boyfriend’s jacket fits you perfectly
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1261
 Square Filled: U4- Boyfriend Jacket
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Sized!Female Reader  
 Warnings: Body issues, mild adult themes
 For a while now, you had been feeling uncomfortable in your clothes. Everything you put on felt tight or twisted up in all the wrong places but ever since you started stealing Bucky’s jacket, those things didn’t matter. Whenever you were wearing it, you felt so much better. The warmth you felt didn’t just come from the garment itself but whenever Bucky caught you in it. Feeling his eyes on you made you feel confident, beautiful and loved. Bucky told you how much he adored seeing you in it and how gorgeous he thought you were. You loved that man so much.
 You were in the kitchen wearing Bucky’s jacket, grabbing yourself a snack.
 “Don’t you think it’s time you gave your poor boyfriend his jacket back?” Nat mused from behind you.
 “Nope. Mine now,” you grinned. “Besides, it’s the only thing that fits me nowadays…”
 “If you want, I can take you shopping,” Nat offered.
 “Thanks, Nat, but I think I’ll pass,” you sighed, sitting down to eat.
 “Everything alright?” Nat asked, picking up on something in your voice.
 “I don’t really like clothes shopping. The last time I went, I nearly got stuck in something and almost burst into tears in the dressing room… The salespeople always make me feel so insecure and forget about buying pretty underwear. They all seem to think that if you’re beyond a certain size, you don’t deserve anything outside of plain white, black or beige…”
 Bucky heard your every word. It hurt him to think that you felt this way. He wished that he could take every flaw you saw in yourself and turn them into how he saw you.
 “You know, Nat… Whenever I wear Bucky’s jacket, all of that goes away. It smells like him and it feels like he’s hugging me… Whenever he looks at me in his jacket, it makes me feel… like I’m the only woman in the world that matters to him. Some days, I can’t believe that Adonis chose me…”
 Bucky walked up behind you and kissed the top of your head.
 “Hi, beautiful,” he smiled, pecking your lips.
 “Hi, handsome. We were just talking about you.”
 “Really? Nothing bad I hope,” he smirked, like he hadn’t just been listening in.
 “I was just telling Nat how lucky I am to have a boyfriend like you.”
 Bucky kissed you deeply, sending butterflies to the pit of your stomach. It was one of those kisses that took your breath away and made you glad to be a woman... specifically Bucky’s woman.
 “Have I told you how gorgeous you look in my jacket?” he panted when he pulled away.
 “Not today,” you purred.
 “Well let’s fix that…”
 Bucky kissed you again, pulling you close to his body.
 “Guys, this is a kitchen. People eat here,” Nat teased.
 You felt the heat rush to your face as you pulled away.
 “I have to go shopping with Sam but I’ll see you later, okay?”
 “Okay, baby,” you smiled, giving another peck on the lips.
 Bucky smiled back and headed off.
 After an hour of going store to store with Sam, Bucky was starting to feel tired and grumpy. Sam wanted to find the perfect gift for his nephew’s birthday while also staying within his sister’s restrictions. Finally, they found something for the boy but as they were about to go home, one store in particular caught Bucky’s eye… a lingerie store specific to plus size women.
 “I’m need to get something. I’ll catch up with you soon…”
 “Okay, man. I’m going to get something to eat at the food court,” Sam shrugged, heading off.
 Bucky nodded and waited for him to go out of eyesight before going into the shop. Inside, there was so much to look at. Bra, underwear and other frilly intimates made from lace, satin and cotton. They came in a variety of colours from sinful sangria to a more subdued soft cotton candy.
 “Hello, how may I help you?” the saleswoman greeted.
 “Hi. Um… I’m looking for something for my girlfriend. She’s been feeling pretty down about herself lately and I just wanted to get her something to make her feel pretty… I mean, to me she’s a total goddess but I just… I want to get her something to help her see that…"
 The saleswoman smiled warmly at him.
 “I can help you pick something. Follow me…”
 Bucky told her your sizes and she assisted him in getting you something that was as stunning as you were.
 When Bucky came home, he found you still in his jacket watching a movie on the couch.
 “Hey, doll,” he smiled, sitting next to you on the couch.
 “Hi, handsome. How was shopping?” you asked, instantly curling up to him.
 “It was alright. I got you a little something…”
 “You did?”
 Bucky gave you the fancy bag which was stuffed with cream tissue paper. Curios, you sifted through to find the contents. You pulled out the three sets Bucky had bought. The first was a lovely babydoll with bows, lace and matching underwear in your favourite colour. The second was a silky nightie that could be worn with the underwear from the babydoll set. The third was a practical set that was still pretty while suiting your skin-tone. It also matched with Bucky’s jacket.
 “Bucky, why did you get these for me? I mean, they’re beautiful but…”
 You trailed off, feeling those insecurities take hold of you again.
 “Like you. Y/N, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, especially when you’re wearing my jacket but I wanted to get you something that made you feel that way… If you’re really not comfortable, I can take them back…”
 You looked at the items Bucky had bought. He really must have put a lot of thought about this and it made you smile.
 “I love them, Bucky. How about I give you a little fashion show?” you purred.
 “I like the sound of that,” he smirked.
 Bucky waited on the outside of your door as you put on one of the new things he bought. You decided on just the ordinary set, putting on the jacket. It kind of felt like a suit of armour but as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you felt like you maybe didn’t need it in that sense. The set felt comfortably and you felt, well… hot. All those little things that normally bothered you didn’t seem so bad because you were wearing something of the man you loved and something that he picked out just for you.
 “How are you doing in there, doll?” Bucky asked from the other side of the door.
 “You can come in now,” you chimed.
 When Bucky walked in, his jaw dropped.
 “What do you think?” you giggled, giving a twirl.
 “Venus herself would be jealous… I knew I’d love it but the jacket really puts it above and beyond…”
 You really, truly believed his words.
 “How about I show you the others?”
 “You can… after I’m done enjoying this one.”
 You laughed as Bucky pounced on you, holding you close. As long as you had Bucky and his jacket, you felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. You couldn’t wait to go shopping with him next time.
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chaiisms · 10 months
prompts taken directly from the transcript of the musical - please go support starkid and their work! this list covers the first two songs of the musical and the surrounding scenes.
" Help! Somebody help me please! "
" Wait’ll you get a load of this mess. "
" I leave Chicago cuz of the blood and guts, and what do you know? They got ‘em here too. "
" That’s not all. Killer left a little love note for us. Penned in his victim’s blood. "
" We’re a little out of our depth! "
" Jesus… How the hell did this happen?"
" The nightmare started there but now has spread. "
" Someone comes for me, I'm unprepared. "
" You can’t cut through all the tension. "
" It’s a hell on earth you know, "
" It’s a cruel and unusual brutality, "
" I'm so fucking dead! "
" I was up so late last night, "
" And I can survive it for only so long! "
" And I’m just realizing, I’ve never introduced myself. "
" We’re friends. Aren’t we? "
" I don’t know. Are we? "
" I got left behind this morning. Bus driver’s a fucking asshole. "
" Please. Don’t you wanna help me out? "
" That little snitch! "
" I don’t need this kind of attention. "
" So you don’t want to be bullied? "
" No! I want to be invisible. "
" Then why do you come to a public school dressed in suspenders and a fucking bowtie? "
" Ugh. I’d rather starve to death. "
" You’re, like, famous! "
" This outfit is a tapestry of my trauma. It is designed to provoke as little teasing a possible. "
" Huh. I didn’t know you were funny. "
" I can’t let him see me talking to you! "
" Who are you running from? "
" You’re not him you’re a loser, "
" It’s best to drop and play dead, "
" You better leave your hopes behind, "
" No one's gonna stop him, "
" You better hope you're out of sight "
" Never look in the eye, "
" He's a literal monster! "
" I swear to god he has fangs, "
" No one to blame if there's no accuser. "
" I've gotta get to remedial algebra. "
" Meaning I’ve gotta walk through this hallway. And I don’t need you stinkin’ it up. "
" Well, there’s a difference between intent and impact. "
" I think for this hallway infraction, I’m gonna have to issue a Flick-It Ticket. "
" Sorry. I’m fresh outta your favorite food. "
" She’s, like, uh… a total two-bagger! "
" Nobody, and I mean nobody, talks that way… about [muse name]. "
" You don’t know me very well, do you? "
" I know behind closed doors, repressed chicks are the biggest freaks. "
" Watch some porn, you'll see. "
" Don't call me that. "
" I'm the reason you run and hide. "
" You all look disappointed, "
" So keep on judging me, "
" That comes with infamy, "
" You can watch as I rise! "
" I will claim what is mine. "
" This is politics, learn to multitask! "
" We are within the margin of error, and you are doing everything you can to fuck things up! "
" It's like you don't care about this campaign at all. "
" Next time you're going to cheat, do it like a [surname] and don't get caught. "
" I'd like to have an intelligent conversation, if you don't mind. In other words, shut up. "
" There's nothing you can threaten me with. "
" I'll be careful with it. I'll carefully smash it with this hammer. "
" Not even you would do something this evil... "
" It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. "
" I don’t care if you have to lie, cheat, steal, or shock-of-all-shocks: read a book for once in your life. "
more to come!r
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Lyutsifer Safin X Reader Angsty Captivity Prompt
!TW: Insult, being held captive and tied up, word ‘killing’, word ‘thief’/mention of thief/implied theft, threat, word ‘stealing’/mention of stealing, word ‘tortured’/mention of torture, implied suffering from depression/struggling mentally, troubling/traumatic memories (implied)!
“You’re a monster,” you spat after Safin had tied you up in the small cell he’d had prepared for you, and he smirked over at you wryly, before he lifted his hand to place it on your cheek.
You scowled, trying to remove his hand by shaking your head, but he tightly gripped your chin to stop you from moving it. “I’m a monster?” Safin responded, and you nodded, defiantly glaring up at him. “Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then,” Safin suggested, “monsters are dangerous, and as we speak they’re killing kings as if they’re as weak as flies.” You scoffed, and Safin grimaced. “Let that be your new observation, Y/n,” Safin uttered, “monsters are real, and they look like people.”
Once he’d released your chin, and turned away to leave the cell, you spoke up again. “I pray you never take a breath without remembering the breaths you’ve taken away,” you hissed, and Safin chuckled as he looked back at you, amused.
“So you’re a thief, too?” You uttered, unimpressed; he’d decided to show you a small red vial he’d had made with your DNA and Heracles within it; he was using it as a threat to try to stop you from talking back at him, and misbehaving. “Stealing people’s DNA-”
Safin grimaced, shaking his head. “I’m not a thief,” Safin contradicted, “I’m just really good at acquiring things that aren’t mine.” You grunted, turning your face away from him. “Am I ever going to get you to behave?” Safin inquired, and you shook your head. “Perhaps I’ll have to have you tortured,” Safin mused, panicking you as you looked up at him, your eyes pleading with him. Safin smirked, glad to see that he’d caught your attention. “But with what?” Safin continued, acting as if he were thinking about the question. “What shall I torture you with, kitten?” Safin asked, and you groaned, bowing your head slightly.
“Anything, just not with memories,” you answered dejectedly, and Safin frowned, tilting his head partially.
“Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture,” Safin expressed, a hurt look on his face, but he tried to hide it from you when you looked up at him. “Unfortunately, I have none of your’s,” Safin stated, and you nodded, wondering whether you should tell him, though it appeared a strange thought to you after you’d had it.
“Can I ask you a question?” You requested, and Safin lifted a skeptical eyebrow down at you, before he nodded. “Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting - killing all of these people?” You pried, and Safin scowled down at you, before he turned his face away.
“I have never hurt anyone,” Safin murmured, prompting you to scoff, “yes, I’ve killed and I’ve damaged, but those are things that you can overcome. Mentally, however, I’ve harmed no one, but myself.”
“Then why continue?” You questioned, trying not to raise your voice as you were worried about what he might do to you.
Safin faltered, shaking his head; he didn’t feel as if he were ready to tell you everything. “No more questions,” he answered, before he turned and walked out of your cell, leaving you to wonder why he was doing what he was doing.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Isrieal may be the assistant director but she needed assistants of her own. It was a matter of which ones she wanted to steal from the floor. She had spent hours scanning through employee files for the techs that already worked in the labs. Naturally, most were inclined towards biology. That wasn’t what she needed help with however. She was looking for someone interested in computer programs and mechanics. Someone with a fascination towards the future of technology to help her with her little side project.
She recently had a super computer installed in her own lab area and on the desk in front of it sat piles of books on programs and codes, she wasn’t even sure if the people who installed it had it wired to its full capacity. Least to say she found it all a bit frustrating but she wouldn’t get anywhere if she didn’t take the steps. There was a small pile of folders of lab techs that had some computer background but only one looked promising. “Well...lets try you..” She muses to herself while setting the file aside and rising to go out into the main labs to seek the one who had caught her attention.
“Marcus, is it?” Her voice trills from behind him. As Hojo’s assistant most were wary if not intimdated by her. Her tone of importance didn’t help to settle the nerves. One would think they were about to be reprimanded. “I noticed on your file that you like to work with machines and computers. Am I right?” She lifts a brow. “I was wondering if you would like to take a look at mine..”
She was not about to share any serious information while out in the main labs with all sorts of nosey eyes and ears. She had to get him alone before she could really see who he was about and truly he was in no position to deny someone like her. If he had a level head upon his shoulders at the least.
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kenzirr · 4 months
This one is pretty bad..
M/N, the older brother of Rafe and Sarah, stood among the Kooks. He was the epitome of charm and confidence, his laughter punctuating the night as he exchanged quips with his friends. His sharp eyes, the same piercing blue as Rafe's, scanned the crowd periodically, taking in the scene with a sense of ownership and ease.
Cleo, ever the observant one, found her gaze drifting toward M/N more often than she intended. Despite herself, she was drawn to his magnetic presence, an aura that seemed to command attention effortlessly. As she stood with John B, JJ, Pope, Kiara, and Sarah, she couldn't help but steal glances at him between sips of her drink and bouts of laughter with her friends.
"Yo, Cleo, you good?" JJ nudged her, a mischievous grin on his face. "You keep lookin' over there like you're tryin' to set something on fire with your eyes."
Cleo blinked, snapping her gaze back to her friends. "I’m fine," she retorted, trying to sound nonchalant. But her attention betrayed her once more, her eyes flickering back to M/N just as he turned his head in her direction. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to blur.
M/N's lips curled into a smirk, a glint of amusement and intrigue sparking in his eyes. He didn't look away, instead, he winked at her—a slow, deliberate gesture that sent a shiver down her spine. Then, to her astonishment and the Pogues' collective surprise, he started walking towards them.
"Is he coming over here?" Pope asked, a note of disbelief in his voice.
Sarah, caught between her loyalty to her Pogue friends and her affection for her family, watched with wide eyes. "Looks like it," she murmured.
M/N sauntered over, every step exuding confidence. He stopped a few feet from Cleo, his presence commanding attention. "Hey there," he greeted, his voice smooth. "Couldn't help but notice you looking at me."
Cleo raised an eyebrow, her initial surprise quickly giving way to her usual bravado. "Maybe I was just lookin' past you," she shot back, a challenging glint in her eye.
M/N chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. "Doubtful," he said, his gaze unwavering. "I'm M/N, by the way. Sarah's brother."
"I know who you are," Cleo replied, her tone playful yet guarded. "Cleo."
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," M/N said, leaning a bit closer. "So, what brings you to a Kook party? Don't see many Pogues around here."
Cleo tilted her head, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I go where I please. Plus, I got friends here." She gestured to Sarah, who gave a small, slightly awkward wave.
The Pogues watched the exchange with varying degrees of interest and amusement. JJ looked like he was ready to jump in with a witty remark, while John B and Kiara exchanged curious glances. Pope seemed more reserved, observing quietly.
"Friends, huh?" M/N mused, glancing at the group. "Well, any friend of Sarah's is a friend of mine."
Cleo couldn't help but laugh at his audacity. "You got a lot of confidence, don’t you?"
"It’s not confidence, it’s certainty," M/N replied smoothly. "So, how about we get out of here? I know a place with a better view."
Cleo paused, weighing his words and the underlying challenge in his eyes. She glanced at her friends, who were watching the interaction with bated breath.
"Go on, Cleo," Sarah encouraged, a small smile playing on her lips. "We’ll be fine."
With a shrug, Cleo made up her mind. "Alright, show me this view of yours."
M/N's smile widened, and he extended his hand. As Cleo took it, he led her away from the party, the Pogues watching in stunned silence.
Once they were a good distance away, M/N turned to her, his expression softening slightly. "You know, you're different ," he said, his tone sincere.
Cleo raised an eyebrow, a skeptical look on her face. "How so?"
"You're real," M/N replied. "No pretense, no games. I like that."
Cleo studied him for a moment, her defenses lowering just a bit. "Maybe you're not as bad as I thought," she admitted.
"Maybe I'm not," M/N agreed, his gaze locking onto hers. "Let's find out."
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ad-nai · 5 months
4, 5 & 9!
✎ ༘ * « ᴘᴀʏ ɴᴏ ᴀᴛᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀᴛᴀɪɴ » ┆ 𝑃rompt﹐ACCEPTING.
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4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
oh boy, this one is a toughie. i would say a mad doctor i used to rp a few years ago. inspired by a youtuber arg & scp 049. the tiny fandom he was a part of kind of just ? died off. & i caught a few of the stragglers stealing headcanons from me. i eventually intended to bring him back as a fullblown original character ( he had such little canon content anyway it was basically all mine already ) but i never got around to it. he essentially experimented on criminals & discovered the secret to immortality / medical necromancy, losing his memories overtime & living generally the same life over & over with new people since the aftermath of ww2.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
i think i've covered most of them in this fandom that i'm actively considering writing. i have an oc called the arsonist who was responsible for the great london fire i've talked about with some friends in terms of HH. outside of this fandom, there are a lot of book & podcast muses i'd love to write. non-visual media, though, doesn't pull the same traction so it's high effort + low reward in terms of rp. the big ones rn are cecil palmer ( cryptid radio host ) from w*lcome to n*ghtvale. & nick ( autistic, queer, teen militia lead ) from hell followed with us. a novel by andrew joseph white.
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
a combination! though i guess in the end it's generally the 'vibes' i get from the mundane / writer themself. there are plenty of blogs with pretty graphics & excellent writing i've blocked to be frank because the author just seemed incompatible to me. it really comes down to like? are the vibes good? if yes follow. if no, do not.
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abyssurvived · 9 months
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WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. ivy stands at 5'5" with a slim, and even build; her chest, waist and hips are proportional, but her limbs are slightly shorter in comparison. her back is in a perpetual slump / hunch, but she typically walks with a speedy gait, chest forward and head on a constant swivel, and hands either tucked in her pockets or swinging. she looks like someone's that had to fought to be taken seriously, because she has; people see her and see just another average person, but there's a lot more to her than you'd expect. ivy weighs roughly 135 lbs, with her frame/demeaner and baggy clothes keeping her tone and slender muscles hidden from the naked eye. her most noticeable facial features easily is her eyes; she has large, wide, deep set and round earthy-green eyes, and her second most prominent feature would be her wide bow-shaped lips with a key-gap between upper & lower lip when smiling, and slightly crooked upper front teeth. her hair is naturally dark auburn red ( closest to her shade ), and is 3B-type curly which is almost always worn down messily and unbrushed, but she will occasionally wear it in either a ponytail or a bun. she has cool undertoned ecru skin, and is covered nearly from her head to her toes is various scars; her most prominent is the deep claw marks that span from across her right collarbone, and end across the back of her right shoulder, followed by the various bite marks ( made by both inhuman and human teeth ) across her shoulders, wrists and both sides of her neck. additionally, she has a large part of her left helix missing due to a game of throwing knives with her sister, various claw & nail marks across her chest/stomach/abdomen ( some deeper than others ), has slightly tipped ears ( see: here ), and to the supernatural eye, she has the faintest outlines of small wings spanning from her shoulder blades to the middle of her back ( see: here ). she refuses to get tattoos for fear of being too easily recognisable, stating that her scars would be more than enough to identify her if needed. clothing wise, when working ivy will wear a casual suit as her uniform; a blazer, a light collared shirt and suit pants, but never a tie, and the top buttons of her shirt is always open; when out of uniform/not working, ivy likes to drown herself in soft flannels, baggy jeans, plain tshirts and long sleeved henleys. she never wears a bra, and is fond of men's underwear; typically stealing hers from one-night stands on buying in bulk from walmart or other supermarkets. for shoes, she only ever wears boots, even when in uniform, she'll be wearing some form of boot. jewellery wise, the only necklace she'll ever wear is marilyn-ann's locket, and either stud or small hooped earrings; she doesn't wear rings nor watches for fear of losing her hand/fingers if they were to get caught. ivy refuses to shave her bodyhair, instead keeping it neatly trimmed; besides the hair on her head, her darkest hair is her underarm and pubic hair, and a slight trail leading from her belly button to her pubic hair, as well as slightly dark hair across her arms, legs
WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE. rain, the faint smell of copper, diner coffee, non-descript deodorant, lynx's " ice chill all day fresh, " bodywash, and dr brenner's soap. typically smells most like diner grease, sweat, dirt and blood by the end of the day.
WHAT THEY TASTE LIKE. sensodyne toothpaste, very sweet coffee, various greasy diner foods ( usually burgers, fries or pancakes ), strawberry milkshakes, strawberry gum, blackberries or blueberries depending the season, and various sodas ( off-brand cola, lemonades, energy drinks etc ).
WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE. ( here's a small clip of ivy's voice claim talking. ) ivy has a southern appalachian-influenced west virginian accent, due to her grandfather being from virginia and living in the mountains most of his life, until he left home and moved to the town where he eventually settled and started his family, ivy speaks with an appalachian dialect; she typically drops the letter "g," off of her words, and will combine "y'all," with the starts of words as her father, and grandfather did this too. throughout college, and in the bureau, ivy does tend to soften her accent, partially to prevent being the butt of stereotypical jokes, but also to ensure that people can understand her easily as she has been told throughout her life that it's hard to understand her. around other southern muses she won't hide her accent, and will often speak openly with the dialect that she was raised in as she feels comfortable enough to be that open with them. she has a fast paced way of speaking, often cutting herself off mid-sentence; her voice is smokey, and her tone wavers between erratic and nearly completely monotonous. she often raises her voice to get points across, to catch people's attention and to try and drown out those arguing with her, but rarely outright shouts; only ever doing so if absolutely necessary ( she hears her father when she yells, so does her best to avoid remembering him ). when ivy yells it's with the same tone and affect as someone yelling to scold, or yelling to belittle.
WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE. ivy's hands are rough; years of picking at the callouses have left her with perpetually rough, and tough skin on her fingertips and her palms ( most noticeable around her thumbs ). her scars are smooth, and shiny; years of slathering moisturiser and oils over then to fade tem leaving then surprisingly soft, as is the rest of her skin; ivy makes sure to moisturise after washing, and so her skin is soft to the touch with execptions to the areas that she has callouses ( her hands, and feet ). her hair will often feel standard, not particularly soft, but not incredibly dry, but her roots will often feel powdery and greasy due to dry-shampoo on the days she forgot to shower. the slightly dark hair on her arms and legs is noticeable upon touch, and her scars, despite being soft, to feel raised and bumpy ( especially the larger ones which haven't healed properly ).
taken from @susponte tagging: @YOU
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dominaelumine · 11 months
( stolen from @diaboluse ! )
01. what they look like
short, blonde, pretty. tandy’s appearance often indicates her intent. if she’s wearing makeup, has her hair done nicely, and is in a dress or skirt, the chances are she’s running some kind of con. people are drawn to beauty, and she’s very aware of that- and able to wield it to her advantage. no makeup, casual hair and clothes? you’ve caught her on a regular day. there is very little about tandy’s physical appearance to suggest anything particularly extraordinary about her- unless she’s using her abilities, in which case her eyes will turn white. she deliberately cultivates her look to blend into the background… if you notice her, she wants you to.
02. what they smell like
expensive perfume if she’s been indulging her stealing habit. if not, cheap soap and shampoo, or else dry shampoo in her hair. deeper, though, there is something oddly metallic about the way tandy smells… something heated to the point of almost burning.
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03. what they taste like
horribly cheap coffee. extra strong mints to cover the coffee. cherry lipgloss, if you catch her on one of her hunting days.
04. what they sound like
tandy has a soft new orleans accent that thickens when she gets angry about something. her voice is pitched slightly low, and she can switch between loud and quiet very, very quickly. her voice has a tendency to crack when she is upset.
05. what they feel like
assuming you get close enough to touch, tandy is soft. she is also warm- uncomfortably warm, a side effect of her abilities. being on the smaller size, she’s a nice height to hug, not that she actually lets anyone close enough to appreciate this.
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batfall-a · 2 years
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𝒊 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔.... 𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨.    *   )                                      |    INDEPENDENT +   HEADCANON    BASED    BRUCE WAYNE   from    THE   BATMAN   ( 2022 )    |    some  lore  lifted  from    from   joker  |    written   by    selena    25+  ( she,  her )   dark   themes   present.                  . . .  the  struggle  of  everything  +  nothing  all  at  once.                                                                                𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 : 𝐒𝐄𝟕𝐄𝐍     
                                           •        •         •       •       •                             |  READ FIRST |  PINTEREST |  *  CURRENT ARC               |  SPOTIFY |  FOXARK TECH |  MATCHES |  THE  LAST  OF  US  |
                                           RULES   BELOW  !
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*additionally any blog made by kenna will be considered an exclusive
          *      )       OOC  .    my   name  is   selena   i   am   25+   and   EST   based.  i   work   full   time   ,   and   i   have   two  lovely   doggos.   i   try   to   be   here   whenever  i  can  on   the   weekdays   but  !    sometimes   i   am   exhausted  ,   and   therefore   weekends   are   my  most   active   time.   i   DO   love   plot-based   threads    but  ?   i   also   understand  /  am  one  of  those  people   who   sometimes   just   allow  the  thread   to  guide.   i   do  !   have   disco  (  feel   free  to  ask  for   it! )  that  being  said  i   also  forget  about  it  99.9%  of   the  time  so  ?  nudge  me  or   reach  out  first   PLEASE   know  it’s   never  you.   i   am   latina   as   well  as   being  jewish  so  please   also  respect  those  two  points.  i   also   like   my  muse  have  PTSD.   i  am   now   going   to  implement  to   rule   of   following   21+                                                         EST   11.5.22
*PSD  +   ICON   ARE  MINE  please  do   not   steal 
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*      )      bruce   thomas   wayne   is   highly   influenced   by   the   batman  (2022)   with   taking   inspiration  and  some   lore  from   the   joker  (2019).   since   this   film   is   crime   noir   heavy   so  is  bruce  ,  he   reads  more   like   a  gothic   character  and   is  going through   heavy   PSTD.   my   bruce   sadly   is  not  lifted  from  comics  nor  is  steeped  in   any  other   batman   universe.  along  with   being   reeves   based  i   have  also  incorporated  my  own   headcanons   and  take.  *truly  he  is  an  OC  fnjfdsfgg. bruce  is  31  and   is   6′6   6′8   with   the   boots.  he   enjoys   writing   and   has   natural   talent  in  drawing   and   obviously   criminal   forensics.   he  is  STILL   learning  and  of  course  he  is  OBSESSED   with   technology.   his   iq   borders   genius   but  since  his   tragic  loss  he  is    his  own   worst  enemy.
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*      )    open   &  willing   to   ship   my  bruce  !   it   will   be  heavy   development  since   he  is  so   FEARFUL  of   losing  the   ones   he  loves.   though   ?   when  shipped  i  can  promise   he  will  love   and  fight  for  your   muse   as  often   as  he  can.   i   also   DO   ship   selina  x  bruce   and   many   other  DC  canon   ships  for  bruce  i   just   ask   that   we   plot   about   it   before   we  get  to  writing  !  *bruce  is   bisexual 
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*      )   ♡  =    ship   ♡* =  ship  exclusive
    *  if  you  ever  want  to  be  added  please   reach   out   ♡
@banschivs   +   MAIN  |  Nix  Fleck (née Degraves)
@bllakcat       +  EXCLUSIVE |   Felicia  Hardy ♡*
@chaoshe     +   EXCLUSIVE |  Jester Lavorre  ♡*
@exilae         +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Blog-Wide ;  Juliette King ♡*
@fraudien      +   EXCLUSIVE  |   Mina  Gatti     ♡*
@jokethur      +   MAIN  |  Arthur  Fleck  
@barnaes      +  EXCLUSIVE  | Bucky Barnes
@lovelack      +  EXCLUSIVE |  Marianne Sheridan
@destage      +   EXCLUSIVE   |   Blog-Wide
                           VERSES *
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.001     basic   gotham   verse   ,   in   this  verse   bruce   is   28-30    still  trying   to   get   a grasp  of  who  he  is  and  is  also  training  heavily
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*      )        .002   loosely   follows  the  events  of  the  batman  with  some  changes.   to   read  more  about  that  click  here 
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*      )    .003   follows  the  events   leading   up  the  riddler  being  caught  ,  and   gotham   flooding.   in   this  verse   the  bat /  bruce  have  started  to  accept   their  destiny  ,  and  the  UNAVOIDABLE  mesh  of  BOTH  personalities.  
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*      )  .004  follows  the  court  of  owls   with  some  own   headcanon  interpretation.  wayne  enterprises  is  full  of   corruption   with   the   board  wanting  nothing  more  than  to  get  rid  of  bruce.  
                             ALT   EGO *
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*      )    this  verse  will  be  tagged   accordingly  ,  bruce   goes   undercover  in  the  criminal  world  at  the  end  of  arc  .002   and   finds  that  he  has  INFILTRATED  successfully.  no  one  KNOWS  he’s  bruce  wayne  OR  the  batman.   in  this  verse   he  gathers  intel  and  garners   quite   the  reputation.   he   rises  up  in  ranks  ,  and  becomes  for  all  intents  and  purposes  one  of   the  ‘bosses’ 
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alabonshay · 3 months
Alabonshay RP Wishlist
───┉─¡! ¤ !¡─┉───┉─¡! ¤ !¡─┉───┉─¡! ¤ !─┉───
// Unsure what to write with me? Here’s a few ideas that would compliment my muse’s character, theming, and world! Some are more detailed than others:
(Romantic Shipping is lowest priority and will only be considered after established threads.)
Boss and Employee
Hunter and Hunted
Scientist and Subject
Wounded and Caregiver
Begrudging Allies
Mentor and Mentee
Slow-Burn Inter-generational Friendship (Bonus if from Mutual Hatred)
**Mutual Hatred:
Our muses can both hate each other! I’m all for it, especially first meetings or one-offs. However, characters that only exist to annoy/bully the muse will eventually annoy the mun too. There must be a reason for my muse to want to keep interacting with yours. Chemistry like…
A) Mutual Annoyance, in a neighborly way, which could lead to Begrudging Alliance. Ex: “Let’s make this quick.” B) Nuisance with Net Benefits. Your muse might annoy my muse, but not all the time. Sometimes they make it up to her. My muse decides they are worth keeping around, even if they can get on her nerves. Ex: “What do you want this time?” C) Slowly developing the relationship into something positive. Ex: “I never thought I’d say this but… thank you.”
───┉─¡! ¤ !¡─┉───┉─¡! ¤ !¡─┉───┉─¡! ¤ !─┉───
The Duchess chases your muse through the woods, believing they are a dangerous animal. After cornering your muse, my muse gives yours a warning, then escorts them off her property.
Your muse is trapped in my muse's world and resorts to thievery to survive:
A) The Duchess finds your muse in her home. Perhaps, rifling through her belongings. My muse begins to interrogate yours. B) Your muse is trying to steal food from a dendie masquerade garden party. To do so, they have put together a pretty convincing costume. The Duchess Alabonsé suddenly corners them in conversation. Will they manage to keep up the ruse a la My Fair Lady? Or will the Duchess ask them for a dance and have them exposed?
The Duchess is accustomed to otherworldly guests. She has caught your muse sheltering on her property, but she will allow them to stay if they become her servant. She believes that the newcomers can be molded into usefulness. If not for the Duchess, your muse would be laboring by the acid Lake Sanctimonious, facing terrible risk of death.
The Duchess has warped into modern-day Earth (or similar):
A) on to a back-road at night. Your muse hits her with their vehicle. B) into the quiet alleyway of a busy metropolis, close to your muse’s residence or workplace. C) by a dendie dimensional trainwreck. The smoldering alien vessel is about to be investigated by the local government. Your muse encounters her first. D) and your muse finds mine injured in the woods. Do they take her in? Or does my muse limp after yours until she winds up at their doorstep?
The Duchess is made the representative of the dendie population by an intergalactic alliance. Unfortunately, this means she can never leave the Station. She is convinced she will never see her family again. Meanwhile, your muse does not agree with their internal affairs and has made plans to escape. The Duchess is the key. Can they convince her to come along?
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robynmizore · 10 months
Redemption Chapter 12:
Conflicted Heart/Glowing Dim As An Ember
Takumi paced his room restlessly, not quite sure what to do with himself. The concert last night had made him realize his true feelings, but now he was unsure of how to proceed now. 
Should.. should I tell her?
He looked down at the book in his hands, labeled “Make Her Fall For You in a Fortnight” and blushed. He’d managed to slip out of his room at night to get some.. “advice” on his current dilemma from the library. It was bad enough not being able to talk to an actual person about it since the only person he’d trust enough to open up about this happened to be the same person he was in love with. 
I can’t believe I’m resorting to reading cheesy romance books about this!
If anyone found out, he’d die of embarrassment right then and there. 
“Okay..” he muttered, flipping open the book, eyes scanning the table of contents until one in particular caught his eye. 
“How to Confess”… maybe I’ll find what I need here! he thought, grinning as he found that section, deciding to try some out loud. 
“D-do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date? Do you believe in love at first sight.. or should I walk by again? Hello, I’m a thief.. and I’m here to steal your heart?!”
Takumi’s face flushed crimson as he tried to imagine himself saying these things to Robyn as he flipped furiously through the pages, each line making the prince more flustered than the last. 
“I swear someone stole the stars from the skies and put them in your eyes.. Do you have a name o-or can I just call you m-mine.. Are you sure you’re not tired? B-because you’ve been running through my mind all day.. W-what the hell are these?!”
Hi, how was heaven when you left it? it read. Let’s commit the perfect crime: I’ll steal your heart, you steal mine~
“ARGH NO!” he shouted in frustration. “What idiot would even use these?! This is something Felicia would probably write!”
”..Did you call my name milord?” 
Felicia’s voice outside his door made the prince’s heart jump into his throat. 
“W-what is it?”
”I’ve brought you some new clothes while your others are being repaired.” she said, stepping inside. 
Impulsively, Takumi hurled the book into the fire before she could see it. 
“Good morning, milord!” she greeted cheerfully. “I’ll just set these on your bed for you!”
”T-thank you.” he replied, forcing an awkward smile. 
Felicia’s eyes widened when they fell on the fireplace. 
“Oh no, Lord Takumi! One of your books fell in the fire!” she gasped. “Hold on, I’ll get it out of there right away!”
”N-no, it’s fine!” he exclaimed a little too loudly, causing the maid to frown.
”Um.. okay. As you wish. I’ll leave you to change then!”
She hurried out of the room, leaving the prince leaning against the wall with a sigh of relief, glancing over at the now unrecognizable book as it burned in the fire. Right where it belonged. 
I’m never doing that again..
Pushing the embarrassing event firmly from his mind, Takumi turned his attention to the clothing left on his bed. It was oddly reminiscent of his normal attire, but with much darker colors. The fur wrap was larger, falling down to his ankles when he put it on, a mix of black and grey. The coat sleeves were puffy, reminding him a bit of his usual kimono, but the chest was wide open in almost a heart shape, the undershirt a mix of black, blue, purple, and a touch of red. 
Hoshidan attire is still superior.. he mused. But this could be fun to wear for a bit. I wonder if Robyn will like it.. 
Satisfied, he turned to edit his room to find the Summoner. 
I can’t believe one of the villagers had an orb at the festival! Robyn thought triumphantly as she headed up the Summoning Ruins. 
The Order of Heroes was thriving, but it couldn’t hurt to add another hero in their ranks. And still, there was the possibility of summoning Kiyoshi or Leafa.. The thought made her heart flutter in anticipation, and she forced herself to take a slow breath. There was no guarantee this summon would bring her cousin or sister, so there was no point in working herself up over it. She found since its transformation, her weapon remained in book form even when summoning. When she opened it and set the orb inside, the orb hovered above the pages, and when she fired, she used the same motion that Ricken used when casting his spells. The orb struck true at an accuracy that would have impressed Prince Takumi, locking itself into the stone with a brilliant flash. Robyn shielded her eyes, and when she squinted, she could make out a dark shake standing imposingly in front of her. 
“Of all the places..!” an exasperated voice hissed, then the black and gold armored man turned and fixed her with a furious glare through dark red and amber eyes. 
“You!” he spat, raising his tome. “What is the meaning of this?!”
”I mean you no harm.” Robyn responded calmly, approaching him cautiously. “I summoned you here because we’re in the middle of a great war. We need your help.”
The man scowled, and if he’d take the nasty look off his face, Robyn imagined he’d look quite handsome. 
“What, is your kingdom so incompetent that you can’t fight your own battles?”
”Our enemy kingdom, Embla, attacks kingdoms from other worlds and forces them to fight for them, including yours. At least here our soldiers are here because they chose to fight. It’s not our incompetence that makes us summon other heroes, but basic strategy. Our summons protect both our kingdom and there’s.” Robyn countered, knocking the scowl off his face momentarily. 
“I.. suppose I can’t argue with that.” he concluded. “Consider me your ally for the time being. I am Leo, second prince of Nohr. I have some questions for you though.”
Nohr.. that’s the kingdom that fought Takumi’s kingdom! The same as Laslow, Niles, Jakob, Flora, and Felicia! I wonder if they know each other..? Robyn thought as he peppered her with questions, something she was quite used to from new heroes. 
The white walls of the Askrian castle towered over them. While previously intimidating, the castle walls now felt welcoming now, and as they approached, the door opened. Robyn’s heart rose when a familiar figure with long silver hair stepped out, Fujin Yumi in hand. But to her surprise, his eyes narrowed coldly.
”You!” he hissed, eyes fixed on Leo. 
“Yes, me.” Leo growled disdainfully. “I didn’t know Askr had pathetic Hoshidan princes in their ranks.”
”And I didn’t know Askr was capable of summoning arrogant jerks like yourself!” Takumi shot back. 
The princes stared daggers at each other until Robyn was sure she could see sparks flying, Leo’s tone dropping dangerously. 
“As if someone as weak minded and incompetent as you could even be of any use to this army-“
”Don’t ever speak to him like that!”
Both men turned in surprise to when Robyn spoke up, her voice shaking with barely suppressed rage as she marched over and put her arm around the Hoshidan prince, the surprise silencing him. 
“I don’t know why you got the impression that you could come in here and disrespect Askr’s best archer, but if you think I’m going to stand by and put up with that, you’re sourly mistaken. This is an army and a team, so act like it! We’re not going to defeat Embla if we can’t put our petty squabbles to rest! You’re a prince representing your kingdom, not a child!”
The anger in Takumi’s eyes had softened when she had put her arm around him, and even Leo backed off, grumbling 
“I’m going to find this.. “Commander Anna” and “Prince Alfonse” myself!”
He stalked inside, the doors slamming behind him. 
“Hey uh..”
Robyn started as Takumi hesitantly spoke up, pausing for a moment before finally blurting out. 
“Thanks for uh.. for having my back.” he mumbled. “No one’s ever stood up for me like that. So.. thank you. If him or anyone ever gives you trouble, then I’ll.. do the same.”
”That’s right.” Robyn agreed softly. “We’ll look after each other.” Her eyes stole to the outfit he was wearing. “Is that new? It looks really nice on you!”
”Y-yeah.. my usual kimono is still being repaired. So I’m wearing this for now.”
”It suits you. I like the dark colors..”
The small flush that appeared on the prince’s face made her heart quicken as Takumi cleared his throat quickly. 
“R-right.. I’m going to head for the archery range-“
”The queen is here!”
The sudden call made the pair’s heads snapped up to see a blond haired woman with a massive cape approaching the castle, flanked my a handful of knights. Robyn exchanged a surprised glance with Takumi. While they’d heard about Henriette, they hadn’t expected her to just show up at the castle. Rapid footsteps sounded behind them as Alfonse and Sharena hurried out to greet her. 
“Mother, it’s so good to see you!” Sharena cried, dashing over and throwing her arms around her neck.
As Henriette laughed softly and returned the embrace, Alfonse’s eyebrows were knotting in concern. 
“What brings you here, Mother?”
”Oh, what a lovely castle full of heroes you have!” she exclaimed in admiration before her eyes turned serious. “I came because I need you both to come with me back home. Your father wishes to speak with you.”
”I thought Alfonse and his father weren’t on speaking terms.” Robyn whispered to Takumi, who nodded in agreement. 
“..Something’s happened.” he observed, frowning deeply as Henriette insisted, and they gathered up a group of soldiers and set out. 
The trio was happily catching up as they walked, not seeming to share the same strained relationship they shared with their father, when a loud rustling stopped them in their tracks. A large group of soldiers bearing the Emblian crest stepped seemingly out of thin air, surrounding them.
”Gods.. an invasion? But the scouts didn’t report anything!” Chrom exclaimed. 
Niles’s face was devoid of its usual smirk, his lips pressed into a thin line as he hopped down beside them. 
“You’re not gonna believe this.. but these guys just showed up out of thin air. Something’s wrong.”
”What?!” Takumi exclaimed, tightening his grip on his bow. “T-that’s impossible!”
”..It’s very possible.” a voice interrupted, the group of soldiers parting to reveal a masked man with dark blue hair. 
His armor was silver and black, matching the sword that rested at his hip, the armor on his torso emitting an eerie glow. It was indeed their first meeting and yet..
Why does he feel so.. familiar? Robyn frowned. 
“Who are you?” Alfonse demanded. 
“..My name is Lif.” the man regarded them coldly. “I’m here to destroy this world. Nothing more.”
”Yo Masky, that’s a little messed up don’t’cha think?”
The group turned to look at Gaius, who didn’t look afraid, just annoyed.
”I wouldn’t speak so casually to me. After this fight, you’ll be trembling before my blade.” Lif retorted, but the thief simply smirked a bit, unfazed. 
“Look, I get it. The world’s sour sometimes. But that doesn’t mean you get to destroy it just because you can’t get the stick out of your arse. Get a clue buddy, or I’m gonna come rip it out myself.”
”I’ll help rip it out.” Niles snickered, earning a collective groan from the group.
Rage sparked in Lif’s gaze, but he didn’t respond with words, but with actions as he raised his sword and the clearing exploded into battle.
”Stay behind me.” Takumi ordered, stepping in front of Robyn and firing an arrow.
But to their astonishment, there was no blood when the arrow struck the soldier’s chest. 
Instead, they slumped to the ground, their shape slowly blurring until nothing remained. 
“W-what?!” Takumi stammered in surprise, hazel eyes widening. 
Similar shouts of surprise sounded from the other heroes when their attackers simply vanished upon defeat. 
“What is going on?!” Sharena yelped. “Is this some kind of sick magic trick from Embla’s mages?!”
”..I’m afraid it’s much worse than that.” Henriette responded, her expression grave as Alfonse managed to strike Lif down, and he too vanished. 
The army quickly regrouped around the queen, waiting to hear her explanation.
”Unfortunately those soldiers are not from Embla, but from a place called Hel.” she explained solemnly. 
“Hey, that’s where Niles is from!” Henry joked, earning an eye roll from the thief.
”Speak for yourself, Mr. I Wanna Die A Horrible Bloody Death. Sometimes, I wonder what else you do with those crows..”
”Be quiet and let her explain.” Jakob snapped as he fixed the pair with a freezing glare as Henriette resumed her explanation.
”Those soldiers you were fighting were already dead.” she explained sadly. “Emblian soldiers who fell in battle now fight for the realm of the dead. Those who pass on either go to a joyful place or descend to a realm of unending darkness known as Hel.”
The more she explained, the more petrified poor Ricken was looking as the mage squeaked out 
“S-so like.. ghosts?”
“Scared?” Leo taunted, a faint smirk on his face.“I for one, happen to like the dark.”
”So go back there then, Nerd.” Gaius retorted, causing the Nohrian prince to bristle, and even Takumi started to chuckle. “No one wants to put up with a stuck up jerk like you anyways.”
”That’s quite enough!” Alfonse snapped. “We’re supposed to be displaying a united front, not showing everyone how we fight amongst ourselves!”
They set off again, but Robyn noticed that Takumi was frowning deeply. 
“Something wrong?” she asked him quietly. 
“Nothing it’s just..” Another pause. “I swear I’ve read that hand before. In a book about Aske’s history. It.. it said Lif was the first king of Askr.”
Alfonse, who had been walking a few paces ahead, turned to nod in agreement.
”He formed a pact with the Divine Dragon Askr so he could open gates to other realms.”
Takumi’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully, but there wasn’t much time to ponder as a woman with a torn, cream colored cape and red and black armor abruptly appeared in front of them. 
“I am Thrasir, general of the realm of the dead.” she greeted coldly. “Also known as the Omnicidal Witch, here to kill you all.”
”Well you certainly don’t waste any time, do you?” Niles sneered. “I know you’re excited to get down and dirty, but you need consent for that.”
”..You’ll be the first to die.” Thrasir growled, then charged. 
With Robyn’s battle tactics and the strength of the heroes, the battle was as quick as the last, the other soldiers vanishing. 
“Thrasir.. that was Embla’s first emperor wasn’t it?” Robyn mused, and Takumi nodded. 
“A witch so powerful she could destroy an entire realm.. we’re dealing with something serious here.”
”Incoming foe approaching from the skies!” Caledori called from atop her pegasus. 
“Ooo.. a woman.” Niles hummed with a smirk, reminding them all of a certain incident in Muspell. 
It was indeed a woman with long, dark silver hair and a black and white dress, riding atop a dark feathered pegasus. Her eyes were devoid of the coldness that their other enemies had carried, and were instead full of..
”Her eyes hold such deep sorrow..” Robyn murmured, Takumi’s eyes narrowing as she landed amongst the other forces of the dead. 
“I am Eir.. princess of the realm of the dead. Let us fight.” she said flatly. 
“You couldn’t sound less enthusiastic if you tried.” Niles cut in with a smirk. “Is it because I’m so handsome? We could go have some fun instead of you wanna ditch the fighting. It could be one on one of you know what I mean~”
Eir seemed completely unfazed by the comment and instead raised her hand in a signal. As Robyn shouted out orders to the heroes, she noticed how hesitant Eir’s attacks were, even in battle, and she found herself frowning. 
Surely a princess of the realm of the dead would be eager to kill us.. right..?
She could only watch in disbelief as Caledori knocked her off her mount with a well-aimed sweep of her lance. With the pained expression still on her face, the princess closed her eyes and mumbled 
“..Okay. You can kill me now.”
Alfonse and the others all exchanged reluctant glances while Ricken whispered 
“She isn’t even acting like a threat.. if we kill her, we might as well be murderers.”
Alfonse, overhearing, nodded and lowered his blade. 
“We have no intention of killing you. But we do have some questions for you, so we will be taking you prisoner.”
The princess nodded, accepting her fate without complaint. 
“We’re doing to need to keep a close eye on her..” Takumi murmured, and Robyn shared his unease as she forced the memory of Takumi lying lifelessly in her arms out of her mind. 
I won’t lose Takumi again! Not like that! she thought determinedly. 
A young woman sat at a table, her tied up brown hair falling down her back as the creature behind her combed through her hair with bony fingers. The woman’s closed eyelids quivered in disgust, but she was unable to flinch away, no matter how much she wanted to.
”You did well to remove that pesky barrier.” she cooed. “Now my forces are free to invade as they please. Soon.. all the living will be under my reign. You should be grateful. You’ll be reunited with your son again.”
The woman stiffened at her words, her eyes flying open in horror. 
“No.. please.. spare my son!”
”Your son would have joined us already if that wretched girl hadn’t interfered with my plans!” the creature snarled, grasping the woman by the throat in a fit of rage. 
A strangled cry escaped the woman’s lips as she struggled desperately to draw in air, her eyes wordlessly pleading with the cold eyed creature as she dragged the woman upright out of the chair.
”Oh.. but I suppose I should reward you for your usefulness.. shouldn’t I?”  
She flung the woman to the ground, the sound of gasping and coughing filling the air as the brown haired woman clutched at her neck. 
“Very well.. I’ll let your son live a little longer. Instead..”
The bony finger lifted up her chin, forcing the tear filled brown orbs to meet her own as she pressed her lips to her ear and hissed 
“You can kill the Summoner..”
”The tomb’s just up ahead.” Niles reported, his expression grim. 
They’d just gotten back from meeting Alfonse’s father and were now on their way to Hel’s tomb. 
“Problem is, there’s thousands of troops there.” Gaius chimed in. “And it looks like they’re heading for a town just south of here.”
”What is everyone’s obsession with attacking our towns? They aren’t even a threat to them!” Ricken exclaimed in exasperation. 
Robyn shared the sentiment. It was hard to stomach the fact that there were beings out there who would happily hurt innocents without a single trace of remorse. She noticed Eir was lingering close to her the whole time they walked, and when some of the soldiers walked on ahead, she stepped closer to murmur. 
“Who.. are you?” she asked quietly. 
“That’s none of your concern!” Takumi snapped, stepping protectively in front of her. 
The princess of the dead’s eyes were not hostile, but oddly pained as she whispered 
“Alfonse and Sharena feel so familiar to me.. But not you. I-I’m sorry.. I will not trouble you further. Pardon me..”
While they’d been talking to Eir, Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna had been discussing what to do in regards to the group of soldiers. 
“If we try to fight them, that’s straight suicide!” Ricken was protesting. 
“B-but we can’t abandon our townspeople either..” Sharena mumbled. 
“Father’s knights will be here soon..” Alfonse mused. “We could bait them for a bit until they get here.”
”Sounds dangerous and bloody! Let’s do it!” Henry cheered, earning some.. questionable glances from the rest of the group.
The heroes gathered around Robyn as she drew a quick map in the dirt with a stick. 
“Takumi, I’m going to have you focus on their mages while Ricken-“
”Uhh.. hoodie? Sorry to interrupt and all but I don’t suppose you’ve got a magical plan if they happen to surround us, do ya? Cause they’re kinda doin’ that.” Gaius cut in. 
“How did they do that so fast?! We hardly took our eyes off them!” Jakob exclaimed. 
“Beats me!” Henry replied way too cheerfully. “I don’t speak ghost, only crow! Oh, also I think we’re trapped”
”We’re well aware!” Chrom and Alfonse yelled at the same time. 
“Everyone, form a circle!” Robyn ordered sharply. “Close range weapon users up front while distance attackers behind them. Flora and Felicia, use your icy winds to negate their spells and arrows. Fliers, work with the mages and archers to keep the skies clear. Lissa and Jakob, use healing staves as needed!” 
The heroes quickly headed her commands. Despite being horribly outnumbered, the plan would buy them time. With distance attacks negated, the only alternatives would be to attack the Askrian soldiers at close quarters, and none of the Embla soldiers seemed to want to come into range of the Order of Heroes’s furious defense. As the battle raged on, Robyn felt the strange tingling in her veins again, followed by the powerful urge to sing. It was the very same feeling she’d felt when she brought Takumi back to life. 
What’s wrong with me..?
A war cry interrupted her thoughts, and relief dazzled in Alfonse’s eyes as Gustav and his knights joined the fray. The tides quickly turned and Thrasir called her troops to retreat. 
“Thank you, Father! I thought we were dead for sure!” Sharena gasped. 
Gustav gave her a disapproving glare, freezing the cheerful smile on her face as he turned to Alfonse. 
“That was foolish and reckless, son!” he spat. “A king’s duty is to his people, it’s not playing war on the battlefield! You are heir to the throne, and if something happens to me, you are to take my place! Do you even have what it takes to be king?!”
”N-no Father..” Alfonse stammered. “There is still much I have to learn from you. I am not yet ready to be king.”
As the pair conversed, Robyn felt Takumi tense up beside her, and glanced over to see him gripping his Fujin Yumi tightly, his hazel eyes narrowed in cold fury. He jumped when Robyn slipped her hand into his, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“What’s wrong?” she whispered, feeling the Hoshidan’s hand relax in her’s. 
“I just can’t stand how he talks to his own son!” Takumi muttered back. “Sumeragi praised Ryoma and I for wanting to protect our country! I could never stand idle if Hoshido was in danger!”
”Neither would I.” Robyn agreed quietly. 
The way Gustav spoke to his children made her heart crack. 
“If I had children.. I’d cherish them and treat them with love.” she murmured. 
Something in Takumi’s gaze shifted, and a tenderness entered them as his gaze met her’s, making her heart flutter as Gustav called the troops together to head back to Askr. 
“We’ll attack Hel tomorrow.” he declared. “We’ll force them back into the realm of the dead so we can get the barrier back up. Under no circumstance is anyone to approach Hel directly.”
A chorus of agreement rose from the group, and Takumi gave her one last soft look, squeezing her hand gently before letting go and making their way back home. 
Takumi slowly made his way down the candlelit hall, his hand brushing gently against the wall. He was so sure he’d been sleeping in his bed moments ago, so how did he find himself in the halls of the Askrian castle at this hour?
Maybe.. I was sleep walking?
Something was beckoning him, a strange tugging warmth urging him to the ballroom. A voice, gentle and beautiful drifted from the closed doors. 
“Dancing bears,
Painted wings..
Things I almost remember..”
Its Robyn! Takumi’s heart skipped a beat at the realization. She’s singing..
”And a song.. someone sings..
Once Upon a December..”
Takumi gently opened the ballroom door. The sound of Robyn’s song was intoxicating. He needed to hear more. To be closer to it. Robyn was just ahead, her back to him as she stood in the middle of the ball room, singing to herself. 
“Someone holds me safe and warm..
Horses prance through a silver storm!
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory!”
The glow of the azalea flowers in her hair, the burning candles on the walls, and the streaks of moonlight only made Robyn look more ethereal as she began to replicate a slow, romantic dance in that very room. A dance made for two..
There were no words as she began to harmonize, spinning around the room as beads of silver light rose around her like fireflies, each beacon of light a faithful witness to the spectacle in front of him.  Takumi felt his heart flutter as she turned towards them and their eyes met. There was no anger in her gaze that he’d been basically spying on her, only a serene calm as she beckoned him forward, her hand out stretched. 
Spellbound, the Hoshidan prince took it, Robyn’s melody filling the room as they began to dance. As they spun elegantly across the dance floor, Takumi found that while he’s never danced like this with someone before, he felt he knew the dance by heart. The moon, the candles, and Robyn’s azaleas were the only guiding light they needed. The prince looked deeply into Robyn’s violet gaze as she continued to harmonize, and their dance became more intimately romantic as she sang. 
“Someone holds me, safe and warm..
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory!”
He could feel her long pink hair brushing against his face, her sweet floral scent wreathing around him, reminding him of the same flowers Robyn had revived the first time he’d heard her sing. The room seemed to melt away, leaving only the two of them as they enjoyed their enchanting ballroom dance under the blanket of moonlight as the silver beads of light grew brighter and brighter. 
“Far away, 
Long ago!
Glowing dim as an ember..”
Round and round they spun, the throbbing emotions in her song leaving Takumi breathless, her gaze never leaving his as the silver beads fixed themselves upon her lovely pale skin, forming a breathtakingly beautiful silver gown that shimmered brightly even in the gloom.
”Things my heart,
Used to know!
Things it yearns to remember..”
The music, the atmosphere, and Robyn’s voice were unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. There were a million questions filling his mind that he could have asked her in this moment, but his body was responding against his control as if by instinct as he moved effortlessly to her rhythm. Nothing else mattered but this moment, right here, right now. Their dance began to slow to a halt as Robyn’s hand caressed Takumi’s face gently, the last notes coming out as almost a whisper as she rested her forehead against his. 
“And a song.. someone sings..
Once Upon a December..”
Takumi closed his eyes, leaning into her touch as the last notes rang out, then slowly ended. His eyes slowly fluttered open to meet hers. Robyn’s eyes were so gentle and serene as she gazed back at him calmly, her beautiful hair shimmering gently as her flowers were lit by the faint lights, making her look like a goddess. Her hand lingered on his face, the soft touch sending butterflies erupting in his stomach. 
“Robyn..” Takumi breathed out in a passionate whisper through half-lidded eyes.
He began to draw her closer, neither seeming unable to resist. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he needed it now. But just as his lips began to slowly brush against Robyn’s, Takumi’s eyes flew open and he sat up in his bed with a gasp.
A dream..?
Takumi’s heart was pounding, and his face felt hot, his lips still tingling as he traced them lightly with his fingertips as the realization of what they’d nearly done in the dream hitting him like a wave. And yet the desire to still kiss Robyn burned so strongly, Takumi was left panting softly as he took a moment to collect himself and catch his breath. 
The song, the dance, that silver dress and..
Takumi touched his lips briefly again, his mind racing. He had the strange feeling that the dream had meant something terribly important, but what could it have possibly meant?
”Mother’s goal is to destroy all of Askr.. Alfonse will be the first to die..” Eir mumbled in a shaky whisper as they walked. 
Robyn and Takumi both swapped puzzled looks through narrowed eyes, suspicion distracting her from the prince’s odd behavior that morning. He’d been stealing glances at her all morning when he thought she wasn’t looking, and when their eyes did meet, his face seemed just a little bit flushed. A sudden fog rose around them, and Alfonse called 
“They’re here!”
Unable to see where she was going, Robyn searched for Takumi, unable to locate him as confusion filled her. 
Where is everyone..?
”..I’m so glad you came..” 
Robyn whipped around to see a woman with long tied up brown hair and a familiar yellow sun tiara. 
She’s Hoshidan! Robyn realized with a jolt. 
That was the very same crown that Takumi had put on his fan. The golden white and blue robes carried an air of familiarity. 
No.. surely Hel wouldn’t be so cruel?
”..M-Mikoto?” she tried hesitantly, and the woman’s eyes widened.
”Takumi.. told you about me?”
A small smile graced Robyn’s lips. Never in her life did she expect to be face to face with Takumi’s late mother. 
“He speaks highly of you all the time.” she replied softly.
For some reason, pain flashed in her gaze. 
“Why don’t you come see him?” she pressed. “He still has bad dreams about your death-“
”I-I’m so sorry..” Mikoto whispered, and Robyn’s unease only grew when she saw her hands were trembling, gripping her bow tightly. “Just know this pains me more than you could ever know. When I died, you became Takumi’s source of comfort. This is a terrible way to repay you..”
Robyn’s heart sank as Mikoto shakily lifted the bow and pointed it at her. 
“Hel’s controlling you.. isn’t she?” Robyn murmured. 
“I’m sorry.. I can’t fight her will.. She wants me to kill you so.. I have to..”
Robyn’s hand trembled as it as it rested on her rapier, concealed at her hip. All she had to do was draw her blade and strike her down. But her hand refused to move any further. She could not bring herself to harm Takumi’s mother as memories of the night she’d found him crying in the hallway flashed away though her mind. He’d cried so bitterly that night. Robyn refused to break Takumi’s heart like that for a second time, even if it meant forfeiting her own life. 
I’m sorry Takumi.. I love you. Please be safe without me.. she thought, shutting her eyes tightly. 
There was a sudden rush of air as something flew past her, and her eyes flew open when she heard Mikoto utter a strangled gasp. A shimmering teal arrow was embedded in her stomach, staining her tunic scarlet as the yumi fell from her hands. There was only one person that arrow could belong to. Robyn turned quickly to see Takumi standing behind her, Fujin Yumi raised, his face cast in shadow. 
Why.. why did you have to come save me..? Why did it have to be you?!
This was too cruel. Any one in the army, even Niles would have been a better choice than Mikoto’s own son. 
The name came out as a whimper as Mikoto crumpled to the ground. 
“T..aku..mi.. is it really you?” she asked feebly. “Come.. closer.. my son..”
Her hand reached involuntarily for the yumi again, but she was too weak. And Robyn realized with a jolt that Takumi had dealt his mother a fatal blow. 
Hesitantly, the prince made his way over slowly, Robyn following until they at last reached her, Takumi collapsing to his knees by his mother’s side. He cradled her head gently in his lap, his hand reaching to grasp her hand softly. The prince’s shoulders shook as the tears fell, his hazel eyes full of shame. 
“M-mother I-I..”
”It’s.. okay.” Mikoto panted. “Hel was.. controlling me. I had no choice.. but to obey. I.. only wish.. we could have met again under different circumstances. But still.. I’m so happy to see you again.. so proud of who you’ve become..”
”I’m.. happy to see you too..” Takumi managed to say. “I’m sorry I failed to protect you..”
Mikoto gave a small shake of her head as her brown gaze met her son’s glistening hazel ones. 
“My sweet precious son.. it was never your fault. My death was inevitable. There was nothing you could have done.”
Her chest heaved as she fought for breath. 
“Save your strength..” he pleaded softly, but she shook her head again. 
“Listen.. carefully Takumi.. Forces of the dead cannot die. Hel will use me over and over-“
The words came tumbling out in between sobs. 
“I-I won’t kill you again! There has to be another way!”
Robyn’s heart felt like it was cracking more and more with each tear that fell as Takumi turned a desperate gaze towards her. 
“Please.. please sing!” he begged. “Free her from Hel. D-don’t let her suffer like this..”
Reaching out to give Takumi’s free hand a gentle squeeze, Robyn nodded. The dragon necklace around her neck began to emit a soft blue light as Robyn’s voice filled the air, the lyrics coming to mind naturally as she poured out all her emotions. 
“Far away,
Long ago!
Glowing dim as an ember..”
A look of tranquility crossed Mikoto’s face as the light began to seep into her skin. 
“Things my heart used to know.. 
Things it yearns to remember..” Robyn sang as a long sigh escaped his mother’s lips. 
“Thank you.. You’ve freed me from Hel’s curse. I can pass on to more peaceful places now..”
She began to dissolve into specks of light, a serene look on her face as she looked at Takumi’s anguished face one last time. 
“I’ll be watching over you, my sweet beloved son.” she murmured, her gaze flitting to Robyn. “Take care of my son for me.”
“I will.” Robyn promised fervently as Mikoto burst into fragments of light that descended into the skies. 
“Please don’t go!” Takumi cried, reaching out for the lights in one last attempt to hold his mother for just a little longer. 
The grief stricken wail that tore from his throat as the last of the light faded broke her. Robyn’s arms encircled the prince gently as she slowly turned him to face her. 
“That’s enough.. Time to rest.” she soothed, drawing him close. 
Takumi embraced her tightly, burying his face into her chest as sobs wracked his body. 
“It’s okay.. let it all out.” Robyn whispered, rubbing his back in long, comforting strokes as she cradled him against her, letting him cry. 
Letting him feel. Letting him hurt without fear of judgment, until at last the tears slowed.
”T-thank you.. for freeing her.” he managed in a shaky whisper as Robyn nestled his head against her shoulder. 
She pressed a gentle kiss to Takumi’s forehead, saying more than words ever could as he slowly relaxed against her, closing his eyes. She rested her cheek on top of his head as he snuggled closer to her, seeking comfort from her warmth. They stayed like that for a long while. 
Note from the Authoress:
So I know I had a surprise for this chapter originally, but after thinking over what I want to do with the next chapters, it made more sense to wait a bit for said surprise. Updates will be back on schedule for every other Sunday, and next chapter’s going to be extra long with an extra big reveal, so stay tuned for that!! 
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cchilyoja · 5 years
; plucked from this meme. - still accepting.
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“I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t at least a little bit impressed. You managed to fool me, can’t be said for a lot of people, or ANY for that matter.” They had worked together before. As in, she paid and he did what was needed. Their relationship was always so simple, just how he liked it, and yet now. She had made it complicated. The office was empty, it was long after work hours were over, even for the overworked Korean employees. The computer screens were all on, showing the same identical logo of the company, slowly drift across the screen, back and forth, the only light around, casting some unusual shadows when anything would move.
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 “The last time we met, you TOOK something that wasn’t meant for you. So, you STOLE it. And you know, the only person allowed to steal anything is ME.” It might have even sounded playful if he didn’t look at her without flinching or blinking. Staring directly at her. But this too could be beneficial, he just had to see how. “It wouldn’t be difficult to ruin everything you have worked towards. I could send a message, as to what happens if anyone does that to me, but also, no one yet knows. And I want to keep it that way. Either way, you better figure out how you’ll reimburse me for my loses. Any ideas?”
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