#fire emblem husbands
robynmizore · 10 months
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More Takumi x Robyn art I got commissioned for my fan fiction Redemption, found on here and quotev. Honestly I love these two so much. 🥺💕 #Takubyn
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pixelatinate · 4 months
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lissa is talking about boys and mari is thinking about a girl
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anophiles · 1 month
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a gift 🎁🗡️
he knows him too well 😌
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cenpede · 1 year
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Alexa, play Reunited by Peaches & Herb
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endsofthearth · 2 months
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pigeon-sponge · 2 years
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his name is beefcake and give him head pats after every bloodbath
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knifebaby3000 · 1 year
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“cemetery drive”, 27 may 2023
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foolilazuli · 1 month
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Me, who hasn’t played the game in months:
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rainbowdonkee · 2 months
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Full art for Forde - Unfettered Knight!
Artist: Naruse Uroko
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yeyayeya · 1 year
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platinumamiii · 2 years
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~ The Exalt and his other half ~
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robynmizore · 9 months
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Redemption Chapter 15:
Yours To Tame
Takumi’s reflection gazed steadily back at him as he scrutinized himself in the mirror. His hair was done up in its usual ties, so he was fully confident in that. But it was the outfit he was having doubts about. It was a black, gold, and silvery purple Hoshidan style swordsmaster outfit worn only by nobles, or princes in his case. The outfit was strongly reminiscent of his late father, King Sumeragi, and while he’d dressed in plenty of kimonos for formal occasions, he’d never worn one himself. 
I wonder if Father is watching me now.. or if he approves of my decision.
Things would be vastly different after tonight, and Takumi was determined to look the part. 
“You look beautiful, my lady.” Flora murmured as she assisted Robyn with putting on the long, silver dress, sounding a little envious. “But must you insist on wearing your cloak? I’m sure you have a lovely face that would complement such a dress.”
”I wish not to.” the Summoner replied politely. 
She had her own plans for the ball, the prospect making her heart flutter a bit. 
“Of course.” 
Flora’s hands rested gently on her shoulders as they gazed into the mirror together, an almost motherly look in her eyes. The maid hesitated before speaking. 
“..Are you meeting with Lord Takumi?” 
Robyn was relieved that her hood concealed her blush, and she forced herself not to flinch as she replied. 
A small smile made its way to Flora’s lips as she turned to leave. 
“..You’ll do great.”
The flush only intensified as the door closed softly, and Robyn slowly let down her hood. The image that greeted seemed to be taken straight out of a fairytale. Her azaleas glowed gently even in the morning lights, her violet eyes bright and full of expectation.
Things will be different after tonight. But.. in a good way I hope. 
In this moment, she felt truly beautiful. But it wasn’t herself she was trying to impress. A subtle knock at her door drew her attention, and the goddess’s eyes lit up as she quickly flipped up her hood and grabbed the sheet music off her desk. Niles wore his infamous smirk as she opened the door. 
“Hey, little lady. Ready for tonight?” he drawled, and Robyn giggled softly as she handed over the papers. 
“Niles.. I’m the same height as you.”
”Not quite.” he bantered back, looking over the music. “Quite the song you’ve got there. I can already guess who this is for.”
”..You sure the musicians will be able to learn it in time and keep it a surprise?”
”I think you underestimate my craft.” the thief teased as he slipped them under his cloak. “They won’t hear a peep about it until the time is right. Especially..”
He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. 
“..Your precious Prince Takumi.”
Robyn had to fight to keep her composure as he straightened up again. While Niles had his usual “up to no good” look in his eye, there was something else there too. It reminded her of the looks Takumi gave her sometimes. 
“Anyways, I’m off.” Niles said, turning away with a casual wave, tossing the last words over his shoulder as he departed. 
“Oh.. and don’t worry about the music. Alfonse got the best of the best for Askrian musicians. They’ll learn it in time.”
Niles watched as the Summoner’s door closed behind her, then turned to give the music a once over again.
I’m yours to tame, huh? These are some pretty passionate lyrics. It wouldn’t take a detective to figure out who those are directed at.
A small sigh escaped him as he resumed walking. 
I had hoped that you would be mine, but it would seem your heart is not mine to steal. Ah well..
The Summoner may not be his to keep, but he could at least be sure she was with someone who would look after her. 
“..Are the others downstairs already?” Robyn whispered as Niles hopped down from his perch beside her. 
“..Yep. Not a soul up here. You’re good to go.”
”..Is.. is he?”
Niles peered carefully around the corner.
”Yep. He just arrived. ..You sure about this? You’re about to make quite the entrance. No taking it back later.”
”Yes.” Robyn replied with conviction.
While slightly nervous, she’d never felt more sure of anything in her life. Her white-haired, eye-patch wearing companion chuckled. 
“I’ll admit.. I was tempted to ask to sneak a peek as payment for all this, but seeing how important this is to you, I’ll restrain myself. But if you really wanna thank me.. promise you won’t back out.”
”I won’t. Thank you for everything Niles. I.. I won’t forget this.”
For a split second, the man Robyn had thought was unshakable actually looked.. embarrassed. She stifled a giggle as he turned to leave. 
“Alright, I’ll give the musicians the signal. Good luck out there.”
The thief vanished as quickly as he’d appeared, leaving the Summoner standing alone. Robyn took a deep breath to ease to her nerves, letting it out slowly as she let her hood fall to the floor by her feet. 
Okay.. here we go!
Where is she..? 
Takumi scanned the crowd with a frown, looking for a familiar black hooded figure. It wasn’t like Robyn to be late, and her absence only made the butterflies in his stomach flutter harder. If she didn’t show up, he didn’t know how he’d feel. 
A sudden gasp rippling through the crowd caused the Hoshidan’s head to snap up suddenly. Were they under attack? All attention seemed to be trained on the top of the stairs, and Takumi looked up to see what had succeeded in capturing the attention of the entire room, the sight that greeted him stealing his breath away. There, stood Robyn, her long flowing pink hair cascading down her body in waves, her azalea flowers more radiant than ever. Even the lights seemed dim in her presence.
She revealed her face?!
But what did this mean? Spellbound, Takumi watched as she slowly descended the stairs, her dress billowing out like a silver cloud. When her identity as Goddess of Fate had been revealed, Takumi was in disbelief, but now he could believe it. His body seemed to move on its own as he wove his way through hoards of people, the crowd seeming to fade in the background until all Takumi could see was her and those beautiful violet eyes, full of serenity, until she at last reached them. 
“Robyn.. I..”
Now that he’d reached her, the Hoshidan seemed lost for words as he reached out to caress her cheek gently. To his delight, she leaned into his touch.
”You.. you look beautiful..” he whispered. 
Robyn gazed back at him, the warmth in her eyes making his heart flutter as she traced the shoulder of his swordsmaster outfit lightly.
”And you look so handsome.” she murmured back. 
Commander Anna’s voice rang out above the startled whispers of the crowd.
”We will now begin our slow dance. Everyone partner up!”
That’s it! 
Seizing the opportunity, Takumi quickly found his voice. 
“Robyn.. Will you please accept this dance with me?”
The Summoner’s eyes lit up at his request, and Takumi was unable to keep the smile from spreading across his face as she turned and presented her bouquet of glowing azalea flowers to Elise, the Nohrian princess gasping in delight as she took them. Takumi led Robyn by the hand to the dance floor where the other heroes were gathered. 
His eyes met the familiar violet orbs, that very violet gaze the same ones he’d fallen in love with over and over again. Robyn was his guiding light, and having her here now with her hood down, gazing at him with such fondness was more than he could ever ask for.
”The song that they’re about to play is mine. I.. I wrote it for you actually.” she murmured as she stepped back to face him, eyes soft. “These are my feelings for you in song form. Please listen to them..”
Heart pounding, too stunned to speak, he simply nodded. As the sound of violins echoed through the ballroom, Takumi and the Summoner simultaneously bowed to each other. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Caledori beaming proudly as she gave him a thumbs up, and a small smile made its way on the prince’s lips. Night and day he’d trained in secret, just for this moment. Just for her. And for the first time ever, confidence instead of nerves filled him. Takumi truly believed in himself and this moment as he secured his arm around Robyn’s waist, taking her hand in his as the sound of instruments filled the air. He was moved by the intensity of her violet eyes as they gazed deeply into his own and her song filled the air. 
“I summoned you, please come to me
Don’t bury thoughts that you really want 
I fill you up, drink from my cup 
Within me lies what you really want 
Come.. lay me down!
Cause you know this 
Cause you know this sound!”
Takumi only had eyes for Robyn as they glided across the dance floor. There were other couples dancing as well, but none seemed to shine as brightly as the Hoshidan prince and the Summoner. 
“Is that really the Summoner?! She’s sooo pretty!” he heard Elise exclaim.
”What a lovely ball gown..” Sumia sighed dreamily, and it wouldn’t take a diviner to know she was imagining herself in the Summoner’s place, with a certain blue haired prince. 
“In the middle of the night,
In the middle of the night!
Just call my my name, I’m yours to tame
In the middle of the night,
In the middle of the night, 
I’m wide awake, I crave your taste.
All night long!
Till morning comes..
I’m getting what’s mine
You gon’ get yours, oh no-ooh
In the middle of the night,
In the middle of the night 
The violins blended beautifully with her voice in perfect harmony, Robyn’s emotions hitting Takumi like a wave. It left him breathlessly light, like his body was made of the shimmers that made up Robyn’s ball gown. There was a brief lull in the vocals, offering the prince a swift respite as he calmed his fluttering heart. 
“These burning flames, these crashing waves 
Wash over me like a hurricane
I’ll captivate, you’re hypnotized 
Feel powerful..
But it’s me again!
Come.. lay me down! 
‘Cause I know this
’Cause I know this sound!”
Takumi was indeed hypnotized, completely under her spell. He wished this moment would last forever, just him and her, spinning across the dance floor like it belonged to them.
”In the middle of the night,
In the middle of the night
Just call my name, I’m yours to tame! 
In the middle of the night, 
In the middle of the night 
I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long!
Till morning comes..
I’m getting what’s mine,
You gon’ get yours, oh no-ooh
In the middle of the night 
In the middle of the night, oh..”
Round and round they spun to the beat of the violins, through the garden where he first heard her sing and saw her face. Robyn’s dress seemed to move with her, the glowing azaleas in her hair and dress’s waistline looking even more ethereal in the moonlight, and Takumi wondered if this was all but a blissful dream. When he first saw her face, he could have only dared to hope she’d be in his arms like this, a rush of emotions welling up in his chest. 
Robyn.. I want you to stay by my side forever..
”..Never again will you cry here alone.” he vowed fervently, and the warmth in her gaze told him more than words ever could. 
“And just call on me..
Just call my name..
Like.. you.. mean.. it! 
In the middle of the night, 
In the middle of the night!”
As the song hit its peak, Takumi put both arms around the goddess’s waist, lifting her into the air and spinning her in a circle above his head. 
“Just call my name,
I’m yours to tame!”
As soon as her feet touched the ground, he lifted one arm above her head and spun her, her dress rippling gracefully as it moved with her. Takumi’s heart was singing, his cheeks flushed, and gods was her smile infectious. 
“In the middle of the night,
In the middle of the night 
I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long!
Till morning comes..
I’m getting what’s mine, you gon’ get yours oh-ooh
In the middle of the night 
In the middle of the night 
The enchanting and so beautifully intimate song at last came to an end, and they stood facing each other in the gardens. Despite the silence, Takumi felt completely at ease, not a trace of awkwardness. It was Robyn who broke the silence first. 
“..I never realized dancing with someone else could feel like that.”
Her voice was light and breathy, and when he answered, he sounded the same. 
”I didn’t even know you could dance like that. I’m impressed.”
”I had Caledori teach me.” Takumi admitted. “I.. I trained day and night.. so I could dance with you.”
”Really? That’s amazing.”
Her violet eyes lit up at the admission, and the Hoshidan actually felt proud of himself. Her eyes shifted to the window and she let out a quiet gasp. 
“Look, Takumi! They decorated the inside with lanterns!”
Curious, he turned to see the halls beautifully decorated with glowing lanterns in every shade, straight out of a fairytale. He was startled from the dreamy thoughts creeping into his mind as Robyn suddenly grabbed his hand, pulling him eagerly towards the hall. 
“Come on! Let’s walk though it!”
”Slow down! It’s not going anywhere!” he chuckled. 
He had to admit, there was something special about having her hand in his in an environment like this. The lanterns danced beautifully around them, Robyn’s silver gown glimmering under them like a sea of stars. 
“That really is a beautiful dress. Did you have Flora make it?”
”No actually.. I made it myself. I must have liked sewing in my past or something. It just came so naturally. I couldn’t believe it when it was finished.”
”Really? All by yourself?”
She nodded in confirmation, leaving the prince stunned, but impressed. The Summoner really was full of surprises. Something outside caught his eye. 
”Hey.. they even decorated the balcony.” he said casually. “You uh.. you want to go look?”
Robyn’s violet gaze lit up and she nodded quickly, and they walked hand in hand outside. Takumi noticed she kept rubbing the side of his hand with her thumb occasionally, making his skin tingle. The lights of the village shone in the distance, and the lanterns outside emitted small fragments of light floating around like fireflies. 
Must be magically enhanced.. Takumi mused as Robyn let go of his hand and leaned against the balcony railing with both elbows. 
“This is a truly beautiful night.. almost like a dream..” she murmured. “If so.. then may I never wake.”
The iridescent fabric of her gown glowed brightly in the moonlight, a celestial light emitting from the flowers that adorned her waist. The dragon necklace he’d given her hung from her neck like a precious jewel. He’d never seen her without it, and even now she was wearing it, and the knowledge made his chest swell with affection and his heart thudded in his chest. This was it. This was the moment. Things would never be the same after tonight. 
“Robyn I.. I need to tell you something.”
Encased in silver, shining like a moonbeam, she turned to him, her lovely pale face flushed with happiness. 
Encouraged, Takumi stepped forward to caress her cheek lightly with his hand. 
“This.. may not be easy for you to hear but I..”
Just say it already!
”..When I was first summoned here, I was still struggling to accept myself. Like you I was thrown into a world where I knew no one. All I had with me was my bow, and my status as second prince of Hoshido. I was so cold and distant.. and you still accepted me. You went out of your way to make me feel at home. Like.. I belonged. From the moment I met you, you’ve been my guiding light. The star in the distance leading me home and giving me hope..”
The Summoner was listening with rapt attention, soaking in every word that tumbled from his mouth. 
“I was broken, lost, and alone.. until I met you. I know you’re the Goddess of Fate and I’m just the second prince of Hoshido.”
His hand dropped from her cheek. 
“I.. I have no right to feel this way. But I can’t deny my feelings any longer!”
His hand brushed his pocket to make sure it was still there. It was, so determinedly, he pressed on. 
“I love you Robyn. So much so that the thought of being apart from you tears me in half! Even if I must abandon my humanity and become a god, even if I have to walk to the ends of the earth and back, to the realms beyond, then so be it!”
The passion in his voice was rising steadily, and Takumi took a quick breath to compose himself, before reaching into his pocket to pull out the ring. It glowed pale in the moonlight, the crystal white azalea flower that rested upon it making the goddess gasp from the dazzling light. 
“T-Takumi that’s..”
”Yes. It’s a wedding ring. I.. had it specially made for you. Will you marry me, Robyn?”
”Will you marry me, Robyn?”
The confession was so heartfelt and so beautifully sincere, she was rendered speechless for a moment as tears welled in her eyes. She’d planned to confess to him herself, but he’d beaten her to it. And so perfectly too. Unable to resist, she reached up to caress his cheek. Hope sparked in his gaze, the hand holding the ring still extended towards her. 
“I love you too.. Takumi. So.. so much. You’re strong, brave, honest, and beautiful inside and out. With you by my side, my heart is at last at peace. I have hope for the future. So I will happily marry you and stay by your side as your wife forever. ..On one condition.”
“..Name it.”
”I.. I want you to try and accept yourself and see yourself the way that I do. As a strong, capable, and wonderful man. You are worthy Takumi. And I want you to know just how much I cherish you.”
The Hoshidan’s eyes brimmed with emotion as he gazed back at her. 
“..That’s all you ask of me? That’s all I have to do to be yours forever?” Robyn nodded, and the joy that lit his gaze was enough to melt her heart. “You’ve got it. I’ll.. I’ll try my hardest to see myself the way that you do. For your sake.. and my own. Here’s to our future!” 
With those final words, he slipped the ring onto her finger, his arms encircling her waist. Robyn knew she belonged in those arms. She was designed to be held by him. 
“I was in love with you before I even knew what you looked like..” he breathed.
A shooting star blazed across the sky, stealing her attention briefly.
Was that Mikoto? Is she watching us now, knowing that her son is happy? I’m so glad.. I could keep my promise to her.
When she turned back, Takumi was gazing at her with unwavering intensity in his reddish amber eyes. Then slowly, he leaned in. 
No interruptions this time.. Robyn’s eyes drifted closed as his lips brushed against her’s. 
Shyly at first, then deepened, his nose brushing her’s as he pulled her close. Forceful, yet gentle, her hand resting softly against his chest until at last it ended, leaving them both breathless. Takumi leaned his forehead against her’s with a quiet laugh. 
“I.. I can’t believe we just did that..”
”..Want to do it again then? So you believe it?” Robyn teased, causing the prince to flush scarlet. 
But it didn’t stop him from kissing her again, more firmly, and Robyn felt like she was losing herself in the touch of his lips. Every movement. Every breath. Every heartbeat. When he finally pulled back, he was gazing at her with such intensity as he played with a lock of her hair. 
“Robyn.. I.. I don’t want to be apart from you tonight. Or any night. Will you spend the night with me?”
”I don’t wish you be apart from you even for a moment.” she murmured, accepting his outstretched hand. 
The walk back to the prince’s room brought back a flood of heartwarming memories. The last time they’d spent the night together there, it was when he’d seen her face for the first time and had vowed to reunite her with her family and offered to take her back to Hoshido to look after her if she didn’t have a home of her own to return to. Robyn’s mind buzzed with dreamy thoughts as the door closed softly behind them. Takumi faced her solemnly, looking even more ethereal under the moonbeams that danced though his window. She was back in his arms in an instant, his vibrant hazel gaze a mix of love and something else. It was an unfamiliar emotion. One that made her want to kiss him again.
”Robyn..” he whispered, his forehead pressed again her’s, his eyes never leaving her own: “I want you. So much so my heart aches. But this isn’t just intimacy for me. This is the love I feel for you in physical form. If this is wrong.. tell me now and I won’t speak of it again. I’d never forgive myself for hurting you.”
”No.. it isn’t wrong. If anything.. this feels so right.”
Takumi’s finger traced lightly down her neck in a long, drawn out touch that made Robyn shut her eyes briefly in bliss, awakening an emotion she didn’t even know she had. She opened her eyes as he moved his hands lower, her dress and his swordsmaster outfit slipping off with ease. The longing in his gaze was clear now, and Robyn returned it, without a trace of nervousness. Lost in each other’s touch and unable to resist, the couple fell against the soft bed, Takumi hovering over her as he leaned in for another long kiss. The glowing moon bore sole witness to the soft, lingering touches, bare skin, and lovingly whispered words between gasps of passion that lasted well into the night. 
AN: Don’t worry.. we won’t get too explicit. Gotta keep that T rating after all and it wouldn’t take a detective to figure out what they were doing.  I don’t really have plans to write any explicit content of those two anyways because I feel like it would take away from the real point of this scene.. which is the portrayal of their relationship. I wanted to portray a beautiful, heathy relationship in all aspects that anyone could read. Throughout my life all my relationships have either been toxic or straight up abusive, so writing a relationship like this has been extremely validating for me. At last.. the beautiful Takubyn ship has sailed! ..In more ways than we thought 😅😂 Anyways.. stay tuned for next chapter and more artwork coming out December 31st ;3 
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anophiles · 7 months
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respect his husband🔪
this scene from modern family:
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heroofangst · 7 months
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happy valentines day!!
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inigostears · 1 year
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this is why inigo isn't on the tea time banner
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traumatas · 9 months
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Responsible for Refreshments - Alear!
I'm not delusional enough to think IntSys would ever give me an Alt of these two, so I'm going to take matters into my own hands and do it myself! For me, myself, I, my husband and maybe the other 3 people that care about this ship. Do. Do you guys exist? Surely u do.
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