#Yoru Sumino
Aunque ella parezca fuerte, la lastiman con mucha más facilidad que a otras personas.
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carica-ficus · 1 year
Review: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
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Original title: Kimi no Suizō o Tabetai
Author: Yoru Sumino
Illustrator: Idumi Kirihara
Date: 04/06/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I remember how the "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" anime and manga were trending when I was in high school because the movie just came out (2018.). There were so many positive reviews, but the most memorable comments were about how sad the story was. So much so that a lot of people cried their eyes out during the film. Still, I never got a chance to read it or watch it until a few weeks ago, when my boyfriend bought the manga.
First and foremost, "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" is about a teenage girl, Sakura Yamauchi, who is suffering from a severe pancreatic disease. One day, a highly introverted boy from her class accidentally finds out about her illness, so she takes her chance and decides to befriend him. Since he is the only other person besides her family who knows she's sick, she finds his company comforting. While they are seemingly polar opposites - she is a bubbly extrovert and he is a reserved loner, their relationship still manages to slowly develop over time.
Sakura is a very bright and energetic girl who doesn't stray away from social situations. Her personality might be a little bothersome and unrealistic at first, but her radiant attitude quickly becomes charming and lovable. Because she is so cheerful, she makes the reader forget how sick she really is. Her happiness sometimes gets cut off with a gut-wrenching panel which draws light to her poor health and unavoidable death, reminding the reader that she is just a scared little girl.
The author plays a lot with concealing the main character's name, making the other characters call him by the title of how they view him. For an example, depressing-kun. Depending on which character addresses him, the titles can get rude, mean or insulting. Even Sakura doesn't call him by his real name, even though he tells it to her at the beginning of the story. This play with names and titles is truly an ingenious tool which the author uses to set up the main character's development and personality, as well as the change he goes through as the story progresses.
While the story is often described as a bittersweet romance (even on the back of the book), I wouldn't necessarily categorize it as such. The relationship between Sakura and the boy often drifts between platonic and romantic feelings because of the intense, sincere love they experience for one another. Neither one of them knows how to process such strong emotions, but they know their bond is anything but ordinary. Even their classmates become convinced they have started dating and only refuse to admit it.
But as the story progresses, both of them realize they don't have to appease to the societal pressure to be together. Their closeness originated because they needed a friend, not because they were romantically interested in one another. And while Sakura does sometimes tease the boy and seems to be truly attracted to him, her actions are often guided by the fear she might miss out on the joys of a normal teenage life, not because she truly wants to be with him.
Moreover, the author often points out that life is about experiencing it with other people and finding your place in the community. A person cannot survive on their own, but they also do not have to appease to every single need from society. Romantic love is only secondary to the primal human need of just being seen, held and heard. This is what Sakura and the boy both learn from each other and why their relationship works.
Therefore, I consider "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" as an ode to friendship, one which sprouted between two completely different people and which developed because they both needed each other.
The storytelling is incredible and perfectly rounded. The ending is foreshadowed, so it is not entirely unpredictable, but still shocking because of the plot-twist. The feeling of emptiness when Sakura dies is portrayed so well. Her personality had always been so loud and suddenly the panels seem so quiet after she's gone. The last few chapters are extremely emotional, to say the least. Both the author and the illustrator perfectly conveyed the feelings of all the characters, so it is not difficult to get entirely engulfed in them.
"I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" could definitely be considered a classic according to its popularity, influence and overall delivery. It offers stunning visuals, beautiful storytelling, cute characters and a satisfying, but somber ending. I absolutely recommend it, even to people who might usually not be into manga or anime.
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ahb-writes · 2 years
It would be a lie to say that I was not at all sad, but some part of me knew this was inevitable. She was a special person. I was someone who had only moved into her field of view. So it wasn't as though I hoped she would remember me. I just wanted her back, that special person.
"Tabata" (in I Am Blue, in Pain, and Fragile, by Yoru Sumino)
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miriamsprofile · 25 days
Sakura: It took me 17 years to realize but maybe I was waiting for you to need me this whole time- just like the cherry blossoms waiting for spring. You know, I think it’s pretty amazing how you’re able to make someone so happy. Before I died, there was something I wanted to tell you. I hope that I can be the kind of person you are one day. But saying it like that didn’t fully convey what I mean. When it comes to our relationship, ordinary words and phrases aren’t enough to express it. So, I came up with something that would. You didn’t like that idea when I first told you about it but basically, I want to eat your pancreas.
Haruki: To be honest, I was really happy to know that you needed me, to know that you read my message. You were always so quick to point out how we were totally different people and you were right. We were always watching each other. It didn’t occur to me until recently. It’s almost like you were my whole reason for living. All the choices I made whether they were intentional or not. I made them just so I could meet you. Thank you.
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bookquote2 · 3 months
We were never looking in the same direction. We were always looking at each other. Standing at the edge of the water, looking to the opposite shore. - I want to eat your pancreas by Yoru Sumino
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zahirevliyasi · 3 months
Bu yazının ilk çizgi romanı güzel bir Viktoryen çağı mâcerası, ikincisi dehşet verici ayrıntıları olan yumuşak bir anlatı ve sonuncusu ise mecbûrî hizmetten sarsılmaz bir dostluğa evrilen bir ilişkiyi anlatıyor. İyi okumalar ❤️ 
Yazıyı okumak için tıklayınız
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cristinaboncea · 4 months
I had that same Dream again | Recenzie manga
Nu citesc foarte des manga, dar acest volum achiziționat de pe Vinted chiar mi-a atras atenția. I had that same dream again este o poveste întreagă, spusă în aproximativ 600 de pagini. Am simțit încă de la început că va fi genul de poveste care te face să lăcrimezi – precum în fața oricărui lucru sublim. Despre ce este I had that same dream againDe ce să citești I had that same dream…
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atthequillsmercy · 2 years
Lenni Reviews: "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" by Yoru Sumino & Izumi Kirihara
Lenni Reviews: “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas” by Yoru Sumino & Izumi Kirihara
(Image Source) Our protagonist finds his classmate’s diary and she, Sakura, admits to him that what he read is true: She is dying and has never told any of her friends in school. She would rather life out the rest of her days without getting treated differently but a friendship blossoms between them despite him usually being uninterested in other people. This is a tearjerker. Much like Your Lie…
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euniexenoblade · 7 months
hey, on your old blog you had a list of your favorite books. Do you think you could make another post like that?
Yeah totes, so if we just stick specifically to novels and no comics or manga, here ya go:
The Alchemists of Loom (trilogy) by Elise Kova: It's a weird story that I can only describe as a traditional fantasy and steampunk combine. The exposition is there was this world of people called the Fenthri who achieve achieve steampunk level of tech, finally inventing a flying machine and going beyond the clouds that surround their planet, to find floating patches of land where they discover a race of people that call themselves Dragons, who have magic. The dragons invade the planet and oppress its people. The main character is this woman known as The White Wraith, a Fenthri who is known for killing Dragons and harvesting their organs (source of their magic), her lesbian protege that leads a revolution, and a Dragon royal that betrays his people to help attempt dethrone the king. Shit's great. I love it. Please read it. That first book is outstanding.
Goth by Otsuichi: A Japanese horror novel about a boy who has impulses to kill and a girl who is suicidal. Both of them are attracted to death and interested in the grotesque and macabre. Endless trigger warnings for this, from animal abuse to obvi murder. It's one of my favorite horror novels, if not my absolute favorite horror novel. The story is unique, and uniquely Japanese in it's telling. I reread it every October.
Another by Yukito Ayatsuji: The other horror novel I reread every October, another uniquely Japanese story about a class that's cursed, where a dead kid ends up in the class every year, but no one can identify who it is that's dead. And, the more they interact with the dead student, the more likely everyone is to die. There's an anime adaptation of this, it's pretty decent though it feels more like "Final Destination: The Anime" than the novel does. There's also a manga, I know nothing about the manga. But yeah, read the novel, it's fun.
Mordred, Bastard Son by Douglas Clegg: One of my favorite Arthurian stories, it retells the King Arthur story from a perspective of Mordred, who in this rendition is a very kind hearted gay man. I don't like the portrayal of King Arthur in it really, but that's all of like, 5 sentences. The story really hovers on our protag Gay Mordred and the shit he goes through. Pretty sure it won an award for gay literature. The downside is it's a cliff hanger ending an the author never released the follow up (it's been almost two decades, idk if we're getting it). Book is like, 40% of where my name comes from.
Pretty much any Nisioisin book. He just has a really clever wit, and a story telling style that feels very fun and vibrant. My favorite of his books is probably Kizumonogatari, which is a prequel of Bakemonogatari, follows Koyomi Araragi saving a vampire and in turn becoming a vampire himself. I additionally love his book Zaregoto, which is a locked room mystery, and his books Katanagatari, martial artist goes on a journey to collect mystical swords. He's a fantastic writer, look into a book from him.
Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron by Jasper Fforde: I haven't read this in over a decade, but I've claimed it to be my favorite book since. I really should reread it. It takes place in a post apocalyptic world where humans eye sight has devolved and a caste system has formed around what colors people can see.
Some other novels I really like are Insomnia and The Dead Zone by Stephen King, Phantoms by Dean Koontz, Feed by M.T. Anderson, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas by Yoru Sumino, and the Spice & Wolf series by Isuna Hasekura.
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No me gusta hablar sobre mí. No me gusta ponerme a parlotear sobre cosas que nadie está interesado en oír.
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ahb-writes · 2 years
My shameful idiocy was kept safely locked away in my head.
"Kyou" (I Have a Secret, by Yoru Sumino)
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literarydarling · 2 months
Got my 7th Dostoevsky book
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Authors that I own the most books of are Dostoevsky and Daphne du Maurier and Yoru Sumino... huh.
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bookquote2 · 3 months
If I was an herbivore, I’d have been so engrossed by my fictional worlds that I wouldn’t have noticed nearby predators, and I would surely be eaten quickly. - I want to eat your pancreas by Yoru Sumino
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tsukitsukiiii · 2 months
You looked like the shell, the shell of the seas,
The gleaming light blue and pink, and the green of the scenes
The bright shades that touch up to the sky,
The shades that made my depressed heart fckin smile.
You really are like those shells that fell from your hand
Ma'am, may I pick one of them, for you?
The endless blue sky from the ends of the sea
Or wait, are you those white clouds? Floating up to the moons??!
Or probably those white rabbit that playing hide n seek with innocence at peak
You could be that clean flowing stream maybe
Or the bird that sings with dawn under its' wings.
Oh girl, oh girl
You make me think, you make me think
In the rush of all my thoughts, all you do is blink
You give me a pause, a rest off from the weights,
I don't want to say it,
But you have that "she got me thinking"  days.
You look like the dawn, but I wanna see the sunsets with you
You might be the moon, but I wanna find your shine be it, a new moon
But as Haruki said, "I want to pick a page from your book"
I ain't that romantic or bookish
But I still wanna ask
May I? Pick a sea shell, just for you?
This writing is dedicated to someone I saw on 1st July, at my college... she had a fall of shells from a packet of it, which she had in a room full of students, being an introvert... the way she went by the situation, with the charming smile of hears, really had my heart. I don't know if I will ever talk to her or not but that idea seldom seems to bother me,
One thing about this I would like to mention is, about "may I pick a shell just for you" .... it's an idea taken from Yoru Sumino's "I want to eat your pancreas" . Like Haruki Shiga while wanting to confess tried to say, I want to eat your pancreas, more specifically when he tried to write, 'can I have a page of your book', the line "picking shell for you" refers to the same idea.
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