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carica-ficus · 1 year ago
Review: Harrow the Ninth
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Author: Tamsyn Muir
Date: 24/02/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
My February has been very hectic (to say the least), but at least I finally managed to get my hands on "Harrow the Ninth" thanks to my wonderful boyfriend who ordered it for me. <3 And just in time too because I was in a mood to get back to The Locked Tomb. This series completely won me over.
"Harrow the Ninth" picks up sometime after the ending of "Gideon the Ninth", and follows Harrow as she tries to adapt to her new life as a Lyctor. Her powers are immeasurably stronger, but in comparison to the older Lyctors she is seen as feeble and incompetent. Even worse, she is seen as a liability to the Emperor. She needs to learn to defend herself and prove to be a valuable soldier to her God, but this all seems a menial task in comparison to more dire matters - the indescribable grief and significant vulnerability which render her useless.
The first thing that stands out in this book is the switch in narration. "Harrow the Ninth" is mostly narrated through a 2nd person singular and is only switched to 3rd person singular when referring to the events which happen at the Canaan house. It's certainly an interesting writing choice which might prove to be slightly confusing at first, but Muir's beautiful style and fantastic storytelling quickly compel the reader to simply accept the fact that this is how "Harrow the Ninth" will be told. If something, Muir has proven numerous times that her writing decisions are always made with a specific intention, so it's best to just accept them and enjoy her work as it is presented.
Even though the story is a bit convoluted at first, things slowly start falling into place. New characters are introduced and old characters are given enough space to grow and expand. Muir incredibly utilizes her universe and the story in order to create a completely new experience of the series, but also provides many scenes where it pays homage to the first book and its events. "Harrow the Ninth" is truly an upgrade from "Gideon the Ninth" in tension, emotion, depth and story.
On the other hand, I'd argue that its pace is slower than that of "Gideon the Ninth". Harrow is actively preparing for the most difficult fight of her life, but the process of it is relatively passive. There's a lot of things happening at the same time, but it feels like the plot isn't moving forward at all. This book focuses more on other elements, than on its story, up until the very end where it builds up to a thrilling finale. Taking into consideration the aforementioned switch in narration and unresolved questions, it is easy to understand why some readers find it all difficult to grasp. However, "Harrow the Ninth" is absolutely worth the time.
There's a lot of things to adore about this sequel, but the portrayal of Harrow's grief, feeling of inadequacy, and utter helplessness take the crown. "Harrow the Ninth" is a story about loss and about love, it's about desperately clinging to that which doesn't exist anymore - a home she cannot go back to and which will never be the same, a person who gave their life for hers, and to a version of herself that she no longer is. It is about change and the inability to finally accept it.
"Harrow the Ninth" is a worthy sequel to a riveting book such as "Gideon the Ninth" and provides a compelling foundation for the rest of the series. Although the novel might seem a little slow and complicated, my honest advice is to just leave all your expectations behind, keep reading, and accept everything as it is written. The book is highly rewarding and offers something new and different. Reading through it has been a beautiful experience and I cannot wait to continue with the series and to, one day, reread it and appreciate it even more.
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natiblogger · 1 year ago
moja prva test recenzija. Ovo je samo test ne obracajte paznju
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motorista2w · 8 months ago
V-Strom 800 RE Recenzija - moja perspektiva nakon 4000 Km
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kafaiknjiga · 5 years ago
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Idemo, nova recenzija je tu! Kažu da čovek koristi 10% kapaciteta svog mozga...šta bi se desilo ako bi koristio 100%? Saznajte u filmu sa Skarlet Johanson (🤩😍) i Morganom Frimenom. Imate link, znate već proceduru. 😎 P.S - Samo da unapred upozorim da je moja podsvest pokušala da preuzme ulogu recenzenta, ali sam je sprečio nekako, tako da ovo i nije moja tipična recenzija...sećate se recenzije serije "The Witcher"? 😅 (at Belgrade, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e_H9WqS5a/?igshid=1tqr61mi3154a
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fantasticnivodic · 6 years ago
Moja baka vam se izvinjava - Fredrik Bakman
Sklopila sam poslednju stranicu ove knjige sa suzama u očima. Ne govorim ovo zbog neke melodramatičnosti ili udarne prve rečenice, nego vam sasvim iskreno pružam uvid u te poslednje emocije koje je izazvala ova knjiga u meni. Čak i odlaganje ove knjige nije značilo samo suze, već i  osmeh, jer je knjiga sve.
Rolerkoster emocija. Nežno, ali opet toliko grubo, pisac nam je oduzimao i davao likove.…
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weekly-tea · 5 years ago
9.12. - 15.12.2019.
·         Surviving R. Kelly
"In this documentary series on the tangled history of allegations against musician R. Kelly, women give detailed accounts of sexual and mental abuse."
Potresno, vrijeme je bilo da se ispriča ta priča. Otkad znam za sebe, uvijek se nekako ta tema provlačila, ali oči i uši su se zatvarale, jer kao on je zvijezda, nedodirljiv. Sjećam se kako je Gaga s njim 2013. godine izbacila (odličnu) pjesmu ''Do What U Want'' i da su ubrzo izbile kontroverze, pjesma povučena, snimljen spot nije izbačen, Gagina karijera je počela nakon toga kopniti. Definitivno vrijedi pogledati ovaj 6-epizodni dolumentarac, a uskoro se sprema i ''što je uslijedilo nakon''.
·         F20
Trailer: https://youtu.be/8spP_So5APw
Preporukom slučajno pogledah. Takvi se hrvatski filmovi traže, a ne rat sa velikim R.
-        Dijagnoza: https://www.globalnovine.eu/kultura/film/recenzija-filma-f20-psiholoski-triler-nove-generacije-glumaca/
·         Ne gledaj mi u pijat
Trailer: https://youtu.be/nv5RgCOsdKg
Još jedan hrvatski. Maratonček. Malo sam taj dan zaružila sa našim filmovima, ali vrijedilo je. Ovaj me puno više i potresao i iživcirao.
-        ''...kao da gledamo dokumentarac o još jednoj disfunkcionalnoj obitelji'': https://www.telegram.hr/kultura/pogledao-sam-ne-gledaj-mi-u-pijat-i-potpuno-mi-je-jasno-zasto-se-o-njemu-toliko-pricalo-film-je-fantastican/
-        ''Film je prilično crn, katkad motivski neugodan'': https://www.jutarnji.hr/kultura/film-i-tv/ne-gledaj-mi-u-pijat-najbolji-hrvatski-film-u-posljednjih-desetak-godina/4664327/
·         Ovo su pojmovi koje su Hrvati najviše 'guglali' u 2019.
Pet mjeseci prošlo od mog postića Guglovih najtraženijih pojmova, a sad stiže i friška verzija za kraj ove extra mega uspješne 2019. godine koja maše iz vlaka, a mi nestrpljivo čekamo novi niskopodni brzi cug zvan twenty twenty. ''Jeste li iznenađeni?'' Nisam. Zanimljiv, reklo bi se i iscrpan popis. Uvik je interesanto i vidjeti što se pretražuje u ostatku svijeta, pa zato klik na link i proučavajte: https://trends.google.hr/trends/yis/2019/GLOBAL/ (ima i videić).
·         Billboard Hot 100 - Top 100 Singles of 2019
Ukratko, godina Billie Eilish, Post Malonea, Ariane Grande i ostalih treperskih repera. Što više godine idu, to mi se nova muzika manje dopada.
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U predbožićno vrijeme se okrenula kvazi-duhovnim knjigama, tj. onima koje vi ne-ljubitelji Biblije štujete, sramite se!
·         Osho - Kreativnost
Osho je moja prva ljubav, dosta sam njegovih knjiga pročitala, a sad je došao red i na ovu.
·         Rhonda Byrne - ''Heroj'' i ''Magija''
Autorica mega popularne ''Tajne'', to su bila bolja vremena, ''Tajnu za mlade'' imam odavno doma.
Drink aka coffee:
Franckova nova kafa Smart i Energy, Proteini su izvisili. Marketing je učinio svoje, pa tak i ja potpala pod utjecaj. Dobra je kava, zanimljiva, koliko je tu uključen placebo, idk, ali konzumerističko smo društvo tako da je to sve ok.
-        Nisu me platili za ovo:
-        Tri nova it napitka:
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jollycherryblossomwombat · 6 years ago
"Ugašen" još jedan superheroj!
Nedavno je fanove Marvel univerzuma uzdrmala vest da je nakon druge sezone otkazana serije "Iron Fist", što je i imalo smisla, jer nije bila baš najbolja serija, ali izgleda da se Netflix i Marvel ne zaustavljaju na tome. Sada je otkazan i "heroj iz Harlema" - Luk Kejdž, koji je imao pozitivne kritike! "Nažalost, Marvelov 'Luk Kejdž' se neće vratiti u trećoj sezoni. Svi iz Marvel televizije i Netfliksa smo zahvali na posvećenim rediteljima, piscima i glumačkoj ekipi koji su oživeli heroja iz Harlema u prethodne dve sezone, kao i fanovima koji su podržali seriju", glasi zvanično saopštenje. MARVEL TV (RECENZIJA) Fanovi se sada plaše da je sledeći na listi "gašenja" Derdevil, za kojeg je nedavno objavljena treća sezona. Takođe se očekuje i treća sezona "Džesike Džouns", kao i druga sezona "Panišera". Oni malo optimističniji se nadaju da će možda biti objavljena nova serija "Heroes for hire" gde će se spojiti Luk Kejdž i Deni Rand (Iron Fist), pa se na taj način i njihove priče nastaviti dalje. Kraj za ovog Marvelovog superheroja? (VIDEO) Majk Kolter, glumac koji je tumačio Kejdža, oglasio se na svom Twitter profilu da izrazi zahvalnost za ulogu koju je imao. "Zauvek sam zahvalan Marvelu i Netfliksu što su mi dopustili da igram tako snažnog lika, i hvala svim fantastičnim fanovima. Kada se jedna vrata zatvore, druga se otvore, a moja ćerka se rodila ove nedelje. Mnogo sjajnih uspomena, ali vreme je da se naprave nove. Uvek napred, napred uvek", istakao je glumac. I am forever grateful to Marvel and Netflix for letting me portray such a prolific character, and I thank you amazing fans. As one door closes, another has opened, with the birth of my daughter this week. A lot of great memories. Time to make more. Always forward, forward always pic.twitter.com/Dvv4YOBeEE— Mike Colter (@realmikecolter) October 22, 2018 Let's block ads! (Why?)
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ladyxnancy · 7 years ago
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Moja iskrena #recenzija @ferdinandknedle je na blogu - link u biografiji i story-ju 💜 #hrana #dezert #poslasticarnica (at Belgrade, Serbia)
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dotkomnecenzurisano · 8 years ago
 Krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godina XX veka, u Kanadi je svirao bend pod nazivom „Reign Ghost“. Prašili su neki svoj bluz praveći duge i maštovite improvizacije. Početkom sedamdesetih godina, uporni ostaci benda Bryden i Richter tražili su neki način da ubede malu diskografsku kuću Paragon Records da im izdaju album na taj način što su priredili „top 12 hitova“ svirku koju su začinili sa par svojih dugačkih jamova. Neuspešno…da bi kasnije, bez znanja benda, isti bili i objavljeni pod imenom „Christmas“.
Istovremeno, bend snima svoj prvi album za malu diskografsku kuću „Daffodil“, koji će videti svetlost dana 1970.godine pod nazivom „Heritage“. Singlovi sa albuma (jer tada su se samo singlovi komercijalno računali i zarađivali keš – albumi su bili samo pomoćni nosilac zvuka za te iste singlove) nisu doživeli nikakav uspeh. Diskografska kuća, očajna zbog neuspeha, je čak primorala bend da snime i tada popularnu pesmicu Neil Sedake da bi se probili na top listu, ali njihova očigledna potreba da se kreću u avangardnim vodama progresivnog roka je učinila i taj rad neprimećenim. Kako bilo, usled sve većih finansijskih problema njihove kuće čekalo  se dve godine na njihov novi album, sada malo drugačiji. U svoju postavu primili su pevača Preston Wynn-a, a svoje ime promenili u „Spirit of Christmas“ da bi slušaoci ipak imali neku predstavu o bendu koji do tada beše samo „Christmas“. Sa albuma je izdat jedan singl „Graveyard Face“ koji opet ne doživljava komercijalni uspeh i bend se ubrzo nakon toga raspada i svako od članova odlazi na neku svoju stranu. Početkom 90-ih godina nezavisna američka kuća „Laser Edge Records“ reizdaje dva njihova naslova, i jednu njihovu live svirku, što dovodi do većeg interesovanja publike za njihov rad i muziku koju su stvarali.
  „Lies To Live By“ predstavlja klasičan koncept progresivnog roka tog vremena. Zvuk je pun vrebajućeg vokala u pratnji precizne i tačne muzike i aranžmana kako samo prog rokeri znaju da snime. Na albumu se nalazi šest sjajnih pesama od kojih neke predstavljaju splet više pesama:
01.(All The) Wrong Roads (Bob Bryden) – 3:19 02. Stay Dead Lazarus (Bob Bryden) – 4:04 03. Voice In The Wilderness – 4:17 including: a). Graveyard Face (Bob Bryden/Preston Wynn/Robert Bulger) b). All Is Light (Bob Bryden/Preston Wynn) 04. War Story – 9:08 including: a). Ballad Of Jack Boot (Bob Bryden) b). Requiem – War’s Peace (Bob Bryden/Robert Bulger/Tyler Raizenne/Rich Richter/Preston Wynn) 05. The Factory – 8:50 including: a). Where the People Are Made (Preston Wynn) b). Everything’s Under Control (Preston Wynn/Bob Bryden/Robert Bulger) 06. Beyond The Fields We Know – 11:11 including: a). Prelude (I Don’t Know Where I Am) (Bob Bryden) b). Thermopylae (Bob Bryden) c). Heaven’s Lost (Bob Bryden/Preston Wynn) d). In Closing (Bob Bryden)
                Pesme uopšte nisu loše, gitare i bubnjevi su mekani i lako slušljivi, a česte promene ritma ne ostavljaju slušaoce koji nisu vični progresivnom roku frustriranim,  jer i ako se dešavaju često, to se događa lagano potpuno umetnuto u koncept i život svake pesme, nesmetano. Kada preslušate ovaj album shvatićete zašto je bilo potrebno  dvadeset godina da šire narodne mase prihvate ovaj album, pa i sam rad grupe. Okej, progresivni rok nije za svakoga, jer se ove pesme bave pitanjima života i smrti, ljubavi i čežnje, ali sa mračne strane. Svakako, drago mi je da znam da je njihovo umetničko zalaganje konačno naišlo na odobravanje publike. Bend je pušten „niz vodu“ davnih dana, ali ostao nam je vinil sa njihovim zvukom, melodičnim ali proganjajućim, savršeno preciznim,a opet improvizujućim dokazujući iznova da se u Kanadi svira i svirala se a  bogme i slušala dobra muzika.
Jebiga, onda se pojavio Justin Bieber.
  Moja iskrena preporuka pesma br.2 „Stay Dead Lazarus“.
  Lazaruse, ostani mrtav (Spirit Of Christmas – recenzija)  Krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godina XX veka, u Kanadi je svirao bend pod nazivom „
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carica-ficus · 4 months ago
Review: Seasons of the River
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Author: Igor Rendić
Date: 13/09/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The second book of the "A Town Called River" trilogy came out about a year ago, and I've finally decided it was time to pick it up this fall. It turns out I picked the right time to do so since the last book got announced a little while ago and is now officially out!
"Seasons of the River" continue following Paul and his journey to take on his responsibility as Rijeka's krsnik - the city's magical protector. He's slowly getting used to his powers and is learning about his late grandmother's work, but his daily life gets intercepted by strange disappearances of locals, powerful new adversaries, and a unexpected skirmish in front of an unknown portal. Paul needs to investigate these incidents and make sure his town stays safe, but these tasks aren't really that easy as they seem.
The book continues in the similar episodic fashion like the first one. Although the emphasis is still on Paul and his everyday krsnik duties, there's a certain slice-of-life feel to the chapters. The book follows through the main plot, but allows a lot of room for casual scenes of Paul with his friends and colleagues. The author takes the opportunity to share some of Rijeka's ordinary life and allows his characters to deepen their relationships through relaxed hangouts. There's a lot of small elements that make "Seasons of the River" exceptionally warm and intimate when it comes to the interpersonal relationships of its characters.
Moreover, the book's lighthearted scenes combined with magical adversaries provide a sweet rendition which mirrors popular old fantasy series. Although there is a main plot, the book focuses on it later on. Its first goal is to create a whimsical and loving portrayal of the main character's lives, along with introducing some new creatures and dangerous situations to keep the reader's blood flowing.
Over time, as stakes grow, so does the tension, and Rendić makes it really easy to relate to Paul's struggles and his worries. His grandmother left him with a legacy that's almost impossible to carry on, especially without proper guidance. Paul is desperate to follow in her footsteps, so he tries to take the same approach as she did which forces him to distance himself from his friends. Rendić uses this opportunity to explore the inner feelings of a person trying to follow tradition and questions whether staying too dependent on it is the right choice.
The story expands as Paul learns more about the world he is apart of. There are new creatures, adversaries, mysteries and missions. The characters that have already been introduced are further explored and their relationships developed. There are bigger fights and bigger stakes, and the whole universe is broadened with new revelations. Paul's work as a krsnik might still be physically situated in Rijeka, but his responsibilities now include more than he has ever anticipated, which provides for an interesting addition that leaves the reader wanting more.
On the other hand, the aforementioned extensions are sometimes difficult to navigate through. Suddenly, Paul is forced to follow through many different mysteries at once, so it becomes hard to decipher what is truly happening. Furthermore, there are a few instances where scenes with many characters become hard to follow, especially when they include people Paul doesn't know by name, so he uses descriptive words instead. It's a bit tedious and affects the fluidity of the text, which takes away from the experience.
On the other hand, these are just smaller critiques which I wouldn't exactly consider shortcomings. Overall, "Seasons of the River" turned out to be a worthy sequel and an interesting addition to the first book.
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carica-ficus · 9 days ago
Review: A Night to Slay For
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Author: Petra Pine
Date: 27/02/2025
Genre: horror (slasher, isolation), lgbtq+
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Last month was obviously about ARCs for cool new horror books, so here I am with another review for a long-anticipated novella! "A Night to Slay For" has been on my TBR ever since it was announced. Partially because it's a debut novella from a very good friend of mine, and partially because the premise sounded absolutely amazing!
"A Night to Slay For" follows a group of friends who decide to book a New Year's vacation in a holiday home in the middle of Lika - a snowy region of Croatia surrounded by mountains and forests. The girls are ready to have the time of their lives with enough drugs, alcohol, and junk food to last them for days, but their plans soon get side-tracked when they notice another car approaching the driveway. What was supposed to be a fun getaway, turns into an awkward problem as both groups of girls realize they have double-booked their stay.
This novella starts off pretty tame and drags the reader into following its flawed, but charming friend group as they settle into the house and enjoy the freedom of having the opportunity to relax and have fun. As they start to fall into a pleasant stupor caused by weed and alcohol, there's a general sense of serenity. Aside from the occasional bickering, the vacations seems to be going well.
On the other hand, this calmness doesn't truly palpable because the author constantly reminds us about the frustrations the characters experience while they're hanging out. Even though they're all friends, there's some unresolved issues between them that they are desperately trying to avoid. In turn, the opiates do little to suppress these frustrations, and instead slowly rise the tension in the story.
The arrival of the other group of girls only emphasizes these problems. The decision to share the house during New Years turns into a plethora of mixed feelings and unregulated emotions. New relationships begin to form, and old ones begin to highlight the baggage. The tension is slowly rising, even though the main character tries to ignore it. The tipping point comes up at the height of the excitement, and it bursts the bubbling feeling of unease. The result is a crushing wave of panic which completely overtakes the story.
The decision to use the vacation home as the setting setting only further emphasized this feeling of helplessness. Its isolation from civilization, limited means of communication, and the surrounding wide, snowy forest managed to contribute to the rising tension of the plot. As if the forced proximity with strangers wasn't enough, the characters were constantly facing the fact that there is no way out of their situation and that they had little chance for help arriving at all, let alone on time.
Aside from the horror elements, this novella is filled to the brim with nostalgic pop-culture references specific to Croatia. From the playlist featuring Severina and Oči boje kestena, to the mentions of popular night clubs - the novella pays homage to elements that many have grown up with. Personally, I really appreciated these details and they helped me create a more meaningful connection with the characters.
"A Night to Slay For" was a nerve-racking experience. I loved the messy relationships between the characters - the roommate exes, the overly-affectionate girlfriends, the new crushes - and I loved how they guided the story forward. I loved the unreliable narration that completely made me lose track of what is real and what's not, and I loved the way it all played out. I do have a little love-hate relationship with the ending, but it does make its point. All in all, this novella was a real ride and I really enjoyed it!
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carica-ficus · 1 year ago
Review: "Gideon the Ninth"
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Author: Tamsyn Muir
Date: 03/12/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I'm going to be honest, I completely forgot I had to write a review for this book, which is weird for me because, first and foremost, I love writing reviews for the books I read and, second, I love writing reviews for the books I loved. But I found myself at a stalemate with this one, mostly because I'm not sure what to say. There's a lot of things to appreciate in "Gideon the Ninth", and I'm a little intimidated by the fact I have to try and do them justice in this short text. Still, I'm going to try.
"Gideon the Ninth" follows the story of a necromancer, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, and her cavalier, Gideon Nav, as they embark on a journey to the First House where Harrow has to find a way to ascend to Lyctorhood (which is something like becoming necromancer supreme). Of course, they're not the only ones who partake in the assignment - they are joined by the representatives of the other seven houses who are there for the same goal. Harrow and Gideon are forced to find the answer, while at the same time trying to best the others at the same game. They soon find out that a lot more is at stake than they originally thought, and the tension only grows as all of them realize they are also being hunted by someone or something.
The book starts off relatively slow, with a very long introduction which spaces off into multiple chapters. A gradual beginning might not interest every reader, but it proves crucial for this story. Muir carefully constructs the basis for her novel, at first offering little insight to all the numerous characters. By choosing Gideon as her narrator for the book - a character who is genuinely confused by the setting and isn't interested in dull formalities - Muir manages to portray everything in a very laic manner. Hence, the reader learns about the world and its characters at the same pace as the lead.
Furthermore, this also allows the reader to develop a strong connection with Gideon, whose laid back, facetious personality offers a lot of room for the reader to relate to her. She presents a stark contrast to Harrow, a focused and stubborn necromancer, which Muir consequently uses to create an interesting and exciting dynamic between them. Their relationship is a perfect blend of planned versus impulsive, where Harrow will act out of intelligence, and Gideon out of curiosity or instinct.
Characters are definitely Muir's specialty, and it is evident on her writing how much time and effort she puts into them. Even though all the side characters are also necromancers accompanied by their cavaliers, every pair offers a different dynamic. Moreover, every pair comes from a different planet, so their personalities, behavior and gestures directly add onto the worldbuilding in a way which is not forced, but still informative enough. On the other hand, sometimes the characters felt a little too over the top, feeling like a projection of an archetype, rather than lifelike peple. But I digress, in this specific novel it is more of an advantage, than a drawback.
The story structure is not revolutionary, nor is the idea behind it, but it is presented in an interesting and refreshing way. Similarly, there are a few cliché moments, especially between Gideon and Harrow, but they are incredibly well written, so they don't feel lax. Instead, they offer an exciting and emotional scene which only benefits from the use of a popular trope. Muir has an astounding ability to present something that has already been seen in a new light, which gives "Gideon the Ninth" a nostalgic and familiar note, without making it too analogous to other works of fiction.
High stakes, tension, and action definitely don't lack in this book. Even though the beginning is somewhat timid, the growing build up of mystery manages to completely overthrow the initial dreariness. There's quite a few well thought-out fight scenes, layered with striking moves and exciting moments. The very end of the book features an extensive, flashy final fight that spreads out onto dozens of pages. Needless to say, it is a perfect finish for such an thrilling novel and won't leave any reader unmoved.
I had very high expectations from "Gideon the Ninth" and I must say, it didn't disappoint. What's more, this is one of my absolutely favorite books I read throughout 2023. It offers so much, from an interesting story to a riveting resolution, but its gorgeous, compelling and engaging characters are undeniably its greatest asset. I warmly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable sci-fi story packed with action and peppered with good, honest humor.
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carica-ficus · 12 days ago
Review: Neon Genesis Evangelion
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Author: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Genre: Science-fiction, manga
Date: 18/02/2025
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A strange craving for science fiction struck me during February, specifically for NGE. I had watched the anime a few years back, but haven't gotten around to the manga yet, so I borrowed it from my boyfriend and decided it was time to finally go through it.
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" follows Shinji, a young boy who is given the task of piloting an evangelion - a giant war robot built to protect humanity from a cosmic threat. When the angels start appearing again and attacking the NERV headquarters, Shinji is forced to chose who and what to fight for.
Over the years, many have analyzed and shared their thoughts about NGE and its themes, and people still try to break apart the topics it deals with. Its meaning is so expansive that it could never fit into one post - religion and religious trauma, men on the path to godhood, war and its consequences, climate change, and children having to pay their parents' dues. NGE is many things, and it is not perfect, but it is a pop-culture phenomena for a good reason.
The manga edition of NGE was developed a little before the anime had been aired, meaning it was based on the show, instead of the other way around. The author of the manga, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, was one of the people working on the anime when he decided he'd want to produce his take on the manga. In turn, there are some crucial differences between the two - from characterizations to the plot itself. It would be redundant through all of them in detail, but it is worth mentioning some of them.
The interpersonal relationships between the characters are given more attention which allows for a better exploration between their chemistry and emotional connections. Most of all, it is Shinji that is given the opportunity to show more of his personality. He isn't only a scared, lonely kid anymore; instead, he's friends with his classmates, he has a more established relationship with the other pilots, and he starts growing confidence in himself and in his beliefs. He's more expressive and more reflective, so his character growth is more obvious than it was in the anime. On the other hand, Shinji's character has been influenced by Sadamoto's connection to him, and the author mentions that there are instances where his own personality overpowers Shinji's, which is also the main reason why the anime and manga version differ from one another.
Similarly, the plot-line suffers through some alterations as well, as do other elements. Therefore, the manga cannot be considered simply as a written version, but a parallel take on the story. As such, it could be considered as an addition to the anime, especially considering it also features many interviews with the voice-actors and the production team which add onto the experience of NGE.
The visuals of the manga are absolutely stunning, and Sadamoto does a great job in conveying action and emotion through his illustrations. There are quite a few gorgeous frames that inflict pure terror from its audience, especially those that appear right when the page gets flipped. Sadamoto had a knack for portraying the perfect still image in order to emphasize the impact of the moment. In turn, the manga has that beautiful, but gritty feel of NGE, while emphasizing different frames than the anime does. This gives it its own identity and makes it a completely unique experience of the story.
There's good reason behind NGE's global popularity - from its characters and plot to its themes and ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed the anime, and I really liked the manga. While I am disappointed in some differences in the plot and can't say I agree with Sadamoto's takes (both in the story and in his personal comments), this series truly offers something special and I'm glad I got to enjoy it in this format.
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carica-ficus · 5 months ago
Review: Bye-Bye Babaroga
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Author: Ivana Geček
Date: 18/10/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
For the first time ever, I decided to skip a few books in my "to-review" pile, and jump to the book I think needs to be brought forwards. First of, it's a horror novella that's perfect for this time of year. Second, it came out very recently, so I'm obligated to hype it up because it deserves some more recognition.
The story follows Kaja, a young esthetician that works at a plastic surgery clinic, who is set off for a team building weekend in a remote cottage, which turns into her own personal hell. Socializing with annoying and potentially dangerous colleagues is bad enough, but the thing she is worried about most is her vicious tormentor that keeps her up at night - Babaroga. Kaja will have to navigate the stressful environment by day, and make sure nobody finds out about her horrible secret by night.
A big theme of this book is the difficulty of conforming to the standards of a heteronormative society. Kaja's queerness is her lifelong struggle, and she has been lead to believe it is somehow making her wrong. This opinion leads to fear, which manifests itself in the form of Babaroga, and Geček uses this character to explore Kaja's internal conflicts, like her opinions about herself and her sexuality.
While Babaroga haunts her during the night, her condescending colleagues terrorize her during the day. Their patronizing remarks and crude comments can't really be considered dangerous, but the obviously tilted power structure puts Kaja in a position where she must be very careful of how she behaves and what she lets on about herself. When she confirms that one of her colleagues, called Butcher, already managed to cover up a botched operation, she knows that her failure to fit in might result with potentially violent consequences.
Furthermore, as an employee in a plastic surgery clinic, Kaja is forced to scrutinize her physical appearance throughout every second of the day. While there are instances when she looks in the mirror and scrutinizes her flaws, she does so in comparison to others and consequently highlights what she would potentially need to change in order to fit in. Her unhappiness stems primarily from the understanding that she's different. Such scenes act as a great commentary on the current beauty trends and the popularization of invasive products and services that primarily cater to a misogynistic, idealistic and skewed perception of beauty. Moreover, it also adds onto the exploration of queerness and its tendency to appreciate physical diversity and celebrate bodies as they are.
Tension and anxiety are riddled through the story, and Geček manages to masterfully convey it to the reader. It all culminates when Kaja finally decides to take the matter into her own hands and face her fear, and then shifts from internal turmoil to external threat. The experience of the story is very rewarding, and the tipping point satisfactory, with the ending being the cherry on top.
I could go on about all the aspects of "Bye-Bye Babaroga" that I adored, but I would need to get into spoilers. I will, however, say that this novella is composed of two parts, and the second one focuses on Babaroga's origin story, which turned out to be a real treat. I highly recommend this novella if you're into (or want to explore) corporate horror, like a pinch of Slavic fantasy, and if you've enjoyed the Substance.
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carica-ficus · 2 months ago
Review: The Bone Season
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Author: Samantha Shannon
Date: 18/12/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I really loved Shannon's work on "The Roots of Chaos series", so, naturally, I found out about her other series - "The Bone Season". Since I follow her on social media, I have found out she has recently revised the first book and published a polished second edition with a gorgeous new cover. Needless to say I was instantly interested in it.
"The Bone Season" is the first novel in an ongoing series that follows Page, a special type of clairvoyant, who gets abducted and taken into a secret facility built into the ruins of Oxford. She soon finds out that it is governed by the Rephaim - an unusual and powerful species - who are trying to keep the Emim - violent monsters of the Netherworld - at bay by taking in and training clairvoyants. When Paige gets chosen to serve as an apprentice to a Reph known as Warden, she learns that there are far greater adversaries she'll have to stand up against than the beasts she is training to fight.
Shannon bases her world on our own, but gives it an alternative, unique approach where humanity is divided between those who are sensible to the spirit world, and those who are not. Her intricate worldbuilding allows for a realistic depiction of the setting of her story, and she takes her time to illustrate just how much the existence of clairvoyants impacts everyday life.
Furthermore, the novel sits on a firm basis of fictional events that shaped it into what it is. Shannon explores the points in history that influenced her current story, going as far as allowing Paige to be directly shaped by them. Details about the world are revealed throughout the story and they are given ample space to be properly explored. This allows the reader a firm understanding of what has conspired, why, and how it reflects on the present.
The characters are its best asset and most of the book thrives directly because of their personalities, relationships, and chemistry. Paige is a stubborn, strong-willed and determined protagonist who - although still young and prone to imprudent mistakes - takes matters into her own hands and drives the story forward. She is easy to sympathize with which also makes it easy to root for her. The other characters are also memorable and engaging, as is Paige's relationship with them.
Yet, even though the characters have interesting designs and are compelling enough to carry the story, their roles seem to a little too predictable. They fall into relatively popular archetypes, which Shannon manages to expand with her gorgeous writing style and excellent story-telling, but there are still instances where their thoughts and actions appear almost trite. The common tropes in this book are a bit too popular to make them unique which affects the experience of the story.
On the other hand, the plot is still intriguing, the characters still resolute, the enemies still formidable, the narrative still effective, and the story still striking, which definitely make "The Bone Season" worth giving a chance to. Furthermore, the build up to the ending and Paige's determination to seek out freedom in a grueling world provide an irresistible hook that beckon the reader to continue on with the series.
"The Bone Season" reminded me of some classic young adult books I read during my childhood and captivated me enough to keep me wanting more. I really liked Shannon's approach to this world and fell in love with the characters, so I plan on picking up the second book some time in the future.
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carica-ficus · 4 months ago
Review: Tajna Povijest
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Autor: Donna Tartt
Date: 17/10/2024
Ocjena: ⭐⭐⭐
Nastojim ne pretjerati sa knjigama koje nabavim tijekom Interlibera i pokušavam ih započeti (i završiti) što prije. Kada sam ugledala algoritamsko izdanje "Tajne Povijesti", znala sam da je moram imati. Veliki sam fan dark akademije, stoga je začetnica ovog žanra već dugo na mom popisu za čitanje i uzbuđeno sam je započela čitati još u prolljeće. Nažalost, nije me osvojila kako sam mislila da bude.
Knjiga prati Richarda Papena, novopečenog studenta koji vrlo impulzivno odluči studirati Grčki na Hampden fakultetu u Vermontu. Ondje se sprijatelji sa kolegama na istom smjeru između kojih se polako, ali sigurno, počinju razvijati nesuglasice, a vrhunac njihovih svađa rezultira sa smrću Edmunda Concorana zvanog Bunny. Richard mora prikriti njegovo ubojstvo zajedno sa ostalim kolegama kako bi sačuvao obraz i izbjegao odlazak u zatvor.
Napetost se u knjizi razvija veoma brzo te je prisutna tijekom čitave priče. Primarni dio tjeskobe proizlazi iz Richardovog lika koji, osim što treba prikriti istinu javnim službama, laže svojim prijateljima od samog početka. Sram, nedostatak samopouzdanja i nedefiniranost njegove vlastite osobnosti navode ga da stvori potpuno lažnu personu kojom bi mogao zadiviti osobe oko sebe. To ga dovodi u brojne nelagodne situacije, pa čak i opasne, gdje je njegov najveći nedostatak unutar cijele izgrađene priče zapravo problem lošeg financijskog stanja. Želi zaraditi odobravanje kolega putem lagodnog i dekadentnog načina života, no isti teško uspjeva održati jer ga jednostavno ne može priuštiti.
Njegovi odnosi sa drugim ljudima su veoma površni, a njegove stvarne osjećaje teško je odgonetnuti jer Tartt rijetko odaje gdje završavaju njegove laži, a gdje započinje istina. Time također čini Richarda savršenim nepouzdanim pripovjedačem zbog kojeg mnogi događaji unutar romana često djeluju nedefinirano ili izvrnuto. Štoviše, što priča dalje teče, to Richard sve više gubi samog sebe. U određenim scenema ta realizacija izlazi na vidjelo, pogovoto kada se nađe u nelagodnim i stresnim situacijama, no gubitak kontrole i strah od istine održava ga zatočenim u vlastitim lažima.
Ipak, Richard je jedino dovoljno priseban tijekom cijele priče da ju uopće može prenijeti, te je također važan faktor u kritici ponašanja svojih kolega. Iako im se ne suprostavlja izravno, njegovo poimanje iživljavanja u drogi, seksu i alkoholu naglašava koliko se nakaradno ponašaju. Tartt putem Richarda ukazuje na njihovu prepotentnost koja primarno proizlazi iz njihove privilegirane pozadine. Veličanje Grčke mitologije i svog studijskog programa povlači paralelu sa njihovim izvrnutim pogledom na svijet i postavljanjem samih sebe na pedestal. U procesu uživanja u životnim blagodatima, izgube dobar dio moralnosti, a ostatak utope u opijatima. Ono što ostane od njih je tek prazna ljuska nekadašnjih ljudskih bića.
"Tajna Povijest" prati njihov bijeg pred zakonom, no također njihov bijeg od suočavanja sa istinom. Glavni likovi nalaze se u neprestanom stanju tjeskobe te im je najvažnije osigurati vlastitu sigurnost. Henryev lik ima bitnu ulogu pri odvraćanju svojih prijatelja dalje od jezive činjenice da su ubojice, no ne može spriječiti osjećaj krivnje koji ih polako počinje izjedati. Njihova transformacija je naoko žestoka - iz obećavajućih mladih ljudi do osoba koje ne mogu živjeti same sa sobom - no zapravo se također radi o promijeni Richardove percepcije. Naime, tokom radnje sve više uspjeva razaznati jasne mane u njihovom ponašanju te shvaća da nisu toliko savršeni kakvima se pokušavaju prikazati.
Ipak, ne mogu reći da mi se knjiga doista svidjela. Često mi je bila dosadna, a likovi veoma naporni. Razumijem kako se nedostaci likova mogu smatrati jednim od najvažnijih elemenata ovog djela, zajedno sa njihovom pozicijom unutar društva, no činjenica da su se neprestano vraćali na jedno te isti problem te da knjiga nema definiranih vrhunaca radnje, uništilo mi je njezin doživljaj. Imala sam osjećaj kao da se radi o scenama naslaganima jednom na drugu, a da ih likovi samo pasivno proživljavaju. Pretpostavljam da bi se "Tajna Povijest" mogla smatrati djelomično satiričnom, odnosno kao pretjerani i romantizirani prikaz studija i elitnog društva, a paralele povučene sa Dionizijem i bacchanalijama kao ironična kritika preuveličavanja religijskih rituala, no ni tako ju ne mogu smatrati dovoljno zanimljivom.
Očekivala sam puno od "Tajne Povijesti", pogotovo jer slovi kao budući klasik, no samo me razočarala. Nikako se nisam mogla povezati s likovima, niti sa njihovim ciljevima, a radnja mi je bila nedovoljno zanimljiva da bi mi privukla pažnju. Sve u svemu, bila mi je previše dosadna i nije mi ponudila ništa posebno.
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