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Review: Harrow the Ninth
Author: Tamsyn Muir
Date: 24/02/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
My February has been very hectic (to say the least), but at least I finally managed to get my hands on "Harrow the Ninth" thanks to my wonderful boyfriend who ordered it for me. <3 And just in time too because I was in a mood to get back to The Locked Tomb. This series completely won me over.
"Harrow the Ninth" picks up sometime after the ending of "Gideon the Ninth", and follows Harrow as she tries to adapt to her new life as a Lyctor. Her powers are immeasurably stronger, but in comparison to the older Lyctors she is seen as feeble and incompetent. Even worse, she is seen as a liability to the Emperor. She needs to learn to defend herself and prove to be a valuable soldier to her God, but this all seems a menial task in comparison to more dire matters - the indescribable grief and significant vulnerability which render her useless.
The first thing that stands out in this book is the switch in narration. "Harrow the Ninth" is mostly narrated through a 2nd person singular and is only switched to 3rd person singular when referring to the events which happen at the Canaan house. It's certainly an interesting writing choice which might prove to be slightly confusing at first, but Muir's beautiful style and fantastic storytelling quickly compel the reader to simply accept the fact that this is how "Harrow the Ninth" will be told. If something, Muir has proven numerous times that her writing decisions are always made with a specific intention, so it's best to just accept them and enjoy her work as it is presented.
Even though the story is a bit convoluted at first, things slowly start falling into place. New characters are introduced and old characters are given enough space to grow and expand. Muir incredibly utilizes her universe and the story in order to create a completely new experience of the series, but also provides many scenes where it pays homage to the first book and its events. "Harrow the Ninth" is truly an upgrade from "Gideon the Ninth" in tension, emotion, depth and story.
On the other hand, I'd argue that its pace is slower than that of "Gideon the Ninth". Harrow is actively preparing for the most difficult fight of her life, but the process of it is relatively passive. There's a lot of things happening at the same time, but it feels like the plot isn't moving forward at all. This book focuses more on other elements, than on its story, up until the very end where it builds up to a thrilling finale. Taking into consideration the aforementioned switch in narration and unresolved questions, it is easy to understand why some readers find it all difficult to grasp. However, "Harrow the Ninth" is absolutely worth the time.
There's a lot of things to adore about this sequel, but the portrayal of Harrow's grief, feeling of inadequacy, and utter helplessness take the crown. "Harrow the Ninth" is a story about loss and about love, it's about desperately clinging to that which doesn't exist anymore - a home she cannot go back to and which will never be the same, a person who gave their life for hers, and to a version of herself that she no longer is. It is about change and the inability to finally accept it.
"Harrow the Ninth" is a worthy sequel to a riveting book such as "Gideon the Ninth" and provides a compelling foundation for the rest of the series. Although the novel might seem a little slow and complicated, my honest advice is to just leave all your expectations behind, keep reading, and accept everything as it is written. The book is highly rewarding and offers something new and different. Reading through it has been a beautiful experience and I cannot wait to continue with the series and to, one day, reread it and appreciate it even more.
#harrow the ninth#harrowhark nonagesimus#tamsyn muir#the locked tomb#locked tomb#reading#book#recenzija#moja recenzija#čitanje#science fiction#horror
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Idemo, nova recenzija je tu! Kažu da čovek koristi 10% kapaciteta svog mozga...šta bi se desilo ako bi koristio 100%? Saznajte u filmu sa Skarlet Johanson (🤩😍) i Morganom Frimenom. Imate link, znate već proceduru. 😎 P.S - Samo da unapred upozorim da je moja podsvest pokušala da preuzme ulogu recenzenta, ali sam je sprečio nekako, tako da ovo i nije moja tipična recenzija...sećate se recenzije serije "The Witcher"? 😅 (at Belgrade, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e_H9WqS5a/?igshid=1tqr61mi3154a
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Sklopila sam poslednju stranicu ove knjige sa suzama u očima. Ne govorim ovo zbog neke melodramatičnosti ili udarne prve rečenice, nego vam sasvim iskreno pružam uvid u te poslednje emocije koje je izazvala ova knjiga u meni. Čak i odlaganje ove knjige nije značilo samo suze, već i osmeh, jer je knjiga sve.
Rolerkoster emocija. Nežno, ali opet toliko grubo, pisac nam je oduzimao i davao likove.…
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Potresno, vrijeme je bilo da se ispriča ta priča. Otkad znam za sebe, uvijek se nekako ta tema provlačila, ali oči i uši su se zatvarale, jer kao on je zvijezda, nedodirljiv. Sjećam se kako je Gaga s njim 2013. godine izbacila (odličnu) pjesmu ''Do What U Want'' i da su ubrzo izbile kontroverze, pjesma povučena, snimljen spot nije izbačen, Gagina karijera je počela nakon toga kopniti. Definitivno vrijedi pogledati ovaj 6-epizodni dolumentarac, a uskoro se sprema i ''što je uslijedilo nakon''.
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- Nisu me platili za ovo:
- Tri nova it napitka:
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"Ugašen" još jedan superheroj!
Nedavno je fanove Marvel univerzuma uzdrmala vest da je nakon druge sezone otkazana serije "Iron Fist", što je i imalo smisla, jer nije bila baš najbolja serija, ali izgleda da se Netflix i Marvel ne zaustavljaju na tome. Sada je otkazan i "heroj iz Harlema" - Luk Kejdž, koji je imao pozitivne kritike! "Nažalost, Marvelov 'Luk Kejdž' se neće vratiti u trećoj sezoni. Svi iz Marvel televizije i Netfliksa smo zahvali na posvećenim rediteljima, piscima i glumačkoj ekipi koji su oživeli heroja iz Harlema u prethodne dve sezone, kao i fanovima koji su podržali seriju", glasi zvanično saop��tenje. MARVEL TV (RECENZIJA) Fanovi se sada plaše da je sledeći na listi "gašenja" Derdevil, za kojeg je nedavno objavljena treća sezona. Takođe se očekuje i treća sezona "Džesike Džouns", kao i druga sezona "Panišera". Oni malo optimističniji se nadaju da će možda biti objavljena nova serija "Heroes for hire" gde će se spojiti Luk Kejdž i Deni Rand (Iron Fist), pa se na taj način i njihove priče nastaviti dalje. Kraj za ovog Marvelovog superheroja? (VIDEO) Majk Kolter, glumac koji je tumačio Kejdža, oglasio se na svom Twitter profilu da izrazi zahvalnost za ulogu koju je imao. "Zauvek sam zahvalan Marvelu i Netfliksu što su mi dopustili da igram tako snažnog lika, i hvala svim fantastičnim fanovima. Kada se jedna vrata zatvore, druga se otvore, a moja ćerka se rodila ove nedelje. Mnogo sjajnih uspomena, ali vreme je da se naprave nove. Uvek napred, napred uvek", istakao je glumac. I am forever grateful to Marvel and Netflix for letting me portray such a prolific character, and I thank you amazing fans. As one door closes, another has opened, with the birth of my daughter this week. A lot of great memories. Time to make more. Always forward, forward always pic.twitter.com/Dvv4YOBeEE— Mike Colter (@realmikecolter) October 22, 2018 Let's block ads! (Why?)
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Moja iskrena #recenzija @ferdinandknedle je na blogu - link u biografiji i story-ju 💜 #hrana #dezert #poslasticarnica (at Belgrade, Serbia)
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Krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godina XX veka, u Kanadi je svirao bend pod nazivom „Reign Ghost“. Prašili su neki svoj bluz praveći duge i maštovite improvizacije. Početkom sedamdesetih godina, uporni ostaci benda Bryden i Richter tražili su neki način da ubede malu diskografsku kuću Paragon Records da im izdaju album na taj način što su priredili „top 12 hitova“ svirku koju su začinili sa par svojih dugačkih jamova. Neuspešno…da bi kasnije, bez znanja benda, isti bili i objavljeni pod imenom „Christmas“.
Istovremeno, bend snima svoj prvi album za malu diskografsku kuću „Daffodil“, koji će videti svetlost dana 1970.godine pod nazivom „Heritage“. Singlovi sa albuma (jer tada su se samo singlovi komercijalno računali i zarađivali keš – albumi su bili samo pomoćni nosilac zvuka za te iste singlove) nisu doživeli nikakav uspeh. Diskografska kuća, očajna zbog neuspeha, je čak primorala bend da snime i tada popularnu pesmicu Neil Sedake da bi se probili na top listu, ali njihova očigledna potreba da se kreću u avangardnim vodama progresivnog roka je učinila i taj rad neprimećenim. Kako bilo, usled sve većih finansijskih problema njihove kuće čekalo se dve godine na njihov novi album, sada malo drugačiji. U svoju postavu primili su pevača Preston Wynn-a, a svoje ime promenili u „Spirit of Christmas“ da bi slušaoci ipak imali neku predstavu o bendu koji do tada beše samo „Christmas“. Sa albuma je izdat jedan singl „Graveyard Face“ koji opet ne doživljava komercijalni uspeh i bend se ubrzo nakon toga raspada i svako od članova odlazi na neku svoju stranu. Početkom 90-ih godina nezavisna američka kuća „Laser Edge Records“ reizdaje dva njihova naslova, i jednu njihovu live svirku, što dovodi do većeg interesovanja publike za njihov rad i muziku koju su stvarali.
„Lies To Live By“ predstavlja klasičan koncept progresivnog roka tog vremena. Zvuk je pun vrebajućeg vokala u pratnji precizne i tačne muzike i aranžmana kako samo prog rokeri znaju da snime. Na albumu se nalazi šest sjajnih pesama od kojih neke predstavljaju splet više pesama:
01.(All The) Wrong Roads (Bob Bryden) – 3:19 02. Stay Dead Lazarus (Bob Bryden) – 4:04 03. Voice In The Wilderness – 4:17 including: a). Graveyard Face (Bob Bryden/Preston Wynn/Robert Bulger) b). All Is Light (Bob Bryden/Preston Wynn) 04. War Story – 9:08 including: a). Ballad Of Jack Boot (Bob Bryden) b). Requiem – War’s Peace (Bob Bryden/Robert Bulger/Tyler Raizenne/Rich Richter/Preston Wynn) 05. The Factory – 8:50 including: a). Where the People Are Made (Preston Wynn) b). Everything’s Under Control (Preston Wynn/Bob Bryden/Robert Bulger) 06. Beyond The Fields We Know – 11:11 including: a). Prelude (I Don’t Know Where I Am) (Bob Bryden) b). Thermopylae (Bob Bryden) c). Heaven’s Lost (Bob Bryden/Preston Wynn) d). In Closing (Bob Bryden)
Pesme uopšte nisu loše, gitare i bubnjevi su mekani i lako slušljivi, a česte promene ritma ne ostavljaju slušaoce koji nisu vični progresivnom roku frustriranim, jer i ako se dešavaju često, to se događa lagano potpuno umetnuto u koncept i život svake pesme, nesmetano. Kada preslušate ovaj album shvatićete zašto je bilo potrebno dvadeset godina da šire narodne mase prihvate ovaj album, pa i sam rad grupe. Okej, progresivni rok nije za svakoga, jer se ove pesme bave pitanjima života i smrti, ljubavi i čežnje, ali sa mračne strane. Svakako, drago mi je da znam da je njihovo umetničko zalaganje konačno naišlo na odobravanje publike. Bend je pušten „niz vodu“ davnih dana, ali ostao nam je vinil sa njihovim zvukom, melodičnim ali proganjajućim, savršeno preciznim,a opet improvizujućim dokazujući iznova da se u Kanadi svira i svirala se a bogme i slušala dobra muzika.
Jebiga, onda se pojavio Justin Bieber.
Moja iskrena preporuka pesma br.2 „Stay Dead Lazarus“.
Lazaruse, ostani mrtav (Spirit Of Christmas – recenzija) Krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godina XX veka, u Kanadi je svirao bend pod nazivom „
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Review: "Gideon the Ninth"
Author: Tamsyn Muir
Date: 03/12/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I'm going to be honest, I completely forgot I had to write a review for this book, which is weird for me because, first and foremost, I love writing reviews for the books I read and, second, I love writing reviews for the books I loved. But I found myself at a stalemate with this one, mostly because I'm not sure what to say. There's a lot of things to appreciate in "Gideon the Ninth", and I'm a little intimidated by the fact I have to try and do them justice in this short text. Still, I'm going to try.
"Gideon the Ninth" follows the story of a necromancer, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, and her cavalier, Gideon Nav, as they embark on a journey to the First House where Harrow has to find a way to ascend to Lyctorhood (which is something like becoming necromancer supreme). Of course, they're not the only ones who partake in the assignment - they are joined by the representatives of the other seven houses who are there for the same goal. Harrow and Gideon are forced to find the answer, while at the same time trying to best the others at the same game. They soon find out that a lot more is at stake than they originally thought, and the tension only grows as all of them realize they are also being hunted by someone or something.
The book starts off relatively slow, with a very long introduction which spaces off into multiple chapters. A gradual beginning might not interest every reader, but it proves crucial for this story. Muir carefully constructs the basis for her novel, at first offering little insight to all the numerous characters. By choosing Gideon as her narrator for the book - a character who is genuinely confused by the setting and isn't interested in dull formalities - Muir manages to portray everything in a very laic manner. Hence, the reader learns about the world and its characters at the same pace as the lead.
Furthermore, this also allows the reader to develop a strong connection with Gideon, whose laid back, facetious personality offers a lot of room for the reader to relate to her. She presents a stark contrast to Harrow, a focused and stubborn necromancer, which Muir consequently uses to create an interesting and exciting dynamic between them. Their relationship is a perfect blend of planned versus impulsive, where Harrow will act out of intelligence, and Gideon out of curiosity or instinct.
Characters are definitely Muir's specialty, and it is evident on her writing how much time and effort she puts into them. Even though all the side characters are also necromancers accompanied by their cavaliers, every pair offers a different dynamic. Moreover, every pair comes from a different planet, so their personalities, behavior and gestures directly add onto the worldbuilding in a way which is not forced, but still informative enough. On the other hand, sometimes the characters felt a little too over the top, feeling like a projection of an archetype, rather than lifelike peple. But I digress, in this specific novel it is more of an advantage, than a drawback.
The story structure is not revolutionary, nor is the idea behind it, but it is presented in an interesting and refreshing way. Similarly, there are a few cliché moments, especially between Gideon and Harrow, but they are incredibly well written, so they don't feel lax. Instead, they offer an exciting and emotional scene which only benefits from the use of a popular trope. Muir has an astounding ability to present something that has already been seen in a new light, which gives "Gideon the Ninth" a nostalgic and familiar note, without making it too analogous to other works of fiction.
High stakes, tension, and action definitely don't lack in this book. Even though the beginning is somewhat timid, the growing build up of mystery manages to completely overthrow the initial dreariness. There's quite a few well thought-out fight scenes, layered with striking moves and exciting moments. The very end of the book features an extensive, flashy final fight that spreads out onto dozens of pages. Needless to say, it is a perfect finish for such an thrilling novel and won't leave any reader unmoved.
I had very high expectations from "Gideon the Ninth" and I must say, it didn't disappoint. What's more, this is one of my absolutely favorite books I read throughout 2023. It offers so much, from an interesting story to a riveting resolution, but its gorgeous, compelling and engaging characters are undeniably its greatest asset. I warmly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable sci-fi story packed with action and peppered with good, honest humor.
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Review: Bye-Bye Babaroga
Author: Ivana Geček
Date: 18/10/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
For the first time ever, I decided to skip a few books in my "to-review" pile, and jump to the book I think needs to be brought forwards. First of, it's a horror novella that's perfect for this time of year. Second, it came out very recently, so I'm obligated to hype it up because it deserves some more recognition.
The story follows Kaja, a young esthetician that works at a plastic surgery clinic, who is set off for a team building weekend in a remote cottage, which turns into her own personal hell. Socializing with annoying and potentially dangerous colleagues is bad enough, but the thing she is worried about most is her vicious tormentor that keeps her up at night - Babaroga. Kaja will have to navigate the stressful environment by day, and make sure nobody finds out about her horrible secret by night.
A big theme of this book is the difficulty of conforming to the standards of a heteronormative society. Kaja's queerness is her lifelong struggle, and she has been lead to believe it is somehow making her wrong. This opinion leads to fear, which manifests itself in the form of Babaroga, and Geček uses this character to explore Kaja's internal conflicts, like her opinions about herself and her sexuality.
While Babaroga haunts her during the night, her condescending colleagues terrorize her during the day. Their patronizing remarks and crude comments can't really be considered dangerous, but the obviously tilted power structure puts Kaja in a position where she must be very careful of how she behaves and what she lets on about herself. When she confirms that one of her colleagues, called Butcher, already managed to cover up a botched operation, she knows that her failure to fit in might result with potentially violent consequences.
Furthermore, as an employee in a plastic surgery clinic, Kaja is forced to scrutinize her physical appearance throughout every second of the day. While there are instances when she looks in the mirror and scrutinizes her flaws, she does so in comparison to others and consequently highlights what she would potentially need to change in order to fit in. Her unhappiness stems primarily from the understanding that she's different. Such scenes act as a great commentary on the current beauty trends and the popularization of invasive products and services that primarily cater to a misogynistic, idealistic and skewed perception of beauty. Moreover, it also adds onto the exploration of queerness and its tendency to appreciate physical diversity and celebrate bodies as they are.
Tension and anxiety are riddled through the story, and Geček manages to masterfully convey it to the reader. It all culminates when Kaja finally decides to take the matter into her own hands and face her fear, and then shifts from internal turmoil to external threat. The experience of the story is very rewarding, and the tipping point satisfactory, with the ending being the cherry on top.
I could go on about all the aspects of "Bye-Bye Babaroga" that I adored, but I would need to get into spoilers. I will, however, say that this novella is composed of two parts, and the second one focuses on Babaroga's origin story, which turned out to be a real treat. I highly recommend this novella if you're into (or want to explore) corporate horror, like a pinch of Slavic fantasy, and if you've enjoyed the Substance.
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Review: Eyes Guts Throat Bones
Author: Moïra Fowley-Doyle
Date: 27/07/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Phew, am I overdue with my reviews! But better late than never!
On a recent trip with my boyfriend, we visited Ljubljana and went to one of its bookstores where I found this book displayed among horror fiction. I have to admit, I was a little suspicious whether to give it a chance (along with another book I bought the same day) because I've had such bogus luck these last few months with buying books on a whim and finding out they're... unsatisfactory. But this time, I hit the jackpot. Not only did I love "Eyes Guts Throat Bones", but I'm confident to say Moïra Fowley-Doyle is now easily one of my favorite authors.
"Eyes Guts Throat Bones" is a collection of short horror stories dealing with the themes of queerness, love, relationships, family, and life in its entirety. It consists of 15 short stories which feature different structures and ideas, but all connect with a similar voice and tone, creating a coherent thread between them.
The narration style is exquisite, with beautifully macabre writing that is unlike any other. Fowley-Doyle is a true artist when it comes to words. "Eyes Guts Throat Bones" is an immersive, breathtaking experience, and its gorgeous prose is almost as great of an asset as its extraordinary storytelling.
This collection doesn't stray away from showing things as they are, no matter how distressing they might be. There are relationships that shine bright as stars, but burn too hot to persevere. There are characters that seem so lifelike, but could never be real. There are situations and conversations that seem so familiar, but could never be experienced. Fowley-Doyle created something entirely peculiar and raw, but also familiar, riveting and strangely comforting.
The relationships the author explores are far from perfect. Moreover, the stark visual similes, disturbing events and strong characters make them short-lived and borderline unhealthy. But Fowley-Doyle doesn't inflict judgment, nor does she expect it from her readers. Instead, the relationships are only expected to be seen as flawed. As natural. As human. And it is that which makes them beautiful and powerful. The pain, sorrow, rage and loss the character feel - and, consequently, the reader - are just as important, if not more, as happiness, belonging, and love.
Female and queer rage play a key role in this collection. They are a result of long-term, cumulative anger that piles up with each new situation, and realize their final form into violence that is manifested through revenge. It is a frightening act, but it offers a release for the tension that's been building throughout the entirety of the story. The gratifying enjoyment in the imminent destruction and the fulfillment of deserved justice feels both perverted and deviant, and also pleasurable and rewarding. Fowley-Doyle creates a space where oppressed individuals are able to fight for themselves and what they believe in, whether it be noble or not. It is a violent fantasy, but a satisfying one, showing power that often cannot be shown in real life and allowing for consequences where they would usually be none.
The experience of pregnancy is another important theme in the collection. A body becomes a vessel for another life - its function changes, as does its form. Fowley-Doyle approaches this idea from the deeply selfish experience of the person bearing the child. She allows her characters to present their raw, agonizing thoughts and feelings about the transformation they are going through. These emotions are not painted as wrong, just displayed as how they are. As much as the perspective on pregnancy has shifted over the years and that pre- and post-natal depression is talked about, painting pregnancy as a traumatic experience is still a sensitive, almost taboo topic. Fowley-Doyle's stories portray birth as a gain, but pregnancy as a loss. They put the mother as the focal point - a fully formed and developed person that has to let go of what they are in order to make something greater than themselves, which makes the horror of it all so potent.
I will never regret the day I have picked up this collection at the bookstore. Not only has it become one of my all-time favorite short story collections, but Fowley-Doyle has completely charmed me with her writing. So much so, that I will definitely be picking up some of her other works. As for "Eyes guts Throat Bones", I strongly recommend this collection to anyone searching for some incredible and unforgettable queer horror stories.
#eyes guts throat bones#moira fowley-doyle#moira fowley#queer horror#short story#short story collection#anthology#horror#reading#book#my review#moja recenzija
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Review: Knot My Type
Author: Evie Mitchells
Date: 04/08/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Another book I got during one of the "Stuff your kindle" days! Contemporary romances are not really my genre of choice, but this novel won me over with its witty title and cute cover. Moreover, the premise sounded really interesting.
The story follows Dr. Frankie Kenton, a sexologist with a popular podcast, that gets offered the opportunity of her life when she gets nominated for a renowned award for her work. Frankie is determined to bring out her A-game for her following episodes, so she decides to discuss a question from a listener, prompting her to delve into something she's not familiar with, so she decides to find someone with more experience - a local rigger called Jay Woods. Frankie soon finds out she's more than just fascinated in his work, and Jay finds out life has more to offer than a bland everyday monotony.
The first few chapters really bring the reader in with its interesting and diverse characters, lighthearted style, dynamic dialogue and unique relationships. Mitchells manages to portray their characters' every day lives, as well as their motivations, personalities and dreams, in just a couple dozen pages, which pushes the story forward and building up the base for a promising read.
Frankie proves to be a strong lead in the book. She is a defined, confident young woman who knows exactly who she is and what she wants from life. Jay, on the other hand, cannot let go of his past and has no idea what to do with himself, but there's a sort of whimsy to his character and a sense of wonder, so when he meets Frankie, both of them hit it off quickly. The chemistry between them is based on complementary personalities, although it does expand to their sexual compatibility and physical attraction. Mitchell adds on to their instant affection, building up a relationship between them that is romantic as much as platonic, which in turn makes the book quite enjoyable and their romance interesting to follow.
While Frankie's disability isn't one of the main focuses of the story, it does play a big role in her life and is an important element of her character. Mitchell doesn't portray her disability as a tragedy, only focuses on how it alters Frankie's everyday life. When she agrees to be tied by Jay in his class, Jay needs to accommodate for her lack of movement, but he doesn't alter his approach nor his process. Although there are several situations when Frankie highlights the difficulty of being disabled and the ableism she experiences from the people around her, Jay's and her relationship center around good communication and its merits. Sex and love are enjoyable for both parties when they listen to each other's needs.
The bondage scenes are very well written, with a lot of attention focused on the different sensations and emotions during the scene. On the other hand, aside from those at the very beginning of the book, there are no more instances of rope play. Instead, the sex scenes become pretty much monotone. It is a shame the author forfeited her chance at exploring their combined sexual preferences some more, especially considering that Jay holds a sex class and Frankie is a sexologist. In turn, the second half of the book loses some of its allure. The third act breakup doesn't do it any favors. It seemed a little forced and that both Frankie and Jay lost some of their specific personalities. Especially Jay who, although completely obsessed with Frankie in a cute way, hasn't been given the chance to shape into his own unique persona.
Furthermore, as Frankie and Jay start dating, the author switches her language during sex scenes. The characters thirst for each other since the beginning, but their thoughts become weirder with each page. There are quite a few weird phrases and sentences, ones that ruin the fantasy of the book and bring the reader back to reality. It almost reads like the author is trying too hard to make the characters appear quirky and relatable, so instead they turn into strange concepts one cannot connect to.
While the multiple insights about accessibility and ableism Frankie offers were interesting, they almost always felt forced and unatural. It was if the author didn't want to accidentally write something insensitive, so she resorted to info-dumps that read like a copy-pasted wikipedia article. It just didn't seem like realistic dialogue. While I appreciated that the book tries to educate, it manages to do so more effectively through Frankie's actions and life, than by dry, carefully constructed sentences.
Another issue I had is a personal one - I am not that into dirty talk, at least, not to the extent that is offered at some of the later scenes. Mitchell seems to have completely turned around the way Jay and Frankie sleep with each other. In the beginning, most of the sex centered on different sensations, later it all became drowned in dirty talk, so much so that the sex scenes mostly just turned into dialogue which made them bland and unenjoyable.
"Knot my type" turned out to be a fun and lighthearted read. Frankie and Jay are both lovable characters and their chemistry is interesting enough to follow throughout the book and to root for their relationship. While I did have some issues with this novel and do feel a little disappointed by the lack of kink that the beginning promised, I enjoyed it and would even recommend it.
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Review: Exhalation
Author: Ted Chiang
Date: 01/08/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
These last two months have been extremely hectic for me, so this review is long overdue, but I finally managed to find the time to sit down and write it all out. I've fallen in love with Ted Chiang's writing ever since I read his first collection - "The Stories of Your Life and Others" - so I knew I'll dive into "Exhalation" as well. Turns out, August was the perfect time to do so as I had extra time to read while traveling, the local bookstore finally got extra copies available, and I was feeling very nostalgic for his writing considering I watched "Arrival" a few weeks prior.
This collection features 9 short stories of different lengths and different themes, but all of them somehow connect to the human state of being and our perception of the world. A big part of this collection is the exploration of what makes us human. Chiang spends a great deal challenging the reader's view on their own definition of humanity and its limits.
Many stories revolve around technology and how it shapes the people who use it, especially the dependency on certain inventions and humanity's reliance on them. Chiang takes on a new approach on traditional ideas - like time travel - and offers a new take that is more personal to the reader. He doesn't judge his characters' actions. Instead, he offers understanding and sympathy, which the reader can connect to.
Love is another inadmissible theme in this collection. The feeling of longing, grief and care are often presented as the main instigators of Chiang's stories, especially when it comes to their evolution or stagnation throughout time. Some stories focus on trying to save what is lost, while others concentrate on analyzing the change that awaits in the future - all while presenting it through interesting theories and imagined, futuristic scenarios.
Unfortunately, as much as this collection offers, there is a few things that demote its impact. A few stories feature an almost precise, direct explanation of the presented ideas, which, consequently, takes away from the experience. Instead of allowing the reader to make their own conclusions, Chiang steps in and proposes them for them. It's a bit disappointing, especially considering most of his work thrives from the freedom to create a personal opinion about it.
Furthermore, "The Lifecycle of Software Objects" turned out to be too long and a little dull. As the longest story in this collection, it should have provided the pinnacle. In fact, it is literally the center of the book, being the 4th story and spreading out almost right at the middle. Unfortunately, it falls short of delivering something greater. The theme is really interesting, especially since it reflects upon modern problems of outdated software and the profitability of "useless" sites, but the story is too stretched out and certain plot points don't provide the impact they should.
Personally, I hoped I would have loved it a little bit more, but my disappointment also stems from my high regard for this author due to the impact his first collection had on me. When all is taken into account, "Exhalation" provided a stunning new collection of stories which truly expresses the greatness of Chiang's creativity and craft. If you're looking for a memorable collection of science-fiction short stories, "Exhalation" is a good pick.
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Review: Nona the Ninth
Author: Tamsyn Muir
Date: 19/07/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
For months I thought I was suffering from a severe reading slump, but after coming back to The Locked Tomb, it seems that I was just reading mediocre books. "Nona the Ninth" pulled me out of the gutters and left me in complete awe. What else to expect from a genius like Tamsyn Muir?
Another book, another protagonist, another point of view. This one follows Nona as she struggles to remember who she is, where she came from and how her powers work, while simultaneously just trying to be a normal adolescent girl in a desecrated, dying world.
If "Harrow the Ninth" was about grief and dealing with mental illness, then "Nona the Ninth" is about recovery, its difficulties and its merits. Tamsyn never shies away from showing how much Nona has struggled (and still does) with becoming a functioning, independent person. She has no autonomy, but she doesn't mind it. Instead, she enjoys letting others take care of her, as if she were a little kid. She goes to school, she is bathed, she is fed and coddled, and although she sometimes gets angry about her predicament - about needing others to survive - she understands it is necessary.
Consequently, Muir creates the perfect opportunity to introduce some new, lovable and unique characters, and to return to some old favorites, while at the same time presenting them in a more domestic, simple surrounding. The universe is still facing impending doom, but there is now a sense of comfort found in everyday life through Nona's childlike sense of wonder. There is joy found in waking up and having breakfast with her caretakers, and in her time at school and during playtimes with her friends. This provides many cute, wholesome moments, ones that are essential in heavy stories just like in The Locked Tomb series. "Nona the Ninth" is a testament that love and happiness can always be found, even when the world outside is at its end.
This also makes "Nona the Ninth" different from its prequels. It has a very "climate fiction" feel to it, especially considering John is speaking about the end of the Earth and what led to it, while Nona needs to adapt to the toxic and dangerous environment and the lack of resources. Muir presents it in a cause-and-effect way, tying John's actions as the main reason behind Nona's wretched reality, which is only proved more tragic as Nona's true identity is revealed.
As with every book in The Locked Tomb series, "Nona the Ninth" offers a completely new view of this universe. The dreams where Harrow talks to John finally allow for a glimpse into the past and the end of the world, while Nona's point of view shows its results in the present. Most importantly, the reader is finally introduced to the general public and how it fights for survival. Muir illustrates a new view on necromancers and John, and provides insight to the work of rebelling forces. The people have not stopped existing and are still within the mercy of a higher force, an all-powerful governing body that is only a man who has grown wicked with power.
Although John is obviously filled with regret from the consequences of his actions, Muir slowly, but surely, informs the reader that he cannot be trusted, that greed and wrath have overtaken him, and that he is, at the end of the day, only human. His divinity is of his own making, as is his impending doom, and only he knows the expanse of the sins he built them upon. The constant switching between points of view allows Muir to paint her characters as morally gray and imperfect, and highlights that no man, nor god himself, can be completely righteous in their ways. Moreover, it highlights just how easy it is to rewrite the past and make it into something that benefits the teller's intentions. John only speaks what Harrow wants to hear, so the reader can only speculate how much of it is true.
Unreliable narrators are definitely Muir's specialty, so it is easy to cast doubt on Nona's narrative, especially taking into consideration her lack of memory, new location and undisclosed details about formally transpired events. In short, there is a gap between "Harrow the Ninth" and its sequel, and the reader is thrown into new surroundings they are not sure whether to trust or emotionally attach to. But, as Muir has proved numerous times before during this series, her writing needs to be taken at face value - there is no point in speculating or analysing. What needs to be known will always be revealed in due time.
A lot more can be said about this book, but I'm going to stray away from spoilers and needless overanalysis. I enjoyed "Nona the Ninth" to its fullest. I loved the new perspective, the returning characters, the many emotional and devastating scenes, the reveals and the mysteries. "Nona the Ninth" has been both hopeful and heartbreaking, and I am excited for what is to come in the next book, whenever that may be. ❤️
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Review: A Natural History of Dragons
Author: Marie Brennan
Date: 18/04/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐
It was my turn to chose our book of the month for our buddy read and after searching through my endless TBR, we all decided to read "A Natural History of Dragons" by Marie Brennan. This book has become insanely popular and I've heard only positive reviews about it, so I was excited to finally pick it up. Sadly, this book did not deliver what I wanted from it, which is pretty ironic since the only thing I expected of it was a lot of dragons. And yet, I was let down.
The book is written as an epistolary novel, in the form of a memoir by an esteemed dragon researcher - Lady Trent. The story follows her throughout her first encounters with dragons and her very first expedition in the mountains of Vystrana, where rock wyrms have become unreasonably hostile. Lady Trent needs to solve the mystery of their aggressive behavior, but this proves to be more difficult than she expects, especially when dragons turn out to be the least of her problems.
While the plot holds much potential, its realization falls flat. The beginning is tepid and only offers a generic background to Lady Trent's obsession with dragons. Her fascination with these creatures is portrayed through extensive reading and surgical analysis, but instead of scientific curiosity, her passion seems abnormally violent. Most of her findings come from pathological examinations, so she spends the majority of the book advocating for the killing of dragons in the name of science. This seems to completely contradict the character she is meant to portray, and, therefore, makes all her statements about her love for dragons seem worthless.
Lady Trent proves to be a weak character in general, primarily because she keeps disproving all the traits she claims to have. The most notable issue stems from her obvious animosity against her societal status as a woman. She criticizes the patriarchal society she lives in, but then instigates it on other women, most of who are of lower status than her. She criticizes her friend for reading romance novels, reproaches her maid for not being adequate enough, and constantly whines about the way men treat her, but only uses her husband to challenge them. Even though she seems to fight through misogynistic beliefs, she only truly fights for herself, not for higher cause like she claims throughout the book.
Furthermore, she is supposed to be a renowned scientist, but her actions are often rash, gullible and senseless. She constantly puts herself into danger and ventures alone, which proves to be quite dangerous considering she is a woman of higher-class who never learned basic outdoor skills. She also spends a lot of time criticizing the locals for their beliefs, culture and traditions, all of which are meant to paint the Vystrani locals as primitive and undeveloped people, instead of highlighting how she is the one disrespecting their customs. This could all be forgiven if the future Lady Trent, the one writing this memoir, takes more time to acknowledged her childish mistakes, but sadly, she only provides a few sentences claiming she feels sorry for how she treated her maid. The rest is left unsaid and, in turn, makes it seem like Lady Trent still stands behind her past actions and beliefs, no matter how detrimental they are.
The story is slow and the plot generic. There's an attempt to create a feeling of mystery, but it falls flat due to so many seemingly unconnected plot points. The grand reveal plays of somewhat like a Scooby Doo episode, and the final skirmish is mediocre at best. Most of the book just focuses on Lady Trent's daily adventures. Aside from that, there's little mention of the science behind dragon anatomy and behavior, let alone some big findings. Worst of all, dragons barely appear throughout the book and they seem to only occur in short glimpses.
This book was a big disappointment - from the lack of dragons and a weak main character, to a boring and generic plot that I couldn't even pretend to care for. Even though it was decently written, I hated the voice of the story and I just couldn't get used to how passive it seemed to be. All in all, a boring book that didn't offer me much.
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