miriamsprofile · 23 days
Sakura: It took me 17 years to realize but maybe I was waiting for you to need me this whole time- just like the cherry blossoms waiting for spring. You know, I think it’s pretty amazing how you’re able to make someone so happy. Before I died, there was something I wanted to tell you. I hope that I can be the kind of person you are one day. But saying it like that didn’t fully convey what I mean. When it comes to our relationship, ordinary words and phrases aren’t enough to express it. So, I came up with something that would. You didn’t like that idea when I first told you about it but basically, I want to eat your pancreas.
Haruki: To be honest, I was really happy to know that you needed me, to know that you read my message. You were always so quick to point out how we were totally different people and you were right. We were always watching each other. It didn’t occur to me until recently. It’s almost like you were my whole reason for living. All the choices I made whether they were intentional or not. I made them just so I could meet you. Thank you.
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miriamsprofile · 4 years
“He looked at her as a man might look at a faded flower he had plucked, in which it was difficult for him to trace the beauty that had made him pick and so destroy it”
— Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
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miriamsprofile · 4 years
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miriamsprofile · 4 years
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swdbs landscapes.
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miriamsprofile · 4 years
“He smells pleasantly of English cigarettes, expensive perfume, honey, his skin has taken on the scent of silk, the fruity smell of silk tussore, the smell of gold; he’s desirable.”
— The Lover - Marguerite Duras (via paper-fairy)
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miriamsprofile · 4 years
He seemed to exist within a permanent ripple of stillness. It was the bated silence before a thunderclap, like the entire land held its breath when he was near.
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood (via boysofbooks)
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miriamsprofile · 4 years
He was otherwordly beautiful: broad alien cheekbones, blue eyes, bee-stung haughty lips. His gaze was so cold, you knew he had been everyone: a rich man, a poor man, in love, abandoned, a murderer, close to death.
Stephanie Danler, Sweetbitter (via boysofbooks)
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miriamsprofile · 7 years
Egli voleva possedere non il corpo, ma l'anima, di quella donna; e possedere l'anima intera, con tutte le tenerezze, con tutte le gioie, con tutti i timori, con tutte le angosce, con tutti i sogni, con tutta quanta insomma la vita dell'anima; e poter dire: - Io sono la vita della sua vita.
Gabriele D’Annunzio, “Il piacere” (via marayn)
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miriamsprofile · 7 years
❝Mandano sempre un eroe che non può mai restare ❞ bisbigliò. ❝Un eroe che non può accettare l'offerta della mia compagnia a lungo. Mi mandano un eroe di cui non posso fare a meno di...il genere di persona di cui non posso fare a meno di innamorarmi.❞ [...] Mentre prendevo il largo, pensai a quanto fossero crudeli le Parche. Avevano mandato a Calipso qualcuno del quale non poteva fare a meno di innamorarsi. Ma la cosa funzionava anche in senso inverso. Sarebbe rimasta sempre il mio grande "se".
#percyjackson #andthebattleofthelabyrinth #quotes #calypso #kalyptein #hero #mission
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miriamsprofile · 7 years
Si chiese perché non fosse capace di lasciare tutto in disordine, di dare spazio alla rabbia che gli inondava il cervello, di bestemmiare e spaccare oggetti. Perché preferiva che ogni cosa sembrasse al suo posto anche quando non lo era.
La solitudine dei numeri primi - Paolo Giordano (via libri-cinema)
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miriamsprofile · 7 years
You are as quiet as the wind but you demand attention like a storm.
Freefallingbodies (via wnq-writers)
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miriamsprofile · 8 years
I fell in love with you. Simple. Your laugh, smile, eyes, the way you curl up when sleeping, how you love talking to me, the little kisses you place all over. I fell in love with you, simply because you’re you.
(via superbeethoughts)
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miriamsprofile · 8 years
and he looked at her like he finally realized what love is.
heartacheclub (via heartacheclub)
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miriamsprofile · 8 years
She went back to her room and put on her best dress, high heels, tried to fix up. But there was a terrible sadness about her.
Charles Bukowski (via what-strange-lives-we-live)
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miriamsprofile · 8 years
If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose
Charles Bukowski (via hvllucinvtion)
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miriamsprofile · 8 years
Today’s another one of those days when memories and sadness are overwhelming
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miriamsprofile · 8 years
That’s what I do, I drink and I know things.
Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones (via wnq-movies)
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