#Yes This Includes Everyone -- No One Is Exempt
xaykwolf · 1 year
I'm tired of this bullshit of who Yang's "real" mom is. Yang's stated feelings in the show are that both Raven and Summer are her mothers. If you cannot handle that, block me. Right now.
Regardless of the inherent and disgusting misogynistic standards about motherhood within the sentiment that Raven is not Yang's mother, I do not want people who cannot accept the affected character's stated feelings on the matter anywhere near my blog.
I cannot believe that I have to get back to something as basic as what's literally stated in canon verbally by the child in question, but apparently that's what has to happen.
I'd rather have discussions about why people are so uncomfortable with a character who leaves her child with a loving group of people because she tried that life and came to the conclusion that she was not good at it. I really would. But apparently we can't even get into that kind of dialogue because people are just straight-up ignoring CANON. Do better, or LEAVE.
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lunamugetsu · 7 months
Do you think Bruce keeps track of all of the members of the batfamily by using the number system? Like when a family with 2+ kids, the parents keep track of their kids by just counting their heads. (1,2, 3,etc)
Like there's a Justice League meeting/briefing, and Bruce needs to bring basically all of the members of the batfamily to the watchtower to attend the meeting. And when they're all ready to leave. Bruce just does a mental headcount on everyone as they're leaving. (Yes, even the adults of the batfamily are included in the headcount) Batwoman, Azrael, and Batwing are not exempt from headcount just because they're adults. If they're a member of the batfamily, they are included in the headcount.
And when they all meet in the Batcave, Bruce does another head count just to make sure that he didn't leave any of the kids behind or that one of the kids stayed behind. Because one time Stephanie snuck away from the group and proceeded to superglue all of the cabinets in the cafeteria in the Watchtower shut because Green Lantern and her had a difference in opinion on which tv show was better.
The counting comes in handy when one day an extremely sleep deprived Bruce, that is running on nothing but coffee and two hours of sleep for the past week. When bringing all the batfamily members into the batcave, he realizes that the headcount is one more than there should be.
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2500ji · 2 months
alright, that’s it.
i’m sick of seeing hate against people who don’t read the project sekai stories. this fandom has a lot of problems and this collective hatred of anyone who doesn’t dedicate hours upon hours to read the stories is one of them.
first of all, the event stories are fucking long.
each episode can be anywhere from 15-30 minutes if read as the game intends (with auto on). multiply this by 8, and you’re talking possibly 2-4 hours PER EVENT. this doesn’t even account for mixed events, which have 2 extra episodes.
not to mention, there are 137 events on the japanese server (and 101 on the english server) at the time i am writing this. 3 hours average times 137 events equals a total of 411 hours. that is 2 and a half weeks of solid content. to say that’s daunting for people who started playing the game any sizable amount of time since its release is a massive understatement.
not to mention, the events, if viewed in-game, take a massive amount of storage space. not everyone’s device can handle the insane amount of space needed for this game’s events (even moreso if you plan to listen to the voices)
not everyone plays the game for the events, and they’re NOT needed to enjoy the characters.
i get it. if someone who hasn’t read the events is trying to have in-depth analyses of the characters or the groups, they’re bound to mischaracterize. the thing is, nobody’s really doing that.
not everyone downloaded the game because they wanted to read 400 hours of stories. yes, they are a fundamental part of the game. i’m not trying to deny that. however, so is the rhythm game. i don’t see any hate towards people who hardly touch the shows. because they’re not for everyone.
you should be able to talk about, write fics for, and roleplay as the characters without needing to read the stories. yes, people may mischaracterize. but reading the stories doesn’t make you exempt to that either. i’ve read fics from people who read every story for the group the fics were about that still managed to get so much wrong.
the events can be serious triggers.
i’m a HUGE niigo fan. i buy nightcord merchandise, i’ve played almost all their songs, and i love the characters. i have not read a single solely-niigo event. you know why? because they are extremely triggering for me — the most blatant example being the most recent event on ensekai; “farewell, my mask.”
project sekai’s stories are beautiful. but if one’s writing is always light-hearted, it will not touch people as dearly. (i mean, for christ’s sake, No Seek No Find revolves around this exact statement.)
and project sekai is no exception — their stories unapologetically dive into extremely heavy topics, including but not limited to emotional abuse, grief/loss, and being hospitalized. reading the nightcord stories as people have tried to genuinely harass me into doing would result in some extremely bad feelings.
and i’m not the only one — many people i know, some who have even reblogged and expressed agreement with posts hating on those who don’t read the stories, have shared my sentiment. you cannot insist people read the stories like i’ve seen many people do, because you have no clue what might trigger someone.
what should we do, then?
first of all, build up some tolerance. not everyone is going to read the stories, and some people may mischaracterize the characters. did someone make a character analysis that ignored a big aspect of a character? scroll past the post. did someone write a fic making a character say and do things they usually wouldn’t? hit the backspace button.
second of all, try to be open-minded to the opinions of people who haven’t read the stories. maybe they get their content through the commission song lyrics, or maybe they diligently read the area conversations. or maybe they don’t! maybe they just want to talk about their fave.
if someone’s misinterpretation is genuinely harmful or bigoted, call out the harm and bigotry. that person who called ena an abusive sister despite akito acting similarly? call out the misogyny. this goes for any harmful interpretation of a character or group.
and finally, try to have some fun. this is a game. we’re all fans. if you do nothing but perpetuate hatred, nobody’s gonna wanna play toys with you.
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queen-paladin · 9 months
disclaimer: yes, I am complaining about cheating in media. Because, yes, writers have the freedom to create what they want but if the morality in creation is free for all forms of media, but no piece of art is exempt from criticism, and that includes criticism on personal moral grounds. I betcha if I said Harry Potter is good, actually, everyone on here would flood my blog telling me I am wrong because of the author's intense prejudice. That being said, I am criticizing cheating in fiction, If you don't like that, don't interact
So often lately I see period dramas where the husband cheats on the wife (ex. Poldark, The Essex Serpent, Queen Charlotte, The Great)...and not only do I despise the cheating trope with every fibre of my being to where I get panic attacks when I consume the media...but specifically with period dramas...
Do these writers not understand the greater implications of a husband cheating on a wife during these periods? More than just the humiliation and heartbreak in the case of a loving, good marriage just like it is today.
In the Western world, probably until certain laws were enacted in the 1900's, if a woman married a man, she was legally his property. She had no legal identity under him. She was financially dependent on him. Any wages she made would automatically go to her husband. Her children were also not legally her children- they belonged to the father. If the husband died, even if the wife was still alive, the children were legally considered orphans.
Women could only rarely gain a divorce from their husbands. In England in the mid-1800's specifically, if a wife divorced a husband she had to prove he had to not only cheat but also be physically abusive, incestuous, or commit bestiality. On the other hand, a husband could divorce a wife just for being unfaithful. Because, kids, there were sexual double standards.
Getting married was often the endgame for a lot of women during that time. Sometimes you couldn't make your own living enough- marriage was a way to secure your entire future financially, with more than enough money to get by. If you were a spinster and middle class, you could get by with a job. But if you are an upper-class lady, the one thing a lady does not do is get a job and work. So upper-class spinsters basically were dependent on their families to get by (ex. Anne Elliott in Persuasion faces this with her own toxic family). As strange as it sounded today, marriage gave them some freedom to go about since a husband could be persuaded sometimes more easily than a father and one had a different home, their servants, etc. A husband was your foundation entirely for being a part of society, and standing up as your own woman.
So if a husband cheated on a wife, that was a threat to take all of that away.
He could give a lot of money that could be used to support his wife and children to the mistress. He could completely abandon said wife for the mistress. And since the wife legally couldn't get a job as he still lived, she would be dependent on any money he would said- and that is IF he sent over any money.
He could take her to court and publicly humiliate her to get a divorce away from her (look up the separation of Charles and Kate Dickens, he would call her mentally ill and say her cooking was bad and that she was having more children than they could keep up with all while having an affair and divorcing her to be with the misteress). And even if the wife was the nicest, more proper, goodest, more rule-abiding never-keeping-a-toe-out-of-line lady in town...as a man, the law was default on his side (look up Caroline Norton's A Letter to the Queen which details exactly that, the poor woman had her earnings as a writer taken by her husband and was denied access to her children from said husband)
So yeah...even if there was "no love" between them (and anytime the wife is portrayed as too boring or too bitchy so He HaS tO cHeAt is brought up is...pretty victim blamey)
So yeah. Period drama writers, if you have the husband have an affair ...just consider the reality of these things and address them, maybe punish the husband for once (*gasp* men facing consequences for their actions?!?!!), and if not, just please find other options and other tropes and devices for once.
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argyrocratie · 8 months
In a message that sharply diverges from the mainstream Israeli public discourse amid the army’s ongoing assault on Gaza, and at a time when anyone in Israel who expresses even mild opposition to the war is facing persecution and repression, Mitnick told +972: “My refusal is an attempt to influence Israeli society and to avoid taking part in the occupation and the massacre happening in Gaza. I’m trying to say that it’s not in my name. I express solidarity with the innocent in Gaza. I know they want to live; they don’t deserve to be made refugees for the second time in their lives.”
How did your decision to refuse enlistment come about? 
Even before the first draft notice, I knew I was not interested in enlisting. I knew I wasn’t willing to serve in this system that perpetuates apartheid in the West Bank and only contributes to the cycle of bloodshed. I understood from the very privileged position I find myself in, having a supportive family and environment, that I have an obligation to use it to reach other young people and to show that there is another way.
When I talk to my friends — some of whom serve and some of whom received exemptions — about why I’m not going to the army, they understand that it comes from a humane perspective of consideration for the other. No one thinks I support Hamas or want [my friends] to experience harm. There are people who believe that military activity will bring security; I believe that my public refusal is what will influence and bring the most security.
How did the protests against the judicial overhaul help you shape your worldview?
Before the protests, I viewed political activism as something very distant, and I didn’t think it was possible to make an impact as an individual. When the protests began and I saw they included members of Knesset going out to the streets, I realized that politics is closer to me than I thought, that it can reach every corner of the country, and that it is possible to have an influence. That’s where I understood that my actions can affect the reality we see here, and I have an obligation to act for a better future.
Were you debating whether to do it now, given the current atmosphere? 
Yes, there were doubts. I always knew that the army doesn’t have a consistent policy regarding conscientious objectors, that the response can change in a moment – to release all objectors or to imprison them for a long time — and I was prepared for that. After October 7 and the [government’s] attack on the peace movement, on Jewish-Arab partnership, and on Palestinian citizens expressing support and solidarity with the innocent in Gaza, even on demonstrations, it has become frightening. But now is precisely the time to show the other side, to show that we exist.
Do you think there’s anyone in the country willing to listen to such messages right now?
We all know that we need another way, especially after October 7. We all know that it simply doesn’t work, that Benjamin Netanyahu is not “Mr. Security.” Managing the conflict is a policy that hasn’t worked and eventually collapsed. 
We can’t continue with the current situation, and there are two options now: the right suggests transfer and genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza; the other side says there are Palestinians here, living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and they are entitled to rights. Even people who voted for Bibi, and even those who supported the judicial reform, can connect to the idea that everyone deserves to live justly, that everyone deserves a roof over their heads, and support shared existence here.
After October 7, many who were on the left claimed they “sobered up”. Did this affect you?
There is no justification for harming innocent civilians. The criminal attack on October 7, in which innocents were killed, is illegitimate resistance to the oppression of the Palestinian people in my eyes. However, outlawing legitimate resistance such as protests, or declaring human rights organizations as terrorist organizations, leads people to dehumanize the other and to actions targeting civilians.
October 7 did not change my perspective; it only reinforced it. I still believe it is impossible to live with the siege on Gaza and an occupation, and not feel [any consequences]. I believe that many people finally understand this. The idea of “out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t work. Something needs to change, and the only way is to talk, to reach a political settlement. I’m not saying it will solve everything, but it will be another step toward justice and peace.
What was your experience at the Conscience Committee? 
The pre-committee interviewer was aggressive. She questioned my nonviolence because I opposed the government’s actions and the occupation. Essentially, due to my opinions, she told me that I am not a conscientious objector because these were political views.
In the end, I went through the pre-committee, and appeared before the committee itself less than a week after the interview, while many people usually wait half a year. It was a hostile interview: me opposite four people.
They attacked my opinions. They asked me what I would have done on October 7, and how I would have handled the situation. They constantly interrupted me, and said they would phrase the question differently. I tried to continue answering, but they said I wasn’t responding to them. I am not the leader of Israel; they can’t place me in that position.
They asked me how my refusal is different from the refusal of Brothers in Arms [a group of army veterans who declared their refusal to show up for reserve service in protest against the judicial coup]. I replied that I appreciate them and think it’s important that there are people who have a red line for service — but I set my red line before that, and I hope their red line moves in the direction of my red line.
Two days later, they told me I hadn’t passed the committee. I wasn’t surprised. I didn’t receive any explanation, they just called and told me the result."
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gatheredfates · 4 months
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Good morning all, happy Sunday! 🌸 I am pleased to announce there are a couple of resources added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives. A huge thank you to some of the members in SEAFLOOR who helped in their sourcing!
As of today (05/19), you can find the following new additions:
Hingan Alphabet — Compiled and translated by @forever-halone, this guide assists in the understanding of the Hingan alphabet as a derivative of Hiragana and how it can be used for Far Eastern characters.
A Fisher's Guide to Eorzea — An absolutely massive guide on how to catch every single fish in Eorzea (and beyond!), created by @fisherfruity.
Fonts Of Etheirys — Created by bulletbill4l on Reddit, this font transforms your text into its Eorzean or Hingan equivalent, depending on what language you use!
Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here, send me an ask with the relevant information contained on the Compendium, or join my Discord at SEAFLOOR (21+ only)! If you'd like more information about my server, you can click through to this handy-dandy post.
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all accessible on the document! 🌻
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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alost-traveler · 4 months
I was kinda thinking about the future of Tommy. We can be sure that the character will come back for S8. Tommy was supposed to be there for only 4 episodes and that he already has been there for more.
As for now, Tommy has been seen in 7x03, 7x04, 7x05, 7x6 and 7x9 and he also was in the Finale.
For one, Lou and Oliver did an interview together and we can assume it's not the only one. You don't ask your actor to do a 5 minute interview in which they barely talk about the show (also I think that the host made the interview awkward and both Lou and Oliver were picking a bad vibe.) Also, this interview was done late this season. Tommy came back in 7x03 and kissed Buck in 7x04. Yes, both Lou and Oliver did interviews but none of them were together and it wasn't on set. As for now, the Access Hollywood interview was the second interview that Oliver did on set, the first one being the Zach show. The rest were by zoom or other facecams ways. As for Lou, it's the only interview that was recorded. Everytime he did an interview, it was for an article and we never had the audio.
Also, Lou does cameo, and if you have a problem with the price I don't think it's his fault I think he put them at the lowest he can but the site up the prices because of the demands. Simple economy lesson, the more there will be demands the less the offer will meet the demands and so in order to change that the price changes. More on the cameo part, Lou has changed the way he does cameo. When he used to talk about Tommy, he would talk freely about him, his cameo would be pretty straightforward and he even made a backstory for Tommy, which I love because as someone who likes to do some deep dives on a character's psyche, the backstory explains a ton. But recently, his demeanor changed. He did a cameo in which he was more vague and kept looking to the sides as if there was something or someone reminding him to "behave".
Another thing, Lou was added in a video the cast did for Instagram. A video that had everyone, minus Peter and Angela, might be exempt from social media because Angela is less active than the rest and Peter is non-existent (Thank you Kenny for giving us proof that Peter is still alive with your Tiktok or Instagram posts). Also, Tim had posted a BTS that was just a frame of Tommy and that could mean something.
But I also want to talk about something, the contract. When Tommy came back, Lou said that he was only there for 4 episodes. And that might be right, at the time. Upon seeing the reaction about Tommy and maybe seeing how well the producers seem to like Lou, his contract for S7 has been extended for two more episodes, including the finale. It doesn't make sense for someone like Lou who keeps talking about how good he feels on the 9-1-1 set to not ask to extend his contract.
But then what would happen in S8? I don't think Lou would or should get promoted to the main cast, regular at least. It doesn't come from some kind of hate for Tommy or Lou, I really like them both, but more in a storytelling point.
The show is a workplace drama meaning that the job is not only important but also kind of its own character. 9-1-1 also focuses on three jobs instead of one as other shows, like The Rookie, Station 19, Grey's Anatomy for instance, tend to do. On 9-1-1 we mostly focus on the 118, LAFD but also on the 911 operator and the LAPD. The show is mostly focused on the 118. Having Tommy as main would shake things up, it would add another station to focus on or have drastically more calls that will need air support but we would also need to introduce other characters from Harbor and I think the show would be too stacked. The only way to properly focus on Harbor would be to maybe have a spin-off focus on them with either Tommy as main character or as regular. Having Tommy a main on his show would cut down on his timescreen on 9-1-1 and thus impact the Buck/Tommy relationship; we saw that happen with Carina/Maya on Station 19/Grey's for instance.
Also if you're one of these people that think that the cast hates Lou. Oliver has only said nice things about him in interviews, Tracie has told that Lou was lovely when she went on live on the 9-1-1 Instagram page and Kenneth has been good friends with Lou since he was in S2. And if you think that Oliver hates Lou because he doesn't follow him on Instagram that would mean that Oliver also hates Tracie and Anirudh because he doesn't follow either of them. On Instagram, Oliver follows only the main cast of 9-1-1 and he seems to use his Instagram as more of a professional account. His posts are mostly show related, contrary to his stories in which he shares mostly his dogs.
Now as the main cast the easier way for them to add a character in the main cast would have them to either work at the 118, the LAPD, or the Dispatch center. It would be less likely to have someone work for the LAPD, the focus is more on Athena and she said multiple times that she hates working with someone. The Dispatch center could work better and we could up certain characters, like Linda or Josh, as main. That would work better. They are already existing characters that the public loves. We need more of them. The last case would have someone from the 118. They could either introduce someone new or push Ravi to main. Which would seem less likely. Anirudh seems to be the busiest actor in the show. I think he also got cast in another show and is also doing other shows outside of 9-1-1. He also seems to keep time to travel outside of work. You go King. Ravi as main would be possible, but it would also shake a lot from Anirudh's busy schedule.
Now, another character that fans have been begging for as main character is Karen. That would be trickier. If we follow my logic, you are free to disagree but be nice! Karen is neither from LAPD, Dispatch or the 118. She's Hen's wife and a rocket scientist. But that doesn't mean we wouldn't see more of her. 9-1-1 always showed us the characters' life outside of work. But since Hen is the only one from the main cast who has no one from her family as main, we saw less from her which is criminal. Maddie is with Chimney and both are main. Same for Bobby and Athena. Eddie and Chris are also part of the main cast, and Gavin seemed to have been pushed a little bit more upfront since he was part of the group promo for the season. As for Buck, for a while he had Taylor who had kinda her own thing and Tommy who also has his own thing.
Buck and Hen are in the same case, they both have their love interests that are not part of the main cast. Buck only Abby back in S1 but it mostly feels like Buck was the love interest since he was nowhere as important as he is now, same for Chimney.
But one thing that we saw in S7 is that Karen can be more important. She was there for when Hen came home after being demoted. Also the Mara storyline felt like it was more of a Karen and Hen than a Hen and Karen storyline and I would love to see more of Karen in S8. Honestly, I feel like she was in more episodes this season than she was in any others.
So now that I shared my thoughts you can share yours. Be nice or you will be blocked. There is too much unnecessary hate in the fandom for any characters and actors. I'm not going to tolerate people's shits.
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joanofexys · 29 days
(yes, same anon again.) this is my last ditch effort to somehow re-explain why i don't fw thea. And apologies in advance if anything seems rude, english isn't my first language and struggle to explain myself without people thinking I am being mean or unnecessarily rude.
Few disclaimers since apparently it's okay to assume things about me based on 2 asks:
- I am poc myself. I've experienced racism, myself. Including slurs, stereotypes and death threats.
- I am an SA survivor. My point is from THAT perspective.
Now, onto Thea. AGAIN, I reiterate for the third time, I am aware and conscious that she was in the cult same as Jean and Kevin. I do not hate her, I am aware she was brainwashed. But I do not fw her and I'm unnerved by her. This is not an issue of race. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind as my ONE and ONLY complaint about her I've said this entire argument is the fact she implied Jean's trauma and abuse was something he WANTED. I'm unsure why this is such a bad thing for me to point out, as it is hurtfult statement to read and it did make me have a dislike for her. Before TSC, I simply didn't pay her much mind as my favorite character is Renee and Matt.
I will again apologize for the use of "detestable" now that I've realized the definition in english is much harsher than in spanish where it simply means someone unpleasant or rude. I hope this time my point got across and we can end this in a friendly way, as I don't appreciate strangers assuming things about me that are hurtful.
I once again thank you for your time and reading.
Okay. Cool just cause you’re a POC does not mean you’re exempt from characterizing Thea within the angry black woman trope that is so prevelant in fandom. Because it’s literally built into the fandom perception of her character. But that’s also not my point.
You can say you respect her as a survivor but that means NOTHING when the other things you say directly contradict that and show a complete lack of understanding for how being in a cult impacted her.
I am also an SA survivor. A CSA survivor. Because of my cult. I have the same trauma as Jean in that sense. Same amount of people and we’re the same age and everything. My point also comes from that perspective.
The thing with cults is they lack the same sense of morality that you may think is obvious. And Thea had already been conditioned in that cult for years. Meaning that understanding of consent had already been warped. And Jean makes explicit mention that he keeps his trauma and experiences a secret from everyone. Especially Thea. Because he looked up to her. Meaning the only understanding she had on the situation was from the people on the outside of it.
And now is where you jump in and insist it’s common sense to know that there’s no way Jean consented. And now is where I tell you that some of my closest friends and fellow cult survivors don’t know my SA was SA. Some still believe there were things that happened to me that I, on some level, consented to. This is also where I say that Thea does not have the readers perspective. And common sense does not exist in cults. There is no such thing. Any idea you have of something being “obvious” is not obvious in a cult.
Also another thing to add. Thea and Kevin’s first time having sex was in front of Riko. Does that sound normal or consensual or like Thea would have a normal grasp on consent that’s “just common sense” if Riko’s making her do that?
She also never implied Jean wanted his abuse. That’s kind of disgusting to say. Theres a difference in her not knowing it was abuse and it wasn’t consensual and her knowing he was raped and saying he wanted it. That’s completely warping what she said in a way that makes her sound predatory or like she’s a rapist.
It’s not a bad thing to not like Thea on your own. It’s not a bad thing to point out you don’t like aspects of her character. What is a bad thing is when you twist her words and make generally insensitive and harmful statements about cult victims.
But if at this point you can’t recognize that and you’re going to keep insisting you recognize she’s a cult survivor and respect that while repeatedly saying things that prove the opposite idk what else to tell you.
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got any favorite cars from the 24 hours of lemons? (and perhaps some facts about them)
Sure, but not before explaining to the audience!
So, you know how, when you start your car, you turn the key and it starts, and you don't have to fiddle around trying to get the air/fuel mixture to make the damn thing run and stop embarrassing you? And how it has disc brakes, halogen lightbulbs if you've got the standard version and a wing if you've got the sporty one? Yeah, this is all thanks to the century-old 24 Hours of Le Mans, so coveted by manufacturers as to push them to develop all those innovations which would later trickle down into sportscars. They made two movies about it. It is, without question, the most prestigious, serious and expensive endurance race ever.
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And this is the 24 Hours of Lemons - without question, the least prestigious, serious and expensive endurance race ever.
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It is most famous for the rule that ensures that: to keep you from racing anything but a lemon, a beater, a crapcan, a piece of... well, by now even the unaware have figured out what lemon means in the car world, there is a budget cap. To be precise, $500. Yes, that includes both car and performance enhancing modifications - but notably exempt are safety equipment and decorations. I say notably because decorations are a key component of the Lemons atmosphere in a way I consider best conveyed by a "progressively gets worse" slideshow.
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Yes, these are all real vehicles that raced. As you can imagine, regulations are pretty lax. And mostly vibe-based.
So, now that we're up to speed, my favorites!
Favorite as in greatest job from the team? Probably (although I am biased) the Eyesore Racing Miata.
And since you asked for some fun facts, I have a little treat for you that even the typically impeccable Donut Bumper (or lack thereof) to Bumper (or lack thereof) video about it missed out on:
The team won Lemons' coveted Best Use Of Dangerous Banned Automotive Technology award (yes that is a thing) by cleverly reusing the motor that used to drive the pop-up headlights!
Favorite as in coolest car used? That might be a tossup (i.e. I am not going to wait for the undoubtedly long list of cooler base cars to shower my mind so I will call it a tossup) between the Chrysler Conquest ran by multiple teams though Lemons' history (specifically the TSis for their sexy flared fenders)...
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... and B-Team Racing's Lotus Elite (seen here in two of its many liveries) which, due to its newfound Chevy engine, earned it the name Chotus. Why yes there's a website.
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Favorite as in most beautiful car used? That might be a tossup between French Foreign Legion Action Team's Peugeot 505...
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...or the engine-swapped second generation Chevrolet Corvair Coupe of... wait, multiple teams?
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Favorite in terms of most beautiful decorations? That might be a tossup between the Honda Accord of Stanford students team Buck Ferkeley...
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...and SilverSleeve Racing's incredibly-engined frankensteined Wolseley Hornet (for when a Mini is just not coupe nor posh enough)
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Favorite as in greatest combination? That might be a tossup between two incredibly different interpretations of sportscar + truck: the Boneyard Butchers' mix of Saturn Sky and Chevrolet Colorado -the more you look at it, the harder it goes-...
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...or the Porsche Honkeys' outstanding take on the popular Porsche 944 + V8 recipe that came when they decided to use the rest of the Chevy C10 they got for the engine: the Mulletmobile.
Favorite as in the bravest, most heroic, most Lemons feat? Well, given Lemons started as a way to experience racing without the pressure and expectations of high-tier stuff and eternally heralds the notioon that a racecar is any car you race, how could I ever go with anything but the far-too-slow-for-any-steadiness-to-remedy, Cali-bought-and-roadtripped-to-Kansas Toyota motherfucking Chinook.
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Favorite as in favorite team name? I doubt it, but here you go: Off To Gay Porn. They called themselves this to ensure everyone who beat them could proudly say they beat Off To Gay Porn! And as you could notice, yes, so many of them are this good.
Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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fragmentofmemories · 2 months
One last serious post, so please read.
It took a few days of resting, as well as some soul searching - as corny as it sounds.
So, I'll just address the elephant in the room directly.
If you thought I was selfish or self-serving with my last post, then you were right, and I have no excuse for it.
As bitter as I was about my lack of fame or feedback, in truth I was basically lashing out at everyone publicly for things only I was at fault.
And I'm not deleting that post, not as defiance to that thought, but a reminder to everybody who reads it that I'm flawed too.
Regardless of my mental state, I am not exempt from making mistakes nor dealing with their consequences.
With that out of the way, there is something I have to admit.
I don't think I'm suited for writing fanfiction, so I'm retiring. And I'm okay with that.
Basically, though I've written many fics for three years by now, I came to realize it simply isn't fun to do anymore. It's frustrating, draining even, and by the end it simply doesn't feel worth it.
And it really took me a long while to realize that - enough time that I ended up hurting others as much as myself because of my own bitterness and envy.
This included the person I spoke of for so long. Because, regardless of what they did, I also lashed out at them due to their successes, and admitted that I was sacrificing my own mental health just to remain friends with them even before our falling out.
The post I made last was the epitome of it, a cry for attention and a desperate attempt at getting people to read my works without so much as giving them a choice or word in the matter.
Guilt-tripping at its core.
And so, after realizing all this, I decided that enough is enough. If writing is actively degrading my health and relation to others, then I will not write anymore.
Yes, as I'm saying, I won't write anymore chapters nor any oneshots. At least not for a long while - until I can finally find it a satisfying process again.
This means an indefinite hiatus for False Aria of Rebirth and the Dormouse 12 Remake. I will neither write nor update any of them. And as for my AO3 account, I am pondering whether to delete it or merely abandon it.
This does not mean I'm giving up on all my projects, however. I am merely going to look for alternate, healthier ways of working on them - Drawing, music, programming and the like.
In particular, I'm now attempting to see if graphic novels are more my style. I do enjoy drawing above all and it feels much easier for me to draw a scene rather than describe it.
I will go back to my usual posts soon. So, if you've read up to this, thank you so much - no matter how you may feel about me as a person. This is a new step for me, and I'm prepared to face the consequences of it.
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After Oliver Cromwell's death was the Commonwealth doomed, because of structural factors, or a republic like the United Provinces could have survived but it failed because of contingency and individuals' actions? How guilty is Cromwell for not setting solid foundations for the continuity of the Commonwealth?
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Yes, the Commonwealth was doomed after Cromwell's death, but the reason why is both structural factors and contingency/agency - because the actions of a few individuals (including but not limited to Cromwell) set those structural factors in motion.
In term's of Cromwell's guilt, I would say that he bears ultimate responsbility for the institutional weaknesses of the Commonwealth. To be totally fair, he did try to fix those weaknesses repeatedly - but because of the actions he took at the beginning that set up the structural factors in question, those efforts came to naught.
That's the TLDR, I'll do the specific explanation below the cut, because it's going to go long.
Just to make sure everyone's on the same page: in 1640, Charles I is forced to call Parliament even though he hates doing it. He dissolves Parliament after three weeks. (Hence why it's called the Short Parliament.) He's then forced to call Parliament again, and this Parliament is the Long Parliament. The Long Parliament enacts a whole series of legislation that Charles I hates, and then in 1642 the conflict between King and Parliament breaks out into the First English Civil War (1642-1646).
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During this first phase of the conflict, it takes a while for Parliament and the Parliamentary generals to get their act together. Things begin to turn around in 1644 when the Scottish Covenanters join the war on Parliament's side and they win the Battle of Marston Moor - which gives Parliament control of the North of England and is the first battle where Cromwell plays a major role. The next year, Parliament gets rid of the original Parliamentary generals through the Self-Denying Ordinance, forms the New Model Army under Fairfax and Cromwell (the one guy specifically exempted form the Self-Denying Ordinance), and Fairfax and Cromwell go on to completely destroy the Royalist armies at Nasby and Langport.
Charles hangs on for a bit, but is eventually captured in 1646 and the first Civil War ends. The question is now: what do we do, now that Parliament has won?
The Putney Debates
Once the fighting was over, the political fighting could begin and it was quite complicated. You had the Long Parliament, which was dominated by the moderate "Presbyterian" faction who had been locked out of military power by the Self-Denying Ordinance. You had the New Model Army, which was religiously Puritan but split politically (more on this in a second). You had the Scots, politically constituted by the Scottish Parliament and militarily represented by the Covenanter armies, who wanted Presbyterianism to be extended throughout Britain. And then you had the Royalists and Charles I, who were usually but not always the same faction.
I'm going to focus here on the part of this conflict that involved the Long Parliament and the New Model Army. The Long Parliament wants to do a deal with Charles I - although the problem is that Charles is stretching out negotiations in the hopes that if everything collapses into anarchy he might get himself back on the throne - it wants a unified British Presbyterian Church established (because it had kind of agreed to set one up as the cost of getting Scottish support during the war), and it wants to get rid of the New Model Army which it views as dangerously radical and way too powerful.
The New Model Army isn't sure what it wants, because it's split between the Agitators (i.e, the Levellers) and the Grandees (the senior officers of the Army, led by Cromwell and Fairfax) - although the one thing both sides agree on is that they're not going to accept a single established Presbyterian Church and that they aren't going anywhere until they get their back pay and some sort of reforms happen that justify four years of civil war.
In the mean-time, everyone's getting very testy. First, the Long Parliament orders the New Model Army to disband in early 1647. The New Model Army refuses to disband. Then the New Model Army takes control of the prisoner Charles I in early June. In late June, a pro-Presbyterian mob invades Parliament calling for an established Presbyterian Church and for Charles I to be brought to London, causing all of the Independent (i.e, Puritan) MPs and the Speaker to flee the city and seek the protection of the New Model Army. Then in August, the New Model Army marches on London, and forces Parliament to enact a Null and Void Ordinance undoing everything the Long Parliament had done since June, which causes the Presbyterian MPs to withdraw from Parliament (temporarily), which means the Independents are now in the majority.
All of this is very confusing, and no one in the New Model Army is sure what to do now that they hold all the cards. So the New Model Army decides to have a public debate at Putney in late October in order to hash out what the Army's position is going to be.
At Putney, both sides put forward manifestos for what the Army should stand for. The Agitators put forward the "Agreement of the People," which calls for:
the Long Parliament to be dissolved and elections to be held for a new Parliament.
these elections to be held after a reapportionment of Parliament to establish equal districts on the basis of one-man-one-vote.
elections for a new Parliament every two years.
the electorate to be made up of "all men of the age of one and twenty years and upwards (not being servants, or receiving alms, or having served in the late King in Arms or voluntary Contributions)." (i.e, fairly universal male suffrage).
Parliament is to have full Executive and Legislative authority, except that the people shall have liberty of conscience, freedom from conscription, equality before the law, and there shall be amnesty for anything done or said during the Civil War.
The Grandees, who freaked the fuck out when they heard these terms and started immediately calling the Agitators "Levellers" (i.e, 17th century for "commie bastards"), put forward the "Heads of Proposals," which calls for:
the Long Parliament to be dissolved and elections to be held for a new Parliament.
these elections to be held after Parliament decides on "some rule of equality of proportion...to the respective rates they bear in the common charges and burdens of the kingdom," or on the basis of some other rule that will make the Commons "as near as may be" to equally proportioned.
for the next ten years, Parliament and not the King has authority over the military, finances, and the bureaucracy.
for the next five years, Royalists aren't allowed to run for elected office or hold appointed public offices.
the Church of England will continue to exist, but you don't have to read the Book of Common Prayer if you don't want to, you don't get fined for not going to CoE services or attending other services, and there will be no imposition of a Presbyterian Covenant.
You can see that there are some overlapping areas (no more Long Parliament, elections every two years, some form of reapportionment, some form of liberty of conscience) but there are some really significant differences - a republic versus a constitutional monarchy, a unicameral Parliament versus retaining the House of Lords, and universal suffrage versus property requirements.
During the Putney Debates, Cromwell flatly refuses to accept anything other than a constitutional monarchy, Ireton (Cromwell's son-in-law) refuses to accept universal suffrage, but the two sides agree that a committee will work out a compromise on the basis of everything else from the "Agreement" as long as the Agitators agree to go back to their regiments.
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Then the King escapes from captivity and everyone panics. Cromwell and Fairfax scramble a new manifesto together and try to get the New Model Army to approve that manifesto along with everyone taking a loyalty oath to Fairfax and the General Council of the Army, the Agitators see this as a stab in the back and start up a mutiny, and Cromwell and Fairfax crush the mutiny and arrest the Agitator leadership. In late November 1647, Charles I, who has been recaptured by this point, signs a secret agreement with the Scots to invade England and restore Charles to the throne in return for Presbyterianism being established in England.
The Second Civil War
Things slow down for a bit, because the Scots are actually quite divided about this agreement - the Kirk actually condemns it as "sinful" - and it takes until April for the pro-agreement faction (known as the "Engagers") to get a majority in the Scottish Parliament.
In May 1648, Royalist uprisings break out across the kingdom, with South Wales, Kent, Essex, and Cumberland being particular centers of Royalist strength, and the Scottish Covenanter army crosses the border and invades England. Unfortunately for Charles, the Royalists, the English Presbyterians, and the Scots, they completely fail to coordinate their actions and the New Model Army is able to completely crush the uprisings one-by-one and then turns its attention to the Scots.
At the Battle of Preston in August 1648, the New Model Army under Cromwell wins another one of its ridiculously lopsided victories that make his emerging belief that he had been chosen by God somewhat understanable, and the formidable Covenanter army is crushed.
By this point, Cromwell and the rest of the Grandees are convinced of two things: one, no more negotiating with the King. As the Army Council put it rather ominously, it was their duty "to call Charles Stuart, that man of blood, to an account for that blood he had shed, and mischief he had done." Two, the (English) Presbyterians could not be trusted. They had conspired with the King and their Scottish co-religionists to overthrow the government and abolish religious liberty, and thus they had to go.
Thus, in December 1648, Pride's Purge is carried out, in which a detachment of troops acting under orders from Ireton (and thus from Cromwell) bar 140 MPs from taking their seat and arrest 45 of them. This effectively ends the Long Parliament, and the remaining 156 MPs continue to sit as the Rump Parliament. In the New Year, the Rump Parliament then votes to put the King on trial for treason and then afterwards establishes the Commonwealth as a unicameral Republic.
What Comes Next?
You'll note a couple things at this point: first, Cromwell's political positions are fairly fluid and change with events, so that he goes from being a staunch constitutional monarchist in late 1647 to a determined regicide by January 1649. Second, even though it's been a few years since the Putney Debates, Cromwell and the Grandees haven't implemented the "Heads of Proposals" - most crucially, they haven't dissolved Parliament and called for new elections, nor has a new Constitution been established.
Initially, one might say that Cromwell was distracted by his campaign to crush the Confederate-Royalist coalition in Ireland and then to crush the alliance between the Covenanters and Charles II. But by 1651, he's back in England and there's still no election and still no Constitution. Cromwell tries to get the Rump Parliament to call for new elections, establish a new Constitution that incorporates Ireland and Scotland now that they've been conquered, and finds some sort of religious settlement.
For two years, the Rump Parliament deadlocks on practically everything except the religious settlement, where it manages to piss off everyone by keeping the Church of England and its tithes, but also getting rid of the Act of Uniformity and allowing Independents to worship openly, but also passing all kinds of Puritan moral regulations. In April of 1653, Cromwell proposes that the Rump Parliament establish a caretaker government that will deal with the Constitution and new elections, but the Rump deadlocks on that too. This causes Cromwell to completely lose it and dissolve the Rump Parliament by force, culminating in one hell of a speech:
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!
Now there's no more Parliament and Cromwell and the Council are running the country on their own, but they don't have a plan for what to do next. A Fifth Monarchist member of the Council proposes appointing a "sanhedrin of saints" on the basis of religious credentials who will set up a godly commonwealth and bring about the imminent return of Christ. That doesn't happen, but the Council does like the idea of an appointed (rather than elected) body called the Nominated Assembly, which becomes known as Barebone's Parliament. This Parliament doesn't make it a year because of how badly it's divided between moderate republicans who want a functioning government and Fifth Monarchists who believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to Earth any day now, so why bother? Ultimately, Barebone's Parliament dissolves itself.
This then leads the Council to pass the Instruments of Government, which was essentially an adapted version of the original "Heads of Proposals." Under the Instrument, Executive power would be held by the Lord Protector who would serve for life, Legislative power would be held by a Parliament elected every three years, and then there would be a Council of State appointed by Parliament which would advise and elect the Lord Protector upon the death of the previous occupant. Thus, the Protectorate is born.
In 1654, Cromwell finally manages to get the First Protectorate Parliament elected...and it only lasts a single term, agrees to none of the 84 bills that Cromwell and the Council of State, and is promptly dissolved as soon as the Instruments would allow. And so on it went through the Second and Third Protectorate Parliaments, and then Cromwell died and the rest is history.
Coming back to what I mentioned at the very beginning about the interplay between structural factors and individual actions, I think we can see a kind of ratchet effect whereby decisions taken early on that foreclosed certain options compound on each other over time, leading to structural factors that weakened the Commonwealth.
The crucial turning point(s) to me are the decision to reject the Agreement of the People in 1647 and then the failure to enact the Heads of Proposals in 1647 after the Putney debates, or in 1648 or 1649 after Pride's Purge.
With the Agreement, you could have had a small-d democratic republic which would have offered ordinary working people new political rights and protections and the opportunity to buy-in to the new regime through an election for a new Parliament. With the Heads of Proposals, you could have had a more conservative republic that would have offered much the same to the traditional landed political class, which would have then granted their consent to the new regime by both standing for election and voting in that election for a new Parliament.
That kind of legitimacy was absolutely necessary in order to ensure the long-term allegiance of the population to the new regime in the face of Royalist revanchism, let alone the kind of radical changes (putting the king on trial, declaring a republic, establishing a religious settlement) that Cromwell and the Grandees saw as essential.
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thenovelartist · 10 months
Life After Destruction - Chapter 7 - Honkai: Star Rail
<Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter>
Month seven meant only one more month aboard the Astral Express before Stelle and Dan Heng would be dropped off at the Xianzhou Luofu. Stelle felt like things were happening so fast. The pressure to get everything in order this month, including finishing shopping for the nursery, was beginning to weigh on her.
However, there had been one minor roadblock to accomplishing that goal: Himeko and March practically begging her to wait with any form of shopping. Although Stelle supposed she would have a month on the Luofu to collect any remaining items she needed, she still wanted to get things in order now, as did Dan Heng. In the end, the two were so adamant in their request that she had to cave, and despite her repeated asks, they never told her the reason.
Until today.
“Surprise!” Asta and March said, waving excitedly at the obnoxiously large pile of gifts.
Surprise, indeed. To say Stelle’s jaw was on the floor was probably an understatement. Beside her, Dan Heng looked equally shocked. Probably because when Himeko said they needed to go to Herta Space Station to gather supplies, it never crossed either of their minds that this would be what she'd meant.
“Yeah, yeah, surprise,” Herta reluctantly agreed with all the minimal enthusiasm she could muster. To be fair to her, the fact Herta had even come down to greet them was a surprise in itself. “Now get all this garbage off my ship. It’s preventing me from seeing my curios.”
“Madam Herta,” Asta gently chided. “I know you don’t mean that. Didn’t you get them a gift, too?”
“I didn’t want to,” she snipped. “It was Screwllems’s stupid idea, and Ruan Mei just had to jump on board. But… I guess it’s not totally worthless. Because of this idiot—” Herta roughly pointed at Stelle— “I’m still able to do my studies and experiments in this galaxy. Although, she could have avoided getting knocked up.” With those biting words, she glared at Dan Heng.
Stelle chuckled nervously. Although Herta’s words said one thing, Stelle was fairly certain the only reason she was mad was because Stelle hadn’t been able to help test the Simulated Universe for far too long.
Dan Heng, for his part, simply ignored it. “So,” he began, looking over the mountain of gifts once again before turning to March and Asta. “Would you like to explain why there are so many gifts here?”
“It’s for a baby shower!” March explained. “Er… kind of.”
“You two are kind of famous, you know,” Asta elaborated. “So it was only natural that people would want to know that the galaxy’s savior was pregnant with her first child. These are all the congratulatory gifts from, well… everyone.”
Stelle looked over the tower again. This mountain was the galaxy’s well-wishes to her?
Her hand went up to rest on top of her growing stomach.
“Um.” From behind them, Arlan spoke up. “Would you like me to start organizing the transfer of these gifts to the Express?”
“Yes!” Herta cried. “Get them out of here. I’ve got more important things to do, like finding someone who doesn’t have a medical exemption from assisting with my tests of the Simulated Universe. I’m trying to get in contact with Nanook there since he’s long dead in the real world. Curious minds need to know his reasonings behind these wars.”
“You can have Caelus for your experiments,” Stelle offered.
Herta quirked a brow at her. “Who?”
“Wow, that’s mean,” March muttered under her breath.
“We’ve all done it,” Stelle flatly countered, trying to justify away the niggling guilt she felt. “It’s his turn. Think of it as a rite of passage.”
Dan Heng hummed. “If he wants the full experience of being a trailblazer, I suppose assisting Madam Herta is part of it.”
Despite being a doll, Herta’s eyes started gleaming. “Oh, so he is a new member? That would be useful to get a fresh perspective on the alterations to the Simulated Universe. You all have adapted well to it, which has been helpful in its own way, but that might have skewed an accurate perception of it.”
“He’s probably still with Himeko at the Express,” Dan Heng answered.
“Oh, perfect.” And with that, Herta shuffled past Arlan and out the door.
Asta cleared her throat to break the awkward atmosphere. “If you would please, Arlan. Moving all this will take a while.”
“G-got it,” he replied. “It’s preferable to being dragged around by Madam Herta. Just… don’t tell her I said that.”
“Where is this even going to go on the Express?” Stelle asked.
“Himeko said she’s figured that out already,” March dismissed. “So don’t worry about it.”
That was an impossible task. Especially as another question came to mind. “Where is all this going to go in the nursery?”
“Oh!” March’s eyes lit up. “So that’s the thing. When Himeko and I sent out the announcement, we kinda realized that you might end up with an excess of baby things. Himeko suggested they send things for the baby to grow into instead of just baby things. She promised that you guys could put all the things you wouldn’t need right away in storage.”
“Well,” Dan Heng said, nodding in approval, “that certainly is more practical, considering how many planets seemed to have been informed.”
“Yeah,” Asta agreed. “But they were all more than happy to send things along. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have all this.”
That was true. At that realization, Stelle felt quite honored.
Don’t cry, she mentally warned when she felt herself suddenly get emotional, an unfortunate side effect of her pregnancy. Suck it up. It’s fine. It’s just… really nice of everyone.
Soon enough, she was dabbing at her eyes.
“Please tell me those are happy tears,” Asta said, suddenly getting worried.
Dan Heng wrapped his arm around Stelle’s waist, and she allowed him to pull her close. “Yeah. I’m fine,” she said, leaning against Dan Heng's shoulder.
“Is it overwhelming?” Dan Heng quietly asked.
Stelle nodded. “But it’s really nice of everyone.”
“It… it really is,” Dan Heng agreed. “We’re going to have to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness.”
“I’ve got you covered,” Asta said, grabbing one of the boxes that was exceedingly plain. She took off the cardboard lid, showing a small booklet and a stack of cards and envelopes. “This is for you to record who gave you what. And then I got actual letters for you to send. Hopefully, that won’t be too overwhelming.”
“We’ll manage,” Dan Heng said. “Although… this will be quite the task.”
Stelle could not disagree in the slightest.
“I can help if you want,” March offered. “I don’t mind.”
“Thanks,” Stelle said, shooting her friend a smile. As kind as it was for her to offer, Stelle had the feeling she’d manage on her own. After all, she was getting quite bored staying still on the Express, her growing stomach getting in the way of being too adventurous. Writing a million cards might just be the cure for her boredom.
Or it would drive her insane. With her mood swings, who knew. Either way, it had to be better than helping Herta test the Simulated Universe…
Dan Heng had no idea how they managed to fit all the gifts in the Astral Express. Looking over the storage room that was practically overflowing, he was dreading the task of opening them. However, he would not complain. This was extremely generous of the galaxy at large, and he was appropriately thankful for their consideration. Furthermore, with all these gifts, it was likely he and Stelle wouldn’t have to go shopping for much more. That is, if they had to go shopping at all. While he wouldn’t have minded going shopping for the baby, he also couldn’t deny he would prefer if he didn’t have to. Shopping had never been his favorite thing, and one particular pre-Stelle shopping trip he’d been forced to take with March had spoiled that task for life.
“So,” Himeko began, approaching Dan Heng, “What do you think of the surprise? We wanted to organize a proper baby shower for Stelle, but that just wasn’t possible.”
“This is more than enough,” Dan Heng assured with a smile. “Thank you. It must have taken considerable effort on your part to organize this.”
“It did, but it was worth it. Hopefully, March and I did a good enough job communicating with everyone so you won’t get too many repeated items. You should be covered with a range of things up into their childhood years. Although, organizing certain toddler items does become more challenging when you don’t know if you’ll have a boy or a girl.”
“Stelle wanted to keep it a surprise. Otherwise, you would have known.”
“I know. And I also know you went along with her wishes to keep her happy." She then poked his shoulder. "Just remember you’re the father. You’re allowed to ask for things, too.”
“I know,” he returned. “But I couldn’t ask for anything more than what she’s given me. While I would have liked to know, just so I could be as prepared as possible, it ultimately doesn’t matter if we know ahead of time or not. I’ll be happy either way.”
Himeko’s smile was gentle. “Stelle’s very lucky to have you as her husband. And your child is going to be lucky to have you as a father.”
Bashful, Dan Heng turned back to look over the gifts. “I’ll… do my best.”
“Give yourself a little credit,” Himeko teased. “You deserve it.”
Unsure of what to say, Dan Heng simply nodded. He had plenty of doubts lingering in his mind over this, but he had to conquer them alone. And quickly, at that. The baby would be here before they knew it. While Dan Heng knew that everything about their life would change because of it, there was also only so much he could do to prepare. He would just have to adapt to everything else and hope he didn’t mess things up, for his child’s sake.
“Have you figured out names yet?” Himeko asked.
He nodded, thankful for the change in conversation. “Yes, we’ve settled on names for both genders.”
“Are you going to keep those a surprise, too?” Himeko lightly prodded.
“Yes,” Dan Heng said, giving her a slight smile. “But that was my idea to do so.”
“Haha. You two are certainly keeping everyone in suspense.”
Dan Heng shut the door to the storage room, blocking out the overwhelming sight of the mountainous stack of gifts for now. “On a different note,” he began, making his way back to the parlor. “I will be sitting this next mission out so as to help Stelle—”
“She warned me to not allow you to do that,” Himeko interrupted. “She said she could handle the presents and thank you cards on her own but that you should get out and about as much as possible before the baby is born. I agree with her. I doubt you’ll want to leave her side for a while after your baby arrives, so I don’t want you to get sick of the Astral Express too soon.”
Dan Heng sighed. Part of him figured this would happen. If it was just Himeko’s idea, he’d probably argue with her, but he wasn’t going to test Stelle. Her emotional state was growing more unstable with each passing month, so he didn't want to start needless fights with her. She was only doing this out of consideration for him, anyway. 
“It will be fine,” Himeko said. “You two can open the gifts together while we’re traveling. Then whoever stays behind with Stelle can help her write all the thank you notes. That is, if she wants the help in the first place. It’s quite obvious Stelle is growing plenty bored staying on the Express all the time. The letters will give her something to do.”
When Himeko put it that way, Dan Heng thought maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to leave that job up to Stelle, after all.
“Besides,” Himeko continued. “I appreciate you teaching Caelus what you know before you disappear on us. Don’t say this to March, but between the two of you, you are the better teacher.”
Dan Heng smirked in amusement. “My lips are sealed.” Although, he did suppose Himeko had a point when it came to Caelus. He was a plenty capable person and well-trained, but he came with his own challenges and quirks. Stellaron Hunters did things very differently than the Nameless, so there was much to teach him as well as many tricks to learn from him.
And if Dan Heng were being honest, he enjoyed having a male companion compared to traveling with two girls all the time. Not that he didn’t adore said girls, especially since they were his wife and someone he thought of as a sister.
They entered the parlor to see Stelle still chatting with March, Asta, and Arlan. Upon spying Dan Heng, Stelle grinned, waving him to come over before motioning to a large box at her feet. “From the Space Station.”
“Though Arlan organized it,” Asta said, elbowing the young man.
Arlan chuckled sheepishly. “I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure we will,” Stelle said. “Thank you.”
“And don’t worry,” Arlan added on, shooting Asta a warning look. “I didn’t let Lady Asta spend any money on it. She went overboard with the clothes, anyway.”
“I did not,” Asta countered. “It was fine.”
“It was not fine,” Stelle said. “It’s just that no one can stop you when you start.”
Before Asta could come up with a retort, the door to the Astral Express opened, and a frazzled Caelus entered.
Upon seeing all eyes were on him, he started waving his hands about. “Let me get this straight: you’ve all helped Madam Herta with her little ‘virtual reality’ experiment?”
Tempering a grin, Dan Heng nodded, noting that the others were all doing the same. He almost pitied Caelus. Almost. He’d suffered Madam Herta’s experiments enough over the years. It was Caelus’ turn to take up that torch. Besides, the more people who volunteered, the fewer times each person would have to assist.
“Like, once or twice?” Caelus tentatively inquired.
Stelle answered, “Sometimes, several times a week.”
“A week?” Caelus repeated, horrified.
“How’d you like it?” March teasingly prodded.
Caelus couldn’t answer right away, words clearly having failed him. Eventually, he just shook his head. “So many bugs.”
“Aww,” Stelle mockingly cooed. “You don’t even know the half of it.”
The pile of scrapped gift wrapping was growing astronomically fast, and the nursery was filling up with items almost as quickly. So far, there’d been a wide variety of things, from baby necessities to toddler clothing to a range of toys. Then there was the variety of wild card items ranging from medicine to information for the archives to weapons.
And then Stelle still wasn’t fully sure what that thing was over in the corner.
But even those odd items came with things like some diapers or children’s books, and each gift came with a letter of congratulations from the senders. Typically, they were from the government at large, but there were a few exceptions.
“Another from Belobog.”
Stelle took the gift Dan Heng offered her, the fourth one from Belobog. One from Bronya, who spoke on behalf of the country at large, then another from the Silvermane Guards. Wildfire even got her a gift.
As she looked over the plain brown box, her heart warmed upon seeing the still scratchy lettering that she recognized as Hook’s scrawl. To: Honorary Member and Little Honorary Member. From: The Moles. “They’re too sweet.”
“They are very kind," Dan Heng agreed. "I’m sure it wasn’t easy for them to scrape together the money to send that.”
That was true. Inter-astral mail wasn’t cheap. Even though she knew all the members of the Moles each had their own paying jobs now, it must have put quite the dent in their pockets.
Stelle opened the slightly battered box to reveal a jar of marbles, a teddy bear that looked handmade with a handful of clothes to go with it, and a torn, tattered book titled “Adventures of the Moles”. The longer she looked over the gifts, the more she recognized them, and soon enough, she began to feel overly emotional.
“I’m gonna yell at them for giving us these,” she whispered, her eyes growing watery.
“You should probably text them right away,” Dan Heng suggested, a gentle smile on his face while he soothingly stroked her hair.
“Yeah, probably.”
Dan Heng set the box carefully aside for her while Stelle pulled out her phone.
“I’m going to empty out the trash bin again,” Dan Heng said, standing from his seat. “And bring back the next round of gifts. Take your time.”
“Thanks,” she said, already tapping away at her phone.
Stelle: Hook! I just opened your gift!
Stelle: I love it. Thank you so much!
Stelle: Tell the others I said thanks, too.
Before Stelle could put her phone away, she saw little bubbles flash on the screen.
Hook: I’m glad! Do you like the teddy? I sewed it all by myself!
Hook: I asked the old witch to teach me how, and she said she would if I cleaned the clinic.
Hook: But she actually made me clean the clinic! (;° ロ°)
Stelle couldn’t help but chuckle. She could easily imagine the huffy pout Hook was wearing.
Stelle: It’s about time she made you keep your word. Natasha was too soft.
Hook: Honorary member! How dare you betray us!
Hook: Oh no she caught me
Stelle: Good luck with your punishment.
With a grin, Stelle put her phone down. Over the years, Hook had grown fond of the clinic. More often than not, Hook would volunteer a little of her time to help Natasha tidy the place up. Not exactly any of the “months” she’d ever promised, but Stelle supposed that development was enough to show just how much Hook had grown up.
While mustering the willpower to stand up and help Dan Heng pull some more presents into the nursery, her phone chimed. She looked over, expecting to see a message from Hook detailing how she escaped.
Natasha: Hey, Stelle. I’m sorry to bother you, but since you texted Hook, I thought you might be free for a moment. I have a question to ask of you.
Stelle: Of course. Shoot.
Natasha: Feel free to tell me I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, but have you set up a birth plan yet?
Honestly, Stelle should have been expecting that from Natasha. If anything, she should have told Natasha her plans earlier.
Stelle: Yes. We’ve decided to go to the Xianzhou Luofu, which is Dan Heng’s home world. I believe I’ve told you about Bailu, correct? She was incredibly picky in recommending doctors to us.
Natasha: That’s good to hear you have people you trust. If you hadn’t, I was going to ask if I could help you in any way. Of course, if you need me for anything, I’ll help out as much as I can.
Stelle: Thank you. I promise I’ll contact you if I need anything.
Though it was reasonable to leave it at that, Stelle kinda wanted to keep the conversation going. Hence, she found herself typing out another message.
Stelle: Actually, I had been debating about coming to Belobog. I trust you as a doctor and would have felt the most comfortable with you, if I am being honest. But for other reasons, the Luofu is ultimately better.
Stelle: Sometimes I wish you could come, but I know you’re busy with the clinic. :)
Just as she finished, Dan Heng returned, his arms full of gifts once again.
Stelle put her phone down. “How many more do we have to go?”
Dan Heng dropped the tall stack. “With this, we’ve gotten through approximately two-thirds of the gifts.”
Stelle heaved a sigh. It had been a marathon, to say the least. She was growing tired of them, even though she was still incredibly thankful. Because of what they had received so far, the nursery was already stocked with everything they could need or want. Heck, they’d even gotten things they certainly didn’t need. At this point, she couldn't even fathom what other surprises there could possibly be.
Before Dan Heng could hand her the gift from the top of the pile, her phone dinged again.
Natasha: If you’d like, I can try to organize coming with you. I have two new assistants that could take over for a short period.
Natasha: I would have to double-check with some of the others, though, to make sure everything with Wildfire is running smoothly and that it would be okay.
Stelle blinked a few times at the message.
“Something happen?” Dan Heng asked, sitting down beside her again.
“Um…” Stelle pursed her lips as she glanced over to Dan Heng. “Natasha offered to come with us to be there for the birth of our baby.”
Stelle nodded.
“Would you like that?”
“I mean… yeah.”
“But you’re hesitating.”
Stelle let her phone fall into her lap, giving Dan Heng her full attention. “Do you think Bailu would be okay with that? Or would that cause more problems? She said she’d already screened all the doctors there for us to meet. And I know Natasha said she’d be okay to leave for a bit, but we’ll be there for a month. Is it okay for her to leave for that long?”
Dan Heng paused in thought. “I wouldn’t worry about Bailu. Even though she did take time to recommend doctors to us, I doubt she would fault you for bringing a doctor you trust. As for if Natasha can take that time away from the clinic, I’d say tell her our plan and let her decide if she can accommodate us.”
“You think I should?” Stelle asked.
“I think you have the right to be comfortable with people you trust. And if they’re offering, I would accept. And... to be honest, I would be comfortable with Natasha, as well. For your sake."
Feeling more confident, Stelle picked up her phone again. "Bailu would be disappointed if she knew you didn't trust her judgment."
"I trust people you and I both know and have worked with. That's all."
Although he spoke them dismissively, she was happy to have her husband's full support. She leaned over to drop her head on his shoulder while she texted Natasha back.
Stelle: Are you sure that would be okay? About three weeks from now, we will head to the Luofu with plans on remaining there until the baby is born. By that time, I’ll only be eight months, so we’ll likely be there for a month or so. Is it possible for you to take all that time away from your clinic?
She sent off the message before dropping the phone back into her lap. 
Beside her, Dan Heng pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head before handing her another gift. 
"Was that encouagement to keep up this marathon?" she asked, feeling all fluttery from the tiny gesture. 
"Possibly," she repeated, amused. Still, she sat up straight to open the gift, this one a box of children’s books and some unisex clothes. 
After recording the information in the booklet, Dan Heng took them to set aside just as her phone dinged again.
Natasha: So you’ll be spending the last month of your pregnancy there? That’s a wise idea. As for the length of duration on my account, things here should be fine between the two assistants that I’ve trained to handle the clinic here. Things have never run more smoothly. I’m sure I can disappear for a month or two. 
Natasha: Actually, Seele just came and told me to leave the affairs of Wildfire to her and Oleg. It seems I might be pushed to go with you in the end.
Stelle: If you’re able to, I would really like to have you around. 
Stelle: Take your time organizing things. We can come pick you up when it comes time and take you to the Luofu with us. I think you’d really like it.
Natasha: I would be going as your doctor first and foremost. But, when you put it that way, I guess that I would have a little free time to enjoy exploring a new place. That would be quite exciting. :D 
“I think it’s going to work out,” Stelle said, grinning as she looked over to Dan Heng.
He returned her smile with one of his own. “Then I’ll inform Bailu a little later once you two have sorted out more of the details.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Well, while you’re continuing to communicate with her, would you like to switch tasks? I’ll open the next gifts and you record them?”
Stelle looked over the tower of gifts before her. Her stomach sank even further when she recalled there were still more in the storage area. “Yeah, gimme the notebook before I get sick of opening gifts forever.”
“And you’re certain you packed everything?” Dan Heng asked for the final time.
Stelle sighed, clearly getting tired of his constant questioning. Yet, he watched her silently count on her fingers as she looked over their luggage. “Pretty sure.”
“All the baby’s things that Natasha instructed us to pack?”
“That was the bag I packed first.”
He nodded, looking over the luggage one last time. He couldn’t shake this anxious feeling swirling through him, like he was forgetting something. Or maybe he was anxious because he was about to spend the next month with Stelle on the Xianzhou Luofu. This would be the longest period of time he’d spent away from the Express since first boarding. Furthermore, he wasn’t leaving for a mission but rather for a familial reason, which felt still extremely strange to him.
“Well, if you’re finished questioning me for the umpteenth time, are you ready to go?” Stelle asked.
Startled from his thoughts, he looked back up at her. “Y-yeah. I think so.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded, but she was quick to shoot him a doubtful look. Worried that she was about to call his bluff, he reached for their luggage bags, ones the space station had gifted them for this very reason. “We should go,” he said. “The others put aside their expedition to make this trip specifically for us. I don’t want to keep them long.”
“I guess you’re right.” And with that, Stelle reached for her bag.
“Grab the baby’s bag,” Dan Heng instructed. “That’s all I’ll let you carry.”
She frowned up at him. “I can carry more.”
“You are carrying plenty.” He reached out to lay a hand on her stomach. “So don’t overexert yourself.”
“I’m fine, you know,” she quietly countered, placing her hand on top of his, a habit she'd picked up from whenever the baby was kicking and she pulled him close to feel it. At the moment, the baby was quiet. Maybe it too was feeling the stress of everything.
“I’d like to keep you that way.” With that, he leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.
He couldn't help but grin at the little pout she shot him, his worries disappearing for a second. Reaching up to cradle her cheek, he angled her head towards him and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Better?”
She grinned. “Thank you. For that, I guess I’ll let you carry the bags.”
He huffed in amusement.
Soon enough, the duo made their way to the parlor, Stelle carrying the baby backpack while Dan Heng dragged one large, rolling suitcase behind him. It fit quite a bit of their clothes for the month, but the rest of their things were packed in the overlarge pack he wore on his back. For some reason, a slight chill haunted him as he marched down the hallway. It disturbed him, this odd feeling of finality that hung in the air, like an end was imminent. He tried to tell himself he would return here to the Astral Express and that things would be fine, but the sadness weighing on his heart was too heavy to entirely ignore.
“There they are,” Himeko spoke once Dan Heng and Stelle entered the parlor. “Are the both of you set?”
“I believe so,” Dan Heng answered, pushing aside his feelings for now and focusing on the present. Beside him, Stelle made a show of crossing her fingers.
“Then this is where we part ways.” Himeko was the first to reach out and pull Stelle in a hug. “We’ll miss you. We’ll be hoping for a safe delivery.”
“Thank you,” Stelle muttered in return.
March was up next. “It will be so weird not having you two around,” she said, clinging tight to Stelle.
“It’ll be weirder when we bring back a baby,” Stelle bantered back.
“That’s true. But I’ll take that weirdness any day if it means you two are back.”
Dan Heng felt a small sense of relief knowing that he wasn’t the only one feeling strange about this whole arrangement. Not that there was anything to be done about it; it was part of Stelle’s pregnancy. One would have thought Dan Heng would have gotten used to change by now, with the months Stelle’s pregnancy had already altered their lives in numerous ways, but this felt different. They’d always had the Astral Express and the Nameless by their side to help them through it. Now, they were temporarily heading out on their own.
A weight on his shoulder called him out of his thoughts, and Dan Heng looked over to Welt. “I wish you both a restful month before the baby arrives,” Welt said, giving Dan Heng’s shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “You two have earned it.”
“We’ll try,” Dan Heng responded.
“Don’t worry,” Caelus said, giving Dan Heng’s other shoulder a bump with his fist. “We’ll take care of everything around here.”
“I believe you will.” Dan Heng had seen how quickly Caelus had integrated into the Astral Express crew. He would manage on his own. Although, Dan Heng still had some reservations about Caelus and March running missions together. The combination of March’s friendly, somewhat naive personality paired with Caelus’ impulsive nature was doubtlessly going to wind the pair in trouble at some point.
Caelus then turned to Stelle, reaching an arm out towards her. “Take care.”
Stelle returned the side hug with a smile. Despite the amnesia between the two of them making their past a jumbled mishmash of memories, they’d grown close over the last couple of months. Maybe because of how similar they ultimately were. “Don’t get in trouble,” Stelle warned him.
“I promise… to do my best.”
“March,” Stelle said, turning to her friend. “If something goes wrong, remember: blame him.”
March laughed. “You got it.”
Caelus leveled a glare at March. “Rude.”
Chuckling, March shot back a cheeky wink and peace sign.
While the duo went at it, Welt had sided up to Stelle. “Take care,” he told her, reaching up to rest a hand on her head. “I’ll be hoping you have an easy delivery.”
Grinning, she reached out to wrap her arms around his torso. “Thanks.”
He wrapped an arm over her shoulders, looking every bit like a proud grandfather-to-be.
“Stay safe,” Himeko said, now at Dan Heng’s side.
“We will,” he returned.
“And know that we’ll always be here if you need anything,” she continued.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you any more than we have.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Himeko easily dismissed. “You and Stelle have been travelers on the Express for so long that you’re the closest thing to family I have. I guarantee you that the others feel the same. So it’s no bother. Besides, we’ll all miss you and can’t wait for you to come back, baby and all.”
At her words, more of the chilly unease in Dan Heng’s stomach dissipated. Maybe that was what had him in such a frenzy: he was leaving this place he considered home behind, even if it was just for a bit. For someone who grew up with nothing only to be exiled when he was old enough, the last thing he wanted was to let go of every treasure he'd found, for it to disappear.
But it wouldn’t. It was only a temporary shift for the sake of Stelle and his child. And once the baby arrived, they would come back home, to where his—no, their family was waiting.
“Sorry, sorry!” A sudden newcomer burst into the parlor. “I overslept. Apologies if I kept everyone waiting.”
“You came right on time,” Himeko assured. “Although, I feel bad for having to wake you in the first place. You seemed quite comfortable.”
“I was,” Natasha guiltily admitted. “Seems I’ve been working too hard lately and not getting enough rest.”
“Well, I hope you are able to get some rest on the Luofu.”
“On the contrary, I fear I’ll be too excited to want to sleep. And considering I have the very rare pleasure of caring for a single patient, I’ll have plenty of time to study a different world. I won’t want to miss a minute.”
Dan Heng spoke up, “I’m sure Bailu would be happy to let you read her medical texts.”
At that, Natasha’s eyes lit up. “It would be wonderful if I could find new techniques or medicines to take back to Belobog.”
“With as much free time as you’ll have,” Stelle chimed in. “I’m sure you’ll find something.”
“I look forward to it.”
With one last round of goodbyes, Dan Heng, Stelle, and Natasha headed toward the train's exit. Only, before they disembarked, Dan Heng transformed into his vidyadhara figure. Which he realized too late that Natasha had never seen before.
"That is... quite the surprise," Natasha commented, accepting the shift with grace. "But, I guess it shouldn't be, Cold Dragon Young."
He sighed. "I am impressed you can remember such a fleeting name."
"Fleeting?" Natasha asked, a mischievous twinkle coming to her eye. "The children still call you that."
Dan Heng wasn't quite sure what to think of that. Stelle certainly found it amusing, though. 
When they disembarked the Express, they were immediately greeted by a surprisingly large welcoming party, the most notable two being a young vidyadhara and a not-so-fearsome Cloud Knight Commander.
“Dan Heng! Stelle!” Bailu was the first to run up to them, throwing her arms around Stelle. “Man, you’re huge.”
“Gee, thanks,” Stelle deadpanned, still patting Bailu on the head.
“It’s an observation, not an insult,” she quipped back. Her pout soon became a grin as she turned to Dan Heng and threw her arms around him. “Welcome back.”
Dan Heng returned the hug Bailu gave him, although he didn’t cling to her nearly as tight as she did him. “Good to see you, Bailu.”
Having properly greeted him and Stelle, Bailu then turned to Natasha. “Ah, are you the doctor that Stelle wanted to bring?”
“Yes. I’m Natasha. You must be Bailu.”
“That I am.”
“I’ve heard much about you.”
“You should have,” Bailu proudly piped up. “Dan Heng is basically my brother.”
“Play nice,” Dan Heng warned, patting Bailu on the head as he walked past her, dragging the luggage behind him.
“Fine,” she playfully bemoaned. “But only because you asked nicely.”
Leaving the girls behind to chat among themselves, Dan Heng approached a grinning Jing Yuan.
“I believe a hearty congratulations is in order,” the man warmly greeted.
“Thank you.” Over the years, Dan Heng had forged an odd sort of acquaintanceship with Jing Yuan. He was sure that Jing Yuan would never be able to fully forget Dan Heng’s past incarnation and the close friendship he’d shared with Dan Feng, yet Dan Heng could tell the commander had moved beyond that and saw him for the person he was in this life instead of the man he once had been.
“Come now, no need to be so modest. You’re the first vidyadhara to ever reproduce. You should be thrilled.”
“I am,” Dan Heng said. “I simply have other concerns on my mind at the moment. Such as how the general population has reacted to that fact."
Jing Yuan’s expression grew serious, which only made the pit of worry in Dan Heng’s stomach grow. “I apologize. I encouraged Lady Bailu to leak that news. I thought it would be for the better to stir the pot and see what bubbled up beforehand rather than you appearing with your pregnant wife unannounced.”
He sighed, a heaviness weighing on his heart. Maybe this was the other reason he was so afraid to leave the Express behind. Yes, he would miss his family, but here, there were threats to Stelle lurking just under the surface. And if anything happened to her or the baby…
Well, he feared he understood Dan Feng a little too well in moments like this.
“You aren’t one to make an impulsive decision like that without council,” Dan Heng said. “I’m assuming you contacted the head diviner before making that call.”
“I’m pleased to know you know me so well. Yes, I did. She also agreed with that plan, believing it gave us the best chance to monitor the population’s reaction and weed out any potential threats prior to your arrival.”
“Did it yield harvest?”
“It did,” Jing Yuan confirmed. “They are facing judgment for their scheming. Although, I would refrain from claiming we’ve eliminated all threats. While many vidyadhara have accepted you back into the fold, there are those who still hate you regardless. To be honest, the other reason we wished to leak the information beforehand was to ensure that it would be safe for you to come here in the first place. Had the population reacted poorly, I would have told Bailu to send you elsewhere. However, the general consensus is a positive one. Most of the vidyadhara are happy to learn of your ability to father a child. You are now a symbol of hope for their race, after all.”
For a moment, Dan Heng was silent. “I understand that Stelle’s pregnancy provides hope to the vidyadhara population at large, and I should have pride in the fact I’m able to contribute in such a way to my race. But…” He turned to look at Stelle, who was grinning as Bailu held her swollen belly with a look of awe. “That is the last thing on my mind.”
Jing Yuan hummed. “I suppose I can’t fault you for that. Ultimately, you are no different than any other excited father.”
Dan Heng turned back to Jing Yuan. “There is a vast difference between knowing you have a child to carry on the legacy of a race incapable of having children and knowing that you are blessed to have a child.”
With an approving grin, Jing Yuan dropped a hand on Dan Heng’s shoulder. “That child is lucky to have you as a father. I’m happy for you.”
Dan Heng nodded his thanks.
Jing Yuan then gave Dan Heng’s shoulder a squeeze. “I swear on my honor that I’ll do everything I can to keep you and Stelle safe. Beyond you two being the parents of the first vidyadhara to be born, you two are the saviors of the galaxy. And even beyond that… you, Dan Heng, are my friend.”
For a moment, words eluded him, so Dan Heng had to settle for reaching up to rest a hand on Jing Yuan’s shoulder. “Thank you… old friend.”
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The only 'People' in Hell that should get exempted from the Exterminations are The Magnes, Highborn Demons, Highborn Fallen Angels, creatures like the Von Eldritches, and if Lucifer is in a good mood and you have done an exceptional job of proving yourself useful to him, he gives you an invite to come and bum with some of the other Overlords inside his mansion. Everyone else, including Fallen Angels who for whatever reason decided to remain distant from their Kin or strike out on their own, get to slum with the rest of the Sinners in the Pride Ring and those who unluckily get teleported from their Homeland Rings only have one week to find a hiding spot before Extermination Day.
Seriously, if Hell wasn't such a sanitized, musical obsessed, shitily written show, I would have no doubt that the other Rings would have their own equivalent version of the Extermination in order to keep their population low enough to not be problem or the Deadly Sins themselves teleport a sizable chunk of their Ring citizens to the Pride Ring.
Yes, the worldbuilding is half cooked and not fully explored.
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ginstermoff · 7 months
One thing these past months have shown me is how thinly veiled y'all's activism is when it comes to people you don't like.
Let me be clear:
Every person on earth is born with human rights that have to be met. A safe life, food, water, community and a home aren't things you have to deserve. They are your birth rights. No matter what.
Which is why humanizing "the other side" is so important.
Everyone on earth (yes, even you) is capable of unspeakable acts of cruelty, given your upbringing and or circumstances. You are not exempt of commiting atrocities. You still have fundamental rights that need to be met.
If your activism ain't including this, it's not activism at all. It's an excuse for hate.
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gatheredfates · 1 month
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Hi everyone and happy weekend! I'm drowning at work, but I wanted to put out a Compendium update—thank you to everyone who submitted! I don't think I missed anyone but, if I did, I'll update accordingly. ✨
As of 08/10, the following communities have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
Final Fantasy XIV Ontario — This server was created to connect gamers in (or near) Ontario, Canada who love playing Final Fantasy XIV. Events include monthly map nights and irl meetups!
Dragonhead — An open-world roleplay event for Ishgardians (and their neighbours).
Echelons of Etheirys — A community fostering political and court life roleplay in the world of Final Fantasy XIV, featuring regency-inspired tropes and themes; located on the North American data centre.
Buscarron's Druthers — A weekly roleplay community effort to encourage in-character, open-world engagement in the South Shroud and beyond.
The Bloodsands — Interested in combat RP? We have the place for you!
Lark's — An Ishgardian club for men.
The Regency — A gentleman's club.
Eorzean Museum Network — A network of free, player-run, venues; encouraging, supporting, and growing cultural venues and events anywhere in the FFXIV community.
Azure Moon Lounge — A welcome respite from the elements, the room is always cool and the drinks are plenty. Hosted by @rhela-xiv.
Compendium of Non-Weapon Held Objects — This is an ever-growing compendium of non-weapon held objects found in FFXIV for modders and gposers to reference. It includes a description of the object, the set/base/variant for adding it in Ktisis/Anamnesis/Brio, as well other technical information. This database is currently maintained by Nhaneh, Ainyan, and Pointyhats.
Have you thought about joining our Tumblr Community? You can find it here!
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Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here or send me an ask with the relevant information!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. This is all publicly available on the document.
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads. (Though these get posted to the SEAFLOOR Tumblr Community when I find them!)
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include IC tabloid blogs or other ventures used to generate roleplay.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the Compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my Community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community/resource on the Compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it. The same goes for resources; if it's relevant to the game, it'll be useful to someone.
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, contact me asap!
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kholnt · 27 days
Who are the other fairies with lost?
ah yes the Guys. tachy, equi n luas theyre fairies from korok forest! i will preface this whole thing with: this is such a minor thing in the grand scheme of things and anything in the lost/korok forest stems from me going "hey wouldnt it be silly" but they have my whole heart ANYWAY so. yap time lost is really close with all of the beings in the korok forest. its one of the rare times he can actually be his permanent hero title: hero of the wilds. (eventide is the other big one where he can be hero of the wilds for different reasons) the life in the forest loves him just as he loves them. fairies are not exempt from this, even if its more of an exasperated affection most of the fairies are shy but would like to communicate, so they learn kokiri. its an easier language to grasp and theres like 900 teachers to help BUT. theres a specific trio (tachy, equi n luas) that are very loud and very opinionated and would like lost to know their Thoughts and Feelings. so they get taught hylian by lost (and the great deku tree)! they only know very very basic words and are nowhere near the proficiency of navi, tatl n proxi but theyre LEARNING!! and they know enough to force lost to take care of himself which is enough. (as for personalities: tachy is more "actions over words", equi keeps everyone in check (lost included) and luas is All Over The Place. they are the guys ever)
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