portraituresque · 2 days
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Jesus-Christ - Self Portrait
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furiastock · 3 months
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10yrsyart · 5 months
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Logos- the Word of God Erebos- darkness, gloom
i don't remember where i heard this analogy, but it really stuck with me. you can't stay on the fence of belief/ unbelief forever, because the devil owns the fence. he owns all the religions of the world, except for the only faith that can save you: faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. the Son of God came down, lived a sinless life, took our sins upon Himself in death, and resurrected so we might have life too. because He LOVES us.
the truth is, you don't know when the end of your life will be. when you come to stand before the Just and Righteous Judge, will you be covered by Jesus' perfect blood, shielding you from punishment? or will you still have all your sins covering you because you rejected Him?
i don't write this to condemn, but because i love you and want you to have an eternity of joy and peace. so i warn you with love: Jesus is returning soon, to take His people away before God's Wrath and judgement begins (Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9).
signs in the sun, moon, and stars. wars and rumors of wars, people's love for each other turning to hate. the increased intensity of natural disasters and strange behavior of animals. every other week some expert talks of world distinction events in our future (AI, or famine, or disease, or WWIII). God has sent dreams and visions to all people about the times about to happen. you can feel there's something weird about the world right now. God is speaking loudly.
now is the time to repent, accept the sacrifice for your sins and put your faith in Him. now is the time to step into the Kingdom of Life that will never pass away 💙✝ "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (...) There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has been judged already, for not believing in God's one and only Son." (John 3:16, 18)
Helel: What did they say that gripped your attention so much?
Girl: Prince Helel. She was just telling me about life in the Logos Kingdom compared to the Erebos Kingdom. I haven't really decided where I want to live yet.
Helel: Pffeh, I can assure you, she greatly exaggerate. I've been to the Logos Kingdom. Those people are practically in chains and they don't even realize.
Girl: ..But you rule the Erebos Kingdom. Doesn't that make you a little bias? Either way, I'd still like to decide for myself.
Helel: Of course, of course! Take all the time you want. We'd love to have you!
(years pass)
Girl: Helel, what's happening?!
Helel: That, my dear, is a curtain call.
Girl: I don't understand-
Helel: It's time you came with me.
Girl: Wait-! But I never picked a kingdom! I'm still on the fence-
Helel: Oh, I'm terribly sorry for the confusion! You see, I OWN the fence!
Girl: No! Get off me! I thought I had more time! Stop-!
Girl: King Yeshua!!
Helel: No, sshe'sss mine! Sshe waited too long-
Yeshua: (Release her. Serpent.)
Helel: (Fine. But they won't all want sssaving~)
Girl: Thankyou, thankyou, he almost had me! If You didn't... I'm so sorry. Please don't send me back to him-
Yeshua: I came to you when you called, didn't I? You made your decision. And I'm so Glad! Allow Me to welcome you home, Dear One.
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dailychristianblog · 4 months
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anattmar · 7 months
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takeheartdaughter · 1 year
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oldwilds · 4 months
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Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
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honore-art · 7 months
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sorry for sending two same pictures
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Going to church, praying and reading your bible are not the the only ways to worship. Welcome to my Tedtalk
Surely church, bible and all are definitely the most important parts of worship but it's not just it. Just in case you need here's some action's you can do as worship towards God
You can worship God by doing small actions too.
Praise God. Even for the smallest. Is the night sky beautiful tonight? Do you saw a beautiful flower or a nice landscape? Did you heard a sermon full of the Holy Spirit? Take a moment to express your awe towards God. He is happy when you acknowledge His power and what He has created
Thank God. Again even if it's something very small or something that you think as granted. Did you woke up today without any troubles? Did you had a nice experience today? Did you slept well? Did you ate something? Did you had the chance to laugh today? Saying a simple "thank you Lord" will be very appreciated by Him. He always appreciates gratitude
Small actions of kindness and love! Bible always reminds us to show love to others, right? Someone was in hurry and accidentally dropped whatever he was carrying? Help him pick the stuff up. See a homeless person? Reach out to them, talk to them, keep them some company if they wish, if you can buy them something to eat, or especially now in summer with such a heat provide them a cool drink and of course if you can give them some money too. Reach out to people and ask them, how are they feeling? How can you help them? Can you pray for them?. Helping someone carry their groceries to home. In the bus offer your seat to someone else. Or even give to a stranger compliment. Help your family members somehow. Before you go for big actions of love start first with the small and whatever you do do it for three reasons
Do it for the glory of God. Let the Christ-like attitude shine
Do it because all humans are the image of God
And because that's what Jesus commands (duh)
All of those are great. Also don't forget, fasting (from food or other secular stuff) listening to praising music and even singing one, speaking to yourself biblical truth, living the bible, saying no to past sins etc. can also be considered worshipping
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
Angel Dust: So, I have been meaning to ask, have you ever met Jesus in Heaven?
Adam: Yeah, though he prefers being called by his Hebrew name Yeshua.
Angel Dust: So what is he like.
Adam: Of course he is powerful since he is God’s son created from God himself before he was sent down to Earth to experience human life. He is usually pretty chill guy and easy to get along with. He holds a lot of love toward humanity and even loves Sinners too. Though he does hate how he had been used to promote hatred of certain groups of people. He also can’t stand how up until recently he was portrayed as a white man since he was never a white man. He was one of the few people up in Heaven who didn’t judge me for how I looked, dressed, or the type of music I liked.
Angel Dust: Honestly, the guy you are talking about sounds a lot cooler than the version of the guy I had to learn about in the Catholic Church. I always wondered if he would find me disgusting.
Adam: He wouldn’t, in fact he would want to be friends with you and would proud of the fact that you are working to redeem yourself. I mean he forgave Judas and everyone knows what that guy did. In fact I know he approves of the hotel since the guy is all about redemption.
*Angel Dust couldn’t help but smile at those encouraging words*
(I would like to think that if Jesus/Yeshua was ever brought into Hazbin Hotel he would be portrayed as a pretty chill guy who would approve of Charlie’s hotel)
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furiastock · 3 months
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Alma de Lobo - Solus Taciturnus.
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10yrsyart · 6 months
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Happy Resurrection Day! 🕊 "Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and He raised from the dead on the third day." (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
"He was despised and rejected- a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief (..) Yet it was our weaknesses He carried; it was our sorrows that weighed Him down.
But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be made whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.
He had done no wrong (..) Yet when His life is made an offering for sin, He will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life (and) when He sees all that was accomplished by His anguish, He will be satisfied (..) 'My righteous Servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for He will bear all their sins.' " (Isaiah 53, various)
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dailychristianblog · 4 months
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anattmar · 7 months
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— но мучения твои сейчас кончатся
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christianshorts · 4 months
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The tag above says like one of your characters is trapped in the OC Universe hell how is that for them
Pff nah that’s me. I made that when I was focusing on more original works and never changed it
But they’re well I think
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