#Xue Yang x reader
asumi2020202 · 5 months
A Family
Pairing: Xue Yang x reader x Xiao Xingchen
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Summary: After escaping from a haunting past, you're found by some unknown people whom you have never seen in your life. It is as if fate brought you all together.
AU: Xue Yang doesn't betray Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing.
About Reader: You have been described as a female. You have heterochromia which is basically having two different eye colors. You come from a clan called the Zenin clan. { not the one from jjk........ Exactly the one from jjk (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) }
A/n: I know I haven't been writing anything for a long time but now that i'm back, I shall enlighten you all again.(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠). I'm sorry it's a bit cringe .
T/W: abuse, traumatising past.
Chilled Breezes came and blew away, people laughed and strolled through the path they were walking.
Children chasing each other playfully.
Suddenly all seemed silent, as a child's cry filled the atmosphere. A h/c haired child stood under tree, getting scolded by a man while a little boy, a year older from her perhaps, stood beside the man crying.
Tears slowly started pouring from the h/c haired girl, but the man paid no mind to it. She had a cut on her arm and blood dripping from it. Yet the only thing the man cared for was the tiny little scrape that the little boy had on his hand.
That man was no other than the father of both the children. The leader of the Zenin clan.
The leader of the Zenin Clan was known to be a cruel man. Only caring for his sons and mistresses.
His wife on the other hand, was a gentle lady. She cared for everyone around her and helped them. She loved all her children equally yet she was not allowed to be with her only daughter, her little Y/n.
Y/n was the only daughter of Lord Zenin. Everyone was delighted when she was born, but that was until she opened her eyes, her adoring and curious eyes.
It was as if everything stopped for a time. She was born with two different colored eyes. One was a fierce e/c eye whereas the other was a bright and shine filled gold eye.
Her father ruthlessly took her from her mother's embrace to further inspect her. He was... shocked. Unable to accept his daughter being different he called her cursed.
She was seperated from the rest of her family. Her mother was heartbroken that her child was taken from her by none other than her husband. As Y/n grew older, her mother would sometimes gaze outside only to see that her daughter was either bullied by other children or framed by her brothers about something and getting scolded and hit by her husband. That poor child was mistreated and abused.
Time went by as y/n grew older. By now she was 17. She had been busy all day with work. She was treated no more than a maid, sometimes even worse.
She sat down to watch her brothers and their companions train . She was suddenly called by a servant, asking her to follow him as the lord was asking for her presence.
Upon her arrival Lord zenin's face turned into a disgusted one. Without any further discussion he told her that she was to marry a lord of another clan. Perhaps it would have been easy to bear if the lord has been somewhat around her age. But no he wasn't rather he was almost like a uncle to her.
"you have never been useful for me ever since you were born . You are a cursed child, atleast marrying you off to the lord would strengthen the bond between our clans and I would be able to get rid of you." Said Lord Zenin as y/n stood frozen.
After a second, she replied "How could you do this to your own daughter?! I have done everything i could just to be acknowledged by you, just to get the love my brothers get too. Yet you try to marry me off to someone who almost as old as an uncle to me. I won't! I won't do it!" To which Lord Zenin replied " I have no daughter. You are just a curse living inside the Zenin household. Hence you will agree to what I say, you have no will of your own! Your marriage will be held the day after tomorrow, so be prepared."
Later that same day, when all was silent and night had fallen, she planned her escape. Yet after a while she had fallen asleep without even noticing.
The dreadful day came, she woke up early when it was still dark. The gates were all closed and guarded so she had no option but to climb over the walls.
While climbing, a guard had noticed her, instantly informing the lord. Y/n tried to run as fast as she could. On the other hand, lord zenin ordered that the guards catch her by any means even if it's violence.
Y/n ran and ran when suddenly an arrow was shot at her , piercing her upper back. She ran near the town and tried to disappear between the crowd to which she was successful. She sat down near a broken house and took the arrow out of her back. She was loosing blood . She fell and her consciousness started to fade as she saw a figure crouch down above her.
I opened my eyes slowly, trying to focus my vision. I sat up and noticed that my back and chest was bandaged. I was about to get up when someone said " don't move too much, your wounds might open." I got startled. It was a man in full white, he had a piece of cloth cover his eyes. He later clarified that he was blind.
He started to converse with me when two more figures entered the room. This time it was a girl and behind her was another man. He was wearing all black.
After sometime, I got to know the names and identity. The white clothes man was called Xiao Xingchen. The girl was called A-Qing and the black clothed man was called Xue Yang.
Xingchen offered that I live with them when I healed after sometime and opened up to them. The four of us grew closer and closer.
It was as if I found my family. Not the one who threw me aside because I had different eyes, not the one who called me a cursed child. It was a new feeling to me.... Being loved, feeling loved.
1 year later
Slowly and slowly, Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen felt a connection towards each other and y/n. Xue Yang even shared his story with the two. Both felt the need to comfort Xue Yang.
The two men had figured their feelings for each other. Both deciding they would confess to y/n together and ask her to be their second mate.
Love certainly effected them both. Xue Yang forgot about the murders and crimes he did. He was mesmerized by his lover and y/n. Though he would certainly stab anyone if they give too much unwanted attention or make his mates uncomfortable anyway. He is the most jealous one out of the trio.
Whereas Xingchen offered to help y/n whenever Xue Yang left to get food and requirements with A-Qing.
A-Qing had become a little sister to y/n. Y/n had found out that she was not blind, but that remained a secret between the two.
A week after their discussion, the two decided that it was finally time to confess. They took the girl to somewhere quiet . They confessed to the girl who actually had been in love with the both of them ever since they saved her.
A-Qing was both worried and happy for y/n. She was delighted because y/n finally felt loved and worried because she thought y/n might get hurt knowing that both the men are cultivators.
Years Later
Over the years their bond grew stronger and unbreakable.
Xue Yang had slowly started to accept the revenge isn't all and tried to be forgiving even though his past still haunted him but with his lovers by his side, he felt at ease.
Xue Yang, Xiao Xingchen and Y/n Zenin had gotten married to each other. It was not known by many as not many people came to the coffin house. A-Qing acted as the priest and witness of their love.
They had re-constructed the coffin house . Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen helped heal injured people, A-Qing as their helper. The physical part is mostly done by Xue yang under Xingchen's guidance.
Y/n on the other hand would take care of their household. Cook them meals to eat and create a warm place for them to return to.
Xue yang, tho difficult, tried to forget his past and move on. He would sometimes get nightmares of them. During those time, Xingchen would sit up supporting y/n, while she held Xue Yang close to her chest as both of them comforted him.
Same with the others when they would get nightmares of their past.
Y/n learned different sweet dishes, even chocolates, knowing both of her lovers love sweet things, especially Yang.
Xingchen loved to lay on y/n or Yang's lap when resting or napping. The way their hands moved through his hair , lulled him to sleep. He could rest at ease with his mates by his side.
The three of them could never be separated from each other. Even while sleeping, all took turns to be in the middle and hold each other close. Even while making love, they would appreciate each other making no one feel left out.
So, even if any of their past comes to haunt them, they know that the other two would give their life to protect them. After all.......
......They are A Family. One that they always craved to have.
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drama--universe · 1 year
Don't kill each other
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Requested by anonymous: Hey hey! How about a request for Untamed where the reader is the twin (or younger sister) of Meng Yao who is involved in planning the murder of Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangshan along with her brother and Xue Yang. Meng Yao is very protective of her sister, always takes care of her and always wants her to be happy (heh, I adore protective brothers even though I don't have one XD). But Meng Yao does not know that his sister is in a relationship with Xue Yang, he is afraid to tell his brother because he believes that he might be jealous of Xue Yang because it was always her brother who protected her and now he will be replaced by Xue Yang. And she wasn't wrong in a way, when Meng Yao found out (he saw them too close together, heard them talking amorously to each other, etc...) and so he decides to interrogate them both, he asks his sister why she kept it from him...
Pairing: Xue Yang x Meng!reader
Word Count: 1.0k words
Warnings: dismemberment, death, threathening
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With a loud sigh, you leaned back against Xue Yang's chest. Your brother was god knows where, already an hour late to what was supposed to be your meeting time. Xue Yang threw his arm around you, pulling you closer to him as he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head. His hand toyed with your hair, pulling at the strands ever so slightly to annoy you a bit. You just shoved him as you sat up, almost jumping from your seat as the door loudly opened. You moved to another seat instead of staying on Xue Yang's lap, sitting a bit more neater and lady-like than before. Your brother, Meng Yao, entered with a frown on his face, creating wrinkles in his forehead that you had grown so used to seeing.
"Who was it this time?" You asked as you spotted some blood on the bottom of his robes, but Meng Yao didn't answer. His frown did lessen a bit when he saw you, softly patting your hair. You smiled at him before embracing him, making the elder break out in a smile eventually. Xue Yang was fascinated with how easy you could change Men Yao's mood, but it made sense since you could easily do the same for him. It was a charm of yours, one easily used for manipulation if necessary and often used for it as well. Xue Yang knew this well enough, it is how you got his attention and how you got him to join Meng Yao's plans. Luckily, you were more true to yourself after getting to know him instead of pretending to be your fake self.
"So, who was it this time?" You asked again as you let go of him, looking at him while he sat down as well. Meng Yao shook his head before looking at Xue Yang.
"Why are you here?" His voice was laced with annoyance, you couldn't figure out why, and Xue Yang scoffed before turning and grabbing his back. It was quickly throw across the room, landing besides Meng Yao. He opened it before closing it again, closing his eyes as well.
"I needed him intact, not just his head..." "The ghouls got to him first, not my fault." Xue Yang said, shrugging as he leaned back in his seat. Both men seemed a bit too unbothered with the fact that there was a literal head in the bag. You, like any normal human being, didn't quite like to see severed limbs. So when Meng Yao dropped the bag and the head of whoever rolled out of the bag and to the floor, you immediatley turned away while trying to not gag. Cue both men looking at you with a worried look, Xue Yang being the first to check up on you.
Unfortunately for both of you, he forgot about your brother sitting an arms length away.
"What do you think you're doing?" His voice was laced with venom, clearly meant to scare Xue Yang in some way. It didn't work, but that didn't mean that Meng Yao would stop glaring. You slowly pushed Xue Yang's hand away from your arm, coughing softly as you tried to compose yourself. Xue Yang didn't stop his movement as he made you close your eyes before you heard shuffling, assuming that he was putting the head away from your sight. Meng Yao frowned as he watched how caring Xue Yang was being to you, unlike what he had seen previously. He picked Xue Yang because of the lack of empathy to humans, yet here he was as he treated you like you were the love of his life. At that thought, Meng Yao's eyes widened as he looked between the two of you. Somehow, everything clicked in seconds.
"You're courting?" He asked, voice even rougher than before as he awaited an answer from you. He didn't care for Xue Yang, only staring at you with a look of, what seemed to be, disappointment. And for you, that was the worst thing to receive from your brother. It pained your heart that your brother was disappointed in you, you fought every single day to not disappoint him in any way and yet here you were. You forced yourself to speak, telling him that was true with a stutter in your voice that you could not hide. Emotions flashed across your brother's face, something that not often happened as Meng Yao never wore his emotions on his face. It ended in an emotionless look, one that you could still read easily however. That was an expression that meant one thing, Xue Yang was going to die.
"Don't you dare." The second you said that, Meng Yao had already turned and pointed a sword to your boyfriend's neck. It pressed against his main artery, drawing a bit of blood that trickled down Xue Yang's neck. You rushed forwards, shoving yourself in between the pair while pushing the sword away safely.
"You can not kill my boyfriend-" Meng Yao twitched, wanting to lift the sword once again. "-Don't you dare." You pointed a finger at him and he sighed, dropping the sword rather dramatically.
"If she gets hurt-" "She won't. You know what I can do." Xue Yang answered, a bit too cocky for your liking as you elbowed him between his ribs.
"I can protect myself, so why don't you both shut up." You spoke as you stepped out of their reach, looking at the both of them before pointing a finger at each.
"Now get along." And with that, you walked out. They'd be fine, even if they fought.
As long as neither died, but you'd kill the other if that happened and you were sure that they knew that.
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realitydisociation · 2 years
I’ve been living with an empty space in my heart after finishing The Untamed and Word of Honor, coming here to read some good fics and finding none for WoH and only a few for MDZS (which I already have read all)
Like there are a lot of beautiful and fic-able(? characters in both shows ????
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eyesforahead · 1 year
Please, feel free to check my previous scenario's the bsd one has 2 hour's left for the option to vote :>
Rule's to help you:
Read everything before choosing
Know what you're getting into by choosing your choice
Follow for more :]
Read to the bottom first
You have died and have been Isekai 'd into mdzs! You have the option to take choose a role.
These are your options. Think carefully.
Think wisely on the character's fate. Remember it is known if you share the last name of someoned deemed as evil automatically everyone will assume you are as well!
So my dear, what's your choice? Tell me in the comments I'm curious.
I apologize if this doesn't make sense. I'll answer any question you may have. Recommendations on next scenario are welcome!
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“The Vanity Of Virtues” a CQL (Xue Yang x Fem! Reader) Fanfic: Part 2 (TW: SEX SCENE)
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“You killed an entire village?” Qiān Qiān gasped. “That’s definitely way worse than me killing a man in self defense. Yes, maybe I went overboard…but-“
Xue Yang grinned. “Killing is killing. There’s no righteous way to do it. That’s what makes it so much fun in the first place, sweetheart.”
“If it’s so effortless and comes so naturally to you, how do I know you won’t kill me?” Qiān Qiān scoffed.
“You don’t. I’m not going to guarantee you anything. But if it helps, for now I’ll keep you around. I’d like to corrupt you before I slit your throat.” Xue Yang said, his thumb tracing a line across Lan Qiān Qiān’s throat.
She shivered. His fingers felt good on her skin. Despite this, she pulled away. “Nice try. I’m not looking for that kind of corruption. Besides, why would you want a girl from a prestigious clan? You’d get your way with random whores on the streets perhaps, but not me.”
Xue Yang feigned an expression of hurt, getting up and walking towards the place where Qiān Qiān’s horse was tied. “Will you at least let me travel with you to the nearest town?” He asked, stroking the horse’s mane.
Qiān Qiān laughed. Xue Yang was so quick to change his demeanor. Now he had the tone of a pitiful lost child. “Fine. You can come along, but you need to behave yourself.” She got up, dusting herself off and making her way over to where the horse was. “I ride front. And we only stop for water.”
“Riiiight.” Xue Yang said, watching his companion’s ass as she mounted the horse.
“What exactly are you looking at?” She huffed, frustrated. “Mount the damn horse, or walk.”
Xue Yang snickered, climbing on behind her and muttering some remark about a Lan clan girl cussing in front of him.
Qiān Qiān took the reins, untying the horse and digging her heels in to get it moving. She felt Xue Yang’s arms slip around her waist, hands resting over her midriff. She blushed, grateful he couldn’t see her cheeks turning red. ‘What a filthy vagabond.’ She noted silently. Then smiled.
The hot hours of the day passed by, with the sun high in the sky. Occasionally Xue Yang instructed Qiān Qiān to make a right or left turn. They stopped for water twice, and by the time they could see a village and its lanterns in the distance, the sun was setting a rusty red over the mountains to the west. It was a blessing, entering the village at nightfall, as their raggedy appearance and bloodstained clothes were less apparent in the dark.
After dismounting the horse and tying it near an inn, Xue Yang and Lan Qiān Qiān entered through the doors of the clean but simple Inn that had a tavern connected to it. No one else was there except the owner at the front table and (presumably) his son sweeping the hallway. Xue Yang approached the owner with confidence. “Are any rooms vacant?” Qiān Qiān asked, hurrying her steps to catch up with her cocky travel companion.
The old innkeeper smiled, but his eyes were filled with suspicion as he eyed the stains on Xue Yang’s clothes. “I’m sorry. There aren’t any rooms without guests. Maybe try the next town?” The man suggested. Qiān Qiān frowned. Her back and butt ached from riding the horse many tedious miles. Xue Yang turned to her, taking in her tired posture and sleepy expression.
He turned back to the innkeeper, unsheathing his knife and holding it to the man’s neck in a single effortless motion. “You’re lying, and my girl here is tired. Give us a room, friend.” He said, synthetic curtesy laced in his tone. Xue Yang use his other hand to pull out a paper with the official Wen Clan symbol stamped on it.
The innkeeper scrambled, stuttering and agreeing to prepare them a room. Xue Yang didn’t sheath the knife til the old man led them to their room and closed the door behind them.
Qiān Qiān didn’t know whether to feel appalled or grateful at Xue Yang’s lack of manners. Was Xue Yang working for the Wen Clan? At this point, she was too tired to care. She flopped on the bed in the corner, immediately falling fast asleep.
That is, until she felt Xue Yang climb into bed next to her. She bolted upright, completely flustered. It was then she realized there was only one bed.
“Something wrong? Xue Yang said getting comfortable.
“I-I- what do you think you’re doing??!” She stuttered, snatching the pillow out from under him and smacking him with it.
Xue Yang observed Qiān Qiān for a moment, then nodded smugly, as if a piece of the puzzle was falling into place. “If it flusters you that much, there’s always the floor, my little Qiān Qiān. I understand girls need to save certain things for later if they wish to be wed.” He remarked, lying back down and closing his eyes.
Qiān Qiān felt anger boiling in her stomach. “What makes you think I’d settle for any man in marriage or otherwise?!”
Xue Yang smirked, eyes still closed. “If you’re so disgusted by the notion I can only assume you’re a virgin. How very Lan Clan of you.”
Still furious, Qiān Qiān climbed out of the bed and reclined on the floor. She tried sleeping, as the moon rose high in the sky and peaked through the windows, changing the shadows on the floor. Her back and neck began to cramp. She cried softly to herself. This felt like Lan Clan level of punishment. The hard floor was unforgiving at best, torture at worst with its splinters and creaking. ‘It’s not that I’m disgusted by him… or the idea of…’ Qiān Qiān paused her thoughts. ‘If I’m honest I’m just scared. Scared i won’t be good enough, or that he’ll hurt me if I show that kind of trust. I just met him, and it would be completely foolish to trust Xue Yang with my body like that. He killed a whole village!’
She rolled over one more time on the wood floor. Then sat up in anger and defeat, climbing into bed next to Xue Yang.
His body was warm and she settled in quite easily, back to him, but eventually she felt his arms wrap around her, pulling her closer. The dull ache in her heart subsided. This wasn’t so bad. She expected things to go farther. But eventually fell asleep, waking up with a feeling of both relief and disappointment that sex hadn’t happened. Qiān Qiān frowned. ‘How naive of me to think he’d be into me like that. He’s a heartless killer. I’m a foolish girl.’
Xue Yang stirred, sitting up and stretching. He acknowledged her with a half hearted “good-morning” that turned into a yawn. After going to the tavern for breakfast (which was free for guests), hardly enjoying the plain sticky rice and tea, Lan Qiān Qiān quietly returned to their room. Xue Yang had offered to go to the market and get better food for their travels. She decided not to accompany him. ‘Best if I distance myself from that man.’ Qiān Qiān thought crossly. An hour passed of her lying in bed, sulking and still aching from her time on the floor.
Xue Yang returned, entering the room and laying some clothes out for her that weren’t blood stained or torn. “You’ll look more trustworthy in these clothes.” He said, staring at Qiān Qiān expectantly. She dragged herself out of bed, silently changing in front of him. A small part of her hoped he’d see her as desirable if he saw her naked. The rest of her was numb with exhaustion. She struggled to tie the elegant and simple peach colored robes. Xue Yang stopped changing, still shirtless, to help her tie the back part she couldn’t reach very well.
When he was done, she spun around, letting the sleeves catch the air and swirl around her. She felt slightly better, and even managed a weak smile. At least now she didn’t look like the ragged runaway that she felt like inside. Xue Yang clapped playfully at her little dance, and the ache returned to her heart. She wanted him so badly, and couldn’t get the feeling of his warmth against her in bed out of her mind, or the self-hatred that came with it. ‘What a fool I am….’
When evening came, a very old cultivator woman arrived at the tavern and the residents of the inn flocked to her table, all clambering to have her do a special tea divination for them. Xue Yang and Lan Qiān Qiān watched from their table. The elegant older woman quietly got up from her table and left the crowd behind. Much to both of their shock, the cultivator sat at their table. Qiān Qiān greeted the woman respectfully, but Xue Yang rolled his eyes, sipping his jar of liquor in silence.
“You must be really renowned for tea readings!” Lan Qiān Qiān said, acknowledging the woman in awe. Divination was a very special practice that she had hardly seen in the Lan Clan.
“If you want I can show you your fate?” The woman offered.
“But what about those people who asked you first?” Qiān Qiān said, surprised.
“They all will ask me boring questions, in all honesty.” The wise cultivator answered. “You two seem more interesting. Perhaps you’ll ask me something that will challenge my skills.”
“In that case… I would love to witness my fate!” Qiān Qiān said enthusiastically. “If it’s not too much trouble,” she added.
The woman nodded, pouring the loose leaf tea. Into the cup. She proceeded to have Qiān Qiān drink it, leaving only the tea mulch left and none of the liquid. The woman flipped the tea cup over its tray and then flipped it again, examining rhetorical remains of the tea leaves and herbs and what shapes they formed.
Her expression tightened, and she was silent. Qiān Qiān waited patiently.
Finally, the woman spoke. “I see a butterfly. I also see a spider lily next to it. Transformation, death, and lots of turmoil. That is what your future holds. You and your companion will face these things soon enough, because the spider lily flower and the butterfly are closer to where each of you sit. That is all I can tell you.” The woman said. If she was uneasy, she gave no sign of it.
Qiān Qiān burst into tears, slumping in her seat. “Can you please tell me if there’s something else? I don’t want to die! Not yet!” She cried softly. Xue Yang groaned in irritation. The woman glanced disapprovingly at the two of them then got up and left.
“You do know that divination like that is complete nonsense,” Xue Yang sighed, taking another swig of his drink. Lan Qiān Qiān didn’t stop crying. Xue Yang frowned. He set down his drink, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. “There, there… no use crying over tea leaves. I’m not killing you tonight anyways.”
She continued bawling, ignoring his efforts to comfort her. That is, until he leaned in and started gently kissing her neck. Qiān Qiān paused her crying, letting out a whimper of pleasure. Taking this as a sign, he scooped her up out of her seat and carried her back to their room at the inn.
When they arrived in the room, he set her down on the bed and immediately started undressing. “What…. What are you doing?” She said shakily, blinking back tears.
Xue Yang removed his boots and took off his pants, carelessly tossing them on the ground. Qiān Qiān’s jaw dropped, taking in the sight of his rather large package. “Isn’t it obvious? Besides… You heard the woman, we don’t have much time left. Might as well have some fun!”
Qiān Qiān’s cheeks turned bright red, and she felt a pulsing wetness between her legs she couldn’t ignore.
Xue Yang began untying her dress.
“I thought you didn’t believe in that divination stuff?” Qiān Qiān said, feeling the layers of her dress falling to the floor. There was only one layer left.
Xue Yang slipped his hands into the final binds of her robes , quickly untying them. “Any excuse to ruin a girl from the prestigious Lan Clan…” he whispered in her ears. The clothes fell to the ground, leaving her exposed.
That was it. Lan Qiān Qiān couldn’t think of any excuses. She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. “Please go easy. I’ve… never done this sort of thing.” She said submissively.
She waited, and felt Xue Yang join her in bed. He pulled her close, kissing her soft skin, sucking on her nipples, and fingering her clit gently until she begged for more. Qiān Qiān cried at first when he slid his cock into her. It hurt a bit more than she had expected. It stretched her so much and she felt how tight her pussy was against Xue Yang’s length. He pulled out and plunged it back in repeatedly, becoming merciless and passionate in the way he caressed her. Finally, he left it in, beginning to cum inside her as she wept and buried her face in his chest.
“Shouldn’t you pull out?” She said, breathless and wet from arousal.
Xue Yang kissed her on the lips, and she melted, mind going blank as she began to grind up against him instinctively. He moaned with satisfaction.
In that moment, Qiān Qiān felt like she belonged. He craved her. He wanted her. That was more than she could ever have hoped.
“Xue Yang…” she moaned, exhausted after a full hour had passed of pleasure. “I’m tired. If it’s ok… can we do this again tomorrow?”
“I guess I can let you live until then…” Xue Yang said playfully. “It’s a deal.” He ran his fingers through her long hair, smiling shamelessly.
Thanks for reading! Plz reblog if you want more!
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johnnyraine · 2 years
Currently see which one of my fanfics will take my top spot of "My Most Liked, Single Charcter x Male Reader fanfic."
It's between "I Put A Spell On You (Sarah Sanderson x Male Reader Smut)" and "Tied Up (Xue Yang x Male Reader Smut.)"
I Put A Spell on You is at 147 notes
Tied Up is at 160 notes
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springsheep · 26 days
Imagine Guan Xue's reaction when you've been accused of something you didn't do...
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Another pro-reader tip for mxtx novels: they are all stories with clear-cut good guys and bad guys and a strong moral message, BUT you have to actually read what the story has to say about characters without taking anything at face value, relying on genre tropes, or using identities and statuses as shorthand to your understanding of the moral system and themes of the story. So no, most characters in her stories are not morally gray (though some are, most can be definitively categorized as either morally good or bad, and ALL of her main characters are definitively morally good), and no she does not write morally gray plots where “morality is just subjective!” If anything, the term I think people are looking for is “morally neutral” (meaning that the thing is not assigned a morality in and of itself) in many cases.
An mxtx character is never designated as good or bad based off their backgrounds or class: Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangyao, Shen Jiu, and Mu Qing all grow up outside of the elite class, but Mu Qing (eventually) and Wei Wuxian are unquestionably good guys while Jin Guangyao and Shen Jiu are unquestionable villains. Shen Yuan, Lan Wangji, and Xie Lian all grow up within the gentry class but are all good guys while Jiang Cheng, Jun Wu, and The Old Palace Master are bad. Likewise, life circumstances or tools don’t determine morality. In mdzs, the sword path (which is the orthodox one) is used to commit genocide by the general cultivation world just as easily as Lan Wangji wields it to protect the forsaken commoners. Wei Wuxian’s ghost path was created to protect himself before being used to protect others, but Xue Yang and the Jin Clan pervert it to cause mass destruction for their own wishes. In tgcf, Xie Lian uses his god powers to attempt to help the Yong’an people while the other gods simply collect worshippers to increase their power and oppress lesser gods. Every character I’ve listed minus the Old Palace Master has experienced intense trauma that has informed their lives and colors their morality, but it does not define why they have chosen to take on certain moral stances.
(This is not to say that mxtx doesn’t have certain tropes she dislikes, as she clearly hates the “dedicate their whole existence completely to another person” trope. Su She, a villain dedicated to Jin Guangyao, dies. Zhuzhi-lang, a sympathetic antagonist dedicated to Tianlang-jun, dies. Hua Cheng, A WHOLE LOVE INTEREST dedicated to the literal main character, dies a whopping three (3) times before he learns his lesson.)
Mxtx does not condemn those who stray from orthodoxy. In fact, every story she’s (currently) written is about the dangers of entrenched and unquestioned hierarchy and status quo giving way to corruption every time. She wants you to question the dominant narrative of the benevolent group who descend from on high to “save the ignorant masses.” She wants you to question the idea that the only people with the right of choice are those at the top of the hierarchy. She wants you to question the idea that even the smallest decision of “powerless” people does not matter in “the grand scheme of things.” She wants you to actually think about the story conventions that you accept as infallible and question whether or not it would make for good shorthand by which to understand well-written characters and story arcs (and also, hopefully, how society is structured at large). So if you find yourself reading an mxtx novel and siding with the mob characters or lamenting how x character was locked into making certain choices “against their will” or being unable to reconcile how a recognized trope led to an unexpected conclusion because “that’s not how it’s supposed to go,” then it may do you some good to stop and ask yourself “was this idea supported by the narrative that I read in the book, or is this an idea I’ve come to entirely from my own preconceived notions of how I wanted the story to turn out based on how other, similar stories have panned out?”
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hami-gua · 9 months
If it Means to Remain by Your Side
From the list I posted yesterday, I'm gonna start with the Dan Heng x Reader MDZS inpsired fic first.
Characters and plot won’t be as accurate to the inspired plot. Especially for this story which involves a lot of adults and teens an not much children.  So many characters are left out simply due to the fact that a lot of npcs either didn’t fit the role, or were far too young for my standards.
I also ended up having to lean more onto the live action version than the novel/manhua version. Not all characters casted are exactly accurate too, as there are more traumatized than non-traumatized.
Dan Heng  - Lan zhan/Lan Wangji
Reader - Wei Ying/Wei Wuxian
Jing Yuan - Lan Xichen
Blade/Yingxing - Song Lan
March - Lan Jingyi
Yukong - Jian Yanli
Tingyun - Jin Guangyao
Jingliu - Xue Yang
Baiheng - Xiao Xingchen
Yanqing - Jin Ling
Ruan Mei _ Baoshan Sanren
Luocha - Jin Zixuan (Ik Yukong and him aren’t a ship, but it'll have to do as Honkai doesn’t really have a F and M implied relations. I mean the only ones that do are in a love triangle.)
Xueyi - Wen Ning
Hanya - Wen Qing
Qingque - Nie Huaisang
Diting - Fairy
Fu Xuan - Jiang Cheng
Guinaifen - Lan Sizhui/Lan Yuan (Again, not a ship as Yanqing is too fight frenzy of a kid to actually have a crush. I just think these two would pair well as friends)
Sushang - A-Qing
Luofu -- Gusu Lan
Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
Guinaifen (later half)
Yaoqing -- Qinghe Nie
Zhuming -- Qishan Wen
Guinaifen (first half
Yuque -- Lanling Jin
Yanqing & Fairy
Fanghu -- Yunmeng Jiang
Ruan Mei
Xuling -- Burial Mounds
Reader (Mid-way)
Hanya (Mid-way)
Xueyi (Mid-way)
Guinafen (Mid-way)
I literally looked up all the different alliance of Xianzhou just to see which would be Wen sect. So here’s the reasoning.
Luofu: They don’t really have a specialty. Their main goal is to take out abundance cult.
Yaoqing: Much like Luofu, don’t really have a specialty. Aggressive and good at martial arts.
Zhuming: Their main export specialty is porcelain. According to Fandom wiki, the people here love playing with fire.
Yuque: They export jade abaci, thus making me think they’ll be wealthy due to it and technologically advanced/smart.
Fanghu: Exports a lot of marine things. Though it would make since to have Dan Heng come from here, but it would not make sense for other characters like March and Jing Yuan to have been born here. And it’s the closest in description to Yunmeng.
Xuling: Not much is really stated about this place on Fandom Wiki, but it looks like a place of law. But piggybacking off of the fact that not much is written about this area, Imma just gonna liken this area to Burial Mounds.
Idk why I stressed so much trying to make it 100% accurate 💀
My main source for these infos are from MDZS and Star Rail fandom wiki, so if inaccuracies occur, I apologize in advance for it.
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Full Masterlist
Updated: 4/10/23
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💥 Attack on Titan:
Attack on Pranks
→Attack on Pranks: Chapter 1 (The First Task)
→Attack on Pranks: Chapter 2 (Keep Running)
→Attack on Pranks: Chapter 3 (How it All Started)
→Attack on Pranks: Chapter 4 (Showdown)
Attack on Titan Short Story Collection
→Attack on Titan Short Story Collection: Fireworks
→Attack on Titan Short Story Collection: Towels
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💥 Kengan Ashura:
Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian
→Chapter 1: Shut up, Raian
→Chapter 2: Off His Ass
→Chapter 3: Naughty
→Chapter 4: FishFace
->Chapter 5: Meat Gazer
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💥 Dragon Ball:
A Serendipitous Future
Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden Fruit
→Chapter 1: The Flames of Destruction
→Chapter 2: The Game Begins
→Chapter 3: Blink of an Eye
→Chapter 4: Cat out of the Bag
→Chapter 5: The Room
→Chapter 6: Chained Freedom
→Chapter 7: The Calvary Arrives
→Chapter 8: The Curse of Immortality
→Chapter 9: Hate Me Not
→Chapter 10: Victory
→Chapter 11: Zamasu’s Revenge
→Chapter 12: Hidden Treasures
→Chapter 13: The Wolf
→Chapter 14: Infiltrator
→Chapter 15: An Unlikely Allegiance
→Chapter 16: The Forest
→Chapter 17: Red Lights
→Chapter 18: Reunion
→Chapter 19: Even Nightmares Dream
→Chapter 20: The Pact
→Chapter 21: The Ritual [SMUT]
→Chapter 22: Back Again
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💥 Baki:
Not Really Katsumi
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💥 One Punch Man:
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💥 Friday the 13th/Halloween:
Friday the 13th Oneshots: Michael x Jason
→Chapter 1: Handful
→Chapter 2: Halloween Headache
→Chapter 3: You Make Me Go Crazy (SMUT)
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💥Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit:
The Elf and the Elk
Red of Rivendell
→Mischief: Chapter 1
→Mischief: Chapter 2
→Mischief: Chapter 3
→Mischief: Chapter 4
→Mischief: Chapter 5
→Mischief: Chapter 6
→Mischief: Chapter 7
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💥Tangled (2010):
Dirty: Stabbington Brothers/Reader [SMUT]
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Works In Progress
If there's anything in particular that you want to see posted, just comment on this post or shoot me a DM, and I'll try to get that one out a bit faster! If you have any questions also feel free to let me know. Some of these were written a while ago and forgotten about but I hate leaving things unfinished.
💥 House of Wax/Halloween:
You Look Like Me (And I Don't Like It): Bo Sinclair x Michael Myers
💥 Friday the 13th/Halloween:
Sharp Love: Jason Voorhees x Michael Myers
Friday the 13th Oneshots: Michael x Jason-Chapter 3
💥 The Collector (Asa Emory):
On Your Own: Professor!Asa Emory x Reader
Never Kiss a Stranger At the Bar: Professor!Asa Emory x Reader
Wrong File: Professor!Asa Emory x Reader
The TA: Professor!Asa Emory x Reader
💥 Hannibal (NBC):
Symphony of Murder: Asa Emory & Hannibal Lecter
💥 Slasher Harem:
House of Horror: Brahms/Asa/Michael/Jason/Harry/Pyramid Head/Bo/Thomas/Ghostface/Jason x Reader
💥 Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit:
Gold and Brown: Lindir x Legolas
Elven Encounters
Taste of Revenge
The Three Hunters: How it Should Have Been
💥 Mo Dao Zu Shi:
No Choice But the Wrong One: Xue Yang x Reader
💥 Banana Fish:
Cold Blue: Frederick Arthur x Reader
💥 Baki:
To Love a Monster: Yujiro x Reader
Triple Doom: Implied Mouth Triplets x Jun Guevaru
💥 Attack on Titan:
Attack on Titan Short Story Collection-Body Swap
💥 Kengan Ashura:
The Shadow That Never Sleeps
Muscle Heads: Ohma x Raian-Chapter 5
Kengan Ashura Oneshots-That's Not a Swimsuit: Ohma Tokita x Reader
Strong, Stronger, and the Strongest: Ohma Tokita x Lihito x Kure Raian
💥 Dragon Ball:
Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden Fruit-Chapter 23
The Devil's Promise: Goku Black x Reader
💥 Record of Ragnarok:
Cherrypop: Buddha x Reader
💥 Toriko:
55 Days to Tame the Beast: Zebra x Reader
💥 Sherlock Holmes (BBC):
The Untold Tales of a Second
💥 Squid Game:
All I See is Pink: Pink Soldiers x Reader
💥 Harry Potter:
Pranking Severus Snape
Mercy for the Brave: Severus Snape x Reader
💥 Marvel-Loki:
Not So Cold: Loki Odinson x Reader
💥 How To Train Your Dragon 3:
DragonSlayer: Grimmel x Reader
Betrothed to a Killer: Grimmel x Reader
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lesbianerxi · 1 year
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Time for the tournament!!! We are here to find the worst possible mxtx pairing. The instructions were to have fun and be creative and Boy Did You Do that. Round 1 will start tonight, let's do this! May the worst possible combination of characters win!
Round 1: complete!
Left side
Nie Mingjue x Shen Jiu VS Wang Lingjiao x Sha Hualing Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian x Bai Wuxiang VS Qi Rong x Xue Yang Wen Chao x Ning Yingying VS Jin Guangshan x Old Palace Master Lan Wangji x Hua Cheng VS Madam Yu x Qi Rong
Right side
Shen Jiu x Jin Guangyao VS Ling Wen x Shang Qinghua Jiang Cheng x Liu Qingge VS Qi Rong x Shen Jiu Feng Xin x Sha Hualing VS Wei Wuxian x Luo Binghe Little Palace Mistress x Yushi Huang VS Jun Wu x Reader
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drama--universe · 2 years
Untamed Reactions (Part 2)
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Requested by @lelewright1234
Pairing: Untamed characters x female!African-American!reader
Warnings: like maybe one or two curse words
Word Count: 2912 words
A/N here is part two, hope its good
Lan Xichen:
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You meet on the battle field
fierce corpses surrounded you as you tried to fend them off
this went on until Wuxian "died"
the second the battle was over, you fell to the ground
every bone in your body was hurting
most people disregarded you as they checked the field for people they knew
you didn't have to look around like others, you already knew
you had lost everyone
your parents, your siblings, your whole clan
but you couldn't cry for some reason
then Xichen approaches you, noticing you sitting all alone
every person alive had left the field, so you weren't hard to spot
he didn't say anything, he just sat next to you
and somehow that broke you
you just burst into tears
he's quick to hug you while trying to calm you down
he just hugs you for at least 30 minutes while patting your back softly
when you finished crying, he helped you off the field and towards the medics
you stayed at Cloud Recesses for awhile after all that
you often wandered around aimlessly, receiving looks of pity from others
but Xichen didn't pity you per se
he talked to you and let you rant to him
that's how your relationship blooms
you talk about your past, your clan and its traditions
he didn't know any of it before, your clan was very closed off usually
so hearing all the information was interesting to him
he helps you relive some of those traditions if he can
which makes you fall in love with him just a bit more
and a month later, you both have feelings for each other by then
neither of you admit it
it takes 3 more years before you confess
on accident
with the lovely help of 5 years old's Jingyi and Sizhui
but it leads to a now romantic relationship
and another 2 years you marry
it's only official, no ceremony
only Guangyao and Lan Wangji were there
just to have witnesses
you don't have children for a long time
too many things happens at once
Wangji suddenly turning up with Mo Xuanyu
then everything else
but then you do get pregnant
and then the temple thing happens
luckily, the baby was fine
your child looks like Xichen the most
she had his face and such, only your hair and a slight tan skin
she's sooo spoiled
Xichen spoils her too much
and if Xichen doesn't spoil her once
Sizhui and Jingyi will
because they're basically your kids as well....
she's their princess
she knows this and she'll use it
you have one more child after that
another girl
she looks like you, completely
she, too, gets spoiled
both kids love when you and Xichen braid their hair
because it means that you spend time together
after all, Xichen is very busy at times
so that time they get with their father is precious times
otherwise they're found with your two unofficial children (Sizhui and Jingyi)
because they get to learn about weapons
they love learning swordfighting
beside that they also learned different stuff
your eldest learned twin swords
your youngest chose the long spear
Xichen watches them like a hawk when they practice
afraid like they'd kill each other while sparring
he's the worry kind of father
you just trust the kids to be safe
they're kids, they'll learn
and if they take enough after their father, they'll be fine
Jin Guangyao:
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This man...
swears to not fall in love
and then you walk into the room
you're there to bring a message
nothing more nothing less
yet when you enter the room, you just glow
he gets caught staring by Huaisang
who just nudges him softly
he snaps out of his trance, giving you one last glance before focusing back on his task
you stay there for a week, discussing with the sect leader
he quickly figures out who you are
the future sect leader of your clan
and any hope of speaking to you get thrown out of the window
after all, he's still considered a bastard now
but you are kind to everyone, even him
and he knows that you know what he is
yet you genuinely give him a smile when you pass him and you always smile when you talk to each other
he sees you again a few years later
after he moves to the Lanling Jin Clan
you were invited by his father
he doesn't think you'd remember him
you do
you approach him with a bright smile
asking if he was around when you visited the Nie clan
you are super happy when he replies with a yes
he has no clue why
you're honestly just happy meeting someone you somewhat know
and trust
you don't trust the Jin's
even when he's technically one, he's more a Nie in your eyes
he stayed there for a long time after all
so you hang around him mostly during your stay
he doesn't mind too much
he asks about your culture under the pretense of politics
he will hurt anyone who hurts or disrespects you
without you knowing
but you connect the dots after awhile
he knows that you know
surprised when you don't confront him about it
but somehow that makes him like you more
he even forgets about everything he planned when he's with you
but nothing can stray him from his plans
until he's told to marry Qin Su
because apparently she likes him
he doesn't marry her
especially not after finding out the truth (they're half-siblings)
instead he asks if he can marry you
with your permission first though
he's psycho, not a douche
you agree
your parents don't really agree at first
they do later when they see how much you like him
of course it's a big wedding
apparently Qin Su was there as well
neither of you saw her
he was too focused on you
that moment made him feel normal
he couldn't not care about his plans at that point
you looked too beautiful to him at that point, no matter what other whispered
you looked like a goddess in your wedding dress
your hair done to match the headpiece with beautiful braids
when you have your first child, he wants to give up his plans completely
a son who looks like you
especially the hair and face
a year later, his daughter is born
a beautiful girl with his eyes and face, but a slightly tanner skin like you
and right there, Guangyao gives up his whole life purpose
his family is worth too much to risk
(don't know how the story goes on without his participation)
most protective one parent of the bunch, I think
will still kill if you threaten anyone in his family
and you know this
but he's also so caring
will spend so much time with the kids
even if it means neglecting his duties
don't talk to him about that
he will cuss you out
family is more important to him
will do anything for the kids
his daughter wants to braid his hair
because he's the only one without braids in the family
he has bald spots now
does not care
you just laugh every time someone mentions it
because he glares at them like an angry cat
or when other people laugh at the few braids in his hair
they don't look that good (she's 4, so logical)
because their from his daughter
and it is the most precious thing he has
so they can just fuck off
Xue Yang:
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you meet when you're children (after the finger incident)
both of you live on the street
you cling to him instantly
he gave you a piece of bread, who wouldn't love that
he is annoyed, but says nothing about it
he thinks you look weird at first
he isn't used to see someone of different race
but he says nothing, of course
you gain him more food for some reason
that's enough for him
but of course, he starts stealing after awhile
you don't agree with it but say nothing
you need to eat after all
as you grow older, you get a bit closer
both of you change a lot
you are the smarts, he's the action at this point
it's a good dynamic
you usually go around as a couple
because saying your friends wasn't received well
so pretending to be a couple is the way to go
and sharing rooms when you stay somewhere isn't that weird since you've been doing that since young age
but even when you were used to it, it felt a bit weird at age 16
you blame it on hormones
but everything just makes you blush
like when he buys a necklace you were eyeing
not steal, but buy
or when he gives you candy from his stash
you should be normal, he always did it before
but it still feels different now
and he stopped thinking you're weird
over the years he learned a lot about you
maybe a bit too much...
it takes both of you awhile to figure it out that you like each other
about 3 months
then you confess on accident
and he's just accepting it
because he feels the same
why else would he do the things he does
friends don't get candy or necklaces from him
you never really marry
he makes you a ring though
one of wood that he had been carving for awhile now
it's very pretty
you don't have kids
he doesn't want to raise kids when he doesn't even have a house
but he does want them in the future
you move and he looks for a place to earn money
you do the same
you work at a small shop
his job is unknown to you
but it brings money in because he comes back and is able to afford a place
you don't know how he paid for anything, but it's a fun place
out of town, but it's a place of your own
you have a child after two years of living in the house
two girls
look identical to you except for their eyes
they have his eyes
(and his glare)
also his personality
little troublemakers
they love spending time with him
when he leaves for his job, they're sad
he makes it up when he comes back
sits with the kids for hours while he's braiding your hair for you
listens to their stories intently
your kids will reenact the whole story
he enjoys watching them
it makes him feel like he does the right thing
because for his family happiness, he will do anything
Xiao Xingchen:
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you are a lone cultivator
you travel here and there
just taking every job you can get
people don't really trust you because you look different
but you get the job eventually
but to your "luck", they send others as well
so you're not alone
2 men stand in front of the house you're supposed to be at
one in white, the other in black
the one in white notices you first
you can't help but feel annoyed though
because he was send by the same person you were sent by
they offer to work together with you so you don't return with nothing
you agree
during the fighting, you get injured
some ghouls attacked you while you were distracted
Xingchen is the one who notices first once again
he pulls you from the ghouls and places you in a safe place
you're even more annoyed
because you barely get hurt
yet the one time you work with others, your arm almost gets ripped off
Xingchen is the one to make sure that you're okay after everything
also the one who heals your arm to the best of his abilities
he introduces himself quickly while he wraps your arm with a cloth
you only later realize that said cloth was a piece of his robe
you stay in town for the next to weeks to heal from the wound and the poison
they stay in town as well
Xingchen visits you once or twice every day
you just talk to each other
eventually, he asks if you want to join him
you decline the offer
but your next job comes around
and he's there again
this time without Song Lan though
Song Lan was apparently sick
you didn't ask more
the job ends quickly
you're not injured
he is...
he insists he's fine
he does seem fine later when he yells at the person who hired both of you
and all because of you, in a way
because you were suddenly not paid
because you weren't hurt, how could you have done your job?
you never had someone standing up for you before
your heart beats a bit faster now, everytime you think or see him
you decide to hang around him after the third or fourth coincidental meeting
he doesn't mind the company, he even likes it
it's a bit lonely with Song Lan being sick
and he likes being around you
you have good humor
unlike Son Lang
but of course, he also has a crush on you
which causes you both to be a bit awkward around each other
you work around it eventually
aka you get drunk after a job
and he has to take care of you
you don't remember anything the next day
you don't know how much you drank
nor did you know how you ended up next to Xingchen in the bed
but it does end up in confessions and dating after
you had luck on your side that day
when you finally marry him years later, you are so exited
you don't do an official wedding
and really, your only guest is Song Lan
perks of being a lone group of cultivators
although you loved roaming around, both of you agree to settle down somewhere nonetheless
just so you had a place to return to every time
which became even better when you were suddenly told you were pregnant
specifically a doctor who found you passed out in your hotel room
and apparently you had two kids in your stomach that were causing all the nausea and dizziness
and the rest of the job you're stressed out
because how can you tell your husband???
you tell Song Lan when you return home
because Xingchen isn't back yet
Song Lan straight up tells Xingchen, congratulating the man
Xingchen is a a bit confused, but he has the spirit
when your twins are born, you have one girl and one boy
the girl looks a bit more like him, her skin a bit paler than her brother's
both have full heads of your hair
you've never seen a man so in love
you're kinda envious
but seeing him smiling at his daughter in his arms while you held your boy, made you feel some kind of way
it's the sweetest thing ever
and it makes you fall in love with him once again
he returns that feeling when he sees you with your son
they grow up quickly, something Xingchen doesn't like
it goes too fast for his liking
his son doesn't accept affection anymore and his daughter suddenly likes you more
but she lets him braid her hair
while talking loudly about something she did that day
his kids have him wrapped around their fingers
and your daughter uses this
even when knowing this, Xingchen still complies with her every request
he's a protective father
he knows what's out there and does not want them to see any of it
but deep down he knows he can't stop it
but he'll prevent it for as long as he can
Song Lan:
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(this one was the most difficult, sorry if it isn't that good)
you met quite cliché like
he saved your life
of course, you're forever grateful
so you ask for any way to return the favor
he doesn't say anything
which is a bit annoying
so you just make him a lucky charm
it doesn't too good, but it's something
and you're honestly really proud of it
but when you go back to give it to him, he's gone
so you keep it, secretly hoping you'd see him again someday
you do a few days later
and you just shove it in his hands and run off
you're busy
but he definitely remembers you from before
which is the only reason he keeps the charm
meeting the third time, you were walking around the market
he noticed you from afar
he noticed your hair was tied up into a large braid and your clothes were a bit neater than before
he couldn't move his eyes away from you
which ended up in him tripping and almost face planting
this didn't go unnoticed by his friend
Xingchen was quick to see what he had been staring at and could only smile
it was rare for Song Lan to take interest in others
hence why Xingchen decided that you two should talk
he pulled Song Lan along until the two of them stood in front of you
you, of course, recognize them and smile brightly as you ask how they are
Song Lan doesn't talk at first
until Xingchen suddenly walks off
leaving him stranded with you
and he was horrible with directions
so he has to ask you again
you don't mind showing him the way
so you talk on the way back, not telling him that you took a slight detour
you wanted more time with him, no other reason
you two have similar interests
which is why he asks to be friends
you agree
you don't see him for a few weeks
but when he returns, he comes to find you
this routine continues for awhile
you'd see him once every month or so and he'd spent that time with you
somewhere along the way, feelings grow from both sides
and you get together
neither of you really talked about it
it just felt natural, so it happened
this goes on for 3 years
then you somewhat ask for marriage yourself
he wants too and he's thought about it since year one
but he's afraid with his job and all
so he never went there
until you ask
and he feels a bit bad after that
so he proposes
with a ring he had already bought before
he found it pretty and wanted to keep it just in case
guess it came in handy now
small wedding
only your family and Xingchen
your family honestly doesn't like him much
but they're glad that you're happy
and he'll do anything to make them like him
your first and only child is a boy
he looks like Song Lan the most, only a darker tinted skin like you
Song Lan adores his kid so much
although your son somewhat looks emotionless to others, you can see all the emotions in his eyes
he's much like his father in that way
luckily, he got his social cues from you
and he probably has more friends than his father
then again, that's not that difficult
after all, he had two and married one of them
so you are a bit glad that your son's personality is more like you
but your son loves you both a lot
he looks up to Song Lan a lot
because he has a sword, so he's cool
yeah, the standards are pretty low
you weren't cool, cause you had a musical weapon
he quickly learns that this isn't true
Song Lan still teases you when his son chooses him over you for cuddles or such
he also likes the attention it gets him
he shows affection to your son, but in his own way
aka actions over words
he's a dad who brings back stuff from travels to show love
very loving dad
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cherryskkks · 9 months
Reposting my fanfics in english because in my original linguage the people don't care about them
I write a lot of creative (at least in my perspective) fanfics and show them in fanfics sites like Wattpad and Spirit Fanfiction. I write them in Portuguese, my original linguage and... the people don't give a fuck. And I sad because I take so much time to write those fanfics and liked them so much, and almost anyone see or liked them. (The one people that read ALL of my fanfics is my friend, ILY CAMYY)
So, now, almost one year after I stoped writing, I have a decision to repost my fanfics with my horrible english (most of them with Google Translator help because my english is not one of the best) and looking for readers.
So, enjoy the fanfic :)
Son of Hades, little emo is!
Mo dao zu shi X Percy Jackson. Wen Ning as Nico di Angelo. There is a bit short, srry!
Wen Ning stared at his reflection in the water of the camp lake. The hair that was originally tied up in a perfect and neat ponytail was now loose and covering much of his face, his skin had never been so tanned but was now so pale that anyone would think he was a corpse.
Wen Qing, his sister, went on a mission with Wuxian, a son of Hermes, Wanyin, a son of Ares, Xue Yang, a satyr, Wanjin, a son of Athena, and her sister's new friend, Mian Mian, a hunter of Artemis. It had been exactly a week since they had been away, and it made the poor boy restless.
He couldn't adjust to the Hermes cabin, people were always stealing his blankets and pillows and he didn't have the courage to ask someone to steal them back. The girls at Aphrodite's cabin also kept talking about his appearance, no matter how much Yanli asked them to stop. The Ares cabin didn't leave him alone either, normally Wanyin was there to tell everyone to shut up and be quiet, but since Wanyin wasn't there, they could mess with anyone without getting scolded. And not to mention the Apollo cabin, who looked at him as if they were looking for the slightest mistake to say something bad about.
And the result was: He didn't fit in this place. He missed his sister and just wanted to go away with her, to get away from all these people who talk bad about him. He made Wei Wuxian promise to bring his sister back safely.
"Wen Ning, we're back." A voice suddenly sounded behind the boy, who jumped back and came face to face with the son of Hermes who always wore a red ribbon to tie his hair.
"Where is my sister? Is she okay?"
"Well… she asked me to give you this." The boy gave a necklace with a skull symbol engraved in the center, around it it had small flames "She… asked me to give it to you before…"
The enormous silence deepened, Wuxian just looked away and begged Wen Ning to understand what he meant since he himself didn't have the courage to say it. Even though he knew that he was the cause of Wen Qing's death, it was his job to talk about what happened to his friend's sister.
"Wuxian, where is my sister?" Wen Ning's voice sounded broken, as if he was about to cry, Wuxian didn't have the courage to respond, the boy just hugged the younger's shoulders as a way of comforting him.
"I'm sorry, I tried to stop her but–"
"You promised! You promised you would protect her!"
"I tried but–!"
"No! You lied! You didn't protect her!" Wen Ning desperately tried to get out of the elder's embrace, but the more he tried to get out, the tighter the hug became. Fat tears repeatedly came out of the youngest's eyes "Let go of me! I want my sister…
Not far from the boys was Xue Yang nervously chewing on a piece of wooden furniture and Wanyin and Yanli giving the boys sad looks. Wanyin found out about what his cabin did to Wen Ning while he was away, and made sure to get into a fight with his brothers from the Ares cabin.
None of the three noticed that Wen Ning managed to escape Wuxian's embrace and ran towards the forest. They only realized when they heard Wuxian's screams.
"No! Wen Ning go back, it's dangerous!" A hand stopped the boy from running after his friend, that hand was Fegmian's. The camp's centaur instructor, who is also responsible for the campers' safety.
"Leave him. The only thing we can do is hope that Kronos doesn't find him and that he gets eaten by a monster."
"Come on A'Xian, you, A'Cheng and A'Yang need to take a shower urgently." Yanli pushed the three boys towards the bathroom, in the girl's arms they had different soaps and perfumes (Don't ask how she got all those types of soaps).
Wen Ning looked around for something to heat the makeshift fire he had created, next to him was a red spirit staring at him amusedly.
"Master, are you cold?"
"Unlike you, I have a body, Wen Chao." Wen Ning's voice was no longer as gentle as before, the boy was colder than before
"HA HA HA! I loved your sense of humor today master!" The spirit let out loud laughter that made the silence of the forest disappear completely.
"Are you sure you're going to make it so I can see my sister again? Or are you just trying to trick me?"
"Of course I'll make you see your sister! You just need to kill someone, you know, one soul for another." The laughter disappeared, making room for the ghost striking a pose.
"Okay... and who do I have to kill?" The boy still didn't seem completely convinced.
"Oh! None other than the person who killed your sister! Wuxian, half-blood son of Hermes!"
Wen Ning closed her eyes, wondering if this was really what her sister would want. No! She would definitely do it for him too! After all, they are brothers right? Brothers do this for each other, right?
Later the boy discovered that Wen Chao only wanted to kill him to get his body and apologized to Wuxian for trying to kill him. It wasn't easy, as he still felt sad about his sister's death.
Wen Ning was surprised when people learned about his divine father, until they explained that Hades' children were completely killed during World War II. Hades' cabin was made of dark wood, with everything inside it being the same color, bunk beds, drawers, wardrobes, everything was black. It was common for the boy to bump or trip over objects from time to time.
"I envy you, A'Ning! You have a cabin all to yourself and you don't have to worry about people stealing from you. This is true paradise." Wuxian sighed, eating his food which consisted of an apple, fish and rice grains.
"Well, it's boring and boring to be alone in a big cabin." The shy boy played with the rice grains on his plate. For some reason, he didn't feel like eating "Especially when the cabin is all black..."
"You get used to it, I didn't like the gold paint on my cabin either. And honestly, compared to the rest of the cabins, yours is the most comfortable." Wuxian spoke with a mouth full of food, but for some reason Wen Ning managed to understand.
"And why do you think that?"
"The Ares cabin is full of people who have no patience and fall into blows after five minutes of conversation. The Apollo cabin most of the time stays up late practicing singing in the middle of the night. Everyone in the Hephaestus cabin lives working in forges and they don't even care if they're interrupting someone's sleep. In Aphrodite's cabin, the air is contaminated with expensive perfume and the girls there would say horrible things about the way you act. The cabin of–"
"Okay! Okay! I understand! There's no need to say more."
"Seriously, I was still going to talk about Athena's cabin. Man, those are the worst."
As if with a sixth sense, Wanjin from the Athena cabin quickly turned his gaze towards Wuxian and Wen Ning. The younger one lowered his head in shame for being caught talking bad about someone while the taller one smiled at Wanjin, who felt his ears burn involuntarily when he saw Wuxian's bright smile.
Wen Ning had left the camp again to investigate Kronos and the recent war that was about to break out. When he returned, Wuxian didn't hesitate to run to see his friend. He just didn't expect his friend to return with a giant black dog with him.
"This is Chenqing! She's sweet, isn't she?" The giant dog frantically wagged its tail on the ground as Wen Ning stroked its nose.
"A-Ahem, a g-great sweet.."
"My father gave her to me when I visited the underworld, she was still a puppy and now she's a big girl!"
"Hey, do you know where the... OH MY FUCKIN ZEUS WHAT A CUTIE THING!" Wanyin shouted, drawing the attention of the two half-bloods that were there and the big dog, who almost instantly jumped at her new friend. "Who's the cute little dog? Yes, it's you!"
"A'Cheng! Thank you for saving me!" Wuxian cried out in relief
"She liked you Wanyin."
"What's this cutie's name?" The son of Ares who is normally always aggressive was now looking like a little child playing with the big hellhound "Yes I'm talking about you!"
"Chenqing." "Demon." Both Wen Ning and Wuxian spoke at the same time The two teenagers ignored what Wuxian said about the lovely Chenqing.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
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leeyanyan's writing corner masterlist
✏ introduction | pt2
▶ playlist
requests info (coming soon...)
scenarios and prompts 💬
fake dating | otp
coffee for the first time | otp
outlaw x law enforcer | otp
evil sibling moment
soulmates childhood friends to lovers | otp
one piece ❌
sanji as your lover
onigiris for zoro
stray kids 🧭
stray kids as brothers
bang chan
at my worst | comfort, fluff, established relationship
han jisung
a curtain away | hospital fic, fluff, crack, undefined relationship
college au modern cinderella | imagine, fluff, kinda angst with good ending, love at first sight, college au
one piece nerd | crack, fluff, undefined relationship
yang jeongin
your eyes | fluff, established relationship
genshin impact 💫
yours to hold pt1 | shenhe, fluff, undefined relationship
imposter!sagau siblings au
oc profile: xue lian
xue lian design history | oc chara design
genshin!renge headcanons | oc au
heartsteel 💔
heartsteel audio edits
heartsteel vocal headcanons
creatively charmed series
kayn x grafitti artist
sett x craft store owner
k'sante x writer
yone x cover artist
ezreal x cover dancer
aphelios x twitch streamer
alune x vlogger
other fandoms 📖
ansatsu kyoushitsu fanfic prompt
irony | ansatsu kyoushitsu excerpt
damianya headcanon
matchablossom dream-induced content
original characters ⭐
oc profiles: otaharuryu
otaharuryu AUs
restless night | otaryu one-shot, fluff
time and memory universe
about + headcanons and stuff
oc profiles | pt1, pt2
kpop au ocs
park eunyeong
cheon seoyeon and min hyeseong
high school dayz (adoptable!)
kitsona koven
kitsona koven intro
individual oc profiles coming soon
genshin!renge headcanons | genshin au
alternate universes 🌏
dream catchers
soulmate red string of fate
dystopian celestial au (LEVANTER)
original works ✍
the wise old bird and the curious child
the map you take
fleeting memories
on my own
...and more to come!
navigation: 🔍
#leeyanyan's writing corner - general posts
#leeyanyan's work - original work by me :D
#leeyanyan's art - art by me :D
#yan's mailbox! - inbox answers
#noisyanyan - me being noisy and reblogging lol
all written stuff where reader is included are written gender-neutral unless stated otherwise
as of 28/11/2023, i am currently on hiatus
technically requests aren't closed but be aware that i am yet to set some ground rules so there's no certain guarantee it'll be accepted unless it's a completely safe request.
i'm not good w tags so my blog might be a lil difficult to navigate, sorry ;;;
also, pls bare w the poor layout of my blog TwT
my mailbox is always open and i'd especially love to make new friends :D
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The Vampire Diaries (Season 1 Only)
American Horror Story Apocalypse
The Crow (1994)
Lord Of The Rings
The Hobbit
Batman (Nolanverse Only)
Percy Jackson (Original 1st Series Only)
Inception (2010)
Labyrinth (1986)
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones
The Untamed (specifically Xue Yang stuff)
Bungou Stray Dogs (First 2 Seasons only)
JJBA Phantom Blood
•Age Gap (but not to the pedophilia point)
•Underage Sex
•Abuse (this doesn’t mean it can’t be referenced as a past event in the plot)
•MLM Sex (not cause I don’t support it, it’s just as a woman I have no experience and limited knowledge of it, so I don’t feel comfortable writing it yet).
PLEASE SEND YOUR REQUESTS VIA ASK BOX! I’ll try to get to them in a timely manner, but please be patient as I am low energy and disabled. Have fun!
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤MASTER LISTS🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
-THE CROW (1994)
Thanks for reading!
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Xue Yang w/ shy F!Y/n:
Context: you both are disciples at the Jin sect and got paired with this gremlin abomination so yeah, enjoy ^^
How did this happen
You put a snarky psychotic teen with a shy quiet female
Xue Yang will ignore you for a few weeks, merely interacting if he needs to
The only way to break ice is by you somehow having trouble with a talisman
Begrudgingly, he helped you
And observed you the little creep
He will find your stuttering and meek behavior amusing
So this set off a chain of events where he teases and prank you
You will pout at this which he doesn’t mind at all
Only after you got scared by a fake contraption of Xue Yang being “attacked” by did you snap and “protected” him
He would look in shock as you hold him and check him over
Yeah, he never got this treatment…
Blinking dumbfounded at you already having tears streaming down did he realize a thump
Afterwards, he was more better towards you, though still teasing
“Hey hey [y/n]-guniang! Why don’t you speak more~!”
“Xue-shixiong, we must focus..!”
He gonna poke you a lot, even squeezing it as he coos
You guys soon grow even closer, both seeming to flirt unknowingly as everyone stares at the dog food being lended
“Oi! I like you alright, accept my offer”
He gonna be flustered as he looked to the side while Jin Guangyao sigh
Poor Jin Guangyao, having to play matchmaker again-
Once you accept, expect a softer side from him
He gonna lean his head onto your shoulder and maybe nip the ear time to time
Huge teaser now, your gonna have a load of ego streaming out
Will eat candy dangoes from your hand, even though you bought it
Will hug you and glare at any unwanted attention
He is jealous, so jealous, he almost stab a poor guy
Okay with PDA, but save it for behind the scenes
Once your two alone, he will lay his head on you lap as you calmly stroke his hair
Somehow he pulled a card, much to the surprise of the other disciples
He will always keep his neck near the crook of your neck when he silent
If he do this, just accept it..he having a angry sad boy moment
Kiss him on the cheek, you will get a flustered Xue
So red, don’t do it in public
Maybe in front of Jin Guangyao just for the fun of it
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