#Wolfstar headcanon
accio-sriracha · 1 day
Essence of Sirius
Sirius tasted like cigarettes and red licorice. He smelled like hairspray and something a little floral. He looked carefree and wild. He sounded like loud laughter and secretive whispers. He felt like smooth skin and rough edges. He walked like he had something to prove.
When Sirius got into a fight he tasted like firewhiskey and a hint of blood. He smelled like leather and smoke. He looked like fierce glares and protective eyes. He sounded like loud arguments and daring words. He felt like bruised skin and bloodied knuckles. He walked like nothing would harm his friends as long as he was around.
When Sirius came back from quidditch practice he tasted like chewing gum and sweat. He smelled like dirt and wind. He looked like victorious smiles and ruffled hair. He sounded like excited cheers and playful banter. He felt like muddy jerseys and scratched skin. He walked like he was on top of the world.
When Sirius first woke up he tasted like toothpaste and pumpkin juice. He smelled like clean soap and coconut shampoo. He looked like sleepy smiles and dragging feet. He sounded like loud yawns and quiet murmurs. He felt like oversized jumpers and soft hair. He walked like he would give anything to sleep a little longer.
When Sirius was with his love he tasted like chocolate and cherry chapstick. He smelled like late night air and the cologne they bought him. He looked like puppy dog eyes and doting smiles. He sounded like kind whispers and constant affection. He felt like warm kisses and gentle touch. He walked like he would never feel this high again.
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souptastical · 3 days
R: “Chess?”
S: “Boring.”
R: “Homework?”
That was just met with a dark look.
R: “Want a blow job?”
S: “Bloody hell, Moony!”
R: “What?! I’m running out of options, jesus. Just trying to cheer you up.”
S: “I don’t want to cheer up.”
R: “Yes, that much is clear.”
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m00neroni · 4 months
sirius: crushes are the worst
remus: I know! whenever i'm around mine, I always act stupid
sirius: pffffft you always act stupid
remus: please, don't think on that too hard
sirius, 3 years later: OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Remus: We’re best friends, of course I play with his hair.
Sirius: We’re best friends, of course we share the same bed all the time.
Remus: We’re best friends, of course he put his head in my lap when he’s tired and I refuse to move until he wakes up.
Sirius: We’re best friends, of course we steal each other’s clothes because it makes us feel safe.
Remus: We’re best friends, of course we share cigarettes. And plates of food. And a toothbrush.
Sirius: We’re best friends, of course I have dreams about him.
Remus: We’re best friends, of course I get jealous when he dates people.
Sirius: We’re best friends, of course I smell him in my Amortentia.
Remus: We’re best friends, of course I want to kiss him all the time.
Sirius: We’re best friends, of course I want to suck his-
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redadidassneakers · 3 months
Lily: so what’s a green flag for you?
Remus: when he’s smart
Lily: obviously-
Remus: and when he has black hair, grey eyes, has lots of money, sits on me, lets me read him my nerdy books, kisses all my scars, and tells me I’m pretty even though I’ve thought of myself as a monster my whole life
Lily: those are a lot of green flags
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jaioes · 11 months
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My first larger piece in a little while! Also my first wolfstar piece in ages!
referenced from the amazing photographer Meg allen !!
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sothisart · 2 months
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This fanart is inspired by a scene from Language Lessons by MsAlexWP:
“Sirius woke slowly. It was one of those cool, crisp, perfect-for-sleeping mornings when the window was open and the bedroom air was cold, but it was wonderfully warm and cozy under the covers. He nuzzled deeper into his pillow and pressed his body against the warm expanse of bare skin behind him, wrapping his fingers over the wide hand that curved around his hip bone, even as his body and mind were still fuzzy with sleep. He didn’t want to leave the warmth of this bed, ever; he just wanted to stay suspended in this half-dream softness all day, every day. 
He kept his eyes closed, ready to drift back to sleep—fuck work, fuck school, fuck anything that wasn’t in this bed—when he felt warm kisses drift sweetly across his bare shoulders. They were soft and slow, as though the lips giving them weren’t quite awake, either. […]
“Good morning,” Remus rasped sleepily into Sirius’s ear before kissing down the back of his neck and nosing at the silky strands of hair that fell over his shoulders.”
This fic is marked as explicit, I decided to make this art a bit less nsfw (I don’t know if that worked;))
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willywat · 1 month
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I finished "Language Lessons" by MsAlexWP @languagelessonswolfstar last week and had to draw them! I loved it!
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rosemarilee · 3 months
Head canon where Sirius is taking a required creative writing course and Remus is the ta who grades all the papers and when Sirius finds this out he starts writing a bunch of super smutty fanfic that Remus grades VERY seriously
“His long callused fingers wrapped around the other man’s pink, pulsing and **** *****” (excerpt from Sirius’ paper)
you’re overusing adjectives and you MUST use the Oxford comma -Remus
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accio-sriracha · 3 days
Sirius: *frustrated trying to use muggle tech* I don't understand any of this! I literally have cyberphobia I don't want to do this anymore.
Remus: *sighing* You don't have cyberphobia, Padfoot, you're just a wizard. Give it time.
Sirius: *continues to struggle typing his own name*
Remus: I take it back. You're an idiot.
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moonyspride · 11 months
remus: clothes would be a good start mate
peter: oh and definitely some boxers
peter: unless you wanna go commando
sirius: jamie… please don’t turn up in your birthday suit to take my brother on a date
remus: reggie might like that though
sirius: don’t speak so daft remus
sirius: reggie doesn’t like naked bodies. he’s too young.
peter: he’s a year younger?
remus: sirius. question.
sirius: yes my moonage daydream?
remus: did you like the look of naked bodies last year when you were 17?
sirius, winking: i liked the sight of a naked you
peter: *walks out*
remus: padfoot.
sirius: oh come on. you practically gave me that one.
james: i mean you kinda did.
james: anyways. you’ve been no help at all.
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moonyscane · 2 years
james: hey, pads? can i get some dating advice?
sirius: just because i’m with remus doesn’t mean i know how i did it.
james: okayy, but what does reg like?
sirius: REGULUS??!
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Friendly reminder that in canon-
Friendly reminder that idgaf and I’m delusional.
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redadidassneakers · 10 months
Regulus: why are you shirtless?
Remus: *in Sirius’ room* why do you think?
Regulus: because you’re poor
Remus: well ouch
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jaioes · 2 months
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The final of the triolgy, united in death for one last dance
“And i look upon time as no more than an idea,
And i consider enternity as another possibility,
And i think of each life as a flower, as common as a field daisy, and as singular,
And each name a comfortable music in the mouth,
Tending,as all music does, towards silence,
Each body a lion of courage, and something precious to the earth.
When it’s over, I want to say all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was a bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
When it’s over, id dont wan to wonder
If i have made of my life something particular,and real.
I dont want to find myself signing and frightened,
Or full of argument.
I dont want to end up simply having visited this world”
-exert from Mary Oliver’s ‘when death comes’
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m00neroni · 3 months
sirius: hey rem wanna bang
sirius: hang* stupid autocorrect
remus: pads we're having a verbal conversation
remus: ...
remus: yes
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