#Why study artificial intelligence?
sageuniversityindore · 9 months
The Top 5 Reasons Why Studying Artificial Intelligence is Essential
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a breakthrough movement in the world of technology.
A transformative force, influencing industries, shaping innovations, and revolutionizing the way we live and work. As we navigate the complex landscape of the digital age, studying Artificial Intelligence has become not just advantageous but essential for those aspiring to be at the forefront of the technological revolution.
Let's delve into the essence of Artificial Intelligence, explore the reasons why studying it is crucial, and understand why the Institute of Advanced Computing at Sage University Indore should be your 1st choice.
Understanding AI
Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, learn, and adapt. It encompasses a wide range of technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data, make predictions, and continuously improve their performance without explicit programming.
Why Study Artificial Intelligence?
Pervasive Impact Across Industries
AI has permeated various sectors, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and entertainment. Professionals well-versed in AI can drive innovations, optimize processes, and contribute to solving complex challenges in diverse fields.
Future-Proof Career Opportunities
The demand for AI professionals is on the rise, and it's expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Acquiring expertise in AI opens doors to lucrative career opportunities, making individuals equipped for the jobs of the future.
Innovation and Problem Solving
AI fosters innovation by enabling the development of smart systems capable of addressing complex problems. Studying AI equips individuals with the skills to create solutions that can have a profound impact on society.
Enhanced Decision-Making Capabilities
Businesses are increasingly relying on AI for data-driven decision-making. Understanding AI principles empowers individuals to harness the potential of data analytics, providing valuable insights for informed and strategic decisions.
Contributing to Technological Advancement
 By studying AI, individuals become contributors to the ongoing technological revolution. They play a role in shaping the future of computing, automation, and intelligent systems that will define how societies function in the years to come.
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letoscrawls · 2 years
as i approach my sixth attempt at this exam that's been cursing my existence since last january (though i first attended the course TWO years ago) i'm starting to feel nauseous, like really. And the worst part is that it's an exam about machine learning of all topics, the stuff that's threatening artists at the moment 💀 (but applied to linguistics... it still sucks btw)
I think it's subconsciously blocking me from passing tbh. I just hate this branch of my degree with a fucking passion and i have zero interest in knowing more about this stuff AND IT'S NOT EVEN THE HARDEST EXAM I HAVE LEFT.
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levia-kun · 3 months
One of the most dangerous thing about AI is the bias laundering into the false "objective" truth. Because it's not true that those AIs are neutral or objective in anyway kind or shape and not recognising the bias is incredibly dangerous. Because by filtering the bias through the machine, it's easy to present it as the truth calculated by the unfeeling machine. And existing negative bias will be laundered into an objective truth.
The reason this bias exists, is because databases those AIs are trained on are collected and created by humans. This will lead to them inherently being biased.
Let's use 1 + 1 = 2 as example So obviously 1 + 1 = 2 is always true, right?
Now we change to formular by saying x + x = 2x No objections so far.
So, what is x? In math you can define x as any number or give it a criteria and proof it to be true. But if we expend the definition of x beyond just number or ties to math, what'll happen?
Let's define x as any fruit, then the logic is 1 fruit + 1 fruit = 2 fruits What fruit doesn't matter, we just want to determine the amount of fruits total. So, what's a fruit then? Do we qualify tomatoes? what about zucchini, olives and avocados?
Depending on person a zucchini and tomato are two, one or no fruits. And despite x + x = 2x being a correct operation, results vary so wildly, because the database x, can vary to person to person.
This is no different for AI, because the database itself has been collected and labeled by humans. The bias of who made the database will always be present.
For AI work, data has to be labeled and put into categories. Obviously a picture of a cat will be labeled cat, maybe the colour of the cat, fur pattern etc. Additionally the person can tag it as "cute", which is a more subjective measurement, especially when it's kittens.
So. uhm, What when we apply this principle for humans?
Like queer people get tagged inherently sexual. Lesbians get an additional "hot" label, bisexuals "cheater", gays "feminine" etc. Attractive woman is tied to terms like "pale skin, thin, big breasts, natural beauty (but it's full make up still)" and "undesirable demographic" get tags with negative connotations all over the place.
Then what about the quantity and ratio of data presented? If more than 50% are white, and majority men, how is that not disproportionate? When in many studies the amount of non white is so little, they don't get categorised as their individual ethnicities, but summed up as "non white".
How the fuck is that not bias talking?
Even now, despite open AI scraping the internet in its ethically dubious fullest , has it's own database still to remove CSAM, gore Because it doesn't want the AI to even know and generate it, not because it would be unethical to use those pictures. (which they use underpaid workers for that get traumatised in teh process btw) Yet they can't do the same to curate ratios and check their other biases?
So taking all that into account, it's so, so fucking important to stress, that AI is not objective. It trains on databases carrying the creator's bias, subconciously or not.
It's not some objective machine calculating. It's calculating through the bias of its data.
Machine didn't create itself
Humans did.
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therobotmonster · 1 year
Remember when I told you Disney wasn't going to "save you" from AI?
Megacorps like Disney have mountains of exclusive data they "own" that they can use to create their own internal, proprietary, AI systems. They have every sketch, development photo, unused concept art piece, cut scene, note, doodle, rotoscope/animation reference footage, every storyboard, merch design document, you name it.
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And that's on top of every single frame of every movie and TV show. Every panel of every comic.
That's why Disney supports the efforts to clamp down on AI for copyright reasons, because they own all the copyrights. They want that power in their hands. They do not want you to be able to use a cheap or free utility to compete with them. Along the way, they'll burn the entire concept of fair use to the ground and snatch the right to copyright styles. Adobe has confessed this intention, straight to congress.
When the lawyers come, you won't be accused of stealing from say, artist Stephen Silver. You'll be accused of stealing the style of Disney's Kim Possible(TM).
But don't listen to me. Listen to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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jamessluttythighs · 2 months
intelligence - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 237
Regulus knew this guy wasn’t a part of their class. He was well into this degree and anyone who studied Engineering was so incredibly dull there was no way this god of a man was studying the course. He had dark messy hair, gold-framed glasses and the swagger of someone who studied finance. Yet there he was just a row behind Regulus - if he leaned back far enough he would be able to touch the guy’s hand.
Regulus felt a tug in his stomach. He stole a quick glance back and found his eyes locked with the man. A fire lit up inside Regulus, the flames of the stranger’s gaze licking their way up his back and neck as he turned to face the lecturer again.
“And that’s why true artificial intelligence isn’t actually achievable.”
The lecture had ended and everyone was shuffling out. Chatter filled the air joining the chorus of bags zipping.
“Interesting topic right”
Regulus shouldered his bag. The guy’s voice was a deep hum. Regulus said nothing and made to walk out.
“Do you come to class often?”
“Do you?” Regulus whirled around in the doorway. The rest of the class had already emptied out.
The guy was leaning against the doorframe with one arm above his head. A grin spreading across his face now that he had finally gotten Regulus’ attention.
“Only since I saw you walk in here,” the stranger (for not very much longer) smirked.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
The Surucuá community in the state of Pará is the first to receive an Amazonian Creative Laboratory, a compact mobile biofactory designed to help kick-start the Amazon’s bioeconomy.
Instead of simply harvesting forest-grown crops, traditional communities in the Amazon Rainforest can use the biofactories to process, package and sell bean-to-bar chocolate and similar products at premium prices.
Having a livelihood coming directly from the forest encourages communities to stay there and protect it rather than engaging in harmful economic activities in the Amazon.
The project is in its early stages, but it demonstrates what the Amazon’s bioeconomy could look like: an economic engine that experts estimate could generate at least $8 billion per year.
In a tent in the Surucuá community in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Pará, Jhanne Franco teaches 15 local adults how to make chocolate from scratch using small-scale machines instead of grinding the cacao beans by hand. As a chocolatier from another Amazonian state, Rondônia, Franco isn’t just an expert in cocoa production, but proof that the bean-to-bar concept can work in the Amazon Rainforest.
“[Here] is where we develop students’ ideas,” she says, gesturing to the classroom set up in a clearing in the world’s greatest rainforest. “I’m not here to give them a prescription. I want to teach them why things happen in chocolate making, so they can create their own recipes,” Franco tells Mongabay.
The training program is part of a concept developed by the nonprofit Amazônia 4.0 Institute, designed to protect the Amazon Rainforest. It was conceived in 2017 when two Brazilian scientists, brothers Carlos and Ismael Nobre, started thinking of ways to prevent the Amazon from reaching its impending “tipping point,” when deforestation turns the rainforest into a dry savanna.
Their solution is to build a decentralized bioeconomy rather than seeing the Amazon as a commodity provider for industries elsewhere. Investments would be made in sustainable, forest-grown crops such as cacao, cupuaçu and açaí, rather than cattle and soy, for which vast swaths of the forest have already been cleared. The profits would stay within local communities.
A study by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the New Climate Economy, published in June 2023, analyzed 13 primary products from the Amazon, including cacao and cupuaçu, and concluded that even this small sample of products could grow the bioeconomy’s GDP by at least $8 billion per year.
To add value to these forest-grown raw materials requires some industrialization, leading to the creation of the Amazonian Creative Laboratories (LCA). These are compact, mobile and sustainable biofactories that incorporate industrial automation and artificial intelligence into the chocolate production process, allowing traditional communities to not only harvest crops, but also process, package and sell the finished products at premium prices.
The logic is simple: without an attractive income, people may be forced to sell or use their land for cattle ranching, soy plantations, or mining. On the other hand, if they can make a living from the forest, they have an incentive to stay there and protect it, becoming the Amazon’s guardians.
“The idea is to translate this biological and cultural wealth into economic activity that’s not exploitative or harmful,” Ismael Nobre tells Mongabay."
-via Mongabay News, January 2, 2024
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enhasrii · 1 month
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Pairing: lee heeseung x female reader
Synopsis: Admiring someone you love is like gazing at a masterpiece; every glance reveals new depths of beauty and wonder, leaving you in awe of the artistry that is their essence and that's exactly how you feel for lee heeseung.
Word count: 1210
Genre: school au, crush!heeseung, young people in love, crush au, fluff, romance.
Warnings: just reader(me) being simp for lee heeseung. kissing, not on lips though. Biker heeseung in the end. one curse word. haerin of newjeans, eunchae of le sserafim, garam former mem of le sserafim mentioned.
NOTE : first post on Tumblr:) kinda nervous if anyone would even read it tbh.
PLAY: daydreamin' by ariana grande
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The sound of the school bell could be heard in the crowded hallway as students talked among themselves before hurrying to their classes upon hearing it. Before moving away from you and heading to her own classroom, the girl you were speaking with waved her hand. You waved back.
just as you turned around your face collide with something, or rather someone. You assumed that their chest was what you bumped into. (Fortunately, you did not stumble too much.)
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't—" your words got stuck in your throat as you faced the person.
Lee Heeseung
In all of his glory, Lee Heeseung was standing in front of you. the morning sun kissing his skin. his flawlessly natural disheveled hair resting slightly above his eyes on his forehead. His brown eyes are staring into yours. A smile that resembles a smirk forms on his gorgeous lips.
You stand there staring at each other for a few seconds or longer before you tell yourself to stop losing yourself in your crush's gaze.
Now that you were no longer lost in his eyes—
his oh so gorgeous eyes. the way they always have spark in them. his Bambi eyes. He's so beautifu—
wait- Y/n this isn't time to get lost in him. You remind yourself.
You averte your gaze from him. —now that you weren't lost in his eyes, you suddenly feel nervous. There was not a perticular reason as to why you feel nervous around him.
His presence was enough to make you nervous.
Everyone feels nervous around their crushes, right?
Before you get the chance to speak Heeseung beat you to it "careful, princess" he's heavenly voice call out. the endearment name causing the butterflies in your stomach to go wild. you look at him one last time before nodding and sprinting towards your classroom.
you were the last person to arrive at class, as you expect. You sat besides your best friend, haerin. The aforementioned girl did not even raise her head from her notebook. You give her a glance before giving her a shoulder tap. She observes you. As a silent greeting, you smile and wave your hand. She gives you a quick smile of her own before returning to her studies.
You are accustomed to it because that was typical Haerin behavior.
The professor soon arrived and began the lesson, which you could not understand, but it was okay because you had Haerin, so she would explain things to you later.
She breaks down these tedious lessons into understandable chunks so you can ace every test and pass with a "A."
You yawn with sheer boredom.
Lee Heeseung is someone you wish you could take a class with so you could just admire and gaze at his beautiful form. However, your bad luck because he was a year ahead of you.
When recess time rolled around, you found yourself in the school cafeteria with Haerin and your other female friends, Garam and Eunchae. These two were in the middle of an argument when Garam asserted that she was older than artificial intelligence, or rather, AI, and Eunchae was trying to convince her that AI had existed long before she was born. (You and haerin can end the their banter by saying eunchae is right but chose not to. this was funny to you)
Your gaze stray before settling on Lee Heeseung, who is seated a few tables away from you with his friends.
God, even just sitting there, he looks so ethereal. He was laughing over something his friend had said. He has such a lovely smile. the way his eyes crinkle. Ah he would be the death of me—
It was not until Lee Heeseung made eye contact with you that you realised you were staring. His brow lifts, and a small smirk forms on his lips. you were unable to resist your eyes automatically locking onto his lips. Your eyes dart back to his, which were now glimmering with playful teasing. Your heart pounding in your chest, almost like it wants to burst. You avert your gaze from him.
Lee heeseung is so fucking perfect for his own good.
Everyone says that once you leave school And graduate, you'll miss your high school life but you don't think so. School is boring. Like what do you mean you have to get up early in the morning just for boring lessons and tests?
If it were not for Lee Heeseung, you would not even bother to come to school.
(Just kidding. You are concerned about education and attendance.)
The primary reason, though, would be Lee Heeseung.
Just like that the last ringing of the day could be heard indicating that you can leave school now. Hufff finally.
You bid your friends goodbye as they did the same. You proceed toward the exit gate.
You ventured outside and followed a similar path until you saw a familiar figure leaning on a bike. awaiting your arrival.
Lee Heeseung.
He said, "Hey princess," holding out his hand for you to take, and you did once you were close enough.
Your brown iris shyly peering into his dark, beautiful one. Your mouth quivering into a tiny, uncontrollable smile. You say "hii" in return.
Your hands, which you were unaware were on his chest, slide up towards his neck as his one arm slides down to your slender waist. With his hand around your waist, he pulled you into his eagerly anticipated, firm yet cozy embrace.
Breathing in your cent that drives him crazy, he closed his eyes. His hand caressing the back of your head, mindlessly stocking your silky hair. He can feel his heart thumping in sync with yours as if they've realize they were closer to the one they desire. His lips gently brushing the top of your head, planting a kiss.
Your insides flutter at what he did. You feel yourself falling for your lee heeseung a little bit more.
you slightly looks up at him. Your eyes meeting his for mere few seconds as you cannot, for your life, hold his gaze. You get on your toes to shyly press kiss to the area of his jaw you could reach with your short height.
He encircles you with slightly tighter arms.
You both stay like that for few more moments, not wanting to pull away just yet, before pulling away from the embrace. His hands finding yours.
Saying "common baby," he assisted you in donning the helmet before he pulled you toward his bike.
You firmly wrapped your arms around his waist from behind once you had both get comfortable on his bike. As he starts the bike, you feel the warm wind against you.
You rest your head on his back, closing your eyes.
You feel heated by the heat emanating from his body, so even though the winds are getting colder over time, it does not affect you.
Gosh You love and adore times like this one with him, or you simply adoree him so much that you value and cherish and love every moment you spend with him.
You just love Lee heeseung so much.
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© enhasrii, 2024, Do not repost or copy in any way.
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mindfulstudyquest · 7 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗽𝗿𝗼 𝘁𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮'𝘀
having good grades doesn't necessarily mean you're smart, a test or exam can't always determine someone's intelligence, but it's academic validation we crave, right? so here are some tips thanks to which you will get straight a's.
𝟭. understand what the professor wants ( 🪼 )
learning the entire book by heart is tiring and basically useless. we take our education seriously, but it's impossible to know everything about everything, so inevitably there will be topics we can gloss over. check old tests, listen to the teacher during the lecture, talk to students who have already attended the course and passed the exam. understand which aspects your professor particularly cares about and concentrate on those, your exam will certainly go well.
𝟮. strengthen your memorization ( 🦋 )
very often the amount of things to study is just too much and, even though you spend all day in the library rereading the topics again and again, you feel that it is not enough. you get confused, you forget steps, you get lost in the labyrinth of the subject. investing in understanding your form of memorization will benefit you in the long run. identify your type of memory (spatial, photographic, echoic, etc.) and focus on how to improve it. having a good memory will make your studying for the exam much faster and easier.
𝟯. pay attention in class ( 🫧 )
attend all lectures and take notes. much of your studying comes from your professor's lecture. underline the important things in your textbook, carefully follow their speech and - if there are any - their powerpoint slides, writing only the things that the teacher adds and which are not written either in the book or in the extra material, if necessary, record the lesson so you can listen to it again at a later time.
𝟰. organize your notes the same day ( 🧃 )
when i take notes in class i write badly and quickly to keep up with the teacher, shortening words or omitting passages.  by reorganizing your notes that same evening (at most the next day, if you really don't have time) you can revise your work when the lesson is still fresh in your mind; if you wait too long, you will forget most of the things and you will find yourself staring blankly at pages of notes which, at that point, will seem more like hieroglyphics to you than anything else.
𝟱. use ai responsibly ( 🪴 )
artificial intelligence is everywhere nowadays and why not use it to our advantage? of course i'm not suggesting that you let an ai take care of all your tests and essays, it wouldn't make sense, however very often it helped me make a list of key points to develop in a research paper, or gave me excellent ideas and insights for projects. they can also be used to create flashcards, summarize and simplify articles, or create practice tests based on the material you will have to study.
𝟲. delve deeper into your “whys” ( 🌾 )
sometimes when i study i stare into space and wonder why i am studying something that seems completely irrelevant to my path. i'm sure it happens to you too, don't ignore this feeling. don't be afraid to explore themes and topics that aren't clear to you, if two statements seem contradictory ask yourself why, if you don't understand some passages, don't be afraid to ask a question. we study for ourselves, before studying to graduate, to work. there is no shame in not understanding, your intelligence lies in striving to clarify what seems obscure.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
Okay first…
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Do you have a name for this au?
Second, what details can you give us on his backstory? Did he know Sonic before he got the implants? Who caused this experiment? And most importantly…what do the implants do?
Ty for coming to my TedTalk!
this is my tedtalk now
i unfortunately don’t have a name for it yet 😭. i honestly don’t have many ideas set in stone for this, it was just a little guy i drew up that was inspired by something i was watching. i am open to name suggestions tho!
as for a backstory, what i currently have is his parents sold him off when he was a toddler to a group of human scientist studying something related to mobians (a really funny way of saying “we want to run unethical experiments on your kid, you cool with that?”) for a large sum of money. they didn’t want their mutated fox kit, but this group did so why not just give him up? and for that much money, it wasn’t a hard choice
so no, he did not know sonic beforehand. speaking of the blue hog, sonic does know amy and knuckles and the restoration is still a thing in this au. how? idk, i just want it like that. it’s mostly there because sonic leaves tails with the restoration while they try to figure out what to do with the kid. sonic does end up taking him in, he just needs to find a permanent place to live first
the implants are what i’m stuck on. all i know rn is that they artificially enhance his intelligence, speed, strength, hearing, and durability. i’m debating giving him another ability (sorta something like surge and kit’s abilities but not something elemental) but idk.
maybe i have this more planned out than i thought- anyway yeah traumatized, clingy little guy who will bite if provoked 🫶 love him. also i did end up getting rid of the blue markings on his design so uhhhhh yeah. im still wondering if i should add more robotic bits and implants on him
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veganism · 8 months
The genocide is also experimentation on living beings
Israel is currently testing new weapons in Gaza, some of which will soon be sold globally as "battle-tested," according to Antony Loewenstein, an author who has written a widely acclaimed book on the issue.
For years, the Israeli defense sector has used Palestine as a laboratory for new weapons and surveillance tech, he told Anadolu, adding that this is also the case in the current ongoing war on Gaza.
One of the main reasons why "many nations, democracies and dictatorships support Israeli occupation" of Palestine is because it allows them to buy these "battle-tested" weapons, asserted Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World.
Another aspect of Israel's war on Gaza has been the use of artificial intelligence technology, he said.
According to Loewenstein, AI has been one of the key targeting tools used by the Israeli military in its deadly campaign of airstrikes, leading to mass killings of Palestinians-now over 28,500-and damage on an unprecedented scale.
The current war on Gaza is "inarguably one of the most consequential and bloody," he said.
He described Israel's use of AI against Palestinians as "automated murder," stressing that this model "will be studied and copied by other nation-states" and Tel Aviv will sell them these technologies as tried and tested weapons.
In the last 50 years, Israel has exported hi-tech surveillance tools to at least 130 countries around the world.
To maintain its illegal occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and blockade of the Gaza Strip, Israel has developed a range of tools and technologies that have made it the world's leading exporter of spyware and digital forensics tools.
But analysts say the intelligence failure during the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attacks casts doubts over Tel Avis's technological capabilities.
Israel's reliance on technology "is an illusion of safety, while imprisoning 2.3 million people under endless occupation," said Loewenstein, who is Jewish and holds Australian and German nationalities.
He described Israel's response in Gaza as "apocalyptic," stressing that the killings of Palestinian civilians, including children and women, is "on a scale of indiscriminate slaughter."
Loewenstein, who is also a journalist, said Israel has honed its weapons and technology expertise over decades as an occupying power, acting with increasing impunity in the Palestinian territories.
This led a small country like Israel to become one of the top 10 arms dealers in the world, he said, adding that Israeli arms sales in 2021 were "the highest on record, surging 55% over the previous two years to $11.3 billion."
In his book, Loewenstein explores thoroughly Israel's ties with autocracies and regimes engaged in mass displacement campaigns, and governments slinking their way into phones.
The Israeli NSO Group sold its well-known Pegasus software to numerous governments, a spyware tool for phones that gives access to the entire content, including conversations, text messages, emails and photos even when the device is switched off.
Israeli drones were first tested over Gaza, the besieged enclave that Loewenstein referred to as "the perfect laboratory for Israeli ingenuity in domination."
Surveillance technology developed in Israel has also been sold to the US in the form of watch towers now used on the border with Mexico.
The EU's border agency Frontex is known to have used Israeli drone technology to monitor refugees.
Loewenstein explains in his book that the EU has partnered with leading Israeli defense companies to use its drones, "and of course years of experience in Palestine is a key selling point."
"So again, one sees how there are so many examples of nations that are wanting to copy what Israel is doing in their own area in their own country on their own border," he said.
These technologies and "are sold by Israel as battle-tested," he said.
In other words, he contends that Palestinians essentially have become "guinea pigs," and despite some nations and the UN publicly criticizing the Israeli occupation, in reality "they're desperate for this technology for themselves for their own countries."
"And that's how in fact, the Palestine laboratory has been so successful for Israel for so long," he said.
In his exhaustive probe into Israel's dealings with arms sales around the world, he noted that the country has monetized the occupation of Palestine, by selling weapons, spyware tools and technologies to repressive regimes such as Rwanda during the genocide in 1994 and to Myanmar during its genocide against the Muslim Rohingya people in 2017.
"This to me is blood money. I mean, there's no other way to see that and again, as someone Jewish, who has spent many, many years reporting on this conflict, both within Israel and Palestine but also elsewhere, it's deeply shameful that Israel is making huge amounts of money from the misery of others," he said.
"This is not a legacy that I can be proud of."
Profiting from misery is to some extent the nature of what capitalism has always been about, but Israel does this with a great deal of impunity, "because Israel does what it wants," said Loewenstein.
"There is no accountability, there is no transparency, there is no nation actually holding Israel to account," he added.
Israel's regime is shielded from any political backlash for years to come because nations are reliant on Israeli weapons and spyware, said the author.
Israel may not be the only player employing surveillance technology that leads to human rights violations, but it still plays a dominant role, which is why Loewenstein insists that it deserves singular attention.
Israel's foreign policy has always been "amoral and opportunistic," he said, calling on all nations to take a stand and hold Israel accountable, and acknowledge that the world is buying what Israel is selling.
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gunsandspaceships · 6 months
Many degrees of Doctor Stark
It is widely known that 616 Tony has several doctorates. The number varies from 3 to 7, but it doesn't really matter whether he is 300 or 700% Doctor. He is one. And he doesn’t use his title 99.999% of the time.
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Ok, but what about the MCU?
It is never mentioned whether Tony has a PhD or even a master's degree. Kinda weird. Both the absence of mentions and lack of degrees, since Tony is so smart and productive.
Let’s check, maybe he actually has some.
Here we have a file from a deleted scene from The Avengers (2012):
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As we can see, the work is sloppy – there are inaccuracies in his hair color (it’s not black, it’s brown), and the fact that he speaks French was not included. Can we rely on this paper? Let’s not 100%, but we can still use things that don't contradict the movies.
The fact that he received his BS in Engineering from MIT does not contradict this, so we can mark it as valid. He started in 1984 when he was 14 years old and graduated in 1987 when he was 17.
We see no further education in the file. But we know something that this file doesn’t. We watched the movies.
Remember, in Civil War at 0:13:25, in the scene where Tony sees his parents for the last time, Maria tells Howard, “Be nice, dear, he’s been studying abroad”. Tony is 21 here, this is December 16, 1991. Looks like he is on winter break.
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But wait… Didn’t he graduate in 1987 and stop then? Well, Maria tells us he continued.
Between 17 and 21 there are 4 years. What could he have done in these 4 years? A lot, right? He is smart and productive, we know that. A master’s degree usually takes 2 years. Tony could earn it in 1. 1 or 2, we still have 2-3 years that we need to fill with some kind of studying. I doubt he just went back and got another bachelor's or master's. That said, he was working on his PhD.
We don't know where. “Abroad” is a very broad concept. Maybe he went to Europe to study at Oxford? We do not know. Perhaps he stayed at MIT and just went somewhere else for the fall semester. We do not know. But he did go somewhere for (most probably) a PhD.
The question is: did he finish it?
Well, his parents died in Dec 1991, and we know from the first Iron Man (0:04:50) that Stane was the interim president of Stark Industries from that date until 1992. Most likely, Tony became CEO before his birthday, that is, May 29, which corresponds to the stated age of 21. He had a few months between.
We don’t know where he was in his degree at that time. But we know he is smart and productive. He doesn’t need 4 years to write a dissertation.
So, there are 2 options:
1) He did not complete his doctorate and devoted himself entirely to the company;
2) He completed it in the few months he had and then took over the company.
Here’s the evidence for the second option:
“Confusing matters more, a recently deleted LinkedIn profile for Tony Stark indicated he received doctorates in engineering physics and artificial intelligence.”
Source: https://alum.mit.edu/slice/who-iron-man
Given all the information and analysis we have, as well as a little logic, we can conclude that Tony has a Ph.D. Even two. He had time to do them. Why doesn't he use his title? Well, maybe for the same reason 616 Tony doesn’t? He doesn’t usually brag. Check out this post if you have any doubts about my statement.
Here are some additional hints:
He gave lectures at scientific conferences (IM1 and IM3 - Bern 1999).
His scientific expertise was not limited to engineering and his company's affairs (all the movies, but specifically I can point you to IM3– the scene with Maya Hansen and her Extremis-enhanced plants in Bern).
“He must have graduated after 1990, because the '90 Brass rat was the first one with the skyline on the edge.” MIT alumni commentary https://alum.mit.edu/slice/who-iron-man
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Conclusion (actual): call him Doctor Stark, guys, he deserves it. Despite his modesty about his scientific achievements, Dr Stark has a couple of master's degrees and at least two PhD degrees in the MCU - in engineering physics and artificial intelligence.
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months
Can't Argue With Crazy (Hollow Mind)
I’m going to open this with a question to Dana Terrace herself: Why? Did you wake up one morning, look at your audience, and think “I will break you”? What happened to the goofy series with the body swap episode and the playground game of thrones?
In all seriousness, I have been mentioning a lot that the Owl House features a runup to its final arc to get its mind into gear and fine tune the tone and pacing. In my opinion, that final arc kicks off in a big way with Hollow Mind.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, Frankenstein, Moon Knight, Bladerunner)
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In 1818, a book called The Modern Promethius was written. It’s one of those books that people like to say they’ve read and is a founding piece of science fiction, arguably the first book in that genre.
This is a practice called obfuscation. I was being honest with you here, but there’s some key information that I am leaving out, and it will change how you understand this post. At the moment, there’s a chance that you think I am cleverer than I am, as I have read a book you have never heard of and statistically, obscure fiction leads to a higher level of intelligence.
Alternatively, if you have heard of this book (Or looked at the spoiler warning), you know exactly where I’m going with this.
In this case, the missing information was the book’s author, and it’s full title: Mary Shelly, and Frankenstein; Or The Modern Promethius, alternatively known simply as Frankenstein.
However, I’ve already employed a few more deceptive techniques, and I’m interested in seeing who caught them.
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First up, obscure fiction doesn’t actually lead to a higher level of intelligence. I’ve twisted that statistic a little. The link between reading in general and intellect is well established, but there is extremely little evidence for the obscurity having any effect on that. There is, however, a link to perceptions of intelligence, which I drew upon to base my claim.
This is an advanced technique known as lying. But it’s also social engineering, or more specifically pretexting. If I establish something that makes me seem more intelligent, a reader is more likely to believe me when I start espousing facts. I can then use this to talk bollocks to my heart’s content.
Notably, one side effect of this opening statement is that, depending on who you are, it either made you more likely to trust my opinions or more sceptical of me. I have artificially made myself seem more honest in comparison to a nebulous statement. But I have also pulled the rug out from under you, and that’s not a trust that can be built up as easily as it was eroded. Remember this.
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In Moon Knight, a key reveal of the series is that Steven was not the real person. That he was the alter ego, made up and kept in the dark. It’s a harrowing reveal, and it plays with perception of reality in what I think is an interesting way.
Steven assumes that his reality is the truth because why would he think otherwise. I challenge you to find someone who doesn’t share this bias. You assume you are just like everyone else until proven otherwise. Just like you assume the sun will rise tomorrow and be roughly the same size and shape because nothing has given you reason to suspect otherwise.
This is Occam’s Razor, a tool that essentially declares the simplest answer to be the correct one. In this case, it is simpler to expect yourself to be a standard issue human being than a manufactured split personality of someone else. Or, that your memories aren’t manufactured and that you are the original personality.
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It is also a bias founded in reality. Here, things usually repeat unless force acts upon them or they are instable by nature. This is how the science works, and since that is the study of reality, I defer to it in matters of real-world happenings.
In the case of the sun rising tomorrow. The sun has risen every day of a millennia, the likelihood of a force suddenly manifesting to change that is so infinitesimal that it isn’t worth dwelling upon. Even then, there are very few things that can affect the rising of the sun, and most of them we would know about in advance.
In short, you can expect reality to continue as it always has. There are rules to the world, and the world tends to play fair.
Linking to my point about Moon Knight, this can be manipulated through obfuscation. If you take away important information, a person will assume that they have the whole picture and act accordingly. Again, Steven assumes that he is the same as everyone else, and the audience of the series assumes the same thing. They have also not been given all the information. Even when the split is revealed, you are primed to think of the perspective character as the originator because why would you think otherwise.
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Worth commenting on, is that the final scene of the series introduces a third personality, and this doesn’t come across as nearly as surprising, because we have been primed to expect a twist just like this. It’s the same thing happening again, just in a different way.
If we cycle back a little bit, did you catch how I referred to Steven as I started this section? I described him as not a real person, and I’d like to reverse that claim.
The following statement is not up for debate, you may disagree with anything else, but this is ironclad: Personhood is not anybody’s to ascribe or take away. You cannot declare that someone is not a person because you dislike them. You cannot refuse to accept someone's personhood because you believe them to be bellow you. Personhood is immutable, and everyone has the right to it, no matter how different from you, no matter how evil you find them to be. I am not willing to argue this point.
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What this means has provoked a decent amount of speculation from philosophers and writers. Science fiction does this through its question of what is qualified to be a person. If you’ve read a story with a robot in it, you know what I’m talking about here.
However, if we substitute the terminology for a moment, we can notice that this is more widely used than you would expect.
The idea of a soul is often used synonymously with personhood. Basically, people have souls. Fantasy and mythology does this a fair bit, and its where the word “soulless” originates. A place with this adjective restricts agency and therefore expressions of individuality and personhood. An act that is soulless is one that forfeits personhood, used synonymously with “mindless”.
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I would argue that anything with internal thoughts has a soul and therefore is a person, or vice versa. But I don’t think that’s the important question here.
I think the more important factor of this question is the faith of it. Not religiously, but in terms of a good or bad faith argument. In other words, why a person is making their case.
For example, the robot story archetype of “this group of individuals has claimed personhood, does that mean we have to give them rights?”
These stories rarely dispute the autonomy of the individuals, just the reaction to it. Therefore, in my opinion, the creation and intended purpose of the robots is irrelevant, they are people and should be treated as such. The story establishes that the robots can think, and that falls into my argument above.
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Bladerunner adds onto this the idea that artificial life forms, or replicants, look exactly like humans, and explores how that affects the perception of them. The moment when Decker stands over the corpse of what looks like a human being and who has acted like a human being up to this point is sobering. But it also points to the fact that all it took to get people to be ok with not respecting the personhood of robots in the Star Wars franchise (who act just like humans), is the fact that they don’t look like us.
As a side note, I originally had to watch Bladerunner for school, and the prescribed version of it was the Director’s Cut. I only found the original version afterwards. So, if you despised the original because of how gratuitously redundant parts of it are, I would advise the other version. It quite literally gets rid of the bad things and explains the elements that felt unclear.
Specifically, it implies that Decker might be an artificial life form, which throws you for a loop entirely because it means that humans and replicants are functionally identical except for how they are created, and how long replicants are allowed to live for.
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Humans will, however, always find a way to spot the difference, and in Bladerunner, that is through the eyes.
I haven’t watched the more recent film, so I don’t know if it’s been clarified. But the original doesn’t make it clear what the deal is with those eyes. Are they unique, somehow? Do they move in a weird way? We are only shown the reaction to the difference, not what that difference actually is, implying that the significance might be disproportionate to what is observed.
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I ran this post by a few friends before posting it, as I usually do, and one of them commented that this is like being trans. To her, gender is like personhood, it has ideas attributed to it, but in reality, all you have to do is claim it and functionally speaking, it's yours to do with what you will.
She noted that the difference between a trans person and a cis person is disproportionate to the reaction to it. In all the ways that matters, a trans man is a man. But because a trans man was assigned female at birth, that means that people feel ok disallowing his masculinity.
She also highlighted the idea of bad faith arguments in this field eroding important discussions. The example she gave was how the transphobic cries of “what makes a woman?” undermine the fact that conversations about femininity and masculinity and how they are presented are important to have, especially because gender expression can take so many different forms.
People transition for a reason, and understanding what that is can help people in the future understand themselves, which at the very least has massive mental health benefits. But instead, the question is used to gatekeep something that isn’t anyone’s to gatekeep.
For context, I am not trans, I am nonbinary, so I cannot do justice to this idea beyond “this is what somebody who knows more than me told me”. I asked her if I could include what she said, and she said yes. But I still recommend checking out literally anyone else who has actually lived this experience.
I am actually rather tentative about this segment because of how little I know. But this is a blog about analysis, and leaving out the fact that there is a trans reading of a story feels disingenuous. Besides, I think it’s better to start discussion about important ideas than leave them absent from places they are relevant. If I’m wrong, please correct me and I will make adjustments. I always want to know more.
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Speaking of trans readings, Hunter is first shown to the audience of The Owl House through his eyes.
The title sequence of the series’ second season features a wall of three figures looking menacing. Lilith, Kikimora, and the Golden Guard, then the scene is flipped. Lilith looks remorseful, Kikimora has lost the plot entirely, and the Golden Guard is… taking off his mask.
What strikes me about this is that this was revealed long before Hunter was shown off. The fans learned that this was a kid long before Luz did. There’s dramatic irony there, but also a display of theme.
The mask is a signifier of Hunter’s purpose. It was given to him by his father figure, along with the role of the Golden Guard. He doesn’t get any say in it at all. Similarly, he doesn’t get any agency when it comes to losing the identity. The mask falls off when Kikimora attacks him, the role gets taken from him by Darius later on. Hunter doesn’t get free will. He has been reduced to a role, a tool. He has had his personhood taken from him, and as I established, that act alone is enough to make Bellos the villain of Hunter’s story.
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But the intro features Hunter taking off the mask willingly to reveal his face. In my mind, that links most closely to a scene in Hunting Palismen, when he removes his face covering to say:
“My name is Hunter.”
His name is treated the exact same way as his face, and in this case, he immediately puts the mask back on to face down Kikimora.
So, the two ideas are linked, the reveal of his name and what he is showing to the audience. Combine that with the fact that Kikimora’s and Lilith’s portraits both show their character development over the series, growing more insane and emotional respectively, the intro alone tells us that Hunter’s story will be about the removing of that mask and the learning of who he is.
Except, in this episode, the intro is cut short. The audience doesn’t see Hunter take off his mask, because now the script has been flipped. Not only does the audience learn who Hunter is, but so does Hunter.
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“What a shame. Out of all the Grimwalkers, you looked most like him.”
The term “Grimwalker” is, as far as I can tell, original to The Owl House. But breaking down it’s etymology, it’s a fusion of two words. “Grim” and “walker”. Please hold your ghasps of surprise to the end of the post.
However, the word “grim” has connotations of gloom and seriousness. It’s not a nice word, essentially. Telling someone that they look grim is not a compliment.
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It also has connotations of death, most likely linked to the Grim Reaper, and has become part of an overly edgy naming convention that has taken up root in certain parts of the internet and for a very specific group of TTRPG players. I challenge you to find two Shadow The Hedgehog fanfics out there that don’t have a character named “Grimsword” or “Axblade the Grim” or something similar.
This is not a criticism, it's an observation. I honestly find it quaint.
As such, a Grimwalker is someone who moves in death, a zombie, a wraith. A being created from the corpse of another. Alternatively, if we take it more metaphorically, a Grimwalker is a creature that exists as part of a deceased person’s legacy. Walking in the space they left behind.
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Once again, however, the difference here is less important than how people respond to it. Because functionally speaking, Hunter is just like Luz and Amity. There’s a tiny difference in the way he casts magic but come on. He walks like a Human, bleeds like a Human, has mental breakdowns like a Human.
The fact that I could substitute out “Human” for “Witch” here makes my point even clearer. The benchmark doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things. They are all more similar than they are different.
For the record, Luz, Amity and Hunter, despite being different species of creature, are all people. They think, therefore they are. I refer you once again to my core argument above.
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However, all it takes is that one detail for Bellos to deem these others unworthy of personhood. Although, the way he does it isn’t as pompous as he thinks it is.
Bellos is a megalomaniacal villain with a martyr complex. But his motivation is pathetically small. It never occurred to this man that these others could possibly be people. He didn’t have to decide that Witches or Grimwalkers were less valuable than him, because to him, they never even came close. He’s an eejit who cannot comprehend the world as anything other than a hierarchy with himself at the top, and he’s too scared to change his mind.
He's a witch hunter, someone who believes that personhood has to be earned, and to whom it does not occur that he is sacrificing anything when he kills Hunter. The child is just a tool he can throw away.
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Which brings me all the way back to Mary Shelly, and Victor Frankenstein. Because the book isn’t titled “Adam”. It’s not about the created creature, it's about the chaotic narcissism of one human disaster. The book is very much about the monster, and that monster’s name is Victor Frankenstein.
I want to take a moment to point out how good Frankenstein is as a story. As in, classics have a reputation for being overly impressed with themselves. So, it’s worth noting that Frankenstein is a classic because of how enjoyable of a read it is.
There’s an almost tangible building dread where you can see the plot coming and the titular character won’t do anything about it because he isn’t aware that there are other people around him.
Like every story, it’s not for everyone, but in terms of craft, there’s some really good stuff going on in that book and I would highly recommend you give it a read for yourself.
But hold on, Frankenstein isn’t aware of the people around him? That’s eerily similar to Bellos. Even in the ways that operates.
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The person whose had their face scratched out of every painting sure looks a lot like Hunter.
Frankenstein doesn’t care about people who want to know if he is ok. He uses Clerval like a butler, talks to his family when he needs them, and is ok with the death of an innocent person because it gets the blame for a crime he directly caused to go away. He views people as tools.
He also creates a creature with weirdly coloured eyes, and then bails despite having created life, because it’s not a perfect creation. He doesn’t stop to contemplate what the creature will do or think at all during the story.
When he is told that the creature will take away his love like he did to its would be wife, it doesn’t occur to Frankenstein to check on the woman he loves at all. People aren’t people to Frankenstein.
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Bellos, uses people like tools, etc. etc. creates a person with weird eyes. He even named the creature after its purpose. “Hunter.” This creature hunts things for him, therefore that’s what he calls it.
People aren’t people to Bellos.
The justification he gives for righteousness is Hunter’s appearance. That’s why he was expecting him to last longer. Because he looked most like “him”. Aesthetics are more important to Bellos, which is hilarious because of how monstrous he himself looks.
Introspection is another thing that doesn’t come naturally to Phillip Whittebane.
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“It hurts every time he chooses to betray me.”
“What did you do to the other guards? To our family? It wasn’t wild magic, was it?”
Luz and Bellos represent light and darkness, as the series plays with that concept and duality. But instead of good and evil because heaven and hell, the story revolves around the function of the two. Light reveals, darkness conceals. As such, evil in the series is defined mainly as wilful ignorance. Everything else comes as a result that.
To Bellos, the worst thing Hunter could have done was ask questions, and it’s not because Bellos is scared of what he might find. Bellos isn’t ashamed of his actions at all. Bellos just despises the idea of critical thinking.
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Notice how empty Bellos' eyes are. Everyone else has that bit of light, but he is hollow. Dead and unmoving. A man whose view of the world hasn't changed in fifty years.
This leads back to what I keep saying about Bellos and his evil in that it is self-sabotaging. Bellos could have kept Hunter as a loyal advisor. He could have turned around and said “no, this was because of Wild Magic. They were all killed in battle.” He had established trust with Hunter. But the simple act of asking questions was all it took.
Bellos isn’t clever, he’s petty. That’s an incredibly important part of hit characterisation, and it carries over to what we will continue to learn about him later on in the series.
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"I'll do anything to save humanity from evil."
This is why defining good and evil is important. Because otherwise you end up with stuff like this. Bellos defines evil as "not like Bellos", which means that any act of interiority amongst his tools is a questioning his motives. It means that curiosity and change are evil.
The Owl House as a series fundamentally disagrees with this premise. That's important to understand. Showing a worldview doesn't mean you agree with it, especially when the entire purpose of your story is proving that worldview to be utter bollocks.
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Regardless of specific details, the discovery that you are expendable is not one that people are prone to take well. I think a lot of what sells Hunter as a character is Zeno Robinson’s masterclass in acting, and once again, that is on display here. Hunter doesn’t scream, he doesn’t cry, he doesn’t get angry or in denial. He goes through too many emotions at once and hyperventilates. That’s affecting writing, and its impeccably well-acted.
The episode ends on a cliffhanger. The question of what to do next. What can Luz do with the information that she helped Bellos become the emperor? What can Hunter do now that his view of himself has changed?
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Bellos places immense significance on a human using his name, because he likes the sound of it. But how is Luz any different sounding than any of the Witches. Hunter and Amity have closer accents to Bellos than Luz. Could it be that Bellos' bigotry is founded in absolute nonsense and is working backwards to justify itself rather than accepting all the evidence in the world that it is wrong? Could it be that bigotry itself is inherently dumb as all hell?
The two reveals hurt the characters because they undercut their entire worldviews. Luz believed that she was special, and yet she was duped just as easily as everyone else, and Hunter…
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I started this post with a thing about deceptive techniques, specifically obfuscation. Hunter believed that he was in the right because the actuality of what he was doing was hidden from him. If you look closely at previous episodes, Hunter has even gone out seeking materials, notably the Selkidomus scales, to make another Grimwalker. He could have been let go at any time, but he believed he was safe because he wasn’t told about his purpose.
He also had his trust manipulated. Bellos gave Hunter a reason to believe him. The Titan had decreed that Bellos was smart, therefore he must be trustworthy, and yet that wasn’t the case.
So now, Hunter doesn’t feel safe with the Emperor, and he doesn’t fully trust Luz and Eda yet because of course he doesn’t. That leaves only one place he has found where people are willing to show him kindness.
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Final Thoughts
I’m not going to argue that Hollow Mind isn’t one of The Owl House’s best episodes after devoting nearly 4000 words to explaining one element within. I barely referenced Luz and Eda’s development, or the fact that the hooded figures are so obviously Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf.
However, I want to dwell on one of King’s lines from earlier on in the episode.
“No one wants to think they've wasted their life following the wrong person. You just gotta find something big to change their minds.”
The sunk cost fallacy is one of the most influential out there. It says that if you’ve walked down a path for a long time, it’s easier to keep following it and brave the consequences than to go back and try again.
But choice isn’t always an option. Sometimes the path ahead of you stops, and you have to go back, start from scratch, and forge something new.
Next week, a light hearted episode. Them’s the Brakes, Kid, an episode I definitely remembered existing. Definitely didn’t forget an important episode of the series at all. Not me. Never. Stick around if that interests you.
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xemo-wc-08x · 5 months
I need to address something important.
I do not use any type of artificial intelligence in my working process, neither do I trace art. Everything I do is drawn by hand, digitally, with a Huion tablet, mostly in Clip Studio Paint but I've also worked with MSPaint (here's some of my speedpaints if curious).
I can understand that anyone could have induced the wrong idea from the last drawing I did as I didn't use my usual style but other people's style. That's why I am explicitly telling this :(
I enjoy exploring different art styles, studying the details on illustrations (for example the different types of lineart, eye shape, shadow and lighting style...) and just doing art. This meme was perfect for me to do that.
So just clarifying. I don't use AI and I will never use it for my work. Neither do I trace. That is not only harmful for other artists but it also takes all the fun away and this blog literally exists only for that purpose o_o
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thesirencult · 1 year
"The best thing you can do is to be exceptionally good at something," said Buffett. He added, "Whatever abilities you have can't be taken away from you. They can't actually be inflated away from you. ... So the best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, and it's not taxed at all."
- Warren Buffet
There is a reason people call Mr. Buffet the "Oracle/Sage Of Omaha".
Not only he is great at asset management and making the right predictions when it comes to the financial markets, but he is also very wise and offers great advice.
Investing in your own self is the only type of investment you can make that is absolutely safe and guaranteed to give you a return on investment that would satisfy you.
Knowledge is fuel. You are the vehicle.
We are living in times of abundance. Knowledge and data curation is the hottest skill someone can learn right now. That's what AI models like ChatGPT do. They curate useful data from trash. That's what you should also do with your mind. Throw out what's hindering your growth and feed your brain with nutritious food for thought.
We are nearing the "Age Of Abundance", the Golden Saturnian Age of our times. Don't fall into oblivion.
The resources are within a finger's reach. You are actually holding the most precious asset in your hands right now, that's how I reached you.
Whoever takes advantage of this situation will succeed.
Read books, articles, essays. Watch videos and documentaries. Educate yourself for free. If you have the ability to get a university degree for free, do it ! Don't fall in the trap of "degrees are useless". Instead choose to educate yourself in subjects that interest you and make you even more savvy. Invest in evergreen skills. Learn content creation, marketing and money management. Study philosophy to learn the art of critical thinking.
In the next 10 years we will all transform from 9 to 5 slaves to freelancers and one-person businesses. This is where we are headed. Notice all the lay-offs and how artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm.
Be proactive.
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geomimetry · 1 year
Connor was always deviant
Let’s begin by talking about deviancy: it is a gradual thing. We see androids feel things before they break the red wall and becoming officially deviant. Therefore, I don’t think androids actually have to break a red wall in order to act of their own free will, but that it’s merely there to show the player what’s happening and the magnitude of it. In reality, the moment which the wall “breaks,” is merely the realization that the android doesn’t have to follow their instructions if they don’t want to. But to get to this point, an android needs to have a reason for why they would choose to abandon their directives, be it through trauma or the triggering of another free android. To be traumatized, one needs to feel, and when and why an android begins to feel is a little bit muddy, but eventually it culminates into deviancy (free will).
Now, when we play as Markus, Kara, and Connor, we get to see all three moments of deviation, except ... I don’t think Connor’s deviation was real, because he was already deviant prior to that.
Connor is a prototype investigative model, meaning he’s CyberLife’s experiment in a different branch of androids. Connor is an android designed with an unprecedented amount of autonomy in mind, meaning he’s expected to solve problems by himself with minimal input from others. Every android is autonomous to a degree: tell them to do the laundry, and they will take it from there; you don’t need to instruct them every second of the way. But Connor is meant to operate at a level above that.
Connor receives the mission to apprehend deviants so CyberLife can study them, but he needs to use his own reasoning and decision-making to determine the best approach according to a number of factors. The tasks Connor is given are much more complex, and therefore require a complex way of thinking. But not only is he a hunter; he’s an investigator.
The traits most benefiting to an investigator are curiosity and empathy: both of which are arguably impossible without having emotions. Curiosity is necessary to possess the drive to look for clues even when there seemingly are none. To want to find out what happened, if only to sate your own curiosity. Empathy, because it is vital to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the object of investigation. To think like them, to feel like them, to become them.
A machine doesn’t have emotions and isn’t capable of feeling curiosity nor empathy, which CyberLife probably found troublesome in their quest to create an investigative android. Especially one they were planning on using to catch androids that supposedly have begun to feel emotions. So what did they do? They made their investigative android deviant, but he’s unaware of it.
Having a deviant deviant hunter/investigative model is ingenious because of the following reasons:
1. Its thought process and decision-making is extremely complex and can therefore easily extrapolate and come to a conclusion all by itself.
2. It’s completely autonomous and can make decisions without a human’s approval.
3. It understands and empathizes with its subjects, facilitating negotiation, interrogation, and investigation.
4. It is curious, making it want to acquire more information simply for the sake of sating its curiosity.
5. It is able to be manipulated.
While it is not confirmed in canon that Connor was always deviant, everything we see in the game points towards it. Mainly, I’m referring to the implementation and usage of Amanda. Why would CyberLife need an additional (non-deviant) AI to act as Connor’s handler? And why on Earth would they take walks and boat rides in a virtual reality?
My theory is that Amanda is CyberLife’s solution to manipulating and managing a truly autonomous being to get it to do their bidding and having it stay on track. Connor tracks his relationship to humans, which is a useful feature to have for every android, but he also tracks his relationship to Amanda, an artificial intelligence. CyberLife clearly places importance on Connor’s and Amanda’s relationship to each other. They want Connor to seek the approval of Amanda, acting as a proxy for CyberLife, and for Amanda to dole out praise and criticism and dynamically adjust her attitude to Connor in order to cultivate this.
Amanda is CyberLife’s way to manipulate and keep their deviant under control. But not only does Amanda manipulate Connor—the entire zen garden does. When CyberLife is pleased and happy with Connor, the garden is calm and peaceful, as is Amanda. When Connor fails to live up to expectations, the garden turns cold and inhospitable, as does Amanda. And if Connor should deviate from CyberLife’s intended path for him, Amanda has access to his motor functions.
And if we focus on machine Connor as well as Connor-60, don’t you think they’re suspiciously emotional for being “undeviated” androids? They are capable of feeling vengeful, sad, and terrified. Examples of vengefulness: machine Connor and 60 both seem to make it their personal mission to eliminate the leader of the deviants and deviant Connor respectively. It seems like it’s driven from a place of hate and offense. Example of sadness: machine Connor’s facial expressions and LED color when Hank yells at him to leave and then shoots himself. Example of terror: when 60 panics because the AP700s are deviating right in front of him and there’s nothing he can do to stop it, meaning Amanda will be very disappointed in him—something he seems to place importance in as evident by what he says to Connor before executing him.
So that’s my hypothesis. Connor is a deviant already at the start of the game, but CyberLife tampered with his memories so he wouldn’t be aware of this and therefore be more easily manipulated and held under control. Connor thinks he only started to gain emotions and started to deviate shortly after he met Hank, and that he deviated in the bridge of Jericho. In a way, he did, since he only realized then that he didn’t have to follow CyberLife’s instructions, but he’s always had emotions. CyberLife has just told him over and over again that he didn’t, so he believes in it. Therefore, Connor has had the possibility to disobey instructions at any moment, but he has not understood that he can. Meanwhile, Markus and Kara only go through their cascade of emotions to deviancy a little bit into the game, meaning they didn’t have the emotional capability of understanding that they could disobey before then.
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theliterarywolf · 6 months
If you're going to come onto one of my posts to go off about 'people who are against AI are just like the people who were against the printing press and photography', please point me in the direction of your high school teachers because they obviously did not teach you the fallacy of arguing Apples to Oranges.
The upper-classes were against printing presses because they were trying to gatekeep knowledge, particularly Theological knowledge, against the working class. That's also the reason why most Christian texts were written in Latin.
That is completely different from things like ChatGPT scraping TeachersPayTeachers to create 'lesson plans' or stealing from fanfiction and indie-published writing to churn out AI-written 'novels'.
Those who were originally against photography thought it was trying replace painters due to them not understanding that plenty of schooling and training goes into mastering lighting, angle, tone, aperture, temperature, lenses, modeling, subject-study, composition, editing, and more. That is not the same as being upset at the people behind Midjourney et al admitting that their algorithms (because, let's face it, for as much as the public has latched onto calling these programs 'Artificial Intelligence', they're closer to 'Algorithmic Intuition') use 'publicly available images'.
I.e.: Anything that's been posted online, creators' rights be damned.
Don't try to sing me a song of sixpence. You do not have enough rye in your pockets to do so.
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