#White dove
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illustratus · 11 months ago
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Le Printemps (Springtime) by Eugène Bidau
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falconthropy · 6 days ago
Sorry for the lack of content, i just wanted to share my dove watercolor/acrylic painting i did tday :)
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I kinda drew it from memory, and from my feelings. I like birds alot and this piece means alot to me ♥︎ I wish I was this little one.
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sunder-soul · 5 months ago
✦𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑✦
[read 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖛𝖊 here]
Chapter one: The lesser of the two evils Wordcount: 600 Header credit
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“Someone’s making Horcruxes.”
If you’re being honest with yourself, whatever mental barrier that lies between the daily mess of to-do lists, deadlines, and humdrum Department bullshit holding back thinking about him, it’s a thin one. Gauzey, permeable, you’ll find him seeping into your mind when you’re staring off into the corner with at a half-finished report, bleeding in when you’re alone and waiting for the elevator, always with a sick sense of self-betrayal and something that stings an awful lot like shame–if you’re being honest with yourself.
A Friday evening at 4:56pm. That’s when McCollin decides to drop this news on you. It’s raining outside, a thick, thorough rain that falls restlessly over the dark city, framed by the single window in your office behind you. Both the lamp on your desk and the city below glow yellow-orange, the only lights left at this time of night so late into winter. That first promotion had come with bumping enough floors that people comment on the view whenever they step into the room, but more often than not they’re politely neglecting to comment on the fact that it’s Muggle London–not Wizarding–that you’re looking out over. It’s no secret that the Ministry maps out its favourites with the floorplan. The press on Riddle dropped off years ago and ever since, so subtle at first that you could write it off, that relentless, incremental push out of the limelight has been growing ever stronger. The job gets more menial, the promotions stop paying well, and slowly but surely new favourites sweep onto stage.
Here, tonight is where you're startled by the sudden sound of your door opening without a knock, and before you can even make some comment to McCollin he’s said the one thing that tears aside any aspersions that maybe one day you’ll be free of what happened.
“Someone’s making Horcruxes,” says McCollin.
You already know what’s coming next, you can feel it sinking fast into your stomach like you’ve stepped out into the dark, yellow-stained night.
“We’re gonna need his help,” McCollin says, and he says it with an apology already saturating every word, he says them heavily like he’s struggling to keep his head up to look you in the eye.
You stare at him, and the rain swells suddenly louder. You put down your quill and watch a bead of ink well at the nib.
The gravity of it is starting to weigh on you, too. They wouldn’t even be considering if it wasn’t already bad, if whatever they’ve been doing is far from working. They’d have to be desperate, very desperate, and you’re wondering what could make them consider their last possible option, Plan Z, what could be so monstrously bad that hauling Tom Riddle out of Azkaban to grill him about Horcruxes is the lesser of the two evils.
You’re thinking about his ring. You’re thinking about his last request. You’re thinking about dark eyes in a dark cell somewhere beneath the ocean and you’re wondering what he’ll be when they drag him out of there–half soulless? Half insane? How long has he been down there, rotting in the darkness, deep in the roots of Azkaban? How many times have you wondered that since you last saw him?
Your fingers are shaking.
“They want you there,” says McCollin, needlessly.
You already knew it. And god, god, here comes that sick shame and that self-betrayal, because somewhere beneath the dread­–if you’re being honest with yourself–you know that some part of you can’t fucking wait.
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acatwithapencil · 25 days ago
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Random bird ocs I thought of
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okaydays22 · 2 months ago
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adhamabbas · 1 month ago
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allegorypaintings · 2 months ago
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Allegory of Peace and Justice
Artist: Corrado Giaquinto (Italian, 1703-1766)
Date: 1753-1754
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
This allegorical work, signed on the column lying on the ground in the center of the composition, shows two women in Roman garb sitting on clouds. Representing Justice and Peace, they embrace and seem about to kiss each other. This pictorial motif could be used to express political peace or, as is the case here, to allude to the peaceful policies that characterized the reign of Ferdinand VI , for whom this work was painted. It also relates to Psalm 85, which announces eternal peace between God and humankind, or salvation, implying the warning that peace should be consolidated on earth as well: Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.
Justice manifests his great authority with a crown and sceptre. She is also inspired by Divine Justice, symbolized by the white dove of the Holy Ghost . The customary attributes alluding to Justice's most essential characteristics are also present, including the ostrich, whose symmetrical feathers signify fairness, and a fasces and a column, which symbolize severity and fortitude, at her feet. Her sword evokes the separation of good from evil, an act also associated with the scales lying on the ground. The prone figure surrounded by pieces of armor represents discord or war, which has been dutifully vanquished by Justice. It is also the target of one of Cupid's arrows, which is stored in a box and symbolizes reconciliation. The god of love is accompanied by two other cherubs who operate a bellows in front of the Temple of Peace , fanning the flames that will be used to burn the armor.
Peace bears an olive branch, transmitting the idea that it is the result of Justice, which leads to the well-being symbolized by a horn of plenty at her feet, and by the wheat and fruit on the tree to the right being harvested by cherubs. The lion and the lamb, symbolizing meekness and strength, also allude to God's coming as announced by the Psalm 85. Specifically, these animals refer to the characterisations of Christ as the Lion of Judea and the Lamb of God that appear at the beginning of the Book of the Seven Seals that marks the beginning of the Last Judgment and the establishment of Paradise . With this combination of secular allegory and religious references, Giaquinto sought to ennoble the reign of Ferdinand VI by comparing it to the Kingdom of God .
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janxer · 8 months ago
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Finally back after a while, with some medic and scout stuff and warm-up sketches to get used to the graphic tablet I got.
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babsi-and-stella · 1 year ago
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Marianne Faithfull at Granada Studios, 1965.
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angelunderheaven · 1 year ago
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who will come and care enough to save you?
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lxoys · 17 days ago
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Day 410🕊️
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years ago
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I swear once I saw the sun stutter a few times as it was rising. It was just that once though. I've never seen it do that ever since. Good Morning.
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preraphaelitepaintings · 5 days ago
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The Annunciation
Artist: Dante Gabriel Rossetti (English, 1828-1882)
Date: 1861
Medium: Drawing
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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acatwithapencil · 9 days ago
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I made a wallpaper of these two <3
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okaydays22 · 5 months ago
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logyn-aesthetic · 2 years ago
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A transformed photo from the album cover of crash test dummies Oooh La La. in memory of 1 of Sigyns first comic book appearance.
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