#sigyn first appearance
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logyn-aesthetic · 2 years ago
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A transformed photo from the album cover of crash test dummies Oooh La La. in memory of 1 of Sigyns first comic book appearance.
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astxrope · 6 months ago
Here's a basic rundown of the species found within the Yggdrasil System. Unfortunately due to the rule of the Aesir under the Allmother, much of the information has been destroyed, censored, or erased, making researching these species particularly difficult. However, I have managed to collect a general consensus on what each of the species look like.
Helheim is impossible to know, any first inhabitants of the planet are long dead or in hiding. No one on Helheim are born there, and few leave alive.
Here's what I gathered:
Jotun: Tall, Digitigrade legs, Pointed ears, Tail, Some have horns
- Examples: Loki, Logi, Fenrir (Heimdall: Hybrid; Jotun/Asgardian)
Vanir: Pointed ears, often blond or ginger, Ungulated legs (hooves)
- Examples: Frey, Freya, (Kvasir, Hybrid; Vanir/Asgardian)
Midgardian: Plantigrade legs (human legs), tails with fur on the end, rarely (but not unheard of) winged. Winged Midgardians often have feathers at the end of their tails and feathered ears.
- Examples: Ottar, Vidfinn, (Lyfrassir Edda (Winged)
Helheim: There are no known natives of the planet. Prison Colony.
- Examples: CLASSIFIED
Asgardian: Plantigrade legs, pointed ears, often with blond or silver hair, occasionally other colours, hair is often braided, and braid patterns are passed down through families. a tradition shared with Midgardians. often blue, grey or dark skinned. They also appear to have extended lifespans, living upwards of 200 years.
- Examples: Odin, Thor, (Heimdall: Hybrid; Asgardian/Jotun), Sigyn
Muspelheim: Able to withstand extreme heat, often lizard-like, digitigrade scaled legs, draconic tail, horns, slitted pupils
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
Niflheim: Able to withstand extreme cold, short, covered in fuzzy fur, digitigrade pawed legs, short furred, long furry ears,
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
Alfheim: Similar to Vanir, plantigrade legs. golden hair, pointed ears, often have blue or silver eyes, many have symbolic tattoos. rich golden skin, clawed nails.
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
Svartalfheim: Similar to Vanir, digitigrade legs, black hair, long pointed ears, often have blue or purple eyes, many have symbolic tattoos. dark skin, often purple-ish, dark clawed nails. pointed tail.
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
The train has yet to arrive. It would be a shame if the cultures were to dissapear.
And yet…
Other bits of lore here:
Celest - A star borne researcher and investigator.
Born from the collision of two stars, Celest has dedicated his life to learning all they can about different life forms across the universe, one solar system at a time.
They have a lot of time on their hands, as stars can live for millions of years, and Celest is only a mere 200 years old.
A Magnus Archives AU
See Below Cut
lore for the final veil, a work in progress magnus archives au surrounding the entities and what happened to their remains after the change was reversed.
alan frost - an avatar of the dark
lee davies - an avatar of the hunt
lore also includes prerequisite stories about their life before and during the change, and how they managed to survive the apocalypse.
the extinction - deceased
the lonely - unknown status, likely deceased
the dark - alive
the flesh - unknown status
the eye - unknown status, possibly deceased
the slaughter - unknown status
the stranger - unknown status
the spiral - unknown status, likely deceased
the hunt - alive
the vast - unknown status
the buried - unknown status
the corruption - unknown status
the web - alive
the end - status unknown, possibly alive
the desolation - status unknown
the final veil is still a work in progress and may take a while for more lore to be released as the story is still being smoothed out along with characters individual backstories and character arcs.
i am one person, and while i doubt anyone will be invested or care about this au, for whoever may be, please be patient.
also, i will say, the lore of the final veil isn't really based off much, just an idea i had that may nit be possible in actual magnus archives lore. it's kind of hard to tell, i don't know what's happening half the time.
if i get anything wrong, please tell me, i'll see what i can do, but if something integral to the story is impossible in the magnus archives lore that is okay as it's an au. i don't particularly care what is and isn't possible i'm having fun okay.
this section of the post will update as lore continues to be added, with links to core posts being added in THE LORE section to make it easier for quickly accessing posts.
also much of this au will ignore the magnus protocol, simply because i haven't listened to it yet. i will, trust me. i just haven't gotten around to it.
may the entities spare you, for they are not quite dead, and they live on in their strongest.
their remnants, their holders, may be unpredictable, and they are in most every way just like regular people.
however some may be violent, and left unchecked and unaccounted for, may cause significant problems.
this is asterope signing off.
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 1 year ago
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Thank you for the Request - I am sorry - it's been 200 years but to my excuse I had Writers Block for a while - and many other Requests - but I hope you still like it ❤️
The 200th Anniversary
Loki x Sigyn/Wife Reader
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It's been a while since Loki joined the Avengers .
He is now a Part of the Team and spends the most time on Earth - Midgard.
You missed him and hoped he would come back to Asgard soon.
Days turned into Weeks and weeks turned into almost a month.
But today is our 200th Anniversary he will for sure show up and surprise me you thought excited.
After Breakfast you spend the next few hours on yourself - Hair and Make - Up
Next you put your favourite Dress on the one Loki bought for you many Anniversaries ago.
Remembering fondly Loki looked so thrilled the first time you wore it - the way he praised your beauty made you fall even more in love with him .
I am ready - you said to yourself - I can't wait to hug him and kiss him again .
A hour passed then the next - the more hours passed the more sad and angry you get .
It's Night and he still isn't here your Husband must have forgotten, you realized disappointed - crying yourself to sleep .
On the next Day you run into Thor by coincidence - he saw your red and swollen Eyes and asked what happened - you told him you are sad and mad that Loki forgot about the Anniversary .
"Maybe I should visit him soon and see for myself what's so important on Midgard that he forgets about me" - you said in a Threatening Tone .
Later Thor went back to the Avengers compound and told Loki that you are mad.
Brother how could you forget about the 200th Anniversary - Thor teased him.
To my Defense I didn't forget completely - Yesterday I had a feeling today is something but I couldn't figure out what - Loki tried to explain.
Thor laughed and wished his younger Brother good luck .
At first Loki was mad and disappointed in himself - how could he forget but then it turned into Panic because he knows his Wife will show up soon .
Hey Loki ,are you alright? What's going on with you? - someone asked but he just ignored it not wasting a moment to see who dared talking to him.
He devoted the next hours to finding the Prefect Anniversary Gifts .
Loki brought so many Bags with Presents back to the Compound -the others didn't know what to say - he bought the most beautiful Flowers Bouquet, different Chocolates , Jewelry,Shoes ,Bags and Clothes he knows you would like - he hopes that will calm you down.
Suddenly he had an Idea and went to his Room.
Two hours later you appeared at the Compound still visibly mad - everyone watched you
Tony was the first to ask "Who are you and what do you want" but before you had the Chance to answer Thor was by your Side answering instead happily "That's Loki's Wife - my Sister in Law ".
Meanwhile after many Attempts Loki finished writing a Love Letter -putting all his Feelings for his Wife into words.
After hearing all the noise he left his Room to see what's going on.
As he saw her standing in the living Room - he couldn't believe it- She is really here he thought .
Crossing her Arms ,she stared at him still angry and Loki looked at her with apologetic sad Eyes .
"My Darling Wife , please let us talk,I am really sorry for forgetting our Anniversary,please let me make it up to you " - he plead.
For the other Avengers in the Room he looks like a Lost Puppy - not threatening , scary or dangerous at all.
Some of the Team even smiled mockingly at him others were just shocked and speechless how different Loki is when his Wife is around.
Tony said teasing " So all we had to do to save New York,was bringing his Wife here ?"
"Looks like his Wife wears the Pants " another Avenger said
How funny Loki answered sarcastically,he took his Wife's hand and guided her to his Room.
He showed her everything he bought , gave her the Love Letter and apologized sincerely.
I only forgive you if you don't make me miss you so desperately all the time - I yearn for you - I need and love you - you confessed
"I promise,my Love,I missed you too and I love you so desperately"he replied with softly
You both spend the Night loving each other unable to get enough of the other.
My Masterlist
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nekoamamori · 1 year ago
Updated 9/11/2023
Loki - multichapter:
Loki and the Witchling - You are a healer working with the Avengers when Loki comes to join the team
Loki’s Witchlings (direct sequel to Loki and the Witchling)
Packless Monsters - You’re a werewolf who ends up in the company of Loki in the Avenger’s tower after saving Pepper Potts’ life.
The Sound of Silence - A mute Enhanced and Loki both move in to the Avengers tower on the same day.
The Witch’s Familiar - You’re a witch working with the team.Thor brings Loki to live at the Avenger’s tower after the events in New York. Problem is, Loki is in cat form and refuses to change back.
Winter’s Hearts - You’re a half-Jotun Valkyrie who has to live with the Avengers after helping them during a battle. Then Thor brings Loki to join the team. Can either of you thaw your frozen bruised hearts?
Monsters and Magic - You’re a vampire who helps the Avengers defeat an evil seethe of vampires. Loki befriends you after you end up in their custody.
Soulbonds and Fairy Dust - One of the fae decides to help out the Avengers. But there is more to this aid than what it first appears.
Beauty and the Beast - Loki is trapped in Jotun form under a curse. Can blind Morgan Stark somehow be the key to helping him break it?
Exam Day - Imagine Loki walking you home after a long school day. - On hiatus
Giftless -  You’re Tony Stark’s niece, living with the Avengers, but have no powers of her own. Loki, a former villain, joins the superhero team, claiming that he has reformed, but can he be trusted?
Gifted - Sequel to Giftless
Handcuffs - Imagine you get accidentally handcuffed to Loki
You Have Heart - Soulmate AU where the first words you hear your soulmate say are tattooed on your skin. The reader has the words “You have heart” tattooed on her and learns what those words mean when it’s Loki who says them.
Hidden Strength - During the battle of New York, Loki meets a remarkable young woman. What will happen when he meets her again while he’s serving penance on Midgard for his crimes?
Omega Mine - You’re an unclaimed Omega who comes to live and work in the Avengers’ tower due to your healing abilities and Omega qualities. You haven’t found your Alpha yet, but things start to change when you meet the mysterious Alpha and former villain: Loki.
Prince's Mate - Prince Loki of Asgard is expected to present as an Alpha. Things don't always end the way they're expected to, even before the Battle of New York makes things even more complicated
Loki x reader one shots:
Day at the Beach - The Avengers decide to take a day off at the beach.
Sick Little Jotun - Imagine when Loki is ill he shows his true form and is very insecure about it, but you comfort him
Imagine Braiding Loki’s Hair - Post mission with the avengers you get bored on the flight home and braid Loki’s hair.
Sleepless - Imagine not being able to sleep and wandering around in the Avengers Tower, but then Loki sees you and he reads you a book until you fall asleep in his arms and in the morning, the rest of the Avengers find you cuddling on the sofa.
Surprise - NSFW - Imagine Loki admitting he secretly enjoys being submissive and asking you to tie him up.
Loki and the Coffee - Loki messes with SHIELD’s coffee supply
Bored - NSFW - You’re Loki’s wife, Sigyn, and make the mistake of telling your husband that you’re bored one day. Though is it REALLY a mistake?
Heat - NSFW - Loki goes into a Jotun heat, and he’s absolutely terrified of what he might do to you, (Mortals being so fragile and all) so he does everything he can to protect you from himself
Prayer - NSFW -  Imagine Loki can hear the prayers of his worshipers. And he decides to come answer yours in person.
The Ball - NSFW -  Imagine Loki and Sigyn get bored at a feast on Asgard and decide to sneak off to enjoy each other instead
Shield’s Monster - NSFW - Imagine Jotun Loki in heat, chained to the wall in the basement because SHIELD don’t know how else to deal with him. You’re new, you go down, intrigued to see the ‘monster’ people are talking about. And you ‘accidentally’ set a really horny Jotun Loki loose…
Feels Like Death - Reader is on her period and miserable and Loki saves the day
Loki one shots:
The Courting of Lady Sigyn - Loki realizes he wants his friendship with Sigyn to become more
Too Much Mischief - NSFW - Sigyn gets called to teach her husband a lesson for causing too much mischief around the tower
Loki Other:
Of Numbers and Strange Friendships - Loki & Spiderman PLATONIC - Loki and Peter Parker somehow forge a friendship after one flippant comment. No one on the team quite understands how it happened. But it seems to do the god some good to have Peter as a friend.
Winter Soldier x OFC
Alpha and Omega - The Avengers rescue a werewolf from Hydra. Can she warm the Winter Soldier’s heart?
Captain America x reader:
Savior from Fangirls - Steve needs a date to a charity gala and you get voluntold to accompany him… despite of, or because of your crush
Friendly Face - You help Captain America as he’s fleeing from shield the day he wakes from the ice
Original works:
Child of Darkness -  A vampire’s slave escapes and fights for her freedom.
Daughter of the Night (sequel to Child of Darkness)
Chosen - Shapeshifters are immune from becoming vampires. What will happen to Samantha when she suddenly finds herself Chosen?
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the-mortuary-witch · 1 year ago
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief and trickery. He is known for his unpredictable and manipulative nature, which frequently involves playing practical jokes or pranks on other gods, mortals, and giants. He is also the god of fire, and he has a strong connection to the underworld and the realm of the dead. Loki is often portrayed as a shapeshifter who can take on the form of various animals, including snakes, foxes, bats, and even horses. He is also often associated with fire, creativity, innovation, and destruction.
Appearance: his appearance in Norse mythology can vary greatly, depending on the source. In some depictions, he is described as being a tall and handsome male figure with red hair and a beard. In other depictions, he is described as being a more feminine or androgynous character, with long and straight red hair, along with smooth and pale skin.
Personality: Loki is a clever and devious character, known for his ability to manipulate and deceive others with his cunning and wit. He is also known for his unpredictable nature, his tendency to get himself into trouble, and his proclivity for causing chaos and disorder. He is often seen as a trickster and a troublemaker, who enjoys creating disruption and chaos.
Symbols: serpents, wolves, ax, raven, masks, fire, Bjarken and Logr Runes, fishing nets, earthquakes, infinity snake and ouroboros, number 8, chaos star, runes that spell out his name: Laguz, Othala, Kenaz, Isa as well as the rune Hagalaz, and Helmet of Dread or the Helmet of Horror
God of: mischief, trickery, and fire
Culture: Norse and Germanic
Plants and trees: mistletoe, birch, common Haircap moss (Loki’s Oats), bentgrass (Loki’s Grass), cinnamon, dandelion, beech, blackthorn, elder, elm, ivy, juniper, mullein, thistle, mint, holly, cedar, juniper, elder, clove, patchouli, tobacco, willow, and yew
Crystals: jade, obsidian, sapphire, amethyst, garnet, citrine, black tourmaline, serpentine, carnelian, fire opal, black onyx, cat’s eye, xenotime, chrysoberyl, and labradorite
Animals: salmon, birds (crows, ravens, falcon, and vultures), flies, goats, flea, horses, wolves, serpents, foxes, spiders, and wasps
Incense: dragon's blood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, basil, cinnamon, pine, wild berry, rum incense, and anything sweet and musky
Practices: shadow work, transformation, astral projection, insight, and chaos magick
Colours: green, gold, black, violet, yellow, orange, and red
Numbers: 4, 8, and 13
Zodiac: Gemini
Tarot: The Fool, The Tower, The Devil, The Wheel of Fortune, Page of Cups, and Seven of Swords
Planet: Mercury
Days: Saturday, Lokablót, April Fool’s Day, Yule, Mabon, Samhain, Friday the 13th, the 13th of each month, and Lokabrenna Day
Parents: Fárbauti and Laufey
Siblings: Odin (blood brother), Helblindi, and Býleistr
Partners: Angrboda, Sigyn, and Glut
Children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Váli, Narfi, and Sleipnir (Odin’s horse)
• Fire: Wagner combined Loki with Logi, the fire god, in his Ring Cycle. And ever since, Loki has been associated with fire and magic  in pop culture. There are some very iffy pieces of evidence that Loki might have had some historical connection with fire (e.g., the Snaptun stone and medieval folklore about the Ash Lad) but the scholarly consensus is “Nope, blame Wagner.” That said, fire, with its dual roles of creation and destruction, enlightenment and passion, is a pretty potent symbol for Loki even if it doesn’t have a historical basis.
• Red hair: Loki’s hair colour is never mentioned in the lore, and there are some illuminated Icelandic manuscripts in which he is shown as a blond or brunette. The fire god mistake mentioned above probably popularized the redhead image. (Interestingly, Thor is canonically a redhead.)
• Fishing nets: in Gylfaginning, Loki weaves a fishing net while on the lam and hiding from the Aesir. (The story kind of implies it’s the first fishing net, although Ran is also credited with inventing them elsewhere.) Loki turns into a salmon to escape but ends up being caught with his own creation,
• Earthquakes: the prose epilogue to Lokasenna claims that earthquakes are caused by Loki writhing in pain when Sigyn leaves to empty her venom-catching bowl.
• Masks: while Odin, not Loki, takes the name of Grímnir (the masked one) in the lore, masks are a fairly logical thing to associate with a shapeshifter.
• In Norse mythology, Loki is known as a chaotic and mischievous figure who frequently causes problems for the god’s.
• He is a Jötunn or giant who is the son of the Jötunn Fárbauti, which means "dangerous strike."
• Loki is connected to the realms of chaos and trickery and is often seen as a troublemaker and instigator of conflict.
• He went as Thor’s bridesmaid (when he dressed up as Freyja) to go with Thor to get Mjölnir back from Thrym.
• Loki is a powerful deity with a wide range of abilities, including shapeshifting, sorcery, illusions, and knowledge.
• He is closely associated with the concept of trickery, often utilizing his skills as a master manipulator to cause trouble for the god’s.
The best way to work with Loki is to respectfully is to approach him with sincere devotion and reverence. He is a God of mischief and chaos, so a certain level of humor is appropriate when working with him, but that doesn't mean you should take him lightly or treat his power with disrespect. To worship him respectfully, make an offering, either something tangible or a gesture like writing a poem or performing an act of mischief and chaos in his name. Be genuine and open in your intention, and don't be afraid to get a little mischievous yourself.
Some ways to works with Loki include:
• Doing things that embody his energy and traits, such as pranks or mischief
• Making offerings to him, whether physical or spiritual
• Creating a dedicated altar space
• Studying and researching Norse mythology, particularly his role in it
• Performing rituals and spell casting to seek his guidance and insight
• Meditating on his energy and listening for a response
• Performing acts of chaos and destruction
• Seeking to gain his protection through protection magic or rituals
Great God Loki, bringer of chaos and master of deceit, I come to you seeking guidance and destruction. I offer my heart and spirit and ask for your blessing in this pray.
Thank you, Great God Loki, for listening to my words and walking by my side on this journey. I leave this altar/ritual space in your hands, and I ask for your protection and mischief wherever I may go. Hail Loki.
• Feeling a strong attraction or draw to his energy or presence
• Having repeating thoughts or dreams about him
• Feeling drawn to chaos or chaos magic
• You’ll start seeing his name everywhere – in books, on TV, online, etc.
• There might be a sudden change in your life, an unexpected sometimes painful change
• It will seem someone is playing tricks on you, particularly when it comes to your spiritual spaces like your altar
• Be wary of fires that are started in random places
• You might see his symbols or signs everywhere you go including the snake, spider, runes like Hagalaz and Isa, the Chaos star, number 8 or Ouroboros
• The TV show Loki or Marvel character might start popping up everywhere (yes I believe Loki communicates through this guise because it’s a form we know and understand)
• You might already have a connection with Odin, Loki’s brother
• Spiderwebs will appear in your space – in the home, workplace, or vehicle
• Loki’s sacred animals will appear as signs to you including the horse, fly, spider, snake, salmon, vulture, wolf, fox, etc.
• Experiencing signs of change or transformation in your life
• Feeling a sense of rebelliousness or mischief within you
• A sense of giddiness, playfulness, and light-heartedness after praying to him or meditating on his energy.
• Feeling of warmth or presence in the air around you.
• An increased sense of creativity, spontaneity, and a general desire to explore and experiment.
• Feeling a connection with nature or animals in a new or stronger way than before.
• Experiencing unusual or unexpected occurrences that seem a bit too strange to be coincidental.
• Candles, especially black ones.
• Incense: cinnamon, dragons blood, pine, wild berry, rum incense, and anything sweet smelling, musky, or a mysterious scent would be appropriate.
• Red flowers.
• Crystals, gems, or metals.
• Herbs: dill, ginger, mugwort, cinnamon, peppermint, mint, pepper, sorrel, vanilla, cinnamon, coriander, allspice, comfrey, nutmeg, heather, marjoram, clary sage, and lemon balm.
• Art or poetry.
• Toys, such as the ones you used to play with as a kid.
• Acts of chaos, subversion, or mischief.
• Flowers: daisies, roses, and lilies.
• Hanging mistletoe at Yuletide.
• Foods and drinks: sweet foods (mochi, pixie sticks, cake, chocolate with nuts or funny names, pastries, candy, etc), alcohol, spicy rum, mulled wine, coffee or other caffeinated/energy beverages, honey, and red fruits.
• Knives and daggers.
• Doing something you’re scared of (safely).
• Cinnamon.
• Lunar moth artwork/taxidermy.
• Cool leaves you find.
• Burn things (safely) in dedication to Him.
• Challenge authority figures and shake things up
• Break rules and defy expectations
• Live a life of surprises and twists
• Explore your trickster side and have some fun with your mischief
• Embrace the shadow-self
• Let your inner child out (if not heal them first)
• Don’t take yourself too seriously.
• Be the devil’s advocate.
• Speak the truth and uphold it. This also involves speaking your mind about politics and issues.
• Express yourself.
• Indulge in art or create art. (Loki loves it when people dive deeply into their creative fire. He also rewards them for it)
• Live life to the fullest.
• Light a candle for him the moment you wake up and during bedtime. (I personally found out that he likes red and green candle but if those are not available, white can suffice).
• Burn some incense (cinnamon, sandalwood and dragon’s blood are some of Loki’s favourites but if he tells you otherwise, it’s okay).
• Stop planning and just be in the moment.
• Embrace chaos (and make it your bitch, as Loki would say).
• Cultivate a sense of mystery and playfulness.
• Be unpredictable and keep your friends on their toes.
• Push your boundaries and experiment with your boundaries.
• Break the norm and be yourself.
• Adopt a prickly succulent baby or an abandoned animal. If you can’t adopt, volunteer in shelters or be a foster paw-rent.
• Collect toys that you will both enjoy.
• Play board or video games.
• Cook meals and eat with him (cook whatever meal catches your fancy and then eat at his altar).
• Hoard jokes, puns and memes (VERY IMPORTANT! Loki loves his humour but in good taste. He seems to dislike and would often refute humor made in bad taste like triggering and racist jokes).
• Give without expecting anything in return.
• Share laughter with loved ones.
• Light a candle in his honour.
• Be kind to those who are outcasted.
• Wear a piece of jewelry that reminds you of him.
• Doodle.
• Watch a fiery sunset.
• Draw him and/or write to him.
• Smiling.
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The Bifrost Incident has a happy ending, actually. (sort of.)
Disclaimer- This contains spoilers for every Mechanisms album
-This only discusses lyrics, not the music itself. This is because I have no musical background.
The Mechanisms are a band known for their queer steampunk retellings of mythology and fairy tales. These retellings inevitably end in the tragic deaths of all the characters, to the extent that a song in their first album is aptly titled “no happy endings”. However, despite the dark tone of all of the Mechanisms’ stories, it is important to keep in mind that they don’t take place in an utterly hopeless universe. In the words of frontman Jonny D’ville, they just avoid telling stories with hopeful endings because “it’s boring”. Superficially, The Bifrost Incident (TBI) follows the precedent set by other Mechanisms stories - all of the characters on the Bifrost die horribly or are transformed into monsters, and Loki and Sigyn’s sacrifices only delay the destruction of the rest of the Yggdrasil system.
However, when examined more closely, TBI’s ending is by far the most optimistic of any Mechanisms album. For example, Loki and Sigyn’s deaths can be seen as a happy ending for their characters, where they are finally together again. The idea of a character’s death being a happy ending for them also appears in Ulysses Dies At Dawn (UDAD). However, for Ulysses, “thoughts of revolution are long gone”, and their death changes nothing about their world, but Sigyn leads the Midgardian resistance until her sacrifice, which allows the “fall of the old order” to take place. Ultimately, Sigyn’s mission is a success. Both Ulysses and Loki die the last natural deaths on their worlds, but while Ulysses dies alone, Loki and Sigyn can comfort each other.
Another hopeful aspect of Loki and Sigyn’s deaths is that they emphasise that they are “together”, after years forcibly separated. Similarly, in OUTIS Cinders and Rose Red finally reunite after decades apart. The characters of Rose Red and Loki have parallels, as they both worked for a dictator who later removed their autonomy and separated them from their partners. Cinders and Sigyn are both high ranking members of worlds oppressed by the government that their partners worked for, and against which they later rebel. However, in OUTIS, Rose Red is killed by the antagonist, leaving Cinders “weeping” over her body, while in TBI, Loki tells Sigyn to “shed no tears”. Another contrast between these endings is that Rose dies as soon as Cinders finds her, whilst in TBI Loki is the one to seek out Sigyn, who she asks to slowly kill her. The repetition of “this time” in TBI may reference the similar ending of OUTIS. Perhaps this suggests that Loki and Sigyn are reiterations of Rose Red and Cinders, bookending the Mechanisms’ careers. However, this time Loki takes back her autonomy by seeking out her wife and choosing her fate.
Love is a theme of every Mechanisms album. This begins in their first album, Once Upon a Time (In Space) (OUTIS), where Cinders devotes her life to finding her fiancée, and appears again in UDAD with Ulysses and Penelope. The most interesting example is Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot from High Noon Over Camelot (HNOC), whose polyamorous relationship deftly sidesteps centuries of love triangle cliches. In the climax of the album, each of them finds that, “love war[s] with greed.” They choose love and aim to rebuild their world. The Mechanisms suggest that, “just this once, there could be a happy ending”. However, the fantasy that love could save the day is ripped away in the next very line when Mordred kills Guinevere and Lancelot and destroys Fort Gallfridean. This story is in conversation with the Mechanisms previous albums, as shown by the reference to the song “No Happy Endings”, but the impact of that is undercut by its ending, which is as hopeless as ever. This contrasts with TBI, where Loki finds Sigyn “for love”, and the message is that love can be an effective force for good. The real genius of TBI is in creating a story which manages the expectations for a tragic ending established by other Mechanisms albums while also featuring optimistic themes and showing real change for good.
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cosmic0artist · 2 months ago
Preview of the first chapter of act IV of Find Me When It’s Over
I’ve been in a rlly hard spot creatively and I hate everything I make so if ppl cld drop nice comments I wld love that
I’m having such a hard time writing for this act and it’s killing me a little bit T^T
The battlefield is a maelstrom of chaos and death.
Sigyn clutches her scythe tightly in her hands as she watches from the edge of the fray. Her magic hums faintly under her skin, but her reserves are nearly depleted from the relentless onslaught of Outriders and the Black Order. She stands amidst the carnage, her vision blurring with sweat and tears as she surveys the ruins of Wakanda’s once-pristine landscape.
Thor’s roar cuts through the din like a beacon. Her heart lurches as she spots him through the thick haze of smoke and ash. He stands tall amidst the chaos, Stormbreaker crackling with power in his hands, lightning surging in furious arcs around him. His eye burns with every bit of grief and vengeance she herself feels as he stares down the titan who has brought death to every corner of the universe.
Sigyn’s breath catches as she sees Thanos, the Infinity Gauntlet gleaming on his massive hand, its stones pulsing with unearthly light. His presence is oppressive, a force of inevitability. She can feel the weight of his power pressing against her, suffocating.
She watches as Thor takes aim, his hands steady despite the raw rage pouring from his every movement. Stormbreaker gleams in the muted light, and for a moment, Sigyn dares to hope.
Thor hurls the axe with a deadly precision, his bellow shaking the earth itself. The weapon sails through the air, slamming into the Titan’s chest, burying itself deep into flesh. The force of the strike sends a shockwave rippling across the battlefield, momentarily silencing the chaos. Thanos’s face contorts with pain, and for an agonizing heartbeat, the world holds its breath.
Thor lands in front of him, his eye blazing as he steps closer, pressing on the butt of his ace to drive it in deeper. “I told you,” he growls, his voice low and venomous, “you’d die for that.” Sigyn grips her scythe tighter, her heart pounding. It’s over, she thinks, her knees nearly buckling with relief. It has to be over.
Thanos raises his head. His lips pull back in a twisted smile, blood staining his teeth in a truly unsettling display. He begins to speak, though the words are too quiet for her to make out, too raspy with the effort it takes for him to speak. “You should have gone for the head,” he rasps, his voice mocking despite the agony lacing it.
Sigyn’s stomach drops. Time seems to slow as she sees Thanos lift his hand, the gauntlet glowing with ominous energy, infinite power. She knows what’s coming. She sees the way Thor freezes, realization dawning too late, and she feels her own body move before her mind can catch up.
Sigyn’s magic surges through her, burning with the intensity of her desperation. She blinks, and the battlefield disappears for a fraction of a second as she teleports. She appears just behind Thanos, eyes lit with golden fury, her scythe raised high and its blade shimmering with a deadly gleam.
Thanos’s fingers twitch, but before he can snap, Sigyn’s scythe swings down in a brutal arc. The blade cleaves through his neck with a sickening sound, cutting through flesh and bone like butter as she brings it down upon him. His head falls, rolling to the bloodied ground, and his massive body crumples, the gauntlet falling limp beside him.
The battlefield is silent.
Sigyn stands over Thanos’s corpse, her chest heaving, her scythe still dripping with his blood. The rage and magic that fueled her evaporate all at once, leaving her trembling with exhaustion. She stares at the body, her lip curling in disgust. His hand that was once poised to snap lay open and limp on the ground.
The silence stretches, broken only by the crackling of distant flames. Around her, the Avengers and Wakandan forces stand frozen, their faces holding varying degrees of shock and disbelief.
Thor remains silent as well, his eye wide as he stares at Thanos’s lifeless form. His gaze flickers to Sigyn, who hasn’t moved, her shoulders rising and falling with every ragged breath. “Thor,” she says, her voice hoarse but cutting, her eyes never leaving the Titan’s corpse. “Next time, make your quips after the bastard is dead.”
Thor blinks, and he looks just as hollowed out and numb as she is. Dumbfounded. “Noted,” he says, his voice breaking.
Sigyn finally looks away, her eyes instead finding the ring upon her finger, a golden coiled around the digit. She remembers the look on Loki’s eyes when he conjured it for her, the soft, resigned expression as he slid it onto her finger.
I thought I would have more time.
She exhales shakily, lowering her scythe as she takes a small, unsteady step forward. “It’s over,” she whispers, her voice barely audible. She realizes belatedly that there are tears falling down her cheeks, only noticing when the wind picks up and she feels the coolness on her face. “It’s over.”
Sigyn’s shoulders begin to shake. At first, it’s subtle—just a slight tremor. Then the first sob breaks free, guttural and raw, and she crumples forward. The scythe trembles in her hands as she raises it high and brings it down on Thanos’s corpse with a cry that splits the air.
The blade sinks into his chest with a wet crunch.
And again.
And again.
Again, again, again—
Her screams grow wilder, incoherent, as she hacks at him with all the strength she has left. Blood spatters her face, her hands, and the tatters of her armor.
She doesn’t notice that Thor has moved until his arms wrap around her from behind, pulling her back. “Sigyn, stop!” He shouts, though his voice sounds like it’s trying to reach her through running water.
She thrashes against him, her sobs wracking her body. She screams, her voice cracking as she struggles against his grip, hitting him with the butt of her scythe. He doesn’t release her.
Instead, Thor tightens his hold, his breath shuddering against her hair. “I know,” he murmurs, his voice breaking. “I know, Sigyn. But he’s gone. He’s gone.
Her strength gives out. The scythe slips from her fingers, clattering to the blood-soaked ground. She collapses into Thor’s arms, her sobs quieting into weak, broken cries. He holds her tightly, his face buried in her shoulder as they sink to the ground together.
He’s gone.
And so is Loki.
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stalkerofthegods · 1 year ago
Loki Deep dive
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Signs he's reaching out- seeing the Snaptun Stone, Large numbers of spiders, Fire seeing his symbols and things that remind you of him in a dream, a close brush with danger, Dreams of Loki speaking to you, Repeated appearances of any of the animals related to Loki, sudden obsession on him or seeing things related to him that you wouldn’t regularly notice
Days & holidays! - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Yule, Sep 5 UPG (tumbler meme devoted to him day) , Julaften, Saturday, April fools, Lokablót
Equivalent- logi  (the personification of fire), Prometheus, Tantalus, Jesus, Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, anasi, Bacchus, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Elegua, Eshu, Prometheus, Veles, Coyote and Crow
Dislikes- in my experience he wasn’t a fan of Hermes, he doesn’t like Heimdall (Heimdall kills Loki ) 
Married- he is married to Sigyn! (the goddess of Victory)   Also, Loki’s first wife (Angrboda who was a Jotun ) taught Loki magic, later he devoured her heart because she was an ‘evil’ witch.
Zodiac- Aries and Gemini 
Siblings - Blood Odin, Hellblindi and Balyestyr
Devotional- volunteering to help survivors of trauma, helping with orphanages, and those who are in need, laughing at yourself.
Animal - Coyote, Salmon, Snakes, Foxes, vulture, Quiscalus quiscula, wolves, serpents, cats, falcon, butterfly, raven, flies, dragons, spiders.
colors - yellow , green , red, pink, neons, purple, gold, silver, Black, violet 
offerings - Candy, Atomic Fireball (he loves alcohol ex- tequila, rum, brandy, and mead, but he does get tired of it beacuse it’s offered so much), Pez, Pixie Sticks, cookies/pastries, caramel apples. Speaking of apples, He loves red food (ex-Red Velvet) He likes things with a lot of pepper spice, or even just the peppers themselves (habaneros seem to be a favorite), good whiskey, bread, knives, whatever reminds him of u, also baked goods, or anything really, you can give him just sugar or just food, whatever says “LOKI!!”, he also loves caffeinated drinks!, he likes cinnamon, chocolate, Tobacco, weed, cheesecake, especially with berries,  old granddad brand of alcohol, and hard cinnamon flavored or spicy liquor, and spicy runs and mulled wine! Carmel golden apples!  He also loves Nutella, I would recommend giving whatever you think he would like, he likes new things I heard.
Number - 13  and Kaunaz, Naudiz, Thurisaz, number 3, The Berkana rune, 
Planet- Pluto, Dark Moon
To do in his honor  - Inner Child work, Llaughing at yourself, Accepting that no one and self is perfect, and mistakes are okay, Feeling all of our feelings, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, being creative, working with children or the elderly, collecting and sharing jokes, going on a walk, get lost, go on an adventure with friends or fellow outcasts, go clean up a local park in his honor, do something ur scared of, joke in their honor 
What he favors in devotes - Passion and drive, inc stubbornness, a go-getter, hunger for life, child like playfull Ness
God of - Celeverness, change, Creation, Cunning, Divine, Discovery, Humor, knowledge, sex, Seduction, shapeshifting, trickster (mischief), wit, truth,  temptation, the hearth, nature. 
Patron -outcasts (black sheep), earthquakes, changing cycles of the moon, nature, fire itself.
his weapon- Lævateinn
Herbs - daisy, mistletoe, Lavender, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Clove, Hemp, Holly, Mistletoe, Cedar, Juniper, Elder, “yellow rattle” plant, lokasjóður, “Loki’s Purse” (a plant), Loki oats, wild oats, birch, alder, mullein, acorns, Aspen trees (UPG)
Preferred coffee- very very sweet. (I also heard he likes mocha) 
Remind me of him - smiling, laughter, dancing, knives, horns, flowers, trees, flies, foxes, rings, black nail polish, masks, spiders, red hair, cat eyeliner look, eyeliner, blue eyes, plastic toys, nature 
Blessings - sharper knives (be careful they may be blunt one second and then sharp)
Tarot- The magician, Wheel of Fortune, the sun, the devil, the tower, the magician, 
Signs - spiders, vultures, snakes, seals, foxes, flies, wolves, Dandelions, coyotes 
Alter decorations - boats, kids' toys, anything listed here really.
Scents - He likes cinnamon, mulled wine, cotton candy, and peaty whiskey and yew, but nothing strong or overwhelming or alluring and anything too feminine, he also dislikes super masculine colognes. He likes Pine, cinnamon, sugar & spice, honey, and wild berry incense and dragons blood incense 
Animals• Fox, spiders,Flies, salmon horses, vultures 
Crystal• Volcanic and Sulfurous stones (ex. Obsidian Gypsum, Hematite, etc.)((is associated with tectonic activity)), pyrite (fools gold), color-changing stones, Bloodstone, Xlead calcite, Sunsgone, Stones associated with the air element, red stones, Stones of any other color you associated with Loki (ex- red Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Ruby), Stones that scream “LOKI!!”, but mostly - Red Jasper, Amber, Garnet, Goldstone; Plastic, Acrylic, Glass, Gold, Bronze, Silver, Magnesium, Orange calcite, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye, kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood, Yellow calcite
Symbols•fox, Knox, web, Tangles, snakes, Flies, salmon, horses, Mistletoe, (I've also heard vulture, hawk, skull
Names•known as sky traveler, Ve, or, father of monsters, Flamehair, “that bastard” (UPG), Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur and I'm sure there's more. (I’ve accidentally called him Taco Bell before myself.) 
Mortal or immortal • immortal, but has apples to live longer, suspected the Apple effects last YEARS (like more than 100+ years. Because he is not “old” or dead yet, and in mythology, they take it to stay young and live forever.) and ragnorok
Vows/omans• Blood brother with Odin, Loki swears oaths that he will devise a scheme to cause the builder (of the wall of the asier home) to forfeit the payment, whatever it may cost himself.
Morals• He's morally grey 
Personality• understanding, and fast going, can be jealous and has a quick temper.
Fact• He had a wife before Sigyn and he is in a cave until Ragnorok. I also heard he like farts a lot. And sends spiders, so beware, he made spiders in Sweden mythology 
Roots• Norse mythology 
Appearance in astral or gen• red hair and fair skin but not too red or too fair. Also, blue eyes I think or green. Or anything at all really.
Children- Hel, Jormangandr, Fenir, Sleipnir, Vanir, Narfi, (from sigyn) Svadilfari,  and Einmyria and Eisa (with Glut.) He also ate a woman’s heart and bore the first witch, some say also a HUGE cat. 
Season• the month of Gemini and Aries 
Status• God and Yotan
Element- Fire, air, nature.
Personality- Loki is not always the most mature and can sometimes act like a toddler. Also chaotic Neutral. he is not an omniscient Deity, but true to his word.
Parentage • The tree Lufey and farbauti
Flame-hair, your soul burning into the night, Throwing caution to the wind And casting the die of fate, Teach me your fearlessness. Lie-smith, your sharp words like daggers, Cutting through illusions to the bone And revealing the reality we refuse to see, Teach me your clarity. Silver-tongue, whispering carefully veiled truths, Sowing shrouded mystery in your wake, And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. Gift-Bringer, recognizing all the overlooked, Giving rightly earned reward where it’s due, And in turn, blame as well, Teach me your justice. Scar-lip, ending silence in the face of injustice, Grinning down at the outcasts And rallying your voice with theirs, Teach me your anger. Pain-holder, accepting your punishment, Embracing the consequences of your deeds, And taking the fall of those who are weaker, Teach me your resilience. World-breaker, harbinger of chaos, Spitting fire upon the stagnant And carving the spear of change, Teach me your courage. Cruel-striker, slanderer of the gods, Burning the inefficient and stale, Revealing potential in the ashes, Teach me your insight. Sly-walker, throwing your mischievous grin about And casting laughter into the darkness Where before there was only despair, Teach me your joy. Shape-changer, manipulator of all walks of life, Confidently adapting to every situation, Commanding the strength of any form, Teach me your cunning. Hearth-fire, warmth of my heart, Your arms a sanctuary where none is found Light and life of the home I can always return to, Teach me your nurturing. Sky-treader, ever true to your wild heart,Letting none even try to contain your spirit As free as the sky itself, Teach me your passion. Hail Loki, And thank you, my God, For everything you bring to my life.I love you so.
- by @klawl
Links/websites/sources •
Links I recommend - 
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief, and the hard cold truth, even tho he may be cold, he is wise, and charming in many ways.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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marsprincess889 · 3 months ago
Thank you so much for this incredibly detailed reading! Wow, the depth you’ve gone into and the explanations for choosing Artemis are amazing. I'm really stoked that you chose Artemis, she's actually one of my favorite goddesses! I love archery, and it's something I’d really like to learn someday and with Artemis being the goddess of archery, it’s so cool that you chose her for me!
She fits really well with my moon nakshatra, as you mentioned, there are so many parallels. The connection between anuradha and uttara ashada and Artemis’ devotion, support, the idea of loyalty, being such a core part of her archetype is something I definitely resonate with deeply, especially when it comes to the people I care about.
Thank you for mentioning Philotes and Sigyn and Parvati too..I can absolutely see how they resonate with me as well.
Even though she's not directly associated with your nakshatras, I'm still going to mention Greek Rhea. She might be interesting to you.
Omg yes! Even though she’s not as popular as the Olympians, I’ve always liked her. It’s really nice you brought her up!
I’ll definitely look into all of them more. Overall, this reading felt so special and and insightful. I really appreciate the time and thought you put into it. Thanks a lot💕💕 have a great day ahead✨️
Thank you sooo much for a long feedback😭💕💕💕 delighted that it resonated!!
One thing I forgot to mention is the connection between archery and your atmakaraka nakshatra_ Punarvasu, with a bow and an arrow being one of its symbols. Sagittarius is also associated with archery and you have Ketu there in Mula nakshatra. Both of those(ketu and atmakaraka) are important placements.
So happy you love Rhea, I moreso chose to mention her from intuition🤍 also, I think Philotes and Parvati are more fit for you than it looks from what I said. Philotes can be coorelated to Anuradha(so can Sygin) and Parvati is connected to Mrigashira💕
Also Roman Diana is almost the same as Artemis, and there is a hunting Goddess that I honestly don't know why I didn't mention😭 she is in my Mrigashira as goddess(es) post though. It's Dali, Georgian goddess of hunting, mountains, horned animals, of wild nature. She was said to have long golden hair and appear mostly naked to hunters to tempt them. You can research info about her🤍🤍 (although I just found one site where it's said that she's a "Russian" goddess "from the region of Georgia". First of all Georgia is not a russian region😭 second of all, gods existed in Georgia before it even made contact with the Slavs. So be careful with sources).
Anyways, have a great day💕💕💕
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bubbleteycosplay · 3 months ago
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 28
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities. But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna
Trickster's Toy story by @roruna
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Sigyn Iwaldidottir has had a crush on Loki since she was a child. Even after Odin cast him out and Loki attempted to take Midgard or Asgard, she still remembers him as the boy who rescued her from her burning house. Even knowing that he's an unrepentant villain can't stop her loving him. She'll happily fight Thor and the Avengers so his dream of conquest will come true. And she'll protect him from anything that could threaten him, no matter the cost.
lies of passion
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The young Sigyn lives alone with her husband Loki in a remote mountain hut. He is a special kind of person, as Sigyn has known since their first meeting. But that didn't stop her from marrying him. But when Sigyn discovers the mutilated corpse of a fox in the forest, she knows that the couple are not alone in the wilderness. Who – or what – emits those strange screams in the night? Whose clawed footprints can be seen in the snow around the cabin? When three strangers appear on the mountaintop and search the forest for a mysterious creature, Sigyn knows that the newcomers could anger Loki. And when Loki is angry, truly terrible things happen...
Mobius's daughter
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One day a new girl came to kindergarten. Everyone thought she was strange because she only spoke in rhymes. “Why are you talking so strangely?” little Laura asked the girl. The girl replied: “I'm not talking strangely, that would be outrageous. Almost astronomical and kind of stupid.” Then she moved on. Laura stood there with her mouth open: "Astro... what?" she asked - but the girl was already out of earshot.
The more the girl spoke, the more children began to speak in rhymes. “Hello, kindergarten teacher, I have something in mind. I would like some more tea. Would that be okay?”
The kindergarten teachers were surprised at the children who now only spoke in rhymes, but they also found it funny. And so they joined in themselves: “Hello dear children, we are now playing a game. The inventor's things. Winning is the goal.”
It didn't take long before everyone in kindergarten was only speaking in rhymes. When the parents picked up their children, they were very surprised that everything their children said rhymed: “We were almost exclusively outside, I could hardly catch my breath. It was so much fun. Didn't even think about the time. Now you're here to pick me up, can I still play short and sweet?"
The parents found this strange. Laura’s mom asked Laura why she was talking so strangely. Laura replied: “I'm not talking strangely, that would be outrageous. Almost astronomical and kind of stupid." Lura's mom stood there with her mouth open: "Astro... what?" she asked - but Laura was already out of earshot.
The parents looked at each other in surprise. But then they began to rhyme themselves without realizing it: “I see my child playing there. One among many. But it speaks in rhymes. Will it stay that way?" Another mother turned around: "I can probably say no, at least I don't believe it. But you also spoke in rhymes right now - almost like a poem." Then everyone had to laugh.
Now a father also intervened: “What should I say to my wife when she hears the child talking? I don't want to complain, but I'm slightly confused." "Say it's normal - everyone rhymes now. If it weren't like that, it would be fatal, because then the child would be strange."
And so the parents started rhyming too. Then the parents' friends and it didn't take long before the whole country rhymed and anyone who didn't rhyme was strange.
Then one day she came to kindergarten. And suddenly it spoke without rhyming. Laura came and said: “You talk so strangely. That's incredible. Almost astronomical and kind of stupid.”
Then the strange girl smiled and said: “I am Sigyn. “Do you want to be my friend, even if everything I say doesn’t rhyme?” Laura thought for a moment. Then she took Sigyn by the hand and said: “Sure! Let's play. I’ll show you our really great play area.”
And so the children gradually stopped rhyming again. Then the kindergarten teachers stopped rhyming. Then the parents, the parents' friends and soon the entire country.
And what do we learn from history? So strange becomes normal and normal becomes strange. But no matter what you are like, it's good the way it is.
The Legend of the Blood Sword by @jonquilclegane
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For centuries, Asgard and Vanaheim had waged war, their animosity etched into the stars. Battles raged across the realms, their forces locked in endless strife. On a day when stormclouds rumbled like drums of war, the battlefield drank deeply of sorrow. Among the slain lay Freyja, the goddess of love and war, and her brother, Freyr, god of harvest and peace. Their deaths left Vanaheim fractured, its golden halls draped in mourning.
In the shadows of this tragedy, a young goddess, Sigyn, knelt by the cooling bodies of her mother and uncle. Grief twisted her heart, but grief soon gave way to a burning desire for vengeance. She swore an oath that Asgard would pay a heavy price for their cruelty.
Sigyn’s father, Iwaldi, was a dwarf of unparalleled skill, his hands capable of forging marvels to rival the treasures of the gods. But the weapons of war had claimed his beloved Freyja, and now his forge lay cold, his hammer silent. Yet when Sigyn came to him, her voice firm with resolve, he could not refuse his daughter’s plea. Together, they conceived a weapon unlike any other: a sword not only of deadly beauty but also of ruinous power—cursed to sow chaos among those who wielded it.
Iwaldi forged the blade in secret. Its steel gleamed like moonlight, its hilt set with gems that seemed to capture the essence of stars. Sigyn whispered spells of vengeance into its forging, binding it with a curse so subtle and insidious that none would sense its power until it was too late. When the sword was complete, it was given a name: Veigr, the Doom Bringer.
Disguised as a wandering smith, Sigyn journeyed to the borders of Asgard, carrying the blade swathed in silk. Word of the sword’s beauty spread like wildfire, and soon it was presented to Odin himself as a gift from an unknown benefactor. Veigr dazzled the Allfather, who marveled at its craftsmanship. Without hesitation, Odin claimed it as his own, and Sigyn’s trap was set.
The curse worked slowly, unraveling the threads of Asgard’s harmony. Quarrels erupted among the gods, their once-united council descending into discord. Harvests failed, the Bifröst flickered unpredictably, and an ominous shadow loomed over Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Sigyn watched from afar, her heart cold with satisfaction.
But vengeance is a tempest, its winds unpredictable. One fateful day, as Sigyn roamed the forests near Vanaheim’s border, she encountered a figure unlike any she had seen. He was young, his hair dark as midnight and his smile sharp as a blade. He introduced himself as Loki, son of Odin, and his clever eyes seemed to pierce through her defenses. Their meeting was brief, but it set her heart racing, and for the first time since her mother’s death, she felt a flicker of something other than rage.
Despite herself, Sigyn found excuses to linger near the borders of Asgard, hoping to catch a glimpse of Loki. Fate did not disappoint. Their encounters grew more frequent, their conversations longer. Loki’s wit was a match for her own, and she found herself drawn to the mischief in his eyes, the warmth in his laughter. He spoke of his struggles in Asgard—of feeling like an outsider, of his desire to carve his own path. To her dismay, Sigyn’s hatred began to waver, replaced by something far more dangerous.
As her feelings deepened, so did her guilt. She had set a trap for Loki’s family, a trap that was already tightening its noose. Yet she could not bring herself to confess, for fear of losing the fragile bond they had built.
Meanwhile, the curse of Veigr reached its crescendo. Odin, sensing the blade’s true nature at last, ordered it cast into the void. But the damage was done. Asgard’s strength was diminished, its people fractured. Whispers of war reached Sigyn’s ears once more, and she knew her plan had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.
But what was victory, when it tasted of ash?
Loki’s affection for Sigyn did not go unnoticed by Odin. Suspicious of the young goddess, he summoned her to Asgard under the guise of peace.
Before the throne of the Allfather, Sigyn stood, her heart pounding as she met Loki’s questioning gaze. Odin demanded the truth of her identity, and under the weight of his piercing gaze, Sigyn’s secrets unraveled. She confessed to forging the sword, to cursing it, and to her desire for vengeance.
The hall erupted in outrage, but Loki’s voice cut through the clamor. “Sigyn,” he said, stepping forward, his expression unreadable. “Was anything between us real?”
Tears streamed down her face as she answered. “Yes. All of it.”
Moved by her sincerity, Loki pleaded for her life, offering himself as her guarantor. Odin, though enraged, saw the potential for redemption and issued a decree: Sigyn would atone for her actions by forging a new blade, one that would mend what Veigr had broken. With Loki by her side, she returned to Iwaldi’s forge, where they began the arduous task of creating a weapon imbued not with vengeance, but with hope.
As the forge’s fires roared, Sigyn and Loki grew closer, their love tested by the weight of their pasts and the uncertainty of their future. Together, they forged a blade worthy of the gods, its light banishing the shadows that Veigr had cast. When it was presented to Odin, he named it Bjartskír, the Bright Flame.
Though Sigyn’s actions were not forgotten, her efforts to heal the wounds she had caused earned her a place among the Aesir. She and Loki were wed beneath the branches of Yggdrasil, their union a symbol of the fragile but enduring peace between Asgard and Vanaheim.
In the end, Sigyn learned that vengeance could never truly mend a broken heart, but love, though fraught with risk, had the power to shape a new destiny.
A scandalous mix-up
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"You want me to marry, Amora?" Sigyn is stunned to hear what Amora demands of her. Her cousin was actually engaged, but she ran off with someone else. And because Jotunheim people are waiting for the next queen and the treatment of her seriously ill father a lot Costs money, Sigyn gives to the ruler of Jotunheim hesitantly said yes. This ice prince, whose fiery looks reveal his distrust - but also a frightening desire for her, his false, innocent bride!
The Story of the Traveler
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Since her parents' murder, Sigyn has grown up with her foster mother Karnilla and learned from her the art of taking away the sins of the dead. But when Karnilla is also murdered, Sigyn is left with nothing - except for a cloth with an embroidered coat of arms that the murderer lost and the burning desire for revenge. Fully on her own, Sigyn embarks on the dangerous journey and unexpectedly meets the warrior Loki. He claims to know the bearer of the coat of arms and offers her his help. But can Sigyn trust the young man.
The temptress (AU Story)
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"Do you think there are things between heaven and earth that we cannot explain?"
When Sigyn Johansen receives a ring as a gift from her cousin, she has no idea that it is made of magical silver. But then she unexpectedly ends up in the hands of the aloof Loki Odinson.
She is shocked to discover that she has traveled through time and is in the 11th century Icelandic Middle Ages.
Sigyn feverishly thinks about how she can get back to her old life in the 21st century, but her heart has chosen a man from another century.
Love me like you hate me
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Gray, boring and uneventful probably describes Sigyn's life best. But when Loki Odinson kidnaps her, the confusion is complete. If Loki is to be believed, Sigyn is the lost princess of Vanaheim. Suddenly she finds herself confronted with demons, elves, gods and other mystical beings worlds opposite.
Sigyn suddenly becomes the target of the demons a centuries-old battle for the throne of Vanaheim. Who can she even trust in this new world? And then there's Theoric, a mysterious warrior who hates her for some reason. If that weren't enough, there's also the forbidden crackling between him, Loki and her.
Death by green magic by @jonquilclegane
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In the golden halls of Asgard, where the light of the Nine Realms converged in shimmering splendor, Loki, son of King Odin, basked in the joy of love. The trickster prince, known for his wit and cunning, had found a rare peace in the arms of Sigyn, the radiant princess of Vanaheim. Daughter of the ethereal Queen Freyja, Sigyn embodied all that was gentle and pure. Her laughter rang like silver bells, a sound that had pierced even Loki’s guarded heart.
Their love blossomed quickly, a wildfire consuming the boundaries of their realms. Soon, the grand announcement was made: the union of Asgard and Vanaheim would be sealed in their marriage. The promise of eternal happiness loomed on the horizon, yet even the brightest of days could not chase away all shadows.
Loki’s obsession with magic—especially the forbidden, darker arts—began to cloud their shared joy. Though he was a master of illusions and spells, he craved mastery over the arcane mysteries whispered of in ancient texts. To him, this dark magic promised unparalleled power, a way to step out of the shadow of his brother Thor and claim his own legacy.
Sigyn watched him from the sidelines, her joy turning to unease. She saw the gleam in his emerald eyes, the way he secluded himself in the farthest corners of the palace, poring over forbidden tomes. She could feel the magic’s pull on him like a sinister undertow, and it frightened her. One evening, she approached him in his study, where the air was thick with the acrid scent of incantations.
“Loki,” she said softly, her voice a balm against the tension in the room, “why do you let this consume you? We have so much to look forward to. Must you pursue this path?”
His shoulders tensed, and his eyes, usually so tender with her, flashed with frustration. “You don’t understand, Sigyn. This magic… it’s the key to everything. To respect. To freedom.”
“But at what cost?” she countered, stepping closer. “I love you, Loki. I don’t want to lose you to something so dangerous.”
Her words, though spoken with love, struck a nerve. Loki’s temper flared, and with a sharp gesture, he sent a ripple of raw energy through the room. Books flew from shelves, and a candle’s flame extinguished with a hiss.
“Leave me alone!” he shouted, his voice cracking under the weight of his frustration. “I don’t need your pity or your meddling. Just… go.”
Tears welled in Sigyn’s eyes, but she stood firm. “I won’t leave you, Loki. I love you too much for that.”
Loki said nothing, turning away from her, his fingers clenched into fists. His love for Sigyn warred with his anger, but pride kept him silent.
Weeks passed, and Loki’s obsession grew. Finally, through sleepless nights and relentless study, he unlocked the secrets of dark magic. The power surged within him, a tempest of green energy that crackled around his hands. At last, he had what he had longed for. He summoned Sigyn to show her, to prove he had triumphed.
“Look at what I’ve accomplished,” he said, his voice brimming with excitement. “Do you see now? I’m more than Thor’s shadow. I’m a master of my own fate.”
But as he demonstrated his newfound power, something went horribly wrong. The energy spiraled out of control, the green light growing wild and chaotic. Sigyn, standing too close, was caught in the maelstrom. Her scream pierced Loki’s ears, and then… silence.
When the light faded, she lay lifeless on the ground.
“No… no, no, no!” Loki fell to his knees, cradling her limp form. “Sigyn, wake up! Please!”
The room seemed to tilt as reality closed in on him. His magic, his pride, had cost him the only thing he truly cherished. Grief and guilt consumed him as he rocked her body, tears streaming down his face.
Loki’s despair led him to the shadowy depths of Helheim, the realm of the dead. He sought an audience with Hela, the cold queen of that desolate domain. He pleaded, bargained, and threatened, but Hela remained unmoved.
You don't get them!
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About a fateful pact with a fearsome demon...
Sigyn promised her mother three things: Eat never something that travel offers you. Don't tell anyone your name. And most importantly: leave under no circumstances agree to trade with the dark elf. This summer breaks Sigyn every single one of these promises. What would be if Sigyn would have summoned dark elves using black magic? And when a giant wanted much more from her than she did Firstborn? Namely also their memories.
And what if Sigyn not just limited to guessing names but penetrates deep into the giant's heart to take back what he took from her. Because Sigyn wants to only one thing - protect her family. But it has to they put themselves in danger, tell lies and fight for their lives - in a world which sometimes simply shows no mercy. She will make it, not just yourself, but also to save her family? And what is behind all of them? secrets?
Part 29 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last part
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catrectorauthor · 7 months ago
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Fall 2024 is an exciting time! Use this post to keep in the loop!
New Book Release
Epilogues Audiobook Kickstarter
Secret Project
Live Appearance 
Everything you need is below the cut!
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Coal Gets In Your Veins releases October 1st! Perfect if you like vampires, kissing, queer characters in a rural setting, generational trauma, and loners to friends to lovers. Use my linktree to read the first chapters, preorder, and add to Goodreads! 
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Epilogues for Lost Gods is getting an audiobook! Narrator Emily Mount is returning to voice Sigyn and the crew and we’re getting started with a Kickstarter! Back us on Kickstarter to walk away with books, keychains, custom narration, and more! 
There’s something very pretty and very spooky in the works! I can’t tell you what it is yet, but I can tell you it’s a one-off project that’s coming this fall and features some EXCELLENT work. I’m so excited to share it with you! Here’s your vague hint
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On October 4th, I’ll be appearing in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the Booktoberfest via the library, along with my writing partner @leslieiswriting ! I’ll have more details as things get closer, but if you’re in town that day, I’d love to meet you! Feel free to bring books to be signed! 
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Speaking of, @leslieiswriting's vampire pirate murder fest of a book comes out October 4th! If you think a bloodthirsty pirate captain who’s hell-bent on revenge and wants to smooch the trans lady hostage is your jam, find free chapters and more here! 
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As always, thank you so much for your interest in my work and for being with me on this journey! I hope you’ll find this fall just as exciting as I do. I wouldn’t be here doing these amazing things without the support of my readers and colleagues, and I’m very grateful. 
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ryebread-x · 10 months ago
The One out of Two Times Sigyn Snapped
This is just a little thing I wrote about my variant/interpretation of Sigyn, who is morally grey, so this is going to get a bit dark. This is basically my retelling of the "Horse Myth"(I kind of share my thoughts and feelings in the tags about the myth as a whole. As well as some extra info about what I changed in the retelling) but kinda from Sigyn's perspective and what leads to her later actions :
Tw!: Dark topics, just the upsetting nature of the Horse myth in general, implied murder
Sigyn wasn't really one to snap despite her somewhat terrifying appearance. She was cool and collective most of the time. Sure, if you got on her bad side, she'd chew you out with sassy, but no God, not even her own spouse, never expected her to resort to killing someone the way she did. It happened after Loki's original plan to keep the bulider from receiving his payment began to fail. So they transformed into a beautiful mare to distract the builders' horse. That's the story that was told to Sigyn, but only part of it was the truth. Loki told Sigyn the real truth about what Svadilfari was truly a shapeshifter like herself and even after the incident wouldn't leave Loki be. When Sigyn learned this, she was furious she tried to bring this up to the other gods, but her concerns fell on deaf ears. Some gods even made fun of the situation. But some saw Sigyn was serious, and the others making a joke of this situation caused her to inevitably snap. So, Sigyn took matter into her own hands she disappeared into the forest for almost 3 days and nights. When she came back, she was bloodied, but it wasn't hers. However, when she come back, no God or Goddess dared questioned who or what she had killed. However, Svadilfari never showed his face around Asgard or anywhere again. It is unknown if Sigyn had killed him or not , only that she had returned with furious victory in her eyes. 9 months later, Loki had Slepinir and gave him to Odin. It still remained a mystery about what happened to Svadilfari. Yet, no God or Goddess dared to make Sigyn too angry again for the time being. That was until they decided to lock her spouse away and murder her children. They should have learned from their mistakes the first time when Sigyn had returned from the forest.
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godsofhumanity · 1 year ago
if you have the time i was just wondering if you had any thoughts/headcanons about sigyn? personally my main one is that she was the one who cut the wire on loki’s mouth after the dwarves sewed it shut
usually it takes me like a month or two to get to hc asks, but this ask is phrased so sweetly and also i adore your hc so i am responding ASAP!!!
in terms of personality, i hc Sigyn to be very meek and humble. i think she is everything Loki is not, and this is fully intentional!!!
i hc that Loki and Sigyn's marriage is arranged by Odin as a way of trying to bring Loki back in line.. to tone him down.
we all know that Odin and Loki considered each other brothers,, but most other gods in Asgard don't share Odin's love for Loki. of these gods, i feel Frigg, Freyja, Tyr, and Heimdallr to be amongst Loki's least fans but these four are also very close Odin and their opinions hold a lot of sway with him.
after all of Loki's antics, i think Odin begins to feel pressure from most of his court stressing that Loki is becoming more trouble than he's worth... of course, Odin does care for Loki and recognises his value, and so, he isn't quite ready to just ditch Loki (it'll take his son dying to make Odin realise just how troublesome Loki can be :// ) and so he comes up with a plan-- if Odin can marry Loki off, maybe, just maybe, he'll become a little more sensible. he'll have someone to hold him accountable, to keep track of him.
that someone? Sigyn.
Sigyn, as i mentioned before, is very modest and sensible. she's enormously kind and endlessly patient. i think she'd have a very friendly, sweet face, always smiling.
i'm not sure where Sigyn comes from-- i definitely do not think she is Odin's daughter or has any blood relation to him,, i think she must've just been one of the ladies of the court. perhaps she was part of Frigg's entourage..
in any case, Sigyn is chosen because she's the exact opposite of Loki and Odin hopes she'll rub off on him.
Sigyn doesn't really want to marry Loki-- i mean, it's not as though she's seen him at court and admires him from a distance. she knows who he is and the kind of trouble he sometimes gets into,, but she doesn't fully comprehend how much of a trickster Loki is.
she thinks, "hmm maybe everyone's being a bit harsh on him."
Sigyn is extremely loyal. first, she is loyal to Odin. that's why she agrees to his plan to marry Loki. but as her marriage progresses, she becomes loyal to Loki because he is her husband and she is a dutiful wife.
i don't believe that Sigyn ever "falls in love" with Loki. she just tolerates him. she finds him a little amusing. she likes the way he's so confident in himself and the way he breaks the mould. even though she wouldn't do it herself. all in all. i don't think she's ashamed to be his wife. and he's not ashamed to be her husband.
i don't think their marriage is unpleasant. Loki is quite amiable towards Sigyn. at the beginning, it's mostly to keep up appearances, but as time goes, it becomes genuine.
i think Loki thinks her to be naive, but there's a purity in her innocence that he knows he doesn't have himself,, so it's like,, pleasing to see in her... if that makes sense?
anyways. Sigyn is not Loki's confidant. i think he's very careful not to detail everything about his exploits or tricks. he keeps her blind and in this way, she's never really at fault for his actions because she doesn't know. in a weird, Loki-sort-of way, it's a kindness to her.
after Sigyn has her boys,, they become her entire world. nothing brings her more joy. i think they are very important to Loki too,, maybe partially because he sees how much joy they bring Sigyn.
as for Sigyn's step-children. i don't think they have much of a relationship; Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel are not children in the traditional sense. nevertheless, Sigyn is never jealous of them. she'd speak kindly about them if they ever came up in conversation; that's just who she is.
when everything goes to shit, and Loki gets imprisoned,, Sigyn's children pay the price. brutally. and i think it shatters Sigyn.
it's not like she becomes mean, or cruel. she just becomes.. ghostly. she doesn't talk, or smile. she's mostly mute. she stares off into the distance. sometimes she thinks she hears her boys calling to her.
oddly enough, at Sigyn's lowest point is the time that i think Loki finds the most respect and genuine admiration for her. pride to call her his wife. because even in all of her pain,,, she remains true to her character. she doesn't seek revenge. she knows it's partially Loki's doing that her children are dead, but she still stays with him to protect him. to collect the poison from the snake.
i don't fancy Sigyn to be vengeful. she's gentle, always. it's a strength.
not to talk about my Ragnarok AU again but when Loki gets free finally, i love the idea of him being extremely protective of Sigyn. he makes sure she's safe, not just from his enemies, but from other gods on his own side who might perceive her to be "deadweight". he doesn't abandon her when she becomes frail and incomprehensive. he makes sure that she won't suffer on his account anymore.
i can't comment on how Sigyn feels about this because i think she's so broken she doesn't know how to comprehend the world anymore. she's just a shell.
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officialleehadan · 7 months ago
One Weapon
Hello darlings! Today's story was brought to you by Bradford! Darling, thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: The Last of Loki’s Brood
Traveling by magic was not an experience Tom enjoyed, but when it came to emergencies, he would tolerate many things. When it came to saving the lives of people he cared about, he would tolerate almost anything.
So he closed his eyes against the thick silver rush of magic, and waited for the magic to fade.
When he opened his eyes, he stood in cave, silent but for the soft sound of water, falling drop by drop.
No, he realized suddenly. Not water.
A great serpent, longer than nay Earth could boast, was bound along the ceiling in a looping coil. Its scales shimmered green when the scant light hit it, and tis mouth was held open by a strange, shimmering metal ring that forced its fangs forward. Venom dripped from its bared fangs, one drop every few moments, and fell into an ornate, silver bowl.
Sigyn, the Goddess of Fidelity, standing with her bowl to protect her bound husband from the torture decreed by Odin.
If Tom knew nothing else about them, he would hate Odin for his cruelty.
Knowing what the Allfather did to the rest of Loki’s family, for the crime of existing, well. That was more than enough reason to hate him.
Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of Loki, bound across the stone.
What at first seemed like rope, were thick, pulsing cords of raw flesh, bound around the god, and still pulsing with life. A heart, human-looking and still beating, rested almost over Loki’s own.
The remains of Vali, Loki’s murdered son, used to bind his father in torture because even now, Loki could not bear to harm him.
“Odin has come for Cassandra,” Sigyn said when she saw Tom appear, unaccompanied by any member of their family who might have brought him there. Then again, she almost certainly felt her runes wake, as Hel always did. “They are fighting for her.”
“And losing,” Tom said and hurried over to examine Loki’s bonds. He was a tall man, powerfully-built, and clean-shaven despite his bonds. Hel’s work, he knew. She visited every morning, determined to give him any comfort she could. It was a small thing, but more than nothing. His hair was fiery red, as all of his children’s but Sleipnir, and his eyes were vivid green. His clothing was ragged and marked, much like his body, with terrible burns. “We need you both. You’re the only ones who can take Odin.”
“I am bound,” Loki rasped, marked by terrible, half0healed burns. The bowl, tom remembered, was emptied only six months ago, and that means Loki was left vulnerable to the terrible, acidic venom. “I cannot be freed by any who wish to free me.”
‘I know,” Tom said hurriedly, familiar enough with the lore of his girlfriend’s family to have a decent idea of what he was doing, at least in concept. He was too desperate to stop and think things through. “You can’t be freed by anyone who wants you free, and you can’t free yourself because of Vali, right?”
“Yes,” Loki said, resigned and grieving already, for what was lost and the granddaughter who was even now in terrible danger. The granddaughter he would give anything to protect, if only he was free. “I cannot leave, but Sigyn, you must go to them. Take the Bowl. The venom, it will slow them.”
“I cannot leave you,” she said, bound by more than love. She was tied to this wretched cave, as much as he was. She could not leave while he remained, unless someone else held the Bowl, and Tom couldn’t. “there must be something. Some way to aid. Thomas, who has come for her? Perhaps we might give some gift that will turn the tide.”
“We need you,” Tom said as he examined the knots that held Loki tight and pulled at them. They loosened under his hands, but tightened again the moment he let go again. It was no good. He wanted Loki free, and the magic was designed to keep anyone like him from freeing the Trickster. “We need people who can face Odin on equal footing. Your children, they can’t. They’re trying, but it’s not enough.”
“You wish me free, the spell will not allow you to unbind me,” Loki said, sorrowful and resigned to his fate. To the loss of still more of his family, as they fought to protect the last and youngest of his brood. “Sigyn-“
“I cannot, Husband. You know this.”
Loki didn’t try to argue with her. He knew the truth of his imprisonment better than anyone.
“God play by rules,” Tom whispered to himself as he scrambled at the problem. “Rules follow straight lines. They’re direct. This, not that. Because of that, not this.”
“Yes,” Sigyn said as she watched him closely, her hands steady where she held the silver bowl high. “We have not the flexibility of a mortal mind. Do you… do you know something? Have you thought of a way that the bonds could be released?”
Her hope hurt more than Loki’s despair, but together, they were a brutal combination that made Tom’s own desperation burn at his heart.
“Tell me again, why you can’t free yourself,” he said hurriedly to Loki. “You are’t bound by he spell, right? You could free yourself, but because you’re bound by your son’s body, by his life, you can’t fight back?”
“Yes,” Loki said, and twisted his fingers against his bonds, tied as they were by the living flesh of his youngest son. “The spell could not be cast on me. Such magic can be cast on the bonds, not the one they hold.”
“If Vali was gone, you could free yourself?”
“Yes? But he cannot be… you cannot untie him from me, and he is a god. You are mortal. You cannot kill him with any mortal weapon.”
“I figured,” Tom said, and reached for his pocket, where a small heat sent hope shocking through him like the wildfire Loki gave to humanity. “Knowing Odin, there’s only one thing that could get past his protections, and only because he didn’t know it still exists. Lucky for us, it came to me.”
From his pocket, he pulled the Mistletoe Dart, and plunged it down into the heart of Vali Lokison where it rested, still beating, on his father’s chest.
The Last of Loki's Brood: (FULL COLLECTION)
BeLIEve Me
Family Gathered
Red-Gold and Silver-Grey 
Prophesy Unheeded
Strength in the Dark
Queen's Blessing
Bigger Fish
Life Once Lost (Subscriber Only!)
A Touch of Normal (Subscriber Only!)
Thunder Son 
Goddess Boon  (Subscriber Only!)
Coffee and Tea (Subscriber Only!)
Sucker Punch (Subscriber Only!)
Gold Glow
Weapon Unspoken  (Subscriber Only!)
Grandmother's Silver  (Subscriber Only!)
Big Bad Wolf  (Subscriber Only!)
Thought and Memory
Raven Feathers
Broken Family (Subscriber Only!)
No Salt, No Beer, No Bread
Formative plan (Subscriber Only!)
In the Dark
Small Wolf's Madness (Subscriber Only!)
Wretched Dance (Subscriber Only!)
Threat Revealed (Subscriber Only!)
Loyalty Calls Me (Subscriber Only!) 
One Weapon
Burning Heart (Subscriber Only!) (NEW!)
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sunnydaleherald · 7 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, August 18th
RILEY: I want to explain, I just don't have time. I've been up for 48 hours straight tracking something bad, and now it's come to Sunnydale. BUFFY: My hat has a cow.
~~As You Were~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Scouting by veronyxk84 (Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
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Алло, алло! by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, T, in Russian)
Is it casual now? by gallifreyanlostintheuniverse (Buffy/Faith, G)
Resurrection Connection at the Bronze by BluebeardsWife (crossover with Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, Buffy, G)
Dreams by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, M)
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Scouting by VeroNyxK84 (Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Winds of Change: A Story of Healing - Chapter 1-4 (COMPLETE!) by Rose75116 (Buffy & Giles, G)
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Along Came Two, Ch. 6 by LilithSwan (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Saving You, Ch. 10 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Incarnate, Ch. 11 by Sigyn (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Blackcap's Song, Ch. 6 by Murray (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation, Ch. 4 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies, Ch. 3 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Stiff Pole, Ch. 2 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Slayer's Soulmate, Ch. 1 by vampirische liebe (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Summers on the Hellmouth, Ch. 28 by mmooch (Stargate crossover, Buffy, FR13)
Prison of Misery, Ch. 2 by Buffyworldbuilder (Harry Potter crossover, Buffy, Scoobies, FR13)
Who Are You Now? Ch. 6 by MirroredIllusions (NCIS crossover, Buffy, FR7)
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The Watcher, Ch. 25 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Perception, Ch. 3 by flootzavut (Buffy/Spike, G)
In The Dark With You, Ch. 32 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Digital drawings: Buffy by artofnicolle (worksafe)
Vid: Nasty by bananabeans88 (bloody_awful) (Buffy/Spike, NSFW)
A doodle of Giles and Buffy in a motorbike and sidecar by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
Collage: Willow and Tara by sunflower1109 (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
Digital drawings: Olivia and Giles sticking together over the years by yarboyandy (worksafe)
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Couple Collages So Far by gamerrat_13 (sunflower1109) (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Willow/Tara, Willow/Oz, Spike/Drusilla, Giles/Jenny, probably worksafe, mild nudity, blood)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Reasons I really hate season 6 by theredpharaoah
[Fandom Discussions]
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“Buffy beat Faith so bad…”. That’s not at all what happened [in Graduation Day] by theredpharaoah
cordelia and angel by watchriverdale
i love that we have a main character whos just not doing well. by mybuffysittersavampireslayer
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Bad Girls & Dirty Girls by Priceless and others
Riley's outfit in As You Were by American Aurora and others
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How would season 1 Buffy and the Scoobies react if a... character appeared from the future and revealed the events that would occur in the next 7 years...? by Midnightwitch92
The First vs Jasmine by Never-Give-Up100
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters, Juliet Landau & Charisma Carpenter For the Love of Fantasy 2024 Reports, Pics & Vids via dontkillspike
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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themculibrary · 27 days ago
300k+ Masterlist
1796 Broadway (ao3) - rainproof, teaberryblue steve/tony, bruce/natasha M, 460k
Summary: Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
Ásgarðrian Galdr (ao3) - Valerie_Vancollie loki/sigyn T, 479k
Summary: What if Loki was able to warn his past self, so he did not lose control during his regency and was able to act as he normally would? What if he had been able to remain calm and in control of himself, and the situation?
"How?" Loki demanded.
"Betrayal," his future self stated simply, rage clear in every syllable. "But you must control your reaction and come to see me, or you will repeat my mistakes and we will miss an opportunity to take control and alter things in our favor."
It would have changed everything.
Bend Around the Wind (ao3) - Scyllaya loki/tony E, 403k
Summary: A few months after the battle of New York the God Loki appears back on Stark Tower under chaotic circumstances. This time however he is on the run. Tony Stark gets caught up in the crossfire and is taken along with the Aesir. Can the two of them ever make truce in order to get away? And even if they do, how does one escape from such a dark corner of the universe, when they are so very far away from the Nine Realms, that not even Loki knows the way back home. But first, they need to survive.
Blue Lips, Blue Veins (ao3) - romanoff steve/tony E, 300k
Summary: Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark’s always have had iron in their backbone.
Do We Have a Deal? (ao3) - NaughtTEEChibi bucky/steve/tony, tony/other subs, riley/sam, clint/natasha E, 335k
Summary: Tony Stark was just looking for someone to give a damn. So he does what any other lonely teen desperate for affection would do, sign-up for a dating app. He could never imagine what he was getting into once he matched with Steve Rogers.
Steve Rogers and his partner, Bucky Barnes, love each other. But they have a problem, they are not sexually compatible. As two doms in charge of a growing underground empire they decide they want to look outside their usual offerings for a sub to complete their dynamic. Just their luck, they find Tony.
God of Mischief, Master of Death (ao3) - CrazyArtChic T, 449k
Summary: Loki gets a chance to change everything. The Norns, having become tired of Odin's meddling in the Weave, have decided enough is enough. Death sees this as a chance to plead their case, asking for Loki to go through the trials needed to become the Master of Death. In order to stop Thanos, Loki would agree to anything, knowing what is coming, and so he does. Hera Potter grows up not knowing who she'd been, what she is expected to go through, or that she's already fighting for something greater than herself. As the barriers fall between this life and the last, Hera will have to navigate through who she was to stay who she is. She was Loki once, but she is more than that now, and she will fight to keep it and the life she's made. If that means flinging her soul across time and space, or using the knowledge she has to navigate through a future she should not know, she'll do it. Who is Thanos to threaten everything she loves? Who is Dumbledore to think a child should be responsible to win a war? And where does Odin get off thinking he had any say at all?
Lightning Scars & Metal Hearts (ao3) - JessalynMichele peter parker/harry potter, pepper/tony, sirius black/stephen strange N/R, 417k
Summary: With Voldemort back, Harry returned to the Dursley house, and Sirius imprisoned ‘living’ at Grimmauld Place, Sirius decides to go check on his godson.
And when he doesn’t like what he finds at Number Four Privet Drive, Sirius decides to do something else- tell Harry a fifteen year old secret and send him off the the United States to meet his biological father.
Marriage and Mate Chases (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight steve/tony, bucky/natasha, sam/clint E, 439k
Summary: A Regency-ish AU:
Strict, stern Alpha Captain Steve Rogers is firmly in control of himself, his army, and his life and intends to marry an Omega who shares the same ideals while wild, flighty Omega!Tony loves to flaunt Howard’s rules, society’s expectations and has no intention of settling down.
An arranged marriage forces Alpha and Omega together, but Steve’s constant disapproval and Tony’s refusal to compromise leads to anger and arguments, missed heats, harsh ruts and a lack of bonding bites. Vicious rumours fly about the Omega’s fidelity and the Alpha’s ability to control his mate and when Steve runs away to war to distance himself from his unpredictable husband, Tony turns to new friends and illicit activities to hide his hurting heart.
Steve returns from war a changed man ready to be a good husband, dedicating every minute of every day to winning Tony’s heart back, but Tony is tired of being ignored, busy with his own projects and unwilling to give the Alpha another chance.
With outside forces plotting to ruin what little happiness they have, are Steve and Tony doomed to be unbonded husbands, married but never truly mates?
Missing Links (ao3) - spagbol99 steve/bucky, pepper/tony M, 424k
Summary: The Rogues are back; Tony Stark couldn't even be mad about it - it was his idea after all. He's an Avenger and that means protecting the Earth at any cost - even if he has to deal with a certain star-spangled man and his sullen sidekick. After all, he's been through worse in his life; the loss of his wife and the disappearance of his son 12 years ago. Compared to that, this would be a walk in the park.
Bucky Barnes is back on US soil as a free man. But freedom is more than just physical. On top of that, Steve is desperate for him to be the man he was before. The only problem is; that man is long dead.
Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. Spider-man is his safe place now, the one time he could truly feel like himself. Like he is making a difference. He'd make sure no one would suffer like he has, even if he has to track down the perpetrator himself.
Pieces of Echoes (ao3) - geekymoviemom T, 334k
Summary: When weapons designer and SHIELD consultant Tony Stark and his son are kidnapped following a routine weapons demonstration, newly defrosted World War II hero Steve Rogers is sent to find them.
But what begins as just another mission, a way for Captain America to reintegrate back into society, quickly warps into something more as betrayals are discovered, harsh, long-buried truths are finally brought to light, and Tony and Steve come to realise that their biggest allies are each other.
Poetic Justice (ao3) - Limmet loki/tony M, 311k
Summary: When the time comes to pass sentence on Loki after the events in The Avengers, Odin decides to go for the poetic justice angle. For his attempt to enslave humanity, Loki has his magic and powers bound, and is sent back to Midgard and given over to Tony Stark to be his slave.
This was not a turn of events Tony had ever seen coming.
Rock Me Gently (ao3) - enigma731, invisibledaemon gamora/peter M, 479k
Summary: “She is our–She is Gamora,” Nebula says. “There is only one Gamora and I know her better than any of you do.” She pauses and glares at Peter, clearly challenging him to protest that. For once, he doesn’t dare. “This Gamora has jumped forward in time nine years, but she is the same person at her core. Just as you are the same despite not having experienced the last five years I did. We are all just–out of sync at the moment.”
Sharpen Your Teeth (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony M, 369k
Summary: A betrayed Tony Stark leaves the Avengers. He's angry and bitter but he's not about to stop being a hero. The problem is that not everyone is happy with his decision.
Show Me What I’m Looking For (ao3) - JamieB93 mj/peter, pepper/tony M, 381k
Summary: Peter Parker has spent the last year struggling to believe he has finally found a place he belongs. He has come a long way and whilst there is still a way to go, Peter begins to blossom and open himself up to the world. Which brings with it all the usual teenage dramas.
A touch damaged and more than a little rough around the edges, Peter is very often his own worst enemy. Still plagued by the scars of a traumatic past and newer challenges - it seems Peter’s happy ending might not be so easily in reach.
Sunrise in Exile (ao3) - Ragdoll (Keshka) tony/stephen E, 384k
Summary: Tony does the math and realizes their best chance to save the universe is by… not confronting Thanos on his own turf.
So he steals a wizard and a spider and a space ship. And he runs.
(Three humans and an A.I in space, the alien friendships they make along the way, and discovering how science and magic might coexist in a universe where they can be one and the same.)
The Days of Reckoning Are Upon Us (ao3) - Ana (Anafandom) M, 302k
Summary: Steve Rogers always does what he thinks is right. Unfortunately, believing he is right isn't the same as being right. Sometimes he's wrong. And sometimes he has to face the consequences of his actions.
Or, what if Team Cap was actually called out on their poor decisions and had to deal with consequences instead of being rewarded? A series of unrelated drabbles of what might have been.
And in case the tags aren't clear: this is not Steve or Team Cap friendly. If that's not your thing, just don't read it.
Until It Sleeps (ao3) - frickss75 steve/bucky M, 407k
Summary: Steve finally has Bucky back in Brooklyn with him, but he is finding out that his issues are deeper than he thought. His PTSD manifestsin many ways, including some very bizarre sleep behavoir. And Bucky is fighting internally with constantly returning memories and some deep seated fears about himself. Steve loves Bucky no matter what and is determined to prove it to him however he can.
Walking The Wire (ao3) - emquin N/R, 372k
Summary: “I knew your mother,” Tony said, figuring it was the right way to start. “You know this. She used to work for me and I liked her a lot. We were friends and she sort of reached a part of me that very few people could in those days. I think it was partly because she was brilliant and because she didn’t bore me like most people did. I didn’t love her – not like that, but I cherished her friendship.”
“Mr. Stark why are you telling me–”
“She left when she found out she was pregnant,” Tony said and had to glance up, “and didn’t even bother to tell me about it.”
It was a one night stand and Tony had a lot of them, but this one changed everything. Tony always knew Peter Parker existed. He had no idea that Peter would become Spider-Man, but he kept tabs on his son, even when he couldn’t meet him. Peter Parker grew up unaware of his superhero father, admiring Iron Man from afar and unaware that one day he would too become a super-hero - an Avenger. Spanning the entirety of the MCU , this fic covers a canonical view of what it would be like if Peter was Tony’s biological son dwelving heavily into the canon. AU post-Infinity War with an AU version of Endgame and with a Stony endgame.
whatever souls are made of (ao3) - atypicalsnowman tony/stephen M, 320k
Summary: Soul bonding canon divergence. Fourteen million futures and Stephen saw just one where they win. Tony has to soul bond to a virtual stranger whereas Stephen… Stephen is in love.
This is a story of how two broken men became friends, then family, then fell in love.
And saved the universe.
You’ve got a friend in me (ao3) - boleyn13 loki/tony, clint/natasha, pepper/tony M, 412k
Summary: After faking his death in the Dark World Loki is free to do what he wants. Instead of leaving everything behind Loki is driven by his thirst for revenge and won’t find peace before he destroyed every single one of the Avengers. This time though he won’t use violence, but the weapons of the God of Mischief: trickery, deceit and illusion. Loki decides to befriend the Avengers. However they won’t know it’s him. Not until he is close enough to strike. Unfortunately Loki didn’t consider the possibility that he might get too close.
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