#Whew okay rant over
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lionfission · 2 years ago
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Happy one year Anne-iversary to the end of Amphibia!
A fantastic finale to an unforgettable show. I'll always remember watching "The Hardest Thing" at 2 am with my siblings and crying my eyes out :'))
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 30 days ago
Random post that has nothing to do with fanfiction lol
I just made an appointment to potentially get a top surgery consultation with a surgeon that has a lot of great reviews and is in the city I'm originally from and where my dad lives, and ya'll I literally can't stop crying like it was so scary but also I need this so badly and I am finally making steps towards making it happen
anyways i will probs delete this in the morning but ya i didn't have anyone else to tell at the moment cause it is 3 am
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mywitchyblog · 2 months ago
hello! I really love your content, and I’ve been following you for quite some time. i think your opinions on various topics are very thoughtful and accurate, so i have a question.
i’ve been noticing a subject (particularly on shiftok😭) where many people express their dislike of others scripting traumatic events into their realities, included to create a more intense backstory for them. for example, scripting that they lost a parent when they were younger or went through psychotic depression as a child.
i’d like to hear your opinion on this. do you think it’s okay to script some kind of trauma or disorder? personally, I don’t see an issue with it since it doesn’t affect my life or anyone else’s, but i’d love to hear your perspective on this topic!
Oh, honey, you just brought up one of my favorite rant-worthy topics. Grab a snack because we’re diving in! 🍵✨
My ✨Personal✨ Take:
First, thank you for the love, darling! It’s always a vibe connecting with someone who actually gets it. 💅 Now, let’s talk trauma scripting, because whew, the discourse around this is hotter than Satan’s sauna.
Here’s the thing: your DR is YOURS. Period. Full stop. You can script a Disney princess life or the tragic backstory of a brooding anti-hero—it’s entirely up to you. If you want to script a life-altering trauma, go off, babe. As long as you understand what you’re doing, it’s valid.
Let’s debunk the idea that “scripting trauma is bad”: In your DR, you’re living that experience. It’s not just words on paper; it becomes your reality. So if scripting something intense—like losing a parent or battling a mental health condition—helps you process, heal, or simply add depth to your DR self, that’s your business. Trauma, when scripted thoughtfully, can even be therapeutic. For some, it’s about reclaiming control over a narrative that felt chaotic or unresolved in their CR.
But let’s be clear: this isn’t playtime. You will feel what you script. The loss, the grief, the psychotic depression? It will be as real in your DR as it is for someone who’s endured it in their CR. So, if you’re scripting trauma for kicks or because you think it’s “dramatic,” you might want to take a hard look at your intentions.
The Fanfic Shifters Rant (Aka I Hate These Hoes):
Now let me pop off on these Shiftok clowns for a second. 😤 You know exactly the ones I’m talking about: the “everything’s just a quirky little fanfic” crew who waltz into shifting spaces treating their DRs like a bad Wattpad draft.
These hoes (yes, HOES) script trauma the way they’d order a pumpkin spice latte—casually, without thinking. “Oh, I’ll just throw in some childhood abandonment and sprinkle in an abusive relationship for ✨character development✨.” Like, are you dumb? Trauma isn’t a fucking aesthetic. It’s not “flavor” for your DR backstory.
When these people romanticize trauma, they trivialize the pain that real survivors experience. And worse? They make the whole shifting community look like a joke. Imagine someone who’s genuinely trying to use their DR to heal from their CR trauma stumbling upon one of these idiots? Embarrassing. I hate these hoes with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. They treat shifting like a sandbox where nothing matters and then complain when they end up spiraling in their DR because “oops, I didn’t realize depression would feel like that.” 🤡
I cannot stress this enough: your DR isn’t a fanfic. It’s your LIFE. You’ll live it, breathe it, feel it—all of it. If you’re not prepared to shoulder the weight of the trauma you’re scripting, don’t do it. And if you’re scripting trauma because you think it’s cute or cool? Stay far, far away from me. You’re not just irresponsible—you’re dangerous.
TL;DR (But Make It Iconic):
Scripting trauma is okay—as long as you’re doing it with intention and understanding the consequences.
Don’t treat trauma like it’s a quirky little accessory for your DR backstory. It’s serious, babe. Respect it.
To the fanfic shifters romanticizing trauma: I hate you hoes. Y’all are the reason people side-eye our entire community. Fix it.
Remember, shifting is about creating your dream life, not trivializing the experiences of others or glorifying pain you’ve never lived. Be mindful, stay informed, and, most importantly, don’t be a clown. 🤡✨
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frownyalfred · 11 months ago
I can’t help but wonder where Dick Grayson is in your A Coral Room universe. What happened? Did he get to stay with the circus this time due to pack law or something? That would probably be one of the best outcomes for him I think, I just miss my Blue Bird :(
I’ve been ducking a few similar questions about Dick since I really don’t want to ruin people’s fun ideas/hopes. But the truth is, I’ve been envisioning a pretty different world for Dick in that series.
He and Bruce parted on difficult terms when he was still very young (just around Dick’s presentation) and didn’t ever call each other pack. Dick was Robin until he presented alpha, and he left Bruce around that time for a variety of reasons. Most of them reflect Bruce’s fear of alphas, fear of his own designation, and his need to reject all dynamic from his own life in order to pursue his mission.
Jason and Dick never overlapped. They never even met. By the time Bruce had softened enough to take on another pup, Dick was a young alpha on his own in Bludhaven. He probably read about Bruce’s adoption in the news, and it probably hurt like nothing else. Because Jason was getting what Bruce had refused him — a chance to be pack, to be close to him. To have an omega carrier defend and love him.
But Bruce couldn’t handle an alpha in his own house that wasn’t pack. And by the time Jason was coming around to presenting, we could see those same anxieties surfacing again. From both him and Jason. The same need to keep all pack bonds at arm’s length.
Dick is his own vigilante in Bludhaven, but likely on a much smaller level than someone backed by Bruce would’ve been. He has his own pack. He’s a kind and balanced alpha, despite carrying all this hurt and rejection.
I haven’t written him into the main storyline yet because 1) the first and second fics were about Bruce and Jason respectively 2) I’m still somewhat working off the BVS framework where there was only ever one Robin and 3) people have been really really pushy about it. Like somehow the work I’m putting out isn’t good enough to read because Dick isn’t there. As if Jason’s side of things can’t stand on its own without Dick or Tim even.
Dick will show up, I promise. But I also stand by the plot and characters of the existing story and I think they’re worth reading too. It’s hard to set up a newly healed world with Jason and Bruce without giving them time to be their own characters first. Bruce is technically a bad guy for Dick — but as we’ve seen, he’s been doing a lot of healing. He’s a complex character now.
Okay, whew. Tiny rant over. If you’ve sent me an ask about Dick’s appearance in this story in the last few months, I apologize. I was getting close to 5-6 asks a day about it and it was making me sad. Hopefully this explanation helps a little.
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seonghwacore · 4 months ago
hello! I saw we are talking about kq and their rushed schedule for ateez and well if that isn't something I always want to rant (a bit) about. I have to admit though I've never been much into the lore. My first cb with them was fever pt 2, so I can't comment on things before then, but somehow it felt to me like they were putting quality over quantity then? ESPECIALLY compared to the work/golden hour 1 cb. I'm sorry but that was so rushed and kinda generic, the concept pics had nothing to do with the mv, the mv was fun but extremely random after the vibe the concept pics set, the outfits were generic, the background even more so, and why were there 27 pic per member. Fireworks had 1 pic per member per version (minus diary), and I'm biased bc it was my first cb and arguably the best hwa concept pic ever to be released, but that had IMPACT. It felt like they had a vision and then that was more than "hot men in suits/slutty clothes". and then the promo shows, I don't think they recycled an outfit even once, and overall it just seemed like everything had a bit more time to breathe? Pretty sure salary lupin was on at the time, but not 5000 other things all ot once. Sure covid was still a thing then, but why do they need a tour, a Korean cb, a Japanese cb, some random collab, and god knows what other things all at the same time? that's too much for them, but also for us as fans. Sorry I really disliked the work comeback because of everything that wasn't the music or ateez themselves and I really fucking hope that was a one off thing, and didn't set the standard for future cbs
HI FIO! forgive me for the super late reply 😭 i actually read briefly your msg and decided that this topic required more attention bcs i did have a super serious, lengthy talk with an atiny bff abt atz's creative direction lately and we shared the same idea. i just dont want to respond to your rant halfheartedly, thus.
And with the sneak peek of the next cb, I HIGHKEY THINK your little rant, just, hits too close to home 😔
OKAY, WHEW this gon be long. personally, what you felt about work cb (and the chilling, ominous vision of the future cbs' direction) is super valid. i feel the same thing too, except you're also very detail abt their outfits and concepts. sometimes i question myself if im being... too annoying about their music, esp work cb.
there's a reason i stop commenting [on their music] and it's bcs i don't want to appear... know-it-all, annoying, or other adjectives associated with these words. i got into the fandom just last year, i cant really say much, knowing im also not a certified music critic. but also i've been listening to them "blindly" since answer til halazia until i officially jumped in so, do i or do i not have the capacity to throw my opinion like this 😂
and even without looking at their visuals, to me, their music quality was already proven undoubtedly top notch, unique, quite ahead of their, well, competitors. had a little difficulty digesting the batshit futuristic instruments going behind their vocals at first (and the freaking remixes asksjkf) but overall, their songs always sound like they're crafted with heart and passion for the lore. for the journey. and im glad that they're not a headless worm going just anywhere with their music. or even worse, to achieve tiktok success. just like.... most artists... in the industry all over the world.
i think because i found them at the time i lost myself the most and their lore and storytelling have a certain goal to achieve. even if it's breaking the norms, even if you have to believe in yourself. i think i become so attached with the kids bcs of their bold music and even bolder message. you know,,, the psychological connection in this paragraph.
so, when they keep insisting that working during holidays are their choice, i just, sigh. knowing that a lot of fans would still defend them (esp twttiny bcs they always seem excited for the boys which is good but girlypops u dont have to gaslight urself if ur not liking it now). i dont even want to sugarcoat this anymore im worried that this is not a matter of "being genius creative tanks" but the need to be able to stay afloat in the trend, in the industry, cus theyre coming fr a relatively small company. and im really not sure how to feel abt that crying laughing rn. im worried theyre exhausted, not physically but their inspiration well.
i really wish they could engage in some other activity, or at least, brought wanteez back as the easy days. they dont have to be an all rounder really. just have fun in more original contents ig. not gonna touch the fashion weeks thingy cus im the least fashionable person in the clerb 😂
on the other side, foolish me to believe strongly and tell myself that kq would follow the lore, put the lore as the backbone of their creative direction for their music and expand from there. anything. music, short movies, random clips, visual diary, whatev. i didnt realize, they have the authority to bend the lore itself. like... what happened to, not sure, thunder, or halateez, in the latest diary log. if u felt that work was rushed, i agree. i am still confused til now tho i accepted that cb p well aljdlasjda
but yeah, i think i will stop expecting from now on and just listen. im too tired to analyze the lore, too tired to criticize and/or sugarcoat my opinion. if i like it, then i like it, if i don't then i don't. im open to discussion but i will definitely refrain from commenting. don't wanna spoil other people's fun ofc ofc. but this one we share fio, yeah i think i need to let out a little 😂 sorry this is getting a bit out of control fio. But like you said, hope that this is a one off thing too.
last but most importantly, i hope that you're doing great now, with whatever that's going on in your life. tis getting colder these days so take care, bestie 💚💚💚
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sweetfirebird · 4 months ago
okay I stewed on it and I know it's a Stephen King miniseries from the 90s so who cares but having watched two King miniseries from the 90s this week (and who once watched The Mist as well), they have the same flaws but in Storm of the Century, the flaws are especially obvious and I need rant about it on the internet for a second. This is a mess of thoughts and I don't care.
I am going to ignore how the danger of the storm changed from moment to moment depending on what was convenient for the action. And I am also going to assume that a lot of the costuming and makeup decisions were a matter of budget and not character hints or anything. I know this production was not that deep. I know that.
That said (whew boy), this story does that thing that some King stories do where they are structured like a mystery (in fact, SotC and Rose Red are both set up like that, and a closed circle mystery at that). So there is horror but the mystery conventions are front and center--until the end, when King abandons them, and you, completely. Something that probably worked more in a 90s tv miniseries format where it was unlikely that people would rewatch it, or watch it all at once with other miniseries, so the issues would be less glaring.
Anyway. So because it's set up like a mystery, your brain is looking for clues like it's a mystery--and you are apparently given clues. Which is why the endings feel especially stupid and meaningless because all indications were that the ending and big reveal was going to matter!!
But then, JJ Abrams surprise! the endings do not matter and none of the clues mattered or were even really clues! And you feel stupid for thinking they were!! You fucking idiot, expecting competent writing!
This is slightly less the case with Rose Red, but it's still evident there. All the showy bits, all the references, all the details that seemed relevant because the story focused on them? Just window dressing to make the story seem deeper and/or cooler than it actually was.
Let's talk SotC because this set up several possibilities for the identity of the big bad and then it never really answered them.
Since part of his identity was his undefined threat hanging over the townspeople for most of the series, one would assume his threat was meant as a clue, right? And that all conversations about him and his threat were then also clues, right?
Wrong. None of it was relevant. He is just a bad demon guy or something and incidentally implies Christian Hell might be real but don't worry about it. Also he dresses like a wizard. A stupid wizard. Now, again, because every single story element has been about this guy and his motives, you would think this identity issue would be resolved. But no.
And then we get into the things specifically mentioned regarding this guy and how actual good storytelling would have used them better.
For example
In the beginning, the camera lingers on a sign for a daycare that is called "Wee Folk" so oh okay, are the fae involved?
no. red herring in the mystery that King had no interest in resolving. Because it's not a mystery it's a horror story. It's just written like a mystery until the end so shut up.
Then we get a Biblical story about Legion, so oh ok, is this about that?
Never mentioned again don't worry about it.
Hell is mentioned and he's called the Devil more than once, though he says he isn't. (Though the Devil would lie, I suppose, but would he dress like a stupid wizard?)
Roanoke gets mentioned, several times, in the corniest aspect of the whole thing, and is also never resolved but I guess the implication is that the people of Roanoke chose not to listen to the weird random bad guy who showed up there. And this is just a thing he does sometimes every few hundred years even though from what else he says, it sounds like there is a time limit, and also why wouldn't he try it elsewhere in the meantime? Fuck you for asking! This isn't a mystery, it's a horror! Just because it's structured like a mystery doesn't mean anything! Pay no attention to the man behind the c--
And then, and this one is the most egregious to me because it shows how little thought went into this story--they mention the Book of Job. I'm not going to explain Job here but that is.... not a book that I think should be brought up lightly if you are exploring why bad things happen to good people and/or asking where god is during dark times. (you heard me, season two of Good Omens, I said what I said). But if you are going to bring it up in a story like this... then you'd better fucking address it. It's not just a "clue" in the mystery that never was, it's fucking thematically relevant!!! Writing 101! What the actual fuck, Stephen King?
idk what Methodists in small-town Maine think of the Book of Job or the Old Testament in general, but how this book is perceived and interpreted by Methodists/Christians feels like an issue worth exploring in a story about god leaving you to suffer and taking your children. What would you expect the "good" Methodists on this island to think and do.
The Book of Job discussion also again sets up the idea that this entire thing is part of a divine plan or test. But I guess it wasn't!!! What kind of idiot would think it mattered just because they kept mentioning it! And showing shots of the small town buildings with quotes about god and faith on them!!!!???? You must be really stupid if you think any of that was important! Scary monster man! Wizard clothes! Sharp teeth! grrr!
Okay. OKAY and then, related to that subject. Outside of this movie, in like, faith circles, there is talk about possessions and angelic or demonic visitations are about how the possession (or visitation) is not really about the person it's happening to. It's about someone else. Or several others. It's about showing them something or testing them. And on this fucking island in this story, we are shown one person who is consistently mentioned as trying to be good, and to see the good in others. Despite all the crap around him. When horrible secrets are exposed, his worst secret is cheating on a test one time for something that wasn't even his major.
So clearly that is important too, right? This is maybe some Old Testament-esque test for the town, or for him, or the bad stupid wizard demon man is here to torment and test this guy specifically, right?
he's just here to be evil, and dress like a wizard, and then leave, the end. and the good guy is like a little sad at the end but moves and gets a new job and I guess that is supposed to be some sort of Job thing? But then also no and everyone mostly on, the end.
And it was corny. Did I mention it was corny? Colm Feore tried though. The second they mentioned Roanoke, I groaned out loud. The constant CONSTANT use of children's rhymes to indicate scary things will happen? the nonsense couplets about sin???? implying he isn't evil maybe but instead a more Old Testament way of punishing sinners? Just there to sound cool. Ultimately meaningless. Fuck you again.
Oh and it definitely felt stretched. It got repetitive real fast, which--surprise! also felt like it was on purpose at first because the villain said outright, "Hell is repetition."
But it wasn't on purpose. It was just padding the run time.
I will stop now. This isn't even really a review. I just was not expecting to say, "This is so fucking stupid" out loud as many times as I did while watching this.
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dennydraws · 5 months ago
Happy October! Autumn is here! \o/
Which isn't super happy to me, Romancing SaGaRS announced EoS and I've been playing for about 4 years, 3 and something ;u; I'm so very heartbroken as a SaGa fan this was my source of delicious lore.
As a last hurrah I will probably clear the 2 pending super difficulty fights now that they gave access to all styles and just going to take screenshots of my favorite pixel people. While I kept referring to myself as casual player (and my RS friends bonk me on the head - no, Denny you are not!) I did always clear the hard content on release - safe for the last couple of months when the powercreep became too much for me too.
I have such fond memories of clearing World Tower... :') it was a big event at the time and it required so many characters and I got to use some I never thought I'd use before.
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I remember clearing Spiral Tower every time new floor got released except the more recent ones. I always pulled for my faves and occasionally for the recommended. I got so many new SaGa characters as favorites and I will treasure the moments and the memeires I posted on Reddit. Best treasure was the friends I made on the way really! :D I do hope we'll get a new SaGa gatcha game some day and Global isn't shafted :D;;; but... all things come to an end. This was my first and only gatcha game and I don't plan on playing anything on my phone. I only played RS because I'm a SaGa fan.
But Romacing SaGa 2 Remake is coming out at the end of the month!! I've slapped preorder as soon as it was available so that's something I'm looking forward to!! RS2 has my favorite lore so I'm super looking forward to it :> I was thinking to do some countdown illustrations... but I don't think I'll have the spoons for that.
Especially because... FanFyria comic books have arrived!! \o/ (sorry for potato phone quality, the books are not potato quality haha)
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I'll be making a better/proper post about it soon to grab info on whoever is interested in purchasing a copy! :> I look forward to the watercolor pieces that I'll be adding as bonus! They're always so much fun to do. The idea of my friends having a little something from me sparks joy!
And until then... I'm slowly but surely Dawning the Trail... :D;;; Oh gosh, this expac hasn't been clicking with me but I'm also at level 94 quests so maybe it will over time. I have nothing to vent or rant or anything really, it just haven't been clicking with me :D;;;; which I think is okay, we all have different vibes! I do hope I finish DT before RS2R though. I appreciate that mama Hydaelyn taught us well though!
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Other than that? I've been feeling in a bit of a writing mood, funny enough :D;; and I've been sketching a lot of fluffy arts lately so more may pop on the dash from me... maybe!
Whew! Long post xD Thank you for stopping by and reading this far! I hope you have great rest of the day, dear web traveler!
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puhpandas · 2 years ago
i talk about how much i love vanessa/vanny to my sister and complain about how people don’t like her and then can never give reasons for why they don’t like her other than “she’s boring”/“she doesn’t show up enough” and my sister was like “well people dont usually think into the lives of character aside from how they show up on screen” WHAT DO YOU MEAN. HOW DOES ANYONE ENJOY CHARACTERS IF THEY DONT THINK ABOUT HOW THEY JUST EXIST.
vanessa is more than just her appearancein security breach. and EVEN THEN, we get to see her snark a robot, we get to see a room where vanny/vanessa has been supposedly living in in the plex, we get to see princess quest.
like okay yeah she didnt get a ton of screen time. bite me. have you considered actually thinking abt the character for longer than three seconds.
what about the emails! what about the help wanted dialogue! what about the fact that she GOT HER OWN MIND TAKEN OVER AND HOW THAT AFFECTED HER.
i just! i mean i certainly think about the characters more intently than the average fan (fnaf is my special interest, lol) but the implication that people want their characters spelled out for them is so??? do they really?? would people have really preferred that??
dont get me wrong, there are a lot of things that i wouldve loved to have improved upon in security breach. but i kind of feel like vanny and vanessa get an amount of hate thats just kind of overkill? like okay yeah she couldve had more screen time. and.. well, what else? i literally cant think of anything else? shes slow? shes not afton?? idk???
(my personal biggest complaint “about” vanny is that one of the coolest endings - and the only one with a cinematic cutscene - showed fuck all of her. i dont even mind burntrap/deathtrap that much but my girl shouldve been there!!)
dont even know where to begin with cassie and gregory. the hate of gregory is ridiculous (He Is Twelve). i actually have fortunately not seen anything like what you said about cassie, but she deserves to be the protagonist (or antagonist!!) for upcoming games.
whew. that was a rant. whoops! hope you dont mind! ^^;
I agree!! i try not to take the opinions of people who just full on hate on security breach and ruin to heart because it just isnt worth it to me. but it just baffles me how quick people were to jump to conclusions about Cassies dad and make him into something he isnt!! like the only reason I can think is because hes an adult man. especially because Cassie is literally RIGHT THERE!!!! hes HER dad. why is she not good enough for you? theorizing is one thing but claiming hes the new protagonist for seemingly no reason is another all together leaves you wondering why on earth people latched onto him
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mellowmin · 2 years ago
HI!! I have a though based off your osamu fics (love how you characterize him btw)
Do you think he’d make food for his s/o? Like even late late night snacks
Okayyy first of all hiiii thank you for the ask ♡♡
Now to answer your question,
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I expressed in Samu's Character rant that I believe food is one of his love languages and this becomes evident when he takes every chance he can to make you eat his food. And I mean every. single. chance.
Do not let this man see you eating instant noodles he will not shut up about it ever, he will yank those out of your hands and start preparing you a 5 star gourmet meal all while scolding you for "eatin' fuckin' garbage in a cup"
As soon as he thinks it's appropriate to invite you over, best believe all your dates will be at his home. It's a mix between him trying out new recipes or preparing his bestselling meals with a special touch just for you.
Now, this becomes something you grow accustomed to and he kinda spoils you a little bit so he doesn't really have the right to complain about it; the more your relationship progresses, it becomes more natural for you to ask him for food whenever you are in need for some of his love.
SO TELL ME WHY he wants to act all annoyed when you ask for snacks in the middle of the night?? Like sir this is the monster YOU created.
Like, it's the night before his day off and neither of you are asleep yet but it's still quite late. You turn to him and softly caress his back, which makes him shudder.
When he turns his head to the side to look at you, you give him puppy eyes and ask for him to make you a little snack pls 🥺
THIS BITCH HAS THE AUDACITY TO GROAN. HE GROANS and he quickly tells you no.
Not sensing that he's being sarcastic, you go 'okay' and start sitting up to go get your own damn snack >:( only to be shoved back down into the bed by his stupidly stronk beefy juicy arm. And when you fight against him to be stubborn, he will absolutely wrestle you down and run to the kitchen after threatening you to stay there. (Little bonus: just think about play fighting with Samu omg I'm not okay)
Afterwards, he brings a tray to bed and you both have a little snack in bed, feeding each other and being soft until you're both tired enough to fall asleep in an embrace.
Sigh I'm so in love with him it's sick 🧎‍♀️
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Whew this got super long I hope you don't mind. Once again thank you for being my first request!! Love ya!!
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bookofmirth · 2 years ago
The more I think about the Feysand pregnancy arc in acosf the more annoyed I get. It's not about them wanting a child, it's about the plotholes and all the made up bs that resulted in this totally unnecessary drama.
So the main issue was that the baby had wings despite being quarter Illyrian because Feyre shapeshifted during their sexy time. But in acomaf when she starts to learn how to fly, she shapefshifts her wings based on the batboys wings - how in the earth did she alter her whole anatomy to be of an Illyrian woman?? If the pelvis was an issue Rhys probably knew (and Feyre too apparently if she changed herself), why didn't they discussed it beforehand like responsible adults? They were actively trying for a baby at that point, why did noone think about this could be an issue (even if the baby is only quarter Illyrian)? Rhys could have said something like 'hey darling, you know there are risks if the baby has wings since you don't have the anatomy of Illyrian women, maybe we should cut it out with the wingsex for a while'? For me, this is the biggest plothole in the whole narrative of this arc.
You tell me that in a world where they could heal Azriel who had a poisoned arrow shot right in his heart, regrow Cassian's wings that were shredded to pieces, heal Cassian from a would that was so deep his guts were hanging out, they could never in their 20.000+ year history perform a successful C-section? How is this even justified?
Feysand having a baby at a time when their continent is on the verge of war again combined with their stupid bargain results in two things: They either put themselves in the backburner and sit out every conflict for the next at least 18 years which would be interesting since they are High Lord and High Lady, or they risk their kid being orphaned.... Again, like...... ???
The whole birth drama totally undermined the fact that Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie made actual history (esp. Gwyn and Emerie!). They won the Blood Rite and everyone was like 'oh well, AnYwAyy the BABY'. Please...
I don't even want to mention how Rhys dealt with this whole situation and then blamed it on Nesta when it blew up in his face, I think that was discussed a lot
Whew sorry for this rant, it's just the obvious and unnecessary bs-ness of this arc annoys me so much. Feysand just could have had their baby in piece, or at least sjm could have made up some fake magic-science to justify things better, because for me it really did not hit the spot.
What are your thoughts on this?
Absolutely agree with all of this!
I feel like "they were stupid" isn't a good excuse to fix the plot holes in what sjm worked really hard to show was a communicative, equal partnership/romance.
The way the fandom was STRESSING over Cassian's wings post-acomaf though, I laugh at us now. As if Miss Sarah J "handwaves it away" Maas was actually going to have him suffer long-term effects from that.
IMO, the entire pregnancy plot was SJM's way of creating reconciliation between Nesta and Feyre. That's it. Nesta saving Feyre (and by extension Rhys and Nyx) sidestepped any of the tough conversations that needed to be hand. It was so inorganic to... everything we know about Rhys, and Feyre, the IC, the magic of the world, it was inconsistent with what other characters have been through physically. But hey! It made Feyre and Nesta feel better about all the years of conflict and resentment, so whatever.
Okay and the bargain lmaooooo I argued back when acofas came out that the death bargain wasn't a big deal. I was like nah, it wasn't literal. But wow, what a way to inorganically sideline your former main characters in order to give your new main character an excuse to take center stage. Maybe if sjm hadn't made everyone so freaking overpowered all the time, then other characters besides Rhys (and now Feyre) would be able to help solve problems. But noooooo we gotta have an excuse for Rhys and Feyre to sit on their hands because otherwise, they are just Too Strong, the Strongest Ever, and because the magic is so freaking vague, now we need an excuse for Rhys to not be able to wave his hand and make problems go away like bits of lint.
I do wish that Feyre could have had a baby in peace, to not stress, to not be in danger, and most importantly, for her dumbass mate to have NOT kept that information from her. Feyre had been through enough already, just for sjm to be like "hm, how can I get these characters to not be mad at each other anymore without them actually talking like adults about it??" I understand that there needs to be conflict, there will be drama. But it didn't have to be like That. Conflict or the resolution of conflict, should not be built on a house of cards. It should feel natural to the world, the culture, characters, plot, etc.
Feysand used to be otp, and I still do like them a lot, just... pre-acosf. That book nearly ruined them for me, though.
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tiredmamaissy · 2 years ago
OKAY OKAY…i shall spill..!!
first off, i’ve always been a pretty cleanly person, yk? never really liked the idea of boldly fluids coming anywhere near me, especially from a dude. however… since i read your fics about neteyam and lo’ak cumming inside during heats and ruts…i wanna be cummed in so bad; i wanna be filled to the absolute brim! if cum isn’t dripping outta my pussy when we’re done, we didn’t do it right.
second off, dicks always kind of scared me? i was scared of getting impaled but NOW? whew! show me a big dick and see how wet i get! my panties be dripping like a motherfucker when i get done with your fics; 10-12 inch long dicks? sign me up!
the last kink i developed was just an overall desire to fuck someone who really, really loves me: im stuck in an ongoing cycle of just wanting to fuck without feelings as i’m scared to get attached, but seeing how much neteyam loves y/n really makes me wanna fuck a guy who actually GENUINELY loves me for me rather than just for the mere fact of gaining a body.
that’s the jist of it, i hope my rant was enticing! i love your fics and i can’t wait for you to upload more! make sure you’re taking care of yourself, babes! love you 🫶
firstly, thank you for sharing!!
this was more than just enticing, it actually warms my heart to know that my fics have changed certain things [for the better] for you :') even if its being creampied and loving on some blue, lengthy shlongs.
a bitch really be cryin' in the club rn.
but ALSO. yes. i completely understand about your fear w/ attachment. i'd say i'm the same - i just don't wanna be hurt [we getting deep rn lol] but..
you [and i, and everyone in this world, minus ppl like ted bundy etc] deserve love, especially the love that Neteyam has for his mate [lool] jokes aside though, we all do deserve genuine, unconditional, undying love.
and thank you :) i'm over the moon happy that you love my works, and i'm even happier that they've lit something within you!
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serenanymph · 2 years ago
tag game: 10 songs, 10 people
tagged by @macabremoons! put a playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up, then describe how they relate to your WIPs or worldbuilding. gonna use the beast playlist for this. be warned tho most of it is filled with pretty random japanese songs just because they had a Vibe.
gonna tag @lyssa-ink, @reneesbooks, @allianaavelinjackson, @withlovelunette, @sidhewrites, @loopyhoopywrites, @revenancy, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @sam-glade and @morganwriteblr for this! + open tag as usual (whew that is a lot of people)
under the cut bcuz it's kinda long and I added bonuses.
You're On Your Own, Kid - Taylor Swift: My friend pestered me into listening to Midnights when it came out and I feel like this song really fits Rhyme? Just the entire "You're On Your Own, Kid" bit. She's been on her own for a while now.
Resolution - Haruka Tomatsu: Not much to this song other than I thought it had Vibes tbh.
ANIMA - ReoNa: Another SAO song. Why do I have so many ahdfagsdjfhadsgjads. The bit in the bridge where she goes "What is the colour of the you that is living" hits different though (yes it's an extremely clunky translation but I swear it sounded better in japanese)
Daylight - MindaRyn: I got obsessed with this song when I first discovered it but I feel like it doesn't really fit Beast anymore tbh. Not sure why it's still in my playlist??
Torch of Liberty - KANA-BOON: One of the earliest songs I put in! I legit have an entire daydream MV that I have refined over like a year because I am a) weird b) get bored very easily
Elastic Heart - Sia: Oh this one is a very Crys song but also a very Rhyme song. The entire second verse is like ouch
Ougon no Hibi - Eve: Despite being my favourite artist he only has one song in the Beast playlist (and one song in the Corrupted one)?? The title literally translates to Golden Days and it makes me think of Rhyme's past a lot which makes me go :(
Burn the Pages - Sia: Also a song that is very Rhyme and very Crys. Specifically the bit that goes "And I know there's a hungry dog tugging at your frayed ends, but he's just playing with you, he just wants to be your friend". It makes me think about how Crys's issues with opening up and being vulnerable.
I Wanna Go To A Place... - Rie Fu: ALSO a very Crys song. It seems all I have are these. But the BRIDGE. The ENTIRE SONG IN GENERAL. "I wanna go to a place where I can say, that I'm all right and I'm staying there with you" is just so him honestly.
progress - Ayumi Hamasaki: Another Vibe song. That's just about it + BONUS (bcuz it's more fun ranting about character theme songs)
Sticks & Stones - Jónsi: Used to give me Crys vibes but reminds me more of Icarus now (also Crys already has too many songs ashgdfjsgfjkadsf). It just feels extremely hopeful??? Also it's from httyd which kinda has Beast vibes in general.
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine: Okay I discovered this song via Guardians of the Galaxy and I literally got obsessed. The way happiness is described as a train on the track or a bullet in the back????? I don't even really know what it means but it is just?? Such a Crys song?? This song?????
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ginalinettiofficial · 2 years ago
alright u know what. i’m gonna fucking say it. i don’t think posts that go like:
OP: here is a post
OP reblogging themself: /screenshot of tags reading “posts that have 10k notes to me”/ don’t do this to me
Someone Else: HAHAHAHAH YEAH GET WREKT IDIOT (or other such comments celebrating the fact that OP got what they didn’t want, which was a popular post)
are funny. i think the very first one i saw i chuckled a bit. but now it is like. every single post and i haven’t laughed at ANY of them since. and the longer this trend goes on the less funny i find it.
in psychoanalyzing myself about this (i’m avoiding a time-sensitive task, you see) i’ve come to the conclusion that what i dislike about it is the fact that, after the first few posts of that nature, any OP who is claiming to not want a ton of notes on their post is very clearly Not Actually Upset or dreading the notes or whatever and we know this for a fact because you can turn reblogs off!!! you can delete the post!!! there are ways that you could make it so that a post of yours never actually hits a significant number of reblogs in the first place. and so anyone who is saying that kind of “oh no please don’t do this to me! don’t curse me to have a lot of notes” is actually saying, like, “oh noOoOo~ please don’t give this post notes 😉😛 whatever will i dooooooo 👀😜” and so the whole post just comes across as so disingenuous.
so much of tumblr culture revolves around us sharing conversations between strangers that are funny or wild or interesting and that’s GREAT and what makes tumblr so cool!!! you can’t get that anywhere else!!!!! but the thing about it is that so much of what makes that sort of thing cool IS the authentic and genuine nature of it all - people are funny and do and say funny fucking things and that’s cool and it’s cool to see the ways that we interact and/or FAIL at interacting with one another. you see a tumblr post wherein someone references were-ralph’s pineapple gif and somebody else doesn’t get the reference and it feels genuine and fun. and then you get posts where people do their own take on the meme of the week - inserting their own fandom or hot take into the format of a current popular meme, or just taking a crack at saying something funny in a certain way. but when i see these posts that are purely and clearly people just PRETENDING to have a Situation but they’re not actually having a situation at all and in fact just wanted to get a lot of notes on a post so that more people will like their usual content so that they can get dopamine from having more notifications and interaction on their “content”, whatever that may be. and i know that we all know how a popular post CAN really nuke your notes for a while, we get it, and yes it’s fun to joke about that, especially when it happens to unsuspecting people who were used to shouting into the void that is tumblr and suddenly one day woke up to the void shouting back!!! but it’s much less fun when you have someone who is basically shouting into the void and just saying “oh noooo void, ~please~ don’t shout back at me 😏” because the reason those posts are funny in the first place is because the OP is getting fucked over (or just generally inconvenienced and surprised by a gajillion notifications) and reacting to that genuinely, and when the OP WANTED to get a bunch of notifications, they are not actually getting fucked over at all!!! they got exactly what they wanted which is far less satisfying an ending, especially when the whole premise of the joke is supposed to be “hahahaha this person wanted something to Not Happen but then it Happened 😈”
whew. okay i’m done i’m fine i’m finished ranting about this very specific pet peeve of mine. just know. if you make a post and someone tags it “investing at 20 notes for a 20k note post” or whatever. if you REALLY didn’t want to get a bunch of notes? the LAST thing you would do would be to screenshot that tag and say “don’t you dare” because you know damn well that is a recipe for a bunch of fucking notes and by doing that and formatting your post in that specific manner that you KNOW is designed to get hella notes, you are simply a poseur.
also fun fact i found out a few months back that poseur and poser are two different words!!!! isn’t that wild. i’m pretty sure they mean the same thing but it’s weird that there’s two of them and they are not just two different spellings of the same word
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cchickki · 2 years ago
whew i was going through it last year. i wasn’t using tumblr much but i had no outlet to vent my frustrations, but i kept it in my drafts.
this was the beginning of my villain era, i’m the evil daughter-in-law that won’t let me or my husband be taken advantage of. it’s frustrating when adults who are older than me really thought they could move in and just sit around and smoke all day. i didn’t really want them to move in with us in the first place but we were struggling and needed the extra help.
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also to explain the car situation better, my husband gave said family member a car he owed only $1500 left on (family pressured him to do it) with the promise that they would pay on time and pay the insurance, because we had just bought another car and didn’t need it. in florida if car insurance isn’t paid for a car in your name your license gets suspended (even though we had separate insurance for our 2 other cars). they did not tell us they weren’t paying it, and my husband fucking drove for a living back then. like this person literally had no bills other than a $20 phone bill, so there’s no reason they couldn’t pay. they never apologized either. when i tell you i almost got arrested that say cuz i was ready to 🤛🏻💥
okay rant over guess i have a lot to get off my chest today
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sanstropfremir · 2 years ago
I'm aespa YouTube anon. Sorry about the mini rant lol. I just wish fans can chill sometimes and that YouTube figures out I don't want these videos lmao. I forgot that the person loves billl//ie and how they do their lore and im like every group can do lore differently that's what makes it interesting!! If everyone does the same type of thing it would get very very boring. Of course it's fun to see different twists on old concepts and music. But we can have different groups doing different styles. This is why people should check out nugu groups. I SUFFER WAITING FOR THEM TO GET POPULAR AND HAVE LONGEVITY but I'm still happy bc their music is good for me! Whew okay mini rant over 🏃‍♀️
the best way to not get those videos is to just not click on them lmao. try not to give braindead ppl your energy bc it would be better spent on just enjoying the things you enjoy! obvs its not always possible i will sometimes get taken off guard by someone saying something stupid, we're not all perfect
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keebercad · 3 months ago
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Keebercad here!
I love these protein shakes. My Ma got a pallet of them from a friend who bought way too many so we got the extras 💪. I got a sugar free salted caramel syrup to mix in as well(0 cals and elevates the flavor sm imo) but I also really wanna try the chocolate ones when I run out.
So, currently drinking this and doing online classes, which usually I get through a class really quickly but I personally despise this digital literacy course. It’s like they’re trying to teach morals while teaching “netiquette” and while I agree entirely that teaching respect and kindness is so important their pushing past being a generally good person and adding their own morals. For example, there was literally a section that said you should delete any beach photos or not post them because it would be inappropriate for your boss or others to see you in a bikini. ???. 1. We need to stop treating the human body like it is inherently sexual. Ill keep this simple and short(ish) because no one follows a persons wl blog to hear their morals but if you see someones body and start to think of them “sexually”(I can’t figure out how to word this RN) that’s a YOU thing. Everyone has a body and they do not have to “regulate” it for your comfort. 2. If my boss can see me at a beach irl in a bikini, then they can see me online in a bikini. Okay I’ll stop this here because otherwise I’ll rant for hours but the modesty(and so many other things) and shit their pushing in this unit really annoys me for so many more reasons too.
Whew. That was long. Hope I didn’t bore anyone(no one reads this lol)
Anyways I’m really trying to burn through these units because I wanna get at least 80% done by new year and I’m at 71% rn. I’ll update more later. I’m back two hours later after doing some Christmas decorating and a few classes.
Currently waiting for my bread to finish toasting while I make a pre-practice sandwich. What is the practice you ask? Well sparing and combat practice for the medieval fighting group my sisters in, obviously! Lol. This will be my first time joining so I’m really excited to see how it goes.
Hi. This is keebercad from the day after practice. My arms really hurt. My body is so sore. Anyways. Weight loss and cals are going really well. I’ve been consistent for about 4 days now and I’ve worked out three of those days. I’m on my period RN but I’ll weigh when it’s over. I’m so tired. Keebercad out, my guys.
Life is good. -12/4
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