#What is Life Coach
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bisexualchaosdemon · 11 months ago
Sometimes, I think about the fact that Wymack is Kevin's dad, and I want to weep. He dedicated his entire life to helping others who had grown up like he had, only to find out that his own son had grown up a caged and abused wreck? That's a level of pain that I can't even fathom.
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jimmyspades · 11 months ago
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It's 10 o'clock. Are we not on? We're supposed to be Tuesday at 10 every week. We've been moved—we're Wednesday at 10. Are we Wednesdays at 10 from now on? No, we're off next week and on for the following two Wednesdays. What about next year? Best to keep checking in. BOSTON LEGAL (2004-2008)
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captainkirkk · 8 months ago
You cannot convince me that journalists aren't more excited to attend a Richmond press conference compared to literally any other team
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perfecteggpartyland · 1 year ago
Man as much as I love Dan in king's men her getting angry at Kevin for not telling wymack that he is his dad doesn't make sense; like Dan I know you see coach as a father figure like all of them but have you not been paying attention girl?? Like Kevin ran from literal Yakuza and how do u think they would react ; did you think they would send wymack a gift basket if they knew??? It's been established that moriyamas are out of their minds; it does make sense I agree but like; once again they were literally a Yakuza; there was no way they would let wymack live ;at least for me she's human ofc she can have negative traits but like; as someone already said this in comments even Neil and whole team dismiss Kevin being raised in a actual cult and in the books Dan is being the right one ; like Neil at least you went to the nest ? you're supposed to get it the most; why Kevin kept quiet and also are you really surprised why Kevin didn't tell the team ? Yes he's been there for long but he gets treated like shit and constantly dismissed by the foxes? That being said I do love all of them to death and glad they have flaws; but sad they don't get acknowledged as much if you get what I'm saying
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 years ago
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This scene is so so sad but also so funny like “don’t you dare be more afraid of me than you are of Andrew” serious Nora is a genius like how she managed to combine the saddest most gut wrenching tragedy with just fucking hilarious one liners I love aftg so much
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booasaur · 2 years ago
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Yellowjackets - 2x06
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 year ago
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I don’t even wanna separate these?? TAKE THE WHOLE SHEET I’M SO PROUD OF IT WHAT????
I was playing around with expressions and OMG, I think I unlocked something???
It was mostly from yesterday’s post, I liked the way I drew Pizza Head so I decided to try drawing him again (since it’s been a while) AND GOD I LOVE THESE‼️‼️‼️ Seriously started out rough but then I just kind rolled with it! I like it! I like it a lot‼️ 😆😆
Also since I drew Brick yesterday as well, I decided to change the way I draw him, just a bit 🤏
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Today was so fun AAAHHH!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞
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tchutomu · 1 month ago
reading a book named "the sunshine court" shouldn't have made me cry so hard and loud and ugly that I couldn't even read the screen of my stupid e-reader anymore yet here we are
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waywardted · 2 years ago
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You ever wonder why we’re here?
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crumb · 9 months ago
I wonder if the reason Randy is so teary-eyed and crying so much in The Passenger isn't just because the situation is so fucked and terrifying but also because up until that day, that morning, he'd been restraining and repressing himself. Not only his anger and any impulsive feelings and behaviours, but he'd also made himself so deeply numb to the point that he hadn't cried in years maybe. He never let himself feel anything too deeply out of shame and self-recrimination. He didn't think he was deserving of that kind of catharsis. Moving through the world like he was swaddled in a layer of cotton wool. Protecting others from himself as much as protecting him from them. When Lisa broke up with him, he asked no questions and didn't pursue closure like it was the natural outcome he expected all along. He endured Chris’ bullying like it was the place he was meant to be in the world. He followed his mother's guiding hand like he was still a child. When Benson walks in and starts mowing down their coworkers with a shotgun, in reaction to the bullying and many unsaid events he had witnessed previously, it’s like it snapped something out of place and broke the dam Randy had built. Life went from dull, safe, black and white to full-blown technicolour. Jarring and overwhelming and devastating. And he stands there frozen, having almost instantly accepted this too, his place on the other end of Benson's shotgun. But Benson turns away, and then they're cleaning, and then they're at the diner, and none of it makes sense. Even after Benson explains himself, Randy still looks so confused about everything. Like the path forked when he wasn't looking and now nothing looks familiar. It's all upside down and he's being made to confront these things he had buried deep within himself. He's clenching his fists and digging his nails in but the dam is still flowing and he can't stop crying. And throughout the day the dam cracks more and more until he's in the bathroom and making a decision. Making that call. The call doesn't end the day's events how he'd like, but seemingly in the way it was meant to happen. After everything, Benson had accepted his fate. He had done what he set out to do. Get Randy to realize he was worth fighting for. Worth saving. Worth living.
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afurtivecake · 9 months ago
you think kayleigh day was out there having weirdly intimate but not exactly intimate relationships with everyone she played exy with? do the exy players of her generation all have wildly meaningful and personal stories about what kayleigh day was to them? does kevin, in fact, take after his mother?
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gray-warden · 5 months ago
Oh my god. There's a mayoral debate going on in São Paulo and one candidate (Datena) hit the other (Marçal) with a chair.
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The video is so funny
Just... "alpha male" Marçal accusing Datena of not being man enough to do anything to him, followed by "No, Datena! No! Nooo!!" in the background as Datena comes into frame and hits him with a chair, cutting to a different camera right as he hits, the moderator going "OUR COMMERCIALS, PLEASE", a "son of a bitch!!" yelled out in the background...
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Rationally I know it's awful, it's shameful, but right now I just can't stop laughing.
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ayebibs · 2 months ago
Thinking about doing something truly unhinged this year by starting a running streak.
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inkedwingss · 9 months ago
Quick tip from the art/lit world
Drop the need to impress and shock people with themes or bad words and porn. Not only because of how deeply desensitized our society is: drama, horror, gore, sex, drugs & rock'n'roll and similar genres or other tragic, violent themes do not hold any inherent value, not on their own.
The reason a director from Czechoslovakia will talk about the horror of war using pigeons on a mushroom trip and it's going to be exceptional is because it makes sense to him first. I can use all the same elements he did and my work will be shit. There is always reason and context for creation. Reason and context. Why and how you make what you make.
The worst thing you can do as an artist or writer is try to impress others. It will show. Mature people can spot that miles away. Drop the hard themes you know nothing about. Stop listening to the internet 13-year-old kids who never leave their rooms trying to help you (or charge you to help) you write about such a complex and stigmatized theme as drug abuse, for example.
Go inwards for wisdom. Go to your own heart chambers, be quiet and listen. It will tell you what you need to write about. Be honest, raw and wild. But first, try to understand what those words really mean in the current context.
With all my love, Iva.
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puckpocketed · 5 months ago
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me when i admit to being normal about my new captain
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 years ago
I know many people in the fandom hates the EC and for some reason also Nora (when she gave us aftg like what’s wrong with y’all) but how many authors give us as much as Nora did?! Who gave us so so much extra content when she could have just left us with the three books. I love the EC with my entire heart and I understand if you don’t agree with some of it but hating it ?? And hating the author for it?? The EC is so under-appreciated and underrated.
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