houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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Gorgeous vintage Ruby red glass bead, wrapped with mixed gemstones. Such elegance.
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houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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Pink Aventurine Rare and Stunning. Natural 8mm Energy Healing Power Stone Bracelet.Go to my shop bio so you can read up on the extensive powers of this Stone. houseofvavavoom.etsy.com
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houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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Every single being MATTERS. NEVER let anyone tell you different. No one can do look you as well as the real you does. So do you. Take care of you. houseofvavavoom.etsy.com
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houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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Crystal Success Kit To Secure Your Future
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houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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Blue Calcite Is A Hot and Trending Crystal. Get em While Their Hot. houseofvavavoom.etsy.com
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houseofvavavoom · 3 years
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Kyanite Crystal Is Your Compass To Life. Come Get Some While They Last at houseofvavavoom.etsy.com
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houseofvavavoom · 4 years
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houseofvavavoom · 4 years
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Wear in your pocket or handbag for good fortune in all kinds. Citrine raw natural healing energy crystal houseofvavavoom.etsy.com
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houseofvavavoom · 4 years
Limited Hand Mobility + Witchcraft
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For folks who have limited mobility in their hands due to pain, weakness, shakiness, or anything else. These are a range of ideas, not all of them may work for each person, but hopefully they’ll spark something that will! 
Looking for broader low energy, low mobility or bedridden ideas? Check out my bedridden witch series (click here!)
Tarot apps are a great way to pull a card with a tap or two (Labyrinthos and Galaxy tarot have been recommended). 
Place your deck in your lap. Feel for any loose cards, then pull them. 
Split the deck (doesn’t have to be even). The cards on either end of the split are the cards for your spread. 
Spread the deck on a flat surface, and move your hand over to pick (let your hands sense the energy), or pick based on intuition. 
If gripping/managing thin paper is tricky, some people use other objects for tarot readings. I’ve seen jewelry charms as a common one, but the possibilities are endless (cardboard, wooden blocks, etc.). >Here are some printable decks!<
You can do more than readings with your cards. Pick one per day and just spend time with it. Look at the art, pay attention to how it makes you feel. Learn the meanings of the card. 
This post may have more ideas: Bedridden witch: Divination edition
I have had success with using a pendulum while dealing with shaking hands. 
Let something else do the work! Hang it by an open window, focus your energy and let the wind move the pendulum for you. 
Use a pendulum jar/stand.
Use a shorter pendulum that can be used with one finger. A string with a small crystal bead will do. 
Prop your arm/hand on a pillow.
You could also use other parts of your body to hold the pendulum (like your mouth or toes… wouldn’t recommend switching between the two though!)
Bedridden witch: Divination edition
Other Divination:
Runes may be easier to hold/use than tarot cards.
Use rune apps (runic divination was recommended).
Scrying (using a mirror or bowl) is hands-free.
For more ideas: Bedridden witch: Divination edition
Spells and Energy Work:
A lot of witches use their hands to focus energy during spellwork and other magical doings. While this may be helpful, it’s not necessary!
Focusing energy can be helpful. Use a crystal or other object and touch it in some way (with your hand, have it in your lap, whatever works for you). Use the crystal/object to help channel and amplify your energy.
I usually draw energy up from the earth (even while in bed) by placing my palms flat(ish) towards the earth by the sides of my body. So if I was lying down, my arms would be at my sides with my palms facing down.
Use visualization! A LOT of my magic involves visualization. 
Candles and Incense:
Himalayan salt lamps are a great way to bring a similar energy that a burning candle would.
I honestly really like electric candles, but I know they’re not everybody’s thing. Plus sides: if you forget about them they simply run out of battery, can be decorated–tape with color correspondences, sigils, spells, etc. (you could even print something and tape it on). 
Reed diffusers. Get the yummy smell that candles or incense brings without the flames and smoke. Plus you can ignore it for months!
Essential oil diffusers. Great way to get the correspondences that incense often holds. (please use safely and not around your pets).
Room spray. Store-bought or self-infused natural sprays are a great way to add good smells and/or correspondences. 
Recording information:
Voice text or dictation software are often accessible, though not always perfect. It is a great way to get things down that you don’t want to forget/want to reformat later.
Typing can sometimes be easier than writing, and journals/grimoires in documents are easy to organize, and to read. 
I’m a very tactile person and enjoy writing (even if it hurts/is difficult). My tarot journal is filled with terrible handwriting, random shorthand, and codes I came up with to shorten things (ie. a little symbol for each suit, then the card number). It doesn’t have to be an all-day process. 
I’d imagine that some tarot apps record which cards you’ve pulled, or have an option to save it. 
Odds and Ends:
Use compression gloves or other gear to support your hands? Add sigils or enchant them!
Same goes for any lotions, creams, balms or medications used to help; sigils, charging, enchanting, etc. are all great ways to incorporate magic. 
Teas are an easy way to get multiple herbs + their medicinal values without needing to do anything!
Into kitchen witchcraft? Using electric mixers can be very helpful.
Create sigils using a phone app (touchscreen) and your fingers rather than holding a pen. 
Other posts you might like:
Bedridden witch series
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Spoonie witch masterpost
Do none of these posts meet your needs after perusing? Send me an ask, I’m always looking to fill the gaps when it comes to accessibility and witchcraft!
With suggestions and contributions from:
@useless-bisaster​, @crowxwitch​ and anonymous. Thank you!
**Do not repost or share on other platforms - reblogging is okay!**
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houseofvavavoom · 4 years
All About Divination
Scrying 101
The Right Scrying Instrument
Runecasting 101
Runecasting vs. Tarot
Oneiromancy 101
How to Divine Forgotten Dates and Times
Palmistry 101
What Tridents Mean in Palmistry
How to Really Learn Palmistry
Pyromancy 101
Tasseography 101
Phyllomancy 101
Oomancy 101
Bibliomancy 101
Charmcasting 101
Cartomancy 101
Recommended Decks (with links to photos and videos)
How many decks should you have?
Who is better at which system?
Lenormand 101
A 12-Lesson Lenormand Class
How to Read with Lenormand
Answering Yes or No with Lenormand
How to Predict Timing with Lenormand
How to Find Lost Things with Lenormand
Lenormand Cards as People
Lenormand Cards as Feelings and Thoughts
Lenormand and Sex
How Mirroring is Done
Physical Death Combinations
Doomed Relationship Combinations
Questions You Should Not Pose to Lenormand
Do Not Tarotize Lenormand
The Truth About Lily
Fish is Bigger Than Money
The 12-Step Lenormand Grand Tableau
Lenormand vs. Tarot
How Lenormand Interacts with Tarot
The Twin Cards in Lenormand and Tarot
Tarot 101
How to Truly Master Tarot
Key Meanings for All 78 Tarot Cards
How Tarot Readings Really Work
Tarot Meanings
What It Means to Keep Seeing the Same Suit
What It Means to Keep Seeing the Same Number
What It Means to Keep Seeing the Same Card
What It Means to Get Contradictory Cards
What Tarot’s Colors Say About Your Future
The Major Arcana vs. The Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana as People (Astrology)
The Major Arcana as People (Personality)
The Major Arcana as Professions
The Major Arcana’s Negative Meanings
Your Life and the Minor Arcana
How to Remember the Major Arcana
How to Read “Good” Cards as “Bad”
How to Tell Physical Appearance
How to Read Pentacles for Love
How to Detect People’s Desires
How to Decide Which Meaning to Use
How to Interpret Visual Synchronicities
How to Interpret Tarot Literally
How to Interpret Tarot in a Personal Way
The Best Ace in Tarot
The Differences Among Tarot’s Tens
The Soulmate Cards
The Forever Alone Cards
The Polar Opposite Cards
“False Alarm” Tarot Cards
The Major and Minor Twins
The “Bad” Cards as Advice
The Good Side of Tarot’s “Bad” Cards
The Cards as Yes or No
The Cards as Someone’s Feelings
The Cards as Advice vs. Outcome
The Court Cards as Thoughts or Intentions
Tarot’s Extreme Meanings
Tarot’s Twins in Lenormand
Literal Card Meanings
Career and Finances Meanings
Meanings for Timing
When Reversed is Better than Upright
The Kings in Real Life
The Queens in Real Life
How the Men in Tarot Will Treat You
The Court Cards and Gender
Physical Attractiveness of the Court Cards
The Real Deal with Tarot’s Pages
The Knights in Fiction
The Queen of Cups in Fiction
When the Court Cards Refer to You
The Best Couples in Tarot
The Emperor’s Love Compatibility
Christian Symbology in Tarot
Tarot and Sexual Behavior
True Love Combinations
Old-time Tarot Meanings
The Past and Future Cards in Tarot
The Past Lives Tarot Cards
Tarot Meanings for Different Decks
Why We Read Tarot Symbolically
How to Read Reversals
Tarot Combinations for Health Issues
Tarot Combinations for Mental Illness
Tarot Combinations for Cheating
Tarot Combinations for Physical Death
Amazing Three-Card Tarot Combinations
Tarot and Astrology
Tarot and Locations
Tarot and Countries
The Kinds of Wedding in Tarot
The Hierophant is Forever
The Lovers is Not About Choices
Why Strength and Justice Switched Places
The Hermit in Love
The Spokes of the Wheel of Fortune
Justice vs. Judgement
The Devil as a Person
The Tower’s Duality
The Moon is Not Your Friend
The Star is the Trickiest Card in Tarot
The World is Overrated
The Greco-Roman Gods in Tarot
The Archangels in Tarot
My Favorite Card and My Least Favorite
The Three Most Misunderstood Tarot Cards
The Three Best Cards in Tarot
The 12 Most Underwhelming Tarot Cards
Ranking the Suits in Tarot
The Card at the Bottom of the Deck
Tarot Spreads
Past Life Spread
Life Purpose Spread
General Life Prediction Spread
Life Advice Spread
Soulmate Spread
Relationship Spread
Sex Life Spread
Future Children Spread
Death Prediction Spread
Dream Interpretation Spread
High Priestess Spread (For Quick Predictions)
True Colors Spread (For Questions of Intentions)
Two Paths Spread (For Making a Difficult Decision)
Combined Spreads (Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand)
Ancestors Spread (For Speaking with the Dead)
When Spread (Timing with the Celtic Cross)
Major Arcana Grand Tableau (Yearly Reading Spread)
The What If Spread
The Three Wishes Tarot Spread
The Storyboard Tarot Spread
Using Tarot to Find Your True Gods
Using Tarot to Find Your Rising Sign
Using Tarot to Investigate an Entity
Using Tarot to Find Out Who Cursed You and Why
How to Perform the Celtic Cross Spread
How to Find Your Lucky Numbers
Tarot Tips
How to Achieve Truthful Tarot Readings
How to Be the Best Tarot Reader You Can Be
How to Be a Confident Tarot Reader
How to Read Tarot for Yourself
How to Meditate Using Tarot Cards
Traditional Ways of Dealing Tarot Cards
When to Stop Shuffling
How to Shuffle Huge Tarot Cards
How to Correctly Phrase Your Question
Why Tarot’s Timelines Can Go Haywire
Why You Must Read for Someone Else
Never Pull Clarifiers
Never Use Significators
Never Hold Back Truths
Never Read for Someone You Dislike
Reasons to Have Multiple Tarot Decks
Do Not Worry About Mercury Retrograde
How to Enchant Your Tarot Decks
How to Use Tarot to Protect Someone
How to Use Tarot to Control Another Soul
How to Use Tarot for Vengeance
How to Change the Future that Tarot Predicted
How to Predict Sports Matches with Tarot
How a Tarot Reader Influences Readings
How to Use Tarot to Confirm Your Gifts
Using Tarot to Speak to Someone’s Higher Self
What to Do with Rogue Tarot Cards
What to Do When Tarot Scares You
The Importance of Reading Reversals
Who to Invoke During a Reading
How to Stay Safe During a Reading
Do Not Confuse Honesty with Hate
On Using Playing Cards Instead
On Manipulating the Cards
The Most Common Tarot Reader Mistakes
The Myth of Not Reading Tarot for Yourself
Tarot Rules and Superstitions
How to Close a Tarot Reading
How Your Health Affects Tarot
5 Signs You Are Addicted to Tarot
Top Sign You are No Longer a Beginner at Tarot
What to Do When You Dream of Tarot
How to Know If a General Reading Is Reliable
Tarot Etiquette
Formally introduce yourself
Be open to its requests
Use it often
Acknowledge the card that it assigns to you
Respect its identity
Do not cleanse it
Never ask it the same question twice
When You Can Ask the Same Question Again
Do not ask it basic questions
Do not use it for spying
Never dismiss its predictions
Never use another deck to confirm its answers
Read with it when you are emotional
Do not talk about it negatively
Do not blame it for your own mistakes
Do not pull away from it
Do not think of it as evil
Do not anger it
Shuffle your cards correctly
Respect tradition
Practice etiquette, conduct and decorum
Tarot is easily offended
On Charging Your Tarot Decks
On Modifying Your Tarot Decks
On Secondhand Tarot Decks
On the Significance of Your First Tarot Deck
On Neglected Tarot Decks
Pirated Decks Also Deserve Respect
How to Store Tarot Decks
How to Greet and Thank Your Tarot Deck
How to Make Amends with Tarot
Spend time with it
Never discard it
Use a cloth with it
Trust it
Sibilla 101
How to Read with Sibilla
How to Predict Timing with Sibilla
Kipper 101
How to Read with Kipper
Oracle Cards 101
How Oracle Cards Complement Tarot
Tarot + Oracle + Lenormand Spreads
All About Spells | All About Astrology
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Start putting that kit together.
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If you're your looking for the right word to say to your Special but just can't get them out. Unakite says it all for you.
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