#Werewolves headcanons
Werewolves headcanons
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An addendum to the werewolf AU of the Beast in Black series. AKA the most self-indulgent thing that has ever been written.
🐺 Werewolves have existed as long as humans, or wolves, have. Their origins are shrouded in mystery; an unconfirmed theory has it that centuries ago, the druids of an animistic religion gave wolf blood to drink to their tribes' warriors, thinking they would gain the strength and ferocity of the wolves themselves. One day, one of the warriors went beyond that, maybe because he had drank more blood than usual, and transformed into a wolf; his companions asked to share his gift, and from that day on, werewolves spread throughout the world.
🐺 Female werewolves are on average slightly larger than males, and they are all way bigger than regular wolves. An adult werewolf can reach a length of 7.3 feet and weigh up to 150 lbs, and run up to sixty miles per hour for short distances.
🐺 Werewolves are mortal and their life expectancy does not appreciably differ from that of normal humans; on the other hand, werewolves tend to be physically stronger, even while in human form, and remain hale throughout their life.
🐺 A werewolf is conceived in whatever form their parents have assumed before the intercourse; the foetus shifts together with the carrier parent. Most pregnant werewolves decide to give birth in human form, in order to be assisted by doctors and midwifes, but some prefer to shift, find a secluded spot in the woods and take things into their own hands paws. Many werewolf carriers eat placenta, whatever form they give birth in. Werewolves born during full moon nights are considered to be exceptionally lucky.
🐺 Children are expected to control the shifting when they are eight or ten, and most people can do it seamlessly by the time they enter adolescence. Nevertheless, strong emotions of any kind (sorrow, joy, anger, fear) can trigger a werewolf's transformation, which is extremely dangerous for those who live among unsuspecting humans. Meditation can improve self-control, as well as a draught made with monkshood and various officinal plants; alcohol, sleeping pills and recreational drugs can technically incapacitate a person and stop them from transforming. Except...
🐺 No werewolf can, in any case, avoid shifting during plenilune nights; they usually begin to feel the pull as soon as the moon starts rising, and by the time it is at its zenith even the most strong-willed person will begin transforming. The shifting is a peculiar but not painful experience; many werewolves find pleasure in it, a calming and relaxing sensation not unlike that of taking an heavy load off one's shoulders. At dawn, werewolves naturally shift back to human, but sufficiently experienced individuals can retain their wolf form as long as they want.
🐺 Once they shifted, a werewolf is influenced by the wolf's instincts and desires, clashing with their human rationality, and it can be hard for the latter to take over, especially for young werewolves, or during full moon nights, which often results in brawling and domestic destruction. Because of this, young werewolves tend to remain within their territory, to make sure more experienced packmates can shift and help contain them if needed. Unrestrained werewolves are extremely dangerous, and if sufficiently scared, or enraged, or if their pack is threatened, even subadults (that is, teenagers) can be lethal.
🐺 Just like regular wolves, werewolves tend to avoid solitude, preferring the proximity of their family and friends, and to be highly protective of their loved ones, not necessarily other werewolves. Many of them also strongly identify with the territory they live in (village/city, island, even a whole country) with both jealousy and protectiveness. Communities in which werewolves represent the majority of the population, or where their secret is known and protected by their human compatriots, are rare but not unheard of.
🐺 A pack is a group of related werewolves, often including human relatives and close friends of both races; they usually consist of between four and thirty members. Most adults who move away and even form their own packs normally retain membership; unrelated werewolves can join a pack, usually after giving proof of loyalty and strength of character. Inversely, committing a grave crime, especially towards a packmate, usually results in a member's expulsion. Children growing as members of the same pack often consider themselves siblings; relationships between unrelated packmates are rare, unless one joins as an adult.
🐺 Packs are usually led by a mature member, which can be of any gender; a pack leader can be challenged, and deposed by a majority of their packmates. Older members are expected to contribute to the education of the younger ones, and no packmember is ever left in danger or in indigence. Since werewolves are usually forced to hide their nature, packs are not legally recognized, but most werewolves consider the bonds within them as important as those between the members of the same family or lifelong friends, if not more. When a particularly heinous crime is committed, it is often the victim's pack that demands satisfaction, and a pack leader can sometimes exert more authority than a parent or a political ruler.
🐺 In werewolves communities, full moon nights are often considered a joyous occasion, to spend together with family and friends - that is, with the rest of the pack. The presence of other werewolves nearby has a calming effect, and the night is often spent playing, hunting, and mating; the aphrodisiac effect of the shifting under the full moon is well documented, and often extends to werewolves with human partners (after they shifted back).
🐺 Since normal wolves mate for life, mating with someone else after shifting into wolf form is usually considered cheating, at least between adult partners.
🐺 The concepts of pack and territory are so ingrained in werewolves' nature and mind, experiencing the shifting in an unfamiliar territory, or when alone, can actually be traumatizing - especially during full moon nights, when the shifting can't be avoided. In such situations, fear and confusion can lead a shifted werewolf to aggressiveness, and even violence towards humans.
🐺 One person in a million is immune to the bite, no one knows why.
🐺 Once shifted, werewolves can only eat what normal wolves do - which mainly means raw meat. They normally digest it quickly and without complications, but shifting back to human soon after the meal can make a werewolf queasy and lead them to vomit because their human stomach cannot process the food.
🐺 A centuries-old law, promulgated by the World Government and enforced by the Marines, dictating that werewolves be shot on sight, has fallen out of use, mainly because very few people today believe werewolves actually exist, but it has never been abolished.
🐺 Werewolves are immune to most blood disorders. Anemia is virtually unknown among them, but that might also be because of their predilection for red meat. Women who remain in wolf form for long periods can come into estrous. Werewolves can mate with regular wolves, but these unions are infertile.
🐺 Werewolves-fish men unions were thought to be infecund as well, but a single birth has been documented, a little girl whose werewolf carrier barely survived the birth.
🐺 It is theorically possible for a werewolf to reach an intermediate wolf-human state that allows a person to walk upright and retain their human conscience, even though they cannot speak and need to eat like wolves. The ability can be taught, even though the secret behind it is thought to have been lost; on the other hand, werewolf Haki users develop it spontaneously - pretty fortunate, for a certain werewolf pirate who in wolf form is missing a front leg and would consequently be unable to walk...
🐺 If a child is born from one werewolf parent, they have a 50% chance of being it themselves; with two parents, the probabilily increases to 90%. It has been shown that humans children of werewolf parents can be healthy carriers, and they have an higher than average possibility to have werewolf children.
🐺 Werewolf-human relationships and marriages have never been outlawed but anti-human sentiments do exist, at least when the choice of a partner is concerned. In the event of a mixed couple, the percentage of human partners who are later turned is estimated to be around 65-75%. The turning of a partner is seen by many as an intimate moment, not rarely carried out during the wedding night, soon after the engagement or before trying to conceive, to maximise the probability of the children being werewolves themselves.
🐺 Being bitten by a werewolf in wolf form authomatically turns the subject into one, as long as the werewolf drinks even a small amount of their blood; if the biter is in human form, they will also have to feed their blood to the subject. Parents are often advised not to turn their children until they are adults or have at least reached puberty; turning someone without their consent is a grave crime, that a pack often decides to punish with death. A human who has been turned immediately shifts for the first time, and can have troubles turning back.
🐺 Werewolves are immune to Zoan-type Devil Fruits, and only those.
🐺 There is no specific werewolves religion or creed, but many werewolves ask for a natural burial (that is, without a coffin or another container that would prevent the body's contact with soil) because they appreciate the idea of their corpses returning to and nourishing the earth. In a distant past, the practice of ritual cannibalism was widespread; werewolves considered an honour to feed their packmates, especially during harsh winters when other sources of food were limited.
🐺 Werewolf hunters don't exist - anymore. Still, many of them agree that it's better to be safe than sorry, if only to avoid being captured and sold as slaves or forced to perform in freak-shows.
🐺 Mate is the name werewolves give to their destined partner, a person's one true love and other half; whether a human can be a werewolf's mate is a controversial issue. Most werewolves believe no greater love exists than the one between two mates, even if the relationship remains platonic and not everyone finds happiness in the bond; and that a werewolf who loses their mate will never love again. Most werewolves nowadays consider the matter of mates no more than a pretty story only romantic girls believe in; or at least, that is what they say.
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patolemus · 5 months
I've been thinking the past few days about how, after the scene in s2 where these huge chains fall from Stiles' locker, everyone in school thinks he's either in a gang or into some very deep BSDM, and there's like this tally that goes around where people annotate things they've heard him say and debate over why it points to one or the other.
I mean, someone will hear him say human sacrifices and they'll immediately go 'alright so this guy is roleplaying some very hardcore stuff', but then someone else will hear him say something like we gotta find the bodies and then it's like... maybe not roleplaying?
Werewolf? Depending on the context, it's a code word or the name of a rival gang (his gang??), or like some weird kink no one's sure they want to know much about.
Also, Derek Hale is definitely involved somehow, but this doesn't help clarify whether Stiles is in a gang or if he and Derek are just into some very kinky shit. There's a tally on that, too.
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romeo-the-homeo · 6 months
werewolf body horror is under utilised- imagine pissing a guy off and his bones start rippling under his skin only to settle back as if nothing happened because he decided you werent worth it
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orchideous-nox · 6 months
okay but imagine just before a full moon when Remus is all grumpy and short tempered and the other marauders are like "hey, hey! remember, werewolf not swearwolf" and make him put money in a swear jar for the next hogsmead trip
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
Do you think werewolf!Konig can smell when his s/o is ovulating? If yes, how does he deal with it?
short answer: yes. irl, women do actually release different scents when we are ovulating, but the awareness of this scent is more of an unconscious biological process. but for werewolf!konig, this would absolutely be a conscious thing
long answer MDNI below the cut
TW: mentions of discharge, konig is a werewolf so everything along with that, predator/prey dynamics, mentions of breeding, roughness
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oh, oh yes. canines in general have a strong sense of smell. and konig being the literal and metaphorical beast that he is would certainly have an above average smell while in human form, and a perfect sense of smell in werewolf form.
your discharge also smells differently during ovulation, and of course he could never not notice that change in scent. he doesn't even do it intentionally: you could just be taking off some old panties to change into new ones for bed, and the scent would hit him from across the room. and this scent, whether he caught some of it in human or in werewolf form, would nearly turn him feral every time.
his pupils would get bigger. his muscles would tense up. knowing that your soft and sweet body had no choice but to yearn to be bred just sent him over the edge, because who else would be better than him for breeding you?
konig would always be rougher with you during your ovulation; your scent is just too good for him to not think about anything except filling you up so many times that it began to leak out of you. you could handle this roughness from him while in his human form.
but in his werewolf form? he had to hold back. as much as he hated it, he had to. because if not, he would truly injure you. his cock while in werewolf form is twice the size of his human one, turning the edges of your vision black as you moaned and gasped as this 14 foot man-beast, hot with fur and raw power, held you down and fucked you endlessly. konig couldn't help but growl gutturally when he felt you clench around him, or when he heard your sweet and pleading moans. when he'd clench his sharp teeth together to keep from cumming too soon, his lips unconsciously turning up to reveal those killing teeth, he would accidentally drool down onto your tits or your back. not that either of you cared.
it always stung so sweetly when konig knotted you as he released his cum deep inside you, his perfect little human mate. you would be halfway conscious at this point, but so beyond satisfied that it was worth it every time.
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biteable-pink-pixie · 8 months
Ok but imagine you're giving head to your werewolf bf and he knots in your mouth so you have to choke on his cock for like an hour.
Wowee where are the werewolf boyfriends at? ♡
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koshiiimagines · 3 months
(Late but-)
•Milo and Sweetheart definitely woke up earlier than the two
- because Milo was fucking nervous af
-Sweetheart probably figured that out and knew he’d panic
•Asher definitely set his timer like 5 or 10 mins earlier than needed because he knew he’ll hate the alarm even when its his big day.
•Sam and Darlin definitely promised each other to be the bestest best man and maid of honor even if it means spilling a whole bottle and knocking someone out if they even tried to ruin the wedding.
•The car ride for the mates was all about talking shit about the others. I feel like they’d also have a moment sharing to Sweetheart and Darlin all the things they’re excited for and then Sweetheart and Darlin would just be so proud of them and of Asher and David
•Angel and Babe having a moment just sharing to each other how excited they are and just how much they mean to one another too.
•Milo or Sweetheart would definitely pull the other somewhere and do a little ‘I do’ moment too with vows and stuff (I feel like Angel would see them and wait until they got it out of their system before screaming out “I’d do you too” to Sweetheart…)
•Babe and Angel would try to include Sweetheart to everything because even though they said they won’t need a wedding it’s still really fun and they want Sweetheart to experience that.
•Angel saved seats for David’s Parents and during Asher’s vows David noticed the seats
• Angel having a seat for David’s imaginary friend Caelum (That he probably mentioned once and Angel remembered..) David would meet Caelum’s gaze for a sec and he would probably show himself to Angel now too..
•Darlin and Sam were def looking at each other during the vows
•Asher and Babe just crying and forgetting to bring tissues and Angel and David just brought some because they knew they’d forget
•Sweetheart would definitely pull Milo away so the pairs could have a pic without the officiator or to kiss him (both probably)
•Chrissy will definitely cry.
•David will be holding Angel and Babe and Asher stare into each other’s eyes
•Babe definitely has a vow of always being Asher’s player number two
•Angel has a vow of always loving the grouchy alpha that thought they were being followed at that fast food place.
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rednotebooksworld · 11 months
Monster-Fucker lore headcannon..
What if.. humans get.. effected, when chosen by a Monster as their Mate~ All monsters Mate for Life after all. Makes sense a small bit of the Monsters nature is imprinted onto them.. Like.. being broody~
poor little human getting extremely horny during their Monster’s first mating season as a couple.. knowing Damn well she wants their darling Monster to completely breed her full without mercy… and as his Mate she knows he wants to.
Little human wants to be filled with her Monsters babies SO BADLY~ 😩
but he just keeps saying no, worried she’s only saying it NOW because of their bond, and might regret Breeding too soon when the season ends…. So he leaves until he’s positive neither he nor his human is in heat.. Only to get surprised when his sweet human practically tackles him the second he comes back home and starts stripping naked and angrily saying “I WANT YOU TO FUCKING BREED ME!!!!”
He almost forgot that this’s the same stubborn human who deliberately chased him the second she found out he was even slightly interested in her for More then just friendship..
Welp.. only one way to make it up to her..
Honestly this makes me think of werewolves among other monsters like naga and beastmen and I like it 👀
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deadghosy · 3 months
Mattheo, Theodore, Lorenzo x male reader (Group/poly)
Where they’re werewolves? — super protective & scenting their mate all the time
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You didn’t know how this happened. All you did was be yourself around your housemates in Slytherin. Not knowing 3 of them were werewolves, and now. You’re their mate. Their scent all over you, always are around you. They look like bodyguards as mattheo and Theodore are by your side while as Lorenzo is behind you when walking to class or anywhere.
Some might say you are very protected, which is true. Your boys love you well to the point they get kinda aggressive when they deem someone as a threat to the relationship the four of you have. Mattheo almost got a boy into a coma, all because the student didn’t “back off”. Theodore goes with verbal abuse and confrontation. He knows how to scare people away. And then there’s Lorenzo who’s a devil in disguise. Doing small little curses at the person. Making them go crazy.
Sometimes you can’t even catch your own breath around those 3. When relaxing in the common room, mattheo is on your left, Theodore is on your right, and Lorenzo is just sitting in front of your legs and in between them. His head leaning back so you could scratch his scalp. The boys are always begging for you to scratch their scalp. The way you do it just makes them wanna claim you all over again.
When you scratch mattheo, his head is all in your neck. Pressing soft kisses, he’ll even do small nips at it as he rubs your hips. For when you scratch Theodore, his tall body is leaning down on you. Making you having to lay on something as Theodore is literally rubbing his face in your neck. Masking his scent again on you over, and over. Lorenzo is slightly tamed as he just smile while giving your wrist soft kisses. Your boys love you very well.
Sometimes you play little jokes on them. Mattheo would try to find you when you had sprayed your fragrance you use a lot on a hoodie so you can trick the riddle werewolf that you were in your room. When really you were outside in the yard. Mattheo found you an hour later and was absolutely touch starved. Immediately hugging you and kissing your face with those beautiful eyes of his tracking your whole body to make sure you were okay.
Lorenzo is practically the most softest of them all. He’s the one who follows you the most. Rubbing your stomach when lying down together, holding your hands.
And when the full moon hits. They can’t help but transform into their wolves and lick your hands and face. Their licks to your face is basically kisses as they try to speak only to growl in admiration at how you aren’t scared of them. Mattheo is a dark wolf, Theodore is a mixture of light brown and brown fur, and Lorenzo is just a bright brown color. So you’re lucky to know which one is which.
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Right as of now, you are in what muggles call a dog pile. Lorenzo is on your stomach, mattheo is on your right, and Theodore is on your left. Cuddling you with their body heat as the slight broken heater in your room was heating it up against the cold night. Lorenzo was half asleep as he just cuddled deeper against your belly. Sometimes Lorenzo had “urges” deeper than the other boys surprisingly. Mattheo was playing with your fingers as Theodore was playing with your hair. “Darling..when is the next moon?” Lorenzo asks, his voice a little husky from drowsiness. You took a deep breath in and look over at the calendar.
“Oh my…it’s tonight…” you say, sitting up a little as your boys groaned annoyed. They hated turning into wolves. More or so reasons because they can’t hold you properly or ki ss you properly. They find it mostly annoying how you baby them when they pamper you so much in their regular form.
“I hate it..” Lorenzo said. Nuzzling his messy bed hair against your stomach before pouting up at you. “I know dear.” You said with a soft voice. You started to scratch his scalp, making him let out a sigh of relief. Your two boys only relaxed in your presence. Minutes passed and they could feel themselves wanting to transform.
“Can I kiss you before we transform?”
“Could I still lay on you??”
“Can I hug you right now?”
Questions were just thrown out in the air. You weren’t overwhelmed of course, just thrown off at how quick your boys wanted you before they transformed. You kissed mattheo gently, you let Theodore hug you. His dark wood scent clinging into you. And you nodded yes to Lorenzo who smiled still. Just happy to stay lay on you. Again, a few minutes pass and mattheo is the first one to transform. His dark black fur covering your eyes of Theodore and Lorenzo following suit. Now you felt a wolf’s nose on your stomach. Whimpering as Theodore and mattheo just snuggle into your arms.
“Awww Lorenzo..it’s just for tonight love.” You say that but the poor werewolf has his ears pushed back. It seems mattheo is laughing at the other werewolf. Because Theodore then smacks the dark wolf with his paw. Making mattheo growl a little. “Hey! No fighting on my bed you gits.” You give them a pointed look. Making your three boys nuzzle against you.
They licked your face, making you giggle. Your giggle made it even more known at how sweet and apiece you were and are to them.
They are your boys.
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Low quality pics of a high quality man.
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plasma-packin-peep · 7 months
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aggro-my-beloved · 2 months
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i can fix you. no, literally :)
『 reaction pics 』 『 moodboard 』 『 incorrect quotes 』
Status 1 / 7.4.24 / pick ur poison 〉oh my darlin’
Status 2 / 7.25.24 / prom?
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how is a man to live, laugh, love in these conditions? Dx
『 reaction pics 』 『 moodboard 』 『 incorrect quotes 』
Status 1 | 6.2.24 | rox @ my window
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hehehe—rawr ;p
『 reaction pics 』 『 moodboard 』 『 incorrect quotes ❷ 』
Status 1 / 7.25.24 / prom?
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call me davey and it’ll be the last word you say >:/
『 reaction pics 』 『 moodboard 』 『 incorrect quotes ❷ 』
Status 1 / 10.12.23 > move over…
Status 2 / 6.19.24 / pick ur poison 〉angel face
Status 3 / 7.25.24 / prom?
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first i’m sour, then i’m sweet ;)
『 reaction pics 』 『 moodboard 』 『 incorrect quotes 』
status 1 / 7.25.24 / prom?
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genghisthebrain · 9 months
wednesday and enid sending song quotes to one another and saying "this reminds me of you 🥰" but, like, it's derogatory
wednesday >> enid >> listened to some ajr today, made me think of you <33
enid >> oh really?
wednesday >> "i've worn the same skinny jeans since i was 15" >> except in your case it's twelve ❤️
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amberrrrgerr · 1 month
angel and david
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nightingale2004 · 8 months
Can all my Teen wolf and sterek people gather around real quick.
So what if Scott's pack and Derek all accidentally traveled back in time to when their parents went to school in Beacon Hills.
Now here's my version of this.
Claudia and Talia are soul sister besties. Claudia was just like Stiles, hyperactive, a spaz, short attention span, adhd, etc (also a freaking spark). Talia, was this cool werewolf future alpha girl with a hyperactive puppy for a best friend. (They would totally gossip and talk about Lydia's mom behind her back)
Noah (Stiles dad) was a loner. He was awkward. Couldn't talk to a woman to save his life (Claudia obviously made the first move). He was more invested in criminal law and mysteries.
Marissa (Scott's mom) was in her own corner. She briefly met Claudia and talked to her once or twice.
Lydia's mom (idk her name) was smart but played dumb and all that jass to win the hot guy.
I'm also thinking Peter definitely had a crush on Claudia when he was a kid during this time since she would babysit him a lot.
Claudia and Deaton are also besties and emissaries in training.
The Argent family are in Beacon Hills (I personally would not know how this would go but in intrigued)
Claudia and Talia are exactly like Scott and Stiles and getting into all sorts of trouble and adventures with Deaton at their side and hiding the secrets of the supernatural.
And all of Scott's pack plus Derek gets to see how their parents know each other and have met along with their adventures.
Let me know your version of this and enjoy
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lycheedr3ams · 11 months
okokokokok huihihhi this is my first time submitting a request so I'm not sure where to start but here: I have this lingering idea in my head where werewolf!Konig experiences hormonal urges and instincts since its nearing his 'time of the month' (Is this right). He becomes extremely clingy or possessive like those normal werewolf fics- Konig being hybrid has a hard time controlling his feelings and urges so he sometimes switches to mean and overly possessive to a big softie depending on how his cutie lil mate behaves (he won't hesitate to put his mate into her place if she tries to rile him up).
He'll definitely make a 'den' of any clothes and fabrics he could find and make a comfy makeshift nest. His sweet darling won't be able to leave or do anything during those weeks; she can't even make it one step out the den before strong hands pulls her back into the nest.
Werewolf!Konig is so needy and cuddly he would always keep his arms around his human or pin her down with his massive weight if she continues to 'leave him.' If there's one thing in Konig's mind, its the desire to be with his mate in the messy but comfy den he made for them. Its just a part of his instinct and need to spend time and bond with his chosen mate (would leave some small bites here and there and maybe rub himself against his beloved).
Lastly, the problem with his raging hormonal behavior is that his sweet human would have no idea if things would end either in a soft cuddling moment or hours of full-blown mating session :)
this sounds like werewolf!konig during mating season, which for wolves, is from january-march in the US.
i can definitely see this! i think werewolf!konig would have two "dens". one actual den in the woods, maybe a little overhang/cave thingy. and then his second den is your bed, which is stacked high with blankets and pillows. he always has to make sure you're warm and comfortable.
i don't think he'd ever take you to his den in the woods because it's dirty and cold, not suitable at all for his mate who deserves to be pampered at all times. but if something happened and you had to go to his den in the woods, it would be full of deer and rabbit hides that werewolf!konig hunted during the night, as well as dried leaves for padding and maybe some feathers here and there. it wasn't your favorite thing, but you knew this was just a part of his wolf nature, so you never complained.
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