#gabe shaw
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pycth ¡ 9 months ago
Happy Father’s Day to Gabe Shaw
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You can really see who David gets his looks from :)
(I know I promised certain people this was gonna be a wholesome post, but the parasites in me always win—)
A lil fun fact, David had been growing out his hair since Highschool with minimal care, but after Gabe passed he cut it short (kind of like Gabe’s in fact) because his depression had begun to make it hard to manage while also taking on the role as Pack Alpha so much sooner than he had ever expected.
The first time he cut it was in the bathroom the night before Gabe’s funeral. He didn’t exactly know what he was doing, but he was desperate to rid himself of some kind of weight he carried.
It was a mess. At some point he stopped trying to perfect it and blindly cut here and there as tears fogged his vision of the miserable reflection in front of him.
When he finally allowed himself to breath and get a good look at the damage, he felt as if the man he had lost was staring right back at him, saddened by the sight of his son in dismay. He broke down, silently as not wake his roommate who had already spent several restless nights comforting his best friend.
The next morning, greeted by the sight of David’s attempt to cope, Asher managed to convince David let him take him to go get his hair touched up before the funeral—not that there was much protest on his part.
Seeing it cleaned up by the proper tools in the right hands made him feel little better. But the burden still sat heavy on his shoulders. He was the Alpha now, he needed to look like he had it together. He needed to have it together.
He’s gotten it cut that way ever since.
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themioka ¡ 1 month ago
Shaw pack headcanons i have
Gabe helped Marie in looking after Milo, alongside the Talbot family, who helped whenever they could. Marie felt guilty about the whole thing and would try to pay them as thanks for looking after Milo and the trouble theyve cause since Gabe was a single father raising David, on top of leading a pack, while Asher's parents were already raising two kids and took on a third kid whenever they could.
But they turned her away every time telling her that it was no trouble at all and enjoyed having Milo around. On top of telling her, that packmates look out for one another no matter what.
Gabe was once found passed out on the couch cuddled with the pack kids who were also knocked out like a light.
Gabe also taught Milo and Asher how to cook or try with Asher. Even with David's and Milo's help, Asher just couldn't grasp the concept of it.
David was skeptical about Sam at first due to the whole Quinn incident. Only did he feel like he could truly just Sam around Darlin when he saw how Darlin acted with Sam around, along with the transformation they went through whilst Sam looked after them.
Note: Seriously, David was ready to throw hands with Sam if the man had done something he did not like at all. And Sam KNEW IT, k, the poor vamp was fearing his life because he could feel David's intense stare from across the room.
David has a natural fast reaction and has caught pack members and items that have fallen or slipped.
David wished for once he was great with words or comforting people in general, wishing he could've done something better for Milo and Darlin (separate) rather than holding them tightly as possible as they cried, practically acting as their shield during their time of being extremely vulnerable.
(Ex, Milo believing he's lost his wolf, Darlin's history with Quinn)
Asher is the biggest cock blocker and wears it like a badge of honor, that is till Milo teamed up with Darlin and David and all three blew up his phone like crazy for a week straight. Preventing him from getting in a certain mood with babe.
Asher once answered the door fully shifted, taking Guy by surprise only to deepen his shock, when Asher took the food from him and closed the door behind him using his back paw, leaving Guy completely stun on wtf just happened.
Asher has a history of accidentally headbutting, hitting a bit too hard, or knocking someone over whenever he gets hyper.
Milo, though the youngest, very rarely cried as a child/teen. The first time Sweetheart saw him cry was receiving the news about Gabe's passing and during the funeral service. Though he slowly realized after the whole inversion, he's allowed himself to be a bit more vulnerable than before.
Milo wished his mother had left his father, wondering just how different their life would've been than actively rotting away due to his father gambling addiction at the time.
Given his background, Milo can quickly adapt to unexpected changes and knows how to basically fix anything or knows how to make things last longer. Becoming the "repair man" among the current pack kids who'll come to him whenever they have something for him to fix.
I know many have jumped on the bandwagon that the jacket Darlin wears belonged to either David or Gabe. I personally believe that it once belonged to Asher, who gave it to them after finding them wandering outside without a jacket one cold night. So Darlin hangs on to it because he's one of the true closest friends they made at the time during their teen years.
Darlin and David struggled in getting along with one another as teens due to David not being used to Darlin's destructive behavior and Darlin being overwhelmed by David's protective/caring nature. However, after a few awkward hangouts, they became close friends over time until the Quinn incident. Leaving David extremely hurt because he had thought they were genuinely close friends to the point that Darlin could've come to him about anything and he would've done everything to help them without question at the time.
Darlin, similar to Milo, on not being the biggest crier within the pack kids, felt overwhelming, relieved to see everyone they deeply love and care for alive and okay. That Sam crying was enough to send them into crying mess as the two tightly held onto one another.
Angel being labeled as a heat radiator by David, still gets overly warm despite having light bedsheets, have kicked off the sheets and sometimes unconsciously kicked David out of bed as they moved around to the next coolest spot within the bed.
Angel who managed to convince Darlin to rough housing with them in their shifted form due to David not budging in fear of accidentally hurting them. They shortly learned this was a mistake, as Darlin absolutely knocked the wind out of them first round before shifting back in a panic. The two laughed the whole incident off but kept it a secret from Sam and David.
Angel knew the concepts of cooking, but because of their workaholic nature, they just found ramen and preprep meals easier to deal with. Slowly forgetting how to cook overtime until David taught them.
Babe, who's used to having a few bruises every now and then after rough housing with Asher as the two have a history of getting carried away. Don't worry because Asher not far behind them, bearing his own bruises from whenever he tried protecting Babe from hitting something or falling onto the ground.
Babe who's accidentally scared the absolute hell out of Milo and Darlin by accident once, after mistaking them for Asher. Though Asher intentionally has sent the two towards Babe's direction knowing that they're waiting to get the jump on him.
Whenever Babe has trouble sleeping, and they've done everything they can with Asher help in trying to back to sleep. Asher will shift into his wolf before getting back into bed, and curls himself around Babe which works like a charm because not a moment later they're finally dozing off while giving Asher some good old head and ear scratches.
Sweetheart has to clarify/translate that no they don't have an actual kid, that the son Milo is referring to and is constantly gushing about is Aggro, the once feral stray who is now a very pampered chonky cat.
Sweetheart who's a bit wary of cats and dogs due to not being around them growing up. Especially wasn't used to such a very vocal and affection cat. Milo who helped them slowly get use to Aggro's presence, though every now and then they sometime end up profusely apologize to Aggro after thinking they did something wrong to upset him or had accidentally hurt him.
After Sweetheart healed all of Milo's wounds from his hike with Asher, they couldn't hold back the tears anymore and broke down crying telling Milo how terrified they were because they immediately thought of the worst had happened for him to even sustain these kind of injuries.
The reason Sam won't let Darlin fret over him when it comes to his limit whenever he's healing them. Its because he saw how Darlin didn't blink an eye to the fact they where basically on death's door first time he came to heal them, and can't stop wondering if he had taken any longer if he would've found them dead on their couch.
Sam's usual intake of caffeine is typically 2-4 cups of extremely strong coffee just so he can feel that small energy buzz. And everytime, he leaves baristas amazed and terrified on how someone like him can intake such a scary amount of caffeine without feeling some kind of aftereffect.
Sam bought one of those rope toys for large dogs as a way to test out Darlin's shifted strength, and made the mistake of telling Darlin that they didn't need to hold back......he soon found himself being flung forward and into the ground as if he was a mere ragdoll.
Also now just has a basket of them, due to whenever the others came by to visit, they would end up obliterating them as if it was nothing, not to mention they also took a dig in testing out their strengths against Sam's without having to getting hurt. Even if they did manage to get hurt, Sam would heal them shortly after.
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darling-solaire ¡ 4 months ago
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Time cast a spell on you…. But you won’t forget me
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elilovesredacted ¡ 4 months ago
Sweetheart and David became quick and close friends when Milo first introduced them.
They liked his loyalty to his friends and his stoic nature.
He liked their commitment and how they loved Milo.
The two could often been seen at pack meetings or parties, chatting quietly.
In the short time Gabe was around, Sweetheart grew to love him and learned a lot about the pack and how Gabe adored David.
When Gabe died, Milo and Asher rushed with Sweetheart to David’s home. When they all arrived, Sweetheart booked it inside, staring at a broken David.
He stared back at them and tried to speak before the boys rushed in and he broke into sobs. Sweetheart held him with Milo and Asher.
The day of the funeral, the boys were trying to be helpful by cleaning up after the pack had gone to David’s house.
Everyone else was gone and David was sitting outside, out of sight. Sweetheart found him and sat with him. They held his hand while he cried.
They have never spoken about it, but every now and then they get together to talk about Gabe.
(inspired by Gigi Perez’s song ; Fable )
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moronkyne ¡ 7 months ago
“you’re my son, of course you’re going to make mistakes…but, you’re forgetting that you are also your mothers son. you get back up.”
. . .
“And you make me proud, very proud, David.”
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romirola ¡ 1 month ago
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack's Relationships with Marie Greer
Inspired by a DM from @luminesceintbutterfly
David... sees Marie as the mother he never had. She steps in as a motherly figure in his life, even during moments when he resists it. From birth to adulthood, Marie is there for him through thick and thin. (Interested in seeing that relationship featured in a fic? Check out "In Name and Spirit.")
Angel... sees Marie as a wise beacon of both shifter information and life wisdom. Marie can see the positive change to David that Angel enacts, and she is forever grateful to this kind unempowered human. Angel will often consult Marie when it comes to navigating their alpha-mate duties. Marie is more than happy to lend an ear, hand, or shoulder.
Asher... sees Marie as a powerhouse. To him, Marie is as close as an aunt as someone can get. Marie is Áine's best friend (my headcanon of Asher's mother), lending any help she could to help the humanborn couple acclimate to life in a pack for the first time. Find out more about Asher's parents' story in Chapter 4 of Packed with Love . Growing up, Marie could always be trusted to heal Asher's many injuries and, scold him for putting himself at risk. Despite those lectures, Asher knows that Marie always has his back, and trusts her with his life.
Babe... sees Marie as a role model. Marie is so sure of herself, so focused, so capable and strong. She can do anything she sets her mind to, and inspires everyone around her to work as hard as she does. Babe always loves to hear Marie tell a story, finding their senses of humor to be very similar. Babe aspires to make Marie proud as they figure out how to serve the pack as beta-mate.
Milo... sees Marie as his mama. The woman who raised him. The woman who protects him. The woman who spent her whole life making sure he was cared for, loved, and set up for success, no matter how the odds were stacked. Milo knows just how lucky he is to have her in his life (even if she does drive him crazy sometimes), and he spends his life trying to be a man who makes his mama proud.
Sweetheart... sees Marie as a hero who raised their very favorite person. Marie embraces Sweetheart with all her heart, and Sweetheart is forever grateful. Their relationship is solid, strong, and loving. Marie is so ready to do anything for Sweetheart, because she truly wants her son's mate to be happy, healthy, and safe.
Darling... sees Marie as an ally. Marie is the first to call out an injustice or question a decision that might have negative consequences. She's logical, but empathic. She's fierce, but gentle. She's strong and weathered, but never lost that spark that makes her special. Darling admires Marie, and always cherishes their time together.
Sam... sees Marie as a trusted friend. The two bond over healing technique, long-gone pop culture, and common sense. Sam may not always enjoy the social aspect of being in a pack, but when he spots Marie an an event, he always makes it a point to connect with her.
Aggro... sees Marie as his grandma. She covers him with blankets when she visits (which is very often) and feeds him whenever he asks.
Gabe... saw Marie as family. He liked that Marie was never intimidated by his alpha-status, and that let the two develop a deep, meaningful friendship over the years.
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hellodaekko ¡ 1 month ago
Shaw Pack headcanons bc :3 i wanna. A lot are of darlin bc i love them but i try my best to include more than that!!!!
Darlin is a couple years younger than The Boys(tm) so they were coddled a lot (most of it just annoying brotherly teasing more than coddling)
Milo and Darlin are cousins! Milo played the good kid around their parents growing up and it peeved them off so bad LMFAO
Asher was sooo a skater kid and Darlin definitely picked up skating because of him (as you can imagine, they had a knack for bruises and sprains trying to do tricks wayy out of their paygrade LOL)
Of the three boys, David was the most protective of Darlin so if they ever got hurt he was the one walking them back home
Milo’s growth spurt hit before any of the other boys, David was the last one to hit his (we all know how this plays out for them LOL)
When he was younger, David looked more like his mom than his dad, but as he got older he began to look more and more like Gabe
David has a freckle on his wrist that matched one his mother had
Milo and Marie are damn near identical but he has Colm’s eyes and it’s enough to tick him off on a bad day
Asher and his sister, Madelyn, have vitiligo. Asher’s reaches up all the way to his scalp so he’s got splotches of white hair from the lack of pigment
All of the listeners are a very good group of friends, but between the four, Babe and Angel are besties while Darlin and Sweetheart are besties
Look at me. The listeners flirt with each other all the time IDC argue with the wall!! Babe is more in the lane of cute, sweet compliments, Sweetheart is a step above that being a little more overt with pet names while Angel is like shameless about it. Darlin doesn’t usually initiate but whenever Angel cracks a joke about them looking good Darlin will start flexing their muscles very obviously and go “Who me? 💪🏽���🏽” LMFAOOO
Sam is constantly bringing a small gift whenever he’s invited to someone’s home “Its the polite thing to do” he says
Angel knows how to cook just fine they just haaaaaaaate doing it. It stresses them out so badly because its a lot to focus on if it isn’t a simple recipe, and they usually move to make something to eat while they’re hungry instead of planning ahead for whatever meal of the day it is.
I like to think Gabe had a soft spot for Darlin when he was alive, he was pretty similar to how they were when he was younger
Sam doesn’t usually participate too much in the Mates group chat outside of confirming plans. The first time he sends a funny image the others lose their minds
Sam is a sucker for all kinds of animals and actively has to fight the instinct to bring one home with him. When he was a kid he loved looking around for bugs and occasionally he’ll record a video of him holding one and send them to Darlin
Babe grew up with reptiles as a kid! They want to get a snake but haven’t gotten around to it yet
Darlin was a crybaby as a kid but they always tried their best to contain it. Living embodiment of the ☹️ emoji from trying to bite back tears
After getting married, Angel’s knack for taking David’s work shirts/hoodies increases tenfold “its got my name on it now >:]”
Babe is a bit of a picky eater, Asher orders pizza so often that they’ve gotten sick of it but they won’t stop him from ordering anyway
Sweetheart will occasionally phase cloak through a hug to mess with Milo (the sensation freaks him out)
Gabe’s wolf form is almost pitch black with a white spot on his chest, his wife’s was a dark rusty color
Gabe and his generation of pack members were certainly big but the kids ended up much larger than any of them anticipated. Even Milo, who’s smaller than his peers ended up a little bigger than his parent’s forms.
Gabe ADORED Sweetheart, they got along like old friends. Sweetheart was the type to chat up their friend’s parents growing up to make a good impression (it stressed Milo out like no other to see his mate act buddy buddy with his Alpha of all people)
Darlin’s wolf form is riddled in scarred scratches and bite marks. Their lip and eyebrow are scarred, one of their ears was ripped to shreds, and their tail was damaged so badly most of it became necrotic and fell off, they’ve just got a little bobtail. After the inversion, David’s wolf form loses a good chunk of his ear opposite to Darlin’s. “We kinda match now lol”
Darlin’s first pack run after returning to Dahlia is cathartic for them. They stay outside in their wolf form for hours after the run.
Sam dyed his hair brown after running from Mont Blanc. He grows it out a little around the time he meets Alexis but goes back to brown after his turning. He’s now fully back to his dirty blond :]
Sam has a small photo of his grandmother on his nightstand with a small candle burning next to it. Darlin makes sure to light it for him if they’re awake before he is
Angel has a tattoo on their ankle for their cat from when they were still with Michael. Its of the M pattern on their cat’s forehead
Milo is the type to avoid a show or game if people bug him enough about starting it. He doesn’t even think he wouldn’t enjoy the contents, but it triggers something in him to be defiant about it unless Sweetheart sits him down to watch it
Darlin will steal bites off of the boys’ plates if they’re out eating with each other. Asher does it back with a smile, Milo will whine like a baby about it, and David will just smack their hand away (they just laugh when it happens)
Christian has a REALLY bad gag reflex. Asher will pretend to make a gagging sound to make Christian dry heave
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sheawritesstuff ¡ 1 year ago
Meeting the Alpha
[Gabriel Shaw and David x Angel]
[Meet the parents Fluff - 1391 words]
[Little bit of a twist ending ;p enjoy]
“Alright, Angel. How are you feeling? You ready?” David asked, putting the car in park. Angel fidgeted nervously in their seat and stared out the window. Their attention darted rapidly between the big, rustic house in front of them and their own shaking hands. 
“What if he doesn’t like me?” Their voice was uncharacteristically quiet and almost shaky. “What if I fuck it up? Davey I- “ David cut them off with a gentle grip of their hand. They finally turned to look at him, mouth tugged down in a frown. He held their hand firmly and took a dramatically slow, deep breath. They followed suit, filling their lungs with air and breathing out their worry. 
“He’s going to love you, Angel. I promise,” David said, soft and genuine. “It’s going to be ok, it’s just my dad.” Angel nodded, still breathing deeply. They squeezed their boyfriend’s hand and forced a smile. 
“I think I’m ready now.” They said it more to themself than to him. David kissed them once before the two of them hefted themselves up and out of the car. The wolf came to their side and looped their arms together, keeping them nice and close. They walked together to the front door, waited a moment for a few more deep breaths, and David knocked firmly on the thick wooden door. 
A moment later the door opened, revealing the man of the hour. If Angel thought David was big, Gabe was gigantic. He was at least three inches taller and almost as wide as his son, but not quite as muscular. Angel stared up at him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open slightly.
“Well hey! You must be the little Angel I’ve heard so much about,” Gabe declared. He spread his arms, a bright smile plastered across his face, then paused. “Wait, can I- do… do you do hugs?” He pulled his arms back toward his body awkwardly as he questioned the forwardness of his action. 
Angel giggled at him and opened their arms too. They nestled against his chest in a firm, familiar hug. They both sighed, relaxing in their shared embrace as the mutual nervousness faded. They pulled away and found David standing off to the side, arms folded across his chest. 
“Aw, Davey, are you feeling left out? C’mere baby,” Angel teased, approaching him arms first. David groaned, but hugged them back, running his hand over their back. Gabe took the opportunity to ruffle David’s hair, wasting the agonizing half-hour he put into perfecting it. The beta scrunched his eyebrows together and huffed at his father. 
“I did not come here to be ambushed,” he complained, pushing his mate away from him. He turned back toward the door, quickly trying to tidy up his hair. “Are you gonna let us in or not, old man?” David’s grin gave away the fact his dismay was all for show. Gabe rolled his eyes, still smiling wide. He motioned toward the door with both arms and bowed slightly. 
“After you, Davey,” Gabe remarked, stepping inside behind them and closing the door. David mirrored his elder and rolled his eyes. The trio entered the front room of the house together. Angel openly gawked at the gorgeous childhood home of their lover. 
“Dinner is on the table if you two are ready.” 
The dining table was huge, stretching about as far as one end of Angel’s apartment to the other. It was bare, though, save for three neatly arranged placemats on one end with a variety of dishes scattered around them. David led his mate to their seat and pulled the chair out for them. He sat across from them, leaving the head of the table empty for the alpha. 
“Wow.” Angel stared at the feast in front of them. “It looks amazing, Gabe.” 
“It’s crazy, huh. Some people cook and eat actual food,” David joked as he scooped a spoonful of potatoes onto his plate. Gabe half-heartedly swatted at the back of his son’s head. 
“Be nice. You weren’t always the healthiest eater either, y’know.” The older wolf turned to Angel with a smile. “You would not believe how hard it was to convince this boy to eat his vegetables. When he was still a tiny little thing he-”  David covered his face with his hands and groaned. The tips of his ears were bright red as he listened to the retelling of his childhood stubbornness. 
“-and he wouldn’t even look at anything green unless I bribed him with some sort of treat until he was damn near 15,” Gabe laughed and glanced toward the man sitting next to him. David still had his head bowed down in embarrassment, but he had uncovered in face in the interest of actually eating his dinner. “Your mama would be so proud of you,” Gabe said softly. 
David perked his head up and stared at his father, surprise clear on his face. Gabe smiled at him and patted his shoulder with a nod. He turned back to Angel with the same kind grin. “She would love you too, Angel. You’re sweet like she was. I think you two would’ve gotten along well.” His voice was quiet and filled with a fond nostalgia. “You picked well, David.
David stopped eating for a moment, just pushing the food around on his plate as he searched for the right words. He looked across the table and met his partner’s eyes for a moment. He smiled back at them and sighed. 
“Yeah, I did, didn’t I.” 
The rest of the evening was filled with good food, laughter, and a plethora of embarrassing childhood stories. As the couple finished their food, Gabe stood to take their plates to the kitchen. Angel peered across the table with a smile painted on their face. 
“I think he likes me,” they sighed. David laughed and pushed himself up from the table. He came around to the other side and draped himself over the top of their chair. A kiss to the top of the head accompanied a soft squeeze to their shoulders. 
“He loves you, Angel. Just like I said he would.” He tilted their head up and kissed their forehead. “But I’m afraid if we don’t leave soon he’ll end up liking you more than me. And we can’t have that, can we?” They giggled and shook their head. He pulled their chair out to give them room to stand as Gabe reentered the dining room. 
“You two heading out?” David nodded and replaced the chair.
“It was really great getting to meet you, Gabe,” Angel piped up. Gabe smiled down at them. His smile had been almost permanently painted on his face since they arrived, but it never seemed any less genuine. 
“It was lovely meeting you too, Angel. Don’t be a stranger, ok?” He leaned down to hug them again and they happily returned it. He patted them on the back as he pulled away. David hugged him too, but it lingered a little longer as he reveled in the moment. 
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, David. Drive safe, alright?” David nodded as he turned to open the door. 
Gabe stood on the porch as he watched them get back into their car. Angel let out a long, low sigh as they sat down. David turned the key with a hum and turned to face his mate. They smiled at him before waving out the window as they pulled out of the driveway. They leaned across the seat to plant a quick kiss to David’s cheek-
The feeling of gentle kisses scattered across David’s face pulled him back to reality. His eyes opened just enough to peer up at his mate on top of him, waking him up “the romantic way”. He smiled softly as the warmth of sleep ebbed away. Angel kissed the tip of his nose and pulled away just enough to make proper eye contact. 
“Good morning, Davey,” they said, voice still hoarse from sleep. “Did you have a good dream?” David tucked their hair behind their ear and smiled as his core thrummed solid in his chest. He stared up at them, admiring the beauty before him for a long, silent moment. 
“Yes, I did.” He pressed a soft kiss to their lips. “I had a very good dream, Angel.” 
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pagesupinflames ¡ 6 months ago
rip gabriel shaw u would’ve been such a good dilf
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skunkox-art ¡ 2 months ago
More Gabe and his mate
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Trying to figure out their faces before I go ham on learning to draw David. How do you draw older men???
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dollylovees ¡ 3 months ago
Gabe is 100% Mufasa coded
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themioka ¡ 2 months ago
Gabe definitely had guardianship when it came to Milo and Darlin.
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darling-solaire ¡ 4 months ago
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romeo-the-homeo ¡ 2 years ago
gabe got hit by a car- classic dog behaviour
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comedyl0ser ¡ 6 months ago
happy birthday to me, and death day to Gabe ig 😒
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romirola ¡ 2 years ago
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Favorite Clothing Accessories
David: His gold wristwatch that was a gift from Gabe. The watch commemorated David officially taking on the role of Gabe’s beta.
Angel: Their sunglasses. No matter the weather, Angel optimistically wears their sunglasses (whether on their face or on their head) because they always love to be prepared for sunny, warm weather.  
Asher: A gold-and-blue striped necktie. Asher had purchased the tie in preparation for proposing to Babe. Since that plan didn’t go as he expected, Asher has decided to wear the tie to the wedding. 
Babe:  A pair of red jeans that Babe always wears on casual Fridays. Red jeans are not exactly what someone who knows them would expect, which is exactly why Babe incorporated the jeans into their wardrobe. It’s empowering for them to see how they pull off the bold look when they catch a glimpse in the mirror.
Milo: His plaid winter scarf. Marie knitted the scarf for Milo when he was young. He was much too small for the scarf at the time, but Marie promised that one day, he’d grow into the scarf. Now an adult who has come into his own, Milo wears the scarf proudly. 
Sweetheart: A green, zip-up, long-sleeve jacket that shows the D.U.M.P. logo embroidered on the front with “Dahlia Division” embroidered in white lettering on their sleeve. The jacket fits Sweetheart sharply, is super-duper comfortable, and acts as a little reminder that they are in a position to enact so much potential good. 
Darling: A Shaw Pack insignia pin Asher gave them after they attended their first pack meeting since returning to Dahlia. Darling takes care to move the pin to their messenger bag, hat, coat, or whatever they are wearing because they like to have that physical denotation that they belong to their pack. 
Sam: A pair of thick, brown work gloves Sam has had since he was human. It’s one of the few pieces of clothing from his time as a human that  (unintentionally) serve as blackout-clothing that protects his now-vampiric skin from the sun. 
Gabe: His famous leather jacket. He wore it every chance he got. He was even wearing it the day he met his mate. 
Marie: Her yellow-and-black printed purse. It somehow goes with every outfit and holds absolutely anything and everything anyone around her could need. A pen? A snack? A bottle of water? Hand sanitizer? A safety pin? Marie’s got all of that and more inside this purse.
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