#We can do it asap.
noralaylaph · 8 months
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“we can have a candlelight vigil like lesbians on the news!!!” episode 2 and annie “girlkisser” edison is already longing for bits of that wlw lifestyle. I know what you are
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froglemonade · 7 months
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Postcards we will be selling to raise money for our local homeless friends to survive the winter. Sales will be in person only. You can contribute by helping out the homeless people in your area!
Had a lot of fun drawing these! Will post them individually as well.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 4 months
Also I quit my job of what would in about a month or two have been 10 years, and perhaps now I will get to actually be a human being again.
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rustbeltjessie · 10 months
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Reckless Chants #27: to resist despair
A text-heavy zine with some collages (+ a comic and a pull-out centerfold), Reckless Chants #27 includes pieces about growing up as a queer punk in a mid-sized Midwest city, favorite bands, old friends lost and found, Wisconsin and Chicago, disappointment and sadness, resisting despair, still believing in punk after all these years, and so much more. 52 pages, half-letter size. $5+$3 shipping (w/in the U.S.).
Available for purchase via:
ko-fi.com / rustbeltjessie
paypal.me / rustbeltjessie
Venmo: @ JessieLynnMcMains
If you live outside the U.S. and would like to order a copy, or would like to pay some other way, please contact me at coeur.de.fantome @ gmail.com. Also, if you run a shop or distro and would like to sell this zine (or any other zines I have available), I offer bulk/wholesale prices—please contact me!
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batwynn · 1 year
Hello hello! I'm opening up kind of emergency commissions once again to try to get some funds together to get a heat pump installed because we currently have no viable heat source and we're running out of time. 💀
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I’m open to DnD groups, story/comic/fanfic covers, book/general illustrations, character design/sheets, adoptables, and short comics.
(I am open to discuss longer term projects, but please be aware that we’d need to work out a schedule first and foremost.)
More pricing and info can be found: here
More samples of my work can be found here.
Please feel free to message me any time to talk about pricing or payment plans! And if you can, please signal boost this post. Thank you!
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ecto-gorper · 2 months
i remember making a group writing account with my friends because at that time it was like a popular thing to do and we never deleted it and all of my old writing is still on it and it makes me CRINGEEE 😭😭😭 it was like 2018 god bless i couldn’t make it through the whole thing
i miss that. can we bring Back writing blogs with multiple mods we need more regretevator writers anyway!!!!!!!
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considerad · 3 months
alright jesus christ, I'm making another "if shit goes down" post:
If something kicks off in *ran, which I cannot stress enough IS CURRENTLY AT PEACE (the rest of my family is taking their afternoon siesta as I write this and I've got my shower stuff set out for later; things are quiet af except for the birds and the occasional bad driver revving an engine), they will cut off the internet inside *ran before they do anything else. They want to control the narrative and make sure we don't get out our pleas for help/information on what'll be happening here.
I've already seen a post on here where people are cheering for "*ran" because they helped H*zbollah hit an *sraeli target... guys, that's not *ran. That's the I R G C, an extremist terrorist organisation that controls *ran's resources (incidentally, just like H*zbollah controls L*banon!). The *ranian people are being held hostage as a nation by the *RGC. We aren't them and they most certainly are not *ranians. Don't get it twisted. The *RGC is trying to kick off a direct war after a long while of fighting their proxy wars through Palestine and S*ria... and I don't know why the fuck it's happening now.
I'm in the middle of a programming course and I'm scrambling to do my homework for the next two weeks before the internet goes. I'm going to pack survival backpacks for my family tonight; water, money, id, antiseptic cream... and you know what's driving me up the fucking wall about all this? It's that all this is happening after vacuuming the whole fucking house for *ranian New Years, tidying all the fronds on the rugs with a comb until they all ran parallel, scrubbing hard water stains off the taps and the house plant leaves until they gleamed, making up a whole new blossom-print duvet-pillowcase set for the beds, buying pretty Soviet-print antique enamelware and ceramic water jugs for extra-cool water this summer...
I don't want to flee my own fucking house, so painstakingly cleaned and pretty and so recently full of guests for the New Year, to go where? Turkey? Armenia? And what the fuck for? Because the donkey testicles who've taken charge here don't care if we live or die?
Post from: Sat 13 April 2024
Note: I censor *ran and other nouns that are in the news rn because I'm at risk of being found here through keyword searches, account tracing, etc. They might still find me this way, but I don't want to make it that easy. If you see anyone openly heehawing about the *RGC or H*zbollah in my replies/reblogs, they've found this post despite my efforts.
If you interact with the post, however, PLEASE use the uncensored nouns in your tags/replies.
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
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Okay cool so this is was me all of this and last week fretting years off my life about the episode and I guess it's gonna be me next week fretting years off my life about next episode coolcoolcoolcool
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depressedraisin · 11 months
thoughts after first listen: so many miles kane-isms in this new record- the surfy guitar bits, anthemic choruses here and there, parts where i think i can hear 70s and 90s/early 2000s rock influences, the vivacious energy of it all. lots of moments where one gets flashbacks to his previous albums. it's not particularly innovative or groundbreaking for him, but it wasn't ever trying to be that anyway. overall a solid upbeat summer record. probably wouldn't make you think, but will definitely make you feel good. it's miles kane serving what he serves best and I LOVE IT
ive said this before but one man band feels like the record a late-teenaged miles getting into his first band probably would've wanted to make. and it is that. but it's also tinged with nostalgia and the weight of experience that comes with being 37. lovely, isn't it?
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boyobjectifier · 5 months
no yeah i love when tumblr doesn’t let me edit a post i reblogged. definitely won’t drive me crazy that i missed a word in the tags and it changes the meaning of the sentence
no yeah tumblr is such a cool and very functional app :)
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consolecadet · 7 months
I wrapped 9 Christmas presents. My wrist feels better than I expected. I hope my family appreciates the taste, precision, and thrift I put into this
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allbuthuman · 1 year
i don't get how people who ship dazai with fyodor don't understand that being around fyodor can only harm dazai
yeah it's entertaining to see their 4D chess and all and yeah they're similar in a few ways but fyodor is dazai at his worst. he's similar to the parts of him that he's been trying to act against. why would you want him around someone who only makes it harder for him to stay true to the choice that he still actively tries to make
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altruistic-meme · 9 months
oh the halloween spirit is hitting me ohhhh no
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The ADHD experience is forgetting where you set you cup down five minutes ago, but being able to pick up where you end off in a conversation you had 10 years ago. It's remembering the fine details of a book but forgetting who gave it to you, or if you bought it yourself. It's remembering a thing your best friend mentioned an interest in, but forgetting their birthday even though you've been best friends for 10+ years.
When we are bored, we become the equivalent of a husky in a cubicle. When the boredom gets bad, we break down, crying, and fall into a deep depression.
It's randomly getting the intense and overwhelming craving for a bowl of plain rice or a slice of bread with a little butter on it, and craving nothing else. Just this dose of carbs that brings absolute satisfaction.
It's fighting to convince your body to move and acquire food and water, but you remain trapped on the sofa, your brain and body will not move even though you haven't eaten or had anything to drink in 12 hours. You need to use the bathroom, your bladder is raging, and the only thing that finally gets your brain to behave is the pain.
ADHD isn't just some cute thing of being distracted with a case of the zoomies. It's a nightmare that results in losing jobs, poor eating habits, insomnia so bad you're awake for three days and fall asleep only because you're exhausted, and your home is filthy even though you desperately want to clean it up. There's nothing enjoyable about this fuckery.
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mosspapi · 10 days
(tw discussion of self harm/wound care)
Took the gauze off this thing to change it and it immediately fuckin opened wide the fuck up again. Had to use butterfly bandages to get it to even stop fuckin bleeding. And my parents come home tmrw night. Chat am I cooked here (rhetorical. I am absolutely cooked)
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