#We are TUMBLR
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skullzanta · 4 months ago
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It comes, Fight it, Fear it, Love it, We care not. For the spooks, shall begin to coalesce and slither into our lives tomorrow.
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x-heesy · 1 year ago
Who's that knockin' on my door?
What ya tryin' to bother me for?
Don't want none of what you're sellin'
I know that you're rotten to the core
So my 44 mags, about to put one in your melon
Last night one of my neighbors
Got held up for the paper
But the popos never came
They won't do you any favors
Say your prayers
So many layers
Some things will never change
Ha ha ha
This afternoon got caught up at a red light
In the line of sight
Of these motherfuckers from the other night
Seems like the right time
Pullin' out his life line
Anytime you threaten mine
Gonna be a fight, you see
See I'm numb just lookin'
For a reason for my finger
To be squeezin' on the trigger
Do another killin' season
One gun, two gun, three guns, four
So many guns keep on runnin' out the store
Pop goes the weapon
You better keep on steppin'
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop, pop, ha ha ha ha
Pop, pop goes the weapon
You better keep on steppin'
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop, pop, ha ha ha
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Ha ha ha
Feelin' my soul leave my body
La dee da dee
Somebody got me
I don't even know his name
Started fightin' at a party
No karate
Hammers droppin'
But the popos never came
Lightheaded and I'm dizzy
My vision fuzzy
I get the feelin'
It's the end of the game
I'm on the television, talk of me, ask who was he
'Cause they don't love me
That's when the fuckin' popos came
Pop goes the weapon
You better keep on steppin'
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop, pop, ha ha ha ha
Pop, pop goes the weapon
You better keep on steppin'
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop, pop, ha ha ha
Yeah, pop goes the weapon
You better keep on steppin'
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop goes the weapon
You better keep on steppin'
Pop, pop goes the weapon
Pop, pop, ha ha ha
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Who's that knockin' on my door?
Quelle: LyricFind
Songwriter: Brad J Wilk / Carlton Douglas Ridenhour / Lord Aswod / Louis Freese / Thomas B Morello / Timothy Commerford
Songtext von Pop Goes The Weapon © BMG Rights Management, Unison Rights S.L., Wixen Music Publishing
Pop Goes The Weapon by Prophets Of Rage 😤
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malfoyesque · 22 days ago
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month ago
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i love my cat but he is very fond of trickery
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yeehawpim · 1 year ago
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mermaidpiratevampire · 2 months ago
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mikoworks · 1 month ago
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Happy New Year from the Tulpar crew!
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nostalgebraist · 1 year ago
If Pikachu were real, it would not be a very pleasant animal. An enormous mouse that shocks you like an electric eel. I would run from these beasts
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quixoticprince · 3 months ago
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Guys I don't think this kindly stranger is all that nice But yeah, if Medic confessed about stealing their souls in the next pages I don't think anyone would really care
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Based on this post thread
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kairisk · 12 days ago
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For when they no longer serve you, cast them aside like old skin
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x-heesy · 2 years ago
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Open letter to @staff
With all due respect 🫡
Hier die Definition , als freundliche Erinnerung, eures Jobs:
„Community, group of people who pursue a common goal, cultivate common interests, feel committed to common values; Community (especially the user on the Internet)“
Seit Eurer feindlichen Übernahme hier, von den derzeitigen Besitzern, ist Dumblr ein widerlicher weltfremder Ort, wo die ausschlachtung des maximalen Profit und unnötige Belanglosigkeiten wie Eurer extrem überteuerten & nutzlosen premium „Services“ 🤦🏽‍♂️ als Priorität gelten & hingegen gleichzeitig die fast überall geltenden Menschenrechte mit den Füßen getreten werden!
& Funktionalität & usability sind seit Eurer Version für ios zum Beispiel seit Version 19.9 alles andere als Updates sondern massive downgrades- alles sehr sehr sehr unprofessional „programmiert“
Eure ethnische Säuberung war nicht nur Menschenrechte verachtend & unmenschlich, sondern speziell für mental kranke Users sogar besorgniserregend & kriminell, dEnn Ihr habt auch eine gewisse Verantwortung diesen Mitmenschen gegenüber = Community 🫶🏽
Und jetzt sind explizit geltende Kunst 🎭 plötzlich erlaubt❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (was ich sehr erfreut in Kenntnis genommen habe) 🫶🏽
Will sagen: Ihr wart von Beginn eures terror Regimes nur GEGEN EURE EIGENEN USER: COMMUNITY= antisozial Deluxe
Dies ist die Definition für euren mothertrucking job
„jemandem oder etwas zustimmen und ihn ermutigen, weil man möchte, dass er, sie oder es Erfolg hat“
& Euren million dollar verschlingenden, panischen und stümperhaften Versuche 🧪 porn bots zu eliminieren, schlug kläglich fehl! (Und dies sehr auf die Kosten der hier vertretenden, einst wunderschönen Vielfalt diverser Kunst Blogs) 🪦
Ich appelliere an euren gesunden Menschenverstand
Bitte macht tumblr wieder zu einem besseren Ort 🫶🏽
Here is the definition, as a friendly reminder, of your job:
„Community, group of people who pursue a common goal, cultivate common interests, feel committed to common values; Community (especially the user on the Internet)“
Since your hostile takeover here, from the current owners, Dumblr has been a disgusting unworldly place where the exploitation of maximum profit and unnecessary trivia like your extremely overpriced & useless premium "services" 🤦🏽‍♂️ are the priority & at the same time the almost everywhere applicable human rights are trampled on!
& Functionality & usability have been anything but updates since your version for ios, for example since version 19.9, but massive downgrades - all very, very, very unprofessionally "programmed"
Your ethnic cleansing was not only despicable & inhumane, but also worrying & criminal, especially for mentally ill users, because you also have a certain responsibility towards these fellow human beings = community 🫶🏽
And now explicitly valid art 🎭 is suddenly allowed❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (which I was very pleased to learn) 🫶🏽
Want to say: From the beginning of your terror regime you were only AGAINST YOUR OWN USERS: COMMUNITY= antisocial deluxe
This is the definition of your mother trucking job
"to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him, her, or it to succeed"
& your million dollar gulping, panicky and blundering attempts to eliminate 🧪 porn bots failed miserably! (And this at the expense of the once wonderful variety of diverse art blogs represented here) 🪦
I appeal to your common sense
Please make tumblr a better place again 🫶🏽
Ecco la definizione, come promemoria amichevole, del tuo lavoro:
„Comunità, gruppo di persone che perseguono un obiettivo comune, coltivano interessi comuni, si sentono legati a valori comuni; Comunità (soprattutto l'utente su Internet)“
Dalla tua acquisizione ostile qui, da parte degli attuali proprietari, Dumblr è stato un disgustoso luogo ultraterreno in cui lo sfruttamento del massimo profitto e banalità inutili come i tuoi "servizi" premium estremamente costosi e inutili 🤦🏽‍♂️ sono la priorit�� e allo stesso tempo il quasi ovunque i diritti umani applicabili vengono calpestati!
& Funzionalità e usabilità sono state tutt'altro che aggiornamenti dalla tua versione per ios, ad esempio dalla versione 19.9, ma enormi downgrade - tutti "programmati" in modo molto, molto, molto poco professionale
La tua pulizia etnica non è stata solo spregevole e disumana, ma anche preoccupante e criminale, soprattutto per gli utenti malati di mente, perché hai anche una certa responsabilità nei confronti di questi altri esseri umani = comunità 🫶🏽
E ora l'arte 🎭 esplicitamente valida è improvvisamente consentita❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (cosa che mi ha fatto molto piacere apprendere) 🫶🏽
Voglio dire: dall'inizio del tuo regime di terrore eri solo CONTRO I TUOI UTENTI: COMMUNITY= antisocial deluxe
Questa è la definizione del lavoro di autotrasporto di tua madre
"essere d'accordo e dare incoraggiamento a qualcuno o qualcosa perché vuoi che lui, lei o lui abbia successo"
e i tuoi tentativi da un milione di dollari di deglutizione, panico e errori per eliminare 🧪 i robot porno sono falliti miseramente! (E questo a scapito della varietà un tempo meravigliosa di diversi blog d'arte qui rappresentati) 🪦
Mi appello al vostro buon senso
Per favore, rendi di nuovo Tumblr un posto migliore 🫶🏽
Aquí está la definición, como un recordatorio amistoso, de su trabajo:
„Comunidad, grupo de personas que persiguen un fin común, cultivan intereses comunes, se sienten comprometidas con valores comunes; Comunidad (especialmente el usuario en Internet)“
Desde su adquisición hostil aquí, de los propietarios actuales, Dumblr ha sido un lugar repugnante fuera del mundo donde la explotación de la máxima ganancia y trivialidades innecesarias como sus "servicios" premium extremadamente caros e inútiles 🤦🏽‍♂️ son la prioridad y al mismo tiempo la ¡casi en todas partes se pisotean los derechos humanos aplicables!
& La funcionalidad y la usabilidad han sido cualquier cosa menos actualizaciones desde su versión para ios, por ejemplo, desde la versión 19.9, sino degradaciones masivas, todas muy, muy, muy poco profesionales "programadas".
Su limpieza étnica no solo fue despreciable e inhumana, sino también preocupante y criminal, especialmente para los usuarios con enfermedades mentales, porque también tiene cierta responsabilidad hacia estos seres humanos = comunidad 🫶🏽
Y ahora el arte explícitamente válido 🎭 de repente está permitido❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (que me complació mucho aprender) 🫶🏽
Quiero decir: desde el comienzo de su régimen de terror, solo estaba EN CONTRA DE SUS PROPIOS USUARIOS: COMMUNITY = antisocial deluxe
Esta es la definición de tu trabajo de camionero madre
"estar de acuerdo y dar aliento a alguien o algo porque quieres que él, ella o eso tenga éxito"
¡y sus intentos de millones de dólares de tragar, entrar en pánico y cometer errores para eliminar 🧪 bots porno fallaron miserablemente! (Y esto a expensas de la maravillosa variedad de diversos blogs de arte representados aquí) 🪦
Apelo a tu sentido común
Por favor, haz de Tumblr un lugar mejor otra vez 🫶🏽
Voici la définition, pour rappel amical, de votre métier :
„Communauté, groupe de personnes qui poursuivent un objectif commun, cultivent des intérêts communs, se sentent attachés à des valeurs communes ; Communauté (en particulier l'utilisateur sur Internet)“
Depuis votre prise de contrôle hostile ici, par les propriétaires actuels, Dumblr a été un endroit surnaturel dégoûtant où l'exploitation du profit maximum et des anecdotes inutiles comme vos "services" premium extrêmement chers et inutiles 🤦🏽‍♂️ sont la priorité et en même temps le presque partout, les droits de l'homme applicables sont bafoués !
& La fonctionnalité et la convivialité ont été tout sauf des mises à jour depuis votre version pour ios, par exemple depuis la version 19.9, mais des rétrogradations massives - toutes "programmées" de manière très, très, très peu professionnelle
Votre épuration ethnique était non seulement ignoble & inhumaine, mais aussi inquiétante & criminelle, surtout pour les usagers malades mentaux, car vous avez aussi une certaine responsabilité envers ces êtres humains = communauté 🫶🏽
Et maintenant, l'art explicitement valide 🎭 est soudainement autorisé ❓❓ whuut tha Phuck 😬 (ce que j'ai été très heureux d'apprendre) 🫶🏽
Envie de dire : depuis le début de votre régime de terreur, vous n'étiez que CONTRE VOS PROPRES UTILISATEURS : COMMUNAUTÉ = luxe antisocial
C'est la définition de votre travail de camionneur mère
"être d'accord et encourager quelqu'un ou quelque chose parce que vous voulez qu'il r��ussisse"
& vos tentatives avalées, paniquées et maladroites d'un million de dollars pour éliminer 🧪 les robots pornos ont échoué lamentablement ! (Et cela au détriment de la variété autrefois merveilleuse de blogs d'art divers représentés ici) 🪦
je fais appel à votre bon sens
S'il vous plaît, faites de tumblr un meilleur endroit à nouveau 🫶🏽
New World by Zap Mama
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gaining followers pretty fast and that should not be happening i think. tumblr have some restraint. youre embarassing us
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owllooker · 3 months ago
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Wild Life, amiright?
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pidgydraws · 3 months ago
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🩸 And Nothing Else Matters 🩸
part 2 - part 3
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yeehawpim · 1 year ago
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Edit: school pt 2
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