#Wally and Donna conflict
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allovesthings · 11 months ago
On one hand, there are a lot of things in Titans (1999) that are not that great but, on the other, I do think this comic is one of my favorites when it comes to the dynamic of the fab five and their relationship with each other (the moment when all of them are dreaming and stuck is theirs younger self for example).
Also this comic is the one who made me want to read more of Roy. He is genuinely great in it. So I think that's a plus.
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lazaruspiss · 10 months ago
was trying to brainstorm some fem dick brainworms bc i like blorbo but i also like women and ended up w dick/talia announcing their engagement to bruce+tim+jason+damian bc i am. Predictable. dick/talia will always be king sorry not sorry
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admiringtheskies · 1 year ago
i've said it before and i'll say it again: dick is the next-gen successor to brucie wayne's sexcapades; tim is the successor to batman's romances.
tim is so special for being the most awkward off-putting unsocial guy you’ll ever meet and somehow he still has at least 20 people who are embarrassingly obsessed with him at all times. for whatever reason. his swagless looks and cringefail personality have captivated hundreds
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disco-troy · 5 months ago
From titans interview:
- New titans writer was a big fan of claremont x men and new teen ttians when he was a teen!
- when he came in he thought of a "plot for every single character" and weaved it into the story
- he wants to "rock the boat without having it tip over" and add conflict to the titans
- he's reading "everybody" in terms of past titans runs
- he's writing a lot of "small bite sized stories"
- hes going to touch base reconciling with the titans having been A team and dealing with the return of the JL, and and going back to where they were. "different members of the team have different opinions" and they will argue how this
- "they're still a family and families bicker"
- for the first year the roster is constant from what it is in issue 16
- sounds like Wally's going to be more of a titan in name bc he will be in the JL
- Kory's B plot is simmering and will come to a focus next year
- a lot of Donna and Roy focus in early issues!!
- Vic is "going to step up"
- "stuff going on with raven"
- somehting happends where the editor thought the titans would break up but he wanted them to have a "strong relationship in the face of adversity"
- he likes the relationship between gar and raven 😔 and they willl have a strong mature relationship 😔
- really going to focus on characters without solos
- "I want a little less function" refering to taylors titans
- calls roy "not completley a team player" and is using him to throw a wrench in the titans well oiled machine ://. "hes gonig to ruffle feathers to an extent. He's going to have a different opinion" (could be good)
- big shakeup in the first issue, thats all about how he thinks donna has been underutlized 💃���
- using C list villians (many titans but not all) to do fun things with
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royboyfanpage · 7 months ago
HELLO BELOVED can u tell me abt how Wally and Roy's friendship/views of each other change after Wally finds out Roy is/was an addict (i think he finds out after Roy is clean???)
The few issues Ive seen abt this stuff were N52 so I feel like ur a better source
So first thing's first, I'm gonna address-
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This, which I feel like is the most notable instance of Wally’s reaction to Roy’s heroin addiction (funnily enough, another mutual sent me a DM about these exact panels a few days ago- we’re on a streak with these). Now, it’s important to note that these panels were from Titans (2008), specifically #23, which was one of the comics leading up to Rise of Arsenal and, later, Roy teaming up with Deathstroke in this same series. At this point in time, Roy was already in the hospital and Lian was already dead- he just hadn’t woken up yet. Now, I don’t have any sources to back up that this is what DC was actually trying to do so I’m just talking from my observations, but this issue in particular very heavily focused on trying to alienate Roy- particularly, a teen Roy who didn’t have Lian yet. Almost all of the flashbacks, and even a few bits of dialogue outside of the flashbacks, are very derogatory towards Roy. See:
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Yeah. Just in general, very not nice towards him. It tries to paint him as someone who doesn’t belong with the rest of the team, an outcast (which is just bullshit considering they literally made Roy a Justice League member a few years earlier for the exact opposite reason). A little side note- one of the flashbacks in the issue is a continuation to the ending of Teen Titans: Year 1 #5, a comic which was far more enjoyable than this one, and I wish we’d gotten an actual resolution to that little storyline inside of Year 1 instead of… whatever this is. Anyway, back to #23, at the end of the issue there is one little scene wherein we see Wally and Roy actually getting along in a flashback, and it’s when Lian’s introduced. Which, if you remember what’s just happened at that point in time and what’s going to happen in the Rise of Arsenal arc… yeah, you can see why they wanna push the narrative that Roy’s friends only liked him after Lian was born, particularly Wally.
So! Lets’s rewind back to the 60s and see Roy and Wally’s relationship pre-retcon, both pre and post Snowbirds.
Roy and Wally’s first interactions in the original Teen Titans series were generally pretty positive! Particularly when Roy was a “guest star” instead of an official member, Wally expressed a lot of respect for him and genuinely enjoyed working with him
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The main problem with their relationship came from, as most problems do, a love triangle. In all honesty, the Roy Donna Wally love triangle is one of my least favourite Titans things- it’s just kinda unnecessary. However, at least in most instances, in the original Teen Titans run this triangle wasn’t particularly aggressive- in fact, the most aggressive Roy ever got over Donna was actually with Hawk, not Wally. Titans (2008) definitely played it up a lot more than it ever was previously, especially on Wally’s end. But the love triangle was definitely more of a Big Issue between them than Roy’s addiction- when Roy returns to the Titans post-Snowbirds, Wally’s concerns have nothing to do with his addiction but more on “0h great, Roy’s back so I don’t get a shot with Donna”
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Generally speaking, Wally and Roy do have a pretty close relationship most of the time, especially when they reach adulthood. The only instance that comes to mind immediately where Wally talks about Roy’s drug addiction prior to pre-Rise era is in Teen Titans (1996) #13, and even that is not particularly negative and also not spoken aloud (though there may be more I haven’t considered)
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And even in the Gargoyle issues of Titans 1999 where tensions are at an all time high, Wally’s the Titan Roy has the least significant issues with- going just off of memory the only real “conflict” between them was Wally’s single remark of “he’s not even an original member” and the very brief revival of the Roy-Donna-Wally love triangle for a panel.
I might be forgetting some things (to be perfectly honest, of all of Roy’s Fab Five relationships Wally is the one I think about the least), but generally speaking all the conflict between Roy and Wally surrounding Roy’s addiction was fabricated in Titans 2008. Why Wally? Not sure. But yeah, they’re buddies :)
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that-sea-sponge · 1 year ago
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Don't Read My Mind
I'm having some thoughts about this panel. This one line in particular. It comes from Titans(2016) - #19. The Titans were trying to help Donna and shit went sideways so the Justice League shows up to shut them down. Wally's power is fritzy and Donna's not herself at the moment. Batman has started to question Dick's leadership in front of the entire team and Dick walks away. Then there is this throw away line from Batman "Don't Read My Mind".
Why not, Batman? What would she find out about you that you don't want Dick to know? First of all, isn't it already established that Batman can block mind reading efforts - unless he's super distressed. Context clues want the reader to think that this is Batman being Batman, but it's something else entirely.
He's afraid. He's worried that this is the time he's pushed too far. He's here insisting that Dick shut down the Titans, the ONE thing that Dick has put passion into beyond his own career. One of the major, original sources of conflict between the two of them was Robin choosing the Titans over Batman, in Bruce's mind at least. He could lose Dick, again, over this. Nightwing doesn't walk away when Batman is speaking. Nightwing stops when Batman calls to him. Dick isn't being the good soldier this time.
Truthfully, Batman knows that while Dick's team dropped the ball optically, they did the right thing by helping a friend and that the Justice League would've made the same calls. No one would have dared call them on it, either, despite the genuine risk to the greater population. He can't say that. What he can say is, what he says on the next page. It's hard to run a team of demi-gods. Optics are important, results be damned. Dick soon asks "Have I disappointed you?" and Batman says nothing. In Dick's mind, he's despairing. He failed Bruce again. He failed his team, he failed in front of his heroes. He isn't good enough to do what he does at the scale that he wants to do it on - the Titans will never be good enough. He failed everyone. Again.
Batman isn't disappointed. Batman is glad Dick stopped to listen to him just one more time. Batman is glad Dick heard what he was saying, but more glad that Dick stopped. This time, he stopped walking away. He didn't disappear off the face of the Earth to re-emerge as someone else. Batman doesn't want the mind reader to tell Dick the truth: He's terrified that Dick will leave him again. Dick is in the right here, even if he took some chances. His team was in the right.
Trouble is, Dick has to be better than right. Nightwing has to do it cleaner than anyone else. He has to be more transparent than anyone. Someone is going to have to be able to call the League on their bullshit. That will be Nightwing, but first he's got to do it by the book every time, feelings and loyalty be damned. In Bruce's mind, the very first loyalty damned will be Nightwing's loyalty to Batman. Someday. He'll push too far and Dick will use the ethics / standards Bruce impressed on him since he was eight and disappear forever. Just not today, it seems. Look at the art for a second. Bruce and Dick only see each other obscured by shadows. Really their logos, their professional identities, are the only thing they see of each other at this point. Nightwing is turned, storming away from Batman. It isn't until Batman calls Nightwing by his real name that they start to see each other. Now it's Bruce and Dick in the light. If that is not symbolic of a whole hell of a lot between them and their personalities, I don't know what is.
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devine-fem · 1 year ago
See, I really don’t like the friendship conflict amongst TT fans. The “who’s Dick’s best friend” debate is really tiring, there is no actual right answer. Dick and Donna are super close, he loves that woman to death. Roy and Dick are also super close. He considered Wally his best friend and he had a soft spot for Garth.
They all eventually grew apart from each other. That’s what happens with teams like this; they will always grow apart.
Each of them interchangeably also had deep conections with one another, Donna loved Roy and Garth once. Wally loves them all and so does Garth and even the sum of them that are not close still found a middle ground in being friends.
I don’t why there has to be like… conflict… they all loved each other…?
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pluckyredhead · 1 year ago
so what did you not like about worlds finest teen titans? There were a lot of dropped plot threads and bits I expected Waid to develop more (Roy and Ollie conflict, Roy, Garth and Wally never resolved their sleepover argument, Karen's reaction at the con to nearly being unmasked, Wally's parents, ect) and also the queerbaiting with garth (and his eyes changing colour halfway through???) was annoying. I thought it was cute overall but maybe I'm not familiar enough with some of the characters?
I held on to this ask because I was going to reread the miniseries to answer you more accurately, and then I decided to not put myself through that, so...hopefully my memory is accurate lol.
(I should note before I get into it that none of my quibbles are with Emanuela Lupacchino's art. She's a treasure and we're thrilled that she's here.)
But yeah, you've put the nail on the head with a lot of it. It was just terribly paced, like Waid didn't know how many issues he had or something. Aside from all the dropped threads you mentioned, it felt like the main bad guys were...pretty much hastily introduced, or at least assembled, in #5? There didn't seem to be any kind of...well, point to this miniseries. There was no theme. There was nothing Waid was trying to say, as far as I could tell, except "Fuck Roy Harper." (Oh, we'll get to that.) It wasn't an origin story for the team. It wasn't about adolescence or coming of age or learning who you are, except maybe a little bit for Garth. It was just...there.
And I want to be clear here: Mark Waid is one of my favorite comic book writers of all time. When he hits, he hits. The regular World's Finest book and his Shazam are wonderful. I just think this wasn't the right match of writer/characters, because he didn't handle these very well. Taking them one by one:
Dick: DC is fully in their "Dick the unbearable Mary Sue" era and this book is no exception. If I never see another comic where a whole team of experienced superheroes with major league powers and training stands around like incompetent jackasses until a Bat comes along and tells them what to do, it'll be too soon. I'm here to read about an ensemble book where everyone is a three-dimensional character, not The World's Most Perfect Boy and his loser sidekicks. Not only is it unfair to everyone else in the cast, it's doing a disservice to Dick, who is a much more interesting character than this book (or Tom Taylor, ahem) gives him credit for.
(There's also something very weird and inconsistent Waid is doing across his books with Dick - WF, WFTT, and BvR - where sometimes he's throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get to be a circus star with everyone looking at him all the time, and sometimes he's screaming at Roy for filming them, and both feel utterly arbitrary to me as well as contradictory.)
Donna: Donna's characterization in this was just...bizarre. I was a little worried about how Waid would handle her, since he has a tendency to turn more quote unquote "wholesome" female characters into the Mom Friend (see: his Champions run, where he tries to get away with it by having Kamala announce that she's not going to be the Mom Friend because she's the only girl on the team...and then immediately becoming the Mom Friend), and Donna's already very much a Mom Friend, and I didn't know what Mom Friend Squared would look like. But instead he went for this...Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl approach? Where she's really into bungee jumping and monster trucks? I'm not offended by it, it's just so utterly random. This isn't who Donna is? It's never been who she is? Baffling.
I am offended (I mean, mildly, but still) by the fact that she and Garth are shoehorned together in this. He's the only boy on the team she's never been romantically linked to, even in dreams/hallucinations/whatever, so completing the set feels very much like Donna's only narrative worth is in being a love interest, which...gross.
Garth: Garth probably got the best treatment of the bunch, to be honest. He was in character as the shy little weirdo he was in the Silver Age and in pretty much every flashback we've ever seen. He's smart and perceptive and bad at saying what he wants and generous towards those who have hurt him, all of which is very Garth. I have no complaints about him except the weird queerbaiting, and I'm not blaming Waid for that because from what I understand, solicits are written by editorial working off of a pitch, potentially before the comic is even written, so who knows what happened there? It might have been a stupid joke that didn't land, it might have been a story that was pitched and then a higher up vetoed it, it might have been a story Waid was going to write and then changed his mind. I'm not going to say it's his fault when I have no idea if that's true. Otherwise, I think he handled Garth well.
Wally: Wally was another one where I was just like ??? the whole time. He didn't feel like Wally, he felt like Bart. But, like, fanon's innocent child version of Bart and not the actual canon character, who has a lot more backbone. Why is he hero worshipping Dick like that? Why is he so docile? What was up with that weird line where Dick's like "you're the youngest?" Yes, historically Dick had already dropped out of college while Wally was still in high school, but otherwise they've always been portrayed as the same age. And if it's a reference to debut year, Donna's the youngest. It's such a random throwaway line dumped in at the very end for...why? Confusing me personally?
The worst, though, was whatever the hell was going on with Wally's parents. Wally's parents are not an idyllic suburban couple! They are not the Kents! Rudy West is only not classified as a supervillain because he doesn't have a costume! Even if he hadn't tried to kill Mary, sold the Earth out to alien robots, faked his own death, or run a deadly labor camp for children at this point in the timeline, he definitely hit Wally and, uh, poisoned Wally's Little League coach. I don't think Mary is as bad as some of fandom does, but she's certainly a difficult person. Wally was desperately unhappy at home as a child, which is why he latched on so hard to Barry and Iris. And Waid knows this, because he wrote a lot of that canon. If it's a retcon, it's such a strange, pointless one that makes all of them a lot less interesting. Just baffling.
Karen: I think it was a very smart choice to add Karen to the founding roster and make the team slightly more gender-balanced and not all-white. It's kind of a wasted choice, though, when she's so aggressively sidelined. All she does in this book is hang around with Mal and the support staff. She isn't looped into any of the major emotional conflicts - Garth and Donna, Dick and Roy, Roy and Wally and Garth. She's not treated as a headliner in the same way the others are, and that really sucks.
Roy: Hoo boy.
When Waid was announced as the writer of Batman vs. Robin, I was worried, because I had a feeling he didn't like Damian. I couldn't put my finger on why, it was just a feeling I had. And boy howdy, was I proved right! Damian is treated like shit in that book.
I had the same feeling with this book and Roy, and...let's just say I'm two for two, okay?
Here's the thing. I'm okay with Roy being written as kind of shitty, especially during his period of his life. Teen Titans: Year One writes him as an utter fuckboy, and I love that comic. The Mal and Karen issue of The Other History of the DC Universe retells the Bronze Age Titans era from their perspective, and it pulls absolutely no punches regarding Roy being, well, kind of an asshole...and it's right to do so, because it's drawing very directly from those 1970s comics, and he was often awful in those.
But Waid writes him as a generic 80s movie villain. He's a human popped collar. He's a stereotype of a bully. My problem isn't that I need him to never do anything wrong, it's that nothing in this book is specific to Roy, his history, or his established personality.
For instance, all of his bragging about how much money he has? He comes off like a kid who was born into wealth and has never known anything else, but that isn't true. He was at best middle class before Ollie, probably more likely working class given the economic situation on most reservations - but there's no indication that he's responding specifically to that shift in circumstances. He's just, like, Draco Malfoy with arrows. Also, Dick has a nearly identical history but none of the same issues. He even says "Roy and I have the same background but he sucks." Why is one of them a perfect angel untouched by filthy lucre, and the other is Bradley Uppercrust III?
And then there's the subplot with Ollie neglecting Roy, which fizzled out to a real wet fart of a resolution. But honestly, at no point did I know where Waid was going with that, because...well, if you know Roy's history, you know Ollie neglecting him is what leads directly to Roy getting into drugs. And like...first of all, the timeline here is off, because historically Ollie didn't ditch Roy until after he lost his money, and he still has it here. (How interesting would it have been to have Roy pretending he was still rich in addition to pretending Ollie was around?) But also, this comic ends on an "and now everything is fine!" note, but it isn't! It really, really isn't. So Ollie showing up at the end and being like "I'm here for you, buddy" doesn't ring true, because he is demonstrably not in this very comic, and we also know he won't be in the future. And Roy getting what he wants doesn't feel like a satisfying resolution either because we don't actually get to see changed behavior from him, and again, we know this won't last. (Again, TT:YO handles this dynamic very well, where we see that Ollie is an affectionate but negligent guardian who Roy is learning some very bad habits from.)
And to top it off, constantly contrasting Terrible Roy to Virtuous Dick and simultaneously pretending that Ollie was at this point a responsible guardian has the (I hope unintentional) effect of implying that Roy will eventually become an addict because he's just a bad and weak person, instead of a struggling teen who needed support and didn't get it. I would have actually preferred a story that hinted at the beginning of Roy's addiction and how he hides it from the Titans, because we've never had that story told in comics, but I don't think Waid's the one to write it. Instead we get a conflict that's out of character for Roy, a resolution that doesn't feel at all earned, and the looming threat of Roy's immediate future which Waid refuses to address.
In conclusion, this book was a mess, and you should all read Teen Titans: Year One instead.
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 months ago
What do you think about the fab five polycule
(Dick x donna x wally x garth x roy)
i'll be SO honest i wish i had like. insightful interesting opinions on them but i've always been a Young Justice kid and sort of. breezed past consuming Fab Five Teen Titans content-
but of what i *do* know, from the few comics i've read with these characters is this is one of the best ships for Dick, honestly. it always deeply annoys me when fanon content breezes past the Titans as if they're just some distant teammates and not some of Dick's closest friends, if not a second family. *especially* the Fab Five. for most, if not all of them, it's the first time getting to actually connect with other teen heroes. so there's something fun about how sort of terrible they are at it, at first. they all care about each other a lot. but they're kind of chucked into the deep figuring out how to work with each other and get along with *very* different personalities, so it's fun to see where the conflict comes.
as a ship, i do really love it. the Titans are a family. like we call a lot of teams found families, but for the Fab Five, that shit is the truest. they depend on each other and trust each other. when Dick and Bruce are on outs and Bruce fires him, he goes to the Titans.
i also enjoy how, to an extent, all of them are outsiders of some kind. Donna is alone in a new world she's never experienced, the same as Garth. Roy is still new and awkward to living the rich life with Oliver. Wally doesn't connect to his parents well. and of course, Dick has lost his parents and only has Bruce, who isn't the most emotionally available. of course they're going to cling to each other, as the first people they can really develop connections too. they're very clingy with each other and i think that's both cute and *fun* to explore like, codependency issues with them. how protective they can be of each other, how they default to trusting each other over their mentors, etc. it's all very interesting for a polycule, especially since for most of them, it's their first real relationship. i'm a big fan of "none of us know what dating looks like bc we've had such strange childhoods so we don't understand the Rules very well. we're all just going to date each other bc why would i date only one of you. do teamups count as dates now." vibes with teenage polycules. and the Fab Five just. have that on lock. they each fulfill a different "niche" in the group. Garth is the softer, more emotional one you can go to if you're upset. Donna is the one for planning bright fun trips and making sure you don't wallow. Roy is protective and can pretend to be suave, but he shows affection through gift giving and grand gestures where words fail him. Wally can cheer any of them up with jokes and distractions. and of course Dick is the logical one who makes sure they all keep their heads on and don't drown in the responsibility.
overall i think it's a really cute ship and i do wish i just. knew more about them to be able to write them/read fic of it because i do love their dynamic. and i'm just a firm believer in the Titans being Dick's family, just as important to him as the Batfam. they're a disaster and for that you gotta love them.
#necrotic answerings#fab five#ty for asking!!#i love getting asks liek this even if on things i don't know a ton about#i think the only real comics i've read of the fab five are world's finest: teen titans and teen titans: year one#and some of the silver age stuff but only ever for the plot not for those characters specifically#so like. i know enough to vaguely understand the characters#but i did have to approach it from the perspective of dick bc obviously i know him the best#i am interested in reading more about garth. he's a little cutie. i love him.#he seems very easy to whump. you could do a lot of dead dove things to that boy.#also this is darker in concept#but i find the way bruce dislikes the titans and dick working with them pretty fascinating#bc the reasonable answer is it's the first time dick is operating outside of bruce and it just gives bruce anxiety#but the *fun* answer is: brudick vs fab five polycule#where bruce is hyper possessive of dick developing other potentially romantic bonds#or just bonds in general#so he tries to come in between it#if i ever wrote a fab five polycule fic#that's the route i would take personally. very dark controlling brudick with the titans slowly taking notice and growing more concerned#otherwise tho i leave this ship to be written by ppl who understand them more#bc i know next to nothing about a lot of them#dick and roy i understand#garth i'm interested in#couldn't tell you much about wally or donna tho#and i prefer wally as flash when i do read him. bc he's a disaster man.#i really haven't read much titans content in general i fear#i've read some new teen titans for like. slade content and whatnot#and some of the 2003 run but besides that. i was always on the yj side of the fence#that said i will say *as* a core four truther#the fab five are *always* going to be closer as a team than the core four.
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covertblizzard · 10 months ago
It is fascinating to me that for every new (main) titan that comes in (other than Karen but that was so short there really wasn't time to develop conflict but she literally starts out by fighting them so...), there is always some tension and someone who doesn't get along.
Lilith: Donna especially but Donna and Wally didn't really trust her at the beginning and doubted her quite a bit (as opposed to Dick who seemed to trust her quite quickly)
Mal: Minor tensions and tiffs with Dick and Roy (as opposed to Wally and Donna both of whom adored Mal almost instantly, Lilith too seemed to like him a lot)
Duela: Roy primarily, but also Wally didn't trust her
It's also fascinating to me that Dick seems to be the one that tend to trust "psychics" more in general (both Lilith and later Duela who is really only psychic for Two-Face I think which is silly but I digress).
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chaaistained · 2 months ago
🦌 & 🐇 for the fantasy ask game !!
tysm for the ask !! i already answered for 🐇 ≈ here’s the link .•° but i’ll answer for 🦌 !! includes multiple drs~
🦌 : DELICATE DEER . . . what fantasy media inspired your desired reality? does your desired reality follow the same rules as it? if not what are some of the changes you've made?
my ARROWVERSE DR — clearly inspired by the arrowverse franchise of tv shows on the cw , i grew up watching the flash and fell in love with grant gustin’s interpretation of barry allen ≈ i took a lot of liberties with this dr tho, obvs bcs of the evident downfall in quality and writing on all the shows, and the fact that there were just so many plot points and details that i didn’t fuck w lmfao. i’ve essentially done a whole rewrite of the arrowverse hence why i have a fic in the works but just to give a small sample of things that i’ve changed/updated/improved (in no great detail, mind you) ;
— oliver isn’t some regurgitation of bruce wayne/batman, he actually has a bit of that ollie queen personality (taken a lot of inspo from the beautiful justin hartley and his version of ollie from smallville which is another dr i wanna script for so . stay tuned) + no olicity .. oliver x laurel/dinah all the way .. not even sorry come at me
— iris isn’t massacred as a character and i’ve scripted that she goes through proper growth and development beyond “love interest” (also obvs bcs . i’m barry’s partner ..)
— as a result of this being a dr, crossovers are more common, don’t be surprised when i drop by starling city bcs felicity borrowed my old infiltration tech and forgot to return it
— not only does the arrowverse superhero cast exist but i introduce batman and superman as well as wonder woman, green lantern, aqua man, essentially creating a proper justice league like they tried to do before covid but i also include young justice, for the younger heroes like roy and thea, wally, jesse, and eventually dick, donna, artemis, kaldur - letting them have their own place and their own missions
for my MARAUDERS DR — it’s obvs based off of the harry potter franchise and the wizarding world, a HUGE part of my childhood and regardless of the controversies behind the creator (who i do not agree w obvs) i just cannot seem to let go of this franchise emotionally, it means too much to me . again, a lot of liberties were taken when scripting this but the marauders fandom seems familiar with taking liberties in their lore
— dumbledore wasn’t a total fool and actually stopped tom riddle before he became a global threat (meaning the main “conflict” of my dr - aside from the usual hubbub of school work and stress abt exams - is a mystery that i’m currently cooking up and brewing in my mental cauldron so be ready for the upcoming bottled potion)
— there’s multiple wizarding universities and schooling/education doesn’t simply end after 7th year, there’s apprenticeships, part time work, internships, and full time unis and colleges, travelling during post-schooling is encouraged as well so that witches and wizards can get a more advanced and enhanced understanding of magic as an extension of our soul and our being rather than just this tool that we harness, we learn the nuances of magic and wizardry through the eyes of different cultures and places
— hogsmeade has been upgraded, more shops and stalls and restaurants and there are specific stores and services offered that are catered towards hogwarts students, there’s just more . like, in general, and i’ve added other locations to the areas around hogwarts like a muggle village and a forest that interweaves between the field behind the shrieking shack and the road that leads to said muggle village, certain landmarks like a lake on the outskirts of hogsmeade, an abandoned water fountain that never spouts water no matter how much magic is used to fix it (there’s a story behind this) so yeah, just more
— i fix the relationship between sirius and regulus much sooner and given the lack of riddle and death eaters, the black family’s sick and twisted obsession with blood supremacy ends with this generation, from bella all the way to regulus, it ends here
[ask game link]
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gemini-care-barr · 1 year ago
⚠️ Spoilers for World’s Finest: Teen Titans #5 ⚠️
On the subject of team books and friendships/teams in superhero comics in general…
So, I just read the latest issue (#5) of Mark Waid and Emanuela Lupacchino’s World’s Finest: Teen Titans series and I gotta say it has made me realize what I’ve been missing for a while in comics:
I. need. more. STRIFE!!!
I need more characters fighting and tearing into each other in the meanest ways! And NOT because they hate each other or are on opposite ends of the good/evil spectrum, but because people fight! They disagree! They get frustrated and they take it out on the people around them! And then when the pain of changing FINALLY becomes outweighed by the pain of staying the same: people GROW. They become better. They see how the ways that they were acting and the things they were thinking were tearing them apart and they come together against and despite that strife. And no, that doesn’t make things perfect, there will (and should) still be inner conflict and butting of heads, but that only guarantees more change and more growth because no one is constant and no one should be. The only constants are change, and, with a good team, each other.
And by God, this issue, and this series really, has shown that perfectly. Over the past few issues, we’ve seen the perfect dynamics of the team getting ever so slowly chipped away. Starting with Roy very understandably getting mad at Dick for not sharing his secret identity with the team which was promptly “fixed” in a way that we all knew wouldn’t last. Then we’ve seen Garth and Donna’s relationship on the rocks almost from the get-go because unfortunately shared circumstances just isn’t always enough for two people to base an entire relationship on when their similarities and compatibility basically stop there. We also have Karen bringing in a new guy and not really having too many close relationships with the already established team. And finally, we have Roy’s personal struggles with his father figure being aired out and almost ridiculed by the other kids who just don’t know how to help him. Oh, and of course we also have Wally who comes from an almost perfect superhero sidekick background (special thanks to my guy, Barry Allen, no doubt 😜) which unfortunately makes him a little too loving and lighthearted in the eyes of some of the team and is also seemingly pretty unequipped for dealing with their levels of dysfunction (can we really blame him? No, we can’t, and we really shouldn’t, he’s literally the most functional member of the team outside of maybe some of his judgement of Roy). And all these problems have (inevitably) finally resulted in a lot of in-fighting. In-fighting that has now utterly crippled them, but hopefully not for long as the final page shows Dick’s willingness to change when he goes against Bruce’s rules of secrecy and finally reveals his true identity to the team. I’m hoping this means that they’ll set aside their differences and start working as a team again, rallied around their now unmasked-to-them leader, but I have a feeling that waiting so long to finally reveal himself to the team may carry some consequences of its own for Dick.
Regardless, I’m excited to see some more deliciously grounded, well-written, and much-needed personal conflict in comics again. Not to artificially further a plot or build fluff drama, but to evolve characters and relationships alike.
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autisticcassandracain · 1 year ago
Everyone's crimes:
Raven: busy going evil and/or being dead 80% of the time, annoying and pretty fucked up will-they-won't-they with Wally that makes neither of them look good.
Dick Grayson: the writers' specialest little boy who needs to be the smartest person in the room always, has the narrative bend over backwards for him constantly to the point where he gets a brainwashing arc that means you could argue nothing bad he did has ever been his fault since like, issue 26 or something.
Donna Troy: got married to Marv Wolfman's self-insert, little miss perfect.
Garfield Logan: group sexual harrasser and self-described chauvenist pig, won't stop complaining about his trauma and daddy issues (and yeah they're pretty bad but in the immortal words of Donna Troy 'that's not exactly unique in this group'), depressed funny guy except he's not funny 98% of the time.
Victor Stone: won't stop complaining about his trauma and daddy issues 2 electric boogaloo (again they're bad again that's not exactly unique in this group and also there's only so many times you can have the same character conflict before it gets annoying).
Koriand'r: idk I guess she's annoyingly clingy towards Dick but if a female character is stuck in an annoying relationship you should always blame the guy, it is always morally correct. She's written by a guy and Dick's that guy's specialest little boy, of course she's shafted. She's done nothing wrong ever in her life no I am not biased do not look at my icon —
Wally West: self-described conservative, primary character trait is not wanting to be here and complaining incessantly about it, see above point about blaming the guy in reference to his relationship with Raven.
Joey Wilson: honestly I have no clue why you'd find Joey annoying. He's too nice? Got no-homo'd too hard before they changed their minds and made him canon queer twice? Had a badly written villain arc bc the writers didn't know what to do with him? Idk. His worst crime is being attached to Deathstroke who IS annoying. Annoying by association.
Kole Weathers: introduced to die and it shows, if you thought Kori was clingy wait until you meet Kole's pathologically clingy ass. That said if I'm honest she's mostly here so I can justify putting Danny Chase on the list as well.
Danny Chase: fourteen years old but he thinks he's the smartest most capable person in the room and he's not even right. The narrative desperately wants you to think he's cool but he's just kinda not. Worst part here is that since I'm literally ten years older than him l can't even be bothered by him bc if I am that makes ME the loser. Damian Wayne did the annoying arrogant over-competent kid schtick better (source: me and my bias).
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nightwingcouldyounot · 3 months ago
Tales of the Titans
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Do you want to read stand-alone stories focusing on four of the Titans? Read this.
My favorite by far is the Starfire one - it was nice to see a return to her roots and her original conflict instead of just being Born Sexy Yesturday. My least favourite is the Beast Boy one - but to be fair I prefer Beast Boy as a side character generally.
I do find it interesting that Cyborg, Nightwing and Wally didn't get one (also Roy but he's not mentioned as a Titan in this at all).
The Donna and Beast Boy ones are definitively not helped with how much they are connected to other things happening in the general comic timeline. As such they don't really feel like a stand-alone character exploration and instead feel like an issue from another comic run that's been put here instead.
I also wish they all had of gone deeper. Honestly I would have been happy for a 100 page story on each character instead of 30 just because it would allow greater explorations of their past and how they have gotten to where they are currently. But that might just be the covers giving me the wrong expectations for them.
They're definitively not bad by any means just are very surface level. Which again feels a bit awkward when they're are only 4 issues with one on each character instead of forming part of a longer running series.
Should you read it? If you enjoy the Titans characters it's worth checking out but it's not something standout or amazing.
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ao3feed-sladedick · 2 months ago
Bat Shaped Problems
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CDQb3dr by ribbitfrog Roy should have expected this, really. Sooner or later his friendship with Dick and his friendship with Jason were going to come in conflict with each other, creating an epic spiral of BatDramaTM around him, but did it have to be about this, really? Of all Dick's hookups, he had to go back to him? Words: 4802, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Roy Harper, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Rose Wilson, Donna Troy, Wally West Relationships: Dick Grayson & Roy Harper, Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Friendship, the awkward reality of being friends with siblings, friends and their terrible hookup choices, vague canon, Slade is Sir Not Appearing in This Fic read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CDQb3dr
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toulousewayne · 2 years ago
Titans Forever
This is a concept for a live-action Teen Titans film that could be adapted for theatrical release.This film would be in the same universe as other DC projects, I’ve been developing on here.
Synopsis:The Teen Titans get help from members of the original Titans to help them with their most sinister and dark threat ever.
Runtime: 3 Hour 5 Minutes
Release: April 5,2030
Main Cast:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing…..Josh Heuston
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Koriand'r/Starfire…….Halle Bailey
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Rachel Roth/Raven……. Avantika Vandanapu
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Garfield Logan/Beast Boy……Malachi Barton
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Victor Stone/ Cyborg…….. John Boyega
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Donna Troy/Troia…………Samantha Logan
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Wally West/Flash……….Colin Ford
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Sebastian “Brother” Blood………Alex Høgh Andersen
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Mother Mayhem…….. Helena Bonham Carter
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Trigon………….Jason Isaacs
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Trigon taunts Raven as he destroys the world and friends. Raven wakes up from the dream and realizes Trigon is gonna enter the world soon.
Raven attempts to hide the truth about why she’s so against celebrating her birthday.
The Titans respond to a attack in San Francisco Stadium, only to be attacked by mindless controlled civilians.
Mother Mayhem ascends from darkness and tells a shadowy figure that Trigon’s ascent is near and they must bring the Heretic,”For she is the key to your Father return.”
Back at Titans Tower, the team regroup and think about their next plan of attack. Raven leaves abruptly, causing Kory to check on her while Dick and Victor investigate some of the footage from their fight.
Raven has a battle in her mind with Trigon and he tells her she must open the portal to Earth. Kory enters her room and snaps her out of it and it’s then Raven reveals what’s wrong.
Raven tells her she can handle on her own but she needs Kory to trust her and not tell the others.
Conflicted Kory agrees for now not to say anything.
The next day is Raven’s 18th birthday, and Trigon’s pill is growing stronger.
Gar and Kory spent most the morning decorating the living area and make Raven breakfast.
Dick senses somethings not right and asks Kory about it to which she doesn’t outright tell him but alludes to something with Raven.
Victor and Gar play video games ask Raven reluctantly joins them, to their surprise.
Dick goes to the Hospital as Nightwing to look at some of the attackers to find them without any memory of the incident.
Brother Blood attacks Titans Tower with blood demons and demands Raven come with him.
Starfire tells the Titans to attack Brother Blood and keep him away from Raven.
Nightwing returns to find the Tower broken into, Titans defeated and Raven missing.
Kory finally tells them that Raven had a dream or something like a convolution and kept muttering Trigon.
Raven awakes in the Church of Blood’s Lair and meets Brother Blood. He tells her how once the moon is full she will be the key to his rise to power. To which Raven scorns him for believing any Trigon or Mayhem told him.
Dick calls for help and Donna Troy and Wally West (Flash) arrive to help find Raven.
Cyborg tracks Raven’s communicator to somewhere south of Titans Tower.
Donna and Starfire investigate an apartment complex in that area, where police scanners report figures in red cloaks and gold demon masks, Cyborg and Beast Boy follow Raven’s tracker to an old factory, and Nightwing and Flash follow on intel about Sebastian Blood’s connection to Raven.
Mother Mayhem prepares the great room and has Brother Blood rejuvenate in blood to prepare for the recital.
Meanwhile Starfire and Donna Troy are lured into a trap and are fighting waves of Blood Demons.
Cyborg and Beast Boy are put up against demons that are made to look like the other Titans.
Nightwing and Flash deduce Blood’s identity and figure out that his “Mother” worked at an old church on the outskirts of town and call the other Titans to the location.
Raven is brought to the Grand Room where she asks Sebastian to stop and think about the Evil he’s about to unleash. He tells her she had her chance and he’s not going to be stopped.
Nightwing and Flash arrive and enter the tiny abandoned church until they find the hidden passage into the basements.
Mother Mayhem calls for the Followers of Trigon to welcome him into this world, and cleanse it of Man’s corruption.
Nightwing and Flash crash the ceremony and Nightwing head straight for Brother Blood.
Raven uses this time to try and break from her bends but they are hexed.
Flash takes out the normal masked followers but demons, and blood monsters are summoned by Mother and he ask to act fast.
The Full Moon is in full view of the skyline and Mother demands Sebastian to let her handle these issues. She strikes Nightwing who was dodging Brother Blood’s blood blast. She tells him that he’s a fool to think he can stop what’s coming next.
Starfire burst through the wall with the other Titans and she attack Mother knocking her away from Nightwing.
BB and Donna Troy assist Flash with the Demons, Cyborg gets to Raven and tries to help free her.
Starfire and Mother Mayhem engage in a fight with Mayhem’s powers being matched with Starfire’s.
Nightwing get to his fight in time to stop Brother Blood from killing Cyborg.
Mother Mayhem sends Starfire through a drywall and grabs Raven she picks up the Demon Blade and demands Brother blood stab Raven and allow her blood to flow onto the rock and open the portal.
Nightwing and Cyborg attempt to stop him but Mother Mayhem’s powers keep them in place.
Brother Blood tells Raven it’s nothing personal and is close to stabbing her, Starfire is able to get up and blast her power at the alter, causing Sebastian to stab Mother instead in the chest in place of Raven.
Horrified about he’s done he cries out for her has she bleeds onto the alter and her blood flows into the pool.
Nightwing grabs Raven and tells Starfire to get them and Cyborg away from there. She grabs them and flies outside where Flash, Donna Troy, and Beast Boy are waiting.
Blood now enraged recites the spell as Mayhem’s body vanished to ash and opens the portal and Trigon’s voice bombs through out the temple.
The Titans are able to regroup at the Tower, allowing them team to ask Raven who’s Trigon and what does she have to do with this.
Raven tells them her origins and the truth about her powers and father.
The sky turns red and earthquakes are felt throughout the city. Starfire tells them that something is happen downtown and emerges Trigon.
Raven tells them she’s the only one who can stop him and tells them she can’t allow them to be slaughtered because of her.
Nightwing tells her they’re not just a team, but a family and they’re going either way.
The Titans arrive and city hall where Trigon has risen, but Brother Blood returns with amplified powers and wants blood for Mayhem’s demise.
Donna Troy, Cyborg, and Flash go after Blood. Nightwing, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire battle through Trigon’s demon army.
Raven realizes she cannot defeat Trigon with battling him with rage, she uses her power and transforms into White Raven and defeats her father.
Without Trigon’s powers the Titans are able to finally stop Brother Blood.
Raven thanks the Titans, and the agree to always work together no matter how evil or strong the Titans will always stick together.
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