#Wai Yin-hung
cultfaction · 9 months
Preview: The Inspector Wears Skirts 2 (Bluray)
Hong Kong’s toughest team of fearless lady cops are back on the beat! These female furies are forced to take on both their male counterparts in a battle of the sexes and a team of foreign mercenaries. Action legend Jackie Chan’s lethal ladies include Shaw Brothers icon Wai Yin-hung (‘My Young Auntie’), Sibelle Hu (‘Fong Sai Yuk’) and the bodacious Amy Yip (‘Robotrix’). The film’s stunning action…
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panicinthestudio · 1 year
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gghostwriter · 20 days
Knots of Yearning
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Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer lies by omission or in which Spencer acts like he doesn’t know how to tie a tie just to get you to do it for him Trope: Yearning/Angst; think season 1 Spencer Reid w.c: 1.3k a/n: when i thought of this idea, i was thinking it would be some cute light hearted fluff but when i started writing it, it became angst, filled with pining and tension so I dunno what happened but i finished writing it and thought it would be a waste not to post my rambly written fic. I might write a part 2 for this just to close it out to a happy ending. Let me know if that would interest you. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗
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Two halves of a whole, the perfect pairing and yin & yang. Those were just some monikers that Spencer Reid had heard describing his partnership with you that started during the academy. He, being a genius in all things academic and psychological but severely lacking in the physical and combat department. You, on the other hand, filled those gaps—acing all physicals and being well known for being a shy but killer shot. Not to say you were lacking in the other categories, no, you came only second during written exams. 
So it came as a no surprise when graduation came and you both were cherry picked to join the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Spencer being chosen by SSA Jason Gideon and you being selected by Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. 
The two geniuses of the BAU and the apprentices were added to the roster of nicknames.
Ever since then, he had traded in his standard issued trainee uniform to a button down and a matching tie—a tie that he badly struggles with or so Spencer made you believe. He didn’t mean to lie at first—didn’t mean it to go this far but by the time he felt the need to tell the truth, it had been too late. Each moment you’ve spent close to his space, invading it really, had become the highlight of his days and fuel for his nights. 
He often wondered if you catalogued his reaction just like how he did yours. Did you notice his staccato breathing just like how he noticed your subtle inhalation of his perfume? What about the reddening of his cheeks and neck in contrast to your trembling fingers? Or how about his eyes that convey his utter devotion as yours focus on any exposed skin in between his tie and collar? 
It seemed like a dance between him and you, to see how the other reacts and to figure out who would cave under the mounting attraction that had been building since the first ‘hello.’ 
With his choice of tie for the day hanging loosely on his neck, you would shyly smile and as if spellbound, he would shuffle to your orbit in silent plea for help that he needed.
Each glide of your finger made his encompassing thoughts about the mundane stutter into a halt. How his mind would then bombard itself with questions as to how the universe created such perfection. Each loop of your hand became vivid imagery of his own nimble fingers caressing your palm and all its engraved lines as if they contain the maps to all hidden mysteries of the world. And each tug to secure the knot transformed into a loud beating of his chest, encased within it’s cavity, with chants of waxing prose on how your very being, mind, body, and soul, call to his in a way that even his expansive vernacular could never explain. 
But no matter how much he wished for time to slow down for these intimate moments to last, it never did comply. So here he stayed, lying by omission—yearning for you to notice him, memorize him, and end his pining for the woman who seemed too unattainable for his clumsy, stuttering self.
 You accepted the lie well. Maybe too well.
The first time a blue striped flimsy piece of accessory hung around his neck, a sudden burst of courage took over, bringing you to a stop in front of his lithe, towering body and hands reaching up to whisper caresses on the silk to mold it into a secure neck tie that centered itself on his reddening neck—the color matching the one that bloomed on your cheeks as you realized what you’ve done. 
Your mind had rationalized someone as smart as he knew how to fix a tie but your body had moved on it’s own, having have spotted a once in a lifetime chance to invade his well protected space—the same way he had invaded your mind in every waking and sleeping moment.
That same chance turned into a routine. A blessing that you had come to look forward to, your steps having a bounce in them as you enter the bull pen and spotting a different pattern tie hanging undone on his neck every work day.
You knew, with no backing evidence that Spencer has to be doing it on purpose but didn’t want to spiral much into thought as to why he would leave that intimate action up to you.
Did he take note of every reaction you had to his presence the same way you did? The slight rocking on your heels as he inhaled your carefully chosen perfume? The biting of your lip as you felt his honey dripping eyes on your face? If he felt the same, you wondered why nothing has been done and if you had another burst of courage, would you have acted upon the tension? 
Maybe. Maybe not.
Maybe that was why you settled for accepting his poorly crafted lie of not knowing how to tie a necktie. 
It wasn’t really a lie if the other party knew the truth, right? Or was it a double lie now that silence has stacked between you and him? 
If you were being slightly honest with yourself, Spencer Reid had always fascinated you. Among the sea of gym built muscles during the academy, his gazelle stature has stuck out like a sore thumb and that intrigued you. How was it that a male, younger than any of his peers, that looked like he could grace a runway was in an institution that reeked sweat and masculinity? That very same question answered when you found yourself seated beside him in a profiler career talk. His intellect, that was why and although it seemed to alienate the others, not once did you feel inferior beside him. Rather, it pulled you in more. His quiet, unsure demeanor was the next to capture your attention. It was an invisible coat that he wore everywhere he went, sewn from years of bullying and ostracizing—similar to your experiences of having skipped a grade. Here was a comrade you thought and so, you silently orbited around his gravitational pull until he took notice and uttered the words ‘hello, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid’ in a low, trembling voice. 
You didn’t know when that same fascination turned into adoration. There was never a specific moment in time that you could pinpoint when it all changed. It just happened, one day you woke up and the past truth had transformed into a half truth—and the whole truth now being, you falling and yearning for a man who had a bright future in reading people’s actions but seemed too oblivious to the call of your aching heart. 
Morgan and Elle shared an exasperated look as they noted the two youngest members of the team silently flirting in the middle of the bullpen, yet again. They didn’t get how obtuse the two smartest people in the room were with their feelings for one another. 
“You think we should give them a push?” He whispered to his female partner.
Elle scrunched her face. “At this point, we might just have to confess for the other.”
And in that moment, another moniker was added to the roster. The dense lovers of the BAU, a nickname that the remaining members use only behind both the duo’s back as they become bystanders to what could be a match made in heaven. If only one would admit to the other. 
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justmeinadaze · 4 months
Yin & Yang (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This post got me feeling some kind of way🫠 .
Warnings: Older Daddy Eddie (Late 30s)/ Older Dom Mr. Harrington (Late 30s) & Younger Fem Sub Y/N (mid 20s)
SMUT, LOTS of dirty talk, male masturbation, fingering, talks of sharing (duh), slight innocence kink (if you squint; she's new to the dynamic), ANGST, reader deals with a rude customer and Eddie saves the day. A fight between Eddie and Y/N are mentioned.
Word Count: 4838
Donate to my Ko-Fi <3
Everyone always said Edward Munson was a rude, pretentious asshole. News outlets, websites, social media; everyone who met him briefly or not at all expressed a particular distain for him that you always found amusing when the topic came up. 
Visually, he did seem a bit aloof whenever the businessman did any kind of interview or was asked any kind of question. It was always a bit odd seeing a music producer get so much attention especially one who focused on the heavy metal scene but everyone who hated him also tended to agree that he was a genius at the craft. 
The bands he signed and prompted always hit high numbers on their respective charts making him and them a ton of extra money in the process. 
Anything you read or heard you skimmed past mostly because that wasn’t exactly your scene nor did you know anything when it came to what goes on the background of the music industry. Working at a coffee shop wasn’t extravagant or lucrative but it got you through till you could figure what actually was your scene and go from there. 
That’s how you met him. 
On a particularly rough shift, a man was screaming at you about an order that you supposedly got wrong as you tried to control the tears from spilling down your face. 
“How stupid are you?! It’s coffee not a fucking math equation. You just put the right liquid in the right cup and fucking hand it to me! It’s not that hard! Fucking moron.”
“Excuse me.” The man turned just as the handsome gentleman who addressed him hung up his phone and shoved it into his coat pocket. “I understand you’re a bit stressed but I’m going to have to ask you to stop harassing the young lady. It’s not her fault and she’s doing her best.”
“Pfft. Fuck off, douchebag. This doesn’t concern you.”
“It actually does because you couldn’t handle this situation in a quiet calm manner. You’re ruining everyone’s morning including mine. Now…either take the coffee she’s giving you or wait for her to make a new one patiently.”
The man’s fist flew but the gentleman moved out of the way, grabbing his wrist, and twisting it as he forced the man to kneel before him. 
“Ok. If this is the way you want to do this, that’s fine. Sweetheart…” When he addressed you, you immediately stood at attention ready to die for this man if he asked after what he had just done. “Can you hand me that cup there? Thank you.”, he praises, flashing you a small smile that makes you giddy. “Now, apologize to the young lady.”
“Ow, I’m sorry!”, the man cringes when his wrist is twisted a bit more. 
“Good. Take this coffee and get the fuck out of my sight. If I see you here again I won’t be so nice.”
Disregarding the Styrofoam in the gentleman’s hand, the rude customer quickly gets to his feet before running out of the store. Sighing, your hero places the coffee in front of you.
“Thank you…for defending me… He was being such an asshole.”
“Yeah, he was. It’s not your fault he didn’t order the correct thing. I can be an asshole myself but I know when and where to use it.” When you giggled, his beautiful eyes scan you over as if trying to get a read on you with the little information in front of him. 
“Are you, um, are you Edward?”, you ask as you slide him the coffee with the name scrawled across. 
Again, he glances you over and later on you would learn he was looking for recognition. Everyone he interacted with knew his name and who he was. You were the first person in years who seemed to regard him as just another stranger which fascinated him.
“I am but you can call me Eddie. That’s what my friends call me.”
“Oh. Um, we’re friends?”
“For now, but I’d like to be more whenever you’re open to it.”
Another smile stretched across his face when he noticed your own turn bright red as you blushed. 
“You don’t even know my name.”
Coyly, he leans his elbows on to your counter as his eyes stare at your chest. At first you feel self-conscious before you realize he’s looking at your name tag and you let out a tiny laugh to break the tension.
“I’m sorry, I just—”
“Do I make you nervous?” 
“A little.”
“Honest. I like that. How about this. I can pick you up after your shift today and we can start with dinner and go from there.”
“I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“That’s ok. I think you look perfect as is and I promise when I come get you I won’t be dressed as formal.”
“O-Ok, Eddie.”
“Good. Good girl. I’ll see you tonight.”
That evening, he showed up right as the shop was about to close and when you told him it would be a few more minutes, he nodded as he patiently waited by the front door. You occasionally snuck glances at him as he browsed his phone. True to his word, he wore jeans and sneakers with a nice white button up shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows. With how he looked this morning, you imagined for him this was dressed pretty down. While his hair was slicked back when you last saw him, now his waves seemed to have a mind of their own making him seem less intimidating and quite adorable. 
Eddie asked you so many different questions about yourself, silently listening as you both ate at the restaurant he took you to. You learned fairly quickly, while he seemed like a man of few words, his body language spoke loudly. His chocolate eyes never left yours as he hung on each and every word you spoke. When you said something he found even remotely funny, his lips would flicker into a slight smirk before returning to their proper alignment. When your drink ran low, his finger would raise and a waiter would promptly run your way with a refill and as the night progressed you found his leg leaning against yours with a little sigh escaping his chest when you didn’t shy away. 
“I feel kind of selfish. I’ve been talking about myself a lot but I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”
“Honestly, sweetheart, it’s a nice reprieve. Everyone I run into knows me and my perceived reputation so to finally meet someone who doesn’t know me is a breath of fresh air.”
“Reputation…”, you repeated the word apprehensively. 
“Um, I’m kind of known as being a jerk.”
“You don’t seem like that to me.”
Eddie smiled so wide this time that his teeth came into view and you knew at that moment you’d do whatever it took to see him smile like that as much as possible. 
“Thank you for that. I can be when I need to be. In my line of work people tend to take advantage pretty early on and I wanted this industry to know I’m not someone to fuck with.”
“Do you make movies or?”
“Music. I’m a music producer for some heavy metal bands.”
“Oh wow! That’s so amazing. I would love to know more! Did you use to play?”
When he finally began to open up, hours passed like minutes and you were so entranced that you didn’t even realize the restaurant was getting ready to close. 
Eddie told you at one point he was in a band but hated the way they were cast aside for being “to generic” and “stuck in the past�� so he took matters into his own hands. He bought a building and turned it into a label where he could help produce his friend’s music. He learned everything he could about production and managing, getting everything together, and essentially put Corroded Coffin on the map. 
He found that he actually loved working behind the scenes and stuck with it from that point forward. Now he’s a well-respected name in his field earning triple what he would have made as a guitarist. 
“What’s the name of the label you first opened?”
“Franklin Production; my mother’s maiden name. It seemed right because her money bought the building and she always loved music. She died when I was young.”
When his head hung, your heart broke. 
“Oh my God, Eddie. I’m so sorry.”
His mood changed in the blink of an eye as he breathily chuckled and glanced at his watch. 
“Shit, Y/N, it’s almost 1am. You have to be exhausted after your long shift today. Let me pay for our meal here and then I can take you home.”
“We’ve ordered so much food and drinks. Please let me help pay.” He paused at your comment then as his eyes met your now confused ones. “What?”
“I’ve only met one person who ever offered something like you just did and that man is my best friend.”
“I mean…it’s rude…isn’t it? It’s not fair for me to expect you to pay for everything.”
“Fuck me, baby.” Your eyelids visibly flutter at the term of endearment; coming out of his mouth with a sultry husk that made you swoon. “You’re really something special. I appreciate the offer but when you’re with me, honey, I can take care of you. It’s my pleasure quite honestly.”
You watched him pay the waiter and leave him way more than 15% before Eddie grabs your hand, leading you back to his car. 
That night he dropped you off at your apartment continuing to be the perfect gentleman as he walked you to your door and kept his hands behind his back as you slowly turned your key. Before you entered, however, you paused and hastily turned to plant a small kiss on his lips. Without waiting for a retort, you want inside and shut your door with a little giggle, watching through the peephole to see what he’d do. 
Eddie’s fingers softly brushed against his mouth as he grinned the way you enjoyed at the restaurant. 
You had been together now for a few months and you loved him with every fiber of your being. Eddie was extremely protective over you insisting you quit your job and move in with him. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t want you being somewhere where some fucker can belittle you and make you feel like trash. I can take care of you till you find a new job that makes you happy and people treat you with the respect you deserve.”
“Eddie, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking; I’m offering.”, he cooed as his hands cupped your cheeks. “You know how much Daddy loves looking after his pretty girl.”
The first time he called himself Daddy, you blushed and hid behind your hands making him smile as he chuckled low in his throat. 
“Have you ever called a man Daddy before?” When you giggle and curl tighter into your body, he climbed into the bed beside you and pulled you to his side. “It’s ok, sweetheart. Nothing to be embarrassed about with me. Can I show you something?”
Eddie grins when you drop your palms and show him your beautiful face. 
“Good girl.”, he praises as he takes ahold of your hand and kisses the back of it. With his eyes locked on yours, he gradually places it on the bulge in his slacks. “You feel that? Do you feel how hard I am just from being around you as is? You don’t have to do or say anything you don’t want to, princess. I’ll still be here and I’ll still want to fuck you till you can barely move.”
A smile twitched on his lips when your breathing stuttered. 
“I-I-I’ve never called anyone Daddy before or done anything that’s not…”
“Vanilla?”, he helped when your sentence stalled. “Vanilla’s ok to. Definitely a delicious flavor that can’t be disregarded. Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course.”
Eddie leans in till his mouth is just hovering over the shell of your ear. 
“The fact that you’re so nervous and innocent to all this really fucking turns me on.”
When his cock strains a bit more against the fabric and pushes back against your hand, you can’t help but release a little whine as you push your thighs together. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Got a bit of an ache between your legs?”
“Yes.”, you breath out heavily as his palm ghosts up your thigh and his lips tenderly peck along your neck. 
“I can help with that if you want.”
“Y-Yes, Daddy, please.”
Now, you were more than comfortable especially since he was always so patient with you when it came to almost everything. Unlike your past relationships, you were genuinely surprised at how little the two of you fought if at all. Eddie was a force in his business but when you two were together he was always as accommodating as possible. The one time you ever saw his anger directed towards you was when you forgot your phone when you went on a girl’s night out with your friends. 
When you came home at 2 in the morning, he was waiting in the living room and pacing with a glass of whiskey in his hand. 
“It’s 2 in the morning, Y/N! I’ve been worried sick! You forgot your phone. What if something happened to you and you couldn’t reach me!?”
“Eddie, it’s ok! I just forgot it. I promise I’ll do better next time—”
“That’s not the point! What if there hadn’t been a next time!? I’m responsible for you!”
“I don’t know what you want me to say!! I’m sorry!!”
“You watch that fucking tone with me, little girl!”
“Oh yeah. Or what?!”
When the glass in his hand shattered into the wall behind you everything became abruptly silent. Tears stung your eyes as you grabbed the little trashcan nearby and scooted towards the mess, sinking to your knees as you collect the pieces. 
“Y/N, baby. No. No, no. Let me clean this, please.”, Eddie begged, his tone much softer than before as he kneeled beside you. 
When he tried to take the sharp items from your grasp, you angrily pulled away from him. 
“I didn’t mean to forget my phone. It was an honest mistake and you had no right screaming at me like you just did!”
“I know. You’re right, sweetheart. You are absolutely right. I just… fuck… I’m so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much and the idea of something happening to you or you getting hurt just terrifies me. I shouldn’t have reacted this way.”
Blinking up at him, your hand reaches for his own. 
“You love me?”
“Yeah, Y/N, of course. Since I met you behind that coffee counter.”
After tackling him excitedly, you beamed as you kissed his lips. 
“I love you to.”
People on the outside didn’t seem to understand why you were with him but they didn’t know him the way you did. Eddie was sweet, funny, and incredibly kind despite his hardened outer exterior. According to the man himself, the only other person who understood him the same way you did was a man you had yet to meet. 
Steven Harrington was a name you knew solely due to his reputation in media. 
He was always portrayed as just another trust fund baby who was utilizing daddy’s money to do whatever he wanted. He got in trouble constantly but brushed it off with a sexy smile and a calm demeanor that made even the biggest skeptic want to trust him.
The first time Eddie mentioned him by name was after you noticed him watching one of Steve’s interviews. 
“Fucking idiot.”, he chuckled light-heartedly, turning the screen of his phone so you could watch to when you climbed into bed beside him. “This is the guy I was telling you about. Steve Harrington has been my best friend for years.”
“This is your best friend?”
When he nods, you focus on the interview in front of you.
“No, no. Trust me, that company would be crazy to sell right now in this economy. Once things bounce back it will be worth way more than it is now. Then again…if they sell I could buy it and turn it into a hotel or some s***. Go ahead than! Sell that f***er!”, he laughs making you giggle as well when his nose scrunches adorably. 
“Steve is actually a very clever business guy. People constantly underestimate him because he acts like a playboy.”
“So…he’s the yin to your yang?”
Eddie smirks down at you before kissing your forehead. 
“You could say that.”
The more your boyfriend told you about him the more you wanted to meet him. Eddie seemed to genuinely care about this person and as his girlfriend you wanted him to get to know him as well. The first time you spoke to him was after you moved in with Ed and he called to congratulate you both. 
“Hey! Are you Y/N?”
“I am.”, you grin. 
“Oh good. I don’t know what I would have done if you said no. ‘EDDIE! Some random pretty girl is in your place!’”, Steve laughed. 
“Pft. How do you know I’m pretty?”
“Because a sexy voice like yours must be inside a beautiful woman. I’m kind of jealous.”
He said it so smoothly that if you weren’t already sitting you’re sure his words would have knocked you off your feet. Your eyes glanced towards Eddie who was watching you from his spot on the couch. 
“Uh oh. Did I lose you, honey? Sorry. Sometimes I come on a bit too strong.”
“No, no. It’s ok. You just… you remind me of him.”, you exhale as you get up and walk towards your boyfriend. 
“Of who? Of Eddie? I take that as a compliment. He’s a good man.”
“Yeah he is but that’s not exactly what I meant.”
“Oh? Well then use your words, pretty girl. Who do I remind you of? I’m DYING to know.”
Eddie softly smirks as he watches your breathing stagger the same way it does when you’re intimidated by something. His ring covered fingers gently trace down your arm making you shiver. 
“Tell me.”
The two words that followed came out as a strong command that told you to obey. The contradiction of how he spoke now to how he had before made you dizzy and you desperately wanted more. 
After tossing the phone next to Eddie, you covered your face with your palms and ran up the stairs. A few moments later, the man you loved climbed into bed beside you and collected you into his arms. 
“Talk to me, baby. Remember, no matter what there’s nothing to be embaressed about, ok?” He smiled when he felt you nod against his chest. “I know Steve can be a bit much at first but he’s a good person who’s been through a lot of bullshit.”
As you sniffle, you tilt back so you could see his face. 
“I feel bad.”
“About what, sweetheart?”
“I liked the way he spoke to me. It turned me on the same way you do.”
“Ok…why does that make you feel bad?”
You shrug. “I love you.”
That makes him genuinely smile. 
“I love you to, Y/N, so much. That’s why I trust you, babe. I, um, I have a confession to make.” When you sit up to give him your full attention, he does the same. “I’ve known Steve for a long time and I trust that man with my life. I’ve told him things I’ve never told anyone and he’s done the same. You said, sweetheart, he’s the yin to my yang and you’re right. Fuck… how do I say this…”
“You want to share me?”
The innocent way you asked your question drove him insane but he pushed down the need to fuck you for the time being. 
“Kind of, yes. I…I wanted to see how you two got along and if it worked out, maybe, we could fly to go meet him and… you’d still be mine but he’d—”
“Use me.”
“Fuck, baby, you have to stop saying things like that the way you are.”, Eddie panted excitedly as he adjusted the growing bulge in his pants. 
“May I ask why? Why you would want to share me like that?”
“Of course, Y/N, you can always ask me anything. You hold the power here especially when it comes to this. I just… he’s my best friend and I want him to be happy to. In these past few months, you’ve changed my world and I just want to give him some of that. I, um, I also think…”
“Tell me, Daddy. Please.”, you beg in your tiny voice that has his eyes closing as he tries to control himself. 
“Fuck… I think it would be incredibly hot to watch you fuck him.”
You had told him you were open but apprehensive because it was all new territory for you. Both men came up with an idea to help you get acclimated to the idea. 
“Hey all. Wow, Jesus Christ Munson, you undersold your girlfriend’s beauty. Hot damn.”
You giggled as Eddie rolled his eyes at his friend who was laughing himself from his side of the computer screen. It looked like Steve had the device he was using for this facetime visit resting on his lower stomach as he leaned against the headboard of his bed looking incredibly sexy with his ruffled hair and tank top just barely covering the chest hair that littered his skin. 
Eddie had you sitting in between his own legs as he rested his head against your shoulder and his arms hugged you to him. 
“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable. If I do at any point please just let me know and I’ll respect your boundaries.”
“You don’t make me uncomfortable but, uh, you kind of intimidate me a bit…more than Eddie did.”
“Is it because I start at 10 and go from there? Yeah, casualties of growing up in chaotic household and then starting a business where your biggest competitor is your father.”
“What DO you do? Ed said you’re an investor?”
“Kind of.  I invested in a friend’s tech company many years ago and that paid off in a big way. They make medical supplies that are high quality for a cheaper price. I’m trying to expand so we can invest in more—Pfft! Listen to me talking about all that bullshit. Let’s talk about something else.”
“No, hey! That’s amazing that you do that. My father needed supplies like that but it was so hard for him to afford stuff. You’ve probably helped so many people. What supplies has your company helped make?”
Steve blinked, sitting up straighter.
“I told you.”, Eddie sings as he places a delicate kiss along your skin. 
“D-Did I do something wrong? Am I not allowed to ask him questions?”, you asked genuinely worried you crossed a line. 
“Most people, let alone women, don’t care enough to ask us things like you just did.”
“Maybe you two are spending time around the wrong people.”
“Maybe… Damn, Eddie. She’s perfect. Where did you find her because obviously I’ve been looking in the wrong places.”
“Hm. I found her in a coffee shop being yelled at by some asshole. Fucker.”, he growled before you tilted back and kissed his cheek. “It’s not just her personality either. Her body fucking drives me crazy. Even just watching her walk from the bed to the bathroom makes me so fucking hard.”
“Yeah? Your Daddy says you have sexy body. Can you show it to me?”
“Only if you’re comfortable, princess.”, Eddie whispers in your ear.
“Can you help me, Daddy?”
Nodding, he removes each item of your clothing till you were naked for the man on the screen in front of you. 
“Fuck me. I’m not just saying this, Y/N, but you’re so gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”, you groan as you lick your lips. “May I see you?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”, he smirks. 
Your whole body tingled as you watched him undress until you sucked in a sharp intake of air when his cock sprang free from his cotton confinement. 
“He’s so big.”, you murmur against Eddie’s cheek as his eyes remain downcast to focus on you. “How will it fit?”
“We’ll make fit, pretty girl. Steve and I can take care of you.”
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Little one is worried about your splitting her in half. “
“Don’t worry, honey, I’m a gentleman to. I’m not going to just shove my dick inside of you. Even if it takes hours, we can eat and finger your little pussy till she’s ready.”
“Fuck, Daddy, please.”
Aggressively, Eddie opens your legs wide putting you on display and making Steve groan. 
“Wet already and no one’s even touched you yet.”, he responded mockingly before leaning over his cock to spit on his tip and stroke himself. “How tight is she, Munson?”
You moaned loudly as Eddie inserted two of his thick fingers into your cunt and your head leaned back against him.
“So fucking tight, Harrington, and greedy. Her pussy just sucks me in and chokes my dick when she cums. Add in her sexy little noises and the way her face scrunches…” 
“Open your eyes, Y/N.” Steve smiles when you do what he asks. “Good girl. She listens to. Fuck, baby, don’t take those eyes off me. God, I’m—mmm—I’m dying to feel those pretty lips around my cock.”
“You’re really good at sucking cock, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy. I’m…M’close.”
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Why don’t you tell Stevie how bad you want his cum.”
You mewl as Eddie moves at a faster pace with the sound of your slick echoing around the room. 
“Please, Mr. Harrington, Sir. I-I-I want your cum so much. I want to feel you—ahhhh—feel your cock in my mouth till you spill down my throat.”
“Jesus Christ.”, he grunted and you both watched as his release hit his thigh. 
“You did so good, sweetheart. Cum for Daddy now, baby.”, Eddie praised as your back pushed against his chest and you panted as you came. “That’s my girl. Good girl. Ride it out on my fingers till you come back to me. That’s it.”
“Fucking hell. That was amazing, honey.” Steve watch with fascination as you turned your body and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s chest as you curled into his warm chest. “Everything ok?”
“She’s fine. It’s something baby girl does when she cums hard like that. She’ll squeeze me like a fucking Teddy bear and fall asleep. Sometimes it’s for a few minutes or a few hours. At first I thought it was the headspace but I don’t know. Either way I love it.”
“Yeah, man. If she had a good time and is open to it I have that party coming up in a month. You two can fly down and we can hang out. Of course, nothing has to happen. I can always just show you guys around and get to know her more.”
“I’ll let you know when she wakes up and we talk about it.”
“No problem. No problem. Hey, maybe at most, you and I can fuck around.”, Steve replies as he coyly raises his eyebrows making his friend laugh.
“Ok, calm down over there.”
“Oh, come on. Not like it would be the first time—”
“Good night, asshole.”, Eddie teases as he cuts him off and closes the laptop.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”, Eddie asks as he watches you fidget with your hands as you stare at your reflection in the metal of the elevator. 
“Yeah. I’m just a little nervous. This is your best friend and I know how much he means to you. I don’t want to…I don’t know…fuck anything up.”
“Fuck, I still think it’s hot when you get all jittery like this.”, he chuckles as he takes your palm in his. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I love you so I know for a fact he will. Just keep being your unique self, baby, and no matter what I’ll be here if you need anything.”
When he flashes you that big toothy grin, you can’t help but smile back as you lean up on your toes to kiss his lips. The doors abruptly swing open and your boyfriend’s demeanor instantly hardens at the sound of loud party guests in the room you both step into. 
Your eyes swing around the area with no sign of the host himself. 
Tugging on Eddie’s bicep, you lead him to the drink station where you desperately chug down some liquid courage as you pray that tonight goes as smoothly as possible.
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one-flower-one-sword · 4 months
"You came from a renowned school, an orthodox sect that never traversed the deviant path. Growing up in that sect, you were always told that ascending was the ultimate thing to strive for," Jun Wu continued. "It is very difficult to give up that sort of goal. Falling in with the Ghost Realm was an unfortunate circumstance, an act born of helplessness. Of course you cannot say you are satisfied with your position in the Ghost Realm. It was never what you wanted in the first place."
Yin Yu didn't have enough confidence to deny it. He said weakly, "Chengzhu has shown me grace. He saved me -"
"I know," Jun Wu said. "He even helped you pacify and send off Jian Yu's vengeful spirit after he died during your banishment, am I correct?"
"...Yes," Yin Yu confirmed. "So whether or not I am satisfied with my current position, it's all -"
"That is dissatisfaction," Jun Wu noted. "You are bound by his grace and have nowhere else to go. You are in denial." Yin Yu hung his head and didn't reply.
Vol 7, page 144-145
One of my favorite relationships throughout the novel, even though we get so little information about it, is Yin Yu and Hua Cheng's. Even the above tidbit is mired by the way Jun Wu is trying to manipulate Yin Yu's emotions and how Yin Yu at times responds genuinely and at others plays along to try and find a way to escape.
Once I had finished the novel, I was left wondering why there are so many fandom jokes about Yin Yu being exploited by Hua Cheng when the text seemed to paint a much different picture of what Yin Yu's life and work environment as a god was like versus as the highest ranking ghost city officer. So in this meta I try to examine and compare the two as well as try to draw conclusions about how Yin Yu felt about it all and why.
First of, I think that Yin Yu's longing to return to becoming a god is genuine, since this is what he says after he stops playing along with Jun Wu's manipulation because he's by then gotten enough spiritual energy to attack him:
"I do want to return to the heavens, I do want to be ranked in the top ten!" Yin Yu continued. "But it's completely meaningless if I don't do it on my own! I'm unlucky, I accept that! Admitting that I can't compare isn't that hard!" Vol 7 page 152
Which is interesting, considering this is what he felt like when he was still a god in heaven while Quan Yizhen hadn't yet ascended:
A good while later, [Quan Yizhen] said bluntly, "I don't like it here."
Yin Yu said nothing.
"They think I'm annoying, but I think they're even more annoying," Quan Yizhen continued. "Before, I could train at least sixteen hours a day. Now half the time is taken up by talking and listening to nonsense, by greeting and visiting people. There are people who yell at me and hit me for no good reason, without apologizing, and I can't even fight back. This isn't heaven. I don't like it here."
Yin Yu sighed. "I don't like it here either."
"Then let's go back," Quan Yizhen said.
But Yin Yu only shook his head, "Even though I don't like it here, I want to stay."
Quan Yizhen couldn't understand. "Why do want to stay if you don't like it here?"
Yin Yu was stumped, and chuckled in spite of himself. He didn't know what to say, unable to explain it to him. How could he convey to Quan Yizhen that reaching the Heavenly Capital was the dream of so many people who sought the path of cultivation, the ultimate end goal? Or just how difficult it was for someone his age to achieve ascension?
Vol 5, page 271-272
Yin Yu essentially seemed to be struggling with sunk cost fallacy, where he put his everything into ascending to heaven and so wants to stay there even though it's making him increasingly unhappy. It's interesting that Jun Wu accuses him of being in denial about his unhappiness in the Ghost Realm, when Yin Yu in the past seemed to be in denial about his unhappiness in heaven. Especially since this is what he was being treated like as soon as his power and influence were in decline:
Yin Yu and Jian Yu were seated next to the "Earth Master." Their assigned seats were considered the edge of the banquet. Yin Yu wasn't eating or talking to anyone. [...]
At the other end of the banquet, there was already a large crowd of heavenly officials fighting to greet Quan Yizhen. The surrounding crowd had completely blocked the person at the center from sight. It appeared that this was soon after Quan Yizhen ascended and established his own palace. He was at the height of his popularity in heaven, in contrast to how he was disliked by most of the present court. Although the two were both Martial Gods of the West, he was significantly more prominent than Yin Yu. The attendees all swarmed over, leaving the table where Yin Yu sat quiet and empty.
Vol 5, page 273-275
I've talked about this in my Yin Yu & Quan Yizhen meta as well, how Yin Yu tries to get by in heaven by conforming and submitting to the elitist power structures it's based on:
Quan Yizhen kept going. "They cussed at me first. I don't even know them. They said I was a low-ranking heavenly official and yelled at me for no reason, then they laughed at me and told me to scram and not to block their way [...]" "Are low-ranking heavenly officials below other people?" Quan Yizhen asked.
"No," Yin Yu replied. Was that true? It was obvious he didn't believe his own words, and Quan Yizhen noticed.
Vol 5, page 271
and how it starts to chip away at the kindness and the moral backbone he showed while still in his sect:
"Shidi, the things you're all saying aren't right." The crowd was taken aback. "I'm going to say something unpleasant," Yin Yu continued. "No matter what path we cultivate, talent truly is an incredible thing. And he is not only talented, he is willing to work hard. If you really think Shifu is playing favorites, then let's work harder to keep up with him - maybe even overtake him. And then things like training halls and supplements will naturally be open to everyone. Rather than wasting time being angry at him, your priority should be training harder. Am I right?" [...]
"You really don't need to mind them. You didn't do anything wrong. It's fine like this." Anyone with clear eyes could see that the other disciples couldn't stand Quan Yizhen. They found fault everywhere, and it wasn't because of his big appetite, or because he wasn't a morning person, or because he was inconsiderate and a poor teammate who only cared about showing off. At the end of the day, what they really couldn't stand was this: he was the last to enter the school, but he received the most. Quan Yizhen nodded. "I think so too." Yin Yu patted his shoulder. "Go train! That's what's most important. Don't think about anything unnecessary." [...]
After watching the two scenarios, Xie Lian praised Yin Yu. "San Lang, that subordinate of yours really is a rare character. What a good heart."
Vol 5, page 262 + 264
Everything Yin Yu and Quan Yizhen already struggled with in their sect - the jealousy, the bullying, the competition for resources - is even worse in heaven, which actively encourages the endless competition for devotees and subordinates as well as the exploitation and mistreatment of those of "lower rank". No matter how hard Yin Yu tries to conform to these structures, they steadily wear away at both the way others see him and also how he sees himself:
After closing the gates, Yin Yu's voice grew louder. "Don't say any more! I don't want to hear it! It's very normal for an ascended heavenly official to establish a palace, so he didn't do anything wrong. Since you get irritated just talking about him, why must you constantly bring him up?" "Please don't think that I'm speaking out of turn, but someone must remind you. Yin Yu, the west is only so big, and there are only so many devotees. He's already taken so much. That wolf yao kill should've been yours, but he stole it! Look at the state of you now - your domain's shrinking smaller and smaller. How much do you have left? Can you maintain your standing if this keeps up?" "How is what he's done theft? It's not like he's forcing anyone to worship him at knifepoint - everyone's willing. Besides, that wolf yao..." Yin Yu sighed and said frankly, "I couldn't have defeated it. It was useless praying to me, so of course they went to him." "I just... I'm worried that if this fight continues, he'll win and leave us with nothing," Jian Yu said bitterly. "Fuck, even those lower-ranking officials only care about their own advancement - each one of them coming up with empty excuses to quit and slipping away to serve under other heavenly officials. What a bunch of no-good asshats!" Yin Yu sighed again and sat down on a prayer cushion. "What fight are you talking about...? Why care for such things? Those who want to leave will always leave in the end, and those who want to stay will naturally remain. I didn't ascend to fight for power with anyone, nor squabble over domains, nor quarrel, so why can't you let this go?" Vol 5, page 277
This is a stark contrast not only to the kind of standing he had while he was still in his sect:
Yin Yu pushed them away, urging them to leave. He sighed. "You said yourself that he's insane, so why bother with him?" It was easy to see that Yin Yu's words held weight with his peers at this point in his life. Although the crowd was still upset, they left as told. Vol 5, page 257
But especially to the kind of authority and respect that his position in Ghost City offers him:
Suddenly, there was a commotion in the ghost crowd. They immediately parted, forming a path, as if someone of importance had arrived. Xie Lian came to his senses and saw a tall, black-clad figure walking straight toward him through the path created by the mob. That person yelled, "Settle down. Let him go!" The black-clad figure, like most of the ghosts on the street, wore a mask. It was a funny mask, with a face that was contorted as if it was smiling woefully. The mob muttered under their breath, "It's the Waning Moon Officer!", and they released their hold on Xie Lian at last. It seemed this black-clad figure was someone significant in Ghost City. Vol 2, page 99
It's also worth mentioning at this point that I think people forget that Yin Yu does not always necessarily work alone and has to do everything by himself but that he has his own subordinates:
After taking a moment to contact his subordinates in Ghost City, Yin Yu meticulously reported the general directions of each sighting.
Vol 7, page 48
Another very important thing to take away from the argument between Jian Yu and Yin Yu is that while still a god in the heavens, Yin Yu had no confidence that he'd be able to fight a wolf yao, yet in the amnesiac extra, he shows no signs of hesitancy or fear when Hua Cheng orders him to go after the monster that stole Xie Lian's memories:
He was still trying to process what he'd learned when he heard San Lang say, "I need to attend to him right now and can't leave. Catch that monster before tomorrow night and bring it to me." "Yes, sir. Shall I leave it one last breath?" the man in the ghost mask asked quietly. San Lang put down his brush and glanced at what he'd written, which he then crumbled up and tossed away, apparently unsatisfied. "Leave it a few. Make it spit out what it swallowed, then crush its worthless head to dust. Make it slow and painful." His tone and expression were both quite frightening, yet Xie Lian didn't find him repulsive or alarming. The man in the ghost mask acknowledged San Lang’s order and was about to take his leave, so Xie Lian quickly dodged away and hid. Vol 8, page 226-227
Which leads me to another important point - the amount of trust Hua Cheng shows Yin Yu by the kind of missions he sends him on. If he didn't have a high opinion of Yin Yu's abilities, he would never send him after something like a monster that had eaten Xie Lian's memories, given how incredibly important Xie Lian's wellbeing is to Hua Cheng. There's many other examples too - like how Hua Cheng trusted Yin Yu to help with tricking Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian into saving "Ming Yi", or how he entrusted the Earth Master Shovel to him. But Hua Cheng also does not ask the impossible of him - when they're all trapped in heaven and Yin Yu started to dig tunnels with the Earth Master Shovel to try and free Xie Lian and the others so they could recover and become strong enough to escape, Hua Cheng cautions them against it because he correctly deduces that "you'll be seeking your own deaths if you try to break out under Jun Wu's watch." (Vol 7, page 130) Even though Yin Yu is with Xie Lian, Hua Cheng doesn't expect him to get Xie Lian out on his own, because he knows how powerful and ruthless Jun Wu is.
For extra emphasis, let's compare Hua Cheng’s regard for Yin Yu and his abilities to the way Jun Wu never even deemed to speak to Yin Yu while he was a god because he was so very much "beneath" him:
"My dear Yin Yu, I do not think I have ever chatted with you like this before. Isn't that right?"
"I guess not..." Yin Yu replied cautiously.
Even back when he was the martial god who ruled the west, his base of believers wasn't strong, his merits were few, and his rank wasn't impressive. He wasn't the lowest ranked of the heavenly officials in the Upper Court, but he was still below average, so he'd had almost no opportunities to interact with the Heavenly Emperor - the highest of the high.
Vol 7, page 142-143
Keeping all of that in mind, it's very interesting that Jun Wu tries to tempt Yin Yu to his side by offering him the position of his right-hand man:
Finally, Yin Yu asked, "In the Upper Court, I... What... would my position be?"
"Ling Wen will be my left hand, and you shall be my right," Jun Wu said. "There will be none above you besides me."
Vol 7, page 149
When that really is a position Yin Yu already holds - he's Hua Cheng's right-hand man. Now, one could argue that Yin Yu does have less power and prestige in the position of a ghost realm officer than he would have as a god - there's no believers worshipping him - but I think the point is that he doesn't answer to anyone but Hua Cheng, that there's no one else competing with him for that position, no one else among his subordinates that Hua Cheng puts this much trust in, and that there's no one else besides Hua Cheng himself who is demonstrated to hold so much authority and respect in Ghost City. And with all of the above, it's really important to keep in mind that Ghost City is the one single autonomous place in all the three realms and that its Chengzhu is the one single being whose power and influence is rivaled only by the Heavenly Emperor himself.
And said Heavenly Emperor damn well knows Yin Yu is Hua Cheng's right-hand man, which is I believe a big part of the reason he tries to flip Yin Yu by dangling this exact position in front of him. As I've talked about before in other posts, Jun Wu hates Hua Cheng deeply for various reasons. There's the whole thing where Hua Cheng is the unmistakable proof of a believer that never leaves their god, the very thing Jun Wu felt entitled to but didn't receive. But in this case I think him wanting to tempt Yin Yu away from Hua Cheng's side is about how bitter and salty Jun Wu feels about the fact that Hua Cheng holds more sway over all three realms than he does - evidenced by the way Hua Cheng doesn't just have followers in the Ghost Realm but the Human Realm as well, and even the gods, while they fear him, also can't help but admire him and strike deals with him in secret (Vol 1, page 157-160). That Yin Yu, a banished god, would (just like Xie Lian) rather be loyal to Hua Cheng than Jun Wu - that must have angered him a lot because it's something he'd take quite personally.
This is, I think, also the root of why Yin Yu has so much trouble seeing his position in the Ghost Realm for what it really is and why he still longs to be a god despite how unhappy he was in the heavens and how badly he was treated there - he can't see past the prejudices about the Ghost Realm in general and Ghost City in particular that he has internalized. Prejudices that Jun Wu actively weaponizes every time he speaks to Yin Yu, by repeatedly insinuating that being a ghost city officer is a shameful thing to be:
"Surely you do not actually like being a mere pawn in the Ghost Realm?" [...] "Falling in with the Ghost Realm was an unfortunate circumstance, an act borne of helplessness." [...] "You are bound by his grace and have nowhere else to go." [...]
Vol 7, page 144
Which makes it all the more satisfying when Yin Yu tricks Jun Wu (or attempts to, at least) and ultimately rejects both his offer and his authority, and also calls Jun Wu out on the way he tried to manipulate him:
"My Lord... My... No, not My Lord! You! Why must you keep reminding me of that?! Why do you speak like you actually understand me?!"
Vol 7, page 151
Jun Wu is deeply enraged by his defiance and rejection - in general, but also because it reminds him of Xie Lian's defiance against him:
Jun Wu turned around with a casual sweep of his hand. "Exhilarating. You and Xianle must get along well."
Vol 7, page 152
This brings me to my final point - which is that choosing kindness and righteousness even in the face of criticism and rejection, of personal loss and suffering, is what Jun Wu hates the most, and what ties Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu, and Yin Yu and Hua Cheng together. Hua Cheng was drawn to Xie Lian because Xie Lian chose to treat him kindly when everyone else abused and rejected Hua Cheng and pressured Xie Lian to do the same. Similiar things can be said for Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu, since Yin Yu was the one to ask his sect's shifu to take Quan Yizhen in when he came across him as a seemingly abandoned child, and who repeatedly defended Quan Yizhen from the other sect members' judgement and bullying, even though this earned Yin Yu their ire as well. Yin Yu, too, values kindness very highly:
Yin Yu sobbed. "If I wasn't destined to be perfect, I at least wanted to be perfectly kind. But... I couldn't even manage that." (Vol 7, page 156)
Therefore, though we get very little information on their first meeting, I think kindness is also what drew Yin Yu to Hua Cheng, what made him stay loyal to him even when tempted/threatened by Jun Wu, and what made him go right back to working for him after the events of the main story. Because while we get only this one mention, I think a great deal can be gleaned from it:
"Chengzhu has shown me grace. He saved me - "
"I know" Jun Wu said. "He even helped you pacify and send off Jian Yu's vengeful spirit when he died during your banishment, am I correct?"
Vol 7, page 144
It's not just he helped me, it's he saved me. And not only that, Hua Cheng, in a sense, saved Jian Yu as well by helping him move on, which I would assume was simply because Yin Yu wished for his friend to let go of his resentment and not become stuck as a vengeful spirit. What I think is really important to keep in mind here is that not only was Hua Cheng under no obligation to save Yin Yu, he had, objectively speaking, nothing to gain from it. He Xuan was already in the heavens by then and giving Hua Cheng intel. and Hua Cheng didn't show off that he had a banished god working for him either - he let Yin Yi wear a mask, and for years, no one (except apparently Jun Wu) knew where Yin Yu was or what had happened to him, evidenced by the way Quan Yizhen kept looking and kept asking about him to no avail (Vol 5 page 235).
We don't really get Hua Cheng's side of the story but I think the fact that he doesn't speak about it speaks for itself - aside from keeping things close to his chest in general, he tends to not talk about the things he does out of kindness and/or his own sense of justice. We see this for example when Xie Lian only finds out why the group of cultivators is after Hua Cheng when he overhears them saying that Hua Cheng chose to shelter both the pig spirit and the prostitute ghost who had chosen to take revenge on humans who had used their positions of power to hurt others (Vol 5 page 28-29).
This is therefore more speculation than analysis, but I can imagine that this whole scenario - a god with a good heart who gets abandoned by the heavens with only a vengeful spirit by his side - even though the exact circumstances that led to it differed, might have held enough similarities to what Hua Cheng personally witnessed of Xie Lian's banishment that it would bring out that same urge to help and protect in Hua Cheng. The fact that Yin Yu says Hua Cheng saved him really can't be overstated in my opinion, considering that Hua Cheng, understandably, has usually nothing but feelings of either indifference or hatred for all of the gods aside from Xie Lian and the Rain Master.
To sum up - the power structures in heaven encourage workplace harassment, bullying, and endless competition for resources and support, and this causes Yin Yu not only increased stress, isolation, and unhappiness, but also puts a strain on his inherent kindness and righteousness as he starts to give in under the pressure to conform. By contrast, his position in Ghost City is dependant on nothing but his loyalty to Hua Cheng, on Yin Yu's own choice to stay with him, and offers him an unprecedented amount of respect and trust. It is heaven, really, that is repeatedly shown to mistreat and exploit its officials, especially those of lower rank, not Hua Cheng.
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firelordsfirelady · 3 months
XX. Hot Springs
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal, language
Word Count: 525
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story. 
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
Zuko and I made dinner and training our routine for the next week as we awaited any news or unusual reports that could lead us to the Avatar. Lieutenant Jee had mentioned that there was reports of children in the Earth Kingdom were playing with ice, so that’s how the three of us--Zuko, Iroh and myself--ended up in the temperate forest of the Earth Kingdom. We had split up to cover more ground, and I was pushing my way through some bamboo when I stumbled upon a clearing where there were three pools of steaming water.
I had been to some hot springs when I visited the Northern Water Tribe, but I wasn’t expecting to find any in the Earth Kingdom. My eyes widened as I walked over and tested the water. It was the perfect temperature, and I wanted to melt into the water. I looked back to the wall of bamboo stalks blocking the view of the springs, and I looked back to the hot spring.
Deciding that I could still embrace this journey and experience the world around me, I stripped down to my undergarments and hung my blue robes on a nearby tree limb. I figured that I could do the walk back any undergarments as long as no fight broke out. My body sunk heavily into the perfectly warm water as I sat down in the spring. I leaned back so that my head rested lightly against the ridge of the hotspring. I had just closed my eyes to relish in the water when I heard a familiar voice calling for me.
“Y/N!” The color drained from my face as the voice grew closer. “Where are you?” 
We’re leaving already? I frowned as I heard the Firebender walk through the bamboo wall.
“I’m over here.” I calmly said loud enough for the Prince to hear me, but I didn’t bother to open my eyes to look at him as I heard him stop.
“We--” Zuko cleared his throat. “We’re closing in on the Avatar’s trail, and I don’t want to lose him.
“Alright. Just give me a moment--” I started to say, but Zuko interrupted me.
“Y/N, we don’t have time--” Zuko’s words stopped as I sat up in the pool of water. The air was slightly chilly on my exposed shoulders and almost exposed chest. I crawled over to the edge closest to Zuko, whose face was as red as spicy bulgogi sauce, and raised a surprisingly confident eyebrow at him.
“Shall I get up now?” I let out a laugh as Zuko quickly turned around.
“Please join us back at the ship in a few minutes.” I continued laughing as Zuko retreated back to the safety of the bamboo curtain. Chuckling to myself as I stood up in the hot spring, I quickly dressed and headed back to the boat. Zuko’s eyes avoided looking at me as I arrived with a smile on my face and wet clothes draped over my arm.
“Onto the next adventure!” I cheered with a laugh as Iroh smiled and laughed at me while Zuko walked away yelling orders at the crew.
Tag List @chevysstuffs @puttyly @ginger24880 @night-fall-moon @junieshohoho @0kauy @coolgirl458 @hypnoticbeing @angelruinz @preeyansha @playboygeniusphilanthropist @ssonniiu  @chi-ara @hagridshaircare @stell404  @kyo-kyo1 @herondale-lightworm @simonsbluee @nadlx33333 @nerdisthenewcool @jewelsrules @soggycrout0n @mymomsdisappointment @leeaintthere-blog @sanskritisays  @katie-tibo @stavitcutislamepodkrevet @niktwazny303 @fudogh
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web-novel-polls · 11 days
Best Hater Lower Bracket
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Yin Hanjiang from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know 
“He seemed to be inescapable, using every method he could think of to harm Baili Qingmiao. After Baili Qingmiao was injured, he sprinkled bone powder on her wounds. After Baili Qingmiao passed out, he threw her into the Thousand Snake Pit. When Baili Qingmiao was alone, he hung up a cauldron and tried to refine her into lamp oil. With each of his appearances, he became more and more depraved.” - Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know about the Ghost Mask from the original novel, Chapter 1
Submission: Second half of the novel YHJ in particular, hater energy unmatched! Righteous sects? fuck them up. His own sect? on eggshells. His best effort at not murdering someone is to start wiping his weapon with their clothes. General vibe of 'if anything happened to Venerable i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself AND SOMETHING JUST HAPPENED TO VENERABLE'. Anyway get their asses babe <3 
Shen Yuan / Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (SVSSS)
Submission 1: He was an anti fan that literally got so mad at a novel he was reading that he died and then was transmigrated into the novel he hated (besides the main character) as the villain. The author of said novel also transmigrated and they formed a love/hate broship.
Submission 2: 
My man is the hater-est hater to ever hate, except like Kendrick Lamar. He hate-read a webnovel with over 20 million words, and left scathing commentary on every single chapter. Even the author Shang Qinghua, of the webnovel PIDW, which by subtext was very very popular, knew Shen Yuan (Peerless Cucumber) as the legendary anti-fan.  He hated it (everything except the protagonist Luo Binghe) so much that after reading the last chapter, he choked and died (...slight exaggeration). Shen Yuan also proceeded to transmigrate into the novel, make everyone fall in love with him, use the power of headpats and 'a smile from the cold beauty' to overturn the genre from harem-esqe to danmei, bending the protagonist. Tldr, the power of Shen Yuan's haterism turned Cool Edgy Awesomely Powerful Protagonist Luo Binghe to soggy wet clingy white lotus bing-bong Bingmei, and it's honestly better off this way <3 
Submission 3: he's an internet hater screenname Peerless Cucumber who hates this webnovel so much he dies and transmigrates into it to fix the entire plot and also he's left so many hate comments the author (fellow transmigrator) knows and remembers who he is after being in the webnovel world for decades. Dedication. 
⚠️ Please vote for whoever’s best at being a hater, not who you like the most. ⚠️
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kimaswork · 11 months
Werewolf!Izuku x Bunny!Reader
Little Thing I started like a month ago then lost motivation lol.
>1k words
Sent out into the forest hours prior, you were now searching for one of the last few ingredients the village healer had requested of you.
Your small pink nose twitched as you sniffed the air in search of some lavender. You knew it would be in the nearby area somewhere, based on how strong the scent was. Basket in hand you wandered deeper and deeper into the forest. Minutes later, you had found some lavender behind some bushes.
You stepped through the foliage, reaching for the lavender before you suddenly heard a snap. Quickly snatching the flower, you stuffed it in your basket as you turned around. From a short distance away, you saw bright, glowing, green eyes.
Holding your breath, you slowly backed up with your long ears pinned to your head in fear. You had been told that deep in the woods there were dangerous creatures that would hunt bunny-kin such as yourself, but you hadn’t thought you had gone that far in. The creature took long strides towards you, coming out of the shadows.
Once in the sunlight you saw what at first glance seemed to be a giant. But after looking for a moment longer you saw the large tail and the pointed ears that were turned in your direction. The being strode closer to you. Not knowing what it was going to do to you, you turned and ran. High-tailing it out of the area you went as fast as you could, making your way back to where you had come.
Hearing a loud growl, you turned to look behind you only to see that the beast was now chasing you, had you unintentionally started a hunt?! You looked forwards once more as you could see your village in the distance, you did your best to keep running but you were growing tired. However, it seemed the werewolf was not, he continued his pace and soon had pounced you to the ground with a snarl.
“Little bunny, don’t you know the forest is dangerous?” it growled in your ear. A shiver ran down your spine as you nodded. “Then why would you come?” he barked down at you. With a terrified stutter you answered, “I-I was getting s-some ingredients for the v-village.” It glared down at you before relenting, crouching back on its haunches and giving you room to breath. You looked up at the werewolf with a petrified gaze, he was absolutely massive.
“W-wolf.” was all you could say in your shock as he towered over you. His lips tilted up slightly as he chuckled. Your ears laid flat against your head as you looked up at the massive creature before you cleared your throat, “W-who are you?” you asked. He grinned down at you, “I’m Izuku, a wolf of the woods.” he answered. You sat up once you could feel your body again. “I’m Yin.” you replied, backing away slightly. Not liking the new distance, Izuku grunted  and pulled you back by the ankle, earning a yelp from you. With the close proximity you could smell him clear as day, this wolf was an Alpha.
He looked down at you with a tilted head, “Do you fear me?” he asked. Not wanting to lie, you slightly nodded your head. He released your ankle and brought his hand toward your face. You flinched away, fearing he was going to injure you. A small frown crossed his lips, but he continued to reach for you nonetheless. With a gentle touch, he pet your long ears and the fine fur that lined it. You silently gasped at the contact, finding it rather pleasant.
He looked down at you, “You’re a rather cute one, Yin.” he complimented. Your lips pressed into a line, not knowing what to say. You gave him a nod in silent thanks as his words replayed in your mind. Never had you heard someone say your name and sound so pleasant. Izuku lifts you from under your arms and looks at your small stature, his gaze thoughtful as he seemingly inspected you. Incapable of doing anything, you just hung there in his grasp.
Before you could ask what he was thinking he suddenly moved you so that you were under his arm as he got up. You squeaked in surprise, earning an ‘Awe-’ in reply from his fanged mouth. He began carrying you back into the woods, not paying mind to your occasional struggling in attempts of escape. “Put me down!” you yelled at him, however to his ears it sounded like a pathetic whine. He chuckles and looks down at you with a grin, “You’re perfect.” he comments, leaving you confused. “Perfect? Perfect for what?” you questioned him as you looked to where he was taking you.
He entered a large cave near the base of a mountain, hidden behind trees and vegetation. Walking inside, you blinked repeatedly to help your eyes adjust to the darkened area. Not seeing much, you were forced to trust the wolf, hoping you weren’t in danger. You felt the muscles in his arms shift before you felt something soft under you. You rubbed your small fists over your eyes and looked around with slightly better vision.
As you gazed upon the caves inside you saw pelts and furs hung on walls along with tools and other miscellaneous items strewn about. Then looking down, you saw you were surrounded by a ring of pelts and furs. Was this a nest?
Izuku plopped himself down behind you and wrapped his arms around you once he had pulled you into his lap. You looked up at him confused but then he finally answered your previous question. “Perfect mate.” You weren’t sure if he was intentionally answering your question or if he was speaking to himself, but you felt reassured knowing he didn’t intend to harm you. Relaxing into his strong chest, you felt your worries slip away for the moment as you drifted off into slumber.
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oxydiane · 2 years
i think naruto has genuinely, permanently ruined shipping for me because each time i see a pairing i’m like. ok you’re cute but would you shoulder the burden of his hatred and die with him? are you the sun to his moon? the yang to his yin? are you his one and only? are you his soulmate? are you willing to strip yourself of any pride and get on your knees to beg for his life to be spared? are you the one that completes him? are you the wind to his fire? did he feel warm and fuzzy while watching you as a child and considered it a weakness? were you each other’s first kiss? did you unravel his cold heart with said kiss? did he awaken his unhinged eye power to protect you? did he die and abandon the dream he was living for just so you could live on? does his body move on its own disregarding any logic when you’re in danger? is he willing to jump in knowing it was a trap to save you because you’re his precious person? are you each other’s most precious? did he unlock a new level of his crazy eye power when cutting his ties with you because he was writhing in pain over a lost love? did he try to kill you because you are his most important person? did parting from you feel like ripping off half of his own body to him? is he your driving force? were you chosen by fate? did he want to get rid of you because only then he could be truly alone? are you the only light in his darkness? are you the one that saved him from hatred? did he cry when you said you couldn’t explain your feelings for him and only said that when he hurt you hurt so much you couldn’t leave it alone? did he admit he also hurt when you hurt? did you keep an old token he had left next to your half alive body for years just to give it back to him as a token of your devotion and affection? did he say he’d hold onto it and give it back when things between you two were finally settled? did he compare what he feels for you to praying? did he say those feelings of his aren’t just about you two but there aren’t many people like you? does he look at you like you hung the stars? did you stay awake at night multiple times thinking about him and wondering if he was okay and thinking about you too? did you wish for him upon a shooting star? did he hug you and whisper in your ear during your reunion and purposefully make his attempt to kill you slow and drawn-out despite being perfectly able to do the job in seconds? did you curl up in a fetal position and cry your eyes out when he left again? did you have a panic attack that made you pass out when you found out your friends were out to kill him? does he know your heart well and you, his? can he read what is in your heart? how you truly feel? did you lose your arms to each other during your final battle of love and power? did he decide to stay alive for you and you only? did you say you’d rather remain a fool your entire life if being smart meant giving up on him? did you broadcast your feelings for him to the entire shinobi alliance? did a super smart villain who was targeting him say that they needed to keep you away from him because you were changing his heart, soul and goals? did you go insane when said villain called him his? did you openly reject two people because they said you needed to give up on him? does the author necessarily have to think of him when he thinks of you because you proceed as a pair and cannot be separated? did he disobey your teacher and try to feed you his lunch despite knowing that it would make them fail their exam and send them directly back to the academy which meant stalling and coming in the way of his revenge dream simply because you were hungry? does he go out of his way to make sure you don’t skip meals when you stay out training for too long? does he look at you so closely and attentively he could immediately tell somebody was an imposter because they didn’t have a scratch on their face and had a holster on the wrong leg? does he still remember what your lips tasted like after that one accidental kiss? can he get into your headspace and “begone, thot” your demons? if not we can’t do this
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 15
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. As I mentioned last chapter, some chapters may get heavy going forward (like the last one) so, just make sure you check the trigger warnings and only read on if you feel comfortable doing so.
Potential Trigger Warnings: none.
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Jensen leaves numerous texts throughout the week and calls a few times morning and night, but I refuse to read or answer any of them. The guilt blooms into a giant stone, but I don’t have time to dwell on it. With the wedding only a few short days away, Stella keeps me very busy. She calls and texts almost as constantly as Jensen with stresses and questions and just looking for reassurance. 
Thankful for the distraction, I throw myself fully into helping Stella get ready for the wedding, not letting my mind to wander to anything else outside of my few shifts at the coffee shop. As the days pass her bridezilla shows a little more, but she’s not the angry, egotistical bridezilla, just excited and stressed. I help her through each hiccup passionately; trying to be the best Maid-of-Honor I can be. I figure that despite the rest of my life being a mess, I can at least ensure my best friend has the best wedding possible.
Finally, on the night before the big day, I arrive at sunset ready to stay the night and support her while Nick stays with Travis. While Stella isn’t the most traditional, Nick is, so she agreed to keep a few things traditional for him; one of them being not seeing each other before the ceremony. We’ve popped a wine, but at Nick’s request, I’m heavily monitoring her intake, restricting the both of us to just one glass; a slightly fuller glass than usual maybe, but one glass nonetheless. Despite her love for the drink, I know she’ll regret it if she’s hung over on her wedding day too. So, I take on my duties as seriously as possible, without being a buzzkill; I still want her to have the time of her life. 
I’d helped the other bridesmaids and groomsmen set up the venue in the morning–all under the watchful eye of the bride–so all we have to worry about now is relaxing. The bridesmaids, along with the beauticians and photographer will be here bright and early to start getting everyone ready, so I’m determined to get some rest tonight and make sure the bride-to-be does as well. 
We’re sitting on the couch watching terrible reality TV in silence while sipping our wine when she pulls me from my reverie. “So, no plus one for tomorrow then?”
“Nah. It’s fine, I’ll dance with Travis. It’s just a dance, tomorrow’s all about you anyway.”
“Look, Nick told me what he said to you…”
“You were acting different, distant. You stopped telling me anything about your life…I live vicariously through you, you know. You’re not a distraction and you don’t bring me down.” She places her glass on the coffee table and scoots over closer so she can place her hands on my knees. “Look, I’m getting married tomorrow, and I want my best friend standing next to me. Not some shell of her. I want you, the dramatic, bubbly you that I dragged around to college parties. You’re the one that convinced me to give Nick a shot in the first place and dive head first into this. You’re the one that taught me to be spontaneous, and not judge all guys based on a couple of bad experienced. And now I just feel like you need to use some of that energy on yourself.”
I place my glass on the coffee table with hers and then wrap her in a big hug. “Oh, Stella. I’ve missed you. I’m a mess, and I just want you to get every happiness that you deserve…the perfect wedding, your promotion – that you neglected to tell me about, by the way – you deserve the world and I didn’t want to cast any shadows.”
“You’re the Yin to my Yang, just as you were the Yang to my Yin when I needed it. That’s what best friends are for. That’s why you’re my Maid-of-Honor and not one of the other girls I’ve known longer. We just clicked, and you’ve helped me through so much. Let me return the favor…you used to let me. Don’t stop just because Nick is over cautious. I love the man and I cannot wait to marry him, but he was in the wrong with what he said and I told him as much.”
I pull back slightly to meet her eyes. “I don’t want to cause any issues between you and Nick.”
“You didn’t. He did, but we’re working through that. I want you guys to get along, but more than that I want us to be okay.”
I nod and pull her back into my arms. “We’re okay. We’re always okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She pulls back and takes a sip of her wine before leaning back in the couch. “Oh and you’re not a mess. You’ve lived such a full, dramatic life with the biggest dreams while I’ve done all I can to stay on the reasonable path. I’m jealous. But because I’ve heard your stories and watched you, I know you’re gonna get everything you deserve. I just hope you’ll let me watch you and hear all about it.”
“Yeah, right…full and dramatic…Being cheated on and turned down from a hundred auditions and struggling to pay my bills one week to the next…Very full…”
“You’ve also lived in multiple states and overseas. I’ve never lived outside of Manhatten. And the auditions are amazing! I’ve spent years reading textbooks and designing social ads, while you’re off playing characters and living a hundred different lives. I wish I had your talent. Those producers just don’t know what they’re missing. After the wedding there’s an audition I think you should go to…I hope I didn’t over step but I already submitted your name and portfolio.”
“Stell, I don’t know…”
“It’s just one more audition. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be right here and I’ll help you get an internship at the firm. You can be boring and responsible like me, if that’s what you want, I’ll help. But just go to the audition first.”
“I haven’t gotten any emails…If they call or email me with a callback I’ll think about it.”
“You’ll get one, trust me. The right exec will see your potential.”
An ad comes on the TV for a music hire store and it triggers something in my mind. “Maybe…In the meantime, did you ever organise music for tomorrow? I didn’t see a sound system or jukebox or anything like we talked about.”
“Yeah. We found a live band. Someone offered their services for a good price. Which I’m so thankful for, as cool as a jukebox would have been, I’m so much happier to have real people performing for us. The setlist may be a little different then we planned, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. They said they’ll bring all there own equipment so…”
“They offered at an affordable price in New York? Did you hear them first? Are they any good?”
“You think I’d risk letting some amateurs ruin my first dance? I’ve seen them perform, they’re good.”
“Alright. I look forward to it then.”
“Me too. So, we’re good?”
“Of course, we were never not good.”
“Good. I can go get some beauty rest then?”
“Not that you’re not plenty beautiful already. But yeah, we both should, big day tomorrow.”
“Yeah, thanks for convincing Nick to leave the wine. I don’t think I ever would’ve calmed the jitters enough to address all that or sleep otherwise.”
Stella stands up and goes upstairs. I take both glasses to the sink and clean them before shutting off the TV and going up to the guestroom. I lay snuggled up in the plush blankets staring at the ceiling as sleep evades me. Despite feeling slightly lighter now that the tension between me and Stella is out in the open, the stone of guilt in my stomach is still the size of a grapefruit. Then the thought of another audition builds a ball of anxiety around it. Sick of staring endlessly into the darkness I reach for my phone and turn it on. As I scroll through the notifications I notice there’s been no recent texts or calls from Jensen. While I can’t blame him, it’s disappointing to know that he’s finally given up. But I know it’s all my own fault. I try to push away the depressing thoughts. I shut off my phone and roll over, throwing the blankets over my head. I will sleep to come.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy,
@winchesterwild78, @kr804573, @chriszgirl92
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Notes: High school Au, fluff, comfort, 1st person
Summary: Reader is dragged along to a sleepover at the Maximoff's house. However when she gets there Wanda isn't her usual happy-go-lucky self. She seeks comfort in the reader, which is a shock to the entire group.
Masterlist | Pt2 | Pt3
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" Y/n?"
I pulled my gaze away from my phone only to be met with my whole friend group staring at me.
" Hm," I gave them my attention.
" Sleepover at the Maximoff's, you're going," Natasha told me rather than asking.
" What if I had plans?"
Tony laughed," We are the only people you interact with."
Tony's words cause me to roll my eyes," By choice, Richie Rich."
I didn't have a problem staying at the Maximoff household. In fact, they had the second-nicest house in the group (only second to Tony). I just had to keep my mean streak alive.
" So we'll see you there?" Wanda asked enthusiastically.
She was my polar opposite in the group. While she was the popular, bubbly, cheerleader; I was the sarcastic, yet quiet, pessimistic one of the group. She was the yin to my yang in a way.
Before I could answer, Natasha stepped in again," I'll pick her up at 6."
Wanda was still waiting for my own confirmation. I nodded and let out a heavy sigh," I mean, it doesn't sound like I have much of a choice."
A smile presented itself over her features," Good, it's not the same without you."
I looked away from the group to hide the light blush on my face from Wanda's kind words.
" Yes, because Y/n has so much budding personality," Clint chimed in.
" Clint, all of your personality comes from Laura, maybe we should invite her instead?"
Bruce broke out in laughter," You poked the bear and got the claws, my friend."
" So what time? What should I bring? Will there be adult supervision or?"
I tuned out the conversation as Steve began to ramble. My eyes unintentionally shifted over to Wanda. She was beautiful, way out of my league. Even just for friendship.
I had a crush on her for about as long as I could remember. No one knew about it, thankfully. I'm sure Natasha had her suspicions, but she never brought it up. Besides, Wanda had a boyfriend, his name was Jarvis, but everyone called him Vision. Football players and their weird nicknames, right.
He made her happier than she already was, which made him alright in my book.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the free period. I reluctantly let Steve drag me to put the next class together. He was still talking a mile a minute, trying to figure out what he was bringing to the Maximoff's.
When school was over, I went home and threw some clothes in a bag. Natasha ended up coming by early, and we hung out for a bit.
" So, I saw you blushing early today."
" I don't know what you're talking about," I brushed her off easily.
Natasha smirked," You know I've had my suspicions, but I think that I've found concrete evidence."
" Evidence of what exactly?"
Her eyes twinkled with mischief as they met mine," You like Wanda."
" Of course I do. In the same way, I like you or Steve or any of our friends."
Natasha shakes her head," You know that's not what I meant."
Before she could go any further, both of our phones went off. It was a message to the group chat, but without Wanda.
Pietro had texted an S.O.S for everyone to come early. He didn't explain himself, which made me worry.
Natasha and I left as soon as we got the text. The red head was speeding, but I didn't care. I just wanted to know what was going on. The faster we got there, the sooner we'd know.
It seemed like we were the last to arrive, as our friends' cars were parked in the driveway.
When we finally entered the house, the men were on edge. They looked relieved to see us walk in the door.
" What's going on?" Natasha spoke first.
They all moved out of the way so that Wanda was in our view. She was not the happy ball of sunshine that she usually was. She was curled up in a ball on the couch, in a hoodie that engulfed her. I could hardly see her face.
Pietro spoke softly, but his eyes burned fiercely," Jarvis broke up with her. Over text."
I could feel my jaw clench involuntarily. Natasha sprang into action and went over to comfort the girl. Wanda looked up at Natasha, but wasn't engaging with her.
The broken-hearted girl got up from the couch. She began walking in the direction of the boys and I. I watched her curiously and felt surprise overtake me as she wrapped her arms around my waist.
My eyes shot up to look at my friends. This was new. I had no idea what to do. They looked just as wide-eyed and confused as me. Natasha was the one to signal that I hug her back.
So my arms awkwardly engulfed the girl. My hold on her was loose, but I was combatting a shock of my own.
'Take her to her room' Pietro mouthed to me and I nodded.
" Wanda, let's go to your room."
I didn't get a response from the girl. Instead, she surprised me again by wrapping her legs around my waist. I was quick to support her so that she wouldn't fall.
I looked at my friends again, but they all shooed me up the stairs. I was careful as I walked with Wanda in my arms. When we got to her room, she unattached herself from me.
I had planned on standing there awkwardly, but Wanda had a different idea. She led me to her bed and lightly pushed me until I was lying down. She climbed on top of me.
I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Her head rested closer to my shoulder. My hand found its way into her hair. I dragged my fingers through it, more to calm myself than her.
" Wands," my voice came out as a whisper.
" I don't want to talk about it," her voice was hoarse from crying.
I chuckled a little bit," Is that why you picked me?"
She lifted her head so that her eyes pierced through mine," I picked you, because you give me the most comfort."
A blush spread across my face, I couldn't necessarily hide it with Wanda on top of me. I saw a small smile take over her features as she noticed my newly pigmented face.
" I don't think I know how to comfort anyone," I tried to avoid her gaze.
She laughs lightly," I don't think you give yourself enough credit, Y/n."
" I honestly feel like you're giving me too much."
Wanda moved to my side, I turned to face her. She began to lightly draw patterns on my hand.
" I remember the way you ran onto the field when Piet got injured during the soccer game. You were down there before the medics. You were mad that they didn't let you ride in the ambulance."
" I was scared. I'm scared now, but this is different."
" How is it different?"
I wasn't looking at her but at the ceiling,"I felt like being there was enough for him, but it doesn't seem like enough for you. I feel like I'm supposed to say something to make you feel better, but I don't know what to say."
She briefly stopped tracing patterns on my hand to hold it. My gaze dropped to her eyes," Being here is enough. You are enough, Y/n."
" You have to stop being so nice to me," my free hand went to cover my face.
This caused Wanda to let out a real laugh," I like seeing you blush, it's cute."
This only caused me to turn a deeper shade of red. " Are you ready to go back downstairs?"
" If you promise to stick by my side."
I got out of the bed and extended my hand towards her," As long as you'll have me."
She took my hand and we went downstairs together. She didn't leave my side the whole night. I don't think my friends had seen me smile so much.
I knew that she was heartbroken, but the thought that I brought her comfort made me ecstatic. I knew that I liked her, but having her this close made me realize something. I was completely in love with Wanda Maximoff.
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theholypeanut · 1 year
Haikyuu boys as Romance Tropes
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Content: some typical angst, fluff as a little Drabble with your hav Haikyuu boys;
Gn!reader, except fake dating
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Enemies to lovers
He hated you from the moment he saw you. The audacity, the way you were walking, everything just pissed him off. You were always fighting about the smallest things, as if your very existence was annoying. But what annoyed him the most was how he couldn’t get you out of his mind whenever you were not around. It was frustrating whenever he saw you laughing and chatting with other guys. How dare you never smile like that at him?
Suna, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Kunimi
Friends to lovers
Living in the same neighborhood and growing up together was an experience that bonded you two for life. From you crying on the playground after falling down to always hanging out in each other's houses while your parents were gossiping, you grew closer and closer over the years. It took him a moment to realize that as you grew up, he no longer saw you as just a playground friend. Instead, he actually missed you whenever you weren't at home and wondered if you were maybe out with your boyfriend. And that thought alone was driving him crazy.
Sugawara, Daichi, Akaashi, Hoshiumi
Best friend’s sibling
This type of guy had never really fallen in love before and would often shrug whenever any of their friends experienced romance issues. Until one day, he got to know you. It wasn't love at first sight; he simply hung out regularly at his best friend's house and naturally got to know you more and more. Eating ice cream in the kitchen, fighting for the TV remote on the couch, you spent time together. And then he heard the words, 'You are here so often, you are almost like my another brother.'
And he realized that it... hurt.
Yamaguchi, Osamu, Iwaizumi
Fake relationship
He is a very popular boy. To be fair, you don’t think you know any girl who wouldn’t want to date them if they asked. But some people really cross the line with their obsession - love letters everyday, stalking, stealing their stuff from the locker - it got absolutely crazy. One day, one of the teammates innocently suggested: “Why won’t you get yourself a fake girlfriend, so your fans will back off?” You agreed to pretend to be their girlfriend to see it this works. To make it more believable you actually started to spend more time together? He took you home after school, you went to watch a movie together. As time goes by he realised that he actually enjoyed doing this things with you - and he really wants to hold your hand, take you to the arcade, touch your hair and grab a late night snack together. After a while there’s only one thing on his mind: Would it be too much to kiss in a fake relationship? How to get you for real this time?
Atsumu, Kuroo, Ushijima
Love at first sight
He never understood the idea of love that everyone talked about. Usually, he would just shrug it off and remain indifferent. "You'll get it when you find the one" he heard from his friends. And then he saw you for the first time. It was just a regular encounter next to the vending machine, both of you reaching for the dispenser to put a coin in. He looked at you, and it felt like he accidentally swallowed his tongue.
"Sorry, you can go first," you said, a little embarrassed.
"Go out with me" he blurted out.
Nishinoya, Hinata, Bokuto, Tendou
Opposites attract
There is always this comparison: water and fire, salt and pepper, Yin and Yang. Somehow, he never gave it much thought before - that the person he would fall for would be everything he is not. He is calm, collected, and quiet, while you are a walking chaos, loud, a troublemaker, always laughing the loudest in the room. At first, he even found you annoying, but the more you two interacted, he realized that this walking disaster was what made him smile. Others would be surprised at how well you work together, but somehow now, he doesn't think he can ever let you go, because he doesn't want to go back to his quiet existence. He just wants you.
ASAHI, Kita, Aone
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By slowlyholypeanut, don’t translate, put on other websites, steal
Beautiful divider by @cafekitsune
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anime-dreams · 5 months
Idk man pt 2??? Jjk season 2 was traumatising (gege 😡) but sukuna was really hot
Anyways heres Shokos pov after ✨Gojoe✨ and 🗣️Geetoes🦶breakup (i love shoko omg shes so hot and shes savage)
I could barely recognise you after he left. Those blue eyes no longer held the familiar warmth and glow. Your mood swings were so sudden, your silence was so loud, i could not stand to be around you for too long anymore. But you know what i could not stand most? Seeing you, the supposed “strongest” wasting away, like a dimming star. What have you became? Unrecongisable. 
I still keep in touch with Geto. I receive his letters twice a week, and the way he talked about you, it was like you hung stars in the sky. Each one of those letters never failed to mention your name, never failed to ask me to check up on you. And that day, i knocked softly on your door, with a bag full of your favourite snacks. You were crying. I heard it. You never cried, at least, not in front of me. But when you opened the door, you greeted me with a smile that did not reach your eyes. Why are you hiding your feelings from me? Have i also not been with you for the past 2 years? I reached out my hand to pat your back, to try to comfort you, and you flinched, taking a step back, as my hand came into contact with seemingly nothing. Oh yeah, i forgot. Your infinity has been on ever since he left. You took one more step back awkwardly, not meeting my eyes. I know that i can never replace him, but for you to act like im a complete stranger… was i not there? Your actions following his disappearance… it made me question myself if my place in your lives have ever been as meaningful as i had thought. Was i merely an afterthought in the story of our friendship? I didnt even remember how i felt, but i heard myself yell: “Can you suck it up and get the hell over him already?” and the already flickering light in your eyes went out, completely. Before i knew it, your amplification blue took away the whole ceiling and turned it into shambles. Those chipped pieces of wood and shattered pieces of glass held my gaze, as i saw, reflected in them, an image of us. Once strong, now cracked and split. It hurts, you know. Is this how it’s going to end? 
We still talked, but every word you said, every smile you flashed at me, your eyes remained void. Every joke you cracked, every prank you pulled, hollowness echoed after them. I could do nothing but leave you to wallow in your misery. After all, im not him. I cant get you to open up to me like you do with him. You need to know when it’s necessary to let things go, simply for the reason that they are heavy. Deep down, i believe that you havent lost who you are, you’re just different, and that’s okay. But it was painful, to see you like that. 
I stared at the image of you crouching over him, debating if i should disturb the moment. You said something, and he smiled, holding tightly onto his still bleeding shoulder. His lips moved, conveyed his last thoughts to you, then his arms slackened, and his head drooped. You remained there, saying nothing. Your blindfold was off, your shoulders were hunched, your jaw was clenched, and in those swirling shades of blue in your eyes, i could somehow only see emptiness. It wasent long before i had to step in. i was supposed to take care of his body’s disposal, after all. And before i could even touch him, you pushed me aside, with so much force that i almost fell. Your head turned, your eyes cast a piercing gaze at me, and those blue were no longer empty. In them, a whirlwind of emotions swirled, some of which i could not comprehend. How can i, anyway? When you never told me anything. I took that as my cue to leave. 
You and him fit each other perfectly, like yin and yang. Then… where am I? To you and him, what have i been this whole time? In some other life, we are standing side by side, and laughing at the fact that in some other life, we are apart. Gojo, Geto, i really hope that we will meet again, that in another life, our paths will cross again, not as Gojo, Geto, or Shoko, but 3 strangers that become the best of friends. Maybe in another life, our fates won’t be sealed and our destinies won’t be so complicated. Maybe in that other life, I will no longer feel invisible.
(😭😭😭its so sad that shoko stuck by toru and sugu all those times and shes like, so damn invisible. 'theres always a duo in a trio' 😢 i love her so much)
Anyways thanks for making it here!! Im the type that only writes when i feel really emo or when im free (student life's really busy :() so im not really active here BUT i appreciate any constructive feedback/criticism if any so pls do comment and TYSMMM FOR MAKING IT HERE 😍
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imzsuzsis-blog · 5 months
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The last time I saw Lando was a few days ago, even after the tennis final, a blond-haired whore didn't get off him, but in the end, in a strange way, Holge told him to leave him alone, he's probably going home now, just as he'll have time to pack his stuff and take the dog, and then he'll go train for the race. Well, I think the roommate stopped there to say that it was a dog, and so did I. "Where did he get it from?" "Guards took in the beauty from a shelter." ,,Beauty? A girl? Damn, didn't he have enough Uno? Now he has another one pulled up next to him, I'm talking to him. don't send him anywhere just friends. I don't know what's wrong with him in Melbourne, he even took a pregnancy test and told me that he might be pregnant because he missed it." "Kids, stop, there's worse! By the way, hello, mother will cut off him ears and eardrums for this." ,,Cic hello! He's crazy since he says he's pregnant." ,.He says so? He's really pregnant, he seems to be taking a minimum, he's trying to cover up what he told Max and Pietra, Max's reaction I'd rather drive your sports car before the fetus gets hurt, even though he already knew Pietra froze, I was there Callum couldn't bear to spit and swallow, he just blinked when he found out that the boys they can also be pregnant."
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"What the hell??? I got my ears pierced???? Where do you get this from again????” I looked at the secret chat group on my cell phone and it was full of people arguing about it, sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously, the older ones seriously, how to take it out, it doesn't look good, the ones my age are jokingly, it's very good. Only I knew the answer to this, I took a photo and wrote it down, it's a fucking pimple that grew in the wrong place, stop it, it hurts and it's big, and this fucking breast is embarrassing, that's why I'm constantly wearing a fish tank because it's bothering me. "Honey, why are you angry? That's when you're cute, right?" Loki lay next to me and caressed my upper arm, then he lay on his side and looked at me. "There's gas, everyone's focused on my hormonal acne and they think I've pierced my ears." "Are these normal? Who was?" My sister, "Well, if it was meant as a joke, it wasn't a good joke." I lowered my head and asked Loki for a sad kiss, which came in handy as the twins were very fond of each other, but one of them resisted. When Doctor Yin told me, I burst into tears, I'm not a big cryer, but we really expected them to be sick, but they felt this was a trick and that's all I told Max, he didn't take it well last time.
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"Well, it's getting weirder, it's not a pimple, it's a piercing." I hung up the phone after I wrote back so that he could finally do the truth about this shit, because he sure did. em acne because I had it too, I don't even admit it, it's fucking embarrassing and sometimes it hurts, this is how life has to be put up with. "Oscar, what's wrong? I know you shouldn't tell your girlfriend everything, but I can tell you everything." "What the hell is this?" I looked at my picture, it looked like a small tattoo that one's child plays pranks on after a drunken night. "I think an embarrassing tattoo that you can get drunk on guys is the slut tattoo." "Maybe this will be fucking new to you, but Lando is pregnant, you American bastard!!!! This isn't the series How I Met Your mother, you stupid person."
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,,What??? They're getting dumber. Loki You have to see this.” I admit, yes, I have a bitch tattoo, but I did it last year on New Year's Eve, drunk in Bali, not exactly legally, and sometimes it can hurt during the day, and I also have a navel piercing. I was sixteen when I did this out of rebellion with a group of friends, so I don't keep in touch with any of them anymore, they became exterminating jerks when it turned out that I was gay. That I'm smitten with the ex of the mistress, who is a boy and right, we went to an art history and finally got together. Berdon is my first boyfriend. and the first boyfriend I told that I love him, so far I told a boy named Alex. It all ended badly, it was written in the lyrics when I heard the first one from him, I could sob for hours, but I wasn't the stupid one as it is, he was because he cheated on me with another boy.
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I caressed Lando, it was very nice the last few days, especially the girl, what's in him ear? He thinks the girl talked to him, a fucking bitch, even a WAG, and it would be shit, the dog and mine, I don't understand what's the trial lesson in chat, it's secret I'm in the WAG chat and the problem is how big I wrote that my daughter and a beauty should be called I'm hoping for a baby... The air here is also freezing, a lot of questions from who is pregnant... I wrote from Lando Ollie Bearmann... Freezing... But Lando boy questions... Answer In one word, he's not intersex and he told me he'd already given birth and ended up in a bad place because of him father... Anger...He was still a teenager then but he could have done it but him father wouldn't let him, now he's an adult he feels he can do it and leaves him alone and he wouldn't want him there it would be only the mother when the little one was born. ,,I'm trying to stop here too, but Kelly..." I kissed him hair and sniffed the poor thing because it was more and more obvious that he was pregnant, but it didn't bother the cameras, and the fact that he's with a boy instead of a girl, which freaks out the girl fans even more, is lately, the poor thing just cries, I can hardly comfort him, I even brought my dog ​​beauty to make him happier, but not as often as he goes out on the street, the paparazzis are screaming after him, where is the beautiful girl Norris. "It doesn't work for me, I prefer to cover myself and myself on the weekend. This is not a situation. I always knew that I loved boys and not girls. It's bullshit what they write about me."
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sngchngs · 3 months
Day 3
For Yin Yu Appreciation Week!
Riding his Yamaha YZF-R1 down the road Yin Yu glanced at his phone in its holder attached to the bike's handlebars to be sure that the address was correct. It was. 
His Boss Hua Cheng had given him a job. Find the monster that eats people's memories, and eradicate it to return the memories it stole. It had dared to mess with his boss’ beloved. Which is unforgivable. So here he is in an industrial part of town, large chain link fences surrounding massive sheds and  workshops, on a tip from one of his many contacts that the Memory Eater would be here, somewhere. 
He sighed. There were more than a few  dozen buildings on this road, if he stopped to check each and every one of them it would tip off the Memory Eater and he could lose it. 
He's lucky it was a Sunday and the workshops were quiet. No harsh clangs of metal, or the roars of machinery. Just the silent road. And his bike’s rumble.
A sudden clamour cut through the air; banging and screaming. Revving the engine Yin Yu sped towards the location a heavy feeling settling in his belly at the sounds. 
Further ahead he spotted smoke starting to rise from one of the older unused buildings. From it all manner of creatures and little ghosts were running outside shrieking in fear at what was inside. Yin Yu ignored them as he approached. He seems to be at the right place. But what was happening inside? If he was still alive he was sure his heart would be pounding in trepidation.
Then the whole building seemed to shake from a deafening boom. An inhuman wailing split the air. Garbled noises from something in pain. Yin Yu stopped his bike, turned it off and dismounted. As he walked closer words could be made out in all the wailing. “No more! It's too much! It's too much! Make it stop! It's too much!” 
Then he could hear the quieter voice of a young man speaking through the din. “So, you will give it back? What you stole from me?” 
Yin Yu felt his heart drop. Not him. Why is he here?! But, he seems to have the situation in some sort of control. Not counting the smoke coming from somewhere inside. 
Yin Yu snuck up to the building's entrance and peered in. The scene inside was exactly as he imagined. He saw his Boss's beloved standing above a creature in the shape of a man with green-grey skin and a huge distended belly. The Memory Eater. It was writhing on the ground clutching it's belly in agony. 
“Take it!” It screamed. “Take it all back! I didn't think there would be this much! I don't want it!” 
Yin Yu ducked back towards his bike and called his Boss. “Ah, Boss. The situation is being taken care of as we speak.” 
“...Explain.” Came the clipped response. 
“Ah, Xie Lian got to the Memory Eater before I did. It's giving him back all of what it ate.” 
“....” The other end was silent for a moment. Then Hua Cheng huffed a  laugh. “Of course he did,” he chuckled. Yin Yu smiled a little, his boss’s joy was a little contagious. 
“Does Xie Lian know you are there?” Hua Cheng asked. 
“Good. Return immediately.” He hung up. 
“Understood.” Yin Yu replied to the beeping in his ear. 
Ignoring the pain filled wails behind him Yin Yu walked over to his bike, started it up and rode back the way he came. 
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lightning-and-dragons · 2 months
Strength and Survival Chapter 9
Previous Chapter (Chapter 8)// Next Chapter (Chapter 10)
I'm so glad that this chapter is finally posted! I hope that everyone enjoys it! Read on Tumblr below! Rated Teen and Up.
Cole often wondered how things would’ve changed if the Merge hadn’t separated the Ninja team. Would Cole have ever met his new family from the Land of Lost Things? Would Lloyd have ever met Arin and Sora? Would Wyldfyre still be living among dragons? Would Jay and Nya continue to pursue their relationship, even get married, despite the changes the realms went through? Would Zane and Pixal have become Yin and Yang? Would Kai understand himself like he did right before he was thrown into the portal? Would Wu have finally found the peace he often looked for, but couldn’t find with all of the evil threats Ninjago faced? 
He knew that he may never know. The Merge didn’t just separate realms, they separated families, homes, teams, friends, brothers, sisters, everyone. It ripped their team apart. Even now, years later, there were still those in his family that were missing. Jay. Pixal. Sensei Wu. And now Kai.
Cole knew that they would all be together eventually. But, for now, he had to reunite another family. He had to save Rontu and Egalt. 
So, he decided to focus on that. 
He didn’t know the dragons, he never got a chance to meet them, but he knew that they were special. Lloyd and the others spoke highly of them, and as he watched Rontu’s student, the stranger with elemental powers, lead them through the Administration, so full of determination, Cole knew that they meant a lot to him, too. 
The Administration was exactly how Lloyd, Arin, and Zane had described it, full of hundreds of hallways, all brightly lit with white light. Rontu’s student navigated the pathways expertly, avoiding the busy hallways to avoid suspicion. Cole wasn’t surprised about that. If he did work at the Administration at one point, why wouldn’t he know the way?
As Cole ran behind him, he watched how the man ran, his feet barely touching the floor yet still propelling him forward, allowing him to go faster than any of the rest of them. It seemed familiar, achingly so, yet Cole didn’t know why. Despite his speed, the man kept close, looking behind him every so often, no doubt checking to make sure that Nya, Lloyd, and Cole were still there. 
“Where are we going?” Lloyd asked in loud enough to be heard by only them, and the man fell back to them, his kusarigama swinging lazily from where it hung on his waist.
“There’s a lab not far from here, Lab A. It's never guarded unless it’s being used.” Rontu’s student said, and Nya glanced at him in question. 
“How do you know it won’t be used?”
“It isn’t. It’s only used when they capture an elementalist. I was the last one there, and I’m pretty sure that if anyone else here had powers the Administration would have dealt with them a long time ago.” His voice quivered slightly as he spoke, yet no one called him out on it. 
The words took a minute to register in Cole’s mind. He was captured because of his element? What did the Administration do to him in the lab? What happened in there that would make a man like Rontu’s Student afraid? 
“They experimented on you?” Lloyd asked, his eyes wide, and Cole couldn’t blame him. His own stomach twisted at the thought of someone being studied, someone probably being tortured, just because of their element. 
It was wrong. It was disgusting. 
“They tried to take my element from me, to power their weapons. I escaped before they could take it all. So, not experiments or torture, but it was painful.” The man said simply, despite the fear that was evident, pushing away his trauma like dirt under a rug.
“Dude, that <em>is</em> torture. That’s probably one of the most painful experiences you’ll ever go through.” Cole said, and Lloyd hummed in agreement. 
“Trust me, I've been through worse.” The man replied, and everyone fell into silence. Cole knew that it was because no one knew what to say. 
How could anyone have been through something worse than torture? How much had this guy lived through? Did he lose someone in the Merge? Did he have a family before he was ripped away from them? Or did he come from a place that put him through more pain than the Administration? How evil was the Administration?
Cole didn’t get a chance to ask. Rontu’s student began slowing down, an office door in front of them. There was only a corridor in their way, but after making sure that there was no one in it, they crossed easily. 
The office was tucked away in an odd corner, nearly completely hidden from any prying eyes, with only one corridor near them, the one that they had just ran across. The office looked just as normal as the rest of the offices did. The only difference was that instead of a regular lock, there was an electric keypad, no doubt placed to keep people out…or in. 
He didn’t let himself think about that for long.
The man stopped, hesitating at the door, before reaching for the electronic keypad. Lloyd pulled Nya aside, looking down the corridors, no doubt keeping watch. If an agent found them now, their plan would need to be changed, and fast. 
But, one thing was clear. They needed to get out of the hallways and into the office. That way less people would see them, and they could continue on.  Rontu’s student still hadn’t opened the door, seemingly watching the keypad with confusion, so Cole walked over, causing the man to turn to him. 
“I got it.” Cole said, slamming his fists together, conjuring the strength of earth from within himself, but the man shook his head.
“Give me a second. Whatever….that is, it might be too loud. Let me have a go.”
In a mere second, blue lightning sparked from his fingertips, and Cole stuttered to a stop, watching as the man shocked the keypad easily, allowing the door to open with a soft click. 
Lightning. The man just used lightning. 
Cole’s breath left his lungs, his body struggling to take a breath, leaving him lightheaded. He stumbled into the nearest wall, confusion and panic seeping into his bones, dazed, the world spinning around him. 
He used lightning. He used Jay’s element. He…he…he…
Through the blurry haziness his surroundings had become, Cole could see Lloyd and Nya make their way to him, their hands held up, as if they were worried about him. Nya grabbed Cole’s shoulder, her grip strong yet still so far away.
“Cole! Are you okay?”
Her voice sounded like it was traveling through a layer of stone, muffled and muted. But one thing became clear to Cole. 
They didn’t see it. They didn’t see the lightning. 
Was Cole going crazy? Or did Rontu’s student actually use lightning? Was he missing Jay so much that he started hallucinating? But if so, how did the door open?
What was going on?
That couldn’t be Jay. If it was, he would’ve told them right away, he would’ve thrown off his mask, he would’ve embraced them all with the biggest hugs, he would be talking all of their ears off and they wouldn’t care, he would’ve kissed Nya and told Cole all of the adventures he had been on. 
He wouldn’t have hid. He would never hide from them. 
But, if that wasn’t Jay, and the lightning was real, what did that mean? Was Jay dead? Was his element transferred to another man? Was Cole never going to see his best friend again?
Yet, deep down, Cole knew that that wasn’t true. This man ran like Jay, it was why it was so familiar. His voice sounded exactly like Jay’s. He fought with a kusarigama. He used lightning. 
This was Jay. It had to be. 
“Cole, what happened? Cole!” Lloyd sounded scared, desperate, and it was that fear that brought Cole back, all of the noises around them flooding back like a landslide. He took a moment to regain his bearings, taking in deep breaths, avoiding looking at Rontu’s Student, who was no doubt watching him. 
Was he watching Cole with those sapphire blue eyes that never stopped shining? Or with the eyes of a stranger? 
“I’m…I’m okay.” He managed to whisper, but Nya didn’t seem convinced. Cole didn’t know if he should tell her what he began to believe. What he saw. He didn’t even know if what he thought was even possible. 
He couldn’t give her a false hope. But he was so sure.
Jay was there, this whole time. He was running alongside them, like old times. 
And they didn’t know. None of them knew. 
He wanted to tell them. He needed to. But the words got caught in his throat.  
“Come on, we need to get inside. We’ll talk later, alright, Cole?” Lloyd replied, and he nodded weakly. 
Cole could feel all of their eyes on him, including Rontu’s student, but no one said a word. They made their way into the room, the door now opened, the keypad fried. As they entered, Cole paid no attention to the area around him, but only Rontu’s student. 
The man walked around the lab, around a large glass cage, and focused on multiple computer screens, all blacked out. With swift fingers, fingers that Cole knew had worked in the belly of hundreds of mechanical pieces, had mastered lighting, had nearly destroyed video game controllers with how frantically they played, Rontu’s student turned the screens on. Now reaching for a keyboard, it looked like he was typing in a password, and he let out a little whoop of delight when it allowed him access. 
That was so Jay. Everything about it screamed Cole’s best friend. Told him that Jay was standing right there in front of them. 
How had they all been so blind? 
Finally, Cole found the strength to speak. 
“Jay?” Cole asked, his voice barely above a whisper, the words tumbling out with no control. “Jay. Isーis that you?”
Rontu’s student stiffened, and both Nya and Lloyd turned to Cole in shock. 
“No.” Cole replied, dodging Lloyd’s hand, walking closer to Rontu’s student, who didn’t move from where he stood at the console, frozen. “Jay. What happened to you? I’m not blind. You used lightning back there. You talk like him. Run like him. You’re Jay.”
“Cole, I know you miss him, we all do, but Rontu’s student can’t be Jay.” Lloyd was arguing, but Cole couldn’t find it in himself to reply. His heart ached knowing the truth. He wasn’t going to waste any time trying to convince the others of what he was so sure about. 
“Look,” That was Nya now, her eyes expressing concern, as if he was losing his mind. But he wasn’t. “That can’t be Jay. It’s impossible.”
She looked sad, and he felt her pain, the pain of loss, the pain that came with mourning someone you cared about, of wanting them to be here when they weren't. He felt her pain, but he knew that they could stop it. He just needed to show them what he saw. 
A tense silence fell over them, and Cole didn’t know how to break it. But he wasn’t the one who did. 
“How do you know my name?”
The man’s voice lowered,  and Cole watched as he tensed. Nya gasped beside Cole, her eyes widening, and Lloyd’s mouth dropped open in shock. 
“What?” He asked softly, but Rontu’s student, <em>Jay</em>, didn’t acknowledge him.
“How do you know my name?”
Each word was cold, sharp, like the kusarigama at his waist that the man grabbed, his fingers tight around the hilt. 
Cole didn’t know what to do. So, he spoke. It felt like the right thing to do, if the roles were reversed. But why was Jay acting so defensive? Why did he ask that question, of course Cole knew Jay’s name!
“I know that you’re Jay Walker. I’m Cole, your best friend!”
“You’re working with them. The Administration.” Rontu’s student said darkly, “You want to take my powers again, don’t you?”
“No, no, I would never do that! Don’t you know who I am? I would never hurt you!”
“You would! The only people who know my name are the Administration, Rontu, and Egalt! You’re one of them! You have to be!” The man turned to them then, his body tense with worry, and Cole could feel his own heart racing. 
“Jay.” Lloyd said, slowly walking towards him, but Rontu’s student pointed his kusarigama at him, his hand shaking. “Jay. Please. Can you take off your mask? We can talk about this.”
The man huffed, and with a fluid motion, one born of years of practice, his hood was off, revealing startling blue eyes, blue eyes that Cole hadn’t seen in forever. They didn’t meet Cole’s own. His tousled brown hair was unkempt, and a galaxy of freckles was scattered across his cheeks, a slight brush of scars light on his skin.
The man standing before them was Jay. It had to be. Despite the dark clothing, which now looked odd on him, it was clearly Cole’s best friend. The Master of Lighting. Jay Walker. 
But something was so, so wrong. Why didn’t he recognise them? Why was he afraid of them? 
“There. Happy? Finally got all of the proof you needed to throw me in the Chamber again? Let me guess, in accordance with file DT5Y-RM7?” Jay was nearly yelling now, fear and panic evident in his features. 
Nya didn’t move as this happened. All she did was stand there in shock. He couldn’t imagine how she felt right now. Why did he think that they were working with the Administration? Didn’t he know who they were? Didn’t he know that they would never do anything to him?
“We won’t hurt you. You’re our friend.” Lloyd said calmly, authoritatively, like a leader, despite the shock that he must be feeling, and Jay fixed his eyes on him, his face set with determination. 
“I don’t know you. I don’t know any of you.”
The words felt like a knife to the heart, and Cole flinched back. He reached for Nya’s hand, and she grabbed it, her body slightly shaking. 
What? Jay didn’t know them? How….how could…
No. No. He couldn’t have forgotten them. No. 
It was in that moment of hesitation that Jay attacked them. The blade of his weapon swung, narrowly missing Lloyd, and the Green Ninja sidestepped it, bringing his own sword in front of him. 
“Jay! Wait!”
With a swift kick, Lloyd was on the ground, his sword clattering by his feet, and within a second Cole felt a fist in his stomach. He landed roughly, the air escaping his lungs with a wheeze, where he coughed, struggling to take in a breath. Jay stood above him, and for the first time in years Cole’s brown eyes met familiar blue, the blue eyes wide and terrified. 
Cole hated seeing that. He hated seeing Jay so afraid. 
“Jay, no!”
There was no hesitation as lightning sparked around them. Cole closed his eyes, refusing to fight his best friend again, trying to think of a way to convince him that they were friends, but nothing came. 
He expected a shock of electricity that didn’t come.
He opened his eyes to the sound of struggle, and saw Nya holding Jay’s arms back, twisting his wrist so the kusarigama fell from his grip. 
“Jay?” Nya said, her voice trembling, “Jay, it’s me, it’s Nya!”
“I don’t know you!” Jay thrashed in her arms, fighting tooth and nail to escape, as if he was being held by a monster insead of the woman that he loved. His breathing was ragged, and his lungs couldn’t take in a full breath. “Let me go!” 
“Why don’t you remember us? What happened to you?” Nya demanded, yet Cole could see tears in her eyes, a slight waver in her limbs, showing her true fear. 
What didn’t Jay know who Nya was? Why didn’t he know that they were here to help? Why did he fight them?
“Jay! I promise we’re your family.” Lloyd was saying, as if words could calm Jay down, raising his hands as if Jay was a rabid animal. But he wasn’t. Jay was the kindest, most caring one of them all. 
He was. He was until now. 
In that moment, Cole could see Jay’s eyes focus, taking on a familiar look, one that told Cole that Jay was about to use his lightning. He didn’t hesitate to get to his feet and move his own sword to Jay’s throat. He hated to do this to his friend, hating that it came to this, but he couldn’t let Nya get hurt. 
“Shock her and I’ll swing.”
Jay’s eyes widened even further, he still struggled in Nya’s grip, but he made no move to attack her. Cole counted that as a blessing, though it was a small one. 
“Please, just listen to us! We’re your friends, your family!” Lloyd said, getting to his feet, and Jay shook his head rapidly. 
“No, no, that’s not possible! If I had friends they would’ve found me by now!” Jay yelled, and Cole’s heart broke.
He was right, wasn’t he? How great of friends were they if they hadn’t found him for so long? The Merge happened so long ago. Was Jay alone all of that time, other than his time with Rontu and Egalt? Did he spend his time thinking that no one came for him because no one loved him? That they all just forgot about him and moved on? Was that why Jay was pretending that he didn’t know them? He didn’t see them as his friends anymore?
Jay spoke up again, his voice a whisper. “They…they would’ve found me.” 
With those words said, it was as if a string had been cut, Jay going still in Nya’s grip. He frowned deeply, and Cole could see anguish and conflict stirring in those blue eyes, blue eyes that were becoming wet with tears. 
“I don’t have anyone left. My only family is Egalt and Rontu now.” Jay said, defeated, the tears falling from his eyes now. He looked confused, more confused than ever. “I lost all of my memories after the Merge, alright? I woke up, and I just knew my name. Nothing else. So if I did know you before, I don't anymore. But I know that you aren't my friends. You…you can’t be.”
It was those words that shocked them all into silence. Nya let go of Jay, stepping away from him, her hands shaking, but Jay made no move to attack them. His body crumpled in on itself, like rocks tumbling down a slop and crashing on the ground in one heep, defeated and weak. He curled in on himself, his arms wrapping around his torso, his head tucked low. 
Lloyd looked devastated. Cole could see it in his eyes. He looked as if what happened to Jay was his fault, that he couldn’t protect his friend from the lost memories, that he had failed him. Cole felt the same. 
If what Jay said was true, he lost all of his memories. It…it made sense. It explained why he didn’t recognise them, why he had hid his identity from Lloyd and the rest of them, why he was so afraid of them. Did he not remember anything about them? All of their adventures, the nights spent playing too many video games, the roads and journeys they had taken together? Did Jay forget meeting Cole, becoming friends, sticking by each other’s side no matter what? Did he forget his love for Nya, how much he was willing to die for her? Did he forget how much he trusted Lloyd?
And what about the rest of them? Did Jay not remember Kai? Zane? Pixal? Sensei Wu? Did he forget all of the enemies they fought, all of the battles that they won? Did he know that he was a ninja, a hero? Did he know anything about his life from the Merge? Anything about who he was?
Cole knew that he probably didn’t, and the thought was too much to bear. 
Jay seemed to get even smaller as they watched him, speechless. He refused to meet their eyes. He was basically unrecognizable. How could someone so lively, so joyfully loud and happy, be so sad and scared?
Cole hated seeing Jay like that. He found it in himself to speak up, when everyone was too stunned to say a word. If Jay had truly forgotten them, which was a thought that destroyed Cole, making him feel like he had lost his best friend for good, then they needed to first make sure he felt safe around them. He wouldn’t listen to them if he was still afraid of them. 
“We won’t hurt you. I promise. We aren't with the Administration, we’re only here to help.”
Jay took a moment, watching them all hesitantly. “How do I know?”
“For starters, we have elements too. We know how precious they are, and we would never dream of taking your lightning from you. Wouldn’t the Administration have found us too, if we had worked for them? We wouldn’t be free right now if we did. They would be draining our elements like they tried to drain yours.”
Once again, Cole could barely stomach that thought. He knew deep down that the glass cage near them was for draining an elemental power from what Jay had said, and he couldn’t bear to think of Jay being trapped in there, alone and hurting. But Jay was afraid of them. Cole had to change that, he had to use words and ideas that would make sense.
Lloyd then spoke up, his voice even and sure, seemingly catching on Cole’s plan. “The Administration attacks quickly and quotes rulebooks. They don’t really have a conversation during them either, do they, like we’re having now?”
Jay visibly relaxed slightly at the words. “No. No, they don’t.”
“So, we’re not with them. I promise.” Lloyd finished, and Jay hesitantly nodded.
“If I do believe you, then how can I trust that you know me? From before the Merge? Why haven’t…why hasn’t anyone come for me?”
Cole spoke up then, knowing that his words were true, despite the chaos that the last few months had been for them. “We looked. We never stopped looking for you, Jay.” 
“How do I know that you’re my friends? You could just be saying that! You could be lying!”
“Can’t you feel it?” Nya asked, her voice softer than Cole had ever heard it. “Doesn’t some part of you know that we’re special to you? That I’m…”
She couldn’t finish the sentence, but Cole knew what she wanted to say. Did he know how special she was to him? How much Jay loved her? Because how could Jay forget Nya? Those two had been through everything together, had loved each other with a deeper love, an unbreakable love that Cole could never doubt was real.
If someone could completely forget that, then how unbreakable was it?
<em>Nya forgot Jay.</em> Cole reminded himself, <em> She forgot him but then she remembered.</em>
He hoped that Jay would do the same. 
Jay met her gaze, watching her, studying her, as if he was trying to determine what to say through her eyes. 
“I…I don’t know.” His voice was weak, breaking up, and he looked away, shaking his head. “I don’t know.”
Jay’s body shook with sobs, his shoulders quaking with the force of dozens of bolts of lightning. He looked so lost in front of them, so confused. Cole had to hold himself back from taking Jay in his arms and giving him a big hug, because he knew that all it would do was scare him even more. 
“I don’t know. I’m sorry. I don’t know.”
Nya nodded firmly at his words, but Cole could see that she was breaking on the inside. Her eyes filled with tears, tears that he knew wouldn’t fall, and she stood tall. 
“It’s okay.” She said gently. “It’s okay.”
He wondered how difficult it was for her to stay away from Jay too. Nya was never the one to initiate hugs, Jay was the more physically affectionate one of the two. But whenever Jay fell into panic, whenever the world got too rough, he would always run to her, run to her embrace. She would hold him, protecting him, letting him take in as much comfort as he could. 
Now, Jay didn’t run to her. He stepped further away. 
“Look.” Lloyd said. Jay watched him warily, yet didn’t run. “We’re asking you to trust us. I promise we’re your friends, and I have photographs that I can show you to prove it, just not here. There’s a monastery that we live at, there’s a lot of proof there that you’re one of us. You could even see your old bedroom.”
Cole knew that that was true. Despite the chaos that the Merge caused, the rooms within the Monastery had barely been touched. Lloyd had checked them all himself. Cole didn’t dare go into Jay’s old room before, it was too painful to admit that he was still missing, yet now…now he might be able to. 
He also remembered a few things that would be in there, too. 
“I’m sure Mister Cuddlywomp is still there. Do you remember him?” Cole asked, and Jay shook his head, a small, uncertain smile on his lips. “We fixed him up after…well, that’s a bit of a story. Anyways, there’s probably still video games in there that we still need to beat, too.”
“I…” Jay took a deep breath, his chest still shaking with sobs. “I have a hard time trusting people.”
Cole thought back to the cage that sat beside them, one that Jay had told them takes elements. 
Of course Jay couldn’t trust anyone after that. 
“I promise, we’ll一”
Lloyd’s voice was cut off by a loud wailing sound, a siren, one that pierced the air, causing Jay and Cole to jump. A deep voice echoed around them, and Cole’s breath caught in his throat. 
<em><strong>Intruder alert. Intruder alert. All agents proceed to Lab A. Intruder alert.</em></strong>
All of them glanced at each other, their eyes wide with fear, Jay’s being the widest. Cole was kicking himself. In all of the chaos of finding Jay, of trying to understand what happened, they had completely forgotten that they were in enemy territory. 
And now the Administration knew that they were here. Now, their whole plan was in jeopardy. 
Now, Cole had no clue what to do. 
Previous Chapter (Chapter 8)// Next Chapter (Chapter 10)
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