#Voyage Futur
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trevlad-sounds · 2 months ago
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For the Birds 035
CIALYN – Green sun phosphenes – 00:00 odd person – kingdom of the resplendent crow – 04:36 Voyage Futur – Entering the Grotto – 08:42 Kenny Ueda – Mexican Restaurant – 14:02 Wil Bolton – Quiet Sunlight – 16:56 Willebrant – Inlet II – 23:53 Common Saints feat. Taloula – Dream On – 35:20 Audio Obscura – Coasting – 38:36 Lunar Cambridge – The Head Wizard Puts On His Waterproof Oculus – 42:51 Drew Mulholland & Garden Gate – Tumulus – 46:11 Lyonel Bauchet – Paranoïd Birds – 48:35 Daou – Red flock – 52:35 Contours, Yadava – Bike Shed – 55:46
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ambientworld · 2 years ago
Voyage Futur - Celestial Shore
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Minőségi ambient darab. Friss.
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colorsofthedark666 · 3 months ago
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Sci-Fi People
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lonely-night · 2 months ago
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Voyager Week Day 4: Time Travel
5.24 “Relativity” & 7.25/26 “Endgame”
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spocks-kaathyra · 10 months ago
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Spock looking for whales at the Cetacean Institute!
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mistermistyyy · 2 months ago
I find the opinion that religion wouldn't exist in Star Trek kind of extreme. The notion seems to rely on the idea that, in the enlightened future Star Trek proposes, religion is too barbaric of a concept to survive.
This is, first of all, untrue within the text of the franchise. Pike is said to have had a religious upbringing in SNW, McCoy seems to have some connection to Christianity, Picard is agnostic, a lot of the Bajorans including Kira are religious, there is a Muslim background character in Lower Decks, and the crew seem pretty open to the idea of God existing in Star Trek V. Hell, there are tons and tons of biblical references in TOS. There's a whole episode called Journey to Babel.
But even aside from canon evidence, the idea that religion is something that humans must evolve past in order to reach their full potential is pretty uncharitable. People aren't all going to believe the same thing. The best thing we can hope for in the future is not that people will stop having these different beliefs, but that (so long as they do not condone poor treatment or devaluing of others), we will stop seeing certain religions as barbaric and we can simply believe them and express them without pain. A world where you could walk down the street and see an atheist, a Christian, a Hindu, and any other religion, all treating each other's beliefs with respect, not forcing their views on others. Just listening and understanding.
Quite frankly what we need is more representation of religions in Star Trek. Religions from indigenous peoples, African nations, Asian nations, etc. have seen little coverage or reference in Star Trek at all. And I think that's a shame. Star Trek has always been about growing as people and educating ourselves as times around us change. It doesn't matter if a religion has 100 followers or 100 million followers. People can always learn more about them, and I'd love seeing a future where they are all equally valued and get to be seen.
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tribblesoup · 11 months ago
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This is a time travel crossover I need.
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the-oracle-of-the-lost · 2 months ago
oh boy so i mentioned this project awhile back and after a long hiatus i'm finally done! (the irony that i wrote this and then took a second equally long hiatus but the point stands.)
i went through transcripts for TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise (thanks to chakoteya.net for those!) and calculated how many lines each main character has in each episode (and season & show as a whole), calculated means, looked at who had a lot of high & low line count episodes, made some graphs, and did some analysis on gender and race.
you can find my whole process & results on a spreadsheet here (it's a little messy. i'm sorry. if someone pays me i'll make it look nice and actually learn how to make good graphs in Google Sheets.) and i'll walk through some Big Results & reactions on this post here under a cut. just so this doesn't get too long, i'll breakdown each show, post my gender & race analysis, and a big list of every character with how much of a focus they get on separate posts. they'll all be tagged as "star trek dialogue analysis".
but first just a disclaimer – i do have professional experience doing data analysis but this is by no means a professional analysis and i'm sure there are plenty of mistakes because this was initially a small personal project that snowballed a little bit. if there are any Major Things you see that are wrong (i.e. i copy and pasted a totally wrong value somewhere) please reach out and i'll correct it if i can. also if anyone wants to use this data for anything, feel free but tag me because i'm curious!
see also: gender analysis // race analysis // tos breakdown // tng breakdown // ds9 breakdown // voyager breakdown // enterprise breakdown // who's the most/least used character?
all of the following graphs measure mean (average) lines of dialogue per episode, averaging all seasons (that they were a main character) together. please refer to the spreadsheet for more detailed information about exact numbers.
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unsurprising results... this is the one Star Trek show that really never aspired to be an ensemble show. i was actually surprised by how few lines Spock and McCoy have in comparison to Kirk
also unsurprising that the two characters of color have the fewest lines per episodes in the 60s
Kirk had BY FAR the most lines of dialogue per episode out of all characters i've measured (115.20)
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again unsurprising that Picard has more lines by such a wide margin
honestly fairly surprised by how few lines Data had (I thought he'd beat Riker by a decent margin) and was very surprised at how few lines Troi consistently has across the season. like i knew it wasn't many but dang... only 18 lines per episode on average.
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and here we can see that ds9 really embraces being an ensemble show with everyone (sans Sisko, Ezri, & Jake) having around the same number of lines on average, probably the most equal overall of any Star Trek show.
Sisko obviously has the most lines as the lead and Jake the fewest because of irl work restrictions (and less kid-centric stories).
i was surprised with how many lines Ezri had but then again her entire character was compressed into a single season so it seems fair. (interestingly, Ezri has the most lines out of anyone in s7 (996), even beating Sisko (874))
despite having the most lines in DS9, Sisko has by far the least out of any main character/Captain of the shows i've measured.
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Janeway has the highest average line count out of any 90s character and third highest of any character i measured (69.51)
and again, with the exception of Janeway, we see that Voyager tends to be more ensemble focused than TNG which surprised me a bit given how later seasons are often criticized for ignoring a lot of characters but i think the very ensemble heavy early seasons balance things out.
the characters also generally seem to have more lines on average than either TNG or DS9.
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and oof... yeah Voyager was it for the ensemble style show
Archer has the second highest average line count (86.68) for the whole study after Kirk (115.20)
apparently the inception of Enterprise was to recreate the TOS style triumvirate and for better or worse they certainly did.
some overall fun stats –
there are 162,455 total lines of dialogue spoken by the main cast from TOS to Enterprise
somehow there's only a ten line difference between the amount of dialogue spoken in TNG (43,148) and DS9 (43,158)
the 5 characters with the most dialogue per episode in Berman era Trek: Archer (86.68), Janeway (69.51), Picard (69.37), Sisko (50.72), & Tucker (46.03). notably only one woman and one character of color (more on this in a gender & race analysis post)
not including kids, the 5 characters with the least dialogue in Berman era Trek are: Mayweather (13.39), Sato (15.99), Troi (18.11), Kes (18.18), & Neelix (19.68). notably including three women and two characters of color (again, more on this in a different post)
the character who has the most dialogue in a single length episode is Quark with 189 lines in Who Mourns For Morn?
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quasi-normalcy · 5 months ago
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jone-slugger · 8 months ago
Voyager and Prodigy summarized in an image:
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captaincrusher · 8 days ago
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The Doctor's whole vibe in Future's End is a child so excited about his first field trip while Tuvok is the exasperated Dad that had to stop the van a fourth time in an hour because someone threw up in the back seat.
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trevlad-sounds · 2 months ago
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Invisible Waves 52
Intro ekin fil – reflection – 00:00 Chapter 1 Pneumatic Tubes – Petit Bleu III – 08:02 Lifting Gear Engineer – Messed – 12:43 Chapter 2 Time Rival – Music for Troubleshooting – 16:21 Madrona Labs Aalto Klevgrand Tines Hydro Fyter – Laden – 22:41 Chapter 3 Mindheal – Loving In The Machine Age – 26:22 Arturia Polybrute Behringer Deepmind 12 Waldorf Kyra Arturia Keylab Arturia SparkLE PreSonus FaderPort 8 RME Babyface Pro FS Audient Eco SP 8 Voyage Futur – Ancient Treescape – 32:37 Chapter 4 Wound – Noctalgia – 37:32
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month ago
Tuvok should have gotten an episode about him and T'Pel's romance. Spock got one about his wedding-turned-divorce with T'Pring and T'Pol got a whole marriage-turned-divorce with Koss, I think Tuvok should have gotten an episode where we see snippets of his life with T'Pel because 1] A Vulcan bonded pair actually working out is something we haven't seen before and I'm interested in the 'business as usual' of alien relationships. It's not something we see often! 2] Tuvok's family is obviously extremely important to him and he says they take up a great deal of his mental real estate and it's CRIMINAL that that isn't the focus of more of his screentime. It'd make that loneliness/loss even more visceral if we were to SEE Tuvok and his family interacting with one another on screen. 3] It'd be so cute and heartbreaking and I want it very badly. They should have anticipated this. They should have known I'd want this from them.
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aenslem · 7 months ago
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STAR TREK: VOYAGER (1995–2001) ⤷ The Cloud
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
I think if their was internet on the Tulpar that Daisuke wouldn’t call for help and just live tweet everytime Swansea and Jimmy got into a fist fight or “girls night” (him and anya sleeping in a different area during said fight).
Almost every tweet is a live tweet of him going “Lol Swansea brought out the axe again :p”
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tuttle-did-it · 10 months ago
I love Janeway in her Hillary Clinton Boss Woman mid 90s white suit.
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Granted, it's not as good as her Dietrich replica, but I still just love this suit and the way she walks in it.
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