#Vital Sign Solutions
vitalsignsolutions · 19 days
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Design Options Are Available for Creating Unique and Eye-Catching Custom Vinyl Signs
Ready to make your business shine with custom vinyl signs? Whether you need to increase your professionalism indoors or add a “wow” factor outdoors, Vital Sign Solutions has the expertise and skill to bring your ideas to life. From Houston’s vibrant vinyl wraps to striking indoor signs, the possibilities are endless.
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gales-boyfriend · 4 months
i am not even halfway done with my stupid clinical judgment plan rough draft… 😑
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
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Let me share you some examples of people outside of a spiritual realm using the law of consciousness. Reading about placebo opened my eyes to realize whether I believe it or not, use it or not, it is always operating.
1. During wartime, particularly in World War II, when medical supplies were limited, the use of a saline solution as a placebo became prevalent. One notable figure associated with this practice is Henry Beecher, a medic during the war. When morphine, a powerful painkiller, was scarce, Beecher resorted to injecting injured soldiers with a saline solution (a mixture of salt and water) as a substitute.The fascinating observation was that many soldiers responded positively to the saline placebo, reporting a reduction in pain. Beecher’s experience led him to further investigate what is now known as the placebo effect. He discovered that even inert substances like saline could elicit a therapeutic response in individuals, highlighting the power of belief and the mind’s influence on healing. Using saline as a placebo during wartime was a practical solution to address the scarcity of medical resources. It allowed healthcare providers to provide some form of treatment while conserving limited supplies for critical cases. The phenomenon observed in these wartime placebo administrations contributed to our understanding of the placebo effect and its role in medical practices.
2. And then there was another placebo test done with surgeries demonstrated the power of the placebo effect in the context of surgical interventions for knee pain.
The study, often referred to as the “fake leg surgery” study, focused on patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. Participants were randomly assigned to either receive real arthroscopic surgery or undergo a sham procedure where no actual surgical intervention took place. The sham surgery involved making small incisions and mimicking the actions and sounds associated with the actual procedure.The surprising finding was that both groups, those who underwent real surgery and those who had the sham surgery, reported similar improvements in their knee pain and functionality. This suggested that the positive outcomes experienced by the participants were not necessarily due to the physical intervention but rather to psychological factors such as the placebo effect.
3. The most fascinating one was this one: The study aimed to explore the role of mindset in reversing some aspects of aging.
In this experiment, Langer and her team created a simulated environment reminiscent of the 1950s to immerse a group of elderly participants. The participants were instructed to act as though they were 20 years younger and encouraged to engage in activities that required physical and mental activity. It aimed to create an atmosphere where the participants felt as if they were stepping back in time.The results of the experiment were described as astonishing. Participants reportedly experienced improvements in various areas, including physical health, cognition, and overall well-being. The study suggested that by changing one’s mindset and engaging in an environment that challenges typical aging stereotypes, individuals may experience positive effects on various aspects of their lives.
4. The Man Who Overdosed on Placebo" is a story about a 26-year-old man, often referred to as "Mr. A," who was part of a clinical trial for an antidepressant drug. In a desperate state of mind, he attempted suicide by ingesting 29 capsules of what he believed to be the experimental drug. This act was triggered by his depression, which had worsened after a breakup with his girlfriend.
However, unbeknownst to him, the pills he had taken were not the actual antidepressant, but rather placebos - essentially inert substances, often sugar pills, used in clinical trials as a control group. Despite this, Mr. A's vitals showed alarming signs similar to those of a drug overdose, reflecting the power of belief over the physical body, a phenomenon known as the "nocebo effect."
The nocebo effect is essentially the evil twin of the placebo effect. While the placebo effect can lead to improvements in health due to positive expectations, the nocebo effect can cause negative symptoms or even exacerbate existing ones due to negative expectations. In this case, Mr. A exhibited symptoms of an overdose solely because he believed he had taken an overdose.
5. Sam Londe, is one of the best but sad classic example of the nocebo effect, as detailed in Dr. Joe Dispenza's book "You Are the Placebo."
Sam Londe was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, a condition known for its grim prognosis. His doctors informed him that he didn't have much time left to live. Accepting this diagnosis, Londe quickly became bedridden and his health deteriorated rapidly, following the trajectory his doctors had predicted.However, upon his death, an autopsy revealed a surprising fact: there was not enough cancer in his body to have caused his death. The small tumor in his esophagus was not large enough or in a position to interfere with his swallowing or breathing. Essentially, Londe didn't die from cancer; he died from believing he was dying of cancer.
This case demonstrates the power of the mind over the body, both positively (the placebo effect) and negatively (the nocebo effect). In this case, Londe's negative beliefs about his prognosis led to physical symptoms and ultimately his death.
I've seen dozens of examples where of stuff like this particularly in the realms of hexing and witchcraft. Honestly, the same could probably be said about subliminals. But it doesn't matter much.Why? Because they work. It's all about observation and choice. You could say it’s the mind but the mind operates on logic. This goes beyond the mind and to your true being, what observes the mind observing the pain in the first place.
Actually I was talking to someone who had been struggling with shifting for a while about this and it really resonated with her which is why I decided to share it. She took a water bottle, labeled it shifting juice and just assumed that when she finishes the bottle she has “full access to shifting powers” is that how it works. Nope. Did she shift after two years of struggling. Yep. It doesn’t matter what story you create yourself whether you want to use logic or not whatever you assume and persist in and know as a fact will harden into truth and therefore reality.I just wanted to share this story bc I find it absolutely hilarious how we sometimes take it so seriously yet it can be so easy. I know placebo is just an assumption. It’s like when you tell children you checked under their bed for the monsters and drafted them and they assume so so they can sleep soundly at night. Call it whatever you want assumption, placebo, it’s all just words and each community calls it something different but at the end of the day it works wether you know the truth behind it or not.
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fablepaint · 11 months
I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask anything here, but I wanted to know something. How is it like being a director of an animation? What’s your ideology when it comes to directing?
Messages anytime all the time
body exhausted, enforces its own breaks
hard to go out, ever
*smashed body part* thatll heal up finnnne. i dont have time for doctor!
ohgoddontfuckitup dontbeTHATguy ohfuckohshit
i love my partner i cant believe he puts up with this
hug every pet. theyre my emotional sponges.
manic creative spurts followed by sheepish anxiety.
hurry up and wait, times a thousand.
hope you like data sheets!
And thats when it's running smoothly!
otherwise my approach is to try and reflect the best examples of leadership and guidance IRL ive experienced. Mostly, from quality college professors Ive known. Tom Sito in particular exemplified a lot of what i strive to be. He was also formerly guild president and i think teaching your crew to view themselves as a collective that supports each other is vital to ensuring not just that they work together well, but also should anyone try to take advantage of them, they'll curbstomp them. I want them to be capable even in my absence, beyond the project, and able to run their own projects competently in the future.
i should be the one who guides and educates people into giving what's needed for the shot. Pain and blood are unwanted elements in that recipe. Theyre distractions and energysappers, red flags of a problem not a badge of honor.
Ideally, i barely have to do more than gently steer the work. And if ive communicated what im looking for effectively, theyre all plenty good at doing the work without me hovering over them.
if the work needs more guidance than that, then i roll up my sleeves and dive in as well. And figure out what the problem was, log it, and let that educate everyone else too (good documentation is essential).
i try to exhaust every option i have before blaming the person working on it for all the issues. Sometimes that is the problem, but even then i need to approach it neutrally and ask what human solution is required then. Do they need a break? was this not the right shot for them? is their way of processing the communication different than i expected? is there a translation problem?
in which case give people space to figure out some of that without judgement. Sometimes that means leaving for a bit, or permanently. But dont chase them. Just let them have their own life.
The only things i cant abide by are lack of communication that results in putting stress on the rest of the team. Consistent lying about availability and ball dropping despite constant outreach means someone has to pick up the slack without enough time or energy stocked up to take on the extra work. Anything that ends up exacerbating stress makes me upset.
But even then, it's still my job to spot the signs of this and make necessary adjustments before it becomes a problem. Including identifying where I made a miscalculation in hiring.
The buck always ALWAYS stops with me. I have the power to adjust the system to make it better, which means i gotta have a good grasp on that system.
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phoenixblaze1412 · 4 months
Hello there!!!👋
May I ask for some angst?
Dottore spending time with his biological child and the more the day progresses he sees his wife (who died a few day after giving birth to their child) in their child (A headcanon and/or small scenario plz)
Thank you!!!
Gonna make me cry anon.. also might have changed it a bit.
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Taking care of a kid is a difficult task for Dottore himself. Especially if it was his own. A healthy baby girl, how ironic that she looked exactly the same as you. Neither of you didn't expect such a tragedy to happen, mostly him.
"Sir, she won't be able to make it." Omega stated, watching over your vital signs. Your body was currently too weak to deliver the baby, and being in labor wasn't helping a lot.
"Then let the child die. I'd rather lose the kid than lose my wife." Dottore snapped as he quickly went and placed an oxygen mask over you, tucking away the lose strands of your hair away from your face. He was quick to notice your breathing becoming more heavy and labored.
"Both her and the child will die if we continue with that idea!" the Theta segment exclaimed.
The three of them were quick to shut up when they heard your pained groans. Immediately examining and looking you over to at least lessen the pain you were experiencing but still keeping you conscious.
Dottore was already in a state of anger and worry, thinking up of multiple solutions to get the child out of you all the while keeping you alive but that seems to be difficult since you don't even have the strength to push the baby out so maybe a c-section will do but the chance of you dying is big. He was quick to come out of his thoughts when you grabbed his arm, making him focus his attention to you.
"Zandik please.. promise me you won't let our baby die."
He let out a deep sigh before nodding at your request. Even at times like these, he could never say no to you. He called over a few more segments to begin your surgery. A simple c-section, nothing to worry about right? But why was he, he of all people suddenly felt fear as he held the scalpel upon your stomach.
It's not right. He knows this will end up badly if he continued, he already felt it. Snapping out of his thoughts once more when he heard you cry out in pain, he nodded to his segments to sedate you for a bit as he began the operation.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours. Every segment waited anxiously as they watched their creator work strenuously. The once silent room was filled with small cries as Dottore held his newborn child, dirty from all the blood and amniotic fluid but alive and well. Iota walked over to take the baby from Dottore to clean her up as the doctor went and stitched you up while the other segments who were present had cheerful grins along their faces.
Their happiness was quickly cut off the moment they heard the sound of your heart monitor dropping. Dottore glanced up and glared at Omega, cursing under his breath as he finished stitching you up to help Omega with keeping you stable.
"You incompetent fool! I gave you one job!"
Panic. That's what they're all feeling the moment when you became cardiac asystole. Dottore and Omega resuscitating you the best they can, even using electro to give your heart a shock to at least show any heart rhythm but none came.
"(Y/N) please wake up! You can't leave me! Come on! Your child- our child is safe and awake now it's your turn to wake up please!"
It's been fifteen minutes max with no signs of you showing any heartbeat, the segments could only look away, not wanting to cry in front of you. The sudden weight being placed upon them at the news of your death was overbearing.
Even Iota couldn't believe it. But even so, he couldn't cause any tantrums, he couldn't yell or even throw anything out of anguish. He was holding your child at the moment. The baby you left to them before you passed. It took him a few minutes to calm the baby down and wrap her up in a blanket.
Meanwhile Dottore was still leaning over your figure, his hand held yours as he leaned his forehead against your knuckles. Both of your wedding rings, glimmering against the light.
Dottore knew something bad was going to happen. He felt it bubbling in his guts yet he let it happen. The moment Iota walked back into the room with his daughter in his hold, Dottore glared at them.
"I don't want to see that thing near me. Dispose of it immediately. Give it to the Knave or send it someplace else."
Iota was quick to snap at the order, sure he's still in despair about losing you like how the others feel but his creator telling him to dispose of your own offspring is not what he expected to hear.
"What are you thinking?! (Y/N) carried your child for months, having to go through all the hardships a pregnant woman would go through and here you are disposing her efforts?!"
"I already knew from the start that saving the child would end up with her death! I would have preferred to save her instead of the child!"
"Would she want you to?! You know her well enough to know that she would rather risk herself in danger to save a life! She already said it herself before the operation! You promised her not to let the child die!"
Dottore was quick to shut up, looking over at the little figure bundled up in the blankets. Thoughts filled with 'what if's' as he looked back at your figure on the examining bed.
What if he chose to save you instead of his child? Would you even be happy towards him if you knew about his plans?
A soft coo was heard as Iota looked down at the baby before carefully handing her over to Dottore. The doctor was hesitant at first but he took the chance to hold his own child in his arms. The baby let out little babbles and gargles as her hands reach out to the doctor and tried to grab at his hair.
Dottore observed her actions, looking over her features and letting out a bitter laugh at how his own daughter had most of your features. It's like the gods are being cruel and making his own heart hurt more than it already is.
"From now on, your name will be ■■■■. (Y/N) thought of that name for you."
"Papa? Wake up!"
Dottore slowly opened his eyes and noticed he had fallen asleep on the grass. Finally remembering that he was joining his daughter in the forests of Sumeru to look for some flowers. He was assigned on a mission to take the dendro, along with the electro gnosis back as soon as possible but his daughter wanted to explore a bit and take a break.
Dottore glanced up and squinted his eyes as he stared up at the figure leaning over him. Eyes widening in surprise as he stared at you, the light shining brightly from behind you made you look so angelic and beautiful. He continued to stare at you, tears pricking the corner of his eyes, your face so full of life and a grin plastered on your face as you looked back at him.
He tried to reach his hand out to you but you quickly vanished the moment he blinked and was now staring at his four year old daughter.
"Are you okay papa? Why are you crying?"
Dottore was quick to wipe the tears away from his eyes as he sat up and looked over his child. Oh how he misses you so. Everytime he looks and talks to his child it felt like it was him talking to you instead. Your looks, the way you talk, even your attitude was passed onto your daughter.
He could only laugh at the idea that if you were still with them, he would be having two of the most sassiest women in Teyvat in his life. He got up on his feet and ruffled his daughter's hair.
"Have you gotten what you needed, little one?"
"Mhm! I finally got these flowers! Iota told me all about them and I wanted to take some home myself."
She held up a bouquet of padisarah flowers, the doctor could only stare in surprise at how she even got them, moreso why did Iota even told her about it.
"Iota told me how they were mama's favorite flowers and showed me pictures of her holding them. He told me how you would always gift her a bouquet of these whenever you came back from Sumeru and I wanted to give these to mama too... can I give these to her? Will mama like it?"
"...she would love them a lot, my child. Now come on, once I finished my mission then we can visit your mother and give her these gifts. She would be happy to receive these flowers from you."
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bomber-grl · 2 months
Hi!! Can I have a Hiro x reader, were Hiro gets nervous around reader and Baymax is like "Your pulse just got faster right now". It would be funny to see Hiro getting more nervous because that
“Don’t listen to him!”
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Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader (no gendered pronouns)
You and Hiro were already really close and great friends
The only thing worth noting is that Hiro may or may not have a teensy weensy crush on you
Although, it really wasn’t worth noting
Especially since he's planning to show you a project in his lab tonight and a crush would only serve as a distraction, an awkward one at that
The casual hangout was planned so you could meet Baymax, as you've already met everyone important in Hiro's life.
The time was just never right
He’d be in his lab and right after Baymax had left to wander town helping others, you’d walk right in
But tonight was when that’d change
Hiro gave a speech to Baymax to be cool and stuff
Hiro couldn't stress it enough—he was already nervous around you, and he could only imagine it getting way worse than it already was
Hiro gave the speech but knowing Baymax, it’d go right over his head (for obvious reasons
When you finally arrive, he gets up to greet you. After exchanging saying hi, you give him a hug
His face immediately flushed, and his heart raced in response, but he shrugged it off
Finally, when you peek over Hiro's shoulder, you see a large white marshmallow-like figure
You immediately recognize this figure as Baymax and once Hiro introduces you, you get the scan and typical Baymax speech
Things are honestly going pretty well, and Hiro's relieved that Baymax hasn't said anything unsettling, knowing the robot has a difficult time with people sometimes
He might as well as jinxed it though because the moment he said that, Baymax turned to him and scanned him
Hiro didn’t even notice, the only thing that was on his mind was you and how nervous you made him feel
He saw you face Baymax and then he heard something he’d never want to hear
“Your heart rate has escalated significantly in the past five minutes, and there is a notable increase in temperature observed in the facial region. Please remain calm as I continue to monitor your vital signs.”
Hiro immediately turned to him and told him to be quiet but that made it even worse
Baymax began giving solutions and possible reasons for why he was acting the way he was and when Baymax gave “someone else” and hinted at hormones as a reason he freaked
The scene in front of you was basically Baymax continuing his talk with his “patient” and hiro desperately trying to turn Baymax off
“Someone else” and the hormones thing only makes things worse and he turned to you for the first time throughout this sequence of events
“Don’t listen to him! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about and he’s pretty messed up from being attacked by u-uh some dogs.”
The situation is finally calmed down, Baymax is charging and you’re currently seated across from Hiro
And you just can’t help but burst out laughing
The whole thing was so ridiculous and honestly? You kind of already knew
Hiro was always nervous and hyper aware around you and the “fight” (if you can even call it that) only confirmed your suspicions.
Hiro immediately perked up and he laughed a bit too
It took a good amount of stuttering and sidelining but Hiro finally confesses his feelings and also his very much present fear of Baymax ever outing him
Which did end up happening, obviously
It was honestly a shock that he hadn’t been outed sooner
The inevitable happens and the two of you start dating and what not
But the funniest thing of it all was even after that day, Baymax would still mention it and this time- in both of you
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renphousa · 6 months
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In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, Eye Mask rejuvenation has become a vital ritual for many seeking solace from the strain of the day. Amidst the myriad of choices available, the Renpho Eye Massager emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a luxurious blend of technology and comfort to soothe tired eyes.
The quest for a solution to dark circles and puffy eyes often leads one to the natural remedy of Coffee Eye Mask. Harnessing the power of caffeine, this concoction holds promise in revitalizing delicate under-eye skin, combating the telltale signs of fatigue and stress.
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venusiancharisma · 7 months
Personal Manifestion: Natal Chart Edition
Are we really able to discover our own personal manifestion styles, that work the best for us, on a personal level within our natal charts?
I've done extensive research, using a culmination of vedic and sidereal astrology. Since sidereal is most commonly used and easily understood, I have using this as my guideline. Apply all 3, sun, moon, and venus, as well as paying attention to sextiles or other harmonious aspects in your personal natal chart to these signs with Jupiter/North Node...
I hope you enjoy!
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Several parts of a natal chart can provide insights into how a person can manifest abundance, love, and their desires. Here are some key areas to consider, along with manifestation techniques that may work well with each:
Sun Sign and House:
Represents your core identity, vitality, and self-expression.
Manifestation techniques: Affirmations, visualization, and acting in alignment with your sun sign's qualities.
Moon Sign and House:
Represents your emotional needs, intuition, and subconscious mind.
Manifestation techniques: Emotional healing, nurturing yourself, and creating a supportive environment.
Venus Sign and House:
Represents love, relationships, beauty, and personal values.
Manifestation techniques: Gratitude, self-love practices, and cultivating harmonious relationships.
Jupiter Sign and House:
Represents abundance, expansion, luck, and personal growth.
Manifestation techniques: Positive thinking, taking risks, and embracing opportunities.
North Node Sign and House:
Represents your life purpose and the direction of your spiritual growth.
Manifestation techniques: Setting intentions, taking action towards your goals, and embracing your unique path.
Trines and Sextiles: Harmonious aspects that indicate natural talents and opportunities.
Manifestation techniques: Leveraging your strengths and embracing flow and ease.
Squares and Oppositions: Challenging aspects that offer opportunities for growth and transformation.
Manifestation techniques: Confronting obstacles, finding creative solutions, and developing resilience.
Houses: 1st House: Self-identity, personal initiative, and physical appearance.
Manifestation techniques: Positive self-talk, assertiveness, and self-care.
2nd House: Personal resources, values, and self-worth.
Manifestation techniques: Cultivating a prosperity mindset, budgeting, and valuing yourself.
4th House: Home, family, and emotional foundation.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a nurturing living space, healing family dynamics, and emotional self-care.
5th House: Creativity, self-expression, and romance.
Manifestation techniques: Pursuing passions, playfulness, and authentic self-expression.
7th House: Partnerships, marriage, and one-on-one relationships.
Manifestation techniques: Effective communication, compromise, and attracting balanced relationships.
10th House: Career, public image, and life purpose.
Manifestation techniques: Goal-setting, professional development, and aligning career with personal values.
Remember, everyone's natal chart is unique, and the specific placements, aspects, and houses will vary. To manifest effectively, it's essential to understand your individual chart and work with your natural tendencies and challenges. Combining various manifestation techniques, such as visualization, affirmations, and inspired action, can help you align with your desired outcomes.
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Sun+Signs+Houses+Manifestion Techniques/styles -
Aries (1st House):
Meaning: Assertive, confident, and self-driven.
Manifestation techniques: Bold affirmations, taking direct action, and embracing leadership roles.
Taurus (2nd House):
Meaning: Grounded, stable, and values material comforts.
Manifestation techniques: Visualization, focusing on sensory experiences, and cultivating patience.
Gemini (3rd House):
Meaning: Communicative, adaptable, and intellectually curious.
Manifestation techniques: Positive self-talk, journaling, and engaging in learning opportunities.
Cancer (4th House):
Meaning: Nurturing, emotionally sensitive, and focused on home and family.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a supportive living space, connecting with loved ones, and emotional self-care.
Leo (5th House):
Meaning: Creative, confident, and expressive.
Manifestation techniques: Creative visualization, playfulness, and embracing self-expression.
Virgo (6th House):
Meaning: Analytical, practical, and focused on self-improvement.
Manifestation techniques: Goal-setting, creating detailed plans, and focusing on self-care routines.
Libra (7th House):
Meaning: Diplomatic, partnership-oriented, and seeks balance.
Manifestation techniques: Cultivating harmonious relationships, practicing compromise, and focusing on beauty and aesthetics.
Scorpio (8th House):
Meaning: Intense, transformative, and deeply emotional.
Manifestation techniques: Shadow work, releasing limiting beliefs, and embracing personal power.
Sagittarius (9th House):
Meaning: Adventurous, philosophically minded, and seeks growth and expansion.
Manifestation techniques: Positive thinking, embracing new experiences, and setting inspiring goals.
Capricorn (10th House):
Meaning: Ambitious, disciplined, and focused on long-term success.
Manifestation techniques: Setting tangible goals, creating structure and routines, and taking responsibility for outcomes.
Aquarius (11th House):
Meaning: Innovative, humanitarian, and values independence and individuality.
Manifestation techniques: Visualizing a better future, networking, and embracing unique ideas and approaches.
Pisces (12th House):
Meaning: Intuitive, compassionate, and spiritually attuned.
Manifestation techniques: Meditation, dream work, and practicing surrender and trust in the universe.
Remember, these are general associations, and the most effective manifestation techniques for an individual will depend on their unique natal chart and personal preferences.
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Moon+Signs+Houses+Manifestion Techniques/styles -
Aries (1st House):
Meaning: Emotionally assertive, spontaneous, and independent.
Manifestation techniques: Embracing courage, taking emotional risks, and asserting your needs.
Taurus (2nd House):
Meaning: Emotionally stable, seeks comfort and security.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a sense of abundance, focusing on sensory experiences, and cultivating patience.
Gemini (3rd House):
Meaning: Emotionally adaptable, communicative, and intellectually curious.
Manifestation techniques: Positive self-talk, journaling, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities.
Cancer (4th House):
Meaning: Emotionally nurturing, sensitive, and focused on home and family.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a supportive living space, connecting with loved ones, and emotional self-care.
Leo (5th House):
Meaning: Emotionally expressive, creative, and seeks attention and recognition.
Manifestation techniques: Creative visualization, playfulness, and embracing self-expression.
Virgo (6th House):
Meaning: Emotionally analytical, practical, and focused on self-improvement.
Manifestation techniques: Emotional self-care routines, organizing your environment, and focusing on details.
Libra (7th House):
Meaning: Emotionally diplomatic, partnership-oriented, and seeks balance.
Manifestation techniques: Cultivating harmonious relationships, practicing compromise, and focusing on emotional harmony.
Scorpio (8th House):
Meaning: Emotionally intense, transformative, and deeply intuitive.
Manifestation techniques: Emotional healing, releasing limiting beliefs, and embracing personal power.
Sagittarius (9th House):
Meaning: Emotionally adventurous, philosophically minded, and seeks emotional growth and expansion.
Manifestation techniques: Positive thinking, embracing new emotional experiences, and setting inspiring goals.
Capricorn (10th House):
Meaning: Emotionally disciplined, responsible, and focused on long-term emotional stability.
Manifestation techniques: Setting emotional boundaries, creating structure and routines, and taking responsibility for emotional outcomes.
Aquarius (11th House):
Meaning: Emotionally independent, humanitarian, and values emotional freedom.
Manifestation techniques: Visualizing emotional fulfillment, connecting with like-minded individuals, and embracing unique emotional expression.
Pisces (12th House):
Meaning: Emotionally intuitive, compassionate, and spiritually attuned.
Manifestation techniques: Emotional release, dream work, and practicing emotional surrender and trust in the universe.
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Venus+Signs+Houses+Manifestion Techniques/styles -
Aries (1st House):
Meaning: Assertive in love, attracted to confidence and independence.
Manifestation techniques: Embracing self-love, taking initiative in relationships, and being direct in expressing affection.
Taurus (2nd House):
Meaning: Seeks stability, comfort, and sensual pleasures in love.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a luxurious and comfortable environment, focusing on self-worth, and embracing sensuality.
Gemini (3rd House):
Meaning: Attracted to intellectual connection, communication, and variety in love.
Manifestation techniques: Engaging in stimulating conversations, expressing love through words, and embracing adaptability.
Cancer (4th House):
Meaning: Seeks emotional security, nurturing, and a strong emotional connection in love.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a nurturing and supportive home environment, expressing love through care and comfort.
Leo (5th House):
Meaning: Expressive, creative, and seeks attention and admiration in love.
Manifestation techniques: Creative romantic gestures, expressing love with generosity, and embracing playfulness.
Virgo (6th House):
Meaning: Practical, analytical, and seeks perfection in love.
Manifestation techniques: Showing love through acts of service, paying attention to details, and focusing on self-improvement.
Libra (7th House):
Meaning: Seeks balance, harmony, and partnership in love.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment, practicing compromise, and focusing on equality in relationships.
Scorpio (8th House):
Meaning: Intense, passionate, and seeks deep emotional connection and transformation in love.
Manifestation techniques: Embracing vulnerability, releasing emotional blockages, and exploring the depths of intimacy.
Sagittarius (9th House):
Meaning: Adventurous, philosophical, and seeks freedom and growth in love.
Manifestation techniques: Exploring new experiences together, embracing optimism, and cultivating a sense of adventure in relationships.
Capricorn (10th House):
Meaning: Seeks stability, commitment, and long-term security in love.
Manifestation techniques: Setting relationship goals, creating structure and traditions, and demonstrating reliability and responsibility.
Aquarius (11th House):
Meaning: Unconventional, values friendship and independence in love.
Manifestation techniques: Embracing uniqueness, cultivating a strong friendship foundation, and allowing for individual freedom within the relationship.
Pisces (12th House):
Meaning: Romantic, imaginative, and seeks spiritual and emotional connection in love.
Manifestation techniques: Creating a dreamy and enchanting atmosphere, practicing compassion and empathy, and surrendering to the flow of love.
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icu-fetish · 3 months
Jessica in coma
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Jessica has been in a coma for a week after the tragic event. From the moment she was admitted to the hospital, she was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, which ensures her vital activity.
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Despite the stability of Jessica's condition, doctors give restrained forecasts. Due to the inability of the patient to feed herself, a nasogastric tube was inserted for enteral feeding and liquid administration. Specialists are carefully monitoring Jessica's vital signs, because the situation remains difficult.
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Jessica is fighting for her life, being connected to artificial life support machines. Droppers with medicines and nutrient solutions deliver the necessary substances to her body, and catheterization ensures urine drainage and constant monitoring of the condition. The situation remains difficult, because the patient is completely dependent on medical equipment.
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Her pale and emaciated body lies motionless, connected to numerous tubes and wires that feed it and keep it alive. Her every inhalation and exhalation is regulated by a ventilator, the monotonous squeak of which reminds of the fragility of her life. A heartbeat monitor continuously tracks every heartbeat, creating a depressing atmosphere. Jessica is immersed in a deep coma, disconnected from the outside world. Her eyes are closed, and her face shows no emotion.
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Jessica finally woke up. She slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze wandered over the sterile whiteness of the ward, trying to focus, but everything was blurry. Fear and confusion reflected in her deep eyes. Jessica realized with horror that her body was bound by numerous tubes and wires. She felt weak and dizzy, not understanding what had happened to her. Fear gripped her chest and confusion clouded her mind.
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Jessica was still unable to speak, eat or drink on her own. Her body was connected to machines that supported her life. Jessica felt like a prisoner in her own body, addicted to machines...
A Girl Like Her (2015)
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vitalsignsolutions · 19 days
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Signs in a business park are the silent guides that make life easier for everyone who arrives. With the right mix of names, directions, listings, and custom touches, your signs can really make a difference.
If you’re looking to make your business park signs stand out in Houston, Vital Sign Solutions is the right signage partner for you.
Ready to take your business park to the next level? Give us a call.
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paragonrobits · 4 months
There’s a phrase I like to use when people question why, in fantasy series, people don’t just take the most efficient and ruthless option. I say, “This isn’t Game of Thrones.” Bluntly put, apart from having a very unsatisfying ending to its character arcs due to a realistic but very abrupt swing from the character arcs it had been building up (and in one notable case, a character arc that WAS built up the whole time, but not in a way people anticipated), Game of Thrones is most notorious for a very realpolitick approach to how the characters make their decisions.
Efficiency, immediate needs and ruthlessness regardless of personal qualms comes up a lot in what people seem to have taken from that show’s success, and you see a LOT of people thinking that pragmatic ruthlessness is the most basic and standard solution to any story’s problems, regardless of whether or not its consistent with a story’s given themes and morals.
The Avatar setting is NOT one of those. In this setting, spirituality is vitally important; the reason WHY things are done, as well as HOW they done, are just as important as the actual end result, if not more.
So, one thing I see a LOT in fandom circles (usually in bad takes floating around and being mocked by the circles I am adjacent to, or ideas popular among Big Name Fans who are kind of sheltered from the actual themes of the show itself and have distanced themselves from what the show is actually like in favor of what is functionally a completely original series that appeals to their own preferences) comes down to discussions arguing that AtLA would be better if Aang just took down every one he fought and killed them all without hesitation; there is a popular implication among these ideas that Aang is considered weak to them BECAUSE he doesn't want to kill. Because killing is anathema to his people, because the deliberate taking of life is a HUGE deal to both the Air Nomads and the real life religions that they are based on.
These takes conclude that none of that matters; that his morals and compunctions should just be immediately tossed aside in order to achieve his goals. There's usually something like 'who cares about spirituality when the world is so bad' or the ends justifying the means. And the thing is that we DO see characters in AtLA saying that, quite often. Characters who don't care about the spiritual consequences of their actions, who do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.
They're the villains.
In AtLA, ruthlessness, pragmatism and 'whatever it takes to get what I want' is SPECIFICALLY and EXCLUSIVELY associated with the antagonists. General Fong; Azula, Ozai, the entirety of the Fire Nation... one thing they all have in common, besides opposing Aang, is that they're not just willing to be ruthless, they have no interest in achieving their goals or really doing anything at all without being ruthless and amoral about it. There's a common point in the narrative here, and I think the episode the Avatar State neatly sums it up through its story, as we are presented with Fong, who is seemingly an ally, demanding that they ignore the spiritual demands in favor of just weaponizing a force of nature no one involved really understands.
His emphasis on the people dying in the meantime does make for a potent image, but he is ultimately and frequently established as a ruthless jackass who cares more about trying to weaponize the Avatar State (and mere mortals do not get to have a say in its decisions or what the World Spirit, in its fullest power, wants to do). Apart from this indicating a more or less full departure from a strict moral binary within the series, there's also an emphasis on Katara growing increasingly uncomfortable with the non-spiritual plan they're taking, to the point that she won't have anything to do with it, and she is very much the show's heart. If she disapproves of something with plot relevance, its usually a bad sign.
So this whole THING you have with people going 'everything would be better if Aang killed everyone immediately except for the secret Good Guys even though he has absolutely no way of knowing them out of context'... its genuinely really bewildering and I think its kind of proof of people not engaging with the show's themes or ethics, but assuming that ruthlessness and efficiency are the default way of handling everything. AtLA is not subtle about this and if you think that the show at any point suggests that this is a likely outcome, I don't think you're really engaging with it, or you're misunderstanding the context (such as the Ocean Spirit rampaging being framed as a last second moment of hope; I think people conflate its destruction as generally a Cool Thing, rather than the world itself protecting a dying culture from near certain destruction as the moon itself is... well, dead.)
(There's also a protagonist-centered morality in that they seem to want their characters to BE rather amoral, being all about love and acceptance and tolerance but also brutally and remorselessly kill everyone in their way without hesitation, and the people making these statements don't see any kind of logical flaw. I dunno but that's WEIRD to me.)
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pricegouge · 4 months
Fatted Rabbit Part Ten on AO3
bearshifter!price x reader | explicit
John's not sure if he has ever in his life felt so impotent. The fact that it's some human man potentially states away that has him so twisted only serves to further his downward spiral, causing him to forget to even feed himself for whole days, which only darkens his mood. He starts lashing out at the new employees, would feel like a right arse about it if he were capable of anything other than frustration and the general itchiness of another bull encroaching on his area.
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Explicit sexual content ahead. If you didn't sign up for the following, go ahead and skip from "---" to the next "---"
cw: oral sex (f receiving), penetrative sex, and squirting. Also, allusions to past SA (bunny get's a little freaked out about being touched at one point but they figure it out quick)
John's not sure if he has ever in his life felt so impotent. The fact that it's some human man potentially states away that has him so twisted only serves to further his downward spiral, causing him to forget to even feed himself for whole days, which only darkens his mood. He starts lashing out at the new employees, would feel like a right arse about it if he were capable of anything other than frustration and the general itchiness of another bull encroaching on his area.
Would that it were. If he could just sniff Phil out and gore him, sift through viscera and fat to find the rich, dark tissue of his vital bits, he'd have done this by now. But John has no scent. Doesn't even have a last name. Can't even ask for one without good reason, which he's in short supply of this week. He's tetchy and twitchy, barely listening to the trainee's questions before snapping incorrect answers at them. He only realizes his mistakes much later, when the senior staff returns to demand things like, 'since when?' and, 'fucking, why?' He steps out back every hour for a smoke, nearly bites his own fingers off to avoid texting his bunny. He can't blame her for wanting some space, but good luck explaining that to his bear.
He spends his days penned behind the bar, letting Soap keep the customers occupied so John can take his aggression out on every type of citrus known to man until the larders are overflowing with ugly, hacked up orange slices which Soap steadfastly refuses to comment on. He keeps his silence well, in fact, never once asking what's on John's mind although John can see those good bartender instincts vibrating under the surface, desperate to sit Price down with something strong in one hand and a chisel in the other, really get to the core of him. John knows he should cut the man some slack, subject himself to Soap's particular brand of mother henning just to build some camaraderie. Instead, he audits receipts without fully remembering how numbers work.
He attends a bloody small business committee meeting, gets told he has to add some curb appeal. He makes a note of it instead of biting the chairperson's head off, and deletes it immediately with a vindictive curl of his lip. The commerce building has the kind of stale, uncycled air quality that only a government establishment can. He stews in body odor and reheated leftovers for hours, only realizing why it had bothered him so much when he steps outside and takes the full force of his mate's scent like a brick in the face. Christ, she's been near recently. She smells good, clean and well fed. The heavy scent of her estrus is gone, replaced instead with the strong, masculine scent of -
Oh, holiest of holies; luteinising hormone, impending storm that you are.
He keeps himself confined to the walk-in the rest of the day, detailing already-clean shelving as an excuse to huff bleach solution - the only scent strong enough to keep his rabbit's at bay now that he knows her heat is imminent. Every time he steps outside he can smell her, has to white knuckle his bear back into submission. His mate, going into heat. Keeping herself away from him, walking around town smelling like that, all while another boar looms to the south.
If he'd been irritable before, he's downright inconsolable now.
John liked to pride himself on the knowledge that he probably knew what most things felt like. Afterall, it's not every human who can slough his skin off at the end of the day and become a whole new species. But this is new. It's worse than a rut, truly. At least in a rut he could fuck a pillow or something when in dire straits, but this - subject to another's instincts, unable to appease the bottomless well of want he can smell in the air like the lingering spores of dry rot. It's dangerous to indulge; worse yet to ignore. He'd meant it when he'd said she could run him ragged for a year if she wanted, and dammit he still did, but he hadn't considered this collusion of events. It left him untethered. Completely unhinged.
He's been visiting her nearly every night just to keep himself sane, but it doesn't do much good now, his bear gone so fucking basal he can barely remember their interactions the next day. He gets vague sense memories the next morning: smell, mostly; glass cleaner coating his tongue. Not much more. So it strikes him as odd when his bear allows a moment of clarity a few nights later. He doesn't know what to do with her words right then, but he wakes up hard and desperate, remembers her sad eyes when she admits she's not used to getting what she wants, cums all across his own chest when he realizes she means him, respecting her boundaries, how she wants him to reach out. Who is he to refuse?
He nearly mauls her when she climbs down out of her Jeep the following Monday, her scent fucking lethal. She's got on that same thin sweater she'd worn on their first date, nipples just barely evident in the brisk morning air. Her tits are fuller; lips, too. They yield under his own deliciously when he kisses her in greeting. A little too desperately, if the way she laughs sweetly against his mouth is any indication. Still, she doesn't pull away and John presses his luck, glancing around to make sure they're relatively alone. It's a small garden center, but crowded with like-minded patrons eager to get their spring planting done. His rabbit's got a knack for picking quiet corners of lots, though, so when he spots no prying eyes, he walks her back the half step needed to press her soft bum against the door, cradles her face with one hand as the other rests on the roof of her car.
"You look nice," he tells her in between kisses. "Missed you." He slips some tongue into his next kiss, pulls back like he's afraid he might have scalded her when he suddenly remembers the whole reason he'd had to miss her was 'cause she'd wanted space. "That okay?"
"Yes. Yes, definitely." Breathy, tits heaving ever so slightly. He gives her a smile like she personally hung the moon, then kisses her a little less innocently, humming happily into her mouth when her timid little hands find his belly. He doesn't pull away until her breaths come heavy through her nose, pushing her soft chest up into his. He doesn't go far when he does, either. Rests his forehead against hers, content to breathe the same air as her for a moment.
"Good to see you, too," she eventually jokes and John chuckles at himself, kisses her on the bridge of her nose, right between the eyes, before stepping away from her completely.
"Sorry bunny, couldn't help myself." He eyes her over suggestively, noting how her nipples have hardened further in the absence of his body heat. Emboldened, he reaches out and pinches one ever so gently, chuffing happily at the squawk she emits.
"Shit, are they really that bad?" She frets, crossing her arms over her ample chest. Squished, her tits fold prettily over her soft arms. He barely has enough higher brain function to note that she didn't necessarily tell him to stop - though his brain seems to have its priorities straight, running that bit of information up the flagpole so high it probably displaces 'keep breathing' for a moment.
"Don't think so… let me see again?"
He must nail the delivery because she unfolds her arms for his assessment without any hint of suspicion.
"Not bad at all," John rumbles, earning a surprised laugh.
"You're ridiculous. Lemmie grab a flannel or something, hold on." She turns to head toward the boot but John pins her with his hip, already removing his own thick button up. She humors him; doesn't even need to say anything as she takes it from him with an eyebrow raised.
"Ridiculous, remember?"
"How could I forget?" She smirks, letting him help her into it. It hangs past her arse, unfortunately, but can't be buttoned past her diaphragm because she's so lovely and full. She looks briefly embarrassed by that so John tucks a finger under the neckline to pull it away ever so slightly and grins like an idiot at the view he gets a peek of. She swats his hand away but she's smiling again so John counts it as a win. Ignoring his antics, she asks if he's sure he won't be cold without his flannel and he can't help but snort as he guides her toward the greenhouse, arms linked. "I'll be fine, bunny."
"Mm. Must be nice having your own pelt." She rubs her soft palm over his hairy arm and he damn near purs.
He'll have to save a skin for her next time he transforms. He can't gift it to her yet, unfortunately - bear pelts are quite costly and he knows her well enough by now to know she'd never accept if she thought he'd bought it. But later, when they're mated properly and she knows all his secrets… he pictures her laid out on his bed, buried under piles of his very flesh, pleasing herself as she scents him.
"Yes, well." John clears his throat. "Cuddle up and share the warmth, yeah?"
She complies easily, tucking herself under his arm happily; oblivious to his inner turmoil. "Didn't know you were such a green thumb," she says conversationally and John snorts, pressing a kiss to the crown of her hair.
"M'not. HOA of small businesses said I needed to add curb appeal. Boot shop across the road suggested plants."
"Ah, I see. Well, that'll be cute. You looking for like… hanging baskets? Planters? I don't think you'd have enough space but you'd probably trap more tourists if you did an herb-veggie garden thing to use in-house."
John blinks, pulls her impossibly closer, can't help the borderline cruel smile curling his lips. "You a gardener?"
"Well, not really anymore. Gardening in Dallas is a bit like trying to water spinach when it's already in the pan. And I don't really have the yard space now," she chuckles. "But I used to, back home."
"Clever rabbit can grow her own clover, eh? I could set up something on the roof for an herb garden… maybe do veggies out by the brewery…"
"Well that sounds like a lot of work if all you need is curb appeal."
"Sure, but it's smart. And if I put the beds closer to the outer wall on the roof, they would be visible from the street."
"Added privacy," the rabbit tacks on, stepping away from him to eye some overlarge ferns. John grins after her. Food and privacy. She's already improving his den. "Anyway, what are you thinking for the curb itself? You have a pretty masculine style going on in there; keep it green? You open to color?"
"I'm thinking I brought the right person for the job." He waves his hand at her. "Whatever you think, bunny, go crazy."
Her eyes drift off to some topiaries before snapping back to him. "Is this like a company expense? What's the spending limit?"
John barks with laughter. "Said go crazy, didn't I?"
She hoofs it to the topiaries and John heads off in search of a flatbed.
It's a good thing he'd had the foresight to bring the cargo van. He winds up with matching topiaries to put on either side of the door, enough hanging ferns to dot the spaces between the windows, dressing for the window stools, and plenty of box planters to top the concrete wall the sections off the patio seating from the street. ("Are those yours or the city's? You should have someone paint them if you can.")
John just nods along when prompted, tells her he prefers warm tones to cool, and smells as many flowers as he can in an attempt to keep her scent at bay.
It doesn't work. She's not in a true heat, he can tell now - must be on the pill -, but her hormones are still out of control and while he logistically knows he's the only one who can smell her wet cunt, the urge to get her cock drunk and satiated, so full up of his seed no challengers will ever mistake her for an unmated sow again is damn near out of control. At least he avoids taking her in the employee's tool shed like a randy teen.
Inside, by the register, she chats with the clerk about planting options regarding the herbs she wants to get started when she doesn't even have a bed made for them, yet. John distracts himself by perusing the small collection of indoor plants disinterestedly, heavy mit dragging along springy leaves while he keeps an eye on his girl. Until a coarse, hairy, jumble of roots has him yanking his hand away on instinct, glowering down at the gnarled plant in question.
It's an ugly thing, at first glance. Dark leaves hiding twisted aerial roots which resemble tarantula legs - thick and furry, they amble directionless, giving them the uncanny appearance of being in possession of too many joints. John drags a finger over a root again, curiously, and is disappointed to find the fur hard and itchy. He huffs at it, not strictly human, affronted by the highly inedible looking greenery in front of him. He fishes out the placard, morbidly curious what the hell this thing could be - and nearly cracks his face in half with the size of his grin.
"Bunny, look," he calls as he approaches. "It's perfect."
"Oh my god! My grandmother used to have one of those. I forgot all about it. What is this th -?" she rolls her eyes up to him when she reads the tag, unimpressed frown firmly in place.
"Oh, a rabbit's foot fern!" the clerk she'd been talking to coos. "And our last one, I think. Great find!"
"Don't encourage him," the rabbit grouses just as John thanks her, putting his find on the counter. "Are you really buying that?"
"The lady said it was a good find," he smirked.
"It's dry as a bone! I'm not sure it'll make it."
"Oh these things are quite hardy, for ferns. Just water well and keep it humid, those roots'll soften up in no time."
"Those things get softer?"
It's bunny who answers, fussing with a crunchy root all the while. "Yeah, they look like tarantula legs when they're thirsty, but they do indeed look soft as a rabbit when healthy."
"They're quite cool," the clerk adds as she begins scanning. "Can live forever if treated well, too. I've got one that my mother bought in the eighties."
John hums, pressing a kiss into the rabbit's temple. "Be sure to do that, then."
She's not done making him wait; completely oblivious to his struggles. "You're not doing my gardening for me, bunny," he tries, but she's stubborn and despite his impatience, seeing her toil away at his den soothes something in him. Doesn't mean it's not torture watching her work, bent over and kneeling on the ground, dirty up to her elbows in soil. He helps her as much as he knows how; keeps her plied with water and berries instead when she sends him and his black thumbs away. She lets him feed her a few times, the pad of his thumb lingering on her lips.
"Are you really not mad at me?" She asks eventually, attempting to rub dirt off her cheek but only serving to smudge it more with her dirty fingers.
John frowns down at her for a moment. "What on earth for?"
She shrugs. "Leaving for a few days, I guess?"
"Oh, honey. No. Told you you could take all the time in the world." And then, when that strange instinct which takes over for him when she's being flighty rears its head, "That's not why you're doing all this, is it?"
A beat.
Too long. She's just starting to shrug when John's extending a hand down to her. "Up you get, bunny. I'm not -." Phil "That's not -." Phil "Let's go inside. Get you cleaned up."
"But we're -."
"It's enough, sweetheart. We can finish tomorrow if you want. For now, let's get you cleaned up."
They don't make it that far. A kiss to her temple, a sigh of contentment, muddy fingers mark the nape of John's neck. She says they'll get his sheets dirty and John laughs 'that's the point.'
They leave a trail of her clothes to his bedroom. He peels the layers off reverently, bites the apples of her dimpled flesh so lightly she just chuckles at him, calls him a weirdo when he licks his own drool off her tits. He can't help it, tongue heavy with lust and hunger.
He gets her on her belly first, big soft ass tilted up at him by the still-clothed arm he's got wrapped under her, free hand spreading her cheek wide enough he can press his face into the seam of her. He snuffles in there, groaning at her scent, tongue seeking out the very back of her cunt and working the fluttery skin. "Fuck," he hears her hiss, reaching her hand back to sink her fingers into his short hair. He tries looking up at her, discovers he's already too far buried in the globes of her ass to do so, and groans again.
Laying out fully now, his weight pinning her legs, John keeps kneading her flesh to grant himself better access. He drops until he can take her lips into his mouth, sucking on them and coating his tongue in the slick that clings to the soft flesh. She tastes better than she smells, somehow. He tilts his head and opens his mouth wide enough he can gently dig his teeth into her puffy vulva and she moans prettily so he stays there, tongue lapping at her folds and groaning. She's so wet - a bottomless spring. John thinks he could drink from her forever.
"Fuck, honey. All this for me?" He teases, retreating only enough to pull her folds open with his thumb so he can lick a fat stripe right over her glistening hole. "You spoil me."
"John, fuck -. I want -."
"Want what, honey?" He doesn't think she can hear him, the way he's making out with her cunt when he speaks, but she gets the sentiment anyway.
"More, please, John, I need -." She cuts herself off with a moan when he spits on her and gives up words altogether, electing instead to reach under herself and take his hand from her hip, forcing it down between her legs.
Never one to deny her anything, he chuckles against her skin as he complies, breath hot where it traps in her cute little curls. Shifting his weight, he spreads one of her legs just enough to give himself room to work which he does immediately, curling two fingers up to her hole to gather slick and framing her clit with them. "That it, baby?" he asks, biting the crease where her ass meets her thigh gently. "Don't like when I tease you? Just need it right here, huh?" He drags his thumb down her slit again, holding her folds and flesh out of the way so he can see exactly what he's doing to her, notes precisely what makes her twitch. When his fingers pull her hood back fully and his thumb brushes her raw clit and she seizes up like she's been shocked, he places a soothing kiss against her ass.
"Alright, sweetheart, I'll play nice," he coos; and then very much doesn't.
Keeping her clit's pretty little veil fully retracted, John buries his nose in her cunt - right in the core of her, source of all his anxieties - and kisses her bare little pearl bruisingly. He licks and sucks and slurps, lets his lips vibrate against her when he hums approvingly at her own noises. She tries to buck him off a few times but he just winds his free hand around her hips as well to keep her close, settles himself more firmly across her legs to keep her pinned. It's a struggle to breathe like this, but he'd be content to die here if it came to that so he stays put, sucking in ragged breaths when she manages to pull away just enough to fuck herself back onto him.
When her cunt starts fluttering around him he tilts his head to the side to make room for the free hand he pulls back out from under her and dips the very tips of two fingers into her, tickling the edges of the inner lips there. She damn near sobs, thick thighs struggling to lift both their weight enough to bring him into herself. John pulls away with a cruel scrape of teeth against her clit, chuckling when she threatens to shake apart. "Need something, sweetheart?"
"Christ, John, just fuck me, please," she begs, too lucid. That won't do.
"Ask nice," he counters, spitting on her clit and lapping at it, letting his motions carry long enough that it drags his lip and beard across the sensitive little thing as well. She shutters, cunt clenching around his first knuckles. His cock slots between her calves and he uses his own legs to keep hers pressed together so he can fuck down into the channel he's created. She's soft there, too, a much needed contrast to the bite of his trousers.
"John, please. Please fuck me, please. Want to feel you."
He hums in thought, never once entertaining the idea. "Gotta stretch you first, sweetheart. Get you nice and loose. Too tight to take me like this." To prove his point, he bullies his fingers into her in one long stroke. She hisses something that might be a curse, swollen lips falling open as he keeps pressing into her. She's wet enough to take him, but too tense, and he tongues the rim of her when she clenches tight.
"See? Gotta take care of you first, right honey?"
She nods, eyes glazing over a bit, and John hides his smile in her arse before licking his way back down to her throbbing clit.
He plays with her a while longer, returns to the aimless licking and sucking that's less designed to get her off and more designed to get her wet and frustrated. By the time her clenching around his fingers is timed to keep him in more so than out, John's discovered she quite likes a little bit of teeth and he's got her vulva so swollen with love bites and kisses he's distantly worried her cute little knickers will hurt her when he finally lets her put them back on. All the while, she just takes it; moaning prettily and huffing in frustration by turns. Someday she'll realize he can't deny her anything and she'll beg so sweetly when he gets her like this. But for now, she doesn't know what kind of power she has over him so just lays there, incapacitated, sighing and groaning, letting him make a mess of her.
It's the third finger that does it. Where they'd been languid and teasing only moments ago, she's jittery and desperate now, trying to rock herself back onto him with what little leverage she has. He takes pity on her, his own need drawing tighter as well. "You wanna cum, baby?" he asks, voice surprisingly tender considering how deep it's fallen.
"Please, John, please," she babbles, calves flexing under him as she wiggles in anticipation.
"Show me then," he prompts, and drags her hood back from her clit to suck at it happily, bullying a spot deep inside her that makes her breathing go wet and ragged.
"John! Fuck -. Jesus, I -." The moan she lets out when he hardens his tongue and flicks it against her is filthy so John carries on like that. Her fingers have slid from the crown of his head to the nape of his neck and he'd like to see her like that, all bowed and twisted to keep him where she needs him, but he's also quite content with the view he has here so he digs himself impossibly deeper and presses the heel of his palm against her lower belly and -.
She drenches him, moans loud and erratic, simultaneously trying to flinch away from him and keep him pressed against the veritable font she's become. "Shit," John hisses, using his grip to bow her back impossibly more so he can take most of the flow to his chest. He works her through it, can't resist lapping at her with fat stripes of his tongue which leave his mouth full. He's soaked, beard wet and dripping, shirt probably ruined. She's a panting, writhing mess by the time he relents, too fucked out to even keep herself propped up anymore, face buried in his pillow.
It takes him a moment to realize she's muttering something, content as he is to catch his breath in the humid hinges of her joints. When he finally registers her quiet voice he climbs his way up her mountainous body, dropping kisses to freckles and stretch marks. "Wassat, honey?" He asks her temple as he folds his arms under her body, cradling her to his chest as he lays out over her again.
She turns her head just enough to allow her voice to escape the pillow. "Said, 'sorry'."
John grunts, momentarily distracted from his mission to grope every inch of her tits. "Why you sorry, sweetheart?"
"Didn't mean to make a mess. Never done that before."
"Never?" He chuckles, choosing to ignore the fact she felt she needed to apologize so as not to lose his temper. "Nothing to be sorry about, honey. Quite liked it."
She peeks back at him. "You did?"
He hums, bites her cheek lightly. "I did. You can mark me anytime you want."
"Ew," she laughs and he joins her, kissing down her neck.
"You need a minute, bunny?"
She shakes her head, pushes at his forehead until he gives her enough room to roll over. He plasters himself to her front but she's quick to push him away again. "Can we get you out of these wet clothes?"
Sitting back on his shins, John pulls his shirt over his head and is delighted when her fingers immediately find the fur of his belly, taking a moment to pet him before helping with his belt. There's the usual tangle of limbs, made better by the soft body that yields to his weight when he has to dig his hips into her for leverage. After stripping him, she guides him with a hand at his hip onto his back and he goes easily, happy as can be to have her straddling his thighs.
"So bloody pretty, bunny." He gets a handful of her tits while she takes his measure, eyes slightly apprehensive but movements eager.
"See why you wanted to stretch me out," she says, and then reaches back to plant one hand on his thigh, giving her enough leverage to rub her soaked cunt up his length.
"Fuck," he hisses, palming her mons so he can get a better look. "That's it baby, get me good and wet."
Instead, she stops, eyes him over with those big prey eyes. He's back peddling frantically, palms sliding over her thighs soothingly, trying to find the words to bring her back when she grabs his hands, holds them with twitchy fingers for a moment. "Can I -," she starts, then slides up his forearms and leans forward to fold them over his head. "This okay?"
He's distantly aware there's something important being said here, but he's too distracted by her tits hanging in his face to say much beyond gruff agreement.
She smiles anyway. "Stay there," she instructs, then returns to her ministrations.
She's so wet he can hear it, the soft noises mingling with her huffy breaths. He grabs the bottom of the headboard, the temptation to reach out and guide her already testing him. It's torture, really - the way she presses his cock into her slick folds with the flat of her hand, watching her eyes flutter when the head of him catches on her entrance. He twitches and she sinks a centimeter, sighs at the stretch.
"Bunny," he hedges, but she shakes her head, pace tectonic as she rocks herself on the scrap of flesh she's found.
"Stay there," she says again, voice gone reedy. He groans but nods, readjusting his grip.
He must make for a pathetic sight because she takes pity, sinks another centimeter or so. She squeezes him so sweetly it's hard to contain his noises, and he's sure he sounds like a bellows when she starts rubbing her clit again, her walls fluttering around him.
"Do you mind it?" She asks and he huffs, not quite human.
"Mind it?"
She leans forward to plant her hands on his arms. He doesn't whimper when it pulls her near completely off his cock, he doesn't. "This?" She clarifies, squeezing the meat of his ulnas.
"Oh." He blinks, thoughts slow and sticky. He wants to touch her, but she put him like this because… because…
His tongue feels like it's stuck to the bottom of his mouth. "No, sweetheart. Whatever you need."
She smiles sadly down at him, adjusts her grip on his arms, then sinks fully down his length at an agonizingly slow pace.
"Fuck, baby." He makes no move to help her despite an overwhelming urge to grab two handfuls of ass and just fuck up into her.
Their height difference means she has to crowd over him to keep her hands planted. He leans up for a kiss and she obliges, rubs her clit against the hair at the base of his cock. He's so lost in the feeling of her it takes him a minute to realize she's holding back, hovering just above him when she should be smothering him.
"You're not gonna hurt me, bunny," he mutters into her mouth. She draws back a fraction of an inch to get a good look at him and he nods to where she's made room, just for him. "Sit on it. Properly."
"But -."
"Sit." He's careful to hide any lingering anger from his voice, lets her hear nothing but his desire. It works. She shivers and sinks fully onto him, lips parting as he notches perfectly against the very end of her. Made for each other. "Good rabbit. See how much better that is?"
"Deep," she says, about all she can manage.
He chuckles, maybe a little mean. "Right where you need me. Right where I'm s'posed to be. Ride me, rabbit. Show me how you like it."
She does: a slow grind that keeps him buried, barely raising herself off him. She leans forward more so than up. It keeps her sensitive little clit pressed close to his curls and has the added benefit of swinging her tits into his face. He latches on when the noises he makes venture too far from human, smothering his grunts in her soft flesh. He wants to bite her, mark her. Flip her onto the bed and scruff her while he fucks her from behind. He wants to tear the throat out of the man who came before him who's left her like this. Instead, he growls low words of encouragement into her flesh, tilts his hips ever so slightly up when the cant of her own interferes with her rhythm. It doesn't take her long after that.
"John," she pants, "please."
"Please what, baby?" He scrapes his teeth over the beard burn in her cleavage, feels her grip on his forearms flex.
"I need… I need…" she raises herself half off him, gives him room to move. It's the furthest she's been from him since bottoming out and he nearly growls in displeasure.
Instead, he says, "Need me to fuck you? Need me to make it better?"
"Yes, please, John."
"Let me hear it."
She looks lost between pouting and shuddering. Answers him anyway, "John, please, need you to fix it. Fuck me, John, please."
"That's it, bunny. Keep talking," he says, and then he gives her what she wants - fucking up into her with long, precise thrusts that leave her gasping. She doesn't exactly keep talking, but the noises that spill from her lips are even better, combining with the sounds of her slick cunt, the quiet slap of his balls.
"Gonna -," she tries. Doesn't make it much further.
"Yeah you are. Play with your clit for me. You gonna drench me again?" She shakes her head and he laughs - too mean, but she doesn't seem to notice. "Yes you will. Let me touch that pretty pussy, sweetheart. Just wanna feel." Whether she remembers why he wasn't allowed to touch or not, she doesn't need any more convincing than that. She nods, leans fully back to plant her hands on his thighs and resumes the pace he'd set. Like this, he feels himself notch impossibly deeper and with just a few more thrusts, he gets his palm flat on her, thumb at her clit and then she's soaking him again, damn near sobbing, squeezing him so hard he's briefly worried she'll take it with her when she's done with it. He's helpless but to follow, a long groan of her name he's sure she can't understand for how animalistic his voice has gone.
No sooner does she slide off him than he's pulling her to his chest, rolling them onto their sides so he can kiss her stupid. He's still got the one arm tucked over his head, but she pulls it down to thread their fingers together and that's it for him. Put a fork in him, all that.
If he takes measure of her finger while they're interlaced, well, it's no worse than her deciding where to hang the fern later
From his vantage point behind the kitchen saloon doors, Simon watches as Johnny carouses the customers, keeps drinks topped. He's good at it. Friendly in that way Simon never was. Got a face like a puppy, honest and endearing.
Plays at snarling when he needs to.
The Texan's new, which in itself doesn't say much. Glacier's no stranger to strangers. What is odd - what has Simon considering adding the roll of 'bouncer' to his ever-growing job description - is the way this particular stranger is instantly asking after John's bird.
It had started off innocent enough, from what Simon's been able to piece together since he started paying attention. The man came in, ordered a beer, and nursed it all by his lonesome at the end of the bar. Eventually he'd asked Johnny if he'd seen the bird, as apparently the two were supposed to meet up. Johnny, not thinking much of it at the time, had said no but she'd probably be around sooner or later. That had been four hours ago.
Every half hour, Johnny tries to sell the man on a new beer. He always refuses, content to waste space at the bar on what's turning out to be a surprisingly busy Tuesday. Two hours ago, Johnny had suggested the possibility that the bird had stood him up. The man took it in stride, saying he quite liked it where he was and was content to stay even without company. One hour ago, he'd been told to either order something or leave. He'd ordered an appetizer, hadn't touched it since.
The questions had started right about the time Johnny had begun snarling, the man evidently completely unconcerned by the fact he'd been figured out. He asks Johnny how he knows the bird, when's the last time he saw her, if she has a job out this way. Johnny, of course, clever pup, gives him the runaround. The man does the same when Johnny returns fire.
The final straw is when he starts asking about John.
"Say, who's the owner here anyway?" The man asks, cocky grin still firmly in place.
To his credit, Johnny doesn't do much as flinch. "Dunno, never met him."
"Now I find that hard to believe, small place like this. You don't even know the man's name?"
"You need a box for that?" Johnny nods at the untouched plate of food.
The man slides it across the bar, shaking his head. "Toss it. You know, I looked this place up 'fore I came in. I could tell you your boss's name, if you want. He's from 'cross the pond, too. Thought that was odd. See, I think you know your boss's name. I think y'all know each other real well, in fact. And I think you know why I don't want him 'round my girl, don't you?" His voice drops, conspiratorial. "Dangerous men, y'all."
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howtofightwrite · 10 months
What do you think of the squishy wizard trope? Shouldn’t people that travel around and go “adventuring” have some baseline of athleticism?
So, we're back to a game design discussion, again.
The short version is, if it doesn't make sense to you, don't use it.
Squishy wizards are almost more of a gameplay consideration. If you have a game, and you're balancing ranged damage against melee damage, if your ranged damage units do enough damage, you can create a situation where melee damage straight up doesn't work. It's not viable. The 40k meme about the Tau comes to mind: “Sure, they suck in melee; too bad you'll never get there.”
If you tone down ranged unit's damage, that can easily create a situation where they become the ones who are irrelevant. Such was the experience of every level 1 Wizard in AD&D. Once in awhile, you can get into the perfect situation to end an encounter, but most of the time you're just biding your time until you get to level 5 and can learn to accidentally fireball your party's front line, but that is a long time from now.
If ranged units can do a lot of damage, they need to be fragile enough that you can remove them from the board. And the Tau comparison comes back to mind once again.
All of this combines to create a board environment, where melee fighters need to be tanky enough to get into combat and stay there. Ranged units need to be fragile enough that they can remove each other, deal enough damage to harass the melee units, without doing so much damage as to render them completely irrelevant to the board.
And, while you can build a story around that structure, you don't need to.
Gandalf isn't a fragile wizard. He's not some “book nerd,” who spent high school getting shoved into lockers. When the time comes, he goes toe to toe with a Balrog (or, the Balrog, whichever), and doesn't immediately die. He clearly manages to hold his own, in melee combat, with a massive monster. (In fairness, he's also not human. I mean, none of Tolkien's, “the race of men,” are conventionally human, but Middle Earth's Wizards are an entirely different race of beings.)
In a lot of games, solution is to give the frontline fighters a ridiculous amount of health. Now, I'm going to trash on D&D for a second, but consider that a 10th level Fighter should have somewhere around 94 - 114hp. Remember that critical hits represent some kind of significant injury. These are not just blows that connect with your armor and will leave a bruise, this is someone ran you through. Someone could crit on your fighter, with a long sword, and stab them in vital places at least 4, and probably 5 times, before it actually kills them. That's a comical amount of damage someone to suffer. (Now, granted, a 10th level character in D&D is basically a superhero. If you're thinking of Boromir's death in Jackson's Fellowship of the Rings, that is what it takes to put down a relatively high level fighter in D&D. Which is to say, hilarious amounts of abuse.)
If you signed up for that, cool. I'm not going to stop you. I'm not even going to tell you it's wrong. If you want to tear down a super-humanly powerful character through prolonged combat sequences, or due to attrition of multiple fights in quick succession, that works. I mean, hell, that's how DC killed Batman in the 90s.
If your wizard power fantasy is that a wispy intellectual gains cosmic power through hard academic study, cool. Again, that's entirely valid, and as I mentioned, it even fits into a power fantasy. If you were bullied as a teenager for your atypical interests, and habit of reading, here's a character that studies strange and esoteric subjects, and has real power as a result.
At the same time, it's entirely reasonable to have an averagely healthy mage, whether they study magic academically, or have some ingrained talent that they've honed, plop them down next to a veteran swordmaster who's fought in wars on nine continents with the scars to prove it, and while they may look a bit anemic in comparison to their buddy, is still in better shape than the average villager they interact with on a daily basis.
That's where I tend to land in all of this.
When you're creating characters for your writing, it can be helpful to assign them attributes. Now, I don't mean this in the literal RPG stat blocks. (I've tried that a few times, it doesn't really work for me.) But, just a few text descriptors (which, does sound like Fudge, come to think of it.) You might describe your mage as Smart, or Intellectual, Wise (or Absent Minded), Willful. You know, “wizard stuff.” If you describe your warrior as, Strong, Tough, Tenacious, and Cunning, you're not making the wizard squishy, you're making another character less squishy. A lot of the time, we set the base line by what other people are doing. It's reasonable to say your mage is less durable than your soldier. (Unless your mage has a reason to be that tough. Maybe they're from some frozen wasteland, and are just absolutely jacked from surviving in a hostile environment.) But, that comparison doesn't mean that your mage is deficient.
Now, on the other hand, frail characters can be interesting. You're taking out their ability to fight conventionally, so when they do start decisively ending situations, whether that's through their own creativity and guile, or sheer magical power, it can be very gratifying. And, to be clear, I am very fond of flawed characters, especially when they have to work within the framework of their flaws to find solutions, rather than just overcoming them through the power of love, friendship and mescaline.
When handled well, flaws are about creating limitations for how your characters can solve problems. These can also make your story more interesting. If you say, my character can't fight, (and you don't back down from that and just let them cheat so they can fight, because they're so goddamn special), they're going to need to find other solutions. That can result in a better, more interesting, and less predictable story.
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vampireimiko · 1 year
For MK1 Mileena ( and if it's okay to add in Baraka? ) after everything that have happened, what if one of the earthrealmer fighters ( gn!reader ) decided to stay in outworld as they are very skilled medical doctor and military medical officer who research about virus and disease
And let's say after many months doing ethical decisions and experiments the found a cure for the tarkat that stabilize not also the animalistic of the agresstion but also keep the individual actual stable mentally and not have intense hunger, like they are back to normal in some ways, but they can't fix the physical aspect due to them theories that it have some magic involved
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warnings, none ^_^
note, i don't know if the request was insinuating mileena x reader or not, so if it was my apologies 😭‼️
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"How are you feeling Mileena?" You asked carefully as she was just waking up from being sedated.
Mileena's eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the light. She blinked a few times before focusing on you. The remnants of the sedation still lingered, giving her a dazed expression.
You repeated your question, concern evident in your voice. "How are you feeling, Mileena?"
She groggily attempted to sit up, wincing slightly. "I feel like I got hit by a carriage.. but other than that I'm fine," she muttered, her voice raspy.
You nodded, noting her discomfort. "That's expected after the procedure. You'll need some time to recover. We managed to stabilize the aggression and hunger aspects of your condition. How's your mental state?"
Mileena frowned, contemplating. "Clearer, less chaotic. It's strange, but not bad."
You smiled at her, happy that signs of your treatment working showed in her. "That is wonderful Mileena. If you have anymore concerns, you can always contact me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I had to check on Baraka."
Mileena nodded, acknowledging your words. "Thank you," she replied, her tone a mix of gratitude and curiosity. The transformation she experienced, was a journey that held promise and uncertainty.
"Also, before I go, I do believe Tanya is still outside." You said with a subtle smirk on your face.
Mileena's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and realization. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she caught your subtle hint. "Is she? Well, I should go greet her properly. Maybe flaunt my newfound stability," she said, chuckling lightly.
As you walk towards the room Baraka is currently occupating, you start to feel a bit guilty. Baraka had always talked about the struggles of Tarkat and how it basically ruined his life. You knew you hadn't fully cured Tarkat but hopefully the suppresser you made would soon lead into a full blown cure for those inflicted with Tarkat.
Entering Baraka's room, you found him in a state of post-procedure recovery. His characteristic blades were momentarily retracted, and the aggressive stance had softened. Baraka glanced at you, a hint of gratitude in his gaze.
"How are you feeling, Baraka?" you inquired, your tone carrying genuine concern.
The Tarkatan warrior grunted, a gesture that could be interpreted as a positive response.
"I feel normal again. The hunger I once felt is no longer there."
You took a moment to examine his vital signs and overall condition, ensuring that the stabilization process was proceeding as intended.
"That's encouraging, Baraka. The suppression of the aggressive tendencies and hunger is a significant step forward," you explained, your voice reflecting a cautious optimism. "However, it's essential to monitor your condition closely as we work towards a more comprehensive solution."
Baraka nodded, a rare expression of gratitude crossing his usually fierce features. "I appreciate what you've done. It's a change I never thought possible."
As you continued your examination, the weight of responsibility for finding a permanent cure for the Tarkatan condition weighed on you. The progress made with Mileena and Baraka was promising, but the complexity of their physiology posed unique challenges.
"We're not done yet, Baraka. I'm committed to finding a complete cure. In the meantime, rest and let the stabilization take its course. If you experience any changes or discomfort, don't hesitate to inform me," you assured him.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐒𝐎 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 ☹️ 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
💮Random Astro Notes, Answering Questions and a lil Rant💮
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🪷The house that Saturn resides in can tell us what items we have been more careful and gentle with. To name a few, people with Saturn in 3rd house may have their books degrade faster, and their phones break often. Saturn in 4th need to be careful with their furniture, photos, kitchen, and even their entire home. Saturn in 7th may lose or damage their jewelry. Saturn in 11th may electronics break and malfunction.
🪷The house that Scorpio and Pluto reside in gives us some insight into how/where we are mistreated, misunderstood, taken advantage of, and perhaps even abused. However, it’s also where you’ll eventually come on top. If you thought Saturian karma doesn’t play then wait until you see Plutonian karma. Unlike Saturn, it is public and done indirectly. Because it’s the house of death (symbolically more than literally) and transformation, Pluto works slowly but on a large scale. Just like tectonic plates, they're slow and great. It may very well (especially for Scorpio) happen after your death or in a different lifetime. 
🪷The Pisces paradox of being obsessed with yourself and taking pictures 24/7 and also desiring to escape your mortal flesh
🪷Side bar but I love how the sign of most season winners and of miss congeniality on Ruapul Drag Race is Taurus followed by Libra. It makes for Venusians to dominate a beauty competition show.
🪷Leo and Libra placements are obsessed with having an aesthetic. They drown themselves in whatever they find beautiful, and they do it well.
🪷I never understood the obsession with spouse, wealth, fame, and indicators in the chart. To me personally, when it comes to these subjects is that if you aren't actively trying to have or working in whichever way that suits you and seems the most effective, you won't attain it. How are you getting anything without putting an effort into it?
Questions Asked:
🌸@brielledoesastrology thank you for the message, but I don't want to tell people about my chart 😅. I like to be as impartial as I can when it comes to doing astrology. I do it to help people and for fun not for fame or any gratification. It may seem dramatic but I swear it's easier when people don't know 😭
🌸 @spixcyy "Can I ask if you're gay?"
It's giving (Yes, I am very colorful and zesty)
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🌸 Question from @iproposedtoyomamaandshesaidyes: “Heyy wassup bro how’s everything? I have Chiron in Leo is that a good placement?” 
Heyy, I am good thank you and I hope you’re healthy and happy. Well, it depends on what we mean by “good”. In terms of the role of Chiron in Leo’s role in your trauma and healing. 
Here are some of my interpretations of Chiron in Leo:
Sensitivity to your sense of person
Having limited self expression or authenticity (The house Chiron resides in can indicate where, how, and in some cases by whom.)
Being forced into the collective and not allowed to have a sense of independence
Individuality and unbecoming is a major life themes/struggles (regardless of the house)
Problems with self esteem, courage, vitality, creativity, and originality
Having a hard time accepting your possibilities and fearing success
Fear of disappointing role model/guide 
Pressure from an early age for living a prodigy
Having to play a “role” or a character for a large portion of your early years
Trouble feeling that you do not have a central purpose or reason for existing
Difficulty understanding what it is you are ‘supposed’ to be doing with your life, yet having an overwhelming sense that you are supposed to be doing something.
Excessive rebellion or conformity 
Healing and Moving on:
Learning to be content
Finding yourself as you move along life
Accepting that you won’t find instant solutions and results
Allowing yourself to grow 
Forgiving yourself for being the person you were and needed to be
Helping others embrace their qualities (especially those that are viewed negatively by society) will help accept yourself
Leading with love and compassion, not detachment
As Chiron is the great healer that can’t heal his wound, your life purpose is:
To lead by example
Break the mold
Be the new “normal”
Act as a leader of the collective rather than be part of the group
Depending on the themes of the house Chiron resides in, you’ll work as a great motivator and healer in that aspect of life.
Hope this was of any help and thank you for your question.
🌸 @astro-lab asked :” So what is “the other Lilith” that comes with every chart? Which one is more relevant? How are they related?”
There are four asteroids that are part of Lilith. 
- First, we have the Black Moon Lilith or Mean Lilith (h12), which is the most commonly used and referred to when people say “Lilith”. This is the one that is usually used in birth chart tools you find online.
The others are Asteroid Lilith (1181), True/Osculating Lilith (h13), and lastly, we have Dark Moon Lilith/ Waldemath Black Moon (h58).
Mean Lilith uses the average orbit of the theoretical Black Moon. This is why she is called Mean Lilith. “Mean” refers to the average, not her temperament. For True Lilith, her orbit oscillates or interchanges constantly. This Lilith uses the actual, real orbit of the Black Moon rather than the average in comparison. As for Dark Moon Lilith, some people have claimed to have seen this Moon, although its existence is debatable. Asteroid Lilith is the only Lilith that is an actual astronomical body.
In terms of their relevancy and importance depends on what areas of life are you looking to get insight from. Like other asteroids, they can shed light on things we tend to overlook. However, when it comes to Lilith, in general, these are things that we feel but never understand period. 
The Mean Lilith is widely used because it takes the average orbit of Lilith and its mystic influence astrologically. In the birth chart, it represents the unconscious mirages that we create to protect our most vulnerable parts and deepest fears. Where we tend to be mistreated the most as Lilith had been and how can we fall victim to others but also heal, transform, and regain that power.
True Lilith in contrast is what we might now refer to as “your villain origin story”. This is where we find ourselves pushing the boundaries of ourselves and others. Our darker instincts and desires. 
Asteroid Lilith is where and how we embody Lilith through the chart and in our everyday life.
I hope I was able to explain it well but thank you so much for your question 💕
That's it, thank you for the questions and for reading.
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