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Age: ???
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5′0
Sexuality: Asexual
Race: Helcen
Route: Rebel
Extra: Has a thin tail that ends in a tuft of dark blue fur. Nails taper off into points and are dark.
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what race is Vanerith?
He is a demon! If I remember correctly, he's also about 9 feet tall.
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What did the RO's expect Royal!mc to be like before they met or knew each other? Does a royal mc have a reputation outside the castle?
Several of the ROs have met Royal!MC, or know of them, so I won’t get into them. But the others...
Kida: He absolutely despises the royal family, MC included. Little is known about the Heir, as the capital is usually in lock down. What info gets out is usually steeped in rumor, but it usually tips toward the Heir being a coward and just as bad as their father. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill them if it meant ending the madness.
Vanerith: He’s rather ambivalent toward the Heir. He’s spent most of his time trying to survive to focus on the country’s rulers.
Eshad: As he’s usually attached to a young nymph named Deverin, he doesn’t know much about the Heir. He doesn’t really care, either. All he knows is that the royal family has descended into madness. As far as he can tell at least. It’s hard to guess what’s rally going on when he can’t leave his current master’s side.
Aenon: They are frightened of the Heir. It’s difficult to gauge the MC as a person, but after dealing with their father, it’s left a fear that they can’t explain. It would take meeting them in person to assuage any fears they have.
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So like could vanerith ever regain the confidence he used to have?
Yes. It’s going to take a lot to be what he once was. But throughout the books, Vanerith will gain his confidence back. How much is going to be up to the player. Will you build him up or tear him down?
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Crown of Thorns and Roses
Welp. Time got away from me. This summer was pretty busy, between helping at a kids camp, my birthday, and my brother going away to college, but I'm finally gathering my fledgling courage and posting the info about the game.
The Plot:
You play as the Heir to the Kingdom of Artherius, a small, landlocked country hedged by mountains, save a small sea gifted by ancient laws traqnscending the kingdoms that sprawl across the vast continent. Peace ruled your country, up until 6 years ago, when the entrances throught he mountains to your country were blocked off by landslides, cutting off all those who called Artherius home, rom the rest of the world.
Your father called for militaristic action, saying the borders of the land were closed, and all those who tried to enter would be slain. It was a bloody time, where those with family still in Artherius, or were merely visiting, tried to escape, all to meet the their deaths at the hand of a deadly light that would kill those near it, leaving no trace of a body.
Artherius descends into a land of the lawless and fear for the common people. Years pass, and as your 21st birthday rolls around, you realize your father, King only in name, has no intention of handing the throne over to you. It is up to you to discover why your father has descended into such madness, repair your fractured land, and prepare for the darkness that is lurking beyond your borders.
Or, perhaps you intend to join the darkness, and watch your entire world burn around you. It's your choice, really.
TW: Mentions of slavery, crimes, abuse, violence, abandonment issues, war, blood, etc.
The Romances/Companions:
There are 7 romanceable characters (3 male, 2 female, 2 nonbinary), with up to 3 possible poly romances in the works.
Seeren: The Court Mage.
A rather shy elven woman, she has been a close friend and confidant to the MC ever since she was brought the castle to train in magic at the tender age of 10. She quickly grew in skill, overtaking her master's job as court mage when the older man passed. She is accomplished in many types of magic, and dabbles in alchemy. It is her magic and potions that keep the MC healthy and sane.
Eshad: The Djinn in the Bottle.
The MC goes exploring in the cavernous basements of the castle they call home, and discover a rather unusual lamp sitting in a hidden corner of one fo the locked rooms. It is in that moment they meet Eshad, a rather disgruntled Djinn who has been imprisoned there for 2000 years. The MC has only one wish, and would rather not be killed by a poorly worded wish. So Eshad must stay at their side until they make their wish.
Astha: The Captain of the Guard.
Astha is no shy noble woman. A dragonborn, she is descended from the very beasts that once ruled this world, and she bows to no one, no matter who they might be. She is powerful, and she knows it. She has trained for the position of the Captain since before she could walk, all in preparation to take the mantle from the her Aunt. As she will be tasked with keeping watch of the current Heir, she keeps a professional distance, merely observing them. But she knows more than she will ever let on.
Aenon: The Captive Royal.
Aenon was visting from ont of the neighboring countries, acting as ambassador to settle a long standing cold war between the two people, the humans and the mer folk. They were within the castle walls when the borders were closed. They, alongside their entourage, were quickly brought before the king, who informed them they were to act as hostages. Aenon was locked within their quarters where they have remained to this day, waiting for everything to end.
Kida: The Rebel Servant.
A rather bright Naga, he joined the fledgling resistance that former not long after the borders were closed, and the formerly beloved king turned tyrannical. He was tasked to infiltrate the castle to gather information, and to keep a rather close eye on the Heir. The MC will sometimes see him lurking in the corner, simply watching them. If it comes down to it, Kida has orders to slay the Heir to help end the tyrannical royal family's reign.
Kiyoshi: The Spy.
A young kitsune who is a close friend to the MC, is a person of quick wit and even quicker on their feet, acts as a page in the castle, but simply does many jobs. They are fast to deny they are anything more than a simple servant, but with a twinkle in their eye that says there is more to that story than they are saying. The MC may count Kiyoshi as a confidant but the kitsune's allegiance isn't to the king, but to another.
Vanerith: The Bodyguard.
Vanerith was rescued from a roaming slave auction by the Heir, and in the ensuing chaos was bonded to them in a horrible accident. Vanterith, unable to leave the MC's side, has taken on the role of bodyguard, as this is what he feels he does best: protect and shield. He is rather quiet for his kind, tending to wander close to the MC and never wandering, wholly focused on playing his role. As if he is too used to it...
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Can we have physical descriptions of the ROs?
Yes! Of course!
Seeren is rather on the delicate side, with dark red hair framing a pale, freckled face. With eyes as blue as the sky above, she has a rather intense stare, perhaps from either her even blood or from years indulging in magical experiments that may or may not have gone awry. She tends to dress in baggy robes and cloaks, keeping herself hidden.
Astha is the peek warrior. She stands tall even over her guards, with golden horns, golden claws for hands and feet, making the point of gloves and shoes a rather obselete point for her. Her blood red eyes, one dulled by a blindness struck by a near fatal injury years before, stare from a scared and stern face, with sharp cheekbones framed by golden scales and sheer black hair, which is usually pulled back into a bun.
Eshad is a rather interesting being, identifying as male but changing shapes at will, which is easily done due to his status as a djinn. He tends to favor a form that has dark, hooded eyes overshadowing a slightly crooked nose and thin lips, which are usually pulled back into a flirtatious smirk. His hair tends to stay the color of the deep sea at high noon, green and blue playing across silky lengths. He sometimes appears before you with a wildly different beard/mustache than he displayed before, going anywhere from tame to curly villainous types, to try and rile a response from you.
Kiyoshi is rather lithe, their strength lying in their mastery of trickery and illusion magic, but they are a quick runner, their fox tail lending them the balance needed to essentially parkour wherever they wish. They have tanned skin from spending so much time outside and dark eyes, something always seeming to hide in their depths. Their hair is a rough brown color, as are the ears and tail that poke out from time to time.
Vanerith is a figure that draws the eye. With rippling dark hair that tends to turn a rainbow of colors, nearly iradescent in sunlight, and twilight blue skin, and horns that taper off into a lighter blue, he is almost an enigma amongst demon kind, where shades of red or human tones tend to be prevalent. This may be the reason why he was forced from his home realm. His violet eyes stare sadly into the distance more often than not, possibly mourning the loss of his place, and his home. He hides his scars, but they cover too much.
Aenon is as dark as the depths of the seas they call home. Where hair sits on a humans head, they have jellyfish-like spines the color of the lightest beaches that light up when they are feeling intense moods. This is also used as a tactic to lure food or enemies within the seas where they hunt. Their pale eyes can be haunting to those unfamiliar to the Mer. They have webbed fingers and toes, and fins that line several areas on their body to allow them to swim with great force. They are able to survive out of water for quite awhile, but must return at some point.
Kida has a strong build from years working on his family farm, muscles rippling across his back and arms. His skin is marred by several scars, light standing out against his darker skin. A rather handsome Naga, with a square jaw and startlingly golden eyes, he flaunted this alongside the deep purple of his tail back home. His light brown hair tends to hang at shoulder length, but is usually pulled back away from his face.
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How the ros react to finding the mcd sketchbook with drawing of them? I love this demo so far and slowly falling for the ROs. Thank you for this wonderful story!
Seeren holds the sketchbook close, a soft expression on her face. She will hide it in her robes if she encounters it, her fingers continually brushing against it, nearly giving herself away. She will look through it that night, in the privacy of her own room, fingers tracing the delicate lines with wonderment.
Astha will scoff at first and walk away. Then walk back. Then walk away again. Then walk back. And maybe look at one of the pages. She will leave it there, like she found it, but maybe with a smile on her face.
Eshad will crow with glee. He will rub it in your face that you left something like this out in the open for him to find. he will purposefully flip through it and make fun of the drawings. But he will go quiet when he sees his own face. So open, so vulnerable. You make him look beautiful. He will shove it in your face and disappear. But he will return, maybe just a little kinder, maybe just a little softer.
Vanerith will flip through the book, hardly believing what he is seeing. Instead of continuing, he will put it down, where he found it, and never look at it again. But if you open it up, on the back of one of your drawings, you will find your own likeness scratched there with care.
Kiyoshi will steal a page, one unfinished, seemingly left to rot in the book in favor of other, more beautiful, finished products. And they will keep it close to their heart, tucked in their pocket. They will never tell you they saw it. But they will know.
Aenon will see it, and preen, hair alight with pride and surprise, happiness and love. They will be so giddy they dance around the rest of the day, and if they encounter you, they will barely be able to hide it, giggling too much to speak.
Kida will take one look at it and never look at it again. He can’t jeopardize his mission with such feelings. But it will never leave his mind, his thoughts always drawn back to those carefully drawn lines.
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What would a perfect date look like to each of the ROs?
Seeren: Sitting out under the night stars, several books and a telescope sitting nearby as the both of you lounge on a blanket, a soft magelight floating nearby to provide enough light to see, but not obscure the stars. You hold hands and simply enjoy the silence together.
Astha: you spend an afternoon sparing, first roughly, then softly, merely taking jabs at each other. Afterward, you retire to her chambers, where she secretly had a bath prepared in her rather large tub (more of a swimming pool, really) complete with bubbles, candles, and soft music. You spend the rest of the night relaxing, playing in the water, and retiring to bed together to cuddle.
Eshad: You are greeted with a large feast he prepared in your honor, complete with several courses and dancing after. Eshad spends most of his time ate your side, entertaining you with small magic tricks and music that changes to your whims. After everything has died down, he will guide you out into the hallway and speak soft words into your ears as you walk back to your rooms. There, you will part, until tomorrow.
Kiyoshi: They will take you away in the middle of something important, a meeting, a lesson, something. It will be spontaneous and you will never know when it is coming. They will lead you by hand out of the castle and into the city, through the back alleys to the secret places where no one but the rascals and the lowest of the low call home. You will spend hours in a secret black market, eating forbidden fruit and buying secret trinkets with untold power. You will sneak into temples and hear the most secret prayers of the priests. After everything is done, they will lead you back, take you to the top of your castle, to view the setting sun. And just as the suns disappear behind the horizon, you will turn, to fins nothing but an orchid where Kiyoshi once was.
Aenon: Once they are free of their rooms, they will lead you to the seas outside the Capital, where the blue waters beat against white sands. They will kiss you, gently, and a flow of magic will overtake you. You will find suddenly air is not longer enough, and Aenon will lead you into the ocean, where water flows over your newfound gills. They will lead you into the depths. There you will count the number of different colored corals, dance with the dolphins, ride the riptides that are so dangerous to humans, but are the playthings of the Mer. You will ride on the wakes of sharks as they hunt, stare in awe as a giant whale bows its head in deference. At the end of the night, when you feel the need for air once again, Aenon will take you back. There, you will stare into each other’s eyes, you standing on land, the tide tickling your feet, and Aenon, in the sea, the sand pulling at their feet.
Kida: He will lead you out to the farms where his family call home. He will take you to all of his childhood places, where he and his siblings slithered among the trees, climbing rocks and cliffs with sheer arm strength. He will lead you into a tunnel he found long ago, dug by ancient dwarves that open into a crystal cavern, insignificant and worth hardly anything, but a beautiful natural sight nonetheless. There you will spend hours watching them twinkle like stars, gently caressing each other in the knowledge you are completely and utterly alone. You will retire to the farmhouse for dinner, where his parents and siblings tease the both of you endlessly.
Vanerith: He doesn’t set anything up. He comes to you on a night when you are bored, when you have been enraptured within your royal duties, kept captive within council meetings for hours. At a ball where everyone where’s a mask to hide who they are, he will come to you in the guise of a mere human. You will know it is him. he will take you by the hand gently, with permission, and lead you across the floor. It will seem like it is just the two of you. Time will freeze, and you will dance to your heart’s content. Just as you get tired, he will whisk you to your rooms, and tenderly undress you, and with a final kiss, tuck you in, sitting beside you holding your hand until you fall asleep.
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How long has the MC known each of the RO's?
Seeren: Since they were a child.
Astha: Has never really ‘formally met Astha, but has seen her around the castle.
Eshad: has yet to meet them. MC will be the one to free him from his 2000 year long imprisonment.
Vanerith: Hasn’t met him yet.
Aenon: Has seen glances of them around the castle, but they are too scared to go meet them.
Kiyoshi: Since they can remember.
Kida: They haven't met Kida just yet. But Kida knows who they are.
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i dont know anything abour vanerith but i love him already
He loves you as well.
Vanerith glances at you, a deep mauve color coloring the bridge of his nose and across his cheeks. “I...” He looks away. “I am undeserving of such love.”
You know nothing of him. Why would you feel so, when you have spent a scarce amount of time together?
No matter how much he wants to encircle you in his arms and protect you against everything in this horrid world, from your father to the rebels to even your own thoughts, no matter how he would sacrifice himself in a moment if it would give you happiness, he cannot have you.
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Hi! ❤️ What if mc and ro are in crush stage (not yet in relationship) and someone comes to flirt to mc. What would ros do / how would they react? And if you have time / inspiration: How would ros react in same situation if they are relationship with mc? Have a nice day! ❤️❤️🙂
Thank you for the lovely prompts, Nony! I apologize, I decided to do just the crushes this time round.
Seeren will stand by, watching the MC for several long minutes. Then she will march over and claim she needs them for an important project, and if questioned further, will launch into a rather in depth explanation of magic and alchemical properties that will send the other person into a mental tizzy, then gently lead the MC away.
Astha will glare at the person until they get so uncomfortable that they simply leave MC be. MC will be slightly bewildered, but shrug it off as the other person simply being weird.
Eshad will be extremely verbal and physical about their crush. When they see the object of their affection being flirted with, He bursts onto the scene and essentially smothers MC in love, clearly claiming MC as his own.
Kiyoshi simply stand aside. If the MC is willing to choose this over them, even with their poor attempts at flirting, then so be it. The person flirting may find something precious of theirs stolen/broken later.
Vanerith will try and remain quiet, but will sidle up to MC as slowly and as silently as he can, and slip his hand into theirs.
Aenon will cause a distraction somewhere else in the room, and when the person isn't paying attention, whisk MC away where they can be alone together.
Kida pushes that person out of the way, not even allowing them to get a word in edge wise.
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How would the Ros react to a musical mc offering to sing or play for them? I love your story, btw I'm already hyped!
Seeren would blush from her head down to her toes, bless my sweet elven child. But she would allow you to do so.
Astha would plop down right where she's at and simply wait. As your performed, she would have this look of awe in her eyes, as if she couldn't believe this was just for her.
Eshad would preen and ask why you hadn't already done so. But inside he's so touched, no one has ever sone something like this for him.
Vanerith is hesitant, wondering if there's some kind of trick behind it. But he will eventually relent, and allow you to play. He will away in place to the music, a look of something almost peaceful on his face.
Kiyoshi will nod, waving their hand to sign they want you to play. They will sit at your side, watching intently, for every word you make and every note you make in quiet fascination.
Aenon will ponder it for a moment, before giving in. They will stand near you, arms crossed. They won't say whether they like your performance or not; you can tell by their gleaming hair that they love it.
Kida gladly agree, and when you are done, ask if you will play for him while he's working, or to sing while you are together.
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What's the worst thing the ROs have ever done?
Seeren: She stood by while her entire clan was slaughtered in front of her.
Astha: Killer her Uncle, the previous Guard Captain.
Eshad: Betrayed a former master.
Vanerith: Killed an innocent child.
Kiyoshi: Lied.
Aenon: Gave up something important to them.
Kida: Wasted too much time, and lost too much because of it.
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How far would the ROs go to save the MC?
Seeren would rage against nature, against all who stood in her way, to save you.
Astha wouldn’t allow for you to get in trouble in the first place. But if that does happen, only the gods can help those who harmed you escape her wrath.
Eshad will close his eyes, and suddenly whoever is responsible will find themselves in their own version of hell, a living nightmare, to remain for all eternity.
Vanerith will push himself to death to save you. Anything less isn’t tolerable.
Kiyoshi will plot and plan to rescue you, and execute it with frighting accuracy,
Aenon is typically a pacifist. But as they say, demons run when a good man goes to war.
Kida will fight with all his might, he will fall before he allows you to come to harm.
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Could you do "I'm okay. It's all fine" with Vanerith?
“He will never be yours!” You shout, gritting your teeth as you take cover behind an outcropping of rock to avoid yet another ball of fire, the heat nearly scorching your eyebrows off.
Maniacal laughter follows shortly after. “He was always ours, whether you wish it so or not!” Searing pain crosses your brow, and you stumble back, nearly dropping your bow. Your enemy jumps off the rock they’d been perched on, blood dripping from the bladed end of their staff. “What a perfectly pathetic Master you’ve turned out to be, mutt.”
Another blast forces you to stumble backwards against something solid. Your head is pounding, a sudden ringing overtaking your hearing. Blood continues to drip down your forehead and obscure your vision.
“Y/N!” Vanerith shouts. You cast a glance backwards, anger running through you. The slaver had cast a binding circle at the beginning of the fight, trapping vanerith inside to keep him from interfering. He’s currently pressed up against the invisible barrier just behind you, his hair in a tangled mess as he pleads with you. “Just release the circle. I can help!”
You waste precious seconds turning towards him, pressing your hand against the barrier, mirroring his, as if by force you could get through the millimeters that separate the two of you.
You smile, a rather grim look, trying to reassure Van. “I’m okay. It’ll all be fine. i promise.” You clench your fist. “I won’t allow some two rate slaver to beat me.”
You turn back to face your enemy, despite Vanerith shouting in your ear, but you are numb to everything save the cloaked figure walking onward you. They wield their staff as easily as Astha wields her own long sword, twirling it rather happily, as if they don’t intend to end your life and enslave Vanerith once again.
“You know, I was hoping we could do this like civil people.” They say. A snap of their fingers and your bow is suddenly in tatters. Another, and the arrows strung to your back have fallen off, torn into smithereens. They hit you across the face this time with the blunt end of their staff. “But alas, this just goes to show you can’t get your hopes up.
With those words, they twirl their staff around and unceremoniously stab it through your abdomen. Your breath leaves your body like you were punched. You weakly grasp at the thing impaling you against the barrier, disbelief pouring over you, numbing you to everything. You can vaguely hear Vanerith screaming, but you ignore it. They lean forward, their breath stale and intimate against your ear. “And you thought you stood a chance.”
You let out a faint snort. “Stood a chance. Just… needed you close.”
You punctuate this by shoving the arrow that you had hidden in the fold of your palm into their throat.
They collapse quickly. You pay them no mind, quickly falling when the barrier behind you falls. Strong arms catch you and lower you down gently. Vanerith’s face comes into view, his dark eyes sparkling with tears. His forehead presses against yours. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
You chuckle, squeezing the hand that reaches down to grasp yours. “Can’t lose me… that easily…”
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What do the ROs hands look like? For scientific purposes 👀
Seeren’s hands are small and tiny, typically covered in splashes of color from her latest alchemy experiment.
Astha’s hands are rough and scaly, but soft on the fingertips and palm, flexible. Her claws are sharp, can tear through a man and slice fabric in an instant, but she can be soft.
Eshad’s hand are of average size, and kind of see through. You can trace the various veins through from wrist to finger tip, following the creases and folds for hours. There are no callouses, but they have seen hardship.
Kiyoshi’s hands are slender, as lithe as they are, for quick movements to trick an enemy with illusion magic.
Vanerith has large hands, tough, rough hands, covered in scars. He hates them, hides them beneath leather and cloth, because what he has touched has become ruined.
Kida’s hands are also rough, but from hard work, farm work, from days of toiling in the sun with only a hoe and a rake by his side, rough from digging in the dirt and plowing fields. Rough from picking up a sword for the first time to defend his family. Calloused from wielding his weapon for to long to avenge them.
Aenon’s are alien. Webbed, scaled, they are so different from your own. With a strength unknown, they can crush what they must, and cradle what they hold dear.
#Character info#Hands#ROs#COTAR#Sweet Nony#Or really not so sweet nony#Seeren#Astha#Eshad#Kiyoshi#Vanerith#Kida#Aenon
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