#sweet nony
covetyou · 5 months
Lo, I must say that Something Wretched About This is truly my Roman Empire. The entire series is perfectly debauched. It’s so well written. I didn’t expect chapter 4 to be one of my favorites, but I go back and read it constantly. I never knew fisting could be that sexy. Especially with Joel’s enormous hands. I was on the edge of my seat reading that. So I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for the filth 😘💖
well, thank you, nony. I'm glad I could change your mind on fisting 😅 it was new to me too and not something I could've said I was into but then the more I thought about it... 🥴
and just to clarify, you mean these big ol' meaty hands, right?
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these ones?
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these hands right here?
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(for those with a game!Joel preference because SWAT was written with me flip flopping between the two to the point SWAT Joel is an amalgamation or the two in my head.) or maybe these ones?
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I mean, you're not wrong, those hands do make it more appealing (and, y'know, terrifying 🫣).
thank you for reading my filth, nony. I appreciate you endlessly 💛
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wings-of-ink · 28 days
Hi! 😄 I really like the story of God Cursed and I really enjoy the different characters in it. 😄 I also really like MC parents, they are awesome. 🤩 I just wanted you to know, and do enjoy your break from plotting this amazing story. 😊 I'll just keep reading it quietly by myself for myself and still think its really awesome 😁 (how come you can write such an amazing and wonderful, engaging story? It boggles my mind how you and others can write something so good, which hooks my attention in reading, I do read a lot of books and other ifs.) This is giving you praise btw and not me giving any form of criticique. 😊
Hello! I'm thrilled your enjoying it my friend!
I am enjoying my little break, though I have to admit I have still been plotting *cue violins*. It boggles my mind that I have such kind readers like you and are enjoying my work so much. I really don't know where all this comes from, I think it's the 25 years of pent-up creativity, lol.
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2af-afterdark · 10 months
That moment from the Halloween event when Paimon said he wanted to make Minhyeok into a doll along with mc has not left my mind since I played ittt istg my mind went to the wrong place immediately when I heard that
Don't do this to me. I have written dollification before. I can definitely think of ways to do this. Both loving/sweet and absolutely fucking deranged. I just... yeah... I have thots running rampant now.
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bringbackgoth · 8 months
oh my GOD, I'm on the second floor, kind of right above where Scoops sleeps in his crate on the first floor, but I just hear him sleep-barking and he was so into it that I could clearly hear it through my headphones.
Go, little boy, go! Fight those baddies! What a good pup.
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b1mbodoll · 8 days
regarding my last post, if you want something written so fucking bad then do it yourself instead of hounding writers omfg
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Call out post for @erebus-et-eigengrau and @rodeorun
They're making my heart skip like a little child today and I am INCAPABLE!!!!
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hwaithie · 2 months
You're such an amazing writer- you're boothill drabble was literally like reading poetry 😩 <3 <3
oohhh please my heart ! ! that little thing ?? youre much too generous with your praise ahh ehe that rllie was nothing ^^; ! but still . . thank u so much for sharing such sweet words with meeee 🥺
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seiwas · 1 year
sel sel !! so this might be a bit outta nowhere question buuuut, what are your thots on virgin Gojou? i see that this is becoming quite popular among the fandom and ngl im happy, i love this interpretation of him and i also love how you written him in col series
what do you think?? <3
nonie nonie!! thank you dropping by to ask lil ol me!! 🥹
i can see it!! i like the idea of him being inexperienced when it comes to things like that!! mainly just bc he probably doesn’t have the time to really explore & also has other bigger things to worry about ngl 😭
tbh!! i don’t really see him as the type to be super horny either 🤧 i think!! the only time he does become that is when he gets a taste of it!! with someone he cares abt—then it starts 🥹 (& he also learns fast i think lmao)
i don’t really see him as the type to date around either!! i feel like gojo’s a bit practical in that regard, that if he doesn’t see a genuine connection/reason to keep you around then why bother?
the way i write him in col is pretty much i think how i view him deep down!!! 🥹
but!! i still love seeing how different aus can take those qualities of his and twist them!! it’s so creative!!❣️
& also thank u for liking how ive written him in col!! 💗
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aprito · 11 months
Heyo! Just started following you and just have to say as a multi shipper you have opened my eyes to sasosaku! Like Ughh they are so cute when it’s a same age au! Thank you soooo much. I have different artists, writers, creators I feel demonstrate ships so well and convince me to their validity! And you my friend are that for Sasosaku! Your art is phenomenal!
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another win for sos nation and same age au truthers !
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thevulturesquadron · 4 months
Hi! I just want to say that WOW you are an amazing artist. Your anatomy and colouring are just breathtaking. How long have you been drawing?
I am a thirty year old baby at art and trying to improve and push through being bad at art, but i'll be honest, it's frustrating having hands that just cant make what i am seeing in my head! Basically... how long do you think it took you to make art that is kind of good? And do you have any tips?
What??!! Thank you so much!!!!! 💜💜💜
I have no words, really. I always feel like I am such a fake when it comes to art because I draw once every 5 years under the impulse of a hyperfixation or another, and I feel like I never take the time to improve. You are too sweet, I don’t deserve it!
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I’ve been doodling here and there since I was in highschool, but only seriously picked it up in my 20s. And trust me when I say ‘here and there’. I used to try my hand for a couple of months and then it would take years to go back into the mindset of wanting to do more and better. It’s been like this ever since. I just do things when I have too much love for something and I need to let it out somehow. But in all honesty I feel like I started to be confident with myself and my range only when I hit my 30s so what I am saying is - it’s never too late, as long as you return to it no matter how rusty you feel. But that feeling of never being good enough compared to what you envision - be it art or writing - that’s never going to go away, you just need to conquer it and accept that every piece you make is another step towards getting better. And I know it sounds like a cliché but try not to put any pressure on yourself because of that either -  even if you end up drawing once in a blue moon like me, it counts. It really does! And sometimes you get a bit proud of what you do, sometimes you’ll feel like you learnt nothing. Knowing and understanding that - that it’s not just a way up, that it has highs and lows - has been the one thought that has always kept me going. Gosh, when it comes to tips I feel like there are so many other artists here that are better equipped to help than I am, but I’m happy to share a couple of ‘quick/dirty first stops' that have saved me from giving up:
References!!! Don’t EVER be afraid of using references especially when learning anatomy. Look for poses that inspire you, gather angles for hands, feet, eyes. You are not cheating, you are learning. If you are like me also, and drawing/sketching is a hobby and not a career, using references for poses comes with no strings attached. I can’t stress enough how important it is to use references. 
Colours: I. suck. at. picking. colours. Trust me. Most of the things I draw I leave as sketches because my brain can’t comprehend colour theory so when I do end up adding colours it feels like a miracle each time it looks ok. So I use palettes. There are sites online but also most tools for digital art offer ways to create colour pallets. Sample & drop is your friend! 
Also depending on what tools you are using, don’t shy away from playing with colour balance, brightness, curves or from experimenting with colour overlay layers to unify the look. 
In general, based on what program you use to draw - look for simple tutorials to get familiarised with it. I use Procreate and to this day I am amazed about how many ‘cheats & tricks’ it has. 
Probably a beginner move but one thing I rely on is Pinterest - I create boards for poses, references, colour pallets. So that when I get an impulse to draw and I am not sure where to start or what colours to use I have a library of things I saved in time! 
Hope this helps! Again, I don’t consider myself a real artist, I don’t sell any of my work and I just post what I create here out of love for a fandom or another. BUT I am always happy to share the little I know or learned along the way so don’t hesitate to ask! <3 
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lovegasmic · 4 months
i love u user toruslvt dont disappear
i love you more sweet nonie you made me tear up
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covetyou · 5 months
I just wanted to say I’ve lost count how many times many times I’ve reread open hand closed fist
Fisting is a kink that doesn’t seem to get much of a look in in ppcu fics, and I’ve got to say yours is the best that’s out there!! OMG 🥵
So thanks, it’s got a permanent place in my wank bank 😁😁😁
oh 😍 high praises indeed. thank you so much nony 💛 may your wanks be plentiful and your pillow always be cool.
it's a pretty niche kink, that's for sure, and searching Tumblr for anything specific like that is nigh on impossible!
you've likely seen already but @toxicanonymity has a fisting fic as the third installment of slasher!Joel called stop playing (also includes object insertion)
I have another featuring Dieter called jester little bit more which is very mildly clowny, if you can deal with that kind of thing.
@iamasaddie has moaning, panting with Lucien (still mad there's no word on The Uninvited yet) too which I have just reread and I can now die happy.
I am certain I've seen a couple more around, but I can't remember them off the top of my head right now - if anyone else has any fist-it-fics, feel free to drop them in the comments
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hazzabeeforlou · 10 months
Hi Toni, I, really enjoying your advent snippets! Do you have a synopsis for your fic?
AH what a great question! It’s in my brain but let me write one for you ;)
Nothing in former artist Harry’s life has gone to plan. From a boring 9-5, to singleness, to a bought with cancer that left him infertile, Harry finds himself wishing for a Christmas miracle. When one seemingly occurs, Harry meets the sperm donor of his dreams and begins to imagine the impossible. But not everything with Louis is as it seems, and soon an elusive art agent is compicating Harry’s already complex feelings about starting a family with a man who might be too good to be true. Set against the backdrop of Christmastime New York City comes a hallmark-style rom-com filled with drama, angst, and a touch of Christmas Magic: Santa, Baby.
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lucluvr · 1 year
hi star! it seems your masterlist is not working/updated is there a tag i can use to find your other works?
hii!!! i am aware its not work dw it will be soon, im just making a carrd instead where youll be able to see my rules, masterlist, etc. ill have it up today so just be a little patient with me :3 i appreciate u telling me tho tysm my love !!!
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i totally agree that your edits are amazing sjsj. i’m completely in love with them
i wish you could see me rn,, i am totally blushing 💞💞 taking this time to tell you that i have a “side blog” for my edits
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everyforkedroad · 2 years
Hi dear <3
I follow you on twitter and i kind of saw the mess that happened when you voiced your opinion. I'm so sorry for the crazed ass people on that damn bird app. They're so obsessed with their hashtags that they forget there's a whole world out there. They should touch grass.
Anyways, you dont have to answer, just know i'm sending you hugs and good vibes 🌸🌸
Thank you so much for your message! It's really my own fault. I know how unhinged things can get over there but I got too caught up with the excitement of trending that I forgot that I can't just throw my opinions out there willy-nilly.
It's good for me to walk away. I was spending too much time on Twitter and neglecting other aspects of fandom. Taking a long break will let me get back to things like fanfiction and metas that by definition I can't engage with over on the bird app, things I'm actually better at. I'll miss the speed with which news and media gets around but I can always go back when I'm better able to manage my time and emotional engagement. For now, though, a good clean break would be in the best interest of my mental health.
Thanks again for the note! I'm going to miss some of the people I engaged with over there. There are some very cool, talented people in the KinnPorsche & MileApo fandoms.
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