#Vance Lump
halflifebutawesome · 2 months
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some stuff from work ^_^
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unsurebazookacore · 8 months
my dumbass watching pjo waiting for riptide by vance joy to start playing
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moonytoasted · 3 months
marauders era age hcs
because i feel like the entire cast couldn't've been all the same age. c'mon guys. (yes, i do know that some of these have canon different ages. i don't care tho)
frank longbottom and alice fortescue are about 3 years older than the marauders/valkyries (james, sirius, remus, peter/lily, marlene, and mary) and act as sort of mentors to james and mary.
kingsley (can we please change his last name) is also the same year as frank and alice.
emmeline vance is about a year younger than the marauders/valkyries. she has a combination of admiration and jealousy for being older and cooler.
the pantheon (dorcas, evan, regulus, barty, pandora) are a year younger than the marauders/valkyries.
davey gudgeon is a the marauder's age, but due to low slytherin birthrates and uneven dorm numbers, was lumped in with evan and regulus as dorm-mates. they ignore each other.
the ophidians: alecto carrow, zoya zabini, and aurora sinatra are the same age as frank and alice. look up to bella a LOT.
bellatrix is in her 6th year when the marauders arrive, and in her 7th when the pantheon arrive.
narcissa and lucius are 3 years older than the marauders (same age as frank and alice)
pleasepleaseplease let this be canon.......... ravenclaw/hufflepuff ver coming soon maybe if i feel like it
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mariacallous · 7 days
During the first half of the 1980s, in the early days of the HIV pandemic, one ethnic group in the United States faced particularly inhumane and biased treatment. Haitian immigrants, unfairly blamed as the originators or leading propagators of the virus, were lumped into the “Four Hs” of people said to be at a high risk for AIDS: “homosexuals, heroin users, hemophiliacs, and Haitians.” To help contain the virus, the prominent right-wing commentator William F. Buckley argued in a 1986 article in the New York Times that people with AIDS should be tattooed to keep the public safe from contact with them.
In a horrifying throwback to that era, the notion of Haitians representing a public health threat has been revived in the current U.S. presidential campaign season. Most prominently, during last week’s debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump repeated a baseless claim that Haitian immigrants in the small city of Springfield, Ohio, are eating other people’s household pets. It’s bad enough that Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance, have made these vile and unfounded claims. But Vance, the junior senator from Ohio, has also warned that Haitians are spreading HIV.
(Asterisks, footnotes, and even parentheses are usually ill-suited to column writing, but one must wonder whether Trump and Vance are aware of the irony of raising animal abuse claims when one of their most important surrogates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has acknowledged that he dumped a dead bear cub in New York’s Central Park years ago; one of Kennedy’s daughters has also said that he once severed a whale head and brought it home.)
After nearly a week of discussion and uproar about the groundless statements about Haitians eating pets, Vance finally admitted on Sunday what people familiar with the facts suspected all along: He had “created” the claims against the Haitian community of Springfield outright to focus national attention on what the Republican Party sees as one of its most potent election issues, immigration.
One question that arises from this incident is why Haitians have been so frequently used as scapegoats for national problems and vehicles for scaremongering in the United States. As it turns out, anti-Haitian discrimination is a topic rich in history.
My first encounter with this was in the early 1990s, when I lived in Miami as a bureau chief for the New York Times covering the Caribbean and parts of Latin America. At a time of political instability, widespread violence, and the specter of famine in Haiti, the Clinton administration severely restricted Haitians’ ability to enter the United States as refugees or beneficiaries of political asylum. As coverage in one Florida newspaper summarized at the time, “Haitians picked up at sea will not be allowed into the United States, period.”
In that period, the U.S. Coast Guard intercepted desperate Haitians en route to the United States and took them to the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and to other Caribbean Basin countries, where they sheltered in rudimentary camps awaiting processing and return to Haiti. Even those who wished to press claims of legitimate fear of persecution, a common benchmark for asylum, had to do so back in Haiti.
Living in Florida, what stood out to me as much as the restrictive spirit of these rules was how sharply the treatment of Haitians contrasted with that of a neighboring Caribbean people: Cubans, who fled their country for economic and political reasons the previous decade in the so-called Mariel Boatlift, a much larger exodus by sea. In 1984, four years after the arrival of many thousands of Cubans, Washington granted these refugees permanent legal status. (Between 1994 and 1996, however, the Clinton administration held around 30,000 intercepted Cubans at Guantanamo, breaking temporarily with a long-standing U.S. policy of receiving Cuban migrants with relatively open arms.)
Washington initially denied equal treatment to a smaller population of Haitians who also arrived in 1980, as it insisted they were ordinary economic refugees, not people facing political persecution. Only after pressure from human rights groups were Haitians allowed to apply for permanent residency under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
Americans have seldom paused to ponder what drives attitudes toward Haitians that are frequently at odds with those toward immigrants of other nearby nations. If his goal had been simply to stir up anti-immigration sentiment to boost the Republican ticket, Vance could have targeted people from a country that has contributed far more to illegal immigration lately—say, Venezuela or China. It is not as if Trump has not slandered other groups with unfounded claims. Indeed, he launched his first presidential campaign in 2015 with wild rhetoric about Mexico deliberately sending rapists to the United States.
A panel discussion on CNN last week may have captured some of the current Trump-Vance logic. One of the participants asked another why Trump had chosen Haitians—and not, say, Scandinavians—for his obnoxious tall tale. The other panelist, a conservative strategist, refused to speculate, leading the person who asked the question to answer it herself, attributing the decision to racism. Unlike Cubans, for example, who predominantly identify as white, around 95 percent of Haitians are Black.
Many popular attitudes toward race and immigration can be traced back to something called the Teutonic germ theory, a popular 19th-century interpretation that, despite its name, had nothing to do with microbes. As the historian Greg Grandin has written, this theory “held that what was good and strong about American institutions germinated in Europe, in ancient Saxon and Teutonic villages filled with freemen not yet subordinated to feudal lords.” Put simply, thoughts like this lie behind very old and uninspected ideas that still often associate “real” Americanism and hard work and virtue with Anglo-Saxonism.
For xenophobes and demagogic politicians such as Trump and Vance, who wish to whip up anti-immigrant sentiment for political gain, Haitians have come to represent a convenient and dramatic contrast to the proverbial Anglo-Saxon: Haitians, for reasons of their blackness, are an ideal “other.”
One other thing that most Americans don’t realize is how deep hostility and antagonism toward Haiti and Haitians run in U.S. history. Press coverage of Haiti routinely highlights its status as the “poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.” What reporters usually fail to state would be more helpful to understanding the country’s relationship with Washington: Haiti, after the United States, is the second-oldest republic in the hemisphere.
In the 1700s, French traders brought people in chains from Africa to Saint-Domingue, as Haiti was known at the time, to grow sugar and other lucrative commodities. The colony became a principal source of wealth for France, and experts say the production of enslaved human beings made Haiti the richest colony in the history of the world. Then, in 1791, one of the greatest events in modern history occurred. As I wrote in my book, Born in Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World War, people brought from Africa revolted against their enslavement, and by turns defeated the great empires of the age—France, Spain, Britain, and then France again—to win their liberty.
In 1804, when France’s former chattel proclaimed the birth of Haiti, they did so with a constitution that outlawed slavery, a gigantic step in human enlightenment that preceded abolition in both Britain and the United States. What is more, the people of this newborn nation outlawed discrimination on the basis of race altogether, a revolutionary achievement that was still being fought for in the United States in my lifetime.
The Western response to Haitian liberation was a shameful one. France imposed onerous and long-lasting indemnities on Haiti for the supposed injury caused to it by the outbreak of human freedom. Meanwhile, Europe and the United States conspired to isolate Haiti diplomatically and economically. Washington’s preoccupation with Haiti was particularly dishonorable. Members of the Virginia planter class that predominated in U.S. politics worried that the example of Haitians could incite Black people in the American South to demand—and potentially fight for—their own liberation. They believed that stories about Haiti’s success should not be allowed to spread.
U.S. policy has long been tolerant to the idea of immigration from European countries, but much less so toward people from the so-called third world. Because of this bias, upheld in education and entertainment that normalizes European society and culture, popular opinion seems to ask, what do those other peoples have to do with us? In the case of Haiti, the answer is much more than many think. Reaching Trump and Vance with this message may be hopeless, but it is not too late for Americans to understand that they are not alone as the standard-bearers of freedom in their neighborhood, and that they haven’t always been on the right side. Haitians, too, have been pioneers of liberty, not only for themselves, but showing the way to others. It is time for us to treat them with respect and dignity.
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atopvisenyashill · 13 days
house frey and the inheritance of the twins
obviously it's been suspected that Red Wedding 2.0 will be happening in part to whittle down the family tree enough so that a Good Frey (tm) can take over the Twins. i just wanted to lay everyone i thought was a candidate out and solidify an opinion here.
FIRST OF ALL, i like to group the freys in my head according to their mom’s houses (since, ya kno, they’re all freys lol). I’m not listing every single frey (it would be hard since you can't do subbullet points in tumblr anyway) but here's sort of a general overview of succession, with my format being Walder’s Wife House -> “Cadet” Branch Houses. also this is just how I organize all these people in my mind, so if it doesn't make sense just ignore it, it's not here, skip down to the green text-
Royce Freys -> Main Branch Royce Freys, [Vance Freys], Vale Freys, [Lannister Freys], Wylde Freys, [Haigh Freys]
Swann Freys -> they’re mostly dead or at Oldtown so I just lump all of the Swann Freys together
Crakehall Freys -> Main Branch Hosteen Freys, Braavosi Freys, Darry Freys, Waynwood Freys, Beesbury Freys, [House Vypren]
Blackwood Freys -> Lame Lothar Freys, Paege Freys, [House Brax]
Rosby Freys -> this one is easy because it's just Perwyn, Benfrey, Olyvar, and Roslin.
Farring Freys -> again, easy because none of them have kids so they're all one branch. This branch includes several of the maids presented to be wives for Robb/Edmure/Roose including Arwyn and Shirei, as well as Elmar, the boy who was briefly betrothed to Arya
brackets are female lines (as in, a daughter that married another house) so they’re not technically “Freys” tho i’m sure a lot of them would be willing to change their names for a shot at owning the Twins. Lannister Freys are in brackets bc altho they’re male line, I don’t think they’re in line for the Twins anymore bc the Crown gave them Riverrun (and they’re probably all gonna die before they can get back in the running for the Twins so they don’t count lol).
Walda Frey - 2nd in line for the Twins currently
Please applaud the highest ranking person on this list. She is the direct descendant of Walder, of the main Royce Freys branch, being his great great granddaughter. It goes-
Walder -> first born son Stevron (dead) -> first born son Ryman (dead) -> first born son Edwyn (first in line, Evil Frey) -> Walda, as Edwyn’s only child.
As I laid out here, there are some obstacles she has to overcome but it’s not impossible that all this hubbub is leading up to Walda being able to keep the Twins from her pushy, grasping male relatives - we have a LOT of female heiresses at the end of ADWD and I do think that’s leading to something in the endgame. BUT. Considering all the doom following the Freys around, she could very well be an innocent victim of LSH and her Red Wedding 2.0 plan - she is still, after all, in the riverlands as a Frey which is the most dangerous place for a Frey to be.
Once again, rip to the sweet little angels caught up in the game of thrones by their parents (shireen, tommen & myrcella, sweetrobin, fat walda, and possibly, poor sweet walda frey the first). I think her odds don't look great here but I also can't (and don't want to!) ignore that we will have a lot of female heiresses at the ending and she may very well be one of them.
Perra Frey - 4th in line for the Twins currently
Another of the Main Brance Royce Freys, her line goes-
Walder -> first born son Stevron (dead) -> first born son Ryman (dead) -> third born son Petyr Pimple (dead) -> Perra
Very similar story to Walda except she doesn't even get any real narrative focus (Edwyn does in fact mention his daughter, and we even see Walda on page - we don't see Perra at all). I very much think Perra is a Disposable Frey and likely to die or be passed over. I still wanted to count her though (justice for Doomed Babies!)
Vale Freys - 5th through 8th in line for the Twins
I'm grouping them all together. The Vale Freys line goes like this-
Walder -> first born son Stevron (dead) -> third born son Walton Waynwood Frey -> Steffon, Fair Walda, and Bryan Hardyng Frey
Now this isn't the first Vale family (and Waynwood specifically) to marry into the Freys; Anya Waynwood knows how to matchmake for her house! But I refer to them as the "Vale Freys" specifically because they have two Vale women that marry into their line - Marsella Waynwood and Deanna Hardyng. Remember Anya raised Harry the Heir and Jocelyn Stark's daughters married a Waynwood. This Waynwood/Hardyng connection could mean nothing and I fully acknowledge that. However, the number of Vale ties with this line and the fact that Sansa is dealing with Waynwoods and Hardyngs right now does make me wonder if the ultimate Lord of the Crossing could come from this seemingly Disposable Frey line.
Mad Huntsman/Aegon Bloodborn Frey - 17th-ish in the line of succession currently
Aegon “the Bloodborn” Frey is around 17th in line (but isn’t really in line, because he’s an outlaw). He hasn’t been seen in the books, only listed in the appendices. He is of the Royce-Wylde Freys so his line goes like so-
Walder -> third born son Aenys Frey (dead as of TWOW) -> first born son Aegon Bloodborn
Yes, his brother is Rhaegar Frey of “Frey Pies” fame. He’s not otherwise noteworthy ie we have no idea why he’s called “the bloodborn.” HOWEVER. There is the mad huntsman theory that if true could push him to the front of the “who gets the twins” race, narratively.
if you’re not familiar with the mad huntsman theory (no shame, i completely memory holed that one until recently too) it’s the idea that the Mad Huntsman, one of the brotherhood without banners who is described as being a big strong man with a “weak chin” who joins after his wife and sister are raped by Lannister soldiers. he tries to alleviate the starvation around the Stoney Sept by bringing in sheep from far away with his hounds later on. He’s also described as “quarrelsome” which fits with being a son of Aenys, who is also described as cruel, with a weak chin (in fact the term “weak chin” is used quite frequently to describe Frey men!). We also know Aegon Bloodborn is an outlaw and therefore doesn’t live at the Twins. Once LSH (noted Frey hater) takes over the BWB, it’s notable that the Mad Huntsman is no longer traveling with the main group. The biggest hole here imo is that the Mad Huntsman has a sister and afaik not only does Aenys only have two sons (Rhaegar and Aegon), but there’s not a mysteriously missing or disowned Frey daughter he could have run off with. It COULD be a sister by law, however.
If he IS working with the brotherhood, and leaves specifically bc of lady stoneheart, that means he’s safely away from All Of That, AND he’s one of the highest in the line of succession (i mean, before being disowned for being an outlaw, but if he is known to have worked with the brotherhood, i do imagine in the endgame he’d be pardoned). Especially considering having that crazy “Aegon the Bloodborn Frey” name, that feels like a SET UP altho tbf the set up could be something completely different from “Aegon Frey inherits the Twins.” Being a grown man, a fighter, and potentially married Does also help just from a logistical standpoint - if someone decides to question his claim, well, he’s more than capable of hitting back.
Alesander Frey - 31st ish in line of succession
Alesander is a Braavosi Frey (so we're finally at point 3 in my family tree there), which are a subgroup of the Crakehall Freys. It goes-
Walder & 3rd wife Amarei Crakehall -> third born son Symond -> first born son Alesander
Yes, Symond, his father, was in a Frey Pie. But Alesander is still A Good Frey! Alesander is my favorite Frey because he is a singer and it’s his absence from the Red Wedding that alerts Cat to something being a off. Ryman just says he’s “away” and I find it interesting that even though he has no real relationship with the Starks (and therefore no emotional reasons to speak out against the Red Wedding, the way the Rosby Freys do), he does still speak out against it, likely for moral reasons. Speaks to a good sense of character that he’s willing to stand up to his family when literally dozens of his relatives are in on this plan.
HOWEVER. It’s not, as far as I’m aware, a BIG theory, but it IS one I’ve kicked around and I've seen a few others kick around that Alesander might be dead - you see, Arya cleans a dead body in the House of Black and White that is a mystery to us. I want to add the quote here-
One man had died at the feet of the Stranger, a single candle flickering above him. […] Before summoning the serving men to carry him away, she knelt and felt his face, tracing the line of his jaw, brushing her fingers across his cheeks and nose, touching his hair. Curly hair, and thick. A handsome face, unlined. He was young. She wondered what had brought him here to seek the gift of death. Dying bravos oft found their way to the House of Black and White, to hasten their ends, but this man had no wounds that she could find. The second body was that of an old woman. […] The corpses were laid out in the vault. The blind girl went to work in the dark, stripping the dead of boots and clothes and other possessions, emptying their purses and counting out their coins. […] On the handsome man she found four golden dragons out of Westeros. She was running the ball of her thumb across the most worn of them, trying to decide which king it showed, when she heard the door opening softly behind her.
It stood out to me because
arya notes most people don’t pray to westerosi gods in braavos but these two die at the foot of the Stranger
there’s a young man and an old woman, and we know alessander's mother is braavosi, betharios, so it could be his mother. the man is so noted to be a younger man, and that would match alessander's age as well
the man has four gold dragons on him - not a small amount of money, and westerosi money at that!
in my opinion here, if the face is being hidden from us through arya not knowing who it is, it will be plot relevant later. it’s only alesander who feels plot relevant and could also be in braavos at this time. it could be interesting if arya lands in the riverlands wearing the face of a stark friendly frey, or perhaps not wearing the face herself but recognizing parts of it in others and letting people know of alesander's fate.
why would they be here, likely having killed themselves? well...this is post red wedding, and alesander was specifically left out of the red wedding plot because they knew he'd have a moral argument against it, and symond seems to have been particularly involved in the red wedding plot. i think it could be interesting if they ehard of what their family did and committed suicide out of fear and shame.
anyways i hope alesander is alive because i think the set up for him is interesting and i want it to stay interesting and not tragic, hah.
Ami Darry Frey or Gatehouse Ami - 35th ish in line of succession
Another member of the Crakehall Frey Branch and someone we've actually met on page! Amerei or Gatehouse Ami's line goes-
Walder & 3rd wife Amarei Crakehall -> fifth born son Merrett (rest in piss) & Dariya Darry -> Ami
When we meet her through Jaime’s POV, she is engaged to Lancel Lannister so that the Lannisters can claim the Darry lands. Despite her engagement, Ami has a….reputation. She sleeps around a lot, and Lancel is not interested in her at all. She’s kind of wild, Jaime in general seems to find all the Darry Freys pretty unclassy, and I kind of love the idea that the Twins go from the completely classless Late Lord Walder to the equally but differently classless Gatehouse Ami. Let Ami Fuck Her Way Through The Riverlands!!!!
Walda Frey Bolton or Fat Walda - 36th ish in line of succession
Also known as Fat Walda, she is not only the same line as Ami but they are sisters! She’s a year to two years younger than Ami!
And listen, I love her but she’s doomed 😭 i hope ramsay suffers immensely for this one tho 😭😭😭😭
Perwyn Rosby Frey - 60th in line
Perwyn is the oldest member of the Rosby Frey branch (point five above!) His line goes-
Walder & 6th wife Bethany Rosy -> Perwyn.
He is one of the more obvious Good Freys; he is often placed in trusted positions such as guarding Catelyn, he is well liked by Daven Lannister, and seems to be close to his sister Roslin, perhaps even rooting for the Tullys to win out over the Lannisters. We get this line here:
Roslin's a pretty little thing, hardly stoatish at all. And fond of Edmure, queerly. Perwyn tells me [Roslin is] praying for a girl.
I really worry about Perwyn dying tho. Between Olyvar in Rosby, Roslin in Riverrun, and potentially Aegon in the BWB/eventually the Twins, I feel like Perwyn……..might be a death meant to hurt our feelings!
Olyvar Rosby Frey - 63rd ish in line
Younger brother of Perwyn, so also a Rosby Frey, something that is very important to Olyvar's story!
Despite being the most obvious Good Frey (he has to be dragged away from Robb’s side after Robb marries Jeyne), he’s not getting the Twins in my opinion, he’s getting Rosby’s holdings bc he’s Rosby’s ward - here's a good write up here. The gist of the "Olyvar is the Rosby Ward" theory is that the Rosby lands are currently up for grabs because Gyles Rosby died without a clear heir. It seems likely he wanted his lands to go to his unnamed ward but in AFFC, Cersei plans to seize them and give them to an ally. She runs into a brick wall here, as does Kevan before he dies, because the Rosby ward does not seem willing to play ball, even refusing to offer hospitiality to the Stokeworths. I think the fact that the Rosby ward seems determined to be a nuisance is the biggest indicator of this being Olyvar; he’s pissed off about Robb, and he’s showing it by refusing hospitality to any Lannister supporters. However, this could very well be set up for Olyvar inheriting a larger seat! Hard to say at this point!
Roslin Rosby Frey Tully - 82nd in line
She of many last names lmao. Another Rosby Frey (Bethany did something right as a mother i guess!!) who has recently married the heir to Riverrun, Edmure Tully.
She technically counts but I think her, Edmure, and their baby will eventually be safe in Riverrun. I’m aware this could be wishful thinking on my part but regardless, I’m not sure how likely it is that she and her baby inherits the Twins when they’re so wrapped up in the Riverrun story AND they're female line. It WOULD be funny though, if after all of Walder’s scheming and nonsense towards the Tullys, that the Twins is taken over by a cadet Tully branch of Roslin and Edmure's first born daughter.
Big Walder Frey - 54th in line
Now we get one (1) Bad Frey in our budding serial killer and kinslayer, Big Walder. He is from point 4, the Blackwood Freys. His line goes-
Walder & Alyssa Blackwood -> second son Jammos & Sallei Page -> first born son Big Walder.
I've always been fascinated by Big Walder and not just because of him murdering his cousin, Little Walder. I kind of love that he has his own coat of arms where he quarters the Frey's sigil with the houses of his grandmother and his mother. *Arya Voice* the woman is important too!
Big Walder, despite being a very minor character, does have a decent amount of narrative focus. He's appeared in four of the five books, being present at the Twins and sent to foster at Winterfell in AGOT, becoming a nuisance to Bran throughout ACOK, signing his name to Ramsay's false report that Theon burnt Winterfell in ASOS, and finally coming out with blood spattered clothing just after Little Walder is mysteriously murdered in ADWD. I think of all the Evil Freys, Big Walder seems the most "set up" as a potential inheritor of the Twins.
Thoughts? Potential contenders you think I've missed? In my opinion, I think Olyvar, Perwyn, Aegon, and Big Walder are probably the most likely inheritors although I would love if it was Roslin and Edmure's daughter or Gatehouse Ami.
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
Music Monday and Moodboard of WIP + Phrase/Dialogue
Tagged by @icecutioner @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @derelictheretic and @shallow-gravy
Tagging @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @voidika @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @imogenkol @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @deputy-morgan-malone @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @sleepyconfusedpotato @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard and @alypink + anyone else who wants to join. Taglist here.
(Update: So if you happened to have been pinged again, sorry, I edited/corrected a mistake and suddenly that made the tags inoperable so I had to make them functional again).
One song for A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore, The UnTitledverse and The Silver Chronicles each and two moodboards for a WIP in The UnTitledverse and The Silver Chronicles.
A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore is a Fallout fic series, and Fallout is mostly set in America, and what better to describe the best parts of America than John Denver's "Take Me Home, Country Roads". While I know there's a Fallout version for this song sung by Spank, I'll save that one when analyzing its role in What Happened To Vault Number 76? As for now, John Denver's version encapsulates Ortega "Ore" Brantley and Marissa "Ress" Bishop's journey, as well as my Fallout protagonist OCs. Narrative-wise, this song describes both Ore and Ress' acknowledgement of their beginning roots (Appalachia and New Reno in New California respectively) and the comfort these homes bring, but also how they'll never lose sight of their true home, and how no matter their father, Arcane Urias, attempts to persuade them otherwise, they'll always trail their roads back home.
"Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze
Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads."
What better fic from The Silver Chronicles is suited for Vance Joy's one-hit wonder than my Six of Crows fic How Good Is A Heist If It's Improvised? A song that acts like a relatable tune about pop culture but is a cleverly disguised bittersweet tale of love and longing mixing with the emotional turmoil of escapism from reality, and my fic which acts like a comedic modern-ish retelling of the Dreg's heist against one of Ketterdam's richest motherfuckers filled with action, drama and romance but is in fact very depressing in reality only made humorous (dark or light notwithstanding) through the perspective of the fic's only two unreliable narrators, my traumatised criminal OCs Isiah Popov and Gemini Teal. Anyway, enjoy!
"Here's this movie that I think you'll like This guy decides to quit his job and head to New York City This cowboy's running from himself And she's been living on the highest shelf
Ah ooh-ooh-ooh, ah oh And they come unstuck
Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left hand man I love you when you're singing that song And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong
I just wanna, I just wanna know If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay I just gotta, I just gotta know I can't have it, I can't have it any other way
I swear she's destined for the screen Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen."
The Time Guard is an original work set before, around and within the canon events of The UnTitledverse. It follows Timekeeper, a droid who's purpose was to observe the Time stream and properly utilize the Time Watch only when absolutely necessary. Despite using it during dire circumstances in the events of the Jagged Instincts Novelisation, the Time Court, overseen by the Time Bureau Authority's supreme leader, Judge Khronos, and with the prosecution lead by Leviticus, declared Timekeeper had stepped out of line and also lost the Time Watch to a Time Vortex in the process. So Timekeeper is demoted as expendable and decides to found a team that will do Khronos' dirty (and often life-threatening) jobs to get in his good graces again, calling it the "Time Guard". A multitude of characters in the beginning of its foundation (and even after) come and go, though two have never been more linked than a Carmine scout drone designated "J.O.E" and Edward Carmine's most loyal security drone subordinate, designated "K.I.L.L.J.O.Y", not only coming from Jagged Instincts, but also after The Perfect Storm saga, and they're relationship during The Time Guard can be summed up as "cheerful naive optimist and brooding angry pessimist forced into a get-along brother shirt". So here's the closest song I believe emphasizes.
"Ah such a beautiful day, uh Yeah, the sun's shinin' in a beautiful way, uh Gonna take a shower, brush my teeth, and-" "Life is ultimately meaningless."
"Uh, uh, but I'll get out of the house. Get on the road, top down, hands out. Put on my favorite song and nod to the rhythm." "The planet's being destroyed by your carbon emissions."
"Oh! But I, I, I'll head to class Try my best on every test till I pass And my grades are screamin' in my face (Hey!)" "Ninety-eight percent of what you learn is a waste."
"I get to hang out with all my friends My friends are the friendliest friends Can't think of a better way to spend my time." "Your brain is flawed, and all your friends will die."
"Never mind, I'm alive in the greatest nation, so proud of-" "The exploitation of the natives?" "This graceful bird means freedom for all!" "Tell that to the slaves, and bald eagles aren't bald!"
"I can live in the moment, milk every second." "At any time, you could get clinical depression." "But I'll just be happy, no matter what's in store." "It's quite genetic, and we have no cure." "Uh, at least
We are young ("Not for long") Life is fun ("It only goes downhill") We gotta make the most of it, make the most it ("Or you'll regret it") We are young ("For now") Life is fun ("To some people") We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it!" ("Good luck")
And lastly two moodboards + an excerpt phrase/dialogue for WIPs from The UnTitledverse and The Silver Chronicles.
rules: show a moodboard and an important phrase or dialogue from the current fic you are writing!
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WIP: The UnTitled Stories - Prologue
If I may... I'd like to ask you a question. One which has plagued me ever since I was introduced to it. What do you think dictates humans: The mind? Or the body? This was a query originally formed by French philosopher Rene Descartes in the 17th century; one that drove him to develop a concept called dualism. A concept that elaborated the distinction between the mind and body as separate entities, whereas the mind procured thought, mental processes and housed consciousness, the body focused on structure, our instincts, the neurons and the brain itself. Descartes had implied the mind could control the body, but the body could also influence the mind when it needed to, though ultimately had no control. However, despite Descartes' famous words, "I think, therefore I am", modern psychologists didn't believe it to be that simple. Humans worked like a machine, our organs merely cogs serving a function in the system. To take out even one has irreparable consequences, a disruption that could lead us to falter and break down and supposedly become useless, or our certain demise, which earns the same results of uselessness. Now, to deprive humans of one of these components leads to total system failure, regardless if its because of disuse or death. In other words, neither the mind nor the body can continue without this system. On that note, if this system is keeping the human body functioning, the question re-contextualizes from whether the mind controls the body, and vice versa, to instead what this system is trying to keep operating; itself, or our consciousness? The complexion of this debate can be hard to wrap your head around, especially if your introduction to it came from a source as dubious as mine had been, but this did not diminish my personal affinity towards it. To be clearer, I had been led to believe that if the system exists to function, then it must be to either support itself or the battery that drives it, not both. It's believed that by determining the dominating source that dictates humanity, a whole slew of concepts and functions will become clearer to understand, easier to deduce an explanation and an answer. To cease the uncertainty in our lives, which is the only thing that makes everyone equal in this meritocracy. By identifying the force that drives us, we can better understand ourselves, making arguments like free will and determinism, instincts and self-control, nature and nurture, our ability to change and adapt in socialization, perception of our identity and sense of individual self, among other things... well, clear cut. Or at least, that's what I had been told to believe. Not so much now. Though if anyone had asked me about my opinion on the matter back then, riding as a passenger on that bus, and if I felt inclined to share, I would have spouted my blind agreement to the belief. That never happened though. I had been lead to believe that to reach the conclusive answer to the dictating source of our actions; whether it was the mind or the body, I had to be placed in an academically social environment that would push my boundaries for the next three years. Determine the dominating victor of either consciousness or reflex, and take satisfaction in the answer to my curious nature. And though I would later discard this goal... the fact remained, it had been my original intention, one I had gone to such costly lengths for as demonstrated in our first year. And the fact remains that, while on that bus, on our way to this very school, I had every intention to follow that pursuit through til the very end. That is, of course, until I had met you…
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WIP: Silva's Hope [Content Warning: Descriptive depiction of a violent death]
An ugly croak escaped from the Peggie's lips, his mouth agape like a lake trout. But instead of suffocating from a lack of air, he was choking from the dagger that pierced through his throat. Silva gripped the handle as she dug the blade further into the man's esophagus, blood seeping out of the opening. The red flowed down, staining his shirt and her gloves. The Peggie swung his arms out weakly, one hand managing to futilely claw at her wrist. She paid no mind to it. Is this all I am good for? She twisted the blade, gritting her teeth as she kicked the Peggie's knee down, swiftly sinking her knife down further. His grip went slack, and his eyes began to glaze. But she wasn't done yet, not with the burning fire eating through her veins. Is this all I'll ever be? Her free hand caught the man's blonde hair. She dug out the red-stained silver blade and slashed it across his throat, widening the cut. A source of fear? A beast with bloodied hands? She stabbed the blade against his head, pulling it out, then puncturing again, repeatedly, like a butcher chopping thawed meat. I gave you a chance, didn't I? A chance to turn back, to put the gun down, to turn a blind eye while I made my escape... Pulling the blade out, she tried to breathe, to calm the rage engulfing her heart, cascading over her mind. But it refused; it demanded it's release, to have her take it out on the man who's eyes have glazed. ...And yet, he did not choose to value his life, instead the words of his Profeta. Fraudulent lies that outweighed common sense, self-preservation, and moral understanding. Her teeth gritted, breathing rapidly, ignoring the bullet that inflamed the skin in her thigh. She raised her knife, red dripping down onto her head and shoulder. Looking down at the Peggie, she shouted out the wrath stuck in her voice, and broke through his skull. If this is the path they all will follow, then she won't waste time giving them chances they won't take.
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raspberrysmoon · 6 months
sotbaw is short for the spawn of the black and white. it follows kai drew, in her adventures being adopted and raised by the lords in black.
KAI DREW IS NOT MY CHARACTER. kai belongs solely to @pastriibunz and her custody has not transferred to me outside of this series.
kais age and condition fluctuate. sometimes shes dead, sometimes not. you'll know.
each lord has "papa" tacked onto their name. papa wiggly, papa tinky, papa pokey, papa blinky, and papa nibbly. nibbly is also called mama nibbly on occasion.
IN CURRENT CRONOLOGICAL ORDER THEY ARE: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,8,11,12,13,14,15,16.
pokey, blinky, tinky, nibbly, wiggly, webby, kai, paul, emma.
ao3 link - coming soon!
spotify playlist link - coming soon!
number- title | song credit | lyrics you'll find in the fic | short explanation
1- i forgot my name again. | devil town - cavetown | "i still get a little scared of something new, but i feel a little safer when i'm with you." | kai, at 15, discovering that shes not quite as alone as she thought.
2- i truly am my parents child. | family line - conan gray | "i can run, but i can't hide, from my family line." | kai, at 17, fighting for what she wants.
3- deserves the same judgement. | average - sushi soucy | "you've got the skills of an idiot, who got too much praise." | blinky's thoughts and feelings after losing his daughter.
4- i'm losing on their side. | i bet on losing dogs - mitski | "my baby, my baby.. you're my baby, say it to me." | pokey's thoughts and feelings after losing his daughter.
5- make me love myself, so that i might love you. | saint bernard - lincoln | "when i am dead i wont join their ranks, because they are both holy and free." | tinky's thoughts and feelings after losing his daughter.
6- apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime | goodbye - bo burnham | "am i going crazy? would i even know? am i right back where i started fourteen years ago?" | nibbly's thoughts and feelings after losing his daughter.
7- you're scaring us and all of us- some of us- love you. | achilles come down - gang of youths | "soldier on achilles, achilles come down, won't you get up off, get up off the roof?" | wiggly's thoughts and feelings after losing his daughter.
8- what if i told you i made it? | inevitable - the guy who didn't like musicals | "what if i told you a story, that settled all the dust? i'm still the man you trust. it's inevitable, for us." | pokey and kai, meeting one last time in the starlight theater.
9- i won't let go of your hand | two birds - regina spektor | "say that they're always gonna stay together, but ones never going to let go of that wire."
10- you'll never settle any of your scores | little lion man - mumford & sons | "take all the courage you have left, and waste it in fixing all the problems that you made in your own head."
11- it's so cold and i don't know where. | another love - tom odell | "so i'll use my voice, i'll be so fucking rude, words, they always win, but i know i'll lose."
12- i wanna be your left hand man | riptide - vance joy | "i love you, when you're singing that song and i've got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong."
13- you're skin, oh yeah you're skin and bones | yellow - coldplay | "its true, look how they shine for you. look how they shine. look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and all the things that you do."
14- someone just like you | share your address - ben platt | "i want a key to your house, i wanna pick up your clothes, i wanna clean up your mess, i wanna know where you hide your things, wanna be in your pictures, wanna share your address."
15- the land was godless and free | foreigner's god - hozier | "her eyes look sharp and steady into the empty parts of me, but still my heart is heavy"
16- swinging at somebody i can't knock down | take me to war - the crane wives | "all the words i've swallowed, all the sharp things i've kept in my mouth, i am always burning up."
17- i'm gonna keep doing it | breakfast - dove cameron | "do you wanna see a magic trick? cause you don't know, what you don't know, but i know." | UNREALEASED
18- honest with myself | i'm not a cynic - alec benjamin | "not every sunday is a picnic 'cause the sky ain't always blue." | UNRELEASED
19- blame i can't face | stick season - noah kahan | "now you're tire tracks and one pair of shoes, and i'm split in half , and that'll have to do." | UNRELEASED
20- i need something to rely on | somewhere only we know - keane | "is this the place we used to love? is this the place i've been dreaming of?" | UNRELEASED
21- holding the world | epic iii - hadestown | "and i know how it was because, he was like me, a man, in love with a woman." | UNRELEASED
22- finale.
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 2 months
So JD Vance, the lump of gristle that Trump has selected to stand nearby while he makes bad choices after becoming president again, has said (in jest, presumably, or at least semi-jest) that the first ‘truly Islamist’ country to get nuclear weapons is the UK, because Labour won the election.
Obviously we’ve had the merry-go-round of politicians here saying this is wrong but they’re couching it in polite terms because, well, this sack of shit is going to be vice president before too long so they can’t start off on the wrong foot. However, it is worth bearing in mind how ridiculous what he said is, and remembering that he probably meant it, either whole or in part.
There is a class of person who uses the word ‘Islamist’ just as a general, catch-all term for anything vaguely Muslim-y (does your country have Muslims in it? That’s Islamist! Probably) and, naturally, the unspoken implication is that anything Muslim-y is by definition bad and evil. That they don’t really know what the fuck it is they’re talking about is neither here nor there – they say it, and it’s how they view the world.
Similarly, I do love all these high-level (usually right-leaning) ideas about how, oh, Islam is running rampant in Europe and oh, they’re taking over and it’ll be Sharia law from here to breakfast any minute now and it’s all just obvious, obvious, obvious bollocks. It is exhausting to even think about where you’d start on picking apart this tissue of bullshit, because you could start literally anywhere because it is bullshit all the way to the core, which is also bullshit.
They’re just wrong. Let’s be blunt. They’re just wrong. And they’re too dim to have the capacity to even realise why they might be wrong, and too cuntish to ever even care. The world works a certain way, they are sure, and nothing will ever move them. UK is Islamist? Sure, sounds about right, let’s go with that. That’s a fact now, and I will make decisions accordingly. If reality ever bumps against me, well, we can just push it gently to one side. It hardly matters.
I am very tired of human beings. Sapience has brought nothing but despair.
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bookishjules · 1 year
ever since they decided riptide was gonna be the promo song for the show, i've seen a lot of takes--it's ridiculous, it's campy, it's 2012 fan-made mv vibes, it's eerie, it's fun, it's stupid, it's perfect--but what it seems like everyone agrees on, is that the only real connection to percy jackson is the title also being the name of his beloved sword. i'm not saying that connection isn't enough by itself.. but i do think we could go a little deeper hehe so let's break down these lyrics, shall we? <3
**Riptide by Vance Joy Through the Lens of Percy Jackson**
I was scared of dentists and the dark
beautiful intro line to get us in the headspace of the literal child that is 12yo percy jackson.. maybe he was scared of dentists, who knows? but the point is that these are the kind of fears that a parent might be there to hold a child's hand through, and percy never had anyone but sally to do that. this line prepares us for just how strong of an impact the loss of her will be.
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations
this is percy "stands in the corner playing basketball at the school dance" jackson. it's him losing his words when he notices how pretty annabeth is, but it's also an indication of his placement in the social hierarchy of his peers up until this point.
Oh, all my friends are turning green
green with jealousy because he has all the power of a child of the big 3? because he gets granted a quest on like day fucking one at camp? because he's a naturally talented sword-fighter to rival luke? .. or green because he's finally seeing the world as it is through his god-given green eyes? or green like kelp and algae and the tint of the sea as he befriends creatures in his father's domain?
You're the magician's assistant in their dream
i think if you see luke as the magician, with his tricks and lies, you could easily attribute this line to annabeth--i mean he did want her with him in his backwards dreams. he also saw her following him in dreams of the past, and saw her in the dream conjured by the river styx. but!! i think this line could also refer well to luke himself, where the magician is kronos.
Ah-ooh-ooh-ooh, ah-ahh-ah-ah And they come unstuck
(gonna be real.. i've never known what to make of this line oops)
Lady, running down to the riptide
first, i think of percy running straight for the riptide as a representation of how accepting he's a demigod and a child of poseidon also pulls him in deep into this narrative that has been constructed around him, both in regard to zeus's bolt and also the great prophecy as a whole. but, i think this could also be addressing annabeth, rushing toward percy (water, riptide, etc. you get the picture) and counting on him to take her away from the shore (camp). another option here, if we stick with luke as the person being addressed, is his being called and swept up by the seething rage and indignation that spirals him away from the calmer tides and into the hands of kronos, which....
Taken away to the dark side
yeah, this could very easily be referring to kronos. we can also use it for percy and annabeth both when thinking about the quest that took them to the underworld, which is quite literally the dark side. i also think it could refer to the darker side of the life of a demigod.. by percy stepping up to accept his identity, his eyes are opened to the monsters and manipulative gods and backstabbing (literally) friends and the vague promise of his own death.
I wanna be your left-hand man
oh hello zoo transport oreo sharing "bc you're my friend" scene hehehe also if we switch perspectives this does work well for luke for obvious reasons
I love you when you're singing that song And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong
okay stay with me now.. sally pov to percy. like he's up on that metaphorical stage all alone and doing his best and he's gonna fail sometimes but he's singing his own song, the song he was always meant to sing *cries*. another option of this is annabeth looking at percy, who almost always gets the words wrong, but it's so enduring--seaweed brain (affectionate). we also have the potential for annabeth to be looking at luke and saying this, only his wrong words were the path he chose, and the lump in her throat is the pain of watching him betray her trust again and again. along those lines, i think there's also an argument here for the percy @ annabeth pov that i would be inclined to associate with this song... because he loves her and the hope and the trust she carries with her, but he sees the way those beautiful traits of hers make it difficult to see luke for the monster that he's become--right tune, wrong words.
There's this movie that I think you'll like This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York City This cowboy's running from himself And she's been living on the highest shelf
a movie percy would think annabeth would like perhaps? annabeth ran away from home and wound up in new york. before that, she had been basically cast aside to collect cobwebs by her parents. when we meet her at the beginning too, she's very much been set on the highest shelf in the way that she's been set aside despite so desperately wanting a quest. but there's also the case that the movie being referred to here is about luke, who ends up running from himself in the sense that he chooses to stand opposite both his father and the family he created for himself after heading to new york. in that case, there's also the possible attribution of the object living on the highest shelf to thalia, whose tree luke would have looked at every day as a reminder of his cause, but who would have been unable to say anything herself, stuck collecting dust, so to say.
I just wanna, I just wanna know If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay I just gotta, I just gotta know I can't have it, I can't have it any other way
okay talk about percabeth coding.. percy's "annabeth don't" when he thought she was gonna join the hunters. annabeth freaking out after he came back from ogygia. percy printing the picture she sent becuase he couldn't trust that it (she, chb, etc.) was real. "you're not getting away from me, never again." etc. etc. etc. (please feel free to continue spiraling in this vein as i know i will). it's also giving luke and his manipulation tactics tho ngl..
I swear she's destined for the screen Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen, oh
we (percy) support our queen (annabeth). i could get lost in the percabeth of this all, but i also think it's important to go back to a previous pov we mentioned.. sally's as she watches percy go off on his own. and if the she in question is percy from sally's pov, it's his success that she sees, his happy ending, the one she's been willing upon him from day one. there's also the potential of this line to be about sally from percy's pov. he loves his mom and he's proud of her, and he'll do anything to bring her back from the underworld so that she can live the life she deserves.
so yeah, ig in conclusion, there's more meaning here than meets the eye :) but also that won't stop me from thinking about my favorite pen sword every time that word is sung <3
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nightingaelic · 2 years
I love your companions react posts and thought of a good topic! Companions reaction to being told by their courier that they love them (platonic of course)
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If I had a dollar for every time someone did this, anon, I'd be rich - you're fine, the fact that it's the courier saying it is enough context
It had been a long day. There had been trouble on the road to Primm, vagabonds and giant ants and an NCR patrol officer who refused to take "package delivery" as a good enough reason to go traipsing through the territory without an escort. In the end, the courier and their companion had made it through okay, but they were late to the Mojave Express outpost and barely managed to catch Johnson Nash before he closed up shop.
Rather than shell out the money they'd just earned for a room at the Vikki and Vance Casino or risk a night in the eerie Bison Steve Hotel, the courier and their companion claimed one of the outdoor fire pits and began to set up camp. There were few other travelers in the town at this time of year, so they had the windswept courtyard behind the main casino to themselves, with the occasional interruption from Primm Slim clanking by on rounds.
The courier unrolled their bedding and smoothed some lumps out before settling down on it close to the campfire. The stars were a little dimmer thanks to the lights of the town, but they still winked and turned overhead like so many dancers at a party the rest of the cosmos wasn't invited to. The courier watched them for a moment before turning to their companion with a peaceful look. "I love nights like this. Sometimes I forget that, or at least forget to say it. And I love you. You know that, right?"
Arcade Israel Gannon: "Um." Arcade rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, then adjusted his glasses. "Yeah. Yeah, I know it. I mean, there are things you do that people I used to... people who care about me have done, in the past. You notice things about me, and you remember them."
"I'm not overstepping, am I?" the courier asked. "You're as red as a tato."
"No, I'm just not good at this." Arcade took his glasses off and started to clean them furiously, just to give his hands something to do. "The last person I said that to... never mind. I... appreciate you, Six. Truly, I do."
The courier smirked and raised an eyebrow at him. "That it?"
"Are you gonna make me say it?"
"Nah." The courier laid back on their bedding and tucked their arms behind their head. "That's good enough."
Craig Boone: Boone bounced a little on his heels as he crouched before the fire, then straightened up abruptly. "Perimeter check. Be right back," he said, before stalking off between the nearest pair of shacks.
The courier sighed and settled in for a long wait. It had been a long day though, and by the time Boone came back to the campfire, they had fallen asleep. The sniper stood for a while and stared into the embers, then settled down for his watch.
"I know," he murmured. The reflection of the dying fire's light danced over the sunglasses he tapped against his leg.
The courier muttered something in their sleep and turned over.
Lily Bowen: "Of course I know that, dearie." Lily smiled. "Grandma loves you, too."
"Just checking." The courier smiled back. "We're both so different now, compared to where we started out. It's just nice to know that some things don't change."
Lily scooted over and put her arm around them. "Grandma will always be here for you, pumpkin. Don't forget that."
"I won't."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Raul chuckled. "What did I do to earn that, boss?"
"You keep me out of trouble."
"You keep me out of real trouble." The courier grinned. "Just say it back, viejo. Tell me you're glad I broke you out of the State of Utobitha."
"Te quiero, Six. But I would have gotten myself out just fine, if you hadn't come calling."
"Sure you would've."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Stop it." Cass smacked their arm. "None of that touchy-feely shit unless we're about to die."
"I'm not waiting until we're in the middle of a swarm of radscorpions just to tell you that I care about you, Cass," the courier argued. "Besides, you told me you loved me yesterday, when you were two-and-a-half bottles deep at the Mojave Outpost and getting real misty about your caravan troubles. I'm just returning the favor."
Cass unearthed the half-bottle of whiskey she'd saved and pointed it at the courier. "If I tell you I love you, it is most definitely not a favor, Six. I'm cursed. Bad luck down to the bone. So watch out, or you'll wind up burned to ash, too."
"Haven't you heard?" The courier grabbed the bottle from her and uncorked it themselves. "I'm invincible."
Veronica Santangelo: "Oh." Veronica wrapped her arms around her knees and rocked back and forth on her own bedding, blushing furiously. "I... I guess I love you too, Six."
"You guess?" the courier teased. "Fine, I take it back."
"No no, I do! It's just that nobody's... nobody's said that to me in a really long time." Veronica bit her lip. "We're close in the Brotherhood, even the black sheep of the family like me, but we're not always emotionally open, if that makes sense. And the people I wanted to be open with... couldn't. For reasons."
"Sure." The courier scooted closer and put an arm around her. "Well. I love you. I should say it more, but I won't if it makes you uncomfortable."
"Here's fine. But maybe not in public." Veronica smiled gratefully. "People might get the wrong idea. I might not look like it, but I do have a reputation to maintain."
ED-E: ED-E beeped and tilted its speakers forward solemnly. The courier ran a careful hand up its chassis, leaned in to press their forehead to the eyebot's dome. "I don't want to be that person who doesn't really care about their bots. I love you, ED-E. You make my life better, especially my life on the road. I'll take care of you as long as you'll let me."
Rex: Rex whined and snuggled closer to them, rubbing his nose into their hand. The courier chuckled and stroked his fur, before turning back to the sky. "Yeah, you know it, buddy. You're the best dog someone like me could ask for."
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saturdays--sun · 6 months
when vance joy said "i love you when you're singing that song and i got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong"
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aubreysheadspace · 2 years
Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day! Are you able to write a platonic x Rw Aubrey of Reader joining the Hooligan’s and being besties with her, as well as her being protective of reader from anyone that threatens or hurts them. (As well as hugging and bonding over their rough home situations.)
For more context, Reader was apart of the friend group, being the youngest by one year, though they were a little distant due to shyness and anxiety, as they had a rough home life with an alcoholic parent. They were closest with Mari, Sunny, and Aubrey, but still good friends with Basil, Kel, and Hero.
I hope you have a great day!
thank you!! I hope u have an amazing day!~ this is such a bittersweet idea <3 hope u enjoy!!
here’s part two and part three!
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AUBREY’s known you long ago from when both of you were still in the friend group
and since you joined the friend group, SUNNY was no longer the baby of the group since you were the youngest by one year from SUNNY, AUBREY, BASIL, and KEL while you were younger than HERO and MARI by 4 years!
like with everyone else that was younger than her, MARI would treat you like a little sibling. SUNNY would relate to you about being shy and anxious and would be there for you.. but would understand if you wanted to be left alone, and AUBREY would try and be another big sister to you!
AUBREY would always be a bit sad when you’re a bit distant to everyone, especially her. but now that MARI is gone, she grew distant of everyone else because she though everyone was moving on from her death too fast, except.. you
when you decide to join the HOOLIGANS, AUBREY was genuinely a bit taken aback..
she genuinely thought you moved on from the old friend group like she thought everyone else did
but hey, unlike everyone else you were actually trying to reconnect with her at least
she also remembers that you were shy and anxious, so she knows it must’ve taken you some courage
so fuck it! welcome to the HOOLIGANS!
you have KIM and VANCE being nice enough to share some candy with you, as long as it isn’t taffy
ANGEL ranting about how absolutely amazing his master, the MAVERICK, is and how he can get so many girls to you
CHARLENE, or CHARLIE, understands if you’re a bit shy.. she’s like that too! there will always be comfortable silence when you’re around her
and of course, AUBREY, who is a bit overprotective with you the most!
she knows you well, she knows that you’re a bit weak.. but not in a mean way! and due to both of your guy’s home life, she understands you
if you ever run into some trouble, AUBREY will not hesitate to start a fight with the HOOLIGANS right behind her
some kids at school have decided to take advantage of your shy and anxious nature by picking on you. you try to block out most of the harsh words they were saying towards you, but it was hard. you could feel your heart racing, a lump in your throat, and an aching in your chest.
that is.. until you heard a familiar, strong feminine voice call out to the kids and immediately rush over to where you guys were at, automatically saying threats to them
"wh— HEY! who do you think you are, messing with them?! you’ll be messing with my fists and the end of these nails on my bat if you don’t get the fuck outta here! anytime i see you around [READER] again, i won’t hesitate to destroy you."
and she’s honest, she’ll kick their asses. and she also instructs the rest of the HOOLIGANS to do the same if they see those kids around you
they got your back! they’re treating you like them now! like the saying, "if mess with them, you mess with all of us" or something like that
and of course, AUBREY treats you like a little sister. she’ll be the badass older sister that you never had, who deeply cares about you
if you both are alone and with your permission, she’ll drop the tough guy act and talks to you about her problems since she’s known you for a long time
and she’ll gladly let you talk about your problems with her as well, but she won’t force you at all if you’re too scared to of course, but keep in mind she’s horrible at advice
since you both have terrible home situations, she’ll take you out for the rest of the day. hell, she’ll even take you to church to find peace with her, only if you want to of course
and finally, AUBREY would speak for you if you’re too nervous to speak to anyone at any point. just tell her what to say and she’ll say it without a doubt.
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lichdolly · 2 years
Normally I would not turn to the internet for help, but despite trying to sell my hobby items and some of my egl collection, I simply won’t be able to sell them in time to fully pay for my sweet girl’s surgery without some more help and kindness.
I know we can do this. I want Rita to live a happy life free of pain. I’m already so overwhelmingly grateful for the donations we have received already. Please don’t feel obligated to give, but sharing this could save my little rat and give her two more years with us.
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adelaideoldburg · 2 years
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Aida Hagiwara
Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left hand man I love you when you're singing that song And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong
Riptide - Vance Joy
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butchkaramazov · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 700!!!!!
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can i request a
radio ga ga
you give off serious riptide vibes. like the entire "i got a lump in my throat bc you're gonna sing the words wrong" is so you ugh
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
i wanna be your left hand man | riptide - vance joy | 12
"i love you, when you're singing that song and i've got a lump in my throat 'cause you're gonna sing the words wrong."
paul and emma, waking up for real.
this time, emma wakes slowly. this time, her first thought isn’t kai. it’s paul.
paul, who would’ve died first. who probably died worse. who might never have even had a chance to destroy the hivemind. the meteor.
take out the head, and the body dies with it. one of pauls coworkers said something like that. in her professors house. before everything went to total shit.
i love you,
then its kai. kai, who’s bent over the side of emmas hospital bed, snoring quietly. briefly, emma wonders if she’s died and gone to heaven.
then she figures thats the drugs in her system. she can feel the iv in her hand.
kai shifts towards her with a tiny grunt, then settles fully against the bed. the room is sterile looking and achingly empty.
when you’re singing that song, and,
she reaches her non-iv’d hand toward kai, and settles it in kais hair. it’s messily pulled back by a headband and a thin, plastic-looking hair tie. it’s barely hanging on around the mass of teal. she’s never figured kai would be the type to pull her hair back. must have been the medical staff, if there are any.
sleep comes easily. easier than it had in months.
..maybe its the meds.
paul comes to for the sixth time to kai’s voice, talking loudly to.. a boy? he can’t make out the other shape. his vision swims violently enough to make him mildly sick.
he must make a sound, because both kids are at his sides in seconds, saying his name in various levels of volume and panic. he can’t even see kai’s face clearly. something must be wrong with his eyes.
i’ve got a lump in my throat, ‘cause,
the boy, he’s never seen before. he’s much- much taller than kai, and much broader. he thinks the boy might be her age. he hopes so. if nothing else, she deserves a friend.
kai drops her head onto his chest with what he thinks might be a sob. if he could’ve moved faster to hold her, he would’ve. as it stands, he can only barely get his arms around her.
the boy chuckles, and runs his hands through kais hair. paul can’t make out his face, either. he doesn’t have much time to question what exactly the explosion did to him before he’s falling into darkness.
you’re gonna sing the words wrong.
it’s quiet. music-less and calm. it’s good sleep.
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