#Val Penny
DI Hunter Wilson is back in Hunter's Blood by Val Penny #HUNTERSBLOOD
I’m happy to announce the forthcoming book in the DI Hunter Wilson Crime Series written by Val Penny. BLURB DI Hunter Wilson never has just one problem to solve. Three elderly women he knows have died in mysterious circumstances. Hunter appears to be the only link. A little girl goes missing on a cold winter’s night. When his team discovers cocaine hidden at the farm where she was living, the…
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ritusmiles · 9 months
Book and a Brew with Ritu - Hunter's Christmas by Val Penny @valeriepenny @spellbound #NewRelease
I have another repeat visitor! Today, I am hosting prolific Crime writer and fellow Spellbound author, Val Penny, about her latest release, Hunter’s Christmas and Other Stories! Hello, and welcome back to But I Smile Anyway, Val! Thank you for inviting me to your blog today, Ritu. Let me tell your readers about my books, my main character, DI Hunter Wilson and my new book, a collection of…
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peachesandcreames · 4 months
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It's Not the Plane, It's the Pilots 💞💕
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wdbhgrry · 6 months
my top gun headcannons!
1. every sunday, the entire ‘86 group and the daggers have supper at ice and mavs, and without fail slider always manages to show up an hour late
2. growing up, whenever bradley was sick, he would crawl into ice and mavs bed and fall asleep with ices hand rubbing his back
3. mav invited the daggers to a barbecue at his and ices house, but only said his house. this is how they all found out that not only was he married or bisexual, but that he was married to the compacflt
4. the first time ice met phoenix, he took one look at her and said “maverick, are you sure she isn’t yours?”
5. ice and carole were super close, and would have constant “maverick” talks (a book club, but instead of a book it’s maverick they’re discussing)
6. penny and phoenix are super close, and she often helps out behind the bar whenever it gets too busy and penny can’t keep up
7. bradley calls penny “aunt pen” and she would constantly bail him out of trouble at school when he was a teenager (this is for my inner penny stan)
8. maverick was the one who taught bradley how to play piano, even though everyone assumes it was ice
9. in ice and mavs house, they have a wall that’s just photos of everyone
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callsignmav · 1 year
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What do you think?
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wlw-webcomic-bracket · 8 months
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The six characters who will advance to the championship via wildcard slots (highest overall vote count without being a group winner) are:
Zhusen (Experience Boost, Group H)
White Chain (Kill Six Billion Demons, Group H)
Eddie Kaspbrak (Out of the Blue, Group B)
Penny Spender (Paranatural, Group F)
Carla Rutten (Dumbing of Age, Group J)
Space Dread (Val and Isaac, Group C)
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razorblade180 · 2 months
Sunny Side
Whitley:Ruby. Wake up. *shakes her*
Ruby:Mmm, where’s the fire? It’s like five in the morning.
Whitley:It’s strawberry season in Patch.
Ruby:I am aware….
Whitley:Let’s gets some fresh fruit in breakfast. You can sleep on the airship.
Ruby:Okay- wha?
[The airship]
Ruby, half awake:….*looks to the right*
Winter: *listening to music*
Sparrow:I bet I can fly this.
Penny:Sir, please sit down. I already have a co-pilot.
Oscar:That is- he is a literal retired soldier.
Jaune and Weiss:*reading*
Nick and Summer:Zzzz
Ruby:Uncle Qrow?
Qrow:*playing cards* Yeah?
Ruby:We married rich.
Qrow:Is that sinking in now?
Ruby:Little bit.
Nora:And we’re reaping the benefits.
Ren:Whitley just didn’t want to feel your anger about a breakfast trip.
Valerie:*writing* I’m not complaining. My book report wasn’t finished.
Whitley:What’s up sleepyhead.
Ruby:Can we make a detour?
Bzzz bzzz b-
Yang:*grabs scroll* Uuuuggh. Where’s the fire?
Ruby:Look outside bitch.
Yang rolls out of bed and practically crawls to her window where Blake is staring to see a fancy airship hovering near her house.
Ruby:Grab your pants, wife, and child. We’re gonna make mom’s pancakes.
Whitley:Welcome to the breakfast express.
Yang:You need less money.
Blake:I bought some honey, syrup, and spices my mom made.
Whitley:This is why you’re my favorite member.
Ruby and Weiss:Wow that’s craaazy.
Veronica casually walks on board in her pjs and heads straight towards the twins without a second thought. She picks up a sleepy Summer that leans on her brother and moves her one seat down, then sits down. She tugs Summer so she falls back in place, offering her own right arm as a substitute while resting her head on Nick before promptly going back to sleep.
Yang:…At least she was nice about it.
Knock Knock Knock
Tai:*opens door* ….Strawberry picking?
Yang and Ruby:Hehe, yeah.
Tai:I’ll go grab your old baskets.
Nick was used to the rich life, but even had to admit it was pretty surreal to be at home in the cold one moment, then woken up a few hours later to put on a sunhat and pick some berries. Everyone this morning was just…cool with it. This was life right now. Singing early birds and strawberry baskets.
Nick:Wasn’t there school today?
Summer:Don’t be lame and keep picking. Gods it smells nice out here. I’m a little jealous we don’t come here more often.
Valerie:The sun has barely risen and yet it’s so warm.
Veronica:Country air smells different from the sea or city life. I visit Gramps occasionally and even I’m not used to it. It’s pretty jarring.
Summer:Kinda like waking up in a different plane seat.
Veronica:If that’s what you want to compare it too.
Summer:Don’t sweep that under the rug!!!
Ruby:Pancakes 🎶
Yang:Whoop whoop🎶
Weiss:Pancakes 🎶
Winter.Whoop Whoop🎶
Nora:Pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes🎶
Ren:Buttermilk, Strawberry, shortcake, or tall!🎶
Jaune:You already know I’m eating them all!🎶
Qrow :Crack a few eggs and hash a few browns!🎶
Tai:Put em on my plate and I’m gonna chow down!🎶
Penny:Grab a plate and some friends to tag along…🎶
Everyone:Took making cooking fun with the breakfast song!🎶
All the kids slowly set the table as they watched the grown ups cut up fruit, flip pancakes, pour drinks, and butter pans.
Veronica:You’re not gonna sing?
Blake:There are enough people in that kitchen.
Oscar:Yeah satisfied fixing chairs.
Whitley:*sitting* Zzzz
Sparrow:This guy planned everything and now decides to sleep!? *pokes face*
Ruby:Leave him alone!
Sparrow:Did she even turn around?
Oscar:Did she really need to with you?
It took about half an hour before the smell of breakfast was rich enough to wake Whitley just in time. Now it was his who was wide awake as she happily carried trays in hand alongside Yang, Weiss, and Penny; they happily danced side to side in messy aprons as they put food on the table for everyone. Nora would’ve joined if she could be trusted, and Winter was happily on Nora restraint duty.
Stacks of strawberry pancakes in the shape of roses and buttermilk pancakes in the form of the sun were presented with hash browns, eggs, sausage, biscuits, ham, the whole spread and additional goodies for everyone to eat. They took their seat and looked at Whitley as if he wanted to make some grand speech.
Whitley:*smiles* You waiting for an invitation? *raises glass* To a good day.
Everyone:To a good day!
Not a moment was wasted passing around plates. Whitley went to grab a fork when his empty plate was suddenly replaced with a full breakfast by Ruby. The lady quickly cut a piece of the pancake drizzled in cinnamon syrup and raised to his face to make him blush.
Ruby:Thank you for the trip. Now say aaah~
Whitley:I-In front of everyone?
Ruby:Don’t be shy now. It’s just for the first bite. It’s tradition here. Then you give me a bite.
Qrow:If your sister can do it, you can too.
Winter:*chews shamefully*
They look at Weiss to see her eat off of Jaune’s fork without hesitation. She even opens her mouth again to receive another bite before giggling. Meanwhile the likes of Penny, Nora, and Blake, treated this like an everyday occurrence. With a display like that, Whitley had no choice but to summon the courage to say “aah” and get fed a bite.
Ruby:How is it!?
Whitley:…I can go for another.
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i wanted to invite a conversation about this because it’s genuinely been bothering me for a long time. and i in fact wasn’t immune to it either and am just now realizing this is the power of cinematic brainwashing.
but like, tgm is so many bad things. sexist, racist, ageist, to scratch the tip of the iceberg. token characters that meet the bare minimum for diversity, and sidelined women - i’d even say exploited women. a narrative that is so egocentric that it’s miraculous that some characters manage to hold their own instead of being swept under the charismatic magnetism of the reckless bad boy character who can get away with murder because deep down, he’s regretful, and he has a good heart.
what a shallow representation of the military, and what a disservice to those who were inspired to join because they thought the real life experience would mirror even a fraction of what is presented on screen. the reality is that there was never a competition to win a top gun trophy, and in fact today you have to pay 5$ at the top gun school if you even mention the film. that speaks for itself.
tom cruise being a huge part of the production process has made it impossible for me not to hold him responsible for the choices that have been made. to even subtitle the sequel movie with “Maverick”, the same protagonist as in the first one, comes across as insanely egotistical - and honestly a testament to how mav’s story manages to drown out the autonomy and validity of other characters. i’ll explain this terms of ice, penny, carole, and charlie. you’ll notice how i’m gonna be bringing up three women.
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i don’t care that val kilmer gave the okay on using his cancer as a plot point. i care that cancer was not only used as a plot point, but treated like this ^
“i’m dying. you have bigger problems.”
the original script seems to peel back the layers of tgm’s intended messaging, so i’m using several examples. this is what is being communicated. i honestly don’t know what else to add. in or out of context, this is incredibly disturbing - and that it’s played as a self-aware quip from ice, even more so. the bond of wingmen goes both ways, and i just didn’t see that… if anything, that aspect leaned so heavily on the first film (the photo of them smiling at each other) that it just proves my point. it took ice’s death for mav to get up off his ass and do something to keep his career afloat besides get a cop-out from the compacflt. ice in the first movie was a compelling antagonist and voice of reason - now he’s mostly relegated to the role of babysitter, denying mav’s character the growth of accountability by simply erasing his poor choices with a phone call.
it’s why the darkstar scene pisses me off. to stop at mach 10 would have been fine, but to push it just for the sake of it is ridiculous. the fact that earlier mav states “i know what happens to everyone else if i don’t” in regards to his decision only makes this screw-up more laughable, because to me it’s the very contradiction of maverick: his intentions do not balance with his actions. costing the military millions of dollars in a few seconds somehow balances with his heartfelt desire to protect the interests of its workforce.
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shortly before, during, and after this screenshot, i counted a total of 6 times that penny made it clear she would not appreciate mav’s advances. regardless, mav goes on to say “you look good”. this flirtation happens before mav is even aware of her marital status, as he asks amelia “where’s your dad?” in a later scene… which… dear god.
penny also says “it always ends the same with us, so let’s not start this time”, indicating this is a repeated pattern in which her boundaries weren’t respected and moreover, the relationship ended up failing. yet this is framed as the main romance of tgm, a wonderful and nostalgic callback to the original that ends as stereotypically as possible.
i love penny. she’s witty, caring, independent, and of course stunning. so i find her treatment in tgm a disservice to what started out as a rich and compelling character. she later ends up mav’s shoulder to cry on, more or less, comforting him after losing his wingman and his position as instructor. the song “hold my hand” is thematically suited for penny, playing in the background at the bar and in the notes of the score during her scenes - even musically, she is turned into a source of consolation first, and her own woman second. she’s his prize at the end of the film, falling for the promise “i’m never gonna leave you again”, which i don’t buy for a second. they fly into the sunset, presumably signifying a new horizon for their relationship - but i feel so dissatisfied with this arc for her and think she deserved much better.
that mav gets away with this behavior is something i’d like to see more people reflect on. it seems to be a pattern with male protagonists, in which case the function of male and protagonist in hollywood cinema needs an examination.
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top gun (1986):
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this is an especially crude exploitation to me. not only is carole the one consoling a young maverick (if a full-fledged 24 year old can be called young, in light of the tendency people have to dismiss his choices in ‘86) after his mistake costs her own husband his life… but her stance, even following a tragedy of that magnitude, didn’t change. goose would have flown anyway, and she knows that well enough - on top of that, it’s easy to see she would have supported him.
it came as a surprise to me that she wouldn’t in turn support her own son, who is clearly committed to a career as a pilot. in the end, i see a cheap narrative device that contradicts carole’s character, undermines her strength as a wife and mother, both in order to serve the interests of the plot. maverick in tgm needs a viable reason to hide a secret, to be tortured by his own consequences, to put further strain on his tension with bradley. there were plenty of other ways to do it, but the fact that it was this leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
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it’s my understanding that tom cruise’s personal reason (his excuse) for not bringing back charlie was that he didn’t like how their relationship ended. if there’s any source confirming or denying this, i’d appreciate a link.
anyways. yeah. this is… a huge problem with hollywood at large, which kelly mcgillis understands, but i’ll break it down. there’s a simpler reason this pisses me off more than anything. tgm’s entire subject matter is about repairing relationships. penny benjamin was dredged out of obscurity to do it. maverick and rooster’s grudge of 30+ years was used to do it. iceman’s character, as warped as he feels, is another way the film made this its theme. but charlie is out of the question?
that val kilmer could be asked to return, and make an insane amount of money for each second he’s on screen, but such an opportunity is never given to kelly mcgillis, who herself centers on the 1986 poster, speaks volumes to me. tom cruise even planted his foot when it came to reprising iceman, saying he wouldn’t do this movie without val in it.
it’s worth mentioning that viper and slider were also present at ice’s funeral, but this scene was cut out. for a film that’s quite heavy-handed with its nostalgic callbacks, this was an odd decision. until realizing, as my friend put it, that even ice’s death couldn’t be about him, whether it had brought in his own teacher or his rio - his goose. it had to revolve around mav, to catalyze a turning point for him in the plot.
also… a shoutout to the erasure of sarah kazansky, pretty much everywhere. that also tells me a lot.
this was just a dissection of the various character portrayals (or absences) in tgm that have bothered me since forever. this isn’t even going into how tgm accomplishes everything that propaganda sets out to do. combinations of stunning visuals, soaring music composed by masters like hans zimmer, the charismatic power of a cast packed with stars… all play a role in the blinding awesomeness of tgm, which has taken me this long to break away from.
consider the white/poc duos in the film: maverick and hondo, hangman and coyote, cyclone and warlock. who has more lines? who plays a greater role? why is that?
i don’t see this as real diversity. it masquerades as inclusion, which i find worse. and to cast an actor of asian descent, and give him the callsign yale? … wow.
framing is powerful. its influence in cinematography is unmatched. a story is being constructed and told not only through dialogue, but sound, visuals, editing… really, nothing can be dismissed as insignificant. i’m not asking for a scholarly interrogation of all media you consume, though, that would be so excellent, and so healthy… but i am trying to raise these questions in the community, of what gets lost when a main character is so overwhelmingly main. when someone like tc has so much control over the decision-making process, since it’s sort of a running joke that maverick is a tc self-insert. my focus isn’t the inclusions, but the exclusions.
and finally, since i’ve unfortunately spent a lot of life writing this post… it’s interesting to me that many viewers in hindsight seem to see top gun 1986 so differently. as kids, they sided with mav over the antagonist. an older audience returning to the first film now seem to side with iceman, seeing him as the rational one attempting to raise important points. i wonder if this will be the case with top gun: maverick in the future. in which case, i’m excited to see more cyclone fans. he’s my favorite character… unsurprisingly.
oh. one last thing.
“the man, the myth, the legend” … the word myth has two meanings:
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happy reading.
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nade2308 · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Top Gun Maverick
May 27th 2022, dir. Joseph Kosinski
@thethistlegirl @malewifebillcage
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reborrowing · 1 month
awsome idea: draw any of ur oc but in a hot dog costume and those plastic disguise glasses thingies from party city idk wut they’re called
I couldn’t think of a good reason any of my ocs would dress that way BUT Phoebe’s apartment is a shenanigan magnet so
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the costume was some magic trick, she already had the glasses 🥸
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lucy-ghoul · 3 months
hollywood is such a toxic cesspit. my god
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ritusmiles · 1 year
Book and a Brew with Ritu - by Val Penny @valeriepenny @spellbound #NewRelease
Looks like this is a Tuesday thing now!! Today, I am hosting prolific Crime writer and fellow Spellbound author, Val Penny, about her latest release, The First Cut! Hello, and welcome to But I Smile Anyway, Val! Now, the first thing we do is get the drinks sorted. Thank you so much for inviting me along, Ritu. It is always lovely to chat with you. What is your beverage of choice? I know you…
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billkill · 1 year
Songs that Remind Me of Top Gun Characters
"Take My Breath Away" belongs to Charlie.
"You've Been Called Back to Top Gun" belongs to Maverick.
"Great Balls of Fire" belongs to Rooster.
"I Ain't Worried" belongs to Hangman.🥹🥲🥺
"Hold My Hand" belongs to Penny.
"Won't Get Fooled Again" belongs to Phoenix.
"Self-control" belongs to Iceman out-of-context.
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nicadilly · 2 years
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Edit: tfw when u create a fair amount of fanart for the author and commish a 40$ fic only to be mistreated and never get ur money back lol. Got a refund :) Wish the emotional anguish thing never happened but ill heal. They also gaslight on the reg so keep that in mind. if someone told me back in January 2022 i would become an amogus fan/simp for MEN i would laugh. YET HERE WE ARE.
Some of the main characters from @crinklytinfoil ‘s series that is currently causing severe brainrot. @krysmcscience is to blame bcs if it were not for their fanart i wouldnt know abt the fic oops... (also it is a dead dove fic so check it out at your own discretion!)
OH almost forgot about my obligatory “THIS IS NOT THE ARCANA???”
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hq-screencaps · 1 year
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Top Gun Maverick (2022) - IMAX ↳ 16.817 1080p logofree screencaps
Top Gun Maverick (2022) ↳ Trailer  - 889 1080p logofree screencaps ↳ Featurette 1 - 1080p logofree screencaps ↳ Big Game Pre Kick Spot - 191 1080p logofree screencaps ↳ Most intense Film Training Ever - 1,276 1080p logofree screencaps ↳ Featurette Power of Naval Aircraft - 940 1080p logofree screencaps   ↳ Trailer 1 - 858 1080p logofree screencaps   ↳ Trailer 2 - 893 1080p logofree screencaps ↳ Trailer 3 - 1,017 1080p logofree screencaps  
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