Did anyone else chuckle when they said Saru and T’rina’s wedding ceremony was beautiful? I guess they didn’t declare the challenge and fight and roll around on the sands then? Hehe.
(Would have liked to hear or see some Vulcan bells though. I’m sure they incorporated both their cultures and that’d have been cool to see. Still, the costumes were lovely.)
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urghblergh · 6 months
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Halloween. Spock is confused. :D
You married a Vulcan???????????? :o
These ones feel kind of random and weird. Idk. 😅🫶🌌
reference pics ✨
this picture I found on pinterest 😅
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spirk-trek · 6 months
i cannot get the idea of vulcan wedding jewelry and/or lingerie out of my head... imagine your fingers being so close but they can't touch until you take it off! look how beautiful! aghhhh!!
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etsy shop
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gonna be honest with you, Memory Alpha, I don't think that's his name
the site just got confused because they're married.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
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Do you have a number in mind? [Patreon | Commissions]
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poebrey · 3 months
probably for the best that we’re likely never going to see Michael and Book get married on screen because I would’ve been lowkey annoyed if I had to watch her get married in her dress uniform or worse and not like, the Iris Van Herpen fungi collection, or a Gersha Phillips original
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tricorderreading · 1 year
#20: Vulcan Academy Murders
Kirk makes a gentle dig at Spock for recent events, and Sarek gets pissed on Spock's behalf (before rembering Kirk was there)
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Had the sudden urge to go shopping the moment Spock said “Ritual Mating Colors”
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sofiadragon · 2 years
Chapters: 7/20 Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Insecure Spock (Star Trek), Pining James T. Kirk, Hanahaki Disease, Worldbuilding, Original Species, Sexuality Crisis, Matchmaker Spock Prime, Except this is Spock Secunde, The Next Universe in the Loop, Starfleet Academy, Starfleet Academy Era, James T. Kirk is a Mess, Half-Human, Star Trek needs more militant xenophiles so I obliged, Pon Farr, Slow Burn, Yes I can have both of those tags just watch me do it, Vulcan is Not Destroyed, Everybody Lives, POV James T. Kirk, POV Spock (Star Trek), T'hy'la, Drama & Romance, Fix-It, I said slow burn Spock what are you doing?, stop planning a wedding with your parents before you've even confirmed that Jim's your boyfriend Series: Part 2 of Infinite Combinations of Spiral Diversity Summary:
Spock has worried over this task for a lifetime, and came up with a failsafe that might just save the Vulcan that exists in the next universe. The failsafe also involves deeply selfish things, but you can't fault an old man for wanting the youth to have more opportunities than he ever could.
He sends drones ahead of him into the black hole, hoping that the automated programming he coded into them will change the past for the better.
Mostly a romantic academy-era drama until a world is ending and they need to stop it from the point of view of the younger Spock and Jim Kirk.
Or: If Jim Kirk can cheat his way out of a no-win simulation with some code, Spock can do it in real life with some time travel.
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icantspellthings · 2 months
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I'm still not over Vulcan traditional wedding ceremony requiring this sexy tits out honour guard(?) in a gimp mask to be there. Like my dudes, what was the logical reason for his whole chest to be out like that
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What do playing chess with your best friend...
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Aging up on your own with an EXCELLENT cake made by your fiance...
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And spending your bridal shower relaxing on a roof have in common?
|It's all part of the dream for this little family.
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mephistopheles · 4 months
from kirk's officiation of a wedding aboard the majority-human enterprise, where he speaks of marriage as being between "two people" (rather than between, say, "a man and a woman") we can conclude that gay marriage is a global right to humans by the time tos takes place. however i dont believe we see any vulcan gay couples in any timeline, at any point. because vulcan betrothal and pon farr ceremonies are exclusively heterosexual, i surmise that queerness, to vulcans, is generally regarded as a human thing, or at the very least, inherently non-vulcan. and spock, who furiously represses his human side, must also therefore furiously repress his queerness, which makes his relationship to kirk all the more Absolutely Insane
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starofhisheart · 9 months
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why did Jim react like that sksksks just Jim staring at Spock like he's planning their wedding pls
Spock: my mother thought she was a very fortunate earth woman to be married to my vulcan father
Jim: as am I
Spock: what
Bones: what
Jim: *heart eyes*
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I was thinking about The Logical Vulcan Bowl Cut, and T’Pring’s absolutely gorgeous hair, and the fact that any choice a Vulcan makes has to have at least the plausible deniability of logical reasoning behind it, and what that all means regarding the idea of personal expression within a society that does value aesthetics to a degree but does not value emotions.
So. Headcanon that, for Vulcans, engaging in an intricate grooming ritual like putting your hair into an elaborate hairstyle or applying makeup is considered a form of meditation.
For one, it’s creating art that is inherently temporary-hair will be unbraided, makeup will be removed-similar to sand mandalas.
Additionally, due to the diligent care taken to disconnect from their emotions, it is not uncommon for some Vulcans to also experience a mild dissociation from their bodies during times that they are working extra hard to disconnect from their emotions, and this form of meditation serves to help reconnect the mind and the body by placing focus on the physical act of personal maintenance.
If someone very suddenly starts engaging in this sort of ritual, it can be a sign that they’re going through a difficult time-that is to say, experiencing something that threatens to elicit a strong emotional response, either positive or negative, which requires an increased level of disconnection. It’s just as common to see someone taking extra care on their hair or makeup following the birth of a new child as it is following the death of a parent.
It’s largely considered rude to comment on or inquire about this-it is instead taken as a sign that this person is acting responsibly and engaging in the necessary meditations to maintain their control.
T’Pring is serving absolute cunt at her wedding because she’s been suppressing her very strong feelings about Not Wanting To Marry Spock and Being In Love With Stonn and Hoping Stonn Doesn’t Die and Feeling Kinda Guilty About This But What Else Can She Do.
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This woman is going through it, and everyone can tell. But the people around her just assume she’s basically got the Vulcan equivalent of pre-wedding jitters-suppressing affection towards her partner, and/or concern over her first experience of Pon Farr.
Similarly, Spock wears makeup every day as a more mild form of this ritual because he’s pretty much always working way too hard to suppress his feelings and Kirk is Right There and he loves him So Much and then he feels bad for loving him but That’s A Feeling Too, Fuck.
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Pictured, a man who is also Going Through It.
Anyways the conclusion to this is that the cuntier a Vulcan is the closer they are to absolutely fucking losing it.
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Mirror Bones
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I can’t remember If mirror McCoy is actually missing an eye, or if that was fanon I absorbed as being truth. Either way I like to imagine he lost it trying to intervene during the wedding on Vulcan.
Texts reads:
Kirk: that was definitely one of my stranger one night stands
Bones: please shut the fuck up
Lower image
Bones: come for a rematch, green bean?
My previous mirror verse art:
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bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
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Kolinahr Robes. (Based on this concept art) Patreon | Ko-fi
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