“Even if you try so hard you can’t force yourself to un-love a person. It just happens. One day you’ll just get tired of wanting him and you’ll start wanting yourself more.”
— artyprose
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When something happens to us that causes us to suffer, a door to our heart opens, ready for us to enter & really be with that pain in order to heal and become more whole. All too often we ignore this open door & instead distract ourselves from it in some way. We run in the opposite direction of our pain. The last thing we want to do is be with it, much less show it compassionate kindness. But this is what we must do if we want to love ourselves.
Teal Swan
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“To get out of your hell you’re gonna have to see it.”
– Teal Swan, Fragmentation, Self-worth and How to Understand Your Shame
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You think they have this power over you
Like you’re helpless in your affection for them
Like you’re okay with your crush crushing you
Because if there was ever an apt example of ‘pleasure in pain’ this is it
But you’re so wrong,
so full of shit
You know it’s all you
This power? It’s all in your hands
No matter how hard you try to make yourself believe other wise
So let go a little and rant text them once in a while
But don’t go in this self destructive mode because that’s just a sad excuse for you not figuring out your life
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Learn how to hold what hurts. The sorrow we sit with may have no solution. The loss that we have lived through may have no bow, no wrap, no box to be placed in. The most unimaginable events of our lives come without answers. They ask to be witnessed but offer no promise of spectacular resolve, just a quiet deepening of our relationship with ourself over time. Sometimes with the most painful of processes there is only a steady learning of how to be with it, refusing to leave yourself because of it. Those things untenable that have happened to us, happened. This we must accept. Their meanings have to be detangled from our sense of self and worth, but the imprint they have made upon us is unchangeable. Their impact undeniable. The act of acknowledging them is a gateway to a new relationship with what pains us, a gateway that hopefully leads to blessings greater than the harm done to us.
Chani Nicholas 
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