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oksurethisismyname · 1 year ago
Zosan? Angsty dudes struggling to find love through their own emotional illiteracy
Lusan? Sunshine boy gives tragic backstory boy unconditional love
Ussan? Just two anxious guys in love
My favorite it Zosan but don’t get me wrong, I’d sell an organ for any of these ships to be canon
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alterin · 10 months ago
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year ago
No one:
Me, kicking the door down: By 2558 the Ussan Sangheili (a splinter population that had never joined the Covenant) recovered from Refuge had several years to re-integrate with the rest of Sangheili civilization, and they had never bowed to Covenant control and their entire history had let them resent Covenant occupation.
SO, when Cortana's Forerunner soldiers showed up to occupy the Sangheili again.
I think they would've had some extremely cool shit to say.
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alterin · 1 year ago
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Aoi: *sobbing* talk to your crush, they said
Uruha: *takes a deep breath*
Uruha: talk to an electrician about the damn cable, the crush said
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gazetto-no-ki · 25 days ago
2024.12.16 Ruki on Twitter:
I’m back home. Today at the office, Ussan and Aoi-san said things like: "Black hair really suits you" and "It reminds me of the old days".
But personally, I think black hair suits Aoi-san the best. 🐦‍⬛
Ruki: I still think the current RUKI balances better with lighter-toned hair.
I’m glad to be in visual kei, where I can easily switch between black and blonde at will.
Because it’s fun 🐦‍⬛🕊️🐍🐝🦭🦔🦦
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Ruki: While using those emojis just now, I remembered—thank you for submitting so many great name suggestions for the new RAD character! 🙏
Thanks to you all, we’re on track to choosing a name that suits her perfectly. We'll discuss it thoroughly with the members 🐇
Look forward to it ☕️
Ruki: RT RUKItheGazettE Good evening, Ruki-san 🌛, thank you for your hard work ꒰՞ . ̫ .՞꒱. Is the breath at the start of NIL’s track your breath? 🦉 Also, I was surprised to see that the track on NIL’s website has a playback time of over an hour. Is there any meaning behind this? 🦉
Good thing you noticed! That’s my breath. 🙌 And the track being over an hour long was simply a mistake. Lol Thanks for your analysis!
IG stories:
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i-am-minty-fresh · 7 months ago
Don’t argue with me about Zosan/Sanzo.
I don’t think it’s canon.
I don’t want it to be canon.
The art is good and the canon dynamic is interesting so I’m gonna talk about it a lot.
If you don’t ship it, that’s chill. I post about other ships all the time too (Zolu, acesan, ussan, Frobin, etc.) because I love when people interact with my favorite show, regardless of their opinions.
If you can’t stand the sight of Zosan/Sanzo and you feel like arguing with me. Just scroll. I’m serious, I will just block you. It’s not that serious, dude, unclench.
There’s a thousand other blogs that have nothing to do with Zosan that I encourage you to find. It’s no skin off my back. I wish you well, comrade.
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nekoprankster218 · 6 months ago
They let Luther Mann meet and geek out over an Ussan Sangheili in the latest short story, I’ll forgive them for taking a decade to mention him in canon post-Hunters just for that.
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ruttotohtori · 1 year ago
Kai se johtuu siitä, et (meil ainaki) ussantunneil jauhettiin nimenomaan evankelis-luterilaisuutta (meil oli ussan oppikirja sellane, mis oli kirjotettu tarinamuotoon joitain Raamatun pääkohtia), vasta kutosluokalla käsiteltiin myös muita kristinuskon haaroja, kuten ortodoksisuutta ja katolilaisuutta ja sit oli (hyvin suppeasti) jotain islaminuskosta. Et siin ois kuitenki ideana se, et jos oppilas kuuluu kirkkoon, ni käyää läpi sen "oman" uskonnon asiat (muistan kyl omilt ussantunneilt et niitä asioita ei kuitenkaa käsitelty sillee "me uskomme näin"-tyylillä vaan "nämä asiat kuuluvat evankelis-luterilaisuuteen, sinä saat aivan vapaasti olla uskomatta, muuta opetussuunnitelmaa on noudatettava"
Mut oon kyl kans sitä mieltä, et jos opetetaa uskontoa ni pitäis käsitellä just tollee, et siin on mukana useita eri uskontoja, joita käsitellää tasavertasesti
Nykyisen opetussuunnitelman mukaan suomalaisen koulutuksen pitää olla uskonnollisesti, poliittisesti ja ideologisesti sitouttamatonta. Tunnustuksellisesta uskonnonopetuksesta luovuttiin vuoden 2003 opetussuunnitelmassa.
Siis mä menin peruskouluu 1999 ja meil oli koko ala-asteen ajan sillee, et ennen ruokailua luettiin ruokarukous, joka keskiviikko oli seurakunnan aamunavaus ja välil mentii rinnakkaisluokkien kanssa käymää kirkossa ja nämä kaikki siis ussantuntien ulkopuolella ja ei ollu mikää kristitty koulu????
Ja sit viel välil musantunnil veisattiin virsiä
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penguicorns-are-cool · 1 year ago
I'm seeing a lot of use of USamericans going around
and don't get me wrong I love that we're moving away from americans to describe us
but what happened to USian
I thought that was so funny
like if we make that common use it might evolve into something like Ussan, wouldn't that be so funny. It's fun to say, it's ironic that rhymes with Russian, it's way more convenient to say and write than USamericans
let's bring back USian
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halos-top-alien-model · 1 year ago
Sangheili Bracket Round 2 Match 9
More info below:
Fal 'Chavamee / Arbiter:
Debuted in Halo Legends ("The Duel")
Living during the 22nd century, he was the last Arbiter to hold the title before it became a rank of shameful redemption - because of his actions. Fal did not believe in the Great Journey - despite holding high power within the Covenant's military - and felt that the Sangheili were losing their sense of honor. Even in front of the High Prophet of Solemnity - one of the Hierarchs of the Covenant at the time - he would exclaim his defiance, leading him to be branded a heretic. A member of his clan - Haka 'Suukaree - was tasked with killing Fal. At first Haka sent assassins, so Fal ferried up a river to confront them and single-handedly felled them all. This included a large Covenant military detachment. However, upon his victorious return him, he would find his wife Han and his close friend Roh murdered. For this, he met Haka for a one on one duel to finally end things. This duel would end with mutual fatal blows, both combatants falling dead.
Ussa 'Xellus:
Debuted in Halo: Broken Circle
Born in the 10th century BCE and living at least into the 9th century BCE, he fought against the San'Shyuum during the San'Shyuum-Sangheili war prior to the forming of the Covenant, with Ernicka the Scar-Maker being his second in command. He was observed by the High Lord of Sacred Relics - Mken 'Scre'ah'ben - who tried to assassinate him and later capture him for intel. Ussa would continue to fend off Mken's attacks and force the San'Shyuum forces to retreat off the Planet of Blue and Red. However, he soon realized that they intended to use a weapon from orbit that would kill all his men whilst leaving the planet's Forerunner relics intact, so he quickly ordered a retreat himself. As the war continued, Ussa's first-born son - Ossis 'Xellus - would die in combat. When it finally ended and the Covenant formed, Ussa was amongst those that still did not trust the San'Shyuum and continued to rebel against them. For this, his neighbors loyal to the Covenant reported him, causing Xellus keep to be assaulted. While hundreds of the keep's inhabitants were killed, Ussa survived and led the other survivors to a region at Sanghelios' southern pole, hiding within a dormant volcano as they prepared themselves for further rebellion. In the meantime, he and his mate Sooln would travel to a mining colony to recruit more rebels and meet with informants. Whilst they failed to find any recruits, the elderly 'Crecka would approach them with information on a Forerunner shield world. The three would travel to said shield world and meet its monitor - Enduring Bias - who granted permission for Ussa's followers to take refuge there. As he returned, he found an attack beginning to close in, causing him to realize there was a spy. After luring out and killing the spy, they all departed off of Sanghelios. Once at the shield world now called the Refuge, his followers began calling themselves "Ussans" in his honor, while Salus 'Crolon started to question him and express doubts to others. He and another by the name of 'Drem would then jump to the conclusion that Ussa was secretly conspiring with the San'Shyuum, due to conversations with Enduring Bias that they overheard. They would begin to plan a rebellion, which Tersa 'Gunok and Lnur 'Mol would uncover and warn Ussa about, with Enduring Bias providing footage at a trial. 'Drem would be killed following a failed escape attempt whilst 'Crolon would be imprisoned pending an execution, only for him to escape the shield world. Realizing 'Crolon might reveal the Refuge's location to the Covenant, Ussa decided to use the world's Disassembler process in a plan to make the Covenant believe the Ussans to be dead. The Covenant fleet that arrived was led by none other than Ussa's old San'Shyuum rival Mken, now the Prophet of Inner Conviction. Mken would first attempt to negotiate, but the two would not come to an agreement. Before he activated the Disassembler, Ussa warned the Covenant to retreat and that the shield world would be destroyed. As the Refuge was destroyed, the Ussans would survive the process aboard large freight movers. The Refuge would then live on as fragmented habitats hidden within the system's asteroid belt, continuing even into the 2550s and always led by Ussa's descendants.
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
'accok 'iggik 'irrux 'ivvoy 'occat 'okkox 'okkoy 'orrah 'ottob 'ottus 'ubbiy 'uggux 'ukkav 'uod 'uttid Aa' Aad Aar Aay Accak Accow Accox Adda' Addoh Addus Addut Aggak Aggis Agij Ait Aiz Akkid Akkiy Akkov Akkub Akkuf Allad Allaj Allom Allum Allus Allut Ammiz Ammuv Ao' Aoc Aoj Aol Appiw Appum Appuy Aquac Aquuh Arraw Arrib Assad Assi' Assog Assus Attig Attil Attis Attoh Attur Aug Auy Avvax Avvuf Azzit Azziz Azzow Azzuf Azzug Azzum Azzuw
Baccue Baffol Bibbuk Biggij Biiw Billot Birrik Boddor Bogguc Borruj Bovvi' Bullaw Buquiv Cannox Cappat Cariy Carrih Carros Commih Cossiy Cuddaz Culli' Cupan Dallay Dallol Darrax Diffos Diggip Diquol Dittif Doccox Doffum Dokkae Dommif Doppuj Dullax Dunnop Duttow Duvvux Eaccuw Eaddah Eammal Eannip Eaquap Eozzah Euggor Euzzit Faccub Faddif Faggah Fibbah Fittae Focuh Foos Fovvok Fubbir Fuddol Fudduw Fullij Furruy Gazzat Giddah Gikkun Ginnap Gizzof Gobbon Gobbor Goggom Gouv Guddir Hannaz Hocca' Huccay Hurrap Huzzo' Ia' Ibbit Iccaz Iccut Iccux Iddae Iddi' Iddin Ieay Iffam Iffas Iffue Iffuy Iggap Iggix Iggue Iit Ikkol Ikku' Illit Illob Illod Illoj Illuw Immit Ippat Ippib Ippif Ippuj Ippuk Iquab Iquaz Iquim Iquix Iquue Iquuj Iquuw Issam Issut Itof Ittae Itton Ivvop Ivvov Ixox Izzar Izzuv Jabban Jabbow Jaddur Jaffoz Jaggot Jajir Jalluy Japas Jippin Jissaw Jivvug Kallin Kammay Kiggur Koccuw Korrox Kosos Kottot Kunnuy Kuzzuv Laccam Laffar Lallan Lappac Lattom Lavvic Loffut Lozzol Luzziv Miffip Miquih Missuz Mommar Mubbin Mudduf Mummow Muvox Nammol Narraf Niquac Nivvud Nogguh Nucat Nuccam Numman Nuppiy Nuppuk Nuttal Nuvvok O'ak Obbah Occac Occux Oddiy Oeot Offa' Offap Offic Offik Offuk Ogguf Okid Okkiz Okkoc Okkop Okkum Ollat Ollit Ollix Ollow Ommi' Ommit Ommuk Onnid Onnos Onnox Onnud Onnum Onnuz Ooh Oppaz Oppiy Oppoj Oppop Oppor Oppud Oppuv Opu' Opux Oquak Oquiz Oquor Oquos Oquov Oquul Orrij Ossok Ossud Ottag Ottah Ottib Ottie Otto' Ottov Oux Ovvam Ovvue Ovvuy Owop Owub Pabbor Palloy Parrat Piot Piquix Poccaz Poccos Poffaj Pokkos Ponnul Pottoe Pozzal Puvvin Rakkoh Riggir Rikkoj Rirruj Roddig Roddo' Rokkan Rorra' Rottil Rullu' Ruppul Ruquiz Rurrid Ruvvud Siggov Sikkoz Sillay Soffow Sollun Sonniz Subbog Sullok Surrum Tannur Tarrir Tinnoh Tokkoc Toppin Tossup Tozziw Tullac Turruw Tussod Ubbad Ubbi' Uccag Uccic Uccoc Uccow Uccuf Uddob Uddup Uffok Uffos Uggix Uggoc Uggue Uid Uik Ukkuh Ullak Ullig Ullos Ummog Unnie Unnuc Unnuf Uos Uppik Uppoc Uppoh Uppuc Uquos Urruk Urruy Ussan Uttan Utti' Uttoh Uvvax Uvvun Uzzan Uzzir Vabbie Vavvic Vazzof Vicciw Viddag Vidim Vinnor Vippop Voiz Vovvin Vuddov Wibbok Wiffiv Wiggux Wimmot Wippos Wivvog Woffaj Wokkoh Wovvor Wukkud Wuvvuh Xakkug Xaquud Xazzif Xiccij Xikkav Xiquar Xissom Xobbor Yaav Yabbuj Yammay Yiccor Yiccud Yiccuh Yimmaw Yiog Yiow Yoddof Yunnut Zakkix Ziffas Zimmin Zonnoj Zoos Zoppob Zoppof Zoppul Zukkob Zulloe
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pretty-trans-girl-23 · 11 months ago
I like ZoSan/UsSan/FRobin/NaVi
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alterin · 11 months ago
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that made me tear up, actually
I’ve been thinking about Aoi being a father recently, I think he would be a good one. I don’t think that he was/is married tho…
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lady-owl · 3 years ago
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Halo : Refuge - Zo Resken
Today (March 7th) is my birthday so I thought I’d celebrate it this year with some personal art of my interpretation of Zo Resken, the former Prophet of Clarity from the novel Halo: Broken Circle, as he is one of my favorite Halo characters.
Sadly, the book never gave much of a description for his appearance, nor his clothing. All I had to go on was his title as a Prophet and that he was described as “fairly young”, but since the San’Shyuum are my fav Halo alien species, I’ve nerded out on their lore and had a good idea of how to go about filling in the blanks along with my own personal preferences.
And this all started out because after finishing Halo: Infinite’s campaign, I was so impressed with the Forerunner architecture in the game, I wanted to create a neat background and figured Zo would be perfect to include to kick start me being back in a Halo mood again.
As mentioned before though, I’ve often been very hesitant to post a lot of my San’Shyuum art. I adore them, but most do not so I never felt like I had much reason to post to potentially only get hateful comments towards them/my artwork. I think I’ll be changing that bad habit moving forward, though.
You can see more of my Halo Fanart here: https://lady-owl.tumblr.com/tagged/Halo
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mreethmandir-animates · 5 years ago
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Character Turnaround - Ussan
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tinuvijela · 2 years ago
I'm torn between 'Uruha, why?' and 'Uruha, ash blond suits you sooo good!'
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