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hriminal · 1 year ago
Korumpirani USKOK u suradnji s korumpiranom policijom je recept za iseljenje normalnih građana.
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
Pravomoćno osuđeni suradnici bivših ministara koji su priznali krivnju i nagodili se s Uskokom; postupak protiv ministara razdvojen
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Ana Mandac i dvoje bivših državnih dužnosnika iz afere ''po babi i stričevima'' priznalo je krivnju te su, nakon nagodbe s Uskokom, pravomoćno osuđeni, dok je postupak u odnosu na četvoricu bivših ministara razdvojen pa će se o osnovanosti optužnice protiv njih raspravljati naknadno     Nekadašnja pomoćnica bivšeg ministra graditeljstva Darka Horvata, Ana Mandac, osuđena je na 11 mjeseci zatvora koji su zamijenjeni radom za opće dobro, dok su bivša ravnateljica Uprave za potpomognuta područja u Ministarstvu regionalnog razvoja i fondova EU (MRRFEU) Katica Mišković i bivši državni tajnik u MRRFEU-u Velimir Žunac osuđeni uvjetno. Mišković je osuđena na devet mjeseci zatvora uz rok kušnje od dvije godine, a Žunac na 10 mjeseci zatvora uz rok kušnje od tri godine, doznaje Hina na zagrebačkom Županijskom sudu. Neslužbeno se doznaje da su troje optuženika priznali krivnju za sređivanje dodjele financijskih potpora tvrtkama koje za te potpore nisu ispunjavale kriterije. Uz njih, Uskok je krajem listopada podigao optužnicu i protiv četvorice bivših ministara – Darka Horvata, Borisa Miloševića, Tomislava Tolušića i Josipa Aladrovića te protiv gradonačelnika Županje Damira Juzbašića. Budući da je postupak protiv njih u srijedu razdvojen, o osnovanosti optužnice odlučivat će se nakon što se zakaže nova sjednica optužnog vijeća. Horvata, koji je jedini u ovom slučaju bio 10 dana u istražnom zatvoru, Uskok sumnjiči da je 2018. kao ministar gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta, zajedno s pomoćnicom Mandac, na poticanje suosumnjičenih nezakonito dodijelio 2,6 milijuna kuna bespovratnih sredstava gospodarskim subjektima za koje je bio i osobno zainteresiran. Uz Horvata, Mandac, Miloševića i Tolušića u tom su kraku slučaja osumnjičeni i Žunac te Katica Mišković.
Horvat prvi ministar uhićen na dužnosti
Iz Horvatova je slučaja proizašla i istraga protiv bivšeg ministra Aladrovića kojega Uskok tereti za pogodovanje prilikom dva zapošljavanja 2018. i 2019. dok je bio ravnatelj Hrvatskog zavoda za mirovinsko osiguranje (HZMO). Proširenjem istrage je uz Aladrovića bio osumnjičen i Juzbašić, gradonačelnik Županje i bivši HDZ-ovac, sada nezavisni kandidat kojeg je podržao Domovinski pokret. Nakon pokretanja istrage Horvat je uhićen kao prvi ministar na dužnosti, a Aladrović i Milošević su neko vrijeme ostali na ministarskim funkcijama što je bio prvi slučaj da su pod istragom dvojica vladinih članova, a razriješeni su krajem travnja.     Horvat je, kako se neslužbeno doznaje, uhićen nakon što je njegova bivša pomoćnica Mandac, ranije osumnjičena u aferi Vjetroelektrane, na Uskoku posvjedočila da su se sporni poticaji dodjeljivani "po babi i stričevima". Kazala je navodno i da su ih stručne službe upozorile da je dodjela novca mimo kriterija protivna zakonu. Horvat, međutim, tvrdi da je samo potpisivao dokumente koje mu je donosila Mandac. Početkom listopada Mandac je sporazumno osuđena na 10 mjeseci uvjetnog zatvora, uz rok kušnje od tri godine, nakon što je priznala krivnju za namještanje potpora prijateljima bivše državne tajnice Josipe Rimac u aferi Vjetroelektrane. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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yugotrash · 9 months ago
ive become the type of guy who drives to belgrade just to see a theatre play and then drives back
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warfantasy · 6 months ago
Song Review - Uskok's Hand by One Man Raid
Uskok’s Hand is a song by One Man Raid about Croatian Uskoks. It tells the story of the men who had been fighting against Ottoman and Venetian depredations on Croatian land, on both land and sea. Uskoks had originally been concentrated around fortress Klis, but after its fall to Ottomans in 1537., they relocated to Senj where the fort of Nehaj served as their base. From there, they raided…
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sprawa-przybyszewskiej · 6 months ago
The following text was presented in Polish, under the title „Mortal deities of hidden thrones. Maximilien Robespierre in Thermidor as Stanisława Przybyszewska’s alter ego” during a comparative literature conference in May his year. My idea of in what part my PhD will be about her, and what I can and cannot publish before is still taking shape, but I really wanted to put this out here.
Stanisława Przybyszewska is remembered in the collective consciousness primarily as the author of „The Danton Case”, and secondly - as a lonely, unhappy person, living in isolation and enduring miserable living conditions of her own free will (in some sense even at her own behest). Thanks to this way of looking at her, it’s easy to classify her in the studies focusing on her, in various, constantly recurring orders, and everything that is less obvious than these two facts can be omitted equally easily. Since she is known mainly as the author of „The Danton Case”, naturally her second great drama, „Thermidor”, is being pushed to the side. And it is precisely here that her biography is reflected in the character of Robespierre, her idol and deity. When I talk about being reflected, I mean, of course, the construction of Robespierre as a person in a drama is done according to the same pattern that Przybyszewska's life in Gdańsk has followed.
What pattern was it? First of all, we are talking about an existence that is not only lonely, but also aggressively hermit-like. Przybyszewska is not only stubbornly stuck in Gdańsk, with which she had nothing in common with and which she didn’t even like, but she also rejected help from her family and the few friends; loneliness of this kind naturally involves a certain attitude towards the world and a certain view of the world. Here I would like to focus on the facts extracted from her biography, and only those that can be recorded in a somewhat visual way, because only this type of simple, inalienable information is the one that could have found a place in her drama.
The most important facts from Przybyszewska’s life: - Loneliness - Hatred - Hierarchical view [of the world/reality]
The first fact is loneliness, understood both in the physical and mental sense. The second was her hatred of people, which was not (most likely) a result of a flaw of character (unless we consider her severity to be a flaw), but rather of a complete misunderstanding that she met with at every step. In her opinion, this misunderstanding had a simple cause – it was her own genius, which she sensed and which she tried to develop in her creative work. The third fact is the specificity of her view of the world, based on a hierarchical view.
Facts from Robespierre’s life: [obviously I am talking only about his literary counterpart, and only in Thermidor] - Loneliness - Hatred - Being conscious of his existence within a certain hierarchy
Przybyszewska smuggles these three undeniable and simple facts into „Thermidor” as features defining one of the characters, Maximilien Robespierre. He also exists in seclusion - although he is undeniably the most important character in the play, he is not only absent throughout Act I, but he only exists when his absence is being talked about.
„And here we can refer to the geobiography, because Przybyszewska places her hero in conditions close to her own living situation: her Robespierre lives in a «Parisian cubicle resembling a kennel» and washes himself with icy water. [...] Robespierre's cold Parisian cubicle corresponds to the short description of a room in a barrack, made by Przybyszewska between 1927 and 1928 in a letter to her cousin, Adam Barliński: «a crumbling ice house, deprived even of running water»” (Marcin Czerwiński, „Uskok”) -> LONELINESS
Using historical knowledge, Przybyszewska places Robespierre's apartment in a lonely room in the house of a friendly family - but drawing from her own life, she definitely enhances the „vibe” of his place of residence in such a way that it corresponds as closely as possible to her own living conditions. This is not supported by historical evidence, because it is known that in the Duplay family, Robespierre occupied two comfortable and normally furnished rooms, the standard of which did not differ from the standards in 18th-century Paris.
„The present study, however, argues that in fact she takes a Gnostic view of history as an eternal opposition between matter and spirit, and that this dualism saturates the utopian project she undertook both in her art and in her life.” (Kazimiera Ingdahl, „A Gnostic Tragedy”) -> ASCETISIM
However, for Przybyszewska, deprived not only of the luxuries of everyday life, but also of even a semblance of normalcy, it seemed unthinkable to grant the person she depicted in her works - in „Thermidor” more than anywhere else - the very luxuries that she herself was deprived of, and which she didn't even miss that much. Przybyszewska loved Robespierre and considered him to be the highest being, which, due to her Gnostic view of the world, was combined with her love of asceticism. Asceticism, the rejection of the material world, is one of those practices that allow us to rise higher on the mental plane, so it was, according to her (and certainly: according to her Robespierre) indispensable of.
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The second point of contact between the writer and the character is hatred. The topic as such appears frequently in her prose, but in her dramas it appears only in these two lesser-known ones; as if she couldn't write about hatred in a more „domesticated” way. Przybyszewska rewrote each scene in „The Danton Case” at least 4 times, usually 10 – „Thermidor”, however, is a play written first and not even completely finished, so there are a few stylistically jarring places in it. From the point of view of this essay, the most important thing at this point seems to be the description of hatred from the mouth of Robespierre himself.
„In fact: I literally had a fever while writing. Everything is boiling inside of me. I cannot give you any idea of how much I suffer terribly with this absolutely powerless rage in the face of stupidity. When I first read this article, I regularly felt physically sick: I couldn't eat for hours. Besides, the blood rushed to my head so much that I was careless by putting it under the tap. Such bodily symptoms never reach the level of rage in me because of my own affairs.” (Stanisława Przybyszewska, „Letters”) -> HATRED
This corresponds with Przybyszewska’s views;  she spent her adult life without finding understanding or friendship among people (or at least friendship on her, harsh and inaccessible, terms), and so she felt hatred on a similarly physical level; even if she admitted that she didn't feel that way for personal reasons.
The same can be said about Robespierre, who hates not a single man, but what a man aspires to. There are more mentions of hatred in Przybyszewska's rich epistolography, and in the creation of Robespierre as a literary character in „Thermidor”, „The Danton Case” and „The Last Nights of Ventoese”, in fact, there are more - in this essay I only want to highlight this similarity as something more than similarity, as pouring of the writer's personal experience into the „personal experience” of the character.
„When you read and interpret [Przybyszewska's] correspondence, dramas and prose, after some time you begin to notice the constant presence of evaluations - of the world, people, their behaviors and achievements - with a dominant black, negative tone. Przybyszewska must always know and say precisely whether a person and a work are great and outstanding, or small and unsuccessful; whether she is dealing with the first or fourth „level” of creators. (Ewa Graczyk, „Ćma”) -> HIERARCHICAL VIEW
The third similarity is what Ewa Graczyk has called the „hierarchical view” and there can be no doubt that Przybyszewska - by adoring Robespierre, admiring him, idealizing him in her plays - transmits this trait of hers onto him not so much consciously, but because the hierarchical nature of her gaze is an inherent part of her as a person and she is unable to create a universum which would operate according to rules other than those she herself had adhered to. And hierarchization is closely related to hatred.
„During the winter, I suffered from a fear - as incredible as it was downright unpleasant - that I had come too far for my years. While last year with every page I wrote, bad and clumsy as they were, revealed to me the beginning of some line of development, thus marking all the directions of the path destined for me, which I immediately tried to follow - now this comfortable feeling of apprenticeship, of beginning, suddenly left me. I have not abandoned my path, the only one that suits my personality and that I have recognized from my mistakes. But the anticipated goal was achieved. Already. It terrified me. I thought I had gone all the way around in one year. There was nothing left for me to do but die.” (Stanisława Przybyszewska, „Letters”)
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Robespierre, placed in a situation undoubtedly much easier to bear than Przybyszewska was, does not share with her similar dilemmas. Why? Because Przybyszewska all her life was afraid that she was not good enough - or maybe she was not so much „afraid” as she was convinced that she had not yet reached the peak of her abilities. Robespierre, on the other hand, although from time to time he may experience dilemmas related to not knowing whether he sees and assesses the situation correctly, knows for sure that although he may not be the greatest, at the same time, there is no one greater than him. Therefore, Przybyszewska's fear and uncertainty are not foreign to him; altough the same cannot be said about her irritation and anger, and not her appraising, mathematical view of other people.
It is clear that Przybyszewska poured her life experience into Robespierre; she probably did not have many other opportunities to narrate any literary work - in all her works not only the same themes or types of people are repeated, but also the same solutions and considerations. This results from her own character, but also from one more thing, closely related to the hierarchical view: her isolation took place at the ground level. This is both in its metaphorical and literal meaning: Przybyszewska lived in her barrack, rented to her out of pity, separated from others only by too thin walls, and nothing else. What is missing in her life is the introduction of some distance that would allow her to consider her situation as something other than - depending on her mood - a deep misfortune or a forced, but at least temporary, stop on the way to somewhere greater. It is a position on the same level as everyone else, or even worse than that: it is a position among people whom she considered lower than herself, but for which she had no evidence.
„During the winter, I suffered from a fear - as incredible as it was downright unpleasant - that I had come too far for my years. While last year with every page I wrote, bad and clumsy as they were, revealed to me the beginning of some line of development, thus marking all the directions of the path destined for me, which I immediately tried to follow - now this comfortable feeling of apprenticeship, of beginning, suddenly left me. I have not abandoned my path, the only one that suits my personality and that I have recognized from my mistakes. But the anticipated goal was achieved. Already. It terrified me. I thought I had gone all the way around in one year. There was nothing left for me to do but die.” (Stanisława Przybyszewska, „Letters”) -> GEOMETRY OF EXISTENCE
At this point, it is worth returning to this fragment and taking a closer look at the underlined fragments. Przybyszewska thinks about her life using vocabulary related to geometry (she briefly tried to study mathematics in her youth). However, this geometry is flat, located on one plane - a line, a circle, a designated direction. She has no space to breathe. And this is not only due to the forced pause in creative work, but also – more of an everyday problem - because of her room:
„My current apartment measures 2.25 x 4.60 metres. Measure it and you will see what it means. On top of that, there's a window – half a size of a normal one.” (Stanisława Przybyszewska, „Letters”) -> GEOMETRY OF EXISTECE
There is little space, then, in any sense of the word, and she can only spread her wings through Robespierre, whom she admires but whom she secretly would also like to be: his room, at least, is upstairs. I say this sentence a bit ironically (although it is true), just to emphasize that he actually had more space. And when he left, after he disappeared from the political scene for some time (as it is the situation at the beginning of „Thermidor”), he moved away from people in more than one dimension.
And this simultaneous elevation to heights, even if only heights of a second floor, and remoteness from people in every other possible respect, is what pushes Robespierre's opponents to understand him in terms of divinity. There is not much in it of praise, more of a statement of fact that must be accepted before it can be refuted. So what is Robespierre's divinity in Thermidor?
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First of all, it is his inherent feature, the lens through which others must look at him. It's not just those who know him personally and work with him - it's about France in general. But the point is not to list all the moments in which one of the characters recognizes Robespierre as a god - let's consider it as a fact, just as they recognize it, and let's get over it to ask ourselves: what does this mean?
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The main meaning is panic. Przybyszewska, through Robespierre, at least partially fulfills the dream of achieving success and the associated with it strong reactions of the world to the presence of such a successful person. Fear in this case is the highest form of flattery, except perhaps sincere (really sincere) devotion. This fear is both an expression of hateful admiration and a driving force behind the characters' actions. It results from a reluctant but unwavering faith in the divinity of their opponent and it is transformed into taking action, into an attempt (as history shows and as Przybyszewska would have shown in the play if she had completed it: a successful attempt) to overthrow the one who is a god, but not a guardian. Whoever keeps his divinity locked inside himself cannot get rid of it, but he does not make it a gift to others, but rather a curse to himself.
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Because Robespierre is a mortal god. Przybyszewska created thorugh him something like a parody of Christ: a man-god in whom each nature is equally weak and each loses. Since each of them loses, then, unlike Christ, each of them dies. He actually „is burning in the blast furnance of his spirit” - because he makes decisions that bring about his own destruction. This is similar to the situation of Przybyszewska, who – so it would seem - did everything in her power to alienate the people on whose financial support she depended; who stubbornly stayed in Gdańsk instead of moving to one of the cities where she could receive more help from her family; who refused to undergo addiction treatment even under the threat of losing her government stipend. Her own non-humanity is inscribed in her through pride, to which she openly admitted and called „satanic” – she is linked with mortality in the same way.
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In Robespierre, humanity and divinity combine in an unusual way: he worships himself, he’s convinced of his extraordinary power, and every matter he undertakes confirms this belief. But what is a monstrance if not a kind of visible concealment? What is the meaning of his long, six-week stay outside the French political scene at a time when he is needed there the most?
In her book „FORMS: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy and Network”, Caroline Levine proposes the introduction of the term „affordance”. An affordance is an action that is hidden in a given object or concept; an action forced, as it were, by a form that is itself a kind of oppression. In „Thermidor”, the form that has the greatest importance for the plot is an enclosed space. On the one hand, we are talking about the meeting room of the Committee of Public Safety (Przybyszewska preserved the unity of the place in the drama), and on the other - about Robespierre's apartment, which is only briefly mentioned.
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His withdrawal and his absence create anxiety among his opponents. The fear mentioned earlier is related to how the other revolutionaries feel about Robespierre as a person - but there is more to it than that. His absence, which does not prevent him from having a perfect understanding of the political situation at that time, has something uncanny about it. He himself puts it best: “There is something uncanny about this business. It is as if one discovered venomous teeth in a paper snake, or a hangman's rope in a young girl's sewing case [...]”. There is a reason why these comparisons make us feel uncomfortable: they violate the natural affordances of the cases mentioned, since paper should not be venomous and a sewing case should not contain a hangman’s rope. A room in a family home should not in any way resemble a place where a dangerous animal lurks [in the Polish version Robespierre is being likened to a spider] - and yet Robespierre evokes this type of association in others, probably without being fully aware of it himself.
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„I remember that I saw her several times in the morning hours, walking from her apartment (in the barracks) through the courtyard of the Gimnazjum Polskie, sideways and stealthily, so much so that it was difficult to see her face.” (Ewa Graczyk, „Ćma”) -> COMING DOWN TO EARTH
His throne – his altar – is hidden, therefore it’s deprived of contact with the earth and its inhabitants. When, after a few weeks of absence, he decides to come down, he causes not only panic, but also simple surprise. This is not far from the personal experience of Przybyszewska, who at some point began to avoid going outside, and when circumstances forced her to do so, her appearance caused quite a surprise among onlookers - and (just like Robespierre) she was at odds with people both on „the sidewalk plane”, and on the mental plane.
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However, the mere physical descent to earth does not mean that Robespierre has left the spiritual and mental heights on which he dwells as a deity. Saint-Just's warning is not just mere words, but an expression of concern about the entire situation that Robespierre has just unfolded before his eyes - a situation that is almost impossible to solve and poses a real threat to the „paradise on earth” for Robespierre is the Republic. Falling from a height is also a threat to the spirit and a reference to the fall of Satan.
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It is also simply a signal of the beginning of defeat. The affordance of the closed room was violated, so by getting rid of his loneliness and separation, Robespierre also deprived himself of their positive aspects. The mortal god descended to earth, thereby shedding the protective layer provided by the distance between himself and others, between his plan and the reality in which he lived - and his opponents, whether in human form or in the form of a natural course things, they immediately took advantage of the situation. And here we can find a reference to the situation of Przybyszewska, who at some point started to avoid seeing her friends from Gdańsk – a married couple Stefania and Jan Augustyńscy - because Stefania was, in Przybyszewska's opinion, too perceptive and did not fall for the artificial distance put between them through the words of „Everything is fine”. Thus, the writer trapped herself in the form and allowed it to turn into a prison. This kind of action somehow justified her and took away the responsibility for improving her life.
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(Caroline Levin,e „FORMS: Whole,Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network) -> AFFORDANCE OF ISOLATION
Any form is a type of oppression. By imposing its order, it also forces the way of seeing and thinking. Robespierre's paranoia did not appear out of nowhere - it is the result of isolation (the only person who acts as a link and a buffer between the closed form of Robespierre’s private room and the closed form of the meeting room is Saint-Just - and Saint-Just has been struggling with the war on the Northern front for several weeks). It is no different with Przybyszewska herself, whose attitude towards the world was largely dependent on her financial conditions, which she did not try to improve: "Since [Staśka] is not crushed by the grey of everyday and by the struggle for a piece of bread, the general hatred towards people and constant fear of them ceased” wrote her husband in a letter to Helena Barlińska.
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When it comes to affordance, there is one more detail we need to pay attention to. The physical form - in this case, a room - influences the spiritual form, but it also works the other way around. Robespierre's paranoia is therefore a factor whose affordances (e.g. haste, keeping a secret, high treason) have a real, negative impact on the Republic in general and his life in particular. Acting under the influence of the conditions he himself has created, he finds himself on the road to making more and more mistakes, making the situation worse, and driving himself into a dead end. The fact that he does not seem to take this possibility into account points once again to his divinity and the pride that comes with it.
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From the depths - and heights - of his tabernacle, Robespierre commands the situation. He exerts an absolute influence, which at the same time is based on nothing more than his person. Therefore, it is his personal affordance, the effect not of a specific action, but rather the result of his presence in the world, the resultant of all his features. This is where he differs from Przybyszewska, who dreamed of having such an influence on the masses, or at least on a group of people. Thus, this confirms the thesis about constructing Robespierre in „Thermidor” as her alter ego - similar enough to be confused with her, but better and more powerful.
I would like to end here and take advantage of the opportunity to mention that after 216 days of genocide in Gaza, as of the day I have delivered this essay, there is no university left there. We have the right and opportunity to promote science, and therefore we also have an ethical obligation to stand on the side of the victims of genocide, who were deprived of this right and opportunity. I hope that in our lifetime we will see a free, independent Palestine.
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indira2004 · 4 months ago
11.07.2024 czwartek
Wstałam rano, zjadłam śniadanie, spakowałam się na każdą ewentualność, i poszłam na miejsce odbioru. Podjechał bus, nie musieli mnie nawet kusić cukierkami, wsiadłam bez dyskusji, bus zgarnął jeszcze kilka osób i pojechaliśmy do sąsiedniej miejscowości, gdzie wsiedliśmy na przyjemną łódeczkę i pomknęliśmy przez jezioro. W pierwszej miejscowości (zaliczając jeszcze Bay of bones bez wysiadania) zatrzymaliśmy się na coś do picia, przy okazji zobaczyliśmy węża wodnego, który aż głowę z wody wystawił, żeby pokazać mi język. Dalej był klasztor świętego Nauma, przy czym lepsze wrażenie zrobiła na mnie atrakcja dodatkowo płatna, ale po cenie super zniżkowej, bo po znajomości, mianowicie krótka wycieczka łódką wiosłową po jeziorku, w którym pod wodą bije źródło rzeki Crn Drim - tak podają tambylcy i tak jest na mapach Google, chociaż wg Wiki źródło tej rzeki jest dokładnie po drugiej stronie jeziora. Głębszy risercz zrobić należy, a fakty, jakie by nie były, nic nie zmienią - bajorko jest piękne, piasek bąbelkuje, woda jest zimna i absurdalnie czysta, można pić, a na końcu bajorka niespodzianka - kościółek dostępny tylko od strony wody.
Z samym monastyrem jest tak, że co prawda jest oryginalny sprzed wieków i jest tam grób jego fundatora, ale jak się widziało jedną macedońską cerkiew, to widziało się wszystkie.
Swoją drogą, strasznie fajni są macedońscy młodzi ludzie.
No a potem dobiliśmy do brzegu, gdzie jest kolejny malutki kościółek dostępny tylko od strony wody, przy którym to kościółku stoi wypasiony grill i urządzone jest rekreacyjne miejsce do jedzenia, tylko trzeba po sobie posprzątać.
Przy brzegu, bo można się kąpać, płytko jest przez kilka kroków, potem do jakichś 10 metrów widać dno, taka jest czysta woda, a potem natychmiast jest uskok i głębia 60 metrów.
Sąsiedzi biesiadnicy pożyczyli piłkę i godzinę z jednym ze współwycieczkowiczów grałam w coś jakby siatkówkę, bawiłam się świetnie, on też, oraz trochę się przypiekłam.
Potem nastąpił obiad w cenie wycieczki, grillowane mięsko, ser, surówka, nic wykwintnego, a nie pamiętam, kiedy ostatnio coś mi tak bardzo smakowało.
Napoje też były w cenie i ukradkowe gapienie się na przewodnika bez koszulki też.
W drodze powrotnej włączyli muzykę, atmosfera zrobiła się senna, bo nie wiem czemu uparli się na reggae, dopiero na dwie minuty przed końcem przypadkiem poszedł jakiś kawałek rodem z Eski, to nastrój momentalnie zmarchwiwstał.
Ta muzyka w ogóle nie była potrzebna, jestem przeciwniczką brudzenia rzeczywistości hałasem.
190 zł łącznie z fakultatywnym bajorkiem.
Jedyne co, to byli sami Holendrzy i jakkolwiek starali się pamiętać, że nie mówię po ichniemu, to jednak czułam się kapkę wykluczona.
Na szczęście przewodnik też nie mówił po holendersku.
W drodze powrotnej zaszłam do sklepu po coś z aloesem, a potem po tę samą pizzę co wczoraj. Lokal pusty, więcej pracowników niż klientów, a dziewczyna mi powiedziała, że 20 minut będzie trzeba czekać. Czekania wyszło trochę więcej, bo pani kelnerka nie mogła mnie w lokalu znaleźć celem wręczenia mi zamówienia; szukała nawet na dworze, a ja złośliwie siedziałam przy stoliku przy samej kasie 🤦
Solitude low. Spending time alone required.
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uraandri · 10 months ago
andri's 2024 serbian epic poetry challenge
it really is a shame that the majority of the translations aren't easily available online, and that almost all translations are from the kosovo cycle, but here we are and i think you might find some of these interesting. serbian epic poetry is a part of serbian oral tradition; these are poems mostly composed by unknown authors and are traditionally recited by guslari. the majority of the songs have been collected during the later half of the 18th and first half of the 19th century by verious different chroniclers, such as the brothers grimm, with vuk stefanović karadžić making great efforts to collect and catalogue all of them. they are divided into cycles: non-historic cycle (poems about slavic mythology), pre-kosovo cycle (poems about events that predate the battle of kosovo), kosovo cycle (poems about events that happened just before and after the battle of kosovo), post-kosovo cycle (poems about post-battle events), cycle of kraljević marko, and cycle of hajduks and uskoks (the last cycle being actively recorded by vuk who participated in the serbian revolution).
linked here below are songs that belong to the kosovo and the cycle of marko kraljević with the adition of the begining of the revolt against the dahias, which belongs to the last cycle and is written by filip višnjić, the most famous guslar (usually the poems were distributed anonymously and each guslar would rewrite or ad onto a song during his preformance). i will try to update this list as much as i can, but the translations are rare in english (if you know german, look for german translations collected by brothers grimm)
ban strahin (pre-kosovo cycle)
prince marko and the vila
the death of mother of yugovichi
the miracle of tsar lazar
marko kraljević and the eagle
the building of ravanitsa
the downfall of the kingdom of serbia
tsar lazar and tsaritsa militsa
musich stefan
the building of skadar (this one is aslo pre-kosovo cycle)
the kosovo maiden
tsaritsa militsa and voyvoda vladeta
the supper in krushevats
captain milosh and ivan kosanchich
death of voyvoda prijezda (for some reason one of my personal favourites)
the begining of the revolt against the dahias
that's what i managed to find so far but i find more i will link them here. pick either one of these and have fun, and if you want to you can let me know how you like them. if you can read ćirilica you can find a lot of the songs in serbian here. enjoy!
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nasze-zd · 14 days ago
Uskok Wellington
Jedno z największych naturalnych zagrożeń Nowej Zelandii przebiega na nieszczęście nieopodal, jakieś 2 km na południowy wschód od naszego domu. Nie tylko obok naszego, ale tysięcy innych, znajdujących się dalej, bliżej a w wielu przypadkach bezpośrednio na linii niebezpieczeństwa.
Tą linią jest aktywny uskok tektoniczny, tzw. uskok Wellington (ang. Wellington Fault). Na poniższej mapie z bazy danych GNS Science zaznaczony jest kolorem pomarańczowym, przy czym przedstawiona jest tylko jego 75-kilometrowa część od Cieśniny Cooka do Kaitoke ("Rivendell"). Uskok ani się tam nie zaczyna, ani nie kończy; po prostu wynurza się z morza i ciągnie się przez 170 kilometrów, sąsiadując i przenikając się z różnymi innymi.
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Uskok tektoniczny, przypomnę, jest głębokim pęknięciem, nieciągłością warstw skorupy ziemskiej. Przeciwne skrzydła uskoku przemieszczają się względem siebie — ten wellingtoński wędruje wzdłuż swojej linii średnio 7 mm rocznie, jednak nie w sposób ciągły. Przez setki lat naprężenia w nim wzrastają, by nagle w jednym zdarzeniu przeskoczyć od razu o kilka metrów, objawiając się jako trzęsienie ziemi bardzo silne lub ekstremalne.
Jak wygląda uskok Wellington?
Z dużej odległości najłatwiej go zauważyć. Fragment zaznaczony czerwoną linią na zdjęciu poniżej wyznacza jego przebieg u podnóży wzgórz po zachodniej stronie doliny Hutt River. Wzgórza te są efektem pracy uskoku; zachodnie skrzydło jest wypiętrzane właśnie wzdłuż linii.
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Tu widok nieco bliżej Wellington, niedaleko naszego domu. Uskok biegnie równolegle do autostrady nr 2. My sami mieszkamy na wzniesieniach utworzonych przez ruchy górotwórcze.
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W niektórych miejscach można owo pęknięcie zobaczyć z bliska. W Totara Park w Upper Hutt widać nawet garb ostatniego dużego wypiętrzenia, oceniany na ok. 400 lat. To jest to wyraźne, około dwumetrowe obniżenie terenu widoczne na łące na zdjęciu. Zwróćcie uwagę na dwa niewielkie słupki po obu stronach znajdującego się na środku drzewa. Są to punkty geodezyjne stojące na przeciwnych skrzydłach uskoku, służące do precyzyjnego mierzenia ewentualnych przesunięć.
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Z jeszcze bliższej odległości można przyjrzeć się uskokowi nieco na południe od Totara Park. Wystająca z rzeki ściana skalna nie jest w tym miejscu efektem erozji, lecz miejscem, w którym ziemia pękła podczas ostatniego dużego trzęsienia ziemi, eksponując pogrzebany pod osadami rzecznymi spąg szarogłazu. Mogło się to stać bardzo gwałtownie, nawet w ułamku sekundy (podobne struktury powstały np. w 2016 roku podczas trzęsienia ziemi w Kaikourze).
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1234567ttttttttttt · 3 months ago
IPNtv: Żołnierze Niezłomni - Zdzisław Broński „Uskok"
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gtaradi · 9 months ago
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hriminal · 1 year ago
Na opisani način okrivljenica je na štetu proračuna pribavila protupravnu imovinsku korist u iznosu od 1.980,87 eura, stoji u priopćenju USKOK-a.
Žalosno kako korumpirani USKOK drži slučajeve s milijunskim krađama u ladici.
Još žalosnije što gotovo svakodnevno svjedočimo da stvarno nema poštenog u nijednoj policijskoj postaji.
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radiogornjigrad · 9 months ago
Slađana Bukovac: Rođačko pravosuđe i druge katastrofe
Vidim najavu na naslovnicu sutrašnjeg Nacionala, Josipa (Pleslić) Rimac daju intervju da joj smješta USKOK, koji je tražio da lažno svjedoči protiv Turudića kako bi ga optužili za zloupotrebu položaja i ovlasti u slučaju Inje Bašića. To će dakle biti treći dan kako traje ova čak i za naše uvjete šokantna afera, iz kojeg je dosad pred nas isplivala takva politička i pravosudna kanalizacija da je…
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Croatia’s Bureau for the Prevention of Corruption and Organized Crime, USKOK, has filed an indictment against eight Croatian citizens for smuggling hundreds of kilograms of cocaine and selling weapons.
The principal defendant, Petar Cosic, 52, is also accused of the murder of Milan Milovac, 47, who collaborated with the Belgrade drug lord Darko Saric.
The prosecutor’s office said that it brought the indictment after an investigation in which evidence was obtained in cooperation with the authorities of France, Serbia, Austria, Spain, Ecuador, Italy, Greece, Germany, and with the involvement of Eurojust, the Croatian embassy in Chile and Interpol.
BIRN has learned the eights are: Petar Cosic “Sarac”, from Tomislavgrad, Manuel Vulic, Ante Vrcan, Marko Carevic from Porec, Dragan Kricka, Oliver Cokara, Andjelko Orsulic, Luka Jerkovic, Vjekoslav Junkovic and Goran Vuk.
According to USKOK, Cosic, from November 2019 to April 12, 2022, in Croatia, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Greece, Bosnia, Colombia and Ecuador, connected Vulic, Carevic, Kricka, Cokara and Orsulic and several other persons, among whom was the late Milovac, in the joint action.
According to USKOK, Cosic was in charge of designing the plan to smuggle cocaine from South America to Europe and gave the instructions to other members of the group.
Milovac was in Ecuador and was in charge of direct contacts with drug suppliers.
Manuel Vulic, according to USKOK, was in charge of organizing and financing the loading of cocaine into ships and supervising the transport route of the containers.
Carevic coordinated actions and persons on the ground, as well as paying the participants, collecting the drugs extracted from the container in Ploce and ensuring their further transport to Zagreb and distribution in Croatia.
Kricka also handled the drugs’ extraction from the containers in Ploce and arranged their further transport to Zagreb, while Cokara had the task of locating, observing and organizing the extraction of the cocaine containers after arriving at the port of Ploce.
Orsulic, according to USKOK, was in charge of positioning the container after it was unloaded in Ploce at a place where there is no video surveillance and where it is possible to access it, and if need be, store it until it is transported to Zagreb.
The eight-member group smuggled at least 609 kilograms of cocaine, which they resold for a value of more than 16.4 million euros, USKOK said.
Milan Milovac, aka “Cigla” [The brick], in the meantime, died in Ecuador as a result of an assassination organized by Cosic.
It is further suspected that Cosic and, according to USKOK, an unknown person (likely the arrested Serbian drug lord Saric) from February 2020 until January 12, 2021, decided to liquidate Milovac.
After Saric ended up under house arrest in Serbia, where he is being retried for smuggling 5.7 tons of cocaine and money laundering, Milovac allegedly wanted to take over the main role in the chain and replace his former boss, Saric, in the field.
Saric was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Serbia for smuggling while on the run, and after he surrendered, the Supreme Court overturned the verdict, and he ended up under house arrest, with a monitoring bracelet on his leg.
Cosic charged Vulic for the murder of Milovac. In Ecuador, he reportedly hired unknown persons for Milovac’s liquidation. USKOK added that Milovac’s liquidation was attempted on November 13, 2020, in Guayaquil, but he survived and was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
After being informed that Milovac was only wounded, Cosic then offered the assassins additional money for the murder of Milovac, and two Colombians were hired. However, the second assassination attempt did not take place because in the meantime one of the assassins was arrested, while Milovac died from his earlier injuries.
According to the media, Milovac was the right-hand man of Saric, who was arrested in Belgrade last April.
USKOK also suspects Vulic and Goran Vuk of smuggling and reselling 38 automatic rifles, 119 grenades, 2.4 kilograms of plastic explosives, five pistols, one rifle, ammunition and detonators from BiH to France, and on that occasion, the group under his leadership earned at least 164,500 euros.
Cokara and Orsulic were arrested in March of last year, while, together with Goran Bebic, they were removing bags of cocaine from a container of bananas.
Cokara and Orsulic settled at the Split County Court, and the former was sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison for unauthorized production and trafficking of drugs as part of a criminal association. He was also fined a million and a half HRK (200,000 euros), which he has paid. Orsulic was given five years and four months in prison and has already paid the state 400,000 kune (53,000 euros).
“Cocaine consumption is constantly increasing and more and more people are seeking help because problems with cocaine, it has become a lifestyle,” Milan Jukic, head of the therapy community of the NEovisnost (NOT an addiction) Association, told BIRN.
He urged a deeper investigation into why the seizure of large quantities of drugs appears periodically. “Whatever is done, new routes will be opened,” Jukic told BIRN.
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
POČELO JE ORKESTRIRANO RUŠENJE NJEGOVE VLADE! AP već je ‘likvidirao’ sve koji su bili u vezi sa slučajem Rimac
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Tek što je pomislio da je stabilizirao situaciju u HDZ-ovim i Vladinim redovima provodeći rekonstrukciju, premijer Andrej Plenković našao se u nezavidnom položaju nakon što su u medijski prostor isplivale prepiske između bivše državne tajnice Josipe Rimac i njegove prijateljice, bivše ministrice Gabrijele Žalac, a u kojima se spominje izvjesni AP. Naravno da ne treba biti ekspert da bi se zaključilo kako se iza tih inicijala krije upravo ime i prezime premijera Andreja Plenkovića, kojega se u kontekst afera nastoji dovesti još od afere Borg u njegovu prvom mandatu. I tada, u jednoj prepisci s predstavnicima skupine Borg, bivša ministrica Martina Dalić spominje AP-a, no iz te afere Plenković se vješto izvukao žrtvujući Dalić, koja je u međuvremenu dogurala do pozicije prve dame Podravke. Zlobnici bi rekli da je time Plenković zbrinuo ženu koja mu je sačuvala vladajuću poziciju.
Hitni postupak
Za razliku od niza aferama kontaminiranih ministara, pa i za razliku od Žalac, bivša državna tajnica i nekadašnja kninska gradonačelnica Josipa Rimac još od izbijanja prve afere Vjetroelektrane nije članica HDZ-a, iz stranke ju je eliminirao premijer Plenković uz asistenciju njezina političkog oca Nediljka Dujića, koji se također spominjao u kontekstu njezine prve i najvažnije afere Vjetroelektrane. Navodno je Dujić nazočio jednom predizbornom skupu bivše predsjednice Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović na kojem se govorilo o pogodovanju Milenku Bašiću, investitoru u čuveni vjetropark za koji je Rimac lobirala. Dujić je te tvrdnje demantirao, a Plenković ga je u međuvremenu pogurao do pozicije prvog čovjeka Hrvatskih šuma. U dalekom Bruxellesu zbrinuta je pak Tena Mišetić s kojom su Rimac i Ružica Njavro iz Ministarstva poljoprivrede kontaktirale kako bi sredile poticaje stočaru i poduzetniku Anti Sladiću. Kada se bivšeg ministra gospodarstva Tomislava Ćorića zbog njegova državnog tajnika Domagoja Validžića također počelo povezivati s aferama Josipe Rimac, i on je brže-bolje izašao iz Vlade, ali mu je osigurana pozicija viceguvernera u Hrvatskoj narodnoj banci. Malo-pomalo iz Plenkovićeva okruženja odstranjivani su tako oni koji bi se pojavili na naslovnicama medija zbog Rimac i istrage koja se oko nje plete, ali je, bez obzira na to, Plenković pronašao vremena da se sastane sa Žalac, koja mu se požalila kako nakon svega teško živi. To što se Plenković sastajao sa svojom prijateljicom koju nagrizaju ozbiljne korupcijske afere tek je jedna stavka u slučaju njegova odnosa sa Žalac koji je kompleksan. Kako zasad stvari stoje, nikomu u HDZ-u zbog nove afere i prepiski nije svejedno, pa ni samom Plenkoviću koji je iznimno uznemiren jer se ponovno našao na meti oporbe, koja ga nakon ovih saznanja neće pustiti na miru, što je vidljivo i iz njihovih prvih reakcija na “slučaj AP” zbog kojega su sazivane konferencije za novinare i zbog kojega je i glavna državna odvjetnica Zlata Hrvoj Šipek pozvana na saslušanje u Sabor. Situacija je zabrinjavajuća i utoliko što se zbog istrage u slučaju Rimac oglasio i USKOK iz kojeg tvrde kako su u ovoj fazi istrage prikupili više od tri milijuna stranica materijala, a izvidi još traju. U sklopu izvida istražitelji su provjerili dvadesetak mobitela i računala, ali i drugih optičkih medija.
Velika prekretnica
Da se Plenkoviću ne piše dobro, moglo bi se zaključiti i iz hitnog sastanka Predsjedništva HDZ-a, ali i iz toga što mu mediji i analitičari koji su HDZ-u inače naklonjeni polako okreću leđa jer je aferu koja se zakuhala jednostavno nemoguće ignorirati. Priča se do te mjere približila premijeru da su u medijski prostor dospjele prepiske Vladina glasnogovornika Marka Milića, i to na temelju transkripata mobitela donedavnog šefa Hrvatskih šuma, koje su otkrile kako se trguje utjecajem u Plenkovićevoj Vladi. Jakupčić, koji je inače jedan od protagonista afere Vjetroelektrane, Miliću se obraća kako bi on pitao Plenkovića smije li zaposliti jednog pripravnika lovstva, a transkripti su otkrili i da je Jakupčić stajao na raspolaganju i predsjedniku Sabora Gordanu Jandrokoviću, čijim se kadrom ionako smatrao, te Davoru Filipoviću, Zvonimiru Frki Petešiću, ali i premijerovu prijatelju Krunoslavu Katičiću. Kako proizlazi iz prepiski, poruke za uhljebljenje slao je i glasnogovornik HDZ-a Zoltan Kabok. Svi su, naravno, sve demantirali, i Plenković i Marko Milić i Zoltan Kabok i Krunoslav Katičić i Zvonimir Frka Petešić. Uglavnom, njihove se priče svode na to da su poruke izvađene iz konteksta i da su njihovi upiti bili samo informativni. Sve u svemu, jedna nadasve neugodna priča koja prema nekim teorijama i curi iz Jakupčićeva kruga jer ni on nema namjeru potonuti sam. Međutim, iznoseći svoju verziju priče o uhljebljenju, potonuo je mladi Milić, za kojeg se već nagađa da bi mogao biti novo žrtveno janje u misiji spašavanja predsjednika Vlade. Naime, ispostavilo se da Milić, koji je inače na glasu kao mladi Plenkovićev lav, nije govorio istinu kada se pokušao opravdati od kompromitirajućih poruka ustvrdivši da je samo htio pitati kako mu je prijatelj, koji je dan nakon njegove poruke dobio novi ugovor i željeni posao u Zagrebu. Istraga o dvjema prijateljicama, Rimac i Žalac, koje su u vladajućoj stranci splele vlastitu mrežu koja se prenijela i na Plenkovićevu Vladu postaje sve neugodnija, a upućeni tvrde da je i Žalac na velikoj prekretnici te se propitkuje treba li istražiteljima otkriti sve pojedinosti i uvaliti Plenkovića u dodatne probleme ili na sebe preuzeti svu krivnju koja joj se stavlja na teret, premda je nemoguće da je tolike afere i tolika pogodovanja nanizala bez Plenkovićeva znanja, ako ništa drugo, onda zbog toga što su njih dvoje bili bliski. O “slučaju AP” premijer Plenković obratio se naciji i potvrdio da bi on doista mogao biti osoba koja se krije iza tih inicijala, no suprotno njegovim ranijim i bahatim istupima, sada se moglo vidjeti da je uspaničen i uznemiren, a novinari nabrušeni kao u ona vremena kada je Sanader odlazio s političke scene. Nije tajna da je Plenković Žalac osobno uveo u svoju Vladu kao veliku stručnjakinju za fondove EU-a koju je štitio i nakon afere Mercedes i nakon što je pokosila dijete s nevažećom vozačkom dozvolom, stajao je uz nju sve dok je to bilo moguće. I kada je Žalac napustila Vladu, govorilo se da je Plenković pokušava zbrinuti, no te glasine naknadno su splasnule pa je Žalac u svojim rodnim Vinkovcima pokrenula konzultantsku tvrtku preko koje je ugovore potpisivala i s Nexe grupom. Sve to palo je u vodu njezinim privođenjem i istragama čiji su dijelovi u medije dospjeli nedugo nakon što je Plenković u prilično burnim okolnostima iz Vlade ispratio ministricu Natašu Tramišak.
Nema slučajnosti
To što se objava ovih prepiski poklapa s njezinim turbulentnim odlaskom iz Vlade, za Plenkovića i njegove suradnike nije tek puka slučajnost, oni su uvjereni da je riječ o nastavku okršaja unutar HDZ-a i da sada Tramišak udara Plenkovića ispod pojasa. No ako Plenković nema ništa s aferama Josipe Rimac i Žalac, nejasno je zbog čega bi bio uznemiren. Jasno je, međutim, da Plenković eliminacijom Tramišak nije primirio ekipu na takozvanoj HDZ-ovoj desnici, već je, upravo suprotno, ušao u novi sukob, čiji epilog i njega osobno dovodi u nezavidan položaj. Nije ova priča nimalo benigna jer se slučajem bavi europsko tužiteljstvo na koje Plenković nema nikakav utjecaj, a njima je u fokusu upravo Žalac koja je oštetila ne samo državni nego i proračun Europske unije kupnjom softvera po cijeni koja je znatno viša od realne. Uz bivšu ministricu optuženi su konzultant Mladen Šimunac i vlasnik tvrtke AMPELOS Marko Jukić, ali i nekadašnji ravnatelj SAFU-a Tomislav Petric, no to i nije toliko važno koliko je važno to da je i sam Plenković odobrio takvu nakaradnu kupnju softvera. Javna nabava, posebice po ovako visokim cijenama, nije se mogla provesti bez Plenkovićeve privole jer se ni manje stvari ne odrađuju bez njegova odobrenja, svjedoče premijerovi kritičari u vladajućim redovima. Premda su i iz Vlade potvrdili da je Plenkoviću sporni softver predstavljen, odbacili su bilo kakve veze s ovom aferom, ali ostaje nejasno zašto Plenković nije pravodobno obavijestio javnost o tome da ima saznanja vezanih uz ovaj slučaj, što je u svakom slučaju trebao učiniti. Ovako ostaje dojam da je on htio da se za to ne dozna i da je nastojao prikriti informacije o sastanku koji se održao u Vladi s ciljem da mu se taj softver predstavi.
Neugodna situacija
Zašto se Plenković nije javio na početku afere i objasnio svoju ulogu u tom slučaju jedno je od pitanja koja pobuđuju sumnju, a ovakve nedoumice mogle bi naštetiti i njegovoj europskoj karijeri, posebice ako se doista dokaže da je i on u ovom slučaju imao prste u pekmezu. Situacija nije ugodna, a Plenković zasad za nju ne pronalazi rješenje iako ga ovo nije trebalo zateći jer se, uostalom, od početka istraga u slučaju dviju HDZ-ovki postavlja pitanje dokle će afera dovesti i je li moguće da je o svemu što se događalo i Plenković, koji je srčano branio Žalac, imao nekih saznanja. Za razliku od Žalac koja je do posljednjeg trenutka uživala Plenkovićevu potporu, on se Tramišak nedavno riješio bez ikakva objašnjenja. Istina je da on objašnjenja nije ni dužan nuditi i da ima pravo birati vlastite suradnike, no koliko god da se u početku činilo kako je Tramišak, kritizirajući premijerovu odluku, bila naivna i da je postupila ishitreno, sada ispada da je Plenković iz svoje Vlade odstranio poštenu ženu koja nije željela djelovati kao njezina aferama kontaminirana prethodnica. Nije tajna da je Tramišak prije smjene svjedočila u Uredu europske javne tužiteljice u Zagrebu, a nije tajna ni to da se sastala s Rumunjkom Kovesi koja je nedavno gostovala u Zagrebu najavljujući brojne istrage i privođenja. Navodno je baš na tom svjedočenju, osim Žalac, ministrica Tramišak spominjala aferu Softver, ali i premijera Plenkovića koji je na nju pobjesnio pred nekolicinom suradnika kada je doznao da je nadležnim institucijama prijavila svoju prethodnicu nakon što je uvidjela razmjere kriminala i pogodovanja koji su se u Ministarstvu regionalnog razvoja odvijali u njezinu mandatu.
Nema milosti
Žalac je, naime, preuveličala vrijednost softvera da bi Šimunac i Jukić na tome profitirali, a pitanje svih pitanja je jesu li doista Rimac i Žalac imale potporu premijera Plenkovića kao što se to neizravno spominje u porukama koje su razmjenjivale, baš kao što je upitno što je o svemu tome Tramišak znala i rekla istražiteljima, koji u ovoj priči ništa neće prepustiti slučaju jer je riječ o pronevjeri europskih milijuna. Uostalom, ne treba zaboraviti da je Kovesi nedavno udarila i na šeficu Europske komisije Ursulu von der Leyen, iz čega je razvidno da za nju nedodirljivi ne postoje. Nije Tramišak govorila samo kao svjedok, ona je i javno progovorila o prijetnjama kojima je bila izložena zbog toga što je odbila produljiti ugovor koji je s tvrtkom Omega Software potpisala Žalac. Premda je Tramišak odbacila teze da su joj ultimatumi za produljenje ugovora preko Zvonimira Savića stizali i od premijera Plenkovića, cijela ta priča ostala je nedorečena, djelomično i zbog toga što DORH još nije otkrio u kojoj je fazi njihova istraga u tom slučaju. Te medijske istupe Plenković mladoj kolegici do danas nije oprostio, niti je u nju ikada imao povjerenja, da se pitalo samo Plenkovića, u tom resoru ministrica bi bila Nikolina Brnjac, kojoj vjerojatno ne bi ni morao slati Savića u kontrolu jer u nju ima puno povjerenje. Plenković je zamjerio ministrici Tramišak što je s ovom pričom otišla pred istražitelje, ali i u medije jer je time naštetila njegovoj reputaciji, ali i reputaciji cijelog HDZ-a, međutim, neobično je što ništa ne zamjera ministrima koji posljednjih mjeseci hodočaste u USKOK i otkrivaju da je Rimac na njih vršila pritisak, što nikomu nisu prijavili. U USKOK-u je svojedobno svjedočio nekadašnji ministar Zdravko Marić, koji je pristao na lobiranja kolegice Žalac i u tajnosti se sastao s Bašićem, no o pritiscima je istražiteljima pojedinosti otkrio i bivši HNS-ov ministar Predrag Štromar, ali i suradnica ministra Banožića na kojega je Rimac vršila ogroman pritisak. Nakon što on na njezine zahtjeve nije pristao, Rimac mu je govorila kako će se obratiti Plenkoviću. Obraćala se bivša kninska gradonačelnica i ravnatelju HROTE-a Borisu Abramoviću, koji je također odbio njezine zahtjeve, ali baš poput ministara, ni on ih nikomu nije prijavio.  
Mnogo pitanja
I baš je zbog toga ova priča sumnjiva i otvara mnogo pitanja. Je li moguće da su Rimac i Žalac uistinu djelovale samostalno i na taj način kreirale svoju mrežu praveći se da su glupe? Jesu li svi oko njih bili glupi i nesposobni kada na sve ovo što se danas zna nisu reagirali? Je li se u ovoj priči štitilo nekog većeg i je li taj netko veći sam Plenković, je li moguće da je baš zbog toga ovaj slučaj skupljao prašinu u USKOK-ovim ladicama sve dok ga odande nisu izvukli europski tužitelji? Mnogo je nedoumica, no upućeni svjedoče da je Plenković kontaktirao s Rimac i da je bio obaviješten o njezinim planovima u slučaju Vjetroelektrane, s Rimac se navodno i nakon izlaska iz Remetinca sastajao premijerov prijatelj i glavni tajnik HDZ-a Krunoslav Katičić, koji je kave ispijao i sa Žalac, također nakon otvaranja istrage, što je u najmanju ruku neobično. Što je točno Katičić dogovarao i o čemu se na sastancima razgovaralo, teško je reći, no u jednom dijelu HDZ-a govori se da se Plenković nije zalagao za Žalac s ciljem da pomogne njoj, nego da pomogne sam sebi, i to ne samo zbog toga što se nastojao stvoriti dojam da je on preko Savića intervenirao za sporni softver nego i zato što je Tramišak u trenutku kada je počela dobivati prijetnje doista bila spremna u Bruxellesu potražiti politički azil, što njemu ne bi išlo u prilog. Obistine li se glasine iz istražiteljskih krugova o tome da će se uskoro objelodaniti poruke koje su razmjenjivali Rimac i Katičić, i to bi također moglo biti neugodno za predsjednika Vlade jer su oni godinama korektno surađivali, još otkako je on bio državni tajnik u Ministarstvu državne imovine, a među ostalim su razgovarali i o pojedinim zaposlenjima u Hrvatskim šumama.
Dugo prijateljstvo
Katičić je Plenkovićev prijatelj od rane mladosti, a poznato je da je u vladajućoj stranci baš on na glasu kao osoba od najvećeg premijerova povjerenja. Uz to se Katičića proziva i kao najvećeg stranačkog kadrovika koji ima značajan utjecaj na zapošljavanja u državnim tvrtkama i javnim poduzećima, zbog čega navodno nije u dobrim odnosima s Jandrokovićem jer ‘igra’ na njegovu polju. U mobitelu bivše državne tajnice Rimac USKOK-ovi su istražitelji pronašli i SMS koji je ona početkom prosinca 2019. uputila premijeru Plenkoviću moleći ga da organizira sastanak jer je projekt vjetroelektrane zapeo, nakon čega ju je premijer nazvao. Je li sastanak organiziran, teško je reći, no upućeni tvrde da je Rimac nakon izlaska iz zatvora preko svoje mreže Plenkoviću dala do znanja da će utopiti jednog po jednog ministra, što joj zasad, čini se, polazi za rukom. Njezin idući korak je taj da i na suđenju za aferu Vjetroelektrane Plenkovića predloži za svjedoka, otkrivaju naši sugovornici te napominju da bi sve ono što se sada odvija i što dolazi do medija moglo biti tek početak problematične situacije za premijera, jer ne treba zaboraviti da su odnedavno pod istragom bivši ministri Darko Horvat i Josip Aladrović, ali i potpredsjednik Vlade Boris Milošević. Pitanje je što će i oni otkriti u namjeri da zaštite sebe i osvjetlaju si obraz, ali je neupitno to da je i premijer sada u poziciji da spašava vlastiti obraz. Suđenje bivšoj ministrici Žalac i bivšoj državnoj tajnici Rimac još nije ni počelo, a on je već suočen s nizom neugodnosti koje navode na zaključak da on javnosti duguje uvjerljive argumente i objašnjenja cijele situacije u kojoj se našao jer nije nemoguće da je Žalac branio zato da bi osigurao da priča o ulozi AP-a ne ugleda svjetlo dana. Presica na kojoj se Plenković opravdavao i ograđivao od dviju kolegica definitivno nije dovoljna da bi se zaustavili razmjeri ove afere, i nakon svega što je na njoj izgovorio Plenković, ako ništa drugo, javnosti duguje objašnjenje zašto je šutio o cijelom slučaju i softveru koji je dobio na uvid.
Opasni OLAF
Nije nemoguće da je zbog toga i Državno odvjetništvo cijeli ovaj predmet procijenilo nezanimljivim, jer se još 2019. pisalo o sumnjivim preplaćenim poslovima u Ministarstvu regionalnog razvoja, DORH je već tada pokrenuo izvide, a početkom iduće, 2020. godine, ta priča završava u njihovim ladicama. Ured europskog javnog tužitelja u Zagrebu je s radom počeo 2021. godine, a iz nekog samo njima znanog razloga, DORH preskače slanje tog predmeta na njihovu adresu premda je djelokrug Ureda europskog javnog tužitelja upravo pronevjera europskog novca, kojim i jest plaćen sporni softver. U DORH-u su se poslije pravdali da je slučaj bio zatvoren još 2020. godine, i sve bi na tome ostalo da se priča svela na rad domaćih institucija, no u priču se upleo OLAF i zagrebački Ured europskog tužitelja, pod čijom je palicom pet mjeseci nakon osnutka uhićena Žalac. To uhićenje izazvalo je buru reakcija u javnosti, a oporba je prst upirala u DORH i USKOK, dovodeći u pitanje njihovu transparentnost i vjerodostojnost, koju su dodatno poljuljale laži glavne državne odvjetnice Zlate Hrvoj Šipek da nije znala ništa o toj aferi jer je na funkciju stigla u svibnju 2020. godine. U nadzoru DORH-a utvrđeno je pak da je Hrvoj Šipek u srpnju te iste godine bila na sastanku sa šefovima USKOK-a na kojem je upoznata s preplaćenim softverom i aferom ministrice Žalac te je osobno zatražila dostavu izvješća, koje joj je nekoliko dana poslije i dostavljeno. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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