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fruitiermetrostation · 1 year ago
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Apple Icon by Uriy Premudrov
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fullmetal-scar-simping · 5 months ago
Thank you sooo much for your lovely response to my long ask a couple of days ago!!! I really do agree with you wholeheartedly (especially about Scar's post-Briggs characterisation), and something that irritates me about my fellow mangahood fans is that they love the complications in the plot introduced by the reveal that Scar killed Winry's parents (immediately after his own family died in an alchemical explosion + experiencing the world's most traumatic arm replacement).
I get that the point of having Winry confront Scar and point the gun at him is to make Scar reflect on their shared wrath...but I don't it's remotely comparable fhsjfjdj
Like yes it's tragic that the Rockbells died, but unless I am hallucinating they were fairly confident that the military wouldn't have actually killed them because they were Amestrians and thus why they continued to treat Ishvalans in their field hospital even after they had been warned. Now I think it would have actually been interesting if they were then later killed by the military that they trusted to spare them because of their Amestrian blood!
And then the Elrics + Winry having to deal with the fact that the institution they respect/work for/interact with is the same institution that killed the Rockbells - something mangahood treats like an unforgivable sin when Roy "War Criminal Extraordinaire" Mustang and Kimblee™️ are right there😭😭😭 They even show us the military scheming to kill the Rockbells, and then Arakawa has Scar do it at his most unstable to make a point about The Cycle of Hatred from a man whose pain is the most justified😭
And not to be petty but Ed's line about how Winry's hands were made for saving lives and the fact that her parents are doctors - Scar was a warrior monk whose hands also saved lives because he defended his people; and in fact that scene in the manga when he said he had nothing left to protect so he will instead live for vengeance went hard and is soooo indicative of his character😩
Unlike the war criminals and their accomplices, Scar's primary motivation throughout the genocide was to protect his people! And when they were slaughtered and their homes destroyed, that motivation developed into vengeance for his people! And I actually think it's quite powerful that Scar is willing to sacrifice his own peace of mind and the integrity of his soul by using alchemy - it's the fact that he is willing to kill the living to prove that the dead did not deserve it!
He is in fact the consequences of the rotten core that is the foundation of Amestris! So why do brohood fans insist on acting like it's his responsibility to end the cycle of hatred when the Amestrians were the first to pull the trigger? What's he supposed to do? How is he meant to continue living when everything was taken from him?
If we had even just a couple of scenes showing more of the Ishvalan perspective; like tell me more about the Ishvalan who refused treatment from Uriy Rockbell because Amestrians killed his father or the Ishvalan man in the desert mutilated by Roy's flames - there should be more angry Ishvalans in the series, and I think the Elric brothers (and fuck it Miles also - we saw an Ishvalan slum in North City) interact with them and deal with the horror that their nation inflicted upon the Ishvalans for no reason other than to serve the rotten core of the nation - Father & co.
But nooooo let's act like Scar killing the Rockbells is comparable and actually worse than the Ishvalan genocide🙄
(I am SO SORRY I just had to rant because I saw an annoying mangahood fan praise Scar's "redemption" arc when he doesn't need one😭 I even like that he got to return to his homeland and even reclaim his pre-genocide identity, but it should have been achieved through actual mutual understanding instead of my babygirl giving in to Arakawa's politics🗿 I know he's depressed and unhappy but to make his sudden cooperation realistic Arakawa should have has characters like Elric brothers and Miles should have done more reflecting on their complicity with the institution instead of bailing out of a difficult plotline)
Haha, no need to apologize for the rant! I'm right there with ya. The way Winry and the Rockbells get inserted into Scar's story feels so precisely calculated in order to both equivocate the violence of genociders with the violence of the oppressed, as well as (more directly) knocking Scar down himself.
[Long analysis after the readmore]
It's a perfect example of this method of narrative framing:
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All anyone can focus on is Scar and the Rockbells, and that's by design, particularly with the 2009 anime adaptation.
For anyone paying attention to Scar's backstory with an anti-imperialist lens, it's clear he has correctly assessed who his enemies are and what to do about them. He's right to despise and destroy state alchemists and soldiers. And in order to "muddy" his position, Arakawa threw the Rockbells into the mix.
Again, with an anti-colonial, anti-imperialist framework this wrinkle to his backstory doesn't change shit. He is in the right to kill members of the militia. An accident doesn't erase the system of power that enacts imperial aggression. An accident doesn't negate a need for direct violence against a genocidal entity. Unfortunately Arakawa, the team at Studio Bones behind the Brotherhood anime, and the majority of people who watch Broho or read the manga don't see things this way.
Now I haven't read the manga myself, but as you've mentioned the Rockbells did seem to acknowledge the very real risk of death that can befall them while working in a war zone. Correct me if I'm wrong (and I may very well be) but don't they leave a letter behind in the manga, imploring that no one blame any Ishvalans who may instead harm them? Take this with a grain of salt, as I'm working off of a recollection of a post from someone who did read the source material. If I'm in the right ball park here, then Brotherhood cutting this from the story is an even more blatant attempt to tar Scar with a level of villainy (a trite description for the topic of genocide, even a fictional one) as the Amestrian war criminals.
Except the Amestrian war criminals are not seen as villains. The only ones characterized as villains for committing this (and other) genocide(s) are the homunculi, Bradley's council, and Kimblee. Following orders apparently is wholly excusable, even for a voluntary military. Both the "pain" and "anguish" of these 'do-gooder' genocidaires and Winry herself are elevated to near-martyrdom status in Brotherhood. Winry's parents especially so, and thus Winry's loss is seen as so poignant, so heartbreaking, that the audience (and Ed) are moved to an almost smug derision of Scar. See? It's the ~cycle of violence~. That's why his actions are ~wrong~. He doesn't parade around an idealism as a form of penance that makes him inspiring like Mustang (I have to laugh), he doesn't bat big doe eyes while looking so mournful like Riza (I have to yawn), he didn't have a lovely cis heterosexual family unit to create or protect like Hughes (please don't acknowledge Scar's family or community, in fact don't inquire about them at all) (also mangahood Hughes. Oh god, mangahood Hughes 😬). No, Scar is a violent man, an 'awful hypocrite", he harbours none of these 'heroic' qualities that everyone defends in the military characters, so therefore stopping him and bringing him to an Amestrian standard of justice is paramount.
The way this scene is constructed, in both the manga and the show is so blatant in its weepy-moralizing. Scar is contrasted as brutish, towering against a white teenage girl's trembling, collapsed position before him. His race cannot be ignored from the composition of this moment. The racism that under-girds the real life bogeymen of the "wanton violence of SWANA men" and the "foreign savage threatening our pure, fair, delicate women and children" is manifested in fma mangahood.
We're supposed to see these young (white) Amestrians as the hope for a reformed nation. (Abolition and decolonization are not vocabulary in the fma ethos. This isn't a unique lack for fma, most media can't be bothered to contend with truly ending a system or a nation that serves as its own sort of protagonist.) The end of ~the cycle~ will be because these golden-hearted white kids will choose pacifism (a useless paradigm when dealing with an aggressive entity). Ed assesses that his military superiors should not be held responsible for the mass destruction and slaughter they rendered with marvellous aplomb, Winry is too good to sully her hands, and Scar is a monster who's hand(s) are, it seems, meant to kill.
This is how we're guided to view things: The soldiers and generals are proud idealists to be respected and aided. Ed is a spunky genius who gets to use the coffers of the state's ill-gotten wealth for himself and his brother, and Winry is a saint who truly lost the most from the Ishval War. The Ishvalans shouldn't have fought the Amestrians, the Ishvalans shouldn't have resisted occupation, the Ishvalans shouldn't have retaliated for the murder of an Ishvalan child, the Ishvalans shouldn't have been where the military took aim. Scar shouldn't have been so human as to be loved, to be saved, to be physically and mentally harmed, to be so thoroughly concussed and delirious (neurologically and psychologically), and he shouldn't have ever hated Amestrians. Then the Rockbells could have returned home to Winry.
(If we throw in the ridiculous speech from Miles, Scar should have also, somehow, joined the military simultaneous to being in their crosshairs as Ishval was torn asunder.)
And that's what the framing, the script, the animation, everything in Brotherhood bellows: Winry is the truest, most blameless victim of the Ishvalan genocide. The death of two white, blond, blue-eyed humanitarian doctors is worth hundreds of thousands of Ishvalans. Where Father and Wrath both see each life worth only that life as a means of efficient resource extraction, and where the philosophy of One is All, All is One is meant to unify the value of each life, we get a much different, more bleak weighing scale from Ed, Scar's arc, and from the in-built bias of the audience: Scar's brother, his neighbours, the web of individuals, communities, and every generation of Ishvalan is worth markedly little in the holy light of the Rockbells and Winry's suffering. Scar's past and present are mere excuses; Winry's past and present are his sins.
This moment is also a tacit ploy to make people think of the families and loved ones of the fascist pigs Scar has already murdered by this point. The implication of those people as a trail of Winrys left in his wake also equivocates the pain of the imperial citizenry and the lives they enjoy thanks to ceaseless land, resource, and human acquisition, with that of the endlessly angry, 'dangerous' Ethnic Other. Surprisingly, given how little tact Brotherhood has as a visual narrative, the anime (thankfully) never outright shows these bereft loved ones from the murdered war criminals. However, it hangs invisibly in this scene with Winry as well as the one in the abandoned mining town in Briggs.
And to make a quick aside: I find it to be in very poor taste that the tragedy of Scar's life is being used to further the romance between Ed and Winry. Just. Please. Who the fuck asked for a brown man's oppression to be the backdrop for the growing passion between white teens??? What in the goddamn, man.
Getting back on track: Brotherhood wants us to see Ishval and Amestris as two equal parties foolishly destroying one another. It's the fallacy of both-sideism and we see the very real deployment of this propaganda every time an imperial power wages its (nowadays proxy) wars. But like real world targets of imperialism, Ishval has every right to fight back. Scar, even with the deaths of these doctors thrown at his feet in an attempt to manufacture a toothless, sanctimonious tale of "two wrongs don't make a right," is still fully in the right to have sought and destroyed the fascist boots that trampled him and his people.
The Rockbells assumed they would be safe from their own nation, and as you said we do get confirmation that the military was going to send someone in to assassinate them for their treachery. Kimblee (because we could never make any of the ""Good guy"" soldiers do this, only the strawman fascist) was given the task. In a twist of fate, Kimblee's assault on Scar indirectly gets that particular job done. I, for one, hate this writing decision. I've talked about it before, but fma 03's choice of making Mustang and Marco the Rockbells' killers is a far better choice for the broader anti-imperialist theme 03 focused so heavily upon. Hell, any serving soldier would have been a better, less nakedly military apologia than Scar. It would better reflect the real world strategies deployed by imperial armies: decimate medical facilities, staff, and humanitarians (including those who are citizens of their own nation state). Arakawa choosing a roundabout path to this outcome, one that vilifies Scar while sparing the ""Good"" reformable soldiers, because it's actually all Kimblee's actions anyway, is a cheap trick.
It drives me nuts that the Elrics and Winry are never truly confronted with the horrors of their nation and its governing institutions. Anytime they get a taste of what makes the military so vile it's coated in a million red herrings about who is "actually" responsible for this wretched state of affairs. It's not that militaries are the violent arm of the state meant to slaughter people and capture/maintain land as property of the state, no! That's the fucked up thinking of Bradley, his council, Father, and Kimblee! Look, our ""Good"" war criminals and soldiers actually ~understands~ that the military exists to protect people! (Which people? And from whom? Shut up, don't ask questions, you're ruining the wholesome idealism here!) With them in charge post-coup, everything will be better! Any harm Amestrians have faced from their own military's invasions is actually the fault of the military's targets: Resembool received collateral damage because Ishvalans fought back! So obviously this is akin to Ishvalan imperialism, right? Both sides? We shouldn't see race? Reverse racism is real? But look, Winry is suffering because Scar is a reverse racist! So it is real!
Everything you said about Scar is 100% on point. It's so good that I'm gonna highlight it here again:
Scar was a warrior monk whose hands also saved lives because he defended his people; and in fact that scene in the manga when he said he had nothing left to protect so he will instead live for vengeance went hard and is soooo indicative of his character Unlike the war criminals and their accomplices, Scar's primary motivation throughout the genocide was to protect his people! And when they were slaughtered and their homes destroyed, that motivation developed into vengeance for his people! And I actually think it's quite powerful that Scar is willing to sacrifice his own peace of mind and the integrity of his soul by using alchemy - it's the fact that he is willing to kill the living to prove that the dead did not deserve it!
What more can I say? This illustrates perfectly what a lot of fans seem to entirely miss or dismiss. And listen, I'll give Arakawa some credit, because she wrote this into his character! She wrote Scar to be more than just Big Bad Hypocrite, and Ed's view of him is in fact wrong. I appreciate that Scar doesn't fall over himself to explain to these Amestrians what happened on his end. But all the same, with other Ishvalans being used to essentially rat Scar out (the ones taking refuge in the ruins of Xerxes), and that there was no sympathy or solidarity given to him by his own people who were there in that makeshift hospital still shows what the primary perspective on Scar should be.
To Arakawa, he is wrong.
The Amestrians rebuke him, his own people (the refugees in Xerxes, his own Master and the refugees within Amestris) rebuke him. Miles rebukes him. Ed, Al, and Winry rebuke him. The Ishvalans rebuke his one-man insurrection on his and their behalf to instead stoke the flames of Ed's righteous animosity towards Scar. Why? Because not all Amestrians. But certainly all Ishvalan rebels. It doesn't matter to Arakawa and Studio Bones' Broho team that Scar's hands were already fighting to save lives; he has to be beaten down and cowed to agree to save Amestrian lives, reformed for Amestris' betterment. This is how he will pay for his "cruelty". Meanwhile the war criminals, sans the leader of the nation and Kimblee, get off scott-free.
A core problem with the ~cycle of violence~ rhetoric is that the buck is almost always passed to the latest victim of violence, particularly if that victim entertains the path of self-defense or retaliation. If you initiate, or are a major player, in that violence then you are practically absolved of your actions and intentions once you create a chain effect of harm. This, in my opinuon, is partly why fans see the responsibility of ending violence to be on Scar's shoulders. Combined with what I discussed regarding the "positive" qualities of our protag war criminals winning the hearts of audiences; that they are written to be as charming, inspiring, and pitiable as possible, with a sufficient lack of melanin to align with the colourism and racism imbedded in most societies and cultures irl, we end up here. With Scar seen by many as a villain/former villain.
Remember, don't argue against pacifism. And don't bother questioning what other routes he could have reasonably taken, because the manga and Brotherhood answers that question!
He should have been living "peacefully" with other Ishvalan refugees in their nice little "peaceful" (slums) settlements. After all, they had no real qualms with their "peaceful" new lives. We're hit over the head time and again by how "content" these refugees are, in spite of the ethnic cleansing and marginalized, hidden existences they suffer. And I scare-quote peaceful because this isn't peace. This is the hegemony of Amestrian "peace" forcing a people it wants fully eradicated to hide and remain quiet for their own safety. So peaceful. But that's what Scar should have done instead! (Or become a fascist to solve fascism, ala Miles' stunning advice.) Brotherhood keeping the majority of Ishvalans as an amorphous monolith, without identities or perspectives, who make do with the hand that's been dealt (it seems like all "violent Ishvalans" were slaughtered in Ishval during the war, since only Scar continues to fight afterwards) means we can digest the Amestrian perspective and internalize it without issue. It's an intentional choice.
Even the manga at least shows Ishvalan dissent a bit better, but it seems to lose any interest in pursuing the perspective of refugees as the plot progresses. A lot of entertainment media can only garner sympathy for victims of genocide so long as they have an innate "pacifism" to their people (this too is racist framing). You can only feel bad if the Indigenous and the racialized are simply too kind hearted and pure to ever raise their hand against the gunmen who fire at them. The narrative can only imagine Scar having the potential to reform into the acquiescent, useful native if we see that most of his people are horrified by any violence against their colonizers. If they're horrified of him, then they and Scar can be forgiven (for being what they are, for being victims whose victimization harmed the soldiers, the Rockbells, and Winry). So what more could the Ishvalan perspective hold in Brotherhood, when that's all that's needed of them to begin with?
I sorely wish we weren't fed such an awful concoction of racist, military-absolving story telling. All major fma media isn't necessarily perfect about consistently handing the mic to different Ishbalans/Ishvalans, but Brotherhood is the absolute worst of the three in this regard. The manga at least has Ishvalans who openly reject Amestris and Amestrians for the atrocities they suffered at their hands, as included in your ask. Brotherhood doesn't even bother with any of that. It's just a spotlight on Scar, and he made Winry an orphan. Not Amestris, not its military, not Father, not Kimblee, but Scar. And to Broho fans, that is the ultimate sin anyone in this series could ever commit.
I'm glad mangahood Scar gets to return to Ishval and rebuild. I'm glad this version of him gets to live, because this continuity has nothing of value to say had it killed him off or prevented him from reconnecting with Ishval. Of course Scar didn't need the "reformed" military to grant him that permission. And he abso-fucking-lutely did not need to earn it via "redemption". Such a crock of shit. To have to earn your homeland by joining the very forces that ruined thousands/millions of lives is one of the most disgusting outcomes of this story. People love his "redemption" because it makes them comfortable about real, heavy matters. It tells them "Their nation, their nationalism, their militarism can be good and healing after all." Fuck off.
Scar deserved infinitely better. Every Ishvalan deserved better than to be a morality lesson about what the oppressed ought to do instead of having a spine. And Winry shouldn't have been a pawn for distracting us from the evils of the military.
See, this is why no one should apologize to me about sending me a ranting ask. 😅 I'll take any opportunity to rant x10. And hey, you're always welcome to send long asks! I hope the long reply isn't too frustrating to read through, and I hope I didn't miss any of the great points you made.
Once again, I fully agree with you. Our babygirl being tied up with the Rockbells is straight-up poor storytelling. Mangahood had the potential to not be racist and pro-military about these storybeats, but instead chose to make an example out of the primary brown character.
Any Broho fan who can't handle this critique is weak. Period. But I'm always grateful that there are those like yourself who can handle it AND make that critique themselves!
[Sorry it took some time to reply. I briefly lost this ask after saving my first draft, since apparently tumblr hides ask drafts not at the top of the draft pile, but somewhere in the middle (???)]
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harveybwabbit92 · 7 months ago
The episode of Ultraman Leo episode 29: “Japan Masterpiece Folklore Series - Reunion of Fate! Dan and Anne!”
There so many subtle hints in this episode that 1. Ultraseven/Dan may have taken this mission to track down Alien Magma to Earth as an excuse to see Anne again.
and 2. Dan and Anne may have hooked up at some point during the Ultraseven series finale. And given Dan’s reaction towards Uriy; (Uringa’s human form who's name is just Anne's last name but with the 'Y' at the end), It might not be too farfetched- cos it seemed like he legit thought he was the boy’s father for a brief moment.
(Plus when you take the kid’s age into consideration; it kinda fits into the timeline between when Seven left Earth and then Returned in Leo).
Until the Other Anne told him that he wasn’t… That, and Uriy transforming into his true form Uringa cleared up that misunderstanding very quickly.
But the reason why I'm talking about this is cos I'm thinking this whole episode probably was originally going to be Seven/Dan reuniting with Anne and finding out he fathered a child with her. (Which would've been the first Ultra-human hybrid) And chaos ensues cos the kid doesn't know how to control his powers and just a terror to people.
but considering the turn it took I'm guessing the idea was scrapped half way through for some reason (Maybe it was too scandalous at the time? or cos Uringa's alien form didn't look like an ultra), so writers had to quickly come with something else but ran out of time so they just kept some parts from the original plot in then threw together some random stuff and prayed.
this is just my crackpot fan theory; so take it with a huge grain of salt.
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aqours-stims · 21 days ago
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[-Urii- on bilibili]
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dragonsyot · 7 months ago
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uriy aoiy
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un-suflet-anonim · 6 months ago
Foamea are gustul disperării, disperarea are gustul urii, ura are gustul neputinței, și neputința are gustul lacrimilor: sărat!
Iar neputința e un handicap!
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aeterna8amantes · 1 year ago
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In honour mode Astarion dumped my tiefling barbarian Urii for being a miserable, manipulative, maladaptive fuckboy of a bottom.
They ended up remaining friends somehow, so Urii brought him Cazador's broken body as a gift like a mutilated bird a cat brings for its human. Somehow, Urii rebounded upwards and got Halsin to go goth for him.
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Much debauchery was had by all, and our awful, tadpole-eaten lads 'saved' the world with a hope, a prayer and a huge pile of explosives. Don't ask what happened in the epilogue...
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inabusire · 1 year ago
- La ce te gândești în noapte, când rămâi singură?
- Am început să scriu sub formă de dialoguri doar ca să pară că m-ascultă cineva. E ceva din aerul vremurilor noastre care emană un damf bolnăvicios, ceva ce oamenii sensibili resimt dureros. Îmi e greu să-mi păstrez mințile. Mă simt dată peste cap, răsturnată, stingherită-n locuri în care nimeni nu m-așteaptă, încercând să mă mint că negrul e alb. Niciodată n-am avut o singură nuanță, iar ce lor li s-a părut definitoriu, îmbrățișând prejudecățile, mie mi s-a părut a fi doar o altă fațetă.
- Erau niște versuri... "Sunt o grenadă eficientă/ Te poți autodistruge cu ea sau arunca în aer lumea asta dementă." Încă n-ai învățat să te aperi?
- Nu știu ce să fac cu lucrurile bune din mine. Nu știu cum să mușc, să lupt; sunt agresivă și sfidătoare, dar e doar o atitudine ce răsare în clipe ultime, ca un fel de reflex extrem de respingere.
Dă-mi putere, Doamne, să nu uit gustul adevărului, să nu confund ceea ce este cu ceea ce pare și nu-mi orbi ochii oricât de tare mi-aș dori să pot să nu văd. Limpezește-mi mintea în clipele în care disper și simt nevoia căderii; nu mă lăsa pradă urii, fiindcă știu că-i asemeni unei găuri fără fund. Ajută-mă să rămân ceea ce sunt și să nu-mi mai doresc să mă pot anula, să dispar ca și cum n-aș fi fost, să șterg urmele mele pe care-am călcat plângând, privind cum toate pică. Când noaptea mușcă din carne, alină-mă. Am uitat că suntem suflete. În zilele de-acum, nimic nu mai are însemnătate; ne sărutăm pătimaș încercând s-ascundem nimicul din noi, să ignorăm prin plăcere sunetul pustiu din vintrele noastre.
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stariekis · 11 months ago
URII WHERE ARE YOU🙁🙁🙁 I MISS YOU BBG🥺🥺🥺 hope you're doing ok and I'm not pressuring you to come back if your resting! Take care uri💋💋
my baby 🤏🏻 i'm doing fine i'm just resting a bit ): i also have a few exams next week so I'm preparing for them too but i'll be back next week ! sorry for being so inactive and thank you so much for asking, i'll answer all the asks i have when I come back <333 ☝🏻⭐
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eatgecom · 7 days ago
A design features the spirit of the pigs: Urii, from the retro anime Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger.
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ajpdamms1225 · 2 years ago
URII collages
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saffrolash · 5 days ago
Între viață și moarte
Am sperat mereu la acea portiță de scăpare, dar în cele din urmă am căzut pradă întunericului. Încercând să-mi strecori emoțiile printre crăpăturile inimii, am eșuat zi de zi, duceam pe umeri același chin, iar durerea care mi-a sfâșiat sufletul era copleșitoare. Primăvară pe care de mult o vedeam senină și plină de cântul dulce al păsărilor s-a schimbat, a devenit un abis plin de obscuritate. Cerul mi s-a întunecat. Iar picăturile urii m-a adus în pragul disperării. Putem vedea în depărtare acea rază de lumină care îmi pronunța sufletul spre înviere, dar eram blocată aici, pentru totdeauna.
Vara a fost o chemare spre o moarte chinuitoare. Simțeam deja cum ultima fărâmă de emoție dispare, iar gustul acru și înțepător al durerii mă făceau să-mi închid sufletul. Trăiam de pe o zi pe alta, dar nu mai aveam lacrimi. Zâmbetul mi-a pierit de pe chipul învăluit de necunoaștere. Iar ochii și-a pierdut strălucirea. Soarele se răzbuna pe mine, furând din fericirea mea și aducându-mi pistrui pe obraji roși de lacrimi, părul meu a devenit în cele din urmă o povară și mai grea. Mânată de o forță de cu totul altă natură, viziunea de apocalips apărea în fața ochilor. Nu cerșeam îndurerare, tot ce doream era scăparea din acel infern, chiar dacă însemna moarte. Rugămințile mele erau zadarnice în cele mai grele momente. Auzeam ecoul unui râs batjocoritor. Toamna a fost o insultă pentru iad. Aș fi preferat focul să-mi ardă inima, dar am supraviețuit. Nu am fost blestemată la o moarte crâncenă, ci o viață fără lumină, sumbră și plină de tăciunele greutății. Frunzele care încet cădeau și atingeau pământul era un cuțit ce se răsucea în rană. Luna plină era cel mai chinuitor dușman. Îi auzeam șoaptele și blestemele pe care mi le adresa în cele mai umbrite momente. Vântul se întoarse împotriva mea, iar sufletul rece îmi îngheța și ultima putere de căldură pe care mi-o oferea inima. Eram josnică, îmi uram persoana și ceea ce simțea ea.
Iarna devenise anotimpul care îmi deschisese ochii, durerea și frigul îmbinate într-un nod mă fulgera la interior și mă zdrobea la exterior. Devenisem aproape nebună. Cel puțin așa mi s-a spus. Ajunsesem să blestem cu ajutorul cuvintelor cele mai cutremurătoare puteri. Atunci devenisem sigură de ceea ce eram cu adevărat. Ochii îmi ieșeau din orbite, iar buzele crăpate mă transformaseră într-un monstru. Am încetat să mai sper, am încetat să mai lupt. Mi-am dat seama că eram între viață și moarte. În acel moment am reușit să-mi trezesc adevăratul suflu pe care-l ignorasem. Zâmbetul era singurul accesoriu pe care l-aș fi tăiat de pe chipul oricui. Nu fusesem cu adevărat umană. Dar prea târziu mi-am dat seama. Nu aveam nume, nu aveam familie, nu aveam speranțe, dar avem ceva demonic, o putere a irealului. Metafora vieții îmi deschisese ochii, în timp ce lacrimile cerului mă invadaseră cu o ploaie. Un sunet gutural îmi șoptise c între viață și moarte trebuie să mă aleg pe mine. Și m-am ales, cu durere. 
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lovedaiana17 · 3 months ago
”Se gândi doar că viața fără fericire era imposibilă. Ce era fericirea?... A privi înainte era fericirea – atâta tot, nimic mai mult. A privi înainte sperând la împlinirea unei dorințe, răsplata unei anume pasiuni, iubiri, ambiții, uri – fără îndoială și a urii. Dragoste și ură. Și să scapi în fața primejdiilor existenței, să trăiești fără teamă, constituia și asta fericirea. Nimic altceva. Absența fricii, privirea spre viitor.”
Joseph Conrad
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[Hristos] a dezbrăcat domniile şi stăpânirile şi le-a făcut de ocară înaintea lumii, după ce a ieşit biruitor asupra lor prin cruce. (Coloseni 2:15) La crucea de pe Golgota, iubirea şi egoismul au stat faţă în faţă. Acolo a avut loc manifestarea lor supremă. Hristos trăise numai pentru a mângâia şi a binecuvânta, iar Satana, punând la cale omorârea Sa, a manifestat răutatea urii sale faţă de…
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wild-love-heart · 6 months ago
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EMA Urii
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leacuri · 10 months ago
Să lăsăm Învierea să ne ridice deasupra singurătății, urii și disperării...către putere,frumusețe și fericire. Să lăsăm sufletul să se înalțe, să simțim bucuria CREDINȚEI și a speranței divine.Numai într-u Dumnezeu viața ne va fi mai ușoară, plină de armonie și liniște. Dumnezeu să ne ocrotească pe toți și să ne aibă  sub paza SA. Sărbători fericite cu bine și pace în inimă. HRISTOS CU ADEVĂRAT A ÎNVIAT.
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