#Upcoming ask blog
eggsandmasks · 22 days
Huh? Who's this?
Ladies and gentlemen. Hes, shes, theys, and all ways of the CC fandom, allow me to introduce you to,
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This little goober will be making his debut in the form of an ask blog I'm planning to start.
His bio will be under the cut for more info on him.
He'll be more than happy to expect new visitors in his ring- I mean casino!
Enter the Gaming Ring!
Name: Dicard (current name)
Age: Infinite
Occupation: Host of the 7th Ring- The Glutton's Casino
A cheery and charismatic individual, Dicard is the host of the 7th ring of the Greater Underworld. He is responsible for running the casino that makes up the entirety of the 7th ring, The Glutton's Casino.
Many know him as the bard of all demons, and that couldn't be any more true. Dicard always faces every situation with smile and a positive mindset. Doubly so in his own ring, where he has total control. He can be seen mingling with the guests, looking over their shoulders at their progress. If a guest is lucky, he might even become their dealer! Then again, no one can put down the dominating nature of a ring's host. While he does enjoy seeing the ranks of his players rise, he'll make sure that none of them surpass him, even if it means playing dirty. Despite his innocent-enough appearance, many a soul would not dare to cross him.
Unlike other demons, Dicard cannot enter the surface, only being limited to the 7th ring. In fact, he doesn't have a body of his own. The only way he could get himself body is by taking control of a vessel nd bringing them to his realm. In order to get himself a vessel, he attracts them in the form of a special coin, the only other physical form he can manifest himself into. Once someone makes contact with him, possession is rapid, and he stays in the vessel's body, but doesn't manifest immediately. Instead, he waits until the vessel experiences something in their lives where they are in need of substance (alcohol, drugs, comfort, etc.) Only then can he appear before them through a figure in flames, with a voice and body mimicking that of the vessel. From then on, he changes their appearance to suit his taste, no matter what the vessel says in reply. This is also what he had done to his most current vessel, one that has stayed with him the longest.
"Ready to play?"
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platypus-beans · 1 year
Was working on my Alana design for the blog until I noticed something awful.
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ask-season53-cast · 3 months
How have post-game relationships been? Any students that have to be isolated from each other?
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"Sorry... that was a little pessimistic. Forget I said anything."
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rbtlvr · 1 year
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oh god they absolutely are. i was originally gonna just do angst about how cmh leo has Not Been Hugged In Over A Year but then i remembered that also means his family has not hugged (a) leo in over a year soooo
that said...
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(+ individual hugs under read more just because)
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astralnymphh · 9 months
bro ur gonna eat up gamer ellie like brooo i’m gonna be kicking my feet and giggling when it comes out this is me btw when i saw this post
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fr fr you guys don't understand the power of this gamer!ellie fic to come. im a certified gamer myself so like ugh lore accurate? (except i don't play cod but lets ignore that part) . like watching ellie turn so ruddy in contrast to the milk of her skin when you gradually tease her pussy through the cotton of her shorts gets u soo horny urself, oh not to mention the flex of her thighs when you finally press on that throbbing clit of hers. ellie loathes having to admit that she actually likes what ur' doing, but her mind is so occupied on the video game tournament that she's just so.. obstinate about it. everytime you hit a sweet spot with your tongue though, she makes it VERY clear that it felt good/obstructed her focus just enough to hiss hard through her grit teeth, "fuckkk," and you can sense the rattle of her fists thudding down on the desk through the floor, subtle in your feet.. trailed by a grizzled, "fuhh— ck' that fuckin' mou— ohh.." wringing from her chest, cuz that's just what ur tongue intended— to mess her up <3 y'all need to start giving me little ellie detail ideas for "the salvo project" PLEAsEEE
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ask-dadpleasant · 4 months
If your not aware I have been doing deep research in each of yours posts and gathering information and according to my calculations and proof I have gathered… Your Inlove with Jeremy and he’s in love with you:) thank me later 🤧
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hey mask, that’s a nice spleen you got there… can I have it?
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An interesting one, for sure!
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To Cry Uncle
🐦‍⬛ Alright, alright, let's get this show on the road 🐦‍⬛
Does Two of us make a Murder of Crows? … Or an Unkindness of Ravens?
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The door slammed open, rattling the attic from its impact. Scattered papers shook, and even the inky letters spilled onto them seemed to tremble too.
A man in a top hat and feathered cape barreled in. From her writing desk, a girl cloaked in the same sleek, dark feathers bristled and set down her quill.
"U-Uncle?! Don't scare me like that," Raven gently chided him. "You could have at the very least considered knocking before barging in unannounced."
It was something which the headmaster of Night Raven College made a habit to do. Lectures, labs—he arrived whenever he pleased, then disappeared just as quickly. Some called him a whimsical genius (well, usually it came from his own mouth), but most called him mad and unpredictable.
But today he wore a frown instead of a smile, was less bird-like and more pitiable kitten drenched in the rain. Dragging out a sigh and a sob, Crowley threw his arms around Raven. His talons dug into his mark, the other hand woefully stroking her hair—hair which would have dampened if he had released any real tears.
"Raven-kun!!" he cried out, “Oh, it’s awful! Dreadful! The most preposterous thing happened to me on my morning stroll. You’ll hear me out, won’t you, my dear niece?”
Awful? Dreadful? Preposterous? More awful, dreadful, and preposterous than the slew of Overblots that had plagued their once-peaceful academy? She had her doubts, but entertained him nevertheless.
"… Alright, what has got you so out of sorts?" Raven asked wearily. (Her question came out muffled, on account of being pressed against her guardian’s chest.) She had learned to be patient with him, but prepared for the catastrophizing.
Perhaps the cafeteria ran out of his favorite meat pies. He’s been looking forward to that all week.
“I found a gaggle of students skipping class!” Crowley burst out, breaking their hug. Exaggerated distress turned his voice into a trill. “On Main Street, of all places! Before the very eyes of the most venerable Great Seven! They would surely be heartbroken to know that the children of today sullied the good name of Night Raven College!”
Raven tried to nod understandingly and pat his back. Quiet methods of coaxing him to let it all out
“Of course, I did my due diligence as headmaster of this esteemed institution and confronted the boys at once,” Crowley continued—puffing with a pinch of pride at the mention of his status before soon deflating. “Ooh, but I was so rudely rebuked!! The students ignored my very reasonable plea to return to class, then proceeded to ignore or insult me—ME!! Their beloved headmaster!
"Belittled and bullied by my very own pupils…" He sniffed loudly. "It’s a cruel fate, but someone has to discipline ignorant, misbehaving children--and so it fell upon my shoulders! I unleashed my Lash of Love upon them and deposited the hooligans back in Professor Trein's lecture!"
"You did what you could to resolve the situation, Uncle," Raven replied, her words carefully stroking his ego. "You are ever so magnanimous."
"I am, aren't I!" Crowley agreed. "Alas, a teacher's work is thankless! What has come of the younger generation?! And what have I done to deserve this kind of treatment? All I've ever done is work tirelessly to ensure that our Night Raven College provides high-quality education!"
"Well... You don't exactly command authority with your attitude or how you carry yourself. Truly, when most picture the archetype of a 'headmaster of an arcane academy', they tend to imagine someone... different. If you want to be perceived differently, it may help to present new parts of yourself to the students."
Like maybe actually doing your job instead of delegating tasks to teenagers and having them solve all your problems..
"Show them your strengths and good points," Raven suggested, "traits worthy of respect."
Crowley's beady, golden eyes suddenly lit up. They bore into Raven from the pitch-black holes in his mask.
"That’s it!" he declared, perking up. “If I’m to garner respect, I ought to try and demonstrate the true breadth of my kindness. Perhaps then they will take note of the power hierarchy and bend an ear to my commands!”
“Er, that’s not exactly what I meant…”
Crowley swept away from her, beginning to pace back and forth. A finger curled at his chin, his mind set in deep contemplation.
“The issue now is, how will I appear approachable to begin with? My visage is far too grand to tamp down, and I’m afraid my decades of wisdom are useless against accusations of being ‘old’ and ‘out of touch’!!“
Those comments really hit him hard, huh…
“Have you considered taking up a hobby instead of fixating on public opinion? It just may help you clear your thoughts.” Raven gestured at her desk. “I myself partake in writing as an outlet.”
In an instant, the headmaster was at her side. He nosily peered over his niece, practically leering down at the contents of her papers.
Stories that started with Once upon a times and then diverged, walking along a multitude of paths to endings yet to be determined. Heroes and villains and the people that supported them, coming together in grand casts. New places, new experiences, new feelings.
Connections, ways of bridging the gap between hearts.
“H-Hey…! I never said you could look. These are private projects,” Raven protested, hurrying to cover up her scripts.
Too late. A giddy shine had already risen to the headmaster’s eyes.
Oh no. I know that look!
“Dearest Raven,” Crowley cooed, a clawed hand finding its way onto her shoulder, “how generous of you to lend your assistance to your sad old uncle! Fufufu, it appears as though the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!"
"What are you on about now?" It slowly dawned on her, and she paled. “Don’t tell me…”
"This is the solution for my... I mean, our predicament!" Crowley lifted a paper and a waved it around like a triumphant flag. “Written word has the power to influence. With your help, we can conduct an interview, spread stories of my great kindness and power, sway the consensus!”
Ah, a coordinated PR strategy. Raven frowned. His usual fallback.
The trick would work on most people beyond the campus grounds, but not on the students within. Not when there was already a narrative in place: the tale of the carefree, bumbling, useless man at the helm of the school. Pitiable, easily kicked around. And there was some truth to it--truth that could only be twisted so far before it fell into the realm of outright fantasy.
Most did not realize how truly frightening a man cloaked by the shadows could be.
“I understand wanting to spruce up your image, but there is only so much that can do for you. People will believe what they want to believe, regardless of what new information is presented to them."
Raven sighed, picking her quill back up and dipping it in an inkwell. Rich black fluid, darker than the darkest night, rose up into the nib. She offered the writing implement to her guardian, who stared at it in confusion.
"If you want their views on you to change, that is something you will have to earn for yourself. The words must come straight from its source and be genuine."
She pressed the quill into Crowley’s palm.
From here on out, the story is up to you.
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akito-shinonome-daily · 2 months
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🎤 day 169 🎵
➥ today’s akito is a card redraw by me of akito’s “well-known big shot” 1☆!
➥ i apologize…for creating this….
➥ when i realised a My Art Monday™ would be coinciding with day 169, i figured i would do a redraw as a nod back to day 69. i’m going to be real with you guys. i know at least one of you is a drawfee fan and will understand when i say that i had this one in me. it has an Energy that i’m not entirely sure the origin of. but it sure happened.
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➥ including the sketch on this one cause I think that’s truly where the Energy was
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shitpostingkats · 21 days
Can I please have some dark world administrative lore. Read your "Jaden Yuki has to take care of a pack of middle schoolers" and now im obsessed. Very much looking forward to the fic you mentioned where Yuri becomes Jaden's intern/apprentice because I would love to see their relationship development/dynamic and also. I need more administrative lore. I would absolutely read your entire 15 slide powerpoint
I have such a regular amount of Dark World lore. It is a very sane amount of worldbuilding I did. The next fic in the series definitely isn't going to be more underworld office comedy schennanigans with absurd amounts of exposition and complex workplace drama.
(One of these is a lie.)
For the dark world administrative lore, I decided to use file no. 4 of the Master Guide 2 card storylines as a jumping off point, and then the lore just ballooned from there. The powerpoint exists for my own referencing purposes, because even if most of the dark world generals don't appear (yet >:), it is important it exists to me.
Let's start with our head of state and his primary advisors!
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Third King of the Dark World, babey!!! You know him, you love him, it's the Yuki!
Not too much to say about our Supreme Boi that isn't gonna be covered in future fics. The most relevant information, going into the as-of-yet-untitled next gc au fic, is thinking about what the hot mess that is dark world politics from an outside perspective. Like, imagine you're one of the other interdimensional courts that exist in the wider yugioh canon and just
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Yuri doesn't have a slide in my powerpoint :(
I can say that in the gc au after he settles into the dark world and starts being involved in running the kingdom, Jaden goes in and officially names him an official of the dark world. At first, Yuri demanded he also be called "Supreme King", because he's a little shit like that. They compromise on "Supreme Prince".
None of the other officials call him that. They just call him "The Princeling"
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Beiige, my beloved long suffering paper pusher <3
Jaden does, in fact, end up giving him a scarf at some point.
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Under our King, Prince, and Vanguard, we have the newly promoted heads of Millitary and Wellfare. There is technically a third branch of of the government, Security, but rather than have a single representative, the duties of security are actually divided into Internal and External. Or, more specifically, The Wild Hunt and Renge And His Weird Daughter.
More on them later.
For now, say hi to the rest of the Dark World's millitary division!
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Fun fact! At first one might assume that the dark world monsters don't have genders! Well, I assumed that at first, at least. But Snoww is considered notable for being the "only" female Dark Lord, which implies they have at least some kind of gender system. And for some reason, I find it much stranger to have a host of duel spirits with like twelve guys and one woman, than everyone just using to same pronouns. So for my own comfort and amusement, I've switched up some of the Dark Lords genders. So if she ever comes up in fic, Lucent is a woman. Other than that, she's basically the textbook brooding samurai. Jaden actually offered her the position of millitary head first, but she turned it down, both thinking herself undeserving of the title, and because she argued her being not an on-the-ground operative is exactly how she did not know how bad Bronn's rule had become. He reluctantly agreed, and she pointed him towards Zure.
What happened to the previous heads of Military? Well, as I alluded to in my fic, they're a bit hard to track down at the moment.
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And in special ops, we got Cobal!
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Not actually ever printed, never even seen in show. Cobal wasn't even a Dark Lord under the previous monarchy. He's like the dark world equivalent of a construction worker who got promoted to the head of the CIA. Why the rapid career change? Well one, he was in the resistance with Axel, and Jaden trusts anyone who tried to actively overthrow him. Also, the previous head of the CIA defected and set about overthrowing the government.
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And on the other side, under Gren's oversight, we have our Silly Old Men.
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The true victors of diplomacy. Because they were not soldiers, and smart enough to understand how veeeeery precarious that made their standing once Bronn started to go all mad king-y, used their massive brains and promptly noped right out of the situation. Parl already stayed in his cave like 90% of the time, so he pulled the old Just Stop Showing Up To The Office strategy and wrote a letter to his friend suggesting he do that same. Someone who was NOT passive about the whole Supreme King situation, however, was Ceruli's apprentice, Snoww.
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While they have since reconciled, Snoww was originally an ardent opponent to Jaden's (first) rule, as well as Bronn. There isn't a more skilled death diviner in the dark world, nor any other dimension, so Supreme King Jaden went to her first thing upon Bronn's defeat to seek help recovering Jesse's soul. She was unable to find it (him being still alive) and even worse, advised Jaden that obsessing over a ghost was often the last thing a spirit wanted. Once he started pursuing Super Poly, she turned her work to guiding as many of the lost souls as she could to a peaceful rest, and delaying the ritual as long as possible.
She continued like this even after she was found out, and formally defected to join the rebellion.
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RIP Latinum. He's currently rotting in one of the many Dark World prison cells.
And lastly, we've got the security branch, both internal and external.
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There are now two gatekeepers in the Dark World, which is a 200% increase to what it was previously!!!
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Broww's wild hunt is roughly based on the real life folkloric trend; the ever-moving host of unquiet dead that roams across the land. I like to think it has that same spooky connotation, even among dark world residents. Broww's just scary. Add to it that he basically disappeared from the government to continue to act as an independent force, the wild hunt has a bit of a mysterious reputation. It's basically the most sovereign branch of the dark world government, if not for...
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Are you going to be the one to tell the dragonlord what they can and can't do??? Grapha and Jaden work on a mutual respect type of relationship, as Jaden is one of the most powerful beings in all dimensions and still a little cautious about working with dragon spirits. Inversely, Grapha is willing to handle territorial and testy dragons all day, but can acknowledge when their boss is pretty chill for an eldritch horror.
If you want a easier to follow summary, here's a diagram of the Dark World's current chain of command:
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AND! For an added bit of trivia: Completely by accident, I somwhow managed to namedrop every GX era original Dark World monster in Jaden Yuki Has To Take Care Of A Pack Of Wild Middleschoolers. I just love talking about my headcanon lore so much. Can you spot them all?
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mossy-paws · 6 months
since I am. INCREDIBLY close to 300 followers and I don’t really have the time to make too much art, I’m gonna be holding a QNA thingy :3! My askbox is open to any questions you would like to ask me! Just make sure they’re minor friendly please, nothing weird or too personal also, you WILL be shamed
Your also free to ask in tags or the comments as well if you would prefer too :3!
as a Small thank you, here’s a teaser for my next post! Hehe mini vampire squid subspace
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platypus-beans · 1 year
Here's some art of my upcoming ask blog, I'll also give a brief description of what the ask blog is going to be about. I'm getting very close to being able to actual start it, only got to draw a few more ref sheets.
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Despite how it looks, this ask blog is very Fandom oriented, being multifandom itself. The basic idea is that some characters from Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, Baldis Basics, Cuphead, Bendy, and Sally Face along with some random kid are suddenly transported to a dreadful place called Aviie. Aviie is populated by Demons, Anis (Aw-Niss)/ Anthropomorphic Animals, and Man. Whilst stuck in this place, they get wrapped up with a group of freedom fighters called the Boxedelle (two of which portrayed in the first image) who are fighting against a powerful murder cult called the Hourglass (one portrayed in the second image)
Gonna warn everyone rn this story is gonna get very dark once it's released. Hope to start it soon.
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sillyfairygarden · 2 months
Of all the works you've published on your ao3, which is your favourite, and why? :D
hi nonnie ^_^
auugh this is such a hard question but if you are asking for one… right now it’s “no number exists for griefs like these” which is my secret life fic about scar & pearl.
if you’ve read my other works with these two characters you know they are. my favourites to explore. and secret life was SUCH a fantastic palette to paint them on with their stories being so. augh. augh. family guy death poses.
i loved writing a different side for them… scar’s bloodthirst and pearl’s inevitable loss of joy… and for portraying the unreliability of scars internal monologue. the way he separates himself from the consequences of his actions from his POV but feels abandoned regardless.
> honestly it was a fun challenge writing the tasks as this somewhat unacknowledged, inner monologue rather than an exterior hand guiding him to victory. there’s a short exchange that ultimately got canned where scar + pearl acknowlegde with each other that there’s a greater force at play? but i decided it was a distraction from the greater story i wanted to tell, which is that scar himself was the catalyst to his isolation and loneliness.
but i love ya :p so heres the scene:
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but yeah this fic was sooo self indulgent to me. i loved writing scar on his girlfailure arc <3 and ANY excuse to write about pearlescentmoon is one i will take. they’re my personal dress up dolls and i love putting them in situations.
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the-red-planet-mars · 2 months
deimos keep going through shit
does phobos ever go through shit™️
ahem- maybe, soon enough...
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ask-thearchivists · 7 months
on your phases: how are they determined? has there any instances you know of where a collector has two phases at the same time? (i.e waxing and gibbous, quarter and gibbous, etc.)
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The Coordinator: No, that is not how phases work. There are two "complete" states, the new moon and the full moon. Any phase before the full moon is waxing, and any phase after is waning, with quarter, crescent, and gibbous signifying how much light there is on the moon. Despite being called a quarter, the first and final quarter moons are when the moon is half covered in light, much like how my face appears. A crescent is between the quarter and new moon, and the gibbous is between the quarter and full moon. So yes, someone could be a waxing gibbous but no one could be a quarter and gibbous because those are two contradicting, different things.
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yanaleese · 2 months
I think eye color anon mean the color of his dick, your welcome 😛😛
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you sure?
pspsps dw it'll show up in the stripping game (if we get that far) LOL
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