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rodrigororschach · 18 days ago
Safe yield sources for your stables 🤑
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Earning yield in crypto doesn’t always mean taking high risks. Here are four reliable platforms where you can earn safe yields even during market downturns using your stablecoins 👇
💵 Staked USDE stablecoin by Ethena offers a 12% APR along with Season 3 Ethena points. Billions of $ are already locked in this project, it generates yield by shorting ETH while holding ETH on spot, which is called delta-neutral strategy.
💵 RLP by Resolv provides an impressive 26.5% APR plus Resolv points. RLP is a Resolv Liquidity Pool, a liquid insurance pool designed to keep USR overcollateralized, holders of RLP receive profit from staking Ether and funding fees from hedging.
💵 HLP vault by Hyperliquid delivers a 19.48% APR by providing liquidity to through multiple market making strategies, performing liquidations, and accruing platform fees. Hyperliquid may additionally reward vault depositors in the future with HYPE tokens.
💵 sDAI Leveraged stablecoin Farm by Ariadne Finance offers a 20.63% APR. It employs leveraged farming strategies to enhance yields while maintaining stability. Strategy is simple: This vault leverages sDAI by supplying it and borrowing xDai on Aave.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months ago
Romania’s Constitutional Court on Monday validated the shock first-round result in the country's presidential election, setting the stage for a run-off vote on December 8 that could upend its pro-Western orientation and undermine backing for Ukraine.
The ruling clears the uncertainty that has hung over the nation since the court demanded a vote recount last week, after the November 24 victory of little-known far-right candidate Călin Georgescu raised suspicions of outside meddling in the electoral process of a country that has been a staunch ally of Ukraine.
“Judges unanimously decided to [...] confirm and validate the result of the first presidential round on November 24 and holding the second round on December 8,” chief judge Marian Enache said.
Georgescu will now face center-right contender Elena Lasconi in the run-off in the European Union and NATO member state.
A day earlier Romania held a parliamentary election, with the ruling leftist Social Democrat Party (PSD) leading but with far-right parties gaining a third of seats in the new legislature.
The outcome of Sunday's parliamentary election, the second of three ballots scheduled over a period of as many weeks, sets the stage for what is likely to be a period of talks among mainstream parties on forming a governing majority, with the PSD central to the negotiations.
“We notice a rift,” PSD leader and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu told reporters. The party has yet to endorse a candidate in the run-off. “Romanians must decide for themselves,” he said.
“The PSD will need to be a bridge between EU-funded development and EU and NATO membership and [...] a part of Romanians who believe in Christian values and national identity.”
President’s role
With 99.98% of votes counted in the parliamentary ballot, the PSD had won 22.3%, ahead of the hard-right Alliance for Uniting Romanians with 18.3%. Lasconi’s centrist opposition Save Romania Union (USR) had 12.25% while the junior ruling coalition ally Liberals had 14.3%. Two far-right groupings, SOS and POT, had 7.75% and 6.4% respectively, and the ethnic Hungarian Party UDMR 6.38%. Liberal leader Ilie Bolojan said the party was willing to participate in a pro-Western coalition. “Those who rejoice democracy has won in Romania are doing so prematurely,” political scientist Cristian Pîrvulescu said. “If the president is far-right, it would be very complicated for pro-Europeans to organize and resist in parliament because they will have an extraordinarily difficult 2025.” Who gets to form the government will ultimately depend on who wins the presidential race, since the president designates a prime minister. A survey conducted by pollster CURS on December 1 at voting stations showed Georgescu would win 57.8% in a run-off to Lasconi’s 42.2%. The survey polled 24,629 people as they exited voting stations and had a margin of error of plus/minus 0.6%. “Yesterday’s election shows the pool of voters for Lasconi is very small, the pool of voters for Georgescu can be very large,” Pîrvulescu said. “PSD voters have more in common with the far-right candidate, who has an important shot at winning the election.”
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jellybeanybaby814 · 1 year ago
New Pacis dropping rn!
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Plus don't forget about all the stuff I still have in stock!
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ere-the-sun-rises · 11 months ago
On the toolkit thing, here's some more pointers:
Dollar stores have tools, usually of decent quality too
Get an all-in-one screwdriver if you can find one
Get robertson head screws (square hole) in 1 1/2" and 2" - robertson screws are easier to install and remove than flat or philips (star/cross) heads and the screwdriver itself doesn't strip as quickly
Electrical tape - not only for cords, but for plumbing and other non-permanent/non-damaging items
Polyfilla and a putty knife can fill almost any hole in drywall and don't require any sanding to make even if you're careful
Caulking fills gaps really well, and bathroom caulking is also water and mold resistant
Spray foam is a cheap and effective insulator for gaps in the walls (just be careful bc that shit is hard to get off)
An adjustable wrench and adjustable pliers (specifically vice-grip curved jaw locking pliers) can solve nearly any issue
Toothpicks and wood glue effectively fill too-loose holes in cabinets. Pack toothpicks dipped in wood glue tightly into a hole, let it set for 24 hours, then come back and cut the excess away with a chisel or boxcutter. You will now be able to re-screw your cabinet door on.
Wood glue can fix most wooden furniture, but may need to be clamped/strapped in position (the tighter the pressure, the closer it will bind)
Pipe cement can stop leaks in outflow pipes (so long as it's allowed to cure)
Other unrelated tips:
NEVER fuck with your electricity. ALWAYS pay for that to be fixed professionally. Same with gas lines.
Plumbing can be fucked with, but don't try to replace whole sections of pipe without knowing what you're doing.
Rugs are superior to carpet. A lot of them (especially mats and runners designed for bathrooms) can be run through a washing machine. They are also easier to replace.
Windex and vim can clean basically everything in your house
Replace your furnace filters regularly (at least once a month if you have animals)
If your windows are drafty/cold in winter, there are plastic sheet kits in hardware stores to seal them up.
Linoleum is a (relatively) cheap and easy-to-usr flooring material that can cover hideous tile or splintering wood.
Cheap glassware is superior to plastic. It doesn't deform or stain and is microwave safe (sometimes even oven safe).
Make sure you know what runs on what electrical breaker
If more than one thing is powered by the breakers that control your furnace or electric stove, get that fixed IMMEDIATELY
Use soft white or yellow coloured light bulbs in rooms you just hang out in (like living rooms/bedrooms) and clear/bright white for utility rooms (bathroom/laundry/furnace rooms/kitchen). It reduces strain on your eyes.
Humans need greenery for our mental health. Put a little plant in each room.
If you're strapped for cash or time, don't buy anything in white. Opt for coloured clothes/sheets/furniture/paint bc it's way easier to maintain and hides dirt better
Mattresses need to be off the floor so they don't grow mold and can regulate your temperature better
Invest in good pillows you can machine wash.
Frozen and canned vegetables are just as good as fresh ones
Cooking roasts from frozen keeps the moisture in better than letting it thaw
You can do a lot with garlic plus and margarine
Real wooden furniture - even second-hand - is always superior to particle board furniture. It lasts much longer, is easier to repair and can be refinished if necessary.
Thick-bottomed stainless steel pots will last you a lifetime - if you have the money for a set, they're well worth it.
Dollar stores have glasses, utensils and poreclain dishware. If you're in a pinch, they're good and sturdy.
If you have a yard, invest in a mitre saw (for tree branches), an iron/steel spade, a metal rake and a metal snow shovel (if necessary) - all with wooden shafts. Plastic gets brittle through the cold. Also, a good bucket never goes awry.
Shop vacs can vacuum up water and medium-sized debris if the filter is removed.
For sandpaper, the lower the number, the more aggressive the grit is. Higher numbers produce finer sands.
things i wish i had known when i escaped my family household and couldn't ask my parents for help
invest in a good mattress early on. there are many other ends you can save on - sleep is not one of them. this is key to how much energy you'll have throughout the day
you don't need a bedframe but you do need a slatted bed base (even if it's just pallets)
opening a bank account is easy
there's youtube tutorials for everything. how to install your washing machine, how to use tools, fixing stuff around the place. channels like dad, how do i? are a godsend
change energy provider as soon as your old deal runs out. you'll get better offers elsewhere and avoid price gouging
assemble a basic first aid kid at home: painkillers, probiotics, alcohol wipes, bandages, tweezers, antihistamine tablets - anything you might need in a pinch
and an emergency toolkit: flashlight, extra batteries, a utility knife, an adjustable wrench, multi-tool, duct tape
set your fridge to the lowest temperature it can go. the energy consumption is minimal in difference and it'll give you +4/7 days on most foods
off-brand products are almost always the same in quality and taste, if not better, for half the price
coupons will save you a lot of money in the long run
there's no reason to be shy around employees at the bank/laundromat/store; most people will be happy to help
vegetarian diets are generally cheap if you make food from scratch
breakfast is as important as they say
keep track of your budget in a notebook or excel file - e.g. rent, phone and internet bills, food, leisure so you'll have an overlook on your spending over the months
don't gamble
piracy is okay
stealing from big stores and chains is also ethically okay
keep medical bills and pharmacy receipts for tax returns
also, file your tax returns early
take up a hobby that isn't in front of a screen. pottery, music, going for a run every now and then, stuff that'll keep you busy and sane
and most importantly... you're allowed to get the stuff you want. treat yourself to the occasional mundane thing. a good scented candle. a bath bomb. that body lotion that makes you feel like royalty. the good coffee beans.
you're free and you deserve to be happy.
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bartholomaus · 1 month ago
Pe lângă toate astea, trăim într-o civilizație în care a devenit normal să acoperim din buget recesiuni economice care apar la fiecare deceniu. Crizele economice sunt extrem de profitabile pentru un cerc restrâns de prieteni pe care nu-i poate vota nimeni afară din funcții. Cu cine ar putea să voteze tinerii români ca să conteze? Cu petrodolarul? Cu Putin, Biden sau Xi Jinping? Cu Larry Fink? Poate ați vrea să voteze cu slugile PSD și PNL care i-au adus în starea actuală. Cu USR care vinde teorii progresiste și corporatism ultraliberal. Cu AUR care promite cai verzi pe pereți. Ați auzit vreun politician în ultimul deceniu propunând vreo soluție concretă pentru tineri? Un plan realist sau ceva? Tinerilor li se spune pe față că nu vor deține nimic și că vor fi fericiți. Filosofia Stakeholder Capitalism ne-a transformat din alegători în clienți, iar statul reprezintă interesele investitorilor, nu ale clienților. Știu bine că votul lor nu mai reprezintă nimic.
Salariul minim net este de 2300 de lei. Mai mult de jumătate din tinerii români locuiesc cu părinții pentru că n-au încotro. Ies de pe băncile unui sistem educațional falit intelectual și moral, apoi constată că nu sunt pregătiți pentru mai nimic și au fost mințiți. Tinerii sunt întâmpinați cu dispreț de către un sistem supărăcios care vrea să-i exploateze și să-i trimită pe front. Zilele trecute mă uitam pe un pop-up: Angajăm cu studii superioare și trei ani de experiență, pe un salariu de 6000 de lei. Trebuia să intri pe link și undeva în subsolul paginii apărea precizarea că salariul este brut. Adică, după studiile superioare și trei ani de experiență rămâneai cu aproximativ 3500 în mână și cu un șef semi-analfabet pus de tac-su în fruntea companiei. Să-mi explice cineva calculul rațional pentru că eu nu-mi dau seama dacă 3500 de lei sunt o recompensă suficientă pentru 4 ani de investiție educațională, plus 3 ani de investiție profesională. Tinerii nu se implică pentru că sunt prea preocupați de supraviețuirea zilnică pentru a mai avea și idealuri. Apoi toată lumea insistă că idealurile lor sunt de căcat și că mai bine stau în banca lor decât să deranjeze orânduirea.
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davekitties · 3 months ago
btw here's my ebay. I have some plushies, game stuff, and some anime stuff
and while I'm sharing that, here's my mercari as well
nothing is cross posted, i sell different stuff on each website (mainly because I am just now trying out selling on ebay and the auction system)
so, yeah, if you're into pokemon, binding of isaac (four souls shirts in particular), plus size clothing, and some plushies, give my mercari a look. if you're more into games, anime, and (more) pokemon plushies, ebay might be right for you.
I'm taking offers on everything, and if you message that you found me on tumblr, I can see about giving you a good deal (:
thanks for reading 💙
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alrosa11 · 1 year ago
El libro Frutoterapia. La Fruta, El Oro De Mil Colores (Plus Vitae)
Autor Albert Ronald Morales en amazon España...
Apoyar mis blogs y mi canal YouTube...http://goo.gl/7nkmqT
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amway.es network franquicia Spain y Portugal https://goo.gl/FCmDcz
Mis perfiles *** grupo mundial alrosa111 ***
wallapop España https://goo.gl/H9Lfid
eBay España
Para comida por tu espiritu alma, conciencia visita mi blog vivirbiensindinero √
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a2fitnessuk · 1 year ago
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𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐁𝐚𝐲 - 𝐀2 𝐅𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
Are you in search of high-quality sports wear in Birmingham? Look no further than eBay, in partnership with A2 Fitness, Birmingham's top online shopping destination. At eBay.com, you'll find a diverse array of sports wear, including footwear and clothing, all conveniently available for you.
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sharkkingdylan · 1 year ago
My eBay store is back online if you wanna check that out, I sell doubles/extras from my gaming collection that I don’t need plus other stuff! https://www.ebay.ca/usr/sharkkingdylan
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
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Lew Stringer, Cartoonist is selling more of his original comic art on eBay (or in one case, from "Sonic the Comic", art using his scripts) - "Tom Thug", Rob-Capers" and more, plus, if you missed it first time around, a new printing of "Pedantic Stan, Comics Fan" at the fixed price of £5.50; and his ace "Fanzine Funnies", parodying "The Prisoner" https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/graphite47?_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l161211
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kickstart-keygen-pf · 2 years ago
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Lots of different keygens are tools inside our resources. The bass thus gets a dispenser to whose side chain enters that the kick is closely. Kickstart 2 by Nicky Romero and Cableguys - only EUR 14/USD 16! Instant sidechain compression effect plugin for VST/AU/AAX - free trial available. Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen [UPDATED] Crack Free. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Image with caption: undefined. Project KickStart all versions serial number and keygen, Project KickStart serial Project KickStart activation key, Project KickStart download keygen. Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely. Tag: Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen. Nicky Romero Kickstart v Crack For Win & Mac [Latest ]. January 20, Audio Plugins / MAC / Window. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. %post --log=/root/ # Generate SSH keys; ipa-client-install uploads them to the IdM server by default /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa # Run. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. Nicky Romero Kickstart WiN/MAC-R2R TEAM R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: MB Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B. Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B production can do without. Kickstart is the fastest way to get that signature. Audio plugins for Mac and PC: HalfTime, ShaperBox, TimeShaper, DriveShaper, NoiseShaper, FilterShaper Core, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper, PanShaper. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygen are tools in our resource. For more information check out the sample KickStart config in rpm -i ftp:// ssh-keygen -b -f. very useful tool. While this tool . Keygen WiN/MAC-R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: Nicky Romero Kickstart v You can use freely-available software to. The KickStart config This HOWTO briefly describes how to use the RedHat Linux KickStart system to ssh−keygen −b −f /etc/ssh_host_key −N "". Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely powerful and. Many different Keygen tools are on our resource. In the meantime, simply squeezing out time is almost about to happen. If you listen carefully.
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kickstart-keygen-l3 · 2 years ago
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Lots of different keygens are tools inside our resources. The bass thus gets a dispenser to whose side chain enters that the kick is closely. Kickstart 2 by Nicky Romero and Cableguys - only EUR 14/USD 16! Instant sidechain compression effect plugin for VST/AU/AAX - free trial available. Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen [UPDATED] Crack Free. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Image with caption: undefined. Project KickStart all versions serial number and keygen, Project KickStart serial Project KickStart activation key, Project KickStart download keygen. Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely. Tag: Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen. Nicky Romero Kickstart v Crack For Win & Mac [Latest ]. January 20, Audio Plugins / MAC / Window. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. %post --log=/root/ # Generate SSH keys; ipa-client-install uploads them to the IdM server by default /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa # Run. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. Nicky Romero Kickstart WiN/MAC-R2R TEAM R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: MB Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B. Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B production can do without. Kickstart is the fastest way to get that signature. Audio plugins for Mac and PC: HalfTime, ShaperBox, TimeShaper, DriveShaper, NoiseShaper, FilterShaper Core, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper, PanShaper. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygen are tools in our resource. For more information check out the sample KickStart config in rpm -i ftp:// ssh-keygen -b -f. very useful tool. While this tool . Keygen WiN/MAC-R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: Nicky Romero Kickstart v You can use freely-available software to. The KickStart config This HOWTO briefly describes how to use the RedHat Linux KickStart system to ssh−keygen −b −f /etc/ssh_host_key −N "". Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely powerful and. Many different Keygen tools are on our resource. In the meantime, simply squeezing out time is almost about to happen. If you listen carefully.
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bartholomaus · 2 months ago
Teama e degeaba. România, ca întotdeauna, este cam un pariu sigur pe fiecare palier al ei. Nu riscăm, iar asta ne face să nu câștigăm prea mult în multe aspecte, dar măcar avem o traiectorie constantă în sus, încet și sigur. Că vine Călin, că ia aur, că ia USR, aceeași poveste, altă zi. Schimbări majore? Puțin probabil. Va fi mereu fricțiune între public și orice prea controversat, așa că cel mai rău scenariu nu se va întâmpla în România. În plus, momentan nici nu e clar care ar fi cel mai rău scenariu, odată ce elimini propaganda. --
Democratia distributista, adica oameni sa participe la deciziile statului, e ceva de bine; majoritatea ar vrea asta, sa avem un cuvant de spus in directia unde mergem. Dar cum faci toate alegerile respective sa fie mai ieftine, ca un referendum costa enorm? Cum te asiguri ca dai informatia potrivita oamenilor si nu sunt influentati? Etc. Toate astea nu sunt chiar asa usor de implementat, nu e o linie directa de la 1 la 0.
Ca vrea independenta energetica, e un fel de... stai la rand, toti vor. Nu e ca si cum America, Europa si toate celelalte tari nu vor. Ideea este cum planifici sa fii independent energetic, ca nu o sa vina curent din pamant pe gratis. Deci mnah, ca si plan de guvernare nu vad sa fie schimbat ceva din ce spune el, chiar daca unele din manifestul lui nu suna chiar rau, dar , sa explice si cum le-ar implementa mai concret .. --
Evident ca nu da un plan concret, aceste planuri se creeaza in jurul unor idei generale, de natura filozofica. Si avem 17 pagini de idei generale. Interesant este ca sistemul distributist este aplicat intr-o oarecare masura, ca exemplu, de comunitatile Amish. Acest sistem implica crearea de comunitati mici, proprietati mici, afaceri mici, care au anumite grade de auto-suficienta. Acesta este un sistem strict traditional, religios, apropiat de natura, sanatos etc. Nimic mai frumos, teoretic. De ex. sistemul doreste facilitarea bancilor comunale, capitalul strain este interzis.
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kickstart-keygen-zs · 2 years ago
RedHat Linux KickStart HOWTO: The KickStart config file
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Lots of different keygens are tools inside our resources. The bass thus gets a dispenser to whose side chain enters that the kick is closely. Kickstart 2 by Nicky Romero and Cableguys - only EUR 14/USD 16! Instant sidechain compression effect plugin for VST/AU/AAX - free trial available. Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen [UPDATED] Crack Free. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Image with caption: undefined. Project KickStart all versions serial number and keygen, Project KickStart serial Project KickStart activation key, Project KickStart download keygen. Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely. Tag: Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen. Nicky Romero Kickstart v Crack For Win & Mac [Latest ]. January 20, Audio Plugins / MAC / Window. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. %post --log=/root/ # Generate SSH keys; ipa-client-install uploads them to the IdM server by default /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa # Run. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. Nicky Romero Kickstart WiN/MAC-R2R TEAM R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: MB Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B. Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B production can do without. Kickstart is the fastest way to get that signature. Audio plugins for Mac and PC: HalfTime, ShaperBox, TimeShaper, DriveShaper, NoiseShaper, FilterShaper Core, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper, PanShaper. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygen are tools in our resource. For more information check out the sample KickStart config in rpm -i ftp:// ssh-keygen -b -f. very useful tool. While this tool . Keygen WiN/MAC-R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: Nicky Romero Kickstart v You can use freely-available software to. The KickStart config This HOWTO briefly describes how to use the RedHat Linux KickStart system to ssh−keygen −b −f /etc/ssh_host_key −N "". Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely powerful and. Many different Keygen tools are on our resource. In the meantime, simply squeezing out time is almost about to happen. If you listen carefully.
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RedHat Linux KickStart HOWTO: The KickStart config file
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kickstart-keygen-wn · 2 years ago
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Lots of different keygens are tools inside our resources. The bass thus gets a dispenser to whose side chain enters that the kick is closely. Kickstart 2 by Nicky Romero and Cableguys - only EUR 14/USD 16! Instant sidechain compression effect plugin for VST/AU/AAX - free trial available. Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen [UPDATED] Crack Free. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Image with caption: undefined. Project KickStart all versions serial number and keygen, Project KickStart serial Project KickStart activation key, Project KickStart download keygen. Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely. Tag: Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen. Nicky Romero Kickstart v Crack For Win & Mac [Latest ]. January 20, Audio Plugins / MAC / Window. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. %post --log=/root/ # Generate SSH keys; ipa-client-install uploads them to the IdM server by default /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa # Run. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. Nicky Romero Kickstart WiN/MAC-R2R TEAM R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: MB Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B. Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B production can do without. Kickstart is the fastest way to get that signature. Audio plugins for Mac and PC: HalfTime, ShaperBox, TimeShaper, DriveShaper, NoiseShaper, FilterShaper Core, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper, PanShaper. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygen are tools in our resource. For more information check out the sample KickStart config in rpm -i ftp:// ssh-keygen -b -f. very useful tool. While this tool . Keygen WiN/MAC-R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: Nicky Romero Kickstart v You can use freely-available software to. The KickStart config This HOWTO briefly describes how to use the RedHat Linux KickStart system to ssh−keygen −b −f /etc/ssh_host_key −N "". Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely powerful and. Many different Keygen tools are on our resource. In the meantime, simply squeezing out time is almost about to happen. If you listen carefully.
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RedHat Linux KickStart HOWTO: The KickStart config file
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kickstart-keygen-fh · 2 years ago
Nicky Romero Kickstart 2 - The fastest plugin for pro sidechaining
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Lots of different keygens are tools inside our resources. The bass thus gets a dispenser to whose side chain enters that the kick is closely. Kickstart 2 by Nicky Romero and Cableguys - only EUR 14/USD 16! Instant sidechain compression effect plugin for VST/AU/AAX - free trial available. Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen [UPDATED] Crack Free. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Image with caption: undefined. Project KickStart all versions serial number and keygen, Project KickStart serial Project KickStart activation key, Project KickStart download keygen. Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely. Tag: Nicky Romero Kickstart Keygen. Nicky Romero Kickstart v Crack For Win & Mac [Latest ]. January 20, Audio Plugins / MAC / Window. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. %post --log=/root/ # Generate SSH keys; ipa-client-install uploads them to the IdM server by default /usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa # Run. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygens are tools in. Nicky Romero Kickstart WiN/MAC-R2R TEAM R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: MB Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B. Sidechain compression: no top-notch EDM, house or R&B production can do without. Kickstart is the fastest way to get that signature. Audio plugins for Mac and PC: HalfTime, ShaperBox, TimeShaper, DriveShaper, NoiseShaper, FilterShaper Core, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper, PanShaper. Therefore, you can simply download the usage for almost any keygen. However, you can present the software. Many different keygen are tools in our resource. For more information check out the sample KickStart config in rpm -i ftp:// ssh-keygen -b -f. very useful tool. While this tool . Keygen WiN/MAC-R2R WiN: 4 MB MAC: Nicky Romero Kickstart v You can use freely-available software to. The KickStart config This HOWTO briefly describes how to use the RedHat Linux KickStart system to ssh−keygen −b −f /etc/ssh_host_key −N "". Cableguys VST Torrent Keygen develops cutting-edge virtual effects, plus the critically acclaimed Curve 2 software synthesizer, an extremely powerful and. Many different Keygen tools are on our resource. In the meantime, simply squeezing out time is almost about to happen. If you listen carefully.
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RedHat Linux KickStart HOWTO: The KickStart config file
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