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theeroticlover · 1 month ago
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Fhew !! I like it when you show; you need me bad....
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kuttingkarma · 5 months ago
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kinda went back and forth on whether to post this here or my little side blog where I throw my more sketchy? Ish art? But fuck it this can go here! @popatochisssp’s Tank! Fruity boy in a Wild West alternate universe, on his own little home stead sighhhh….as Poppy herself said, we’re about to make crop circles in that damned wheat
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pato-roldnart · 1 year ago
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Smuttiest smut for the brave and strong
Werewolf Draco Malfoy | Explicit Sexual Content | Teratophilia | Vaginal Sex | Cunnilingus | Knotting | Fluff and Smut | Nudity
Read the complete comic here
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minijenn · 7 months ago
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MK FUSIONS MY BABIESSSSS seriously I love these three so much and drawing them again in the year of our lord 2024 is so magical. Stepper and Maven especially golly they're just Sublime.
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possuminnit · 1 month ago
I feel like a dog letting out the loudest sigh ever when the only thing I've done today is lay around
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official-german-puns · 1 month ago
Es ist ermüdend. Alles.
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yingdu-lover · 18 days ago
I am a fucking idiot- ahem. But first,
People, we need to talk more about The Tides. I am so serious. Apart from The Eye and Lull this season, The Tides (I want to yap more about its cinematic brilliance) explicitly supports shiguang canon. While other OP and ED of the first two seasons have a variety of themes entangled together, the whole point of The Tides is drawing a clear parallel between the old man with the time machine trying to go back in time to save his beloved wife (and his wife's photo is shattered by gunshots) and whatever the heck is going on with Lu Guang (Now, after Yingdu, add parallels of Shao Yuanyuan's attempt of saving her husband and Xia Fei's resolution of finding the culprit who caused Vein's death. You are welcome.)
I want to talk specifically about this scene
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We see Lu Guang is the one holding a sketchbook (safe to say it belonged to that man) and he is gazing into the sketches. He assumes that man's position (also the fact that Lu Guang has a personal diary where he might not draw but keeps a lot of information about timelines).
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This brilliant rack shot.
Idk why I didn't notice it before (I have seen it multiple times but today I just 'got' it).
So, in the first shot, let's see what constitutes the mise-en-scene : Cheng Xiaoshi, a portrait of the lady (whose hands are only shown) and the statue of the lady. It's not white light all over, rather there is a little play of light and shadow. The background wall as well as the statue is green. Overall, there is a green tint. Film nerds and enthusiasts, please explain the lighting and colour palate further if you can find some significance.
in the first shot, Cheng Xiaoshi is in the focus. He has a strange (pensive) look and he is looking at the statue. Then, the focus shifts to the statue and everything else fades into the background. In this simple editing, you realise that- Cheng Xiaoshi and the statue of the lady are somehow connected, connected by the same fate. I can't really explain how but the cinematography establishes the relation beautifully.
Edit 1 : Hi, I wanted to add a few things. Thanku @whispersoflullaby for engaging with it
also, please read @psychopomp-namine their repost.
A few reflections I didn't elaborate before
The woman's face in the portrait is absent in the frame and the lifelessness of the otherwise beautiful statue is intensified by the (intentional) lack of the eyes. So Cheng Xiaoshi's presence in the frame balances this out. Face is the most important part of someone's identity and eyes are one the most important features of someone's face. Eyes also have a higher level of significance in Link Click, associated with power activation, sense, perception, past, future, memory. And ofc, Cheng Xiaoshi's death scene and power (trust/life) transfer to Lu Guang - there is a HUGE focus on the eyes, extreme close ups. And this brings us to the second point,
Consciousness, subjectivity, perspective, reliable/unreliable narration .
My interpretation of the colour green here is unreliable narration or lack of subjectivity, with a feeling of something changing. Cheng Xiaoshi's pensive look makes us think that he knows something, something unsettling but we can't quite grasp that. His subjectivity is yet to be known. His vision is literally shared (and commanded) by Lu Guang and a big portion of Cheng Xiaoshi is constructed out of Lu Guang's perception of him. How would Cheng Xiaoshi write back to that? Cheng Xiaoshi is a mystery and The Tides prepares us for his development in season 3.
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gartenwerkzeug · 21 days ago
Wenn du dich mal kurz aus deinem Spatort-Chokehold löst und dann in einem anderen deiner Fandoms liest:
"Ich hasse es, dass nur eine Folge pro Woche kommt! Wie soll ich das überleben? Muss doch wissen wie es weitergeht!"
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thisfeebleheart · 1 year ago
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Leo + das grüne Shirt
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rainsyru · 19 days ago
[AU] Ruddy excitedly runs through puddles before seeing and waving at Xin! However, in the actual story these two unfortunately do not live such an idyllic life together...
🎨You can read more about them here: [LINK]
🎬You can see the full process video here: [LINK]
🐾Other places to find me: [LINKs]
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tombeerbelly · 1 year ago
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theeroticlover · 1 month ago
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This ?
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abuglikecreature · 5 months ago
ooooooooooooooomy gourd pinterest u cant jus show me this. oh my. oh my wow. roroooooooo omggggggggggggg. logan is baby real propaganda
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minijenn · 8 months ago
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Universe Falls art? By MiniJen? In the year of our Lord 2024???? What is happening here??????
What can I say? The Book of Bill made me nostalgic for this stupid ass mistake of a fic and especially for the two fusion blorbos I made up in my brain. Believe it or not, I miss Stepper and Maven so fucking much ya'll have no idea.
DISCLAIMER: Universe Falls is not coming back. I am not going back to writing it. As it stands, the fic is shelved. I am however not against drawing stuff in relation to it because its fun and I like it. Please do not be a fucking freak about me suddenly posting UF stuff again, I'm just being a silly nostalgic bitch. I know this goddamn "fandom" can be vitriolic as hell so please, use some fucking common sense before you go ahead and act a fool. Thanks, babes.
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zhansww · 1 year ago
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averagenderedmanta · 1 month ago
Ich komm nach Tennants Bafta Eröffnung immer noch nicht vom Gedanken weg wie cringy statt cool das in Deutschland wäre?
Bambi Verleihung. Die Kamera schwenkt Backstage auf eine Tür. Matthias Schweighöfer steht drauf. Die Tür wird geöffnet, er kommt mit Mikro raus und beginnt 🎶Kann ich einmal nicht bei dir sein. Damm Damm. Damm Damm.🎶
Zum Refrain haben wir den Saal erreicht. 🎶Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht. Aber unserer Bambi nicht.🎶 Die nächste Strophe gehts die große Treppe durch die Gäste hoch. Jeder passend sitzender Promi muss beim zweiten Damm Damm mitmachen.
Zum großen Schluss Refrain hat sich eine Polonaise aus anderen Damm Damm Gefangenen gebildet. Ungeplant, aber Daniel Brühl hat sich im Eifer des Gefechts dazu hingerissen gefühlt, der Rest hat aus Panik mitimprovisiert.
Der letzte Turnaround. 🎶Marmor Stein und Eisen bricht, doch das Goldne Bambi nicht! ...🎶 Hallo Berlin, seid ihr gut drauf??! Der Ü-Wagen ist überfordert, weil alle Promis es vergeigen außerhalb der Kameras zu ihren Plätzen zurückzukehren.
im Hintergrund sitzt Horst Lichter und slayt in seinem Outfit einfach nur.
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