#jesus it feels so weird bringing that tag baak
minijenn · 2 months
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Universe Falls art? By MiniJen? In the year of our Lord 2024???? What is happening here??????
What can I say? The Book of Bill made me nostalgic for this stupid ass mistake of a fic and especially for the two fusion blorbos I made up in my brain. Believe it or not, I miss Stepper and Maven so fucking much ya'll have no idea.
DISCLAIMER: Universe Falls is not coming back. I am not going back to writing it. As it stands, the fic is shelved. I am however not against drawing stuff in relation to it because its fun and I like it. Please do not be a fucking freak about me suddenly posting UF stuff again, I'm just being a silly nostalgic bitch. I know this goddamn "fandom" can be vitriolic as hell so please, use some fucking common sense before you go ahead and act a fool. Thanks, babes.
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