#Type 232
rbrtw2ritz · 6 months
RS 232 cable, RS 232 voltage, Wireless USB, rs232 cable types
ICL3221 Series 250 kbps 15 kV RS232 5.5V Transmitter/Receiver - TSSOP-16
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claire-starsword · 10 months
A few pages from the Shining Wisdom novel
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That's right baby I'm mooching off bad pictures from an ebay listing again. I even attempted to translate them as well, though take it with a grain of salt as some words are cut off from the scans so I had to make educated guesses or just mark the blanks, also I'm obviously missing context, although it's largely just a novelization of the game's plot.
Also, the narration is first person from Mars' POV, so we get some thoughts from a Shining boy for a change.
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[…] he made an exaggerated shocked face. "You really surprised me. You weren't just getting help from an elf, you have more mental fortitude than the average person as well. People like you are what we fear the most," he said, though he didn't sound frightened at all. The frog man watched over as the princess walked out of the room, then turned back to me. "But I look forward to your next efforts. Do prepare some great fun for us," he said, and left the room as well, looking back at me for the last time and waving goodbye. "See you around!" Stop mocking me! I wanted to shout, I tried with all my might. Ugh… I clenched my fists. […]
Banbo's lines here are taken almost word by word from the game here, with only some small wording differences. I still preferred to retranslate them on my own instead of copying the EU version though. The same goes for all the following pages as well.
Another minor difference in this scene is that in the game, these lines come by after Satera has already walked off, while here she's still in her room.
Judging by this page at least Banbo does not seem to be hopping around like in game as well. Though since the narration is Mars', he might just be too angry or sleepy to acknowledge that the enemy is not only mocking him but also doing backflips during that.
Note also that Mars is wearing some extra garb in the picture, this is likely because at this point he's still a guard at the castle and hasn't yet been promoted to special boy who adventures as he pleases.
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Before I could ask the fairy what did she mean, she began to fly in circles around my head. "We fairies are forbidden from defying the laws of nature, but this much should be fine […] So? Do you remember what happened?" Remember what? She continued to talk with a mysterious expression. "You went to the Royal Crypt to rescue the princess, right? So, did you defeat Pazort there?" "No way!" I couldn't have defeated him. That frog man from before released some sort of smoke that knocked me out, I think. And the princess, they cast a spell on her- That's right, she was turned into a swan. That's terrible, I can't help but worry… But I'd seen the princess safe and sound in the castle. Wait, no! With a shock, I finally understood. That was a fake, a mage named Karry, who had transformed into the princess. This is what I had to remember no matter what. The fog in my mind had finally cleared. But as I realized how dire things were, I froze, unable to think of anything.
This isn't in the game at all! In game, because Mars is the silent protagonist, he just watches fake Satera waltz into the castle and fool everyone and gets promoted as a result. Upon reaching Gudo Valley and meeting the Fairy, she immediately explains how to help the real princess, implying Mars does know the whole situation, and stayed quiet because ???
So yeah, it makes perfect sense that the novel changed/elaborated things a bit, and Mars apparently suffered some sort of confusion/memory block after those events.
Also, as you'll see through the next pages, the Fairy teams up with Mars for the rest of the adventure, which. Makes so much more sense. Makes the ending work so much better. Would make the game so much livelier. I honestly feel robbed, they robbed me of a friend here :(
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"Oh, that swan… The poor thing is under a spell, no? Come to me. I can remedy that." The old man - no, the hermit of the Thousand Year Tree - stared at the swam, beckoning for her to come forward. The swan looked at me then the fairy, who gave her a nod. She went to the hermit with unsteady steps. "You just need to endure it a little longer, there's no reason to be scared, girl," said the hermit gently while patting the swan's head. He started to chant magical words, low as a whisper. Then his hand began to glow. The light grew into a sphere, covering the swan's head. "Hyah!" With the hermit's shout, the sphere expanded further, enveloping the swan's whole body, and then it burst in a flash. As the light faded out, who stood there was no longer a swan, but Princess Satera. Her clothes had been dirtied after everything she went through as a swan, but she was just as beautiful as she looked like when I first saw her in her room, no, even more beautiful up close. "How do you feel?" asked the hermit, sounding very proud of himself, "are you back to normal?" "I… Yes, I'm back. I'm really myself again, right?"
Again, the dialogue is mostly lifted from the game, with only a few changes in punctuation. Also, the Fairy is here.
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"[…] Kaipa. Strike down the one Mars says is the fake!" "B-but, my liege, that's…!" "Do it! The real one should be protected by the Royal Tiara. Now strike!!" While hesitating, the captain drew his sword and swung it at the fake princess. She dodged it nimbly, jumping away a good distance. "So this farce is done for. Yes, I am a servant of Lord Pazort, the witch Karry!" Laughing loudly, Kari seemed to flash a bluish white for a moment, before changing back to her gorgeous original shape. Light white skin gave way to blue, dazzling golden locks became a cascade of azure hair. Running her hands through her hair, Karry gave the king a challenging look. "I thought I'd be able to fool you to the very end, but you found me out. It's too little too late, though. I got the key to the royal treasury last night, dear king. This very moment, soldiers I bewitched are stealing the Orbs of the Djinns thanks to it! With this, Lord Pazort's dream will become true, the Djinns will be released from the labyrinths!" "That, that's impossible! The key is safe right here…" Flustered, the king searched for it in his clothes. "It's, it's gone!" The king took off his luxurious royal coat, and began searching everywhere on his person. […]
Most of the dialogue is lifted from the game, though the part between the king and the captain feels a bit abridged. In game, they hesitate a lot more in attacking one of the princesses before Mars enters the room. It's possible that things were rewritten a bit so that Mars is in the scene from the beginning, as he's the narrator.
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I nodded at the fairy's words. "Let's go seal the four Djinns." I drew my sword, and took the path to my right. *** "There are four Djinns. One for fire, water, wind and earth," I heard the fairy explain from behind me as I ran through the narrow path. "Maybe, because the orbs were made to drain their power, it robbed them of their will as well. Pazort might be controlling them now." "Will they attack us, then?" "They… might," the fairy replied, clearly unhappy. "But if you defeat them, their will should be resealed in the orbs, and their true essence should return to the Shrine." "So, I really have no choice but to fight them?" She nodded sadly in response. […] "It's still fine. I see four huge flows of power." "That's a relief…" I sighed. As soon as I took the next turn in the path, the colors of my surroundings changed. Everything was deep red, as if the whole chamber was burning. Not just "as if", with a single step into the chamber I could feel the absurd heat assaulting me. "Everything is on fire!?" "It's the Fire Djinn." With the fairy's words I finally noticed it. A figure befitting of its name. In the depths of the chamber stood a giant, red as bricks, clad in armor and a helmet. […] "That's… a djinn?" It wasn't how I expected a spirit to look like. […] Its face under the helmet looked ferocious like a beast. "The djinns don't have bodies like ours. Because they stole power from the giant Surt, that power oozes from them and makes up their form. You could say they're embodying that evil power." It could be just my imagination, but I thought I saw a round flash of light from the djinn's chest.
Original scene, as the fairy isn't around for the Djinn battles in game. I don't remember these bits of Djinn lore anywhere in game as well, though it might be on some unremarkable NPC or book as most lore crumbs in this game.
Perhaps worth mentioning, in game the Djinns are usually referred to with the word in katakana (ジン), while the novel usually uses the word for spirits (精霊), with furigana indicating the Djinn reading only in its first mention. They have been referred to as spirits in guides as well, so this is nothing new, just a stylistic choice I suppose.
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A fireball headed straight in my direction. Then a gust of wind. The only way to dodge is upwards! I jumped, but another gust of wind from above knocked me down to the ground. I managed to deflect some of the next blasts of wind and light with my sword, but their impact was still enough to have me screaming in pain. I had no idea just how deep my wounds were at that point. I couldn't help but continue to howl in agony. Somehow I managed to get back on my knees, and in that moment Pazort came to face me. "This is all you've got, right?" He held his finger to my left chest - pointing straight to my heart. "Well then, give me the Orbs," he demanded. "Even if you refuse, I can just take them anyway after killing you. But I dislike taking things by force." "No!" I shouted while getting back on my feet. I had almost no strength left in me. It was my last chance to do anything. But I had to be ready to take Pazort down, even at the cost of my life. "I see… Then, you give me no choice. Die." A bluish-white light began to gather at Pazort's fingertip.
Original scene since it's adapting the final battle. I don't remember Pazort having any sort of finger laser in game, and the description of light gathering for a moment reminds me of Oddeye's beam. Not that I think it's a reference, it's a very generic description, I just want to crack a joke on Pazort's mooching off the guy's popularity as usual.
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They are this to me
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OKAY it has been a day of being sad and panicky. Time to move.
Yesterday, I made a post detailing the cdc announcement that there will no longer be an isolation requirement for covid. If you are one of the thousands of people rightfully raging in my notes, here's some steps to focus on.
We're not gonna give up. I've seen quite a few comments with things like 'what's the point', 'why should I even try anymore' etc etc and what we're not gonna do is give them what they want! It helps the eugenics cause to be apathetic and listless. We've made it this far, we will continue to make it. I know it's hard, but I am at least right here with you. Give yourself whatever time you need to grieve, and then I need you to get up.
If you have stopped masking for any reason, or you haven't upgraded to a respirator style mask, now is the time to change or start. From now on, we will be living in a country where you could assume there are multiple covid positive people in the room with you at all times. Surgical masks will not handle that load, and cloth masks will be even less effective at that point. Obviously, this is an unprecedented situation we're putting these masks in, and I'm not gonna sit here and pretend to be an expert that can tell you with certainty that even respirators will hold up with this amount of viral load for a long period of time, but it's the best and strongest tool we have. I'm considering using my p100 more, so that's always something to consider as well (and they make you look like a cool raver when you wear them!!!). You can buy all sorts of masks here, there's more links in the comments of my original post, and most states have their own mask blocs. To find them, go to Instagram and type "[your state] mask bloc". Here is a google doc of verified advocacy groups and mask blocs all across the country here is a diy fit test kit you can buy for $30 (unfortunately they are sold out right now. shocker.) PLEASE remember to take a layered response in these times. Masks are not the only tool in our arsenal. PLEASE for the love of God keep up with your vaccinations. Make a corsi-rosenthal box or buy a high quality air purifier if you can afford it--at the very least our homes can be safe havens (you can even put a hepa filter on your furnace!!!! And in your car too!!!!!). Use CPC Mouthwash, nasal irrigation, and nasal sprays like this one. Make it a routine: you come home, you shower, you brush your teeth, you rinse your nose, you change your clothes. And, like I said in another one of my posts, DO NOT TAKE OFF THE MASK.
3. If you would like an outlet for your rage and you're into calling your reps, feel free to calmly but firmly let the cdc have it at these numbers!!!!!
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[alt text: a tweet by user silly_paulie that reads:
"Disdain for the CDC unites us all. Call today and demand isolation policies be returned to 10 days, and reducing it further to 1 day would be criminally dangerous. Call both:
404-639-7000 (press 8)
end text.]
4. If you need more outlets for your rage, I STRONGLY encourage you to get involved with your local union. Moreso than calling the CDC, tbh. I've seen multiple comments telling people just to lie about your symptoms to get more sick time off, but since there's no legal precedent to allow employees sick time for covid, all that's gonna do is get people fired. I truly believe in my lefty heart that the ONLY way we're getting anything close to mitigation is through labor rights. Even the standard for the fucking flu is 3 days, and that's nowhere near as contagious or disabling as covid. I say this as a high risk person with a neuromuscular disability: covid is an intersectional issue, but where we have the most leverage to get what we need is through labor rights.
It is NOT safe for workers to be working while ill with a Level 3 Biohazard (same as TB and the FUCKING PLAGUE. Seriously we have more regulations around fucking lice)
It is NOT safe to willfully EXPOSE your employees to a Level 3 Biohazard
It is NECESSARY for all employees to be allowed up to 10 days to recover fully from Covid-19, in order to avoid possible further injury from or hospitalization
You will NOT die or be disabled for the sake of the wealthy!!!!!
(and while you're at it, ask for better air filtration too!!!! At least 5 air changes an hour, MERV-13 air filters!! Then we won't have to constantly worry about virus bs and policy changes in the first place!!!!)
5. Closing statements. Nothing has changed with covid, this is just policy. Covid still isn't magic, she still has to get in you before she can do damage--mask up, arm your home with clean air, and don't let her. It's always worse toward the end. This is not the time to give up, it's time to dig in your heels and get to work. There are so many good things happening with covid. They are finding encouraging treatments for long covid. Finally, after years of nothing, a new prophylactic for the high risk was submitted for emergency use to the FDA, and it looks like this time it's built to last against new mutations. Covid is here to stay for the rest of our lives, but the real science hasn't given up on taking the worst of its teeth out. We WILL get to the point where the extreme fear of catching covid is nothing but a bad memory for EVERYONE. All I need you to do is commit to the belief that you're gonna survive long enough to be in that moment with the rest of us.
Now stay safe, and give em hell!!!!!
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kremlin · 1 month
after many years my old company has finally allowed people back into the office, haha, not to go to work, no no, solely to collect their belongings from their desks. i picked up my stuff and remembered what a psycho i was about my office back then, let me show you..
i set up an old VT-420 on a side of my desk to read my email on (to flex my computer dick) which is unfortunately a bit too yellowed now for me to post exposed but hilariously enough i did take the chance to fix the faulty RS-232 chip in it and i no longer get a bunch of keystrokes interpreted as ŸŸŸŸs randomly. the fix was great too, instead of having to throw the whole thing out like you'd need to today, i literally just had to pull the PTH chip out of its socket, didn't even need to desolder. nor throw the old one out. i blasted it with a blowtorch for about half a second and it's fine now.
(it is amber by the way, which is the best color)
the keyboard is another story, i think a lot of like, entry-level vintage computing people get this concept that every old keyboard is some treasure, and boy let me tell you, some of them make you want throw up, like the vt420's:
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you'll have to take my word that the typing experience is pure ass, but if you look at this fucker for more than two seconds your blood pressure will start to raise. and i'm not just talking about the euro return key. where is the super key? and what is going on left of 'a'? did they decide to solve the age-old "caps lock vs ctrl" debate by putting both of them there (??) what the fuck is going on north of the arrow keys?!?! and even further north, 'help' is funny enough on its own, the fact its next to DO, a truly existentially puzzling key, makes it that much better. why is DO so wide?? why are there so many F keys? and apparantly 20 F keys wasn't enough, they had to go on and invent "PF" keys above the numpad. and it doesn't stop there..
the pre-USB world was pretty nuts, but most keyboards still had sane connectors like DE-9's, PS/2, DINs, etc, but not this one
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it uses, a, uh, looks like an ethernet cable. weird. but look closer. six pins. AND, big honking square to key it specifically and make it incompatible with the very-similar already-existing 6P6C specification (why?) anyways, that's enough of this crap, moving on
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this is the keyboard for my lisp machine, the famous "space cadet keyboard", i get so many fucking emails about this keyboard, christ almighty. people trying to buy it from me, it's a shame, the machines don't boot without them so seperating them to satisfy reddit guy wish fulfillment breaks my heart. it's a lot better. it's from an era where a good computer would set you back half a million and the hardware reflects it. honeywell made it, it's "solid state" insofar as that makes sense for a keyboard, uses the hall effect. there weren't any rats at my office but just in case i seem to have taped something to the underside:
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lol. now for accouterments to cover those hideous eggshell white walls:
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in order, openbsd, you know it baby, middle is a weird polish promo for the holy mountain, the last thing was a joke whose meaning has been lost to time. chicken and turkey!
i seemed to have been working on some very bizarre electronics projects, personal, during my workday:
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god, what the fuck was this?
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oh, duh, it's bort's hat. (??)
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some reading materials. K&R C is a first edition, somewhat rare. the 9front manuals:
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classic, natch. and a huge gear that's clapped
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that's it. that's my office apparently.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
Wikipedia is already questionable resource whenever you look at something that is even mildly controversial. However, I find it interesting to look at double standards regarding genocides.
Exhibit A: Holodomor and current war in Ukraine.
You can make an easy case that Holodomor was genocide against Ukrainians, yet when you go to wikipedia section:
"While scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made,[9][10] whether the Holodomor was directed at Ukrainians, or whether it constitutes a genocide, remain in dispute."
Current war also falls within Lemkin's definition since it's been proven and confirmed by Russians themselves that Ukrainian children are being taken away and "re-educated" (and forced assimilation falls under genocide). Wikipedia lists that under Allegations of genocide.
There is no academic consensus or international recognition and wikipedia treats it that way.
Exhibit B: (((Zionists)))
There is a wikipedia page for Allegations of genocide, and there is also already dedicated Gaza genocide page. Yup, no international recognition or proof required.
Israel has been accused by experts, governments, UN agencies and non-governmental organisations of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian population
Well if Experts (tm) concluded so, it must be true. Can we check those experts? What would happen if I pressed CTRL+F and typed "Al Jazeera" ? Oh look, 77 results.
And article is beyond biased and bloated.
When you go to international support Vatican is listed as maybe supporting the decision to call it a genocide and that is based on Pope allegedly saying he thought it was genocide. Yes, allegedly, there is literally no proof it ever happened.
And then you have cultural discourse section which can basically be summarized as "X celebrity said it was genocide."
So Holodomor gets "maybe it was genocide" while current war in Gaza gets "it's a genocide, Al Jazeera, Greta Thunberg and Taliban said so"
And when you go to List of genocides page you get another example of double standards.
This is Holodomor summary on that page:
The Holodomor also known as the Ukrainian Famine was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1930–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union.While scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made,[230]whether or not the Holodomor was intentional and therefore constitutes a genocide under the Genocide Convention is debated by scholars.[231][232]
This is Gaza "genocide" summary:
Israel has been accused by experts, governments, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian population during its invasion and bombing of Gaza during the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.[8][9] By March 2024, after five months of attacks, Israeli military action had resulted in the deaths of over 31,500 Palestinians – 1 out of every 75 people in Gaza – averaging 195 killings a day,[10] and nearly 40,000 confirmed deaths by July. Although illustrative, medical reports from July 2024 onward suggest the current number could be around 186,000 deaths.[7] Most of the victims are civilians,[11][12] including over 25,000 women and children[13][14] and 108 journalists.[15] Thousands more dead bodies are under the rubble of destroyed buildings.[16][17][18] By March 2024, 374 healthcare workers in Gaza had been killed.[19] An enforced Israeli blockade has heavily contributed to starvation and the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip, while Israeli forces prevented humanitarian supplies from reaching the Palestinian population, blocking or attacking humanitarian convoys. Early in the conflict, Israel also cut off water and electricity supply from the Gaza Strip.
Holodomor description is short and concise while this one is double its length with constant attempts at emotional manipulation. Constant reminder how (((they))) are evil with casualty numbers pulled out the ass. Only thing missing in this summary is paragraph dedicated to production of blood matzah.
So in case of Holodomor you have to prove that there was a genocide, while in case of Gaza you have to prove that it isn't a genocide. Oh wait, you also can't do that because any pro Israeli source is considered to be biased by wikipedia mods and page is locked anyways.
Dear anon,
nice work there
108 journalists sounds like a nazi dogwhistle that snuck into this tankie circlejerk
We really do need to take wikipedia back from these holodomor denying antisemites
these people wouldn't know a genocide even if they were the sole survivor of the mass murder of their own ethnic group
Baltimore (most prolific pro-pal and anti lgbt and anti native wikipedia editor) you lone wolf terrorist for fucks sake touch some grass
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transgenderer · 6 months
Crowley was bisexual, but exhibited a preference for women,[270] with his relationships with men being fewer and mostly in the early part of his life.[232] In particular he was attracted to "exotic women",[271] and said he had fallen in love on multiple occasions; Kaczynski stated that "when he loved, he did so with his whole being, but the passion was typically short-lived".[272] Even in later life, Crowley was able to attract young bohemian women to be his lovers, largely due to his charisma.[273] He applied the term "Scarlet Woman" to various female lovers whom he believed played an important role in his magical work.[274] During homosexual acts, he usually played 'the passive role',[275] which Booth believed "appealed to his masochistic side".[276] An underlying theme in many of his writings is that spiritual enlightenment arises through transgressing socio-sexual norms.[277]
i think "bisexual who tops for women and bottoms for men" is like a type of guy. julius caesar. aleister crowley. this friend of mine who i love but who i think is in some sense "kind of amoral". this is my new freudianism
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reblogs-resources · 16 days
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made by me ❤️ Gallery ID - lilabella12
Lot Type: Vacation Rental - Granite Falls
Lot Value: 21,785 // 232 per day
Lot Dimensions: 40x30
Lot Placement: Lakeside Retreat
Packs/Kits: I own all of them, so I use all of them all the time!
A small vacation rental located in Granite Falls. 1 Double Bed & 1 Tent, functional bathroom, access to a public toilet. Features a small fire pit, some playground equipment, the trailer has a kitchen nook and a tv. Enjoy Granite Falls to your hearts content!
Download (SFS)
How to install: Download, unpack and put all files into your tray folder ❤️ enjoy!
If you want to use this build in your game I would love to see some screenshots! Feel free to @ me if you use it in your simblr stories.
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vavslya · 10 months
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house with apartments – san sequoia
‘hi guys  i’ll be happy if you like it and download it if you use tag me, I’ll be glad to see it’’
built for 18 celebration way, san sequoia
lot type: house (but this lot is made for a new expansion pack)
size: 40x20
price: 232 699$
4 bedroom and 3 bath
no CC
place with bb.moveobjects on
ea pack’s:
horse ranch, growing together, high school years, cottage living, snowy escape, eco lifestyle, discover university, island living, get famous, seasons, cat and dogs, city living, get together, get to work
werewolves, my wedding stories, dream home decorator, journey to Batuu, strangerville, parenthood, vampires, dine out, spa day, outdoor retreat
home chef hustle, paranormal, tiny living, my first pet, laundry day, fitness, bowling night, vintage glamour, backyard, kids room, cool kitchen, perfect patio
modern luxe, book nook, basement treasures, greenhouse haven, bathroom clutter, everyday clutter, desert luxe, decor to the max, little campers, blooming rooms, industrial loft, bust the dust
download: sfs [click] (no adfly)
@maxismatchccworld  @s4-builds @mmoutfitters @sssvitlanz and @publicvanillabuilds (thank you to all of you!)
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tibbycaps · 2 months
thing #232 i like about convexian is that i think they’re all the type to be freakishly strong but you dont really expect it
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bergdg · 3 days
Analyzing Invention: Jan-Aug 2024
We are now two-thirds through 2024. Each week, a new challenge has appeared as part of the Inventor's Fair, a Magic: the Gathering card design contest blog here on Tumblr.
For the uninitiated, each week, a design challenge is announced on the blog and members of the community create cards meeting the design specifications. At the end of the week, a few winners and runner-ups are selected from the submission.
So let's take a look at some of the trends so far this year - January through August.
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Art. Katerina of Myra's Marvels. Illustrated by Gaboleps
The Contests
Through August, there have been 33 contests: 11 being led by @abelzumi, 10 being led by @spooky-bard, and the rest led by an assortment of judges (Note: there were 6 contest in which the judge didn't identify themselves).
Throughout these 33 contests, there have been 723 entries, spread over 110 unique participants. Of those participants, there have been 17 who have submitted at least 17 submissions (50+% participation). A special shout-out to @nine-effing-hells for their 33 submissions.
On average, there have been 22 participants per contest, with the highest being Common Wonders (30 participants) and the lowest being a tie between My Better Half, War Never* Changes and Spoiled for Choice (16 participants).
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Fig. 1 - Line Graph of the Number of Entries Per Contest. Blue dots represent the number of entries for a contest, and the green line represents the 3-contest average.
The Submissions
As previously mentioned, there have been 723 unique entries (some of which had multiple designs, such as all the ones submitted for My Better Half).
In previous evaluations, we looked at all sorts of data: such as card types, mana value, and rarities. While prepping for this iteration, I asked what folks would like to see. The request: let's see some color breakdowns. So let's deep-dive!
Starting off, let's look at general color identities. If they are at least partial in the color, they'll be included here. In order:
Black: 232
Blue: 224
Red: 215
White: 211
Green: 156
Most of the colors are pretty close in the number of entries, except poor ol' green. This is the same from what we saw in the January-April update as well. (The order then was almost the exact same, with just blue and black swapping places).
The pattern is similar when we look at solely mono color entries, with Blue and Red swapping places:
Black: 91
Red: 87
Blue: 83
White: 80
Green: 55
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Fig. 2 - Image of Kermit the Frog, with text saying "It's not easy bein' green".
Now let's dip into a well we haven't before: multi-color entries!
Based on our general color tendencies, you might think Dimir (blue-black) OR Rakdos (black-red) would be in the top spot. And while they do make a good showing (at #2 and #4 respectively), the top spot might surprise you:
Orzhov (W B): 35
Dimir (U B): 34
Izzet (U R): 30
Rakdos (B R): 26
Azorius (W U): 24
Boros (R W): 23
Simic (G U): 22
Gruul (R G): 20
Selesnya (G W): 16
Golgari (B G): 13
Unsurprisingly, all 4 green guilds were lowest on the list. I was surprised that Golgari was lowest though, with the general black designs being the most prominent.
For three colors, most of the 10 options are fairly close, between 3 and 5 entries each. The slight stand-out was Abzan (W B G) with 6. There has been only a single 4-color design, Atraxa's Command designed by @khyrberos (g w u b), and four 5-color designs.
There have also been 35 colorless cards designed. I'll give a note here on lands - since we are looking a color identity and not mana cost, many lands are in a color bucket, not just here in colorless land.
Well, that about sums things up for this time around. It's always cool to see everyone's submissions each week as part of the @inventors-fair! Y'all are awesome, and I can't wait to see what designs you come up with through the end of the year. And maybe, just maybe, think about adding some green :).
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nuralscolorfulart · 1 month
Nural's Magical Girl costume
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Since I was almost done with drawing all entries for DTIYS challenges, which is resulting in running out of ideas for future drawings, I'm going to focus on main original characters wearing a magical girl costume.
The first main OC wearing the costume is Nural, who has long dark pink hair with pink strike worn in a ponytail with a pink ribbon hairband on top of her head, dark pink eyes and eyelashes. She wears a pink dress with magenta ribbon on her chest and dark pink shorts, black gloves with light pink wristbands, and pink short boots.
By the way, it's been a while since I draw one of main OCs Nural.
Stay tuned for the next OC wearing a magical girl costume and I hope you like it! ✨️💕
Digitalized by me, on ibis Paint X (08/19/2024)
Title: Nural's Magical Girl costume
Character: Nural ♀️
Type: Nural fanart, OC fanart
Day 232, 2024
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"To be honest, I can understand why people prefer to ship Bashir with Miles or Garak because when he's around them, he acts normal but when he's around his female crushes/love interests, he unfortunately devolves into a Nice Guy type of character."
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Its fucking 2 AM lets keep ranting about this! Genshin isn’t popular the way people think its popular. It is currently one of the most financially successful games ever:
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But it doesn’t make 20 quadspillion dollars by being the game with the highest player count - and certainly not by being the game with the highest player count in Japan. It has a ton of players, don’t get me wrong - looking like 60 million monthly users.
That isn’t that much though! 
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All the big games clean its clock - and it looks even less pretty in Japan itself:
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Mobile games ranked by installs. Do you even know what that second game is, by the way? 
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Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Horse Girl Racing & Breeding game, absolutely more popular than Genshin in Japan on mobile (which most people estimate is how Genshin is played in Japan & China, vs PC in the US). Which I am singling out specifically, because beyond just ‘numbers’ you have metrics like intensity of the fanbase, how much do the devotees talk about the game and such. That sets trends more than numbers do, right? And hey look Comiket in Japan just happened, what do you got for me - lets rank number of doujins sold at comiket in the gatcha-style games category:
Type-Moon: 848 
Uma Musume: 728
Hololive: 620 (Vtuber)
Kancolle: 654
Touhou: 596
iDOLM@STER Starlight Stage: 474
Blue Archive: 446
iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors: 232
Genshin Impact: 230
Nijisanji: 194 (Vtuber)
Touken Ranbu: 192
Project Sekai: 172 (Includes Vocaloid)
Arknights: 123
Azurlane: 120
Girls und Panzer: 118
Fuck yeah Girls und Panzer. But anyway 9th place? Pretty good! Very respectable...and fucking wrecked by the HORSE GIRL BREEDING MOBILE GAME Uma Musume
How about some streaming data! Japan only ofc:
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So now here its pretty low, but I will grant that its the best ranking anime-style game. Genshin is popular, for sure. But all this taken in, Genshin just aint that big - its a very popular game, probably the most popular “fantasy fluffy anime game”, but its not like, insanely popular, running the show.
The reason you think its popular is two-fold; one is that its a gatcha game, so it is monitizing its player base way above other large games. Not crazily so btw, the average Genshin player has probably spent $70 dollars on the game, the normal price of a game - but still its competing with other “free” games which always have much bigger player bases, its hitting hard in relation. It is, absolutely, one of the most financially successful games ever. And the second reason is its cross-country popularity - its really rare for a game to be huge in China AND Japan AND America. The fact that its a top game in all three countries is a big feat, and it makes you hear about it, it gives it a playerbase scale from the sheer market size.
But if you are Japanese company Nintendo, making a game that is *not* a gatcha game, for a company that is famously pretty parochial about branding their games for the Japanese market uber alles, that is making a *console* game on a console that famously did not sell well in China...why would Genshin stand out to you? Its just one of the games, competing with a totally different model, on a totally different device, and in totally different markets. It is a trend, but it is not driving trends, it is not the trendsetter - certainly not for a Switch game. Engage would have no reason to try to copy it over other game styles.
TL:DR Fire Emblem Engage is taking inspiration from the horse fucker game and if you can’t prove that wrong I don’t want to hear it.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
"Sanuso week-" wrong! Sanuso "commit to a very specific prompt to the point of losing your mind and writing 232 pages about Sanji and Usopp falling in love in a disney jane austen shakespearian game of thrones type of way" week !!
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❣︎ The last time ❣︎
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Pairing: Lee Minho x gn!reader
Words count: 232
Genre: suggestive, angst if you squint
Warnings: swearing, pet names (sweet thing), Minho is described as arrogant
Autor's note: I was listening to The color violet by Tory Lanez while writing this and it was such a vibe 🥲
This is just my imagination and does not portrait Stray kids members' personalities in any way!
Usually you would tell yourself that you are smart enough to handle any situation, but right now the only word on your mind was "Stupid".
You weren't supposed to be at that party, less than that you thought you would end up all over your ex you so badly wanted to kick out of your life forever.
"You are so tensed. Don't like my attention?" Minho and that attitude of him. He had long taken you back to his car and the backseat wasn't the most comfortable place to find yourself under him, but it was enough to satisfy your desire. Or maybe if he did something more than kissing you...
"I hate you!" you tried to sound angry, but then he kissed that particular spot on your neck and you saw it clear. You couldn't escape from him. Even if you wanted. Yes, he was arrogant, self-centered and selfish, which made you end things with him, but he was the only one to make you feel that type of way. And right at that moment you were no different from him.
"Just admit it that you want me and I am all yours, sweet thing." he smirked again against your skin and you couldn't handle it anymore.
"Fuck, Min, I w-want you." you would regret it after you both are done, but that would be the last time. Or would it?
Reblogs, comments and likes are welcome 💫
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My Garden Flowers Part 8
All photos mine.
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In order of appearance:
211. White Avens (Geum canadense) This was here before I got there and as she's native she survived the purge I did of the weeds.
212. Orange Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida) I didn't plant this, but she's in lots of places now and she's not always this orange, often leaning more toward amber, but she is always very pretty.
213. Tall White Lettuce (Prenanthes altissima) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
214. American Red Raspberry (Rubus strigosus) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
215. Canada mayflower (Maianthemum canadense) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
216. Barren Strawberry (Waldsteinia fragarioides) The leaves look a lot like strawberry leaves, the flowers look like if strawberry flowers were yellow, and they make a red berry! But it tastes woody and bland. Hence the name. I still want to make a jam of them if I ever get enough of them, though.
217. Tufted Hairgrass (Deschampsia ceaspitosa) Don't mind the bull thistle behind it that I wasn't able to remove, but the foliage of the grass is a nice blue-green and the flowers are, well, tufts.
218. Largeflower Bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora) The flowers are always bowed as if wilting. They're springtime flowers only.
219. Spotted Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) One of the only two Impatiens species native this far north. The flowers of this one are orange. She likes moist to wet spots and can handle full sun to full shade.
220. Fringed Loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata) Yellow flowers in summer, dark red leaves in autumn.
221. Thicket Creeper (Parthenocissus vitacea) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
222. Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
223. Black Cherry (Prunus nigra) Not pictured as I haven't got pictures yet.
224. Woodland Sunflower (Helianthus divaricata) A sunflower that can handle shade! Not heavy shade, but a considerable amount.
225. Fringed Willowherb (Epilobium ciliatum) I didn't plant this, but she has cute tiny flowers and she has tasty leaves.
226. Starry False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum stellatum) Little star-shaped white flowers become candy-striped red berries.
227. Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek (Allium burdickii) Like her close cousin, A. tricoccum, she only matures enough to flower after seven years, so this is special.
228. Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
229. Common Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris vulgaris) A common garden weed but she's native to my range of acceptability for my garden, so she stays wherever she's not in the way.
230. Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
231. Red Wakerobin (Trillium erectum) Her stem broke the first year I had her. I was afraid she'd die but I was able to splint her and she survived to flower again the following year for this picture!
232. Marsh Violet (Viola palustris) Small round leaves grow close to the ground and flowers come up on stalks a few inches above. As the name suggests she prefers things wet.
233. Duck Potato (Saggittaria latifolia) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
234. Purple avens (Geum rivale) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
235. Maypop (Passiflora incarnata) I got two cultivars and they sadly didn't survive the winter. Maybe the wild type would fare better if I could get my hands on that.
236. American Bur-Reed (Sparganium americanum) Fluffy ball flowers. She likes things moist to wet.
237. Heart-Leaved Alexanders (Zizia aptera) She's not quite as showy as her cousin, Zizia aurea, but a nice little plant in a moist to wet area.
238. Canada Burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
239. Oval-Leaved Milkweed (Asclepias ovalifolia) Her second flowering year. She's considerably shorter than most milkweeds. Her cream-coloured flowers are a lovely addition to a garden. Especially if you're tempted to get the white cultivar of swamp milkweed, oval-leaf milkweed also likes wet areas and is well-behaved. Why not get her instead?
240. Redbud (Cercis canadensis) Not pictured as I haven't got pictures yet.
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