#Trading Opportunities
pipinfuse · 4 days
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Forex Market Hours and the Best Times to Trade: A Beginner's Guide
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monicascot · 1 year
Weekly Overview: Chinese data still not convincing as to a recovery
In today's video, we'll be diving into some crucial topics impacting the global economy. We'll start by discussing the recent US Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and its implications for the Federal Reserve's interest rate decisions. Then we'll shift our focus to China, examining the concerning signs of a slowdown in their post-COVID recovery. Additionally, we'll explore the economic situation in New Zealand, which has entered a recession.
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singhary · 1 year
How to Study Bank Nifty Chart: Understanding and Identifying Them
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Bank Nifty is a popular index in the Indian stock market that tracks the performance of the banking sector. Understanding how to study Bank Nifty charts can help traders and investors identify trends, patterns, and potential opportunities to make profitable trades.
To begin studying Bank Nifty charts, it’s essential to understand the basics of technical analysis, including the use of indicators such as moving averages, RSI, MACD, and Bollinger Bands. Traders should also pay attention to support and resistance levels, trend lines, and chart patterns like head and shoulders, double tops, and triangles.
Identifying key levels and patterns on Bank Nifty charts can help traders determine entry and exit points for their trades. It’s also crucial to pay attention to market news and events that may impact the banking sector’s performance and the Bank Nifty index.
Read More: Complet Guide To How to Study Bank Nifty Chart
In conclusion, studying Bank Nifty charts can provide valuable insights for traders and investors looking to profit from the Indian banking sector’s performance. By combining technical analysis with market news and events, traders can make informed trading decisions and maximize their returns.
If you’re interested in trading Bank Nifty, consider studying technical analysis and keeping up to date with market news and events then join FinGrad to help inform your trading decisions.
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dimorphodon-x · 8 months
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Little something I’ve been hopping on and off of for a royal au a friend and I talked about
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ninyard · 4 months
he will never ever ever admit it out loud but sometimes neil feels a sort-of sadness/regret/nostalgia about who he could've been if he'd grown up in the ravens/in his father's business. when he disregards his abuse, and the way his parents treated him, he dreams about it a lot. he blames his mother sometimes because yes, sure, he would be in a dangerous business, but it was secure insofar as his father was trusted and reputable. mary caused so much added fear and paranoia and danger for neil by running. it was his father's business, one he was very good at. it was the purpose laid out for nathaniel from birth.
if neil had always been his fathers apprentice, if he’d been perfect court from the start, how much better of a player would he be, having been a raven? what kind of a person would he be? would he have turned into someone like riko, or someone like kevin? could he have stopped riko from breaking kevins hand? could he have saved jean from his abuse, or would he have been apart of it? that's the part that's difficult - if he'd grown up in his father's world, he would've grown up into his father. and neil does not like that side of himself. he does not like that he has the capacity for evil. he's scared of what he is capable of, sometimes, remembering what he inherited from his dad. so would he like to say he would've been different, that he wouldn't've participated in rikos bullshit? yes. can he? no. because he does not know what kind of a person he would've become if he'd grown up under his fathers wing. he's glad that didn't happen, of course, but he does still feel something everytime he thinks about how things would've worked out if he'd followed the path his father intended to put him on.
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Let's briefly talk about this scene.
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It starts with Anakin lamenting how the Clone War corrupted the Jedi and the principles of the Republic.
Now, Padmé thinks she and Anakin are talking about the same thing: this war is corrupting the Jedi and the principles of the Republic and Palpatine doesn't seem to want to put an end to it, instead increasingly amassing power.
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She asks Anakin to get Palpatine to cease the fighting and let diplomacy resume. And Anakin. Gets. Triggered.
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Well, firstly... it's because they weren't talking about the same thing.
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1. What Anakin really means when talking about "the principles of the Republic".
While Anakin may say that he's concerned for the corruption of the Jedi Code and the principles of the Republic... he isn't really.
Anakin has a track record of saying he supports abstract principles and concepts, then complaining when standing by that hurts him.
Like when he'll preach that wartime forces him to make hard choices, duty over emotion...
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... but then gets mad when someone else makes the hard choice in doing their duty, and it hits close to home.
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There's this line Matthew Stover wrote in the ROTS novelization, which I think is very relevant:
“I think," Obi-Wan said carefully, "that abstractions like peace don't mean much to him. He's loyal to people, not to principles. And he expects loyalty in return. He will stop at nothing to save me, for example, because he thinks I would do the same for him.”
Anakin isn't about abstractions like "peace", "duty" or "democracy". He'll say he is, because he knows he should be, in theory... but, in practice, he's more loyal to people than to principles.
And right now, he's very loyal to Palpatine. Arguably more than anyone else. No matter how blatantly he acts like a dictator, Anakin stays on his side.
So whenever he uses the words "Senate" and "Republic", what he means is "Palpatine". To him, they're one and the same.
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He loves Palpatine very much but the two other people he loves, Padmé and Obi-Wan, are both telling him Palpatine's bad news.
Which brings us to the second reason he gets triggered...
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2. He's under an enormous amount of stress.
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He's barely had any sleep since his nightmare about Padmé and is now scared at the prospect of losing her like he lost his mother.
He's been on an emotional roller-coaster with the Council, first being put on the Council, but not as a Master, then being given a mission but it's a mission to spy on a mentor and father figure. Now he's not even sure the Jedi trust him and he's not even sure they should, after his outburst.
Also Padmé herself is asking him to tell Palpatine to stop, criticizing the Chancellor just like the Jedi do.
It's understandable that he's on edge. That said... a huge chunk of this stress isn't Padmé or the Council's fault. It has been manufactured by Palpatine.
He appointed Anakin to be his representative on the Council specifically because he knew it would put Anakin under pressure... pressure he can exploit for his own gain.
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That's what Palpatine does. He orchestrates pressure then swoops in, in the guise of a savior.
With the Republic, he does this by engineering a war then bringing about order (to the chaos he caused) as an Emperor.
With Anakin, he does this by engineering conflict between him and his family - Padmé, Obi-Wan, the Jedi - then presenting himself before Anakin as the solution to all his problems.
From that point on, he enables the Republic and Anakin to give in to the worse parts of themselves and implode.
The former goes from being a democracy to a dictatorship, the latter goes from being a sweet kid to a bad man.
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artwins · 1 year
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our part of the trade with amazing @eredins-a-king-aint-he 🌾
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frosty-tian · 1 year
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(Versions with and without the written text.)
My end of the art trade with @moonbeam-dragon!
Thank you so much for your patience and doing the trade with me (always wanted to draw some Dani x Blades content, made me really happy)!
Their end of the trade could be found here.:
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choilacanth · 1 year
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Khaz and his cliff racer friend Zenbi for an art trade with @katastronoot :D :D
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abirddogmoment · 4 months
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this one moved me to legitimate tears: great horned owl and owlets
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notkingyet2 · 7 months
Harry "If I’m reading right your accent, Mr. Hickey, you grew up in a home where you must have used every part of any meat or fowl your mam could procure." Goodsir vs. Thomas "Everything we ate growing up started with a gun." Jopson
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esprei · 1 year
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my part of an art trade that I did with @arrowsperpetualcringe! I drew Ingo from their Mirror Image AU! ^^ (go check out the AU over here!!! GO GO GO!!!)
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monicascot · 1 year
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Weekly Overview: Chinese data still not convincing as to a recovery
In today's video, we'll be diving into some crucial topics impacting the global economy. We'll start by discussing the recent US Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and its implications for the Federal Reserve's interest rate decisions.
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serene-cinders · 5 months
A modern dunmeshi au would go crazy. Imagine being a teen half foot applying for a job and then an elf with 184 years of experience swoops in. Unreal
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martyrbat · 6 months
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alexa play gary come home :((
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simgerale · 6 months
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magdalena: The last point of interest I wished to discuss with you all is the Assembly. We have not hosted the gathering since you three were babes, so your father and I expect each of you to put your best foot forward.
luca: Yes, especially since we are relying on a few important trade deals this time around. No pretending to be a footman and hiding carriages. No avoiding interactions by saying that you feel faint. And no more than two glasses of mead.
m: I believe that is everything…. oh! We decided that the reception will be a masquerade ball, so you will need to acquire a mask within the week.
dara: …A masquerade?
l: We have not hosted a ball like that since your mother and I first met, you know.
d: Precisely, Papa. They are entirely outdated.
killian: I think it is a grand idea. Anonymity. For once, no one will be trying to kiss my feet. Thank the maker.
m: Only for a short while. We will need to welcome the guests as a family, of course. You will have an hour to mingle before then.
l: Use it wisely.
gregor: [sighs] If I am only allowed two glasses of mead, then that is when I will be indulging myself.
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