that-0ne-simp · 4 years
The night left ( Kuroo Tetsurō x Reader)
Heyyyy! Quick note y/n is a real person in this real world! And I suggest you listen to " idk you yet by Alexander 23" on loop 🔁 for this story :) thank you!
You were walking home alone after a bad day from school. This happens a lot that it became your routine. No matter how hard you try for some reason you can never have a normal, positive, happy day. Sometimes you wish you could just disappear or maybe go back to the time you were a kid. Imagine how fun it would be living your life with pure happy imagination
.As a kid, you always had a wild imagination. As you grow older the harder life gets your wonderful imagination slowly fades into a pool of anxiety, self consciousnesses, and sad reality. You used to have this big no I mean HUGE crush on Kuroo Tetsuro. You loved the idea of having him by your side comforting you and loving you. Somehow the thought of that makes you feel less... lonely.
That was in the past. Now you live in an apartment on your own starting your 1st year in college. It is heartbreaking to realize how much you've changed not only physically but also mentally. You realized in the real world no one would do that to you. No one will hug you and tell you everything will be alright, no one will ask you how your day went, NO ONE will ever be there to listen to you.You eventually end up in front of your apartment door. You were about to unlock it when you heard a series of footsteps as if someone was walking around. Cautiously you slowly open the door and that's when you saw someone you never knew alive nor existed.
"Nice to see you Chibi-chan!" He said with a goofy smile on his face. You stood there in pure shock "What the hell?! Is this a joke? Are you a cosplayer? You know what?! I don't care get out. NOW" you said utterly confused. "NO NO NO no I'm not! Please believe me y/n" he pleaded. " what the hell bro your creepy how the fuck do you know my name? Did f/n set me up? Did she hire you? You better get out now or I'm calling the cops!" " NO! y/n I'm Kuroo Tetsuro! You see! come on, please... trust me"
 you knew you shouldn't trust him. You knew you shouldn't believe him but, there's something that's telling you that he's telling the truth. Of course, that is impossible but it was sincere the look in his eyes. What the hell is happening? Have you finally gone crazy from all the bullshit the universe has put you through? Despite this crazy shit happening you managed to stay calm. Honestly, the word has put you through so much shit that you cannot find the care anymore. 
You sighed " so you're Kuroo Tetsuro, as in the captain of Nekoma which happens to be from an anime" "yup" he answered shortly. "That's the dumbest thing I-" you couldn't continue cause deep down you know you believe him. I mean who wouldn't? He has the same voice, hair, height and he looks exactly like Kuroo and not to mention his aura and personality, It's like the exact copy. You look at him as he smirks and raises his eyebrow as if he was telling you 'see? I'm right'.
 You roll your eyes at him"fine if you are Kuroo then what are you doing here and how are you even here?" "Well the second question's complicated but I can answer the first one. I'm here because..." "because?" "I wanted to see you" when he said that you were taken back and slightly flattered at the thought that someone wants to see you. " and why did you want to see me?" You asked hoping to make more sense of the situation. 
You've got to admit you were kinda anxious for his answer but what he said completely confused you."Because I missed you" when he said that you suddenly had the urge to say it back. The truth is you did miss him a lot but you wouldn't admit it. "ok then.." you replied as you take deep breathes in hopes to calm yourself down.You know you might regret this, you know this is dumb as fuck but "so do you want to stay?" The moment you said that his eyes lit up like a child as if he was waiting for this his whole life. He softly replied with a genuine gentle smile on his face. " I would love that love" For some reason him calling you love gave you a nostalgic feeling. It made you feel safe like you could be yourself with him. 
"What's with the new nickname? What happened to chibi-chan?" You asked as you head to the kitchen. It took him a while to respond. "..don't you remember? We used to call each other that" you couldn't see him but you had a feeling that he wore a sad smile on his face as he recalled the memories of you together. For you on the other hand don't remember any of that happening... when it hits you. You remember reading a fanfic book of you and Kuroo being together and throughout the book, you called each other love. At that moment all your doubts vanished. You completely believe him. He is your Kuroo. You were confused but you weren't scared. You take the snacks and walk to him on the couch as you compose yourself.
 "Well then, it's really nice to see you Kuroo" you said with a smile on your face as you sat down next to him. After an hour or less of watching tv with him, he asks you "hey love?" "hmm?" "Can we do face masks?" You were taken back by his sudden request but you're not complaining. "sure...but why tho? I didn't think you're kind of guy who enjoys face masks" you asked as you look up at him. He looks at you mischievously "you told me you wanted to do face masks with me and besides I always wanted to try the peel-off ones" 
The smile he wore can fool others but not you though. You had a feeling that it's not the entire truth."Kuroo, what do you really want?" Short silence took over once again until "I want to spend this night with you doing the things we've wanted to do" now that was the truth. He never wanted anything more than to spend time with you. "Fine" you said slightly laughing at how cute he's being. After a few hours of doing random stuff like curling your hair with straws, doing random dance videos, baking, and dancing.
It was now 12:20 am and both of you decided to go for a walk. "Thank you" he mumbles "hmm?" "I said Thank you" "for what?" You asked " For spending the night with me" he said while smiling but for some reason there it is again the tint of sadness in his tone. You stop walking and look at him with a teasing smile on your face. "huh? You've been acting all weird all night are you sure you're Kuroo? Cause the real Kuroo I know is cocky, sarcastic, and is a science nerd even though he's a complete dick" you teased trying to lighten up the mood.
 "Hey! who are you calling dick chibi-chan! For someone who is so clearly lacking docosahexaenoic acid you sure are great with your words SHRIMP" He says with a smirk. After that, you guys walked for an hour or two as you talk about dumb shit. When you guys get home it was already 2:57 am. Both of you decided to cuddle in bed. " I wish we could stay like this forever" you say with his arms wrapped around you comfortably as you slowly drift off to sleep.
5:00 am
You woke up to Kuroo looking at you lovingly as he creases your cheek while humming a beautiful melody. You listened to him more and you realized It was the song you always imagine him singing to you. "Good morning Kuroo" you greeted with a smile. "Good morning Love" He said as he gently kisses your forehead. "sleep some more love" "but Kuroo I'm not-" " Please y/n" He pleaded, his voice somewhat shaking as he pushed your head to his chest. You didn't notice the tears threatening to slip through his eyes. "Hey, Kuroo?" "hmm?" "all we did tonight was everything I wanted to do. But, What about you?" You asked trying to look up at him to see his face but you couldn't, he was holding you so tight as if he would lose you. "didn't I tell you to sleep already?" He asked as he let out a small chuckle. "Fineee" you said pouting. After a few seconds of silence "good night Kuroo" you said as sleep takes over you.
5:30 am
"Y/N... Love" You woke up to Kuroo saying your name shaking you lightly. "hmmm?" you answer still half asleep and you rub your eye. "good morning love" "good morning, why'd you wake me up?" You asked looking at him eyes half-open. "Guess what chibi-chan" "hmm?" "I love you" That simple three-letter word woke you wide awake as you feel your face heating up. "T-Tetsuro w-" "and I want you to have sweet dreams of me" and that's when you noticed the tears streaming down his face. "h-hey are you o-" You panicked, you don't like seeing him like this nor do you like the feelings his words are giving you. You can't bear the fact that he's talking to you as if he was saying goodbye. Tears threaten to fall from the sudden terrifying thought of him leaving. "I love you so fucking much" He cried once more with hurt visible on his beautiful face. "h-hey! why do I feel like you're saying goodbye!" at this point you were also crying, you weren't ready. You didn't want to risk it, you wouldn't be able to handle it if he were to leave. "I will never get tired, I will never say no for more time with you" The tears kept ongoing and all you could respond with is a little whimper. "Promise me you'll be the cute and happy chibi-chan for me forever. Cause if you do I will be the happiest man alive" "Tetsu- please don't leave me, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Tetsu please, you can't leave me, I love you, you're everything I've ever wanted. All I need is you so please." You cry desperately holding on to him scared to let go. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner... Tell me, love, how can you miss someone you've never met? .....I Love you so much chibi-chan" He leaned in, lips a few centimeters from yours and before it even touched. It happened all so fast. In just one blink of an eye, he's gone with a beautifully decorated envelope stood in his place.
Dear Y/n,
I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't complete the things you wanted to do with me. I couldn't do the last one. I didn't have the courage to say it to you out loud so I'm sorry if this is not what you expected but I do want to say it to you so here it goes. Y/N L/N is your name but you were Y/N Kuroo from where I came from. You might have now noticed that all my memories of us together came from your imagination or from stories you read. The memories might not be true but y/n I love you so much and that's something you cannot deny. I've been with you ever since you knew about me and I didn't have the guts to leave even though you already left me. I can't blame you though I know you're getting older and I know that as times pass by you will eventually forget about me. You asked me what I really wanted. Well, I wanted to start a family with you, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But more than anything I wanted to be with you even if it was just for a night. Love, you are the most adorable, beautiful, kind-hearted, caring, lovable girl that I have ever met. I love you so damn much chibi-chan. My chibi-chan, I missed you.-Love Kuroo
Kuroo Tetsuro Bucket list:
Spend a night with her✔
Finish her bucket list ✔
Kiss her
If you cringe while reading this because of all the grammar mistakes sorry bubs but I’m too lazy to fix it ;P
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that-0ne-simp · 4 years
Letters from another 2 (kuroo tetsurō x reader)
What if.....what if they can see us? What if they can see us through the screen? Or what if they have been part of our lives and had been watching over us all this time. They saw some kids grow up, saw you fall for them, saw you grow into a lovely person, and slowly saw you fall for another. What if they wanted to be with us as much as we wanted to be with them? What if they loved us back? What if not being together hurts them just as much as it hurts us?
It hurts him to see you like this. Sobbing uncontrollably with tears streaming down your beautiful face. It hurts him more to know that he’s the reason for all of this. All he wanted to do right now is to hold you tight and tell you he loves you so much and that he would never leave your side. But how can he? He cant even go to the other side of this god damn screen! He cant do anything but watch as you cry yourself to sleep.
He was walking home with Kemna his phone vibrated. He opens the phone only to find a very unexpected text.
Dear Kuroo Tetsurō,
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that-0ne-simp · 4 years
Letters from another 1 (kuroo tetsurō x reader)
Dear Kuroo tetsurō,
You're my everything. I know you're a fictional character, I know that there's no chance of us becoming together but I just wanted to tell you I love you. Out of billions of people in the world, my heart decided to love you. Hey Kuroo, I know that you might not be able to read this but for a little while, I want to pretend. Because... You have no idea how much it hurts! It's annoying that you didn't give me a choice to not love you. But, you know what's even more annoying? Its the fact that even if you gave me that choice I'll still choose to love you all over again. I’ll always choose you. Even if it hurts me, even if it kills me knowing that I can never be by your side I will always love you Kuroo Tetsurō
Love y/n l/n,
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