#Trade catalogs
hclib · 11 months
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Minneapolis School Supply Company Catalog, 1927
With fall just around the corner, many parents and teachers are busy buying school supplies. If you were a teacher in 1927, this Minneapolis School Supply Company catalog from our Trade Catalog Collection could have come in handy. The catalog lists everything from desks and blackboards to paste and pencils. Some of the items -- like Ticonderoga pencils and Crayola crayons -- might still be on school shopping lists this year.
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thebotanicalarcade · 24 days
n123_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Our new guide to rose culture :. West Grove, Pa. :The Dingee & Conard Co.,1891.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43804417
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I'll never get over the fact that MK trades his friends for power to save his friends. What's wrong with him
#I love you 3x03.#Good characterization/themeing ep/setting up MK's abilities/general power scaling#Truly MK is out here willing to sacrifice Mei's Sword and the deed to Pigsy's noodles. Like the heart and soul of his dad's life#Playing a rigged game....#Finding your strength...when you need it most...#''Staff's just a big ol' stick bud! It takes someone special to wield it''#Wukong what the Fuck do you know man#lmk#lmk MK#lego monkie kid#lmk rant#lmk theme: exchange#lmk game motif#I need to make a post cataloging lmk's instances of exchange theme like I'm losing my mind#We gET iT. I'd dO anYThInG fOr My FriEnDs. BuT aT thE cOSt oF tHe wOrLD#''This is Azure's utopia...and this barren wasteland is the price he paid to build it''#''Nothing comes without sacrifice. Nothing'' -> Azure sacrificing himself to repair the world#''You offer something of value to gain something of value''#''Take me- I don't care! Just let them go.'' (3x04)#Macaque saying to start the ritual for Mei's life#''You're so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless innocent child?'' ''You're leaving me no choice!''#''You would really sacrifice your own friend to save yourself?''#''We can't risk unleashing the curse into the world!'' ''You don't know- we'd risk it for sure!''#LIKE THEY'RE SO NOT SUBTLE#Tbh even choosing to go along with Wukong's s3 plan despite the risks is like. Okay guys#And then Wukong lowkey sacrificing Mei for the Samadhi Fire like#Exchange theme follows me everywhere. Truly#it's so delicious#I think the hero warrior motif is also transactional honestly#Like your the warrior and they're the hero. They're going to trade you and your relationship for power
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libraryofva · 2 months
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Recent Acquisition - Ephemera Collection
Baltimore Printing Presses. Outfits of Type, etc. will be Supplied with Presses, Unless Otherwise Ordered.
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a junkyard dog ain't always pretty but you always love that toothless smile
#i miss tyler bertuzzi#liv in the replies#the absolute way i just got bodied by shake it out coming on as i uploaded the pictures to this post#um. sorry not sorry. the google doc/pdf of the quote that i used for this was literally titled#god fuckin curse the notesapp i wrote two years ago#directly referencing the note i have (pretty sure from when the maple leafs seemed really serious about wanting bert) & i remember#being slammed out of NOWHERE by the sudden thought (because i've been preparing for years for bert to leave) (andreas in feb moe in april)#verbatim: if tyler bertuzzi ever gets traded or retires it's catalog of unabashed gratitude the heart part and i will sob#S T O P#tyler bertuzzi#detroit ride or die#this does actually rival we don't have a future we have a dog for some of these for me which. fuck u past me for being so right about this#things that i need you to know for the narrative: oh dumbstruck is tyler's first nhl game (vs the flyers)#thank you every day is from tyler's hat trick & yes the bruins on knucklehead is intentional because it hurt my feelings#also should note. i'm sorry is from when tyler broke his hand this season & no i'm not okay about the narrative of who is he w/o his hands#yeah yeah yeah. the last five make me want to throw up screaming crying shaking wailing#i made it so much worse by looking at dyl's post#dylan larkin#anthony mantha#andreas athanasiou#catalogue of unabashed gratitude [abridged] - ross gay#my sincerest apologies to fabs i simply could not put him in here he was in we don't have a future we have a dog that was all i could take#should i have abridged the last one to say 'for every day'? yeah probably. did i think of that too late? also probably. wait hang on#ooooookay so i did it so now that tag doesn't make sense but it's fine i also have an alt for dumbstruckand pelican heart :)))))))#what i wish i could've made for u but the pictures don't exist is tyler running down the drive barefoot on the phone the day he got drafted#do you really believe in him? is he a good kid? no problems? you're gonna love him. you're gonna love him.#i'm also fully not even gonna talk to y'all about vrana. i can't do that red string tonight. we're also ignoring sunny#STEVE WHAT FUCKING TEAM ARE WE GONNA HAVE TO PLAY WITH#yes i made this exclusively for me no i don’t care yes i am a lil sorry i love him u’ve heard it all before. dilly i’m kissing ur forehead
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kaymeewise · 3 months
i wanna do a Mandela catalogue art trade mainly as an excuse to see Lucy tatterson and my ver. of Gabriel in someone else’s style, and also want to draw more MC ocs so DM me if interested
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noramoons · 2 years
y’all my mom is in her carat era i cannot believe the course of events that have happened over the past two weeks
walked in the living room where i had a gose playing, pointed at the tv, and said “that’s dk!” (it was 😧)
sat and watched said gose episode with me and laughed out loud multiple times during parts that were meant to be funny
said vernon and wonwoo were both “really cute” on two separate occasions
pointed at a kpop album on a shelf in the electronics store we were in and told me she knew it was a seventeen album “because she recognized their names on the back” (it was, in fact, a seventeen album)
let me show her the Your Choice album i bought last week and identified s.coups, vernon, dk, and woozi on the poster 😭
in conclusion: who is this woman
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713-4th-ward-g · 9 months
#ooof#i may be a jack of all trades of something lmao#hopefully i can fix my cousins leaking shower faucet#im guessing its the cartridge since the knob cant turn it off anymore maybe the rubber gasket finally wore out#going to need to buy soem waterproof silicone grease for the o rings to lubricate the new cartridges o rings before installing#got me the core puller since i dont want to break the inner part of the old cartridge#then wed need a real professional LMAO with the tools to take the broken stem out#so hopefully im able to take out the old stem safely#and then go to home Depot and find the same cartridge#installing it is the easy part taking it out is the hard part#turn off main water#pop off the top of the handle unscrew it from the stem#pop off the handle#then the metal tube#take out the tab holding the cartridge in place#then safely and slowly use the core puller to take out the old cartridge#after taking it out inspect for brand or any numbers if none go to home Depot and look through there catalog#then simply push the new cartridge in making sure to keep the moon side down so the water is off and not on the on position#then turn the water on before or after putting on the handle to see if the cartridge is facing the right way#so the water comes out cold then hot#hopefully it goes well and i fix there water#they spent 600 dollars on water cause of the leaking tub#im definitely going to have to get paid for this one if im able to fix it LMAO the parts are not cheap#knowing my cousins they'll probably just buy me something to eat and try to play it off as payment but not today 😂#will see on Friday when the core puller comes and ill just go to the plumbers store for the water proof grease/lubricant#ill update My Internet diary on Saturday LMAO 🤣#i honestly need yo start writing in my journal again im so inconsistent its my worst traits rn
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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Continental catalog   Spring - Summer 1965
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narelleart · 2 years
I visited a nearby city and stopped in a fish store that had four "species" of Parosphromenus (one undescribed, under a trade name).
I couldn't just leave, so I took home the pair they had of the species highest on the ranking list I'd made previously which also happened to be a critically endangered species. (Parosphromenus gunawani, if they were identified correctly. I'll sort it out when I get a chance to get a better look at them.)
I wish I could have taken the others too - some species had larger groups, and I would have bought every individual they had of any species I bought. But I wasn't prepared for that, I'm limited on tank space in my current living situation and only had one cycled filter ready.
All Parosphromenus are imperiled, they are endemic to niche specialized habitats that are under anthropogenic threat. They have no business in the aquarium trade, and certainly not in brick and mortar shops like this. Another customer was trying to get them to sell him moderately sized catfishes for his one gallon "tank". Anyone could walk in and buy these, with no intention of spawning them, no idea what they are.
I mentioned to the shop owner that they were imperiled and he clearly had no qualms about that, but was more so bothered that I brought it up.
The other Parosphromenus they had were:
P. nagyi
P. ornaticauda
P. sp. "Sentang"
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hclib · 1 year
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C.H. Lippincott, Pioneer Seedswoman of Minneapolis
In 1886, Carrie H. Lippincott, a 25-year-old, single Minneapolis woman, in desperate need of money, launched what would become one of the most successful national seed businesses of the era. She was so successful, two Minneapolis seedswoman rivals soon popped up to compete for business—but Carrie had suspicions.
“My friends have urged me to print my latest picture, because a number of seedsmen (shall I call them men?) have assumed women’s names in order to sell seeds…I have devoted my best energies in the past eight years to building up this business and I have been successful. I have proved that a woman can do business.” - Carrie H. Lippincott, in her 1899 seed catalog
Miss Lippincott’s success is attributed to the fact that she sold exclusively flower seeds, which attracted a primarily female audience.
“I love flowers and I know that they make woman and the home happier and better; they brighten the dark pathways of life.” – Carrie H. Lippincott
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Emma V. White, The Other Seedsman
Emma V. White Co. was one such company that Carrie Lippincott believed was actually run by a man. Emma White, was a real person, and was active in the women’s axillary of the Minnesota Horticultural Society. White lived with her cousin, who was married to the secretary of the Minnesota Horticultural Society, Augustus B. Latham, partner in the realty firm White & Latham. Carrie, and others, believed Mr. Latham was running the seed business, though there is no proof. Emma V. White Co. did outlive Mr. Latham.
See more local garden-related photographs and materials from the Hennepin County Library Special Collections in the exhibit The Seeds of Spring, on View at Nokomis Library through May. See a smaller version of the exhibit at Minneapolis Central Library through June. The above images are from undigitized seed catalogs in the Trade Catalog Collection.
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thebotanicalarcade · 8 months
n2_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: The new guide to rose culture :. West Grove, Pa. :The Dingee & Conard Co.,1887.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43827994
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yanchagraffiti · 1 year
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Various trading cards
1999 Epoch Catalogue
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decorationinside · 2 months
Bring the Continent Home: A Guide to Modern African Interior Design
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View On WordPress
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toolemerapress · 2 years
Ever seen and Embalmer's Frame Saw?
Let's talk frame saws. Common enough in Europe, uncommon in the United States, the frame saw is typically seen as a simple wooden frame for holding a blade that looks as if it was chopped from a bandsaw blade. Frame saws are incredibly useful tools. Capable of ripping, crosscutting, cutting on a curve and more depending on the blade and frame configuration. Fellow saws and turning saws are but two of the less common variations.
Even embalmers have their own frame saw. Although I don't read a lick of French, I can say with certainty that frame saw nomenclature is as confusing as bookbinder’s hammer names or plane names. Check out these three pages from the 1938 Peugeot Freres catalog. You can also see more Peugeot Freres material at my blog.
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kaymeewise · 2 years
I AM BORED So i wanna do an art trade (2 spots left)(Open)
I am bored so I wanna do an art trade
no incest
no proshipping
no fetishes
no furry (i’m not good at drawing them)
no mecha (same reason)
2. @distorted-smile
3. @choijesoo
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