#rotg collection
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yetitakinginventory · 2 months ago
Rise of the Guardians Character Posters
With and Without lettering
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Tumblr will no doubt kill the details so as usual:
For full sized pictures feel free to email me at [email protected]
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stormingfrost · 4 months ago
my full collection, including new additions, fan made, and self-made
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yetitakinginventory · 4 months ago
Here's the original post from the official Dreamworks tumblr for the IOS app
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Meet the Guardians - more than a collection of beloved childhood legends - they are a group of heroes, each with extraordinary abilities. DreamWorks Animation invites you to explore their magical worlds and discover their legendary mythology. Download the Rise of the Guardians app and believe!
Download the Rise of the Guardians app! http://bit.ly/ROTGApp
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midoristeashop · 1 year ago
can we see human! toothiana?? 🙏
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It occurred to me that I haven’t drawn any of the other guardians and that is a CRIME
Also warrior tooth>>
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mahoganyrust · 3 months ago
2024 Wrap-Up (Aka the year Hijack hijacked my life)
HERE’S TO 2024 🍻🍻 (ignore the fact that it’s early December I got too excited and made it a bit early)
Long live the orange hoodie 🤟Just picture me squinting at my screen trying to pick and choose which of my kids get to feature in the wrap up lmao there’s been so many this year. Also the annual predecessors for funsies and progress’ sake. (minus 2021 bc my dumbass forgot back then lmao) (Don’t mind me just having flashbacks to how meticulous and tedious it was to draw 22’s city scape pshshshshs)
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Got some FIMT art on there so here’s the linkkk.
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06strawberrylemonade28 · 5 months ago
guyyyysss i might start watching the outer banks???? 'cuz the summer vibes are there and the ships are lowk cute like lowk i was a hater 4 years ago but then i saw some jjxkie content (and this always happens to me -- like i get into a ship BEFORE i get into the actual content?? it's weird). but i may start watching it-- fear not i will continue writing JELSA ONCE I GET A STUPID BREAK. and i neeeed to keep consuming everything @therentyoupay has ever written of course. (on frosted sea glass rn and its so good) but i also recently got a job and im in school full time. bUT BASICALLY. outer banks. might be worth a watch.
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misspeppermint2003 · 2 years ago
My Barbie Selfie Generator photos (Part 2)
After the first part, I made the second part of my Barbie Selfie Generator photos. Also, it consisted of the photos of five characters from five different films and TV shows.
Captain Archibald Haddock from The Adventures of Tintin
Yuri Ivanovich Chuyko from Servant of the People
Station Officer Steele from Fireman Sam
Nicholas St. North a.k.a. Santa Claus from Rise of the Guardians
Mr. Philip Gilbert from The Inbetweeners
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gretchensinister · 6 months ago
Daily Fic Highlight: Diagnosis
Today's winner of the kudos email is:
"Diagnosis" is a Jack-centric gen ficlet that I wrote for Round 1 of the Rise of the Guardians Dreamwidith Kinkmeme. In a modern human AU, Jack finds himself slowly turning invisible. 561 words, G, Gen.
By the end of this little story, it's not really a human AU anymore.
Translucent Syndrome: It’s a description, not a diagnosis, at least in Jack’s opinion. So what if his problem has a name? It doesn’t make him better. It doesn’t make him easier to see. Whatever does that still eludes his doctors. They use words like “idiopathic”, and at appointments they caution Jack and his mother against hope. Despite any sudden resurgences in visibility Jack may experience, he’s still going to end up completely see-through. When? Jack had asked, but the doctors couldn’t say. The condition was very rare, after all. Only a handful of cases had ever been diagnosed. If the symptoms weren’t so unique, even Jack might have been misdiagnosed. Which would have made such a big difference, he thinks. 
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gilly-moon · 11 months ago
After several long days of working like a madman, they're finally complete!! The Shadows & Light series by @not-poignant bound and covered from scratch ♡
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This fanfic is extremely near and dear to my heart, and I'm so excited to have a physical copy to pick up anytime I'm craving a reread! This was also my first binding project where everything was self-made, from sewing the pages together to making my own book cloth, and of course designing the cover and putting it all together! It's hardly a perfect binding, but it carries all my love for this series & Blackice in those imperfections.
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Thank you Pia for your incredible writing and the permission to print & bind your work!
And as a bonus, a pic of my entire rotg collection ♡
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revive-the-fandom · 9 days ago
opinion on Tooth as a character?
ooooh ok
I'm honestly not that fond of her, which sucks when she's the only major female role in the movie (sorry but jack's sister, sophie, pippa and cupcake did not have big roles).
this is not to say that no one else should enjoy her character, I hope others do. I just can't connect to her personally.
putting this under a cut so tooth enthusiasts don't have to see my negativity.
but while this is a personal opinion, i also think that Dreamworks really dropped the ball on her character. There's a bit of a trope for "largely male action group with token girl" and Tooth falls into several subcategories:
only one interested in romance
gratuitous lack of clothing/skin tight clothing
more focussed on lead male's emotions/story than her own
paired up with the lead male regardless of chemistry
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which ik has all been said before but it still really colours her character and dulls her down to something that's really quite boring to me.
I think if she'd had more conflict or like any personal journey I could have been more on board, but she doesn't change at all throughout the movie. She started off perfect, and she ended up perfect.
i mean, in comparison to her having the most mild journey of
"learning how to reconnect with the Heart of her job"
which ALL of her male costars got that as just a base storyline to build their own personal journeys off of -
Jack got to learn how to accept responsiblility
Bunny got to learn how to relax/enjoy the little things
North got to become a father figure
(Sandy fuckin died but he still got a very minor arc about being listened to & finding joy in things)
Even Pitch got the standard villain lessons - vengeance achieves nothing, compassion wins against hatred, joy wins against fear.
what about Tooth? what was her personal journey outside of the collective? having a crush on Jack?
not only that but she was the first to be attacked, her forces dessimated before we got a chance to see them in action.
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She's the damsel in distress that everyone rushes to rescue.
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it's all just such a let down - and tbh I don't think I've seen any fans characterise her as anything other than a passive, motherly or romantic person with bonus action scenes (and occaisionally swords).
which is not meant to hate on anyone, just an observation because that's exactly what the movie gave us and almost nothing else.
which is just such a shame because she has so much more potential.
and ofc i'm bringing in book!tooth here because she is much more interesting to me - not a perfect character! not by any means, but a more interesting one that movie!tooth imo.
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not only is she wearing clothes (albeit feathery ones), but she has weapons that look and behave like weapons (not the "wings are swords" approach that RotG took), and her makeup has more to do with war paint and culture than.. built in pink eye shadow.
but that's only the physical side of her. her book personality has her more serious, grim and skittish.
and she has a personal quest (killing the monkey king to avenge her parents) and a personal journey (learning to trust others) that don't hinge on a love interest.
what sucks even worse though is that we were very close to seeing a tooth that's a halfway point between the books and the final movie
we almost had a tooth that was explicitly a warrior, who was distrustful of others and who didn't immediately see Jack as a romance.
the one movie design thing i wish they had more time to show off with her was her physicality. because the behind the scenes stuff has so much to say about how they made her move and why and it's so animalistic
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like between the calm and cool, regal book!tooth and the rageful animal movie!tooth???? i'm choosing the feral beast on the left.
the only visual additions i'd make to her in that moment would be to fluff up the rest of her feathers & give her swords (swords are cool). like this scene really shows off her head feathers looking like a crown but also making her look bigger, dangerous, sharper and scarier.
like god we were so close!
idk i remain kinda disappointed in the tooth we got because she just reads as "mother" or "love interest" and has very little agency in a movie that makes her repeatedly the damsel in distress and gives her character very little time to shine and grow.
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yetitakinginventory · 2 months ago
Rise of the Guardians Character Story Murals by Nate Wragg.
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I cannot, currently, find a full high definition image of Toothiana's, everything is in slivers so I only have what I could get with my scanner from the art book.
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stormingfrost · 1 month ago
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Shaking him like an eight ball
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9haharharley1 · 9 months ago
Oooo! For prompts maybe one about Danny meeting Baby tooth, and having to help her find Jack cuz she got lost? (ROTG X DP my beloved)
I'm so sorry, I saw Danny meets Baby Tooth and blacked out! I hope this is OK!
It was his last tooth to lose. Danny hadn't given much thought to losing his baby teeth over the years, but his recent late night visitor had opened his eyes. His dad had always believed in the superstitious, be it Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, but his mom was always the realist, ready to remind them all that those were just stories told to children to keep them well-behaved. The Santa thing was always what got his parents up in arms with each other, but the others were never a big deal in the Fenton household. Easter didn't mean much since they weren't a religious family by any means, but Jazz had always tried to tell their parents that the Tooth Fairy was a necessary talltale for kids - to foster imagination or whatever.
Danny had never put much stock in the Tooth Fairy myth. He just did as Jazz said and placed his teeth under his pillow when he lost them, and the next morning, he would find a quarter.
He always thought Jazz was the one who left it.
It was a little creepy thinking his sister might be collecting his baby teeth, but Danny assumed she had been giving them to their parents, and so he never lingered on it.
Now, things were different.
Now, Danny knew the Tooth Fairy was real. He knew she was a supernatural entity his parents couldn't categorize and so couldn't track with any of their imventions. He fully believed in her now.
It was with this belief and a newfound determination that he didn't tell Jazz about his lost tooth. He went to bed that night with his last baby tooth in hand, placed it carefully under his pillow, and resolved not to fall asleep. He had only one shot at this, his one and only, and Danny was determined to meet the Tooth Fairy. He lay in bed, excitement buzzing under his skin, but he had been told the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come if he was awake. She had a sense for these things, and she always traveled not to long after the Sandman passed through. She made sure kids were well asleep and dreaming before she collected teeth.
Danny sighed, tossing and turning in bed. His eyes were heavy, threatening to fall closed any moment. Between one blink and the next, he was listening to his clock tick on the nightstand, only to jerk wide awake at a shrill, angry chirping.
He sat upright in bed, covers already half-thrown off as he blinked sleepily around the room. It was dark, shadows writhing in the corners of his room, and a thrill of fear shot through him. He reached for the lamp on his nightstand.
A flick of the switch revealed a familiar shadow in his closet, gold eyes staring out from the dark, tall and imposing. Shimmering black sand trailed out from the shadow's hand, weaving around Danny's room to stop next to his bed. It formed a small cage in midair, barely a foot from Danny's bed, and it was from inside the shrill, angry chirping eminated.
"Wha -" he cut off with a yawn as his sleepy brain tried to register what was happening. "What's going on?" He rubbed his eyes. When they were clear of sleep, he finally looked inside the cage.
"You wanted to meet the Tooth Fairy," came the silky, dark voice from his closet. Danny jumped, looking over to see the Boogieman emerge in all his towering glory, one hand behind his back. The other shortened the length of black sand as he drew closer, tilting his head as though studying how well his cage was holding. A fearful trill echoed around the cage, and Danny glanced back, finally peering inside.
What he saw was not what he expected. Then again, he wasn't sure what he had been expecting in the first place; an actual fairy, maybe, like the ones in movies. The thing in the cage looked more like a hummingbird, with a long beak, feathery body, and rapidly beating wings. It was a beautiful creature, in shades of blue, green, and gold, with large, almost human eyes that sparkled like gemstones. It darted around the cage, careful not to touch the sand, but as Pitch came nearer, it hovered back into a corner, tiny body shaking in fear.
"I wanted to meet her, not catch her!" Danny exclaimed. He reached out to cradle the sand cage in his hands, but it jerked back out of his reach. "Hey!"
Pitch tutted at him. "Don't touch. This is not meant for humans to touch."
Danny pouted at him. "Yeah, fine, whatever. Can you let her go?"
The Boogieman puzzled over that, eyeing the little fairy in her cage. She trilled back, glancing back and forth between Pitch and Danny. Danny smiled at her.
"Hello," he said gently. "I'm Danny. It's nice to meet you!" The fairy relaxed a little, chirping and waving back at him with a small smile of her own. She glanced back at Pitch with a scowl on her tiny face. It wasn't very threatening, and Pitch only looked back, face flat and eyes lidded. Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about him. He's kind of a jerk." He grinned at Pitch.
Pitch rose a brow at him, the Tooth Fairy looking almost startled by his words. The other spirits really didn't interact with Pitch too much, did they?
The Tooth Fairy chirped, slow and meaningful. Danny brought his attention back to her. She gestured to him, to the cage. Then she smiled, pointing at her mouth.
"Oh, right!" Danny might have blushed for his rudeness, but he ignored it. He looked back up to Pitch. "Can you let her go?"
"She'll fly away," Pitch stated. He sounded bored, but his gaze was intent, studying.
"Well, yeah. She has a job to do, right?" Danny rolled his eyes at him. "I can't be the only kid who lost a tooth."
The Boogieman heaved a heavy sigh. With a wave of his hand, the shimmering black cage vanished, circling in thin tendrils as they raced back to their owner. The Tooth Fairy flee to the opposite side of Danny, away from Pitch, who she glared at in distrust.
"I'm sorry about him," Danny said again. He dug under his pillow for his last baby tooth. He held it out to her in the palm of his hand. She glanced down at it. "He told me about all the other spirits like you, and I wanted to meet the Tooth Fairy before I couldn't anymore." Her eyes went wide as her gaze shot up to meet his. She glanced back at Pitch, surprise on her little face, but the Boogieman stood with his back against the wall, arms crossed and eyes closed, head bowed. He tapped his finger to his arm. Danny smiled gently when she turned back to him. "He's really not so bad. Scary, yeah, but he's nice enough. Kinda like a weird uncle."
There was a snort from the man in question. The Tooth Fairy giggled.
With a pleasant chirp, she reached under her wings, pulling out a hidden sack of quarters. She grabbed one, offering it to Danny as she flit down to grab his tooth. Danny took it with a smile, thanking her before she flew to the window, but not without one last glance back to Pitch. Then she was gone.
Danny turned back to the Boogieman. "Why'd you trap her?"
Pitch was quiet for a moment. Then he stood up straight, hands clasped behind his back. "I wanted to see if I could. I've never tried."
Danny scowled at him. "Well, it was rude. I might have missed my chance if you missed!"
"You might have missed your chance if I hadn't," the Boogieman pointed out. "They can be tricky little creatures."
Pitch grinned at him. "Oh, didn't I tell you? That was only one. A baby tooth fairy, if you will. The Tooth Fairy herself no longer goes out in the field. She directs the little ones to their destination safe in her palace."
"Aww!" Danny whined. He fell back on his bed. "So I didn't even get to meet the real Tooth Fairy? That's lame!" He grabbed his blanket and pulled it up to his nose, pouting.
Pitch glided over on silent shadows, carding his fingers through thick black hair. Danny curled into his touch. "I'll be sure to tell her you said that. You missed her by about four hundred years or so," Pitch admitted.
"Boo," Danny grumbled. His eyes were already starting to feel heavy again, the quick burst of adrenaline from earlier quickly wearing off. "Tell her she's a mean old fairy." His words slurred as Pitch continued to pet his hair.
The Boogieman chuckled, Danny barely registering his words as he said, "I'll be sure to do that," before he drifted off into the land of dreams.
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goldenslumbersketchbook · 1 year ago
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Sketchbook Log: this version of tooth couldn’t just stop at teeth. She now collects the bones! The memories they contain are far more rich and put together then just the scraps she would get from teeth. Oh the stories they tell! She especially loves seeing all the fun trinkets they were buried with.
Event by @rotg-halloween prompt of the day is “Bones”
Song while drawing ✍🏼
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xshimaeraxx · 3 months ago
rotg but the guardians are all actually assholes. rotg but pitch black IS actually the hero, at least to the rest of spirit world, and jack's one of the few spirits who's been isolated enough in his lifetime that he DOESN'T KNOW that. rotg but jack's actually an amoral asshole just like the guardians are, and when they find out JUST HOW amoral he is, the guardians don't shun him for it - nah, they encourage it. and sure, jack knows it's wrong, of course it's wrong, but. well. it's fun. and he's the guardian of fun, so surely, surely it must be alright, must be allowed?
sandy chuckles silently, pats him on the head; bunny says why else would they've been created, but to fulfil their jobs as the 'guardians' of childhood? ; north just grins, wide and terrifying to a soul-deep level ; and tooth just clucks on about her children's tooth collection, but her fairies - baby tooth, baby tooth who has started wearing more winter outfits then not lately, has started looking a tad bit more blue then she does pink - baby tooth just looks at him with wise, young, mismatched eyes, just like his own, and chirps yes.
(she's the only one, other then bunny, to actually give him an answer.)
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the-hyphen-is-important · 1 year ago
My copy of The art of The Rise of the Guardians came in the mail today!
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They're all together now
I got some new art books in the mail today and put them on my shelf without thinking much about the order I was putting them in
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I walked past my bookshelf TWICE before realising
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