#Tourette's Syndrome
meowticta · 8 months
recently saw post that goes like
''if you are young and going out in public with a mobility aid there probably will be an ''able-bodied'' kid watching you and feeling less alone. and just maybe they might try taking their aid outside, someday.''
(i copied it some parts)
dont wanna derail a post from physically disabled, (even tho i am one i think)
and god i wanna be that, i wanna be that person, that young person who tics and stims in public, who uses disability aids (if thats the correct word!) in public, such as earplugs (god bless that woman i saw in bus that also had the same earplugs that me!), noise cancellation headphones, stim toys, chewelry, etc etc, be ''weird'' in public.
i wanna be that teen that lets other kids know that its okay to be like that, we are different, but everyone is different somehow you know? i wanna let little kids who are also like me, kids who may be different for society that its fucking okay!! for god's sake you dont have to adapt to some perfectionist idea for people, and i understand not being able to.
bc of ableist parents, friends, family, etc, bc of own internalized ableism... but i know someday you will be free, you will tic and stim, and be weird, and be a ''freak''! reclaim the word! and you will shout to the top of the world, to all the people, that you Are Free.! and no one will take that away from you. no one can if you dont let them
i wanna be that teen, i wanna be that kid that is an inspiration for others, not in a ''inspiration porn'' for abled and neurotypical people, but for people like me.. for people who are similar to me, who just know understand how shitty and lovely the world can be, who are learning but dont forget that you will never be alone,
i spent most of the 10 years with my tourettes feeling that i was Alone in this world.
but i am not.
people can be so kind to eachother, people can love so much, and there will be people who will not have the same condition as you, but will support you no matter what, doesnt matter if its online. You have people who care!!!
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redplanetlobster · 5 months
Gotta love when thinking about your disability triggers it.
I just got home from a pretty good day and thought, "I haven't ticed today," and immediately had one of the worst tic attacks I've had in a while.
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turrets-and-tourettes · 4 months
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it's so hard to explain it sounds so fake like "i can somewhat control it but it's hard" "sometimes i go hours without ticcing but then i think about it and it starts up again" "it goes away if i'm focusing on something really hard" it's such a weird disorder
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 4 months
That neurodivergent feeling of relating to all but also none of the questions in your diagnosis process due to multiple types of neurodivergency
You either scream 'YES', 'NO' or 'IDFK'.
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giraffeseatingcake · 5 months
I have Tourette's/some tic disorder, and some of my tics are to say "You're beautiful" and "I love you" out loud. I usually whisper my vocal tics and they trigger most often when I'm alone.
I had the realization that the ghosts in my house probably feel flattered by me, until I also remembered some of my other tics are to say things like "I fucking hate you" and "you fucking idiot"
The ghosts in my house get mixed signals. Sorry ghosts :(
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artsykerfufflespam · 1 year
Why are you barking? Tourette's? No dude I got that dawg in me
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goatfelons · 1 month
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this is hyper specific to me
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livingwithtourette · 3 months
Living with Tourette’s is honestly one of the most difficult things out there. Not only because you don’t have control over your body and voice, but because people don’t understand it and don’t know how to treat you. I’ve never had a good experience at school, the combination of Tourette’s and dyslexia hella kicked my ass.
But I managed to graduate with a certificate of completion, and despite everything, I’m happy. I’m proud of myself for getting through it even if I wanted to stop several times. I’m proud of my family for helping me get through it even if they did make the journey more difficult appoints.
My life is definitely not gonna be easy after this, I have a lot of things to do, and a lot of things to think about and I am scared. But I’m sure I can do it.
Please take a moment out of your day, and just realize all of the things you’ve gone through to get to this moment. Even if you don’t have Tourette’s, I hope you take a moment to be proud of yourself  
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one of the annoying things about tourette's(at least for me) is that whenever I remember something embarassing from years ago, it almost always almost immediatly triggers a tic
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tourette's swag tournament
a tournament to decide who has the most tourettic swag <3 definitely based on all the other nd & such swag polls <3
what is tourette's? a neurological tic disorder. tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. tics are something people with ts cannot control <3
this competition is limited to fictional characters! no real people!
the character does not canonically need to have ts because... then we wouldn't actually have much to go off lol
use vibes to nominate! characters that have tourettic traits!
i will not be accepting any s.outh p.ark or m.inecraft-streamer-type characters. s.outh p.ark isn't Great rep and the streamer thing is confusing for me personally lol
ngl to y'all i will be including a few characters that i personally hc with ts and i just. i will be including them. very important to me.
submissions will be open for a week, until march 26th
submit your nominations here!
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projectmogai · 3 months
autism and tourettes akito and airi? :-3
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meowticta · 1 year
Shoutout to people who have "annoying" and "uncomfortable for others", type of tics.
Shoutout to people who tend to have a lot of tic attacks.
Shoutout to people with coprolalia, copropraxia, etc.
Shoutout to people with "bad and ugly" tics.
Those who's face get twisted, and looks "ugly"
Those who can't do anything because of their tics.
Those who struggle with walking, eating, etc.
I see you
And I don't think you're a bad person for it, I don't think you're a burden for others, you aren't, you are as valuable as people without tics.
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so! it's tourette's awareness month! i wanted to take a second and describe what it's feels like to suppress tics for y'all since i don't think most people truly understand what it feels like <3
so, the first thing tourettics usually say to get non-tourettics in the feel is: imagine you have to sneeze. you know that feeling? that build up to the sneeze? it feels like that. now try holding back the sneeze. try forcing yourself not to sneeze. that's what it feels like to suppress. sometimes, people use the blinking analogy. you know, try to see how long you van go without blinking. it starts getting uncomfortable after awhile, right? maybe it strains your eyes? maybe it hurts? that's what it feels like to suppress.
but… suppression is a little more than that, in my experience. actively trying not to tic or to hold it back is a more intense version of trying not to blink or sneeze. the feeling differs depending on what tic(s) and our mental state and physical surroundings (noise, textures, who you’re with, where you are…) but here are some other ways suppression can feel...
it can make you restless. i had to suppress a bit the other day (long story), and it made me restless. it made my chest feel all tight like it does during an anxiety or panic attack (sometimes, suppression can lead to those or a tic attack). sometimes, suppression makes it hard to breathe because of the panic and utter concentration. because, yeah, suppression takes a Lot of mental energy. it makes you hyper aware of everything you do, say, how you move…
sometimes, it can be like a sharp pain. sometimes, it’s an intense tingling sensation. sometimes, weird as it sounds, it sounds like static in my ears.
it feels like there’s a little bubble inside your stomach and all your tics are being confined in there. they’re beating and trying to get out. or sometimes, that little bubble is breathing on its own. like breaths are being taken in that bubble and they aren't your own. and it’s Uncomfortable.
sometimes, it makes your skin crawl. sometimes, it sends alarm bells ringing in your ears. just now as i was typing this, i tried not ticcing my stupid finger tic the whole and i felt panicked for half a second because my brain sent this wave to my body that went “something’s wrong so something’s wrong something’s wrong you did something wrong bad bad bad”. and even now, as i type this and try not to tic, i’m swallowing more because i’m uncomfortable and my fingers are starting to feel weird and tingle and itch. it’s like something is trying to burst out of them and they feel so weird and want to tic because ticcing is the only way to relieve that build up but i’m denying it that
aaaaand i just let myself tic and instantly felt better. well, better aside from the bit of pain that tic gives me. it’s not bad, but slamming my finger into my phone screen over and over again until it’s slammed “right” can hurt.
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turrets-and-tourettes · 4 months
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i've been having the same throat/breathing tic for the past 5+ hours this shit hurts. they should invent a not having tourette's
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It's Tourette's Awareness Month!
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To celebrate Tourette’s awareness month, I want to share my first ever Tourettic headcanon. Maggey Byrde. She’s hyperactive, restless, easily irritated and is known for having bad luck just follow her around, which is often what having Tourette’s feels like. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just bad luck, and it causes many problems in its wake. But despite all of the difficulties she faces, and the judgement she gets from a neurotypical world, she still has such a go-getter attitude and never gives up on trying to live a normal life.
Tourette’s has taught me so much about life and trying to find meaning and appreciation for life. So here’s to all of us.
Thanks so much to @probablygayattorneys for making this edit for me!
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eurovision-facts · 1 year
Eurovision Fact #460:
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Norway's 2021 representative Andreas Haukeland, otherwise known as TIX, developed the aforementioned stage name as a means to take ownership of his experience growing up with Tourette's syndrome.
His music video for his Eurovision entry 'Fallen Angel' was inspired by his experiences growing up where he faced heavy bullying for his condition.
Participants of Rotterdam 2021: TIX, Eurovision.tv.
“An ugly duckling can become a swan” — TIX recounts his inspiring journey in “Fallen Angel” music video, Wiwibloggs.com.
TIX - Fallen Angel (Official Music Video) – Eurovision Song Contest 2021, YouTube.com.
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