#Tommy x Kim
buckysgrace · 3 days
2. Eyes Without a Face
Billy Hargrove x Fem!OC/Tommy Hagan x Fem!OC
Now That We Don't Talk
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Three Years Later
He viewed Kim differently now. 
He still loved her in the same manner, perhaps even more in his opinion. Being married and having a child together had really changed his point of view. He wasn’t ever sure if he’d really be happy getting married. His eyes had a bad habit of wandering, of thinking that there could be more out there for him. 
Kim hadn’t given him an option to think about anyone else after their honeymoon. She had gotten pregnant right away, surprising him completely. They had always been safe. He didn’t see how it was possible, but he had been happy nonetheless. A baby was special. 
Sex was new between them, on the rare occasion that they had it. He used to be rough; enjoyed pulling her hair and smacking her skin. He no longer liked to do that. He supposed it was fairly plain, vanilla for sure. He just didn’t feel right being so brutal with the mother of his child. 
Nora was anything but a handful. With rosy cheeks, golden red hair and big blue eyes; a looker, just like her mother. She acted like Kim too. Always getting into things, eyes full of curiosity and a nose that was able to sniff out sweets for miles. Other than that, she didn’t do anything too chaotic. A little angel. 
He had made a deal with Kim, well, rather he had pleaded with her to take his suggestion. He worked and she stayed at home with Nora. It was easier that way. Kim was motherly, had no issue changing diapers and wiping runny noses. Tommy didn’t like any of it. Not the messy part. He could play with Nora for hours but once she got fussy or overheated, she went straight back to Kim. 
“Hi,” Kim waved from the kitchen, her hair pulled back into a ponytail as she held Nora against her left side. She stirred something in her right hand, nodding her head as Nora babbled off while she finished off a creamsicle, “How was work?”
“Good,” He replied, quickly kissing the side of her cheek and narrowly avoiding Nora’s sticky hands, “Uh, we’re going to have one more over for dinner.” He added, smiling as he tapped the top of Nora’s head.
“Oh?” She asked as she looked up, hazel eyes inquisitive as Nora mirrored her expression. Tommy still thought it was funny that Nora had ended up with blue eyes, instead of brown like theirs, “Who is it? It’s not Jason, is it? That guy is a creep.” She reminded him of her disdain, making him sigh deeply. 
“He’s not a creep,” Tommy defended him quickly, knowing he just got a bad reputation, “But no. It’s not Jason. It’s uh, someone you like.” He replied, hoping that was still the case. Kim stopped for a second, analyzing him for a long time. 
“Is there a reason you’re being secretive about it?” She questioned him sourly, nose scrunching up like she was scared about what his answer would be. He honestly wasn’t too sure about how she’d react. Neither of them had seen Billy in so long. 
“It’s your brother,” He introduced slowly as he pulled a smile on his face, “Yay! Uncle Billy is coming to town!” He cheered, clapping his hands as Nora began to bounce and giggle in Kim’s arms. Kim, on the other hand, looked less than pleased.
“What do you mean he’s coming to town?” She bore a pained expression as she pushed her pan of food off of the burner, quickly shutting the heat off before she placed Nora on the ground. The toddle whined, gripping a hold of her jeans with sticky fingers. 
“Well,” Tommy paused, “I guess he lost his job, had a little relapse incident, and then his girlfriend kicked him out. Ex girlfriend I guess.” He rubbed the back of his neck, deciding that he was going to keep a few more details out. He had a feeling she’d say no if she knew the full story.
But she already looked like she didn’t like his answer. She played with her hair, a little telltale sign that she was nervous. But he also knew that it likely meant that she’d give in anyways. She still didn’t like to say no, even if it made her uncomfortable. 
He knew that there was some well deserved hesitancy there. The last time either of them had seen Billy had been at the wedding. He had skipped the exchanging of the vows, but then showed up to the reception more drunk than Tommy had ever seen him. He had made a fool of himself. 
“You couldn’t ask me first?” She asked, dampening a paper towel before she began to scrub Nora’s face and hands clean. He watched, glad that he had stayed out of the toddler’s sticky path. 
“Oh come on, he’s your brother,” He said quickly, “And he’s all alone in Los Angeles. No wonder he has all the drug issues.” He gestured about with his hands, a little jealous that Billy had such wild stories to share. Tommy felt like he hadn’t really gotten to experience anything with getting married so young. And having a baby straight away. 
“He hates it here.” She mumbled, keeping her eyes focused on Nora as she continued to try and talk at the same time Tommy was. 
“That could change,” He shrugged his shoulders, “What happened between you two anyways?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to recall the last time they’d spoken. In fairness, he hadn’t spoken to Billy in years either. But he and Kim had been raised together. 
“What?” She snapped her head towards him, eyes wide with worry. He shrugged his shoulders, not sure why she seemed so on edge. 
“I mean you guys don’t talk anymore,” He said slowly, “Surely something had to happen.” He pried a little deeper, wondering if there was something she was keeping from him. Surely not. 
“We just never got along, different interests,” She brushed his inquiries away as she began to make Nora’s plate with one hand, “And he’s not my brother.” She replied stiffly, smiling as Nora patted her shoulder in confusion. 
“No Uncle Biwwy?” Nora asked, eyes filled with sadness as she rested her wet cheek against Kim’s chest. Tommy winced, wondering how Kim could stand the mess. 
“Yeah,” He added as he rested his chin on his fingers and pouted his lips out, “No Uncle Biwwy? Because I promised him the spare room until he got on his feet. He should be here anytime. I uh, need to figure something out if he can’t stay here.” He replied awkwardly, balancing on the tips of his toes in hopes of changing her mind. 
“I didn’t say he couldn’t,” She sighed as she shifted Nora once again, pausing as she brought a damp towel up and began to wipe her face clean, “I wish you would’ve just asked. You never ask.” She reminded him, making him wish he could roll his eyes. He didn’t like how that was always the argument. He asked when he needed to. For important things. Most of the time. 
“I’m asking now.” He replied as he stood up a little straighter, feeling like he didn’t have to ask to have someone stay in his own home. The one that he had bought and was still paying for. 
“You’re telling me,” She clarified with a soft smile, “I’m not his maid though. He’s going to have to pick up after himself.” She nodded her head along, looking like she was determined to keep some ground rules for herself. 
“Cool,” Tommy replied as he nodded along, “Uh is it done, hun? Because I’m starving.” He glanced into the pot, desperately wanting something to eat. 
“Go ahead,” She responded as she walked away, holding Nora in one hand and her food in the other. He did as she requested, filling his plate full as she ensured that Nora’s tray wasn’t too hot. She always sat with Nora as she ate first, then made her own plate after, “I need to get the guest room ready, can you watch her?”
“Yeah, she’s my daughter.” He snorted, sometimes irritated with the way she thought he couldn’t handle things. He was perfectly capable of watching her eat.
“Tommy,” She said in exasperation, “I just need you to make sure she doesn’t choke on anything.” She replied, pushing her hair out of her face as Nora placed her spoon into her mouth.
“She’s going to be four, she should know what she’s doing. Right, Nora?” He tilted his head, smiling down at the little redhead.
“Wight.” She giggled as she nodded her head, smiling brightly up towards Kim. She sighed in agreement but didn’t look so reassured.
“I was just teasing,” He said as he noticed Kim staying near Nora, “I’ll watch her. Go clean up the room.” He felt a little bad, knowing that they didn’t always understand each other anymore. He didn’t think either of them were getting what they really wanted; but he supposed that was just marriage.
“It can wait,” She said, smiling and pretending to take a bite as Nora offered her a handful, “She’ll need a bath anyways.” 
He took his own shower while Kim used the other bathroom to bathe Nora, then prepare the guest room. Even though Tommy thought it was clean enough, she had her list already planned out. But it was the room where he had been storing most of his spare things.
“Can you watch her?” Kim asked as she peeked down into the living room, Nora hot on her trail. She clung to her everywhere she went.
“Uh, why?” He asked as he glanced towards the ball game, his beer already opened and ready for him. He wasn’t the least bit ashamed to admit that the quick view of the cheerleaders had done something to him.
“Because I still need to shower,” She responded in exasperation, “And she likes to try and play with the power outlets now.” She touched the top of Nora’s head gently, making her giggle.
“Sounds like a lesson to be learned, huh?” He mumbled underneath his breath, sure that his father would’ve let him mess around and find out.
“Five minutes,” Kim begged, “Please.” She begged softly, making him sigh and nod in defeat. He didn’t think their toddler was that helpless. She could be alone without burning the house down or harming herself. Especially for five quick minutes.
“You don’t need me to watch you, do you?” He asked her, whispering so Kim couldn’t hear from the bathroom.
“Uh uh.” She shook her head, red curls flying as she bounced back and forth between rocking two different baby dolls in her arms.
“You won’t tell mommy?” He asked her quickly, holding his palms together in a quick plea. She worked on bundling her babies up in a blanket before she answered.
“Suwe!” She giggled, giving her baby doll a little kiss before he was scurrying away. He wouldn’t be that long anyways. He’d been worked up for the past week.
He retreated to his room, shutting the door gently. He knew that he’d be able to hear the water shut off and hear if Nora got into anything from this distance.
He had just managed to shrug his pants off, his briefs around his thighs and his fingers wrapped around his cock when the doorbell sounded. Again. And again. It continually rang until he felt like his mind might explode.
“Can you get that?” He shouted out the door, keeping it closed so no one could see what he was trying to get up to.
“What?” Kim shouted, her voice muffled from the bathroom door.
“The door!” He shouted, “Can you get it?” He shut his eyes tightly, quietly begging for her to rush out and get it. 
“I’m in the shower!” She protested back, making him sigh deeply. He resisted the urge to slam his head against the door, irritated with the timing.
“Shit,” He huffed, tucking himself back inside and adjusting his pants. He gave his hands a quick wash before he was rushing down the stairs, “I hear you!”
The ringing continued as he rushed down the stairs, his eyes widening as he removed the toddler away from the back of the TV stand. That’s all he needed.
“It woud.” Nora commented with her hands over her ears as he placed her back on the couch. Nosey little thing.
“Get used to it,” He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head, “That’s your uncle Billy.” Her eyes widened in fear as she glanced around, her little legs moving quickly up the stairs as she retreated. She was apparently too shy to introduce herself. 
“Jesus Christ,” Billy grinned from ear to ear, “Took you long enough.” He stated, looking a little bored as his eyes fell towards Tommy. He looked a little skinnier, his hair shorter and bags underneath his eyes deep. But he was still Billy. 
“That was very annoying,” He scoffed as he popped the door open, “C’mon in.” He gestured inside at the almost annoyingly clean living room. It must’ve meant that his mother stopped by, that was the only time that it was truly spotless. 
“Holy fuck,” Billy spit out, “You did get a nice place.” He held his duffel bag over his shoulders as he peered around, stopping to briefly glance at the framed photos before he turned away again. 
“Yeah,” He chuckled, “You better put that out. Kim doesn’t want anyone smoking around Nora.” He pointed out, looking at the cigarette that was placed behind his ear. It was half smoked, like he’d been savoring it. 
“And you have a kid,” He laughed, like it was hilarious, “Who would’ve thought?” He shook his head, speaking the truth out loud. Tommy was still surprised each morning. 
“Not me,” He muttered in admittance as he gestured towards the living room, “Welcome in.” He clapped his hands together, unsure of what else to say as he watched Billy slowly glide around. 
He looked around intensely, like he was inspecting each little detail. Tommy could feel himself bouncing in excitement, wanting to know all about how LA was. How the partying was, the girls. Everything. 
“Billy,” Kim replied softly, her face flushed as she tugged on her damp hair as she took slow steps down from the stairs. She looked anywhere but him, following the same nervous tick she did anytime she met someone new, “Good to see you again.”
Tommy’s relationship with his own siblings wasn’t the best, but he didn’t know how he could ever just stop talking to them. Even if Billy and Kim both claimed they weren’t siblings, they were raised together. He just didn’t get it.
“Kim,” Billy nodded at her; features stoic as he looked around, “You guys have a nice place.” He said again, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned away. Apparently he didn’t know how to talk to her either. Or he was expecting a lecture.
“You were supposed to see it a long time ago.” Tommy pointed out, shoving at him playfully. Billy nodded along, shrugging his shoulders softly. 
“I was busy,” He replied with a smirk. Tommy did his best not to sigh, knowing that Billy had done things that he could only dream about. He supposed that was the issue with getting married young and having children at such an age too, “This must be Nova?”
“Nora,” Tommy corrected, smiling at the way she curled up into Kim’s side. She had the same shy nature about her, “This is Uncle Billy, remember?” He squatted down, hoping that she might become more comfortable. 
“Hi.” She said shyly, face half hidden as Billy joined Tommy on the floor. He looked kinder and Tommy suddenly remembered that he had spent a summer or two teaching kids her age how to swim. 
“Do you like dolls?” He asked, tilting his head as a gentle smile pulled onto his lips, “I have one for you. Your dad said you liked Barbies.” He dropped his bag slowly, looking proud at the way Nora perked up. 
“Oh, yeah,” She said with a giggle, suddenly more interested, “I like dem.” She nodded her head happily, squeezing at Kim’s leg for reassurance. 
“Do you want to go get it?” Kim asked her, kissing the top of her head, “We already ate, but I can warm the leftovers up if you want.” She added awkwardly, furrowing her eyebrows together before she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Uh, sure,” Billy replied with a shrug of his shoulders as he dug through his duffel bag, “Here you go, kid.” He plopped it into Nora’s hands, earning a loud squeal from her as she examined it. 
“Oh cool times Barbie,” Tommy responded, trying to keep a calm expression, “How neat.” He chuckled, wondering how many Barbie’s she’d have before it was too much. 
“What do you say?” Kim asked gently, her lips curled into a soft smile as Nora pulled a bright grin onto her lips. She teetered back and forth before she answered. 
“Tank you,” She grinned in excitement, “Mama, open?” She held it up over her head, looking conflicted as she pulled at the plastic. Tommy stood first, wandering if this would be an appropriate moment to pull out a few beers. 
“Yeah, come to the kitchen with me.” Kim told her, holding a hand out as Nora waddled quickly to keep up. It was a pretty cute sight. Their nightgowns even seemed to match. 
“How are you feeling?” Tommy asked seriously, collapsing on the recliner as Billy followed suit. He stretched his legs out, suddenly looking exhausted. 
“Like shit,” Billy grumbled, “I hate this fucking town.” He replied bitterly, almost angrily as he linked his fingers over his abdomen. Tommy exhaled deeply. Sure he wanted to travel, but Hawkins wasn’t that bad. All of his friends and family were here. 
“Better than living in your car.” He said seriously, sure that it had to be an uncomfortable few weeks. Things must’ve been really bad for him to come crawling back. 
“Barely,” He sighed as he stretched his legs out once again, “So what do you do? I never saw you as a family guy.” Billy cocked an eyebrow curiously, leaving Tommy shrugging. He had been too young to have known what he really wanted. He still felt that way in all honesty. 
“I guess it was just a bullshit gift from fate. Right after the wedding.” He laughed as he thought about how nervous and scared Kim had been. He wasn’t much help through the pregnancy either. It had all freaked him out. He understood how people got cold feet. 
“You’re not happy?” Billy looked for clarity, his eyebrows furrowing together like he was sure he was hearing Tommy wrong. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” He said quickly, trying to defend himself, “It’s just mundane sometimes. That’s all.” He shrugged his shoulders, not sure if he should mention that the love between him and Kim was clearly gone. Their passion had long since fizzled out. 
“Here,” Kim said slowly as she sat the bowl down on the table for Billy to reach. She sat down near the corner of the couch, smiling as Nora crawled onto her lap. She got comfortable as she held her Barbie to her chest, beginning to brush her hair out slowly, “I hope the drive wasn’t too bad?”
“Nothing terrible,” Billy replied as he glanced towards her, “I guess it is kind of nice to be back, sort of like home.” He mused softly before he turned away, eyes glancing towards him.
“Bullshit.” He laughed, nearly cackling at his terrible lie. There was no way Billy thought of this shitty town as home. He hated it here. 
“There really is nothing good about this place.” Billy replied after a brief pause, grinning as he bounced his knee up and down. Tommy shook his head, still marveled at how Billy could say such a thing.
“Come on,” Kim whispered as she adjusted Nora on her lap, “Say goodnight. Let’s go get ready for bed.” She picked her up quickly, ignoring the little protest Nora let out before she waved her fingers at them.
“Night night!” She squealed, giggling as Tommy leaned up and kissed her warm cheek. At least she wasn’t sticky.
Kim carried her off, promising of a new story tonight as Tommy settled back into his chair. It was the same routine. The same everything. He was bored.
“You’re lucky.” Billy said suddenly, taking him by surprise. He supposed in a way he was, but this hadn’t been the life he had wanted. He felt like he was stuck in a box most days.
“You are,” Tommy corrected, “You got to live and we’re just stuck in whatever this is.” He gestured about, keeping his voice lowered so Kim couldn’t hear. He didn’t want to deal with her crying about it next. Their fights were always like that.
“Hm,” Billy hummed softly, “You sound happy. Does she know you’re this joyful?” He mocked, fingers twitching repeatedly against his abdomen. He was clearly still coming off of something, noticeable by the way he kept locking his jaw and darting his eyes around.
“She doesn’t say anything.” He shrugged his shoulders, speaking the truth. Even when they fought she usually went quiet. She was just a shell sometimes, like she’d dug herself into her own hole that only she could be a part of.
“Marriage,” Billy scoffed, “What a wondrous thing.” 
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skyland2703 · 1 year
All right, ship ask game:
forgive me for being self indulgent 😅
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
41. What would they do if they lost the other? (because I love me some pain and suffering)
What are ask boxes for, if not self indulgence ;)
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
YES. Kim has a few pair of earrings that are her favorites, but she can’t wear them, because one of them is always missing. (Yes, that’s Tommy stealing them)
And Tommy doesn’t wear the both of them, because he doesn’t have both ears pierced, but every now and then, their friends can spot a solitary pink bobble, or another swallow shaped top in his pierced ear. Kim also starts sporting the other end of that pair, in one ear, sometimes, just to match with him.
Her clothes are too small to fit him, but Tommy makes full usage of her jewellery box.
Tommy more or less drools every time he sees Kim in his clothes. He blushes, he simps, he’s obsessed. She looks so perfect. Every time she stays over at his place, she’s in one of his t shirts, or hoodies, and it continues after they’re teenagers, waaay into adulthood. And she wears his flannel around her waist, and it looks so frickin pretty. Tommy treats it as a “she’s mine” signboard.
41. What would they do if they lost the other?
Tommy cries. Tommy cries a lot lot loooooot. He had never thought this would happen?! He had felt they were invincible. He’d thought of the names of their kids, and the grandkids, and even possible suggestion lists for wedding venues, playlist of songs, a small house in the suburbs. And it’s all just. Shattered.
I feel like the both of them would be the "would go to the ends of the world to bring the other back" type. Kim is the one DEAD SET on revenge, though...
Ship Ask Game
some excess thoughts in the tags
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dallianceangel · 1 month
Join In 🫦🥵
Enjoy 😏
🫦 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🫦
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You’re on the kitchen table, legs spread as Bobby’s head rests between your thighs, him sucking and licking at your clit. The pleasure is intense, and you moan softly.
The door swings open, and Tig walks in, eyes widening at the scene. “What’s going on in here?”
You look up, breathing erratically but managing to smile at him. “Tig, join in.”
Tig grins, stepping closer as he pulls down his pants, watching Bobby shift your position by helping you off the table and bending you over it, kneeling on the floor as he continues to suck and lick at your clit, finger fucking you as well. “No need to ask me twice.”
You gasp as Tig enters you from behind, adding a new layer of pleasure. “Holy fuck.”
The door opens again, and Chibs walks in. He takes in the sight, then approaches. “Room for one more, lass?”
You nod as you eagerly open your mouth, and Chibs enters you.
Your moans become louder, overwhelmed by the sensations from all three men. You were only too happy to oblige, enjoying every moment of this encounter, knowing that life is too short and you’ve just got to do crazy shit once in a while.
From a distance, Clay and Gemma walk out of their dorm room and into the bar area. Clay smirks, nudging Gemma having noticed the scene. “Looks like they’re having quite the time.”
Gemma looks shocked, shaking her head. “Oh, Jesus. I hope they clean up the kitchen afterwards.”
Moments after Clay and Gemma exit the clubhouse, pleasure overwhelms you, and you let out a cry as you squirt, the sensation hitting you hard.
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rosstrytobe · 4 months
How this two idiots don't see that they are dating/be delusional over a copy of their best friend...
First Buck with Tommy and he even said all the things that he likes/did are the same that Eddie did/likes
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The Muay tai, the basketball play, etc...
While Kim is blonde, have blue eyes and even a birthmark! 😭
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
Amir at bathenas house. ‘My husband is in danger.’ Eddie and Kim in a CANOE??? Oliver and Lou interview right after the ep. Buck in an apron. Buddie stills. Eddie talking to Chris with a sour face. Bucktommy hospital scene. WHATS HAPPENING
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funtheysaid · 4 months
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made one for iwtv, now time for my other hyperfixation
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hyunminsunger · 4 months
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ㅤstray kids met gala with tommy hilfiger headers.
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idealuk · 4 months
Buck is: literally *reining-in-on-re-entering the land of the living*.
Eddie is: literally *reigning-in-on-re-entering the land of the dead*.
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missmagooglie · 4 months
A double date with Buck/Tommy and Eddie/Kim.
Kim is charming.
So is Tommy.
Eddie is grinning from ear to ear, but always seems to be looking anywhere else except meeting Buck's gaze...
... and Buck is giving Eddie the exact same look as when Ana showed up at the firehouse and Ravi made the mistake of uttering the word "wife".
Tommy, at a certain point, manages to get Buck alone and tells him, "You gotta cool it with the way you're eyeballing Eddie. I think you're making Kim uncomfortable." (What he doesn't say is, "you're definitely making me uncomfortable")
And Buck's like, "Well something weird is going on. That woman looks just like Christopher's mother."
Tommy goes, "Lots of people have a type, Buck. It's not that unusual to date someone who kind of looks like an ex"
And poor Buck is like, "No, you don't understand. If I didn't know she was dead, I would swear to you that was Shannon."
And Tommy kind of frowns and says, "How well did you know her? I thought she died not that long after she and Eddie reconnected."
And Buck's like, "I mean, I didn't. Not really. I met her a few times. But, you know, I see her photos all the time when I'm at Eddie's place and Tommy it's weird how much they look the same."
Tommy's been to Eddie's house. He didn't look too closely, but he vaguely remembers asking after a picture of a woman with dark hair and bangs and being told it was Eddie's late wife. Kim is blonde.
The thing is, Tommy knows a red flag when he sees one. And his newly out of the closet boyfriend being weirdly intense about his very close best friend's new girlfriend? That's fucking scarlet.
But they're in the middle of a double date, and Eddie and Kim are probably wondering where they've gone, so now is not the time to open up a conversation about whether this particular red flag is a deal breaker.
So they head back to the table, and everyone is smiling, for the most part, but Buck is still being weird, and Tommy's definitely uncomfortable by this point, and Eddie keeps darting his eyes between the two of them like he desperately wants to know what they were talking about, and Kim seems kind of puzzled at how the energy at the table has taken a turn suddenly, but it's fine. It's fine.
At least, until the waiter clears their plates and asks if they'd like to see a dessert menu and Eddie automatically replies, "What do you think, Sh-"
And he catches himself before he actually says the wrong name, but it is not a graceful recovery. He kind of freezes for a long moment before he clears his throat and forces a grin and says, "Should we see what they have, Kim?"
And Kim tells him, "I don't really like sweets all that much. I'll take a potato chip over a piece of candy any day. But I'm happy to look if you'd like dessert."
Shannon had a sweet tooth. Even when they were really pinching pennies, she'd always reply to the offer of a dessert menu by saying, "Come on, Eddie. It can't hurt to look!" with a playful grin in his direction. And every time, he'd agree to split something knowing he'd only take a bite or two before letting her have the rest.
It takes Eddie just a moment too long to respond, so Tommy's the one who ends up saying, "I think we're good with just the check, thanks."
And technically, no relationships end on that date. But all four of them walk away with some uncomfortable new awareness of an extra person hanging over their relationship like a specter - Shannon's ghost lingering between Eddie and Kim, and Eddie creeping in at the edges of Buck and Tommy's relationship with Buck getting closer and closer to the edge of understanding exactly what that means.
No relationships end that night, but all four of them go home alone anyway.
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tevanbegins · 5 months
Man, I've fallen deep down the Buck x Tommy rabbit hole. This feels just like when I got into Schmico, all over again! I'm going to sail this new ship like a starving madwoman, devouring every tiny Tevan crumb I get along the way! 😍😍😍
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groupielove21 · 4 months
From what I'm seeing, I feel that AGAIN, many important things are being left unanalyzed and it makes me mad, so...
Bobby giving a prayer book to Eddie: Eddie seemed really confused by Bobby's gift, but he doesn't reject it, in fact, he just stares at it...there's only one episode left so my theory is that Eddie is going to pray for Bobby, after years of not doing it, and next season we will see Eddie reconnecting and learning how to cope with that part of his life (something like Jackson Avery on Grey's Anatomy).
Kim and the almost kiss: THEY DIDN'T PUT THE KISS IN THE EPISODE! I feel like this is huge because if Chris had seen that, he genuinely could have never seen Eddie the same way and Eddie couldn't have seen himself the same way either. Additionally, Kim served as genuine closure for Eddie who is just going to have to break up with Marisol (probably a continued scene after Kim leaves the house) and talk to Chris who is going to be angry about this or maybe also be a trigger so that they can finally both talk well about the whole situation with Shannon.
Buck talking to Bobby about Tommy: I think it's great that we finally get Bobby's reaction to Buck being bisexual BUT BUCK DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT TOMMY! I mean: Bobby assumes that Buck is going to see Tommy, but Buck never confirms it and also if this is true, after seeing Kim, Buck leaves Tommy for Eddie. Furthermore, Buck doesn't say anything about Tommy, he doesn't say how he feels about him or if he thinks he sees a future in this, in fact, he seeks confirmation from Bobby that he's not wrong about Tommy (=he's not sure yet).
I'm really surprised by this last point because I thought we were going to, at least, have a scene of Buck saying that he has genuine feelings for Tommy, since everything indicates that they are going to continue with this relationship in the next season and I find it very strange that they wouldn't give us that.
How do they want the public to support this supposed relationship that is better than Buddie (lol) if there is absolutely nothing more than a failed date, two kisses and two scenes in front of other people?
In conclusion, I think the final episode is going to leave us with Eddie having problems with Chris and his family, in addition to his religion trauma being explore, and with Buck probably with Tommy still, but not 100% sure of their relationship yet and extremely worried about Eddie, Chris and Bobby, also know as his real family and the people he loves.
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buckysgrace · 10 days
1. Wicked Game
Now That We Don’t Talk
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Mayfield OC
CW: Stepcest, unprotected p n v sex, cheating
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She stared in the mirror, trying to see how else she could make herself look older as she looked at the way her hair was pinned up. Her face was still slightly round, too baby faced in her opinion. She was supposed to get married today. How was she supposed to do that when she still looked so young?
She brought her brush up again, trying to decide if her eyes needed a fresh coat of color when she listened to the door creaking open behind her. She straightened up a bit, biting down on her bottom lip as she followed the trail of the blonde boy behind her. 
His hair was tied out of his face, loose blonde curls drifting onto his forehead as he snaked his way up behind her. She squealed softly as he pressed her forward, hips digging into the counter as he rested his warm chest against her back. 
“You’re not supposed to see me.” Kim giggled, her face burning as Billy’s hands wandered across her curves. He leaned forward, chin falling into the crook of her neck as his lips curled into a smirk.
“You’re not in your dress yet,” He grinned mischievously as his hands gripped her tits. She whimpered as he palmed at her bra. It was simple. White, lacey and see through. It matched the pair of panties that she had on as well, “Just had to see you first.” He mumbled as his lips brushed against the crook of her neck.
“So impatient,” She bit her lip as she met his gaze in the mirror, “I want you.” She told him honestly, needing to feel his cock inside of her before things became official. Just before she was married. 
“One last time?” He asked her softly. She nodded her head, knowing it was too late for her to change her mind. She’d always give into him. 
He dragged his lips against the curve of her shoulders, making her sigh softly at the feeling. They were soft, but slightly rough at the same time. It felt nice as his large palms kneaded at her tits, squeezing softly as he began to rut his bulge against the curve of her ass.
She turned, arm moving behind his neck as she pressed her lips against his roughly. She moaned at the electricity that traveled through her veins, burning her as his lips dragged roughly against hers. 
He gripped her neck, squeezing her softly to keep her in place as he slid his tongue inside of her mouth. She moaned as she pressed her tongue against his, dragging slowly as she savored his taste on her tongue. 
She rubbed her fingers across his jawline softly, holding onto him as her tongue swirled around with his. She felt like she was floating, her mind hazy as he moved them onto their knees. She giggled against her mouth, sighing softly as he pushed her back onto the floor playfully.
“You look pretty,” He mumbled as he tugged at the straps of her bra, smirking before he removed her bra completely. She bit her bottom lip, dropping her eyes towards the floor. She still felt shy around him, especially when he looked at her so intensely, “Eyes up here.” He teased as he tapped his finger against her chin, making her follow his lead.
He traced his thumb lightly across the curve of her lips before he dropped his hands. His eyes stayed on hers, staring her down as he slid her panties aside. She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to keep her heart from hammering too roughly inside of her chest in case it decided to explode.
Her eyes drifted down his taut muscles, his golden skin as he pulled his pants down. She turned her gaze away from his eyes then, staring at his hardened cock as excitement pooled through her. She savored the curve of his cock, his thick girth as he gave himself a little squeeze. Then smirked all cocky, clearly knowing the effect that he had on her.
“What do you want?” He hummed softly as he drifted his tip through her pink folds, smearing his precum across her clit. She whimpered at the feeling, fingertips twitching as she remembered the feeling of the stretch of his cock. 
“You,” She breathed out at first, blinking roughly to keep her mind from fogging over. His gaze turned towards her in surprise, making her a little worried, “I want your cock.” She whispered softly, rolling her hips forward to make a point. His expression softened. Good save.
“I’ll treat you good,” He teased as he slid his tip against her hole, making her squirm as he slowly pushed himself inside of her, “That’s it, Red. Taking my cock like a good little whore.” He groaned as he filled himself to the brim, his balls pressing against her skin.
She shivered underneath him, trembling as he leaned over top of her. Her thighs fell against her chest, squishing her boobs as he crowded in on her. She moaned as the tip of his cock pressed against her bundle of nerves, making her croon as the pleasure toppled over her.
“Yeah?” He teased, mocking her as he used one hand to grip her chin. His warm air slid against her face, making her yearn for more as his minty taste tickled her features, “It feels that good?” He mocked, pouting out his bottom lip as he spoke all high of himself. But yeah. It really did.
“More,” She whimpered as she rocked her hips forward, her cunt squelching around his thick girth, “Please, Billy. Wanna feel more of you.” She begged him as she gripped a hold of his biceps.
He groaned as he dropped his head, just barely brushing his lips over hers as he began to build a steady pace. She sighed against his open mouth, clit throbbing in pleasure as her body burned from his motions. Her legs ached, chest felt heavy as he balanced his full weight on top of hers. 
Everything felt too intense as she writhed underneath him, trying to keep her eyes open as the lust spread through her body. Her veins were burning from the feeling of her skin on his, the feeling of her cunt wrapped tightly around his cock. LIke he belonged. It felt too perfect, almost too much. 
She tilted her head up, crashing her lips messily against his to keep her sounds at bay. She didn’t need anyone to become suspicious or curious. Her moans vibrated across his lips as he rutted his cock deep inside of her, making her head swirl and pleasure form deep inside of her chest. 
His tongue dove into her mouth, licking and sucking as his rough hands moved to her hips. He gripped her easily, rocking her up and down the curve of his cock like she weighed nothing. Each time his cock hit her g-spot, making her toes curl and fire spread deep within her. 
“Right there,” She cried out, holding her ankles up to her head as Billy rammed his cock in and out of her wet cunt, “Feels so good.” She whined loudly as her head fell against the hard floor. She felt like she was in a haze, the very best dream she could ever have. She didn’t want to wake up from this.  
He was so deep inside of her, the tip of his cock pressing against her bundle of nerves with each hard thrust. Her walls stretched across his girth, leaving her breathless as the sound of their bodies connecting filled the room. It was a dirty melody, filthy. But she loved it. 
“You’re so good for your big brother,” He groaned as he gripped the back of her thighs, squeezing roughly as he dragged his cock in and out of her slick pussy. Her mind felt hazy as she locked eyes with him, savoring the blissful look on his expression, “Fucking whore.” He hissed, sweat dripping onto his forehead as her back dragged against the floor. 
Her legs felt numb as her fingernails dug into her skin as he continued to rut his cock deep inside of her, sliding himself in even further than before. She could taste his breath as she inhaled; could feel his cock throbbing against her walls. 
Her thoughts became a blur as her muscles contracted, her walls breaking down as loud gasps left her mouth. He quickly shushed her, shoving his palm over her lips to muffle her sounds. Her eyes rolled back, body shook as she came around his cock.
He grunted roughly on top of her, skin sliding easily against hers as his movements became rough and choppy. He held onto her tightly, thrusting into her twice before he came to a halt deep inside of her.
“Fuck,” He cursed, eyebrows furrowing in pleasure as his jaw relaxed in awe, “Jesus.” He huffed, staring down at her with lust filled eyes as he came inside of her. Everything inside of her burned, desperately wishing she could tug him closer to her. She didn’t want to let go. 
He huffed as he gently sat up, letting her legs rest around him. She giggled softly at the feeling of the blood rushing to her feet, her body feeling heavy as he squeezed at her hips. His smile was warm for once, his hair resting over his forehead as she tried not to admire him too closely. But God was he handsome.
He hummed quietly as he pulled himself free, snagging a few tissues to clean himself up before he got himself dressed. He moved onto his knees, then onto his feet as he turned away from her. Signaling to her that it was really over. 
“I’ll see you out there?” She asked as she slowly dressed herself once again, flushing at the feeling of their mixture dripping from her cunt. Her thighs were trembling, but it felt nice. A reminder. 
“Uh, yeah,” He nodded his head, “I am a groomsman.” He laughed as he worked on buttoning his shirt, his eyes staying away from hers for the longest time. She gulped, desperately wanting him to look at her. 
“Yeah,” She rubbed the back of her neck, “Maybe-,” She trailed off, unsure of where she was going with her thought. He observed her, like he was waiting for her to speak the truth. But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t face rejection from him, not again. He had made things clear a long time ago. This had been strictly pleasure. 
“It was nice for our last time,” He mumbled as he took a step closer, holding her chin softly, “See you around.” She savored the feeling of his skin against hers, desperately wishing for one last kiss. It didn’t even have to be a deep one, just a little peck.
She savored the freckles on his cheeks, the dark shape of his eyebrows and the curve of his mouth as he traced his thumb across her lips. She moved a little closer, only to have him pull away. He gave a stiff smile. That was it. That was all she got.
She watched him leave, sinking into her familiar hole of guilt and shame. It didn’t matter how many times this happened, she always felt disgusting afterwards. But it also made her want him that much more. She wished he felt the same.
Wrong. It was wrong. There would be no real relationship between them. It was all over now. It had to be. She reminded herself that as she dressed herself again, trying to bury any of her wrongdoings underneath layers of makeup. She could hide it away. Billy would want her to. 
Her dress wasn’t something that she had envisioned herself in before, but everyone insisted that it looked better than the poofy sleeves and ballroom silhouette that she wanted. They said that this one was timeless. It hugged her chest gently, the sleeves wide at her wrists as it softly billowed off of her body. A little too exposing for her comfort. 
“Look at you,” Susan smiled brightly, touching her hair gently once she was all zipped up, “You look so beautiful.” Her grin was far too wide as she inspected her, like she was trying to find any little imperfections. She had been doing quite a bit to impress the Hagan’s. So had Neil. Kim figured it had to do with their money and their own little power. 
“Thank you,” She replied shyly, bringing her eyes towards the floor as Neil waited behind her. There had been quite a bit of uproar from the two of them when she had firmly stated that her own father would be walking her down the aisle. Not Neil, “I’m scared.”
“There’s no reason to be,” Her mother insisted, “You’re going to be so happy with Tommy. He’ll take care of you.” Kim knew she didn’t mean it in a threatening way, but she knew that as long as she was with Tommy it meant that she could take care of them. Her happiness didn’t really matter. 
“Okay,” She breathed out deeply, “I’m ready.” The words felt odd on her tongue, heavy as she was unsure if that was the truth or not. Was she ready? It seemed odd, felt even more bizarre when she was whisked out and Billy was nowhere in sight. Where did he go? She wanted one last reassuring look from him, a promise that this was what he had really wanted. 
Compliments and music fell numbly to her ears, a simple buzz as she gripped the flowers tightly in between her fingers. Orchids. They weren’t her favorite, but they were pretty. Tommy’s mother had insisted that they would look better and she had been too timid to speak her own thoughts. It had been weeks later when she’d discovered that his mother had recommended them for fertility purposes.
Almost everything about the wedding had been done without her say. Everything was far too elegant for her, which was okay. She appreciated it, she really did. But many things she thought they could save money on had been bought and purchased proudly. Nothing was handmade, all bought from expensive shops. 
She knew that without a doubt that this was just the beginning of the rest of her life. His family would forever walk all over her, just like her mother and stepfather did. She’d be stuck, her words holding no means as everyone else made decisions around her. But no one really cared what she thought, so why should she get worried about it now? At least she’d be loved. 
She was out of place, being forced into a role that she wasn’t sure she could keep up. But she’d have to. It was too late to turn back, to get cold feet. If she left now, she’d have no one. 
“You know,” Sam added softly as he took her hands, “If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to.” He whispered underneath his breath, keeping the conversation between the two of them. 
“What?” She asked breathlessly, eyes widening in disbelief. He had been the only one to suggest such a thing. Everyone else was adamant that Tommy would be good for her. He was good for her. 
“If you’re not ready,” He started slowly, “Or if it just doesn’t feel right. You don’t have to do this. We can call it off, I can do it for you.” He patted her hand gently, making her heart hammer roughly inside of her chest as a bead of sweat fell down the back of her neck.
She thought about it for far too long, pictured Billy the whole time as well. Could she live with herself if Sam helped her leave? She couldn’t leave Tommy at the altar, but perhaps that would save some hurt later down the road. But she reminded herself that there was no one else. Tommy was in love with her. The only person who had ever loved her in such a way. 
“Are you telling me this to support me or because you don’t like Tommy?” She asked him softly, trying to make the atmosphere less tense. She was close to breaking down, to taking his offer and running with it. She could get away. She didn’t have to do this.
“You’re nineteen,” He drew out softly, “You have your whole life in front of you. I just want to make sure this is what you want.” His brown eyes were soft, too gentle for her to look at for too long. 
The music changed, signaling her that it was time to begin walking. Her heart pounded rougher, so fast that she swore everyone else could hear it. She didn’t want to walk in front of everyone, she didn’t want to become some little doll for them to play with. But she was. That was her future. She had one more quick second to change her mind, to decide her own future.
“Kim?” Sam repeated, bringing her gaze back up towards him as her throat became dry. The doors were open, exposing them to everyone. Her knees felt weak, her tongue heavy as she stared. She couldn’t do it. Not with everyone staring. She needed to move. 
“I’m just nervous,” She said at last, feeling like she might vomit all over her shoes, “I’m okay.” She did her best to comfort him, gripping him tightly for support. She was sure that her father was no fool, he could feel her trembling against him. She could blame it on her shyness. That was it. She was just scared. She was being silly. 
She breathed in deeply, then exhaled roughly as her eyes scanned the church as Sam guided her inside. She felt like she was being dragged along, her feet in thick cement blocks as he pushed her further and further towards the front of the church.
Tommy stood with his hands crossed, his cheeks pink and a soft smile on his lips. She nodded as she tried to reassure herself that this was right. Her eyes continued to wander, searching for the spot Billy was supposed to be standing in. 
She looked at Sam in confusion, but had no time to ask questions before she was ushered forward. Her heart beat too roughly inside of her chest as Tommy took her hand, his palm slightly warm and clammy. 
She gave him a reassuring smile as everything drowned out underneath her pulse racing and veins vibrating. Her body was too loud as she tried to search in the crowd, looking for where Billy might be lingering.
He was going to stop the wedding. She was sure of it. This would be it. He’d finally tell her his true feelings. She knew that he would. That he had to.
But then the priest rushed through that part of the speech and then rings were exchanged with their little vows. Everything felt robotic, or like she was in some sort of trance. This wasn’t right. She knew that, so why wasn’t she stopping it.
“I do.” Tommy answered, making her gaze snap back towards him and away from where she kept looking at the door. She blinked, reminding herself that she shouldn’t be searching. She shouldn’t be distracted.
And she was again as the question turned towards her. Her mouth parted but no words came out as suddenly everything was quiet, far too silent as she suddenly couldn’t speak the words. She swallowed roughly, afraid of what else may come up if she forced the words up. 
She looked around the church once more, taking in the faces of friends and family members as she suddenly felt as if her heart weighed thousands of pounds. Like it had dropped through her body and now laid at her feet. Her hands trembled before she turned back to face Tommy. Her soon to be husband. But not the one that she wanted to marry, that she really wanted to be with.
She looked in his concerned brown eyes as she tried to get her tongue untangled, reminding herself that it was pointless to stand and wait. Billy was gone. He wasn’t going to stop the wedding, nor did he have any desire to marry her. She was just a plaything to him. He didn’t love her.
“I do,” She answered at last, breathing in deeply as she forced a smile up to her lips, “Of course I do.” She exhaled, knowing that the price had been paid. There was no going back now. 
Tags: @cassandracorvo
(if you wanna be added lemme know!!)
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grande-caps · 22 days
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Sons of Anarchy - Season 2
Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 16.138 files Resolution : 1.280 x 720 px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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five-star-stay · 1 year
Stray Kids x Tommy Hilfiger!
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[Pictures | Vogue Video | GQ Video]
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nat111love · 2 years
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Peaky blinders season 1
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swiftietartt · 3 months
i wish to know more about the girls are fightingg...i love when the girls are fighting
hi pookie
the girls are fighting here and here
because i posted all the snippets i have rn, i’m gonna gift you a little snippet from the current dominic boat ‘verse fic
“Dominic.” Tommy starts slowly, and he turns, pulling his shirt away from where it’d started to cling to his midsection, soaked through with tap water, “What did you put in those brownies?”
Dom winces, “…How many did you have?”
“Dominic.” Tommy repeats, trying very hard not to lose it, and he takes a deep breath, “How high am I about to be?”
“Very?” Dom guesses, peeling back the foil on the Pyrex he’d left just sitting on the counter the night before, full of notably unlabeled brownies he’d baked after Tommy had gone to bed, “…Do you work today?”
“Do I look like I can fly a helicopter right now?”
“I mean, you look like you could,” Dominic offers, like he’s trying to be helpful, “but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should.”
“I need to not be having this conversation,” Tommy says, using one hand to gesture broadly at Dominic, his other hand still pinching the wet fabric away from his stomach, “and I need to make a phone call.”
“…and you need to change your shirt.” Dominic offers softly.
“…and I need to change my shirt.”
for this tag game
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