#Tom Berry
ladamarossa · 2 years
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The Amityville Curse (1990)
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amongemeraldclouds · 3 months
Dancing in the rain with the Slytherin boys
Ft. Matteo Riddle, Lorenzo Berkshire, Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini
© amongemeraldclouds I do not consent to having my work shared or reproduced elsewhere. Please do not claim as your own, tumblr is the only place I share my written work.
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party | 2.2k words
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Lorenzo Berkshire (established relationship, modern au)
The walk home should have been simple and straightforward. But as you stepped out the bustling restaurant, you traded the warmth for the unexpected downpour. Yet it could not dampen your good mood; the alcohol buzzing in your veins made sure of that.
“You sure?” Enzo asked as you opened the door and faced the rain.
“We’ll be fine, it’s just a short walk,” you suggested and he simply shrugged in agreement.
The song blasting from the restaurant stayed with you and you found yourself singing the lyrics. You wondered how a space cow found its way in a song about summer romance, but it seemed to match the beat of the song. It was good enough for you.
“Are those even the right words?” Enzo asked, a small laugh accompanying his question. It was not.
“Space cows can be wherever they want to be!” You declared.
“Yeah space cows!” He cheered you on as he started singing with you, ever the supportive boyfriend.
“You know since we’re singing,” you said, a glint in your eye, “we might as well dance. It’s just us here.”
Enzo stopped abruptly in front of you and surprised you with a bow. “My lady,” he said, courteously reaching out his hand. You held a corner of your dress in each hand and curtsied.
You took his hand and found yourself dancing on the empty sidewalk with Lorenzo Berkshire. You hummed the song as you moved, feeling his body move in sync with yours.
When you arrived home, you’d shower and warm up with a cup of tea. You’d spend the rest of the day cuddled beneath cozy sheets, wood crackling in the fireplace. But for now, the rain drowned out everyone and everything else. In that moment, it was just you and him dancing with your silly smiles.
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Mattheo Riddle (enemies)
You exited the hall and stepped into the evening air, eager to get away from the music and merriment. You were the furthest thing from feeling festive. Not after your date had ditched you for another pretty girl.
Your cheeks burned with rage and embarrassment and you tried taking deep breaths to steady your nerves.
Just when you thought an already bad evening couldn’t get worse, you saw lightning flash through the sky followed by a crack of thunder. Before you could safely make your way back the castle, you found yourself drenched in the sudden downpour.
With no other outlet for the intense emotions, you released a frustrated scream and your tears soon joined in the rain. You jolted when a warm hand touched your shoulder.
You inhaled the telltale scent of cigarette smoke. Through the blur of tears, you saw Mattheo Riddle. Of all people, it really had to be your enemy. He must have been smoking outside and got caught in the rain.
“What happened to your dashing date?” He spat.
“Come to laugh at me, have you?” You said bitterly. “He’s off with a prettier girl,” you said, not sure why you were even talking to him.
“Why, I’ll break his face” he started and it was your turn to put his hand on your shoulder.
“But why? Don’t you hate me?” You asked, confusion mixing with your cocktail of rage, disappointment, and weariness.
“Obviously,” he said quickly then added, “but only I can be horrible to you.”
“You can’t be possessive over your enemy, that’s not how it works,” you shot back.
“I can be possessive over who I want to be,” he moved closer, arguing.
You sighed. It had been a long day. “Fine, just let me wallow here in peace.” You muttered, “didn’t even get to bloody dance.”
He studied you closely, it was unfair how gorgeous you managed to look despite the tears and soaking rain. The look in your eyes broke something in him.
You were stunned when you found yourself in his arms. “I’m only doing this so I don’t have to look at your crying face. This is for my benefit,” he explained, trying to sound annoyed.
Then he really was annoyed when he realized how nice it felt. To distract himself, he started to move, swaying you both to the beat of a song only he could hear. It soothed the storm raging within you.
“For the record, this never happened,” Mattheo stated, quick to deny everything.
“As if I want everyone to know I danced with you,” you said even as you matched his rhythm, “no thank you.”
“Good,” he stated.
“Good,” you replied, not wanting him to have the last word.
There was an odd comfort dancing with Mattheo. You could overanalyse it later. For now, you savoured how secure you felt in his arms, his body warm against you. Electric sparks lit within you as if lightning coursed through you.
Hidden by the onslaught of rain, you could pretend you’re not enemies even if it’s only for a moment.
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Draco Malfoy (established relationship, modern au, Yule Ball)
The regal melody of classical music greeted you as the footman opened the limousine door and the cold wind caressed your hair. Draco waited near the door in his crisp tailored suit, his hair neatly gelled back. You took his outstretched hand and smoothed your hand over your dress when you exited the car. You were fashionably late and ready to make a grand entrance at the Yule Ball.
“Ready to party?” He asked. Salazar, you were gorgeous. He was eager to show you off to everyone.
“You mean get drunk and dance the night away? Count me in!” You leaned in, inhaling his expensive cologne. 
You had just taken two steps away from the car when thunder clapped and the sky rumbled ominously. Draco put a protective arm around you as if he could save you from the elements.
“Let’s get inside quickly, yeah?” You nodded wordlessly, trying to walk as fast as you could in heels. Despite his rush, he was patient enough to match your pace, placing you as his first priority even when the first drops of rain fell on your heads.
“Bloody storm,” he muttered. Before you knew it, the sky unleashed a torrential downpour, soaking you from head to toe. You gasped. Hours of hair and makeup was smeared off by Mother Nature in a matter of seconds.
You could sense the thoughts in Draco’s head: “how much would this cost me at the dry cleaners,” “this suit was made for balls and dinner parties, not mud and rain,” and “how dare the elements!”
Instead he looked at you, worried. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, but he could see the disappointment in your eyes and the set of your jaw. You were doing your best to hold it together.
“Not the kind of ball I expected” he said, turning to face you, “but we’re here and there’s music around us. May I have this dance?”
You laughed at him, but when he didn’t join you, you blinked. He shrugged as if to say ‘why not?’
For the second time this evening, you took his hand and he spun you around. Water droplets traced your movements and he watched you in slow motion. It’s ridiculous how you still looked perfect despite everything. He was relieved to hear a small laugh escape you.
He wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you in, his other hand still firmly holding yours. You leaned in his shoulder, “sorry this didn’t work out the way you expected.”
He shook his head. “Whatever do you mean? I’m dancing with the most beautiful girl in the world. I’m still the luckiest man here tonight.”
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Tom Riddle (established relationship, spicy but not smut)
Tom Riddle did not do parties. Yet he somehow found himself walking alongside you, accompanying you to one.
“I want to dance!” You declared.
“I’d rather die,” he muttered.
You laughed and took his hand, leading him outside the castle grounds.
“This isn’t the way to the party,” he observed.
“It’s a compromise, we’ll bring the party to us,” you grinned. He sighed in surrender.
“Hear that?” You asked, the faint party music audible from where you stood. You took his hand and started moving. “I’ll look less silly if you joined me?” You offered hopefully.
“Then we’ll both look silly,” he stated.
As if Mother Nature was on his side, rain fell from the sky unceremoniously. You were instantly soaked.
“Come on,” you insisted, still asking him to dance.
“You know I love you all wet and needy doll, but not like this,” he said, not budging from where he was.
“How about this?” You offered, lowering your voice. “After this, we’ll enjoy a nice hot bath together and then I can be wet and needy for you the way you like it.”
He closed his eyes and groaned, already picturing all the sinful things he would do to you. “Fine,” he growled, “you’ll be punished for this doll. I’ll make you regret it.”
You casually shrugged and smiled, “worth it. Now come on, the sooner we dance, the sooner you’ll have me just where you want me.”
He grabbed the back of your neck and pressed his lips to yours, his other arm snaked around your waist as he drew you in. Bodies flush together, you felt his hard length against you and you moaned against his lips.
He started moving you both slowly, the upbeat party music long forgotten. You let him lead, glad to have him dance with you in the rain.  
Despite everything he brought his lips to your ear and said in a low voice, moving his hands around your body. “I already have you where I need you.” That hot shower would have to wait.
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Theodore Nott  (established relationship)
“As much as I’d love to get away from the party with you amore, it’s storming outside,” Theo said, stopping as you both neared the exit. 
“A little rain wouldn’t hurt,” you grinned and stepped outside, getting drenched within seconds. You welcomed the cold and lifted your head to the sky, raising your arms and spinning. You looked so carefree and it tugged something in Theo’s heart.
“Come back here, we can stay warm indoors,” he offered.
“Too late, join me!” You asked, running towards him. Instead your shoe slipped on the wet grass and you lost your balance. Theo’s eyes widened as he held his arms out as if he could catch you.
He saw you on the floor, shoulders shaking and he rushed towards you. When he neared you, he put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You looked at him, your laughter piercing through his concern and he breathed a sigh of relief. “If it brought you out here, it’s worth it,” you thought aloud as he helped you back up your feet again.
“Come on, someone’s got to keep me upright. Dance with me, caro,” you said, wrapping your arms around him.
“With no music?” He asked skeptically. He was not making this easy.
You looked at him, listening closely to the rumbling in the clouds. Any second now. Lightning struck and you raised your finger. On cue, you heard the crack of thunder. “There,” you said, taking a step back to hold his hands. You started spinning around again, taking him with you this time as you raised your head up the sky again.
You were so full of life, your energy so infectious, that Theo let the rain wash away his protests. He mirrored you and lifted his head up the sky, feeling the raindrops on his face. The things he did for love, he sighed inwardly as he smiled.
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Blaise Zabini (established relationship, modern au)
You laughed as the first drops of rain fell. It was sweet relief after a sweltering afternoon at the festival. You raised your head up, welcoming the rain, and bopped your head side to side to the beat of the music. 
You looked to the side and saw your boyfriend, Blaise, already watching you. He was a man of few words, but his expressions and actions told you all you needed to know. It took forever to convince him to join you at a festival where it would be crowded, loud, and now muddy. But here he was, grinning at you.
Blaise held out his hand to take your phone and he tucked it safely in your tiny waterproof bag that he carried for you. You pecked a kiss on his cheek to thank him. He didn’t seem to mind the rain though you could tell he was trying hard not to be bothered by the cold and mud.
You grabbed his hand, waiting for the DJ to drop the beat. You mirrored his grin in anticipation, the bass building up slowly as the rain fell down heavily. Your heart thumped along the music’s beat, your body dancing along the rhythm, the crowd electric as the music built up to its crescendo.
You counted down with other festival-goers, breaths held: 3, 2, 1.
The beat dropped. You launched yourself in the air, bringing Blaise with you, chanting along with the crowd. Everyone else blurred as you kept your eyes on him, watching his eyes glow with excitement.
It may have been dark and stormy around you, but right in front of you, his smile was all the sunshine you needed.
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A/N: Based on a super cute request I received! Original ask will not be published for a bit as there are multiple ideas in there I’d like to play around with.
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party
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mymultifandomhell · 11 months
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Nobody tells someone to "f*ck off" quite like Matt Berry.
Or Thomas Selleck.
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eternallyangelina · 1 month
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Angelina Jolie for Tom Ford, August 2024
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mrbigpepperoninipples · 2 months
Book one Lord of the Rings, fellowship of the ring chapter seven spoilers! (Doodles I made throughout the chapter lol)
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Eating good at Tom’s house cause he’s the coolest
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Frodo got a little Crushy crush
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End of chapter doodle (they’re singing)
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amongemeraldclouds · 3 months
starry eyed
Tom Riddle never meant to feel affection. That warm, sickly feeling felt like indigestion and heartburn. An inconvenience. But Salazar, you had never been on a date. It was an injustice he needed to make right.
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Tom Riddle x f!Reader | Based on this request | Fluff
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party | 1.9k words
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It was just supposed to be another project. Tom Riddle expected you to just be another schoolmate who would let him do most of the work so he could have things exactly as he wanted. He never minded the work; enjoyed it, even. But he did mind having another student’s grimy fingers all over his carefully planned and skillfully executed projects. Just the thought of it made him want to cast crucio on whoever owned those grimy fingers.
Yet you managed to squeeze your way through his neatly arranged schedule. A row of clean lines and routines that made room for your squiggles and smiles. Literally. You had penciled yourself in his timetable “library with y/n for Astronomy project :)”. At least you had capitalized the A in Astronomy as all subjects should be.
That was how he first found himself walking towards you at the library. People respected him, was even intimidated by him. But you smiled up at him like you had been friends forever and he nearly doubted for a second if he was supposed to be there. He figured you were either naive, a lamb prancing into the lion’s den, or simply unbothered.
“Why did you invite me here?” He asked, placing his books across you in the library.
“Hi Tom,” you beamed, ignoring his question. “I’m doing great. Thanks. For a smart person, that sure is a silly question.”
He clenched his jaw and so you soldiered on. “We were paired together for the project so I thought we’d meet tonight to discuss. You may not be used to it Mr. Perfect, but I always help out with all my projects so like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”
“Fine,” he breathed out quickly. “Just try to keep up,” he said curtly as he opened his books to discuss.
“Maybe you’re the one who has to keep up with me,” you said, unfazed.
But he ignored you and launched straight into the project details and his plans. Your eyes widened and you grabbed your notebook and pen. Tom’s mouth twitched and you imagined it was his version of a smile. He really was going to make it difficult for you, but you were up for the challenge.
You may have also had a crush on him, but that definitely had nothing to do with the way your heart was pounding in your chest. School could also be intense and exciting. Ha.
By the third written sentence, you managed to catch up and gather all the details he had in mind for the project. You asked questions about the plan and Tom was surprised you mentioned a minor detail he had not previously considered. It irritated him, but you had also managed to earn his respect.
The discussion had been a lot more engaging than he thought. Though it probably didn’t say much considering his expectations had been so low, it had melted with the lava down the centre of the Earth.
You tapped on the table lightly. “Now that we’ve accomplished a lot, it’s time for snacks!”
Tom blinked, not sure if he heard you right. “What are we to do with snacks?”
You blinked back. “To eat. So we can take a break from all the studying?”
“I don’t do breaks. My focus levels are perfectly fine,” he stated.
“This is why you’re so grumpy all the time! You don’t eat snacks or take breaks,” you slapped a hand to your forehead.
“Ah yes you have cracked the mystery. You now know everything about me,” he replied sarcastically and you snorted. If you hadn’t felt so tired, you may have spent some energy being embarrassed for your un-lady like behaviour in front of your crush. But you had your priorities straight.
“Try these biscuits I baked and I promise you will know all about joy and the wonders of the universe,” you offered.
“So it’s spiked?”
You looked horrified. “I’ll have you know my baking is magical all on its own.”
“It’s bad enough that I have to work on this project with you. If I go on this break with you, will you leave me alone to complete this project?”
“Maybe,” you said, scooping up your belongings and rushing out the library before he could change his mind. You inwardly cheered when he followed you.
Tom didn’t take any of your words seriously, but when he bit into the biscuit, the buttery goodness that melted in his mouth made him feel like he was coming home to a place he never knew he belonged to. Not that he would ever tell you.
“What’s your favourite astrological event?” He asked as he savoured the biscuit.
“I love meteor showers, though I’ve never seen one before. Imagine seeing a cluster of stars raining down the sky,” you said, after a moment’s pause.
“Don’t have to imagine, I’ve seen it before,” he said unimpressed.
Your eyes widened in fascination. “What did you wish for?”
He looked affronted. “I don’t do wishes, I make things happen.”
You slapped your thigh and his eyes followed your movement, making you blush. “How could you not make a wish? It’s like having a magic lamp and using it as a teapot. Where’s the wonder and romance?”
“Magic is a science, it’s why we’re here,” he insisted.
“We’re here for biscuits,” you declared instead and shoved another into your mouth. He inwardly smiled. Sure, if anything were to be magical the way you saw it, he supposed it could be those heavenly biscuits. 
He was sure that was the last time he’d meet you outside of class. But the very next day, he found your squiggly handwriting on his timetable again. “Library with y/n for Astronomy project + snack break :)” He sighed, but he secretly looked forward to the buttery biscuits.
You made good progress on the project as the days passed. Tom continued to be surprised by your helpful contributions. Sure they were unconventional and your process was far too scattered for his liking, but you came up with creative ideas and were equally as committed as he was to the project.
Tom suggested extra research for some information he wanted to include and you managed to read all the chapters he wrote down. All for the love of education. You were certainly not a girl trying to impress your crush. Nope.
The snack breaks were also not as miserable as Tom thought they would be. You got to know each other better and there was something strangely fascinating about you. Then there were those life-changing biscuits.
He sometimes found himself craving those buttery goods during his long hours of studying. The problem was that he could not get them anywhere else except from you. It didn’t help that you were nearly done with your project and would soon have no reason to see each other. That diabolical woman, he thought.
Something else stayed with him. On one of your snack breaks, you finally built up the courage to ask Tom about his dating life. He managed to deflect and turn the question around to you, but you didn’t mind. Hopefully you sharing would one day help him open up to you.
“What was the last date you’ve been on?” He asked and you watched in slow motion when he licked the corner of his lip to catch a stray crumb. You had to dig your nails into your palm to stop yourself from squealing.
Then you thought hard about his question. “What qualifies as a date?” You asked cautiously.
“Someone who likes you takes you out, preferably somewhere you like, and you spend quality time together.”
“Well,” you turned it over in your head, “then I guess I’ve never been on a date before.” You quickly added, “I have had boyfriends before, we just did things they liked and anyway, it’s no big deal.”
It had been days, but he still seethed at the memory. He was not one for romance, but even he felt indignant that all that sunshine and sweetness was wasted on boys who didn’t know what they had. That evening, he added you to his timetable himself. He was going to set things right.
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“Are you sure you’re not here to m*rder me and take full credit for our brilliant project?” You asked as you followed Tom Riddle deeper into the woods. You hugged your coat tightly as the evening chill swept around you. The crickets chirped and twigs snapped below your feet.
“Do you think I’d announce it if I was? Besides, there’s no one around so you’ll just have to trust me,” he replied.
“I thought we were becoming friends,” you remarked.
“Never assume things,” he said matter of fact.
You gripped your wand tightly and walked on. He was right. You followed a boy into the woods at night because you had a crush on him. You cursed inwardly and vowed to make better decisions in your next life.
We’re here!” he announced. There was a clearing ahead and before you could ask what it was, he pointed to the sky. “Should be about now,” he commented. The next moment, you watched as stars glittered and rained down the sky. It was a meteor shower. Your eyes brightened, reflecting the glowing lights that dove through the sky.
“You said you’ve never seen one before and it just so happens there’s one tonight and this is the perfect spot,” he explained before you could even ask. He then asked you to make a wish.
“Only if you make a wish with me,” you said, looping your arm around him. You figured it was the closest he’d allow a hug. Surprisingly, he stayed beside you, letting you lean into him.
“Isn’t it enough to just watch this with you? You like it, don’t you?”
The pieces clicked in your head. “You said and I quote ‘a date was when someone who likes you takes you out, preferably somewhere you like, and you spend quality time together.’ Mr. Tom Riddle, is this your way of telling me you like me? Is this,” you motioned at the stars and around you, “a date?”
“What did I tell you about assuming things?” He deflected and pointed at the stars again. “They won’t fall forever, you know. Are you going to use this magical lamp as your teapot?”
Perhaps it was the shooting stars or the cold evening air, or being alone with the boy you liked in the dark forest, that made you bold. 
“What if you’re the only one who can grant my wish?” You gave him your brightest smile and Tom could read all the words you’d never speak aloud in your eyes. He shook his head, a ghost of a smile on his lips and he brought them down to yours.
The kiss was surprisingly gentle and you wrapped your arms around him, letting your body melt against him. He pulled you in closer, his arms strong and confident as if you belonged to him. He placed tender kisses down your jaw, moving slowly to your neck, and as you gazed up, you watched the last of the stars fall down the sky. 
The cold bit down your skin as Tom stepped back and you immediately missed his warmth. “You like me!” You beamed.
“How are you so sure I’m not just after the biscuits?”
You wrapped your arms around him, enjoying the warmth again. “I’ll bake you all the biscuits you want. Doesn’t change the fact that you also like me, which works perfectly because I like you too. You’re never getting rid of me now.”
Tom returned the hug. Not that he wanted to get rid of you anyway.
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✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party
A/N: Tom secretly liking biscuits is so adorable. A subtle nod to our tea party!
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weclassybouquetfun · 9 months
When new actors take over established characters sometimes the prior portrayer of the character extends well-wishes. We have two new examples.
Former Percy Jackson Logan Lerman note for new Percy Jackson Walker Scobell of the Disney+ / Hulu series PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS.
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-The recently cast SUPERMAN LEGACY Lex Luthor Nicholas Hoult was welcomed by SMALLVILLE's Lex, Michael Rosenbaum.
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Before SUPERMAN LEGACY you can see Nicky doing a bit of dancing in the Rolling Stones new video.
Tom Welling didn't need Christopher Reeve to offer well wishes. He had something even better: Reeve appearing on SMALLVILLE.
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Past Superman Mash-Up: Tom Welling, Brandon Routh, Gerard Christopher, Dean Cain and Tyler Hoechlin
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Laura Vandervoort's welcome to Melissa Benoist when she was cast as SUPERGIRL.
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Melissa welcoming THE FLASH's Supergirl Sasha Calle.
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Past Catwomen Michelle Pfieffer, Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway extending their paws to Zoe Kravitz when she was cast as Catwoman in THE BATMAN.
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simbelmyne20niniel · 1 year
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PART 18 is going to be about the third most voted category:
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pxgeturner · 2 years
Hi 🥰 I hope you have a wonderful day. Love your blog!
🫐 with Tom Riddle where Y/n goes at Hogwarts at his same year and is in his same house
hi nonnie glad ur back!!
him sneaking into your dorm to cuddle and sleep together. him leaving early to come back with breakfast and wake you up w breakfast in bed like a good little bf
studying together, ofc in your dorm. both of you know he prefers it to his one but won’t say that. he also tries to discreetly help u in class.
you constantly telling him to “be nice! there friends!” he’d respond by tell u that they’re you friends and he’s only there for u.
he doesn’t let you go when he’s stressed or frustrated. extra clingy. you’re constantly in his lap when he’s not doing so hot.
speaking of which instead of like groaning or sighing, he hisses. it’s like really quiet, but it’s there. your silly little snake.
the teachers are nice to you because he talks you up to them.
his friends r ur brothers now
idk man things w him r just chill; like you two r just nerds who regularly sit and read together
he tries so fucking hard to impress u, it’s embarrassing. just give this boy some praise
i’m sorry if this is bad, i’m a hufflepuff who can’t really imagine being slytherin.
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lnfours · 1 year
Okay hear me out, the Fourth of July with Tom’s family at a gorgeous beach house. And his skin is all sun kissed from the summer sun and his curls are even more curly from the salty air 😩
genuinely going to go into cardiac arrest if i think abt this any longer. i NEED him.
i’m getting the summer i turned pretty vibes, a new england summer, yknow? idk, i hope u like it! <3
💌 inbox
toms family was never the type to skip out on a new england summer. the hollands and your family would always spend the summer in massachusetts, spending the days at the beach house nikki had convinced dom to get back when you all were kids.
now it’s become a tradition. a tradition that you’ve grown to fall in love with, wanting nothing more than to keep the tradition going.
the beach house was gorgeous, right on the beach with its own private entrance to the sand and ocean that was calling your name. you took off with the boys to the water, giggling as you raced them into the waves.
it wasn’t a lie that you and tom had always felt some kind of way towards each other, even the adults claim it’s always been obvious ever since you were both teenagers. you both have unspoken feelings about each other, waiting for the other to cave in.
you made your way into the water, tom and sam following close behind you. harry and paddy had fallen short, almost falling in the sand. you laughed as tom splashed you.
“cheater!” he laughed, “you got a head start!”
you smiled, “can’t keep up, spider-man?”
he looked good. too good. his sun kissed skin was glistening with saltwater. the salt in the air had made his curls more defined, sticking to his forehead. his sunglasses sat on his slightly crooked, freckle covered nose.
everything about him was perfect.
“oh i can keep up,” he said, “you just distracted me, that’s all.”
“sorry, i’ll try to be less distracting.”
“nothing wrong with a little distraction once in a while.”
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bluen3hey · 1 year
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2012  Cloud Atlas
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spinningalbinoturtle · 4 months
Amazon may have listened when we asked for twink Annatar but they sure as hell did not listen when we asked for Matt Berry as Tom Bombadil and for that I can’t forgive them
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whatamigonnawatchtoday · 10 months
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Mission: Impossible III
2006. Action Film
By J.J. Abrams
Starring: Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Michelle Monaghan, Maggie Q, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Billy Crudup, Keri Russell, Simon Pegg, Laurence Fishburn, Bahar Soomekh, Jeff Chase, Michael Berry Jr, Eddie Marsan...
Country: United States
Language: English
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 month
Hannah visits a small berry farm that has been run by the same family for four generations.
Former presenter Peter Cundall visited with the Gardening Australia team more than 30 years ago!
The farm is now being run by Tom Wolfe and his uncle Tony. The family has German heritage and so has always grown a wide range of heritage European fruits, including gooseberries.
Tony Wolfe explains the colour and taste differences between a few varieties that his grandfather planted: ‘Leatherjacket’ stays yellow, but ‘Crown Bob’ gets a red tinge and becomes a bit sweeter. However, gooseberries have some large thorns, so Tony says to pick towards the middle of the bush to go with the shape of the thorn.
Gooseberries are quite hardy in Tasmania’s cool climate, making them easy to grow. The farm also grows raspberries, red and black currants, loganberries, jostaberries, Kentish cherries, and plums.
Jostaberries are a thornless hybrid that combines the flavour of gooseberries and blackcurrants. Prune them like raspberries, removing old canes, as the new canes will provide the fruit. They can be prolific, so it helps to aim for a vase shape and avoid a thicket that’s too hard to pick from!
Loganberries are another hybrid – a cross between raspberries and blackberries. They are ripe when deep purple. Tony trains canes horizontally to waist height for easier picking.
The Kentish cherry trees are pruned low and small for easier picking and to avoid a lanky, fragile crown that can break in the wind. It’s an heirloom variety from England with bright red skin and pale flesh that is great for jams and cooking.
The raspberries are grown from 100-year-old stock.
Tom took on the partnership with Tony after his father, Tony’s brother, died suddenly, but they are determined to keep the farm in the family. Tom’s young children are now growing up to love the farm.
Music is also a large part of the family tradition, with members playing in bands and orchestras over many decades. Tom’s father’s band, Midnight Revival, once played backup for AC/DC! Now Tom and brother Nick are often on tour with their country music band, The Wolfe Brothers.
Featured plants:
Gooseberry ‘Leatherjacket’ (Ribes uva-crispa cv.)
Gooseberry ‘Crown Bob’ (Ribes uva-crispa cv.)
Jostaberry (Ribes x nidigrolaria)
Loganberry (Rubus x loganobaccus)
Kentish Cherry (Prunus cerasus)
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus cv.)
Filmed in Neika, Tas
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