#To me selfcest isn't incest
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bum-tan · 2 months ago
Just finished watching all 7 seasons of Rick and Morty for the first time ever !
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Bonus meme +
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years ago
the moment when you realize an ai would've written a better larry show than mike waldron bc an ai would've been trained on previous loki content and thus, unlike mike, would've actually watched the films
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familyromantic · 7 months ago
Challenge/contest with a prize (spread the word y'all)
Okay, since there were some people interested, I announce a little contest for my fellow incest shippers.
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You must write about an incest or incest-adjacent ship that hasn't been featured on this blog. But, since I don't post about parentcest, grandparentcest and selfcest at all, it can't be a ship of these categories either. Don't have anything against it, just thought it would be fair. So bring on your unpopular ships ^^ You can check if your ship has been mentioned or not, by search. Try inputting characters' names or the media's title. Or you can just ask me and I'll say if this ship has been mentioned or not.
You must write an introduction to the ship, where it's made clear who they are and why do you ship them. Whether you include spoilers or not is your decision, but I'd prefer if you did go in depth and at least briefly described your ship's canon interactions.
Non blood-related ships are allowed, but fauxcest (think they're related but are not) isn't. And, just my personal preference, I can't stop you, of course, but I would really like to hear about blood-related ships more. AU ships, OC x canon, selfships etc. are also not allowed! (Forgot to add, but real people ships are very not allowed, but historical fiction is - for example, if you take Cesare/Lucrezia, you should specify which fandom are they from, but NOT real life Cesare and Lucrezia. That was an example, you can't take this ship obviously)
You can include your opinions, headcanons, meta, screenshots, whatever you want really, and if you don't want to, that's okay too, but make your introduction interesting to read. Basically, sell your ship to me 😁
Send it through the ask or submission. If you do so anonymously, then write your wishes for the prize in the same message in case you win, cause I won't be able to contact you obviously. Or you can send the message to me through DMs and I will post anonymously (so only I will know who the author is), but contact you if you win.
I know how hard it is to find art of your favorite unpopular ship, so here's your treat: you'll get an art of your ship, made specially for your tastes! :) The art won't be drawn by me, you can rest assured that I wouldn't have anyone competing for that. It will be commissioned by me though. You can't choose the artist, sorry, but I promise you that I know decent artists and you won't be disappointed (I hope).
I will choose the winner myself, judging by how interesting their introduction was (I won't swear to be absolutely objective, but yk it's my contest soo 😂)
From the time this was posted, to 10th of September.
Important: If there are less than 5 participants, the event will be cancelled.
(but I'll still post your message, of course)
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shotatsuki · 3 months ago
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(Ik i forgor to make it, but let's imagine it never happened and that this is my first post, ok?)
I go by a few names, although i'd like to be referred to as Allan, I'm into a lot of fandoms, so don't be surprised when you see one of your fandoms on my likes!
I'm a ex-anti, proshipper, profiction, self shipper, AutoShota/Loli, and a Shotacon. If you are against any of these things, don't engage with me, please
Warning: I block every anti that interacts with me. So if you are planning on 'arguing' with me DON'T expect an answer
I don't really know if this blog is or isn't 100% pro-para. So please understand that i may make some mistakes (By pure accident, i swear!!) with definitions and stuff
Some facts about me:
-Instead of using fandom names, i will use Upper case and lower case (With some exeptions) in my posts, so they won't reach the antis from that fandom (Basically: i= Lowercase L (l), N=|\|, o=0 (Zero), and the list goes on)
-I openly talk about/Reblog posts about Shotas
-I'm not american (Or from a country that speaks english), so don't expect my grammar to be good
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Fandoms i'm in:
-YUME NlKKl (and Y|\|FGS)
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-Racist people
-Actual IRL pedos/MAPS
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Some extra stuff... Look down if u want 2! !
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Credits! ! ! (For as far as i know! !)
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This user doesn't understan social cues/This user's soooooo normal abt their favorite crossover ship (someone please make content for them)/This user likes to daydream: @sweetpeauserboxes
Autoshota/Shotacon/I (heart) INCEST!! Blinkies: Me! (@shotatsuki)
Dear antis grow the fuck up or shut the fuck up stamp: @stampocalypse on deviantArt (Posted on tumblr by @benugsc)
Len stamp: @pink-sugar
I love selfcest stamp/Good boys kiss their brothers stamp: @graphic-cest
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If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask (Just don't be rude)
That's it for now, i may update it in the future, ig
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
I scrolled too far down on your profile and found reblogged ii art from 2016 and I just have to know: what did you use this alt for before it was gravity falls?
AHAHAHA WUH-OH goddamn you found blog content from when i was 11 i have been on this website for too long
so. i used to be REALLY embarrassed about shipping stuff. "oh, like, controversial ships?" no. just. shipping stuff. as a concept. even the most basic milquetoast ships embarrassed me. i have no idea why. i've been into shipping since i've been into fandom. but i got really embarrassed about committing the crime of liking it when 2 characters kiss
as i lost this embarrassment, i abandoned this blog. i was unabashedly cringe. until the unthinkable happened.
i started watching adventure time.
and i REALLY liked fern.
and i REALLY liked finnfern/finncest.
this. is a controversial ship. iirc it's because of some supplementary material that implied that fern was like a brother to finn? but. like. this meant nothing to me. 1. i never read the comics. this means nothing to me as far as i am concerned they do not exist 2. they weren't raised as brothers, and i wouldn't call them biological brothers, since 3. while fern isn't finn anymore, developing his own identity, he DID start out as a finn from an alternate timeline. so if anything it'd be selfcest. i didn't really care, even tho this was back during my anti era.
(and yeah i'd still argue selfcest isn't incest just... incest-adjacent. because incest can happen irl. selfcest can't. and i DO think that's important -- a lot of the interest people have in incestuous dynamics is about the taboo. there's no selfcest taboo beyond people going "???" about it.)
(also while selfcest can't happen irl autosexuals do exist (source: am one) and i think saying "yeah, this is actually exactly like wanting to fuck your family" is. uh. no)
SO yeah. for awhile this blog was pretty much exclusively for that. then tbob dropped and i got back into gravity falls and i got into looking at old stuff from the gf fandom and uh-oh the stancest shippers have a lot of good points actually
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andiv3r · 3 months ago
hm *looks into your brain* so what is it exactly that makes darkships appealling to you? /gen /lh
Depends on the type.
(Once again leaving shit under the cut <3 just an explanation of why I like various types of darkships).
Child x adult ships? Dooon't appeal to me At All (usually I block tags cause they can make me really upset). Used to like one of them (billdip) but that was mostly me projecting my attraction toward Bill Cipher onto the character in the show who was the most like me... because I happened to be 10 at the time (younger than Dipper is in the show lmao). I also used that ship and the fucked up dynamics to process. Things 👍
Incest ships? Honestly I've only ever liked one of those (y'all know the one, I don't even have to say) and I've explained in detail why already. I'd say they don't bother me as much because there's not a(n inherent) consent issue but rather a "hey, this is probably not the safest foundation for a relationship," which is also true of like... massive age gaps between adults. There's also the "if you have a kid there's a higher chance they'll end up disabled (+ it's unfair to do something you Know could cause a person that much more difficult of a life) so Don't Do That" but that's. Not an issue. With the things I ship. Considering I find myself drawn more to queer ships + I often headcanon characters as intersex & unable to have kids anyway.
Selfcest ships? Okay come on I'm autosexual the answer should be clear with this one.
Human x non-human? This one's tricky because as with the first one I hate most of these (ships with consent issues Bother Me) BUT if it's like. A nonhuman that thinks/processes like a human and can consent in some way (ex: human turned animal, shapeshifter, werewolf, basically any nonhuman thing that thinks like a person but isn't shaped like one) then I can work with that. These ships appeal to me for. Therian reasons. Not a fan of them in a sexual context but like. A shapeshifter in the form of an animal that can talk and think and, y'know, everything else, being in a sort of qpr situation with a human who does things for them that they can't, and they do things that the human can't, is cool as a concept to me I cannot lie.
Aaand that's kind of. All the main ones. What's funny is that most of these I don't even like except under very specific conditions, so it was hard to go "I like this for x reason" without like. Explaining that Most Of The Time (or All Of The Time with child x adult) I Don't Even Like It...
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months ago
what is it when you're in love with your own kintype /genq
is there a term for it? selfcest is not it as the "giver" and "receiver" are not the "same" person. my partner doesn't have a physical body, so he interacts with the world through me. he's still also my kin.
It is selfcest. You are your fictotype. That you have different bodies or universes / canons does not change this. Same goes for incest.
Connie / mod party cat!
edit i apologize jumping the shark, there may very well be terms that the op or others feel are more accurate or applicable than selfcest, as noted by this anon here
Anonymous asked:
re: /post/759256816211443712/ -- i'd also call it a form of autosexuality, if the term selfcest doesn't resonate with you (which is fair lol, as an autosexual that loves selfcest i can totally get not wanting to use the term because selfcest is inherently fictional while autosexuality isn't)
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year ago
Okay actually I do have a proper thought on the "sylki is incest" wank. which is that the "anti" take seems to be that Loki/Sylvie is obviously, glaringly, an incestuous pairing but its shippers deliberately ignore that because they like the pairing otherwise (yet also the accusation involves them liking the incest element... honestly it's a bit of a muddle, but let's move on). But. Well, here's the thing that is obvious, at least to me...
Go to AO3 and have a look to find the most popular (in terms of number of works) Loki pairing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom as a whole. Actually, i'll save you the effort:
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(These numbers are slightly out-of-date but the ratios remain accurate. I checked.)
Now, that. That is an incest pairing, isn't it? There is some fic which specifies an AU of some sort in which Thor and Loki are not related to each other but most of it is about brothers who are also lovers.
"But they're not really related," you say? Sorry, but in the important ways, they are. Every one of those films, and the Loki series, frames them as siblings-with-issues, and yes one of those issues is whether or not they agree that they are siblings, but I'd say the MCU comes down pretty firmly on the side of "they totally are."
And the point I'm making here is that the actual incest pairing is treated as such by its fans. If you don't feel up to reading any thorki fic I'll save you again and say that it overall leans into the "forbidden love" angle, and the shame and internal conflict of an incestuous attraction or relationship. So shippers of a given pairing do indeed know what incest is and they rarely try to avoid that aspect of such pairings.
Whereas. If you read the Loki/Sylvie stuff, that whole "thorki vibe" is entirely absent. Fans vary on variants, in terms of in what ways these two are or are not "the same person" but they agree on one thing: fucking some other version of yourself is not incest. This is pretty much a unanimous belief, and here I'll mention something else I think is relevant: there are a few sylki twincest AUs (many of which seem to have been written out of spite - LOL, fandom!) and in all of those the AU also features another crucial change - they are not both Loki variants in those fics.
Yeah, that's right! To make Loki and Sylvie siblings you have to remove the selfcest element entirely. Because - this may shock some of you, so sit down before you read this next part - you are not your own sibling. Even identical twins are obviously different people. A clone of yourself might get us into more philosophical territory but that's not what multiversal variants are either. Allow me to illustrate with another informative image:
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You get me? Yeah, you get me.
So, to meander towards an actual conclusion here. The MCU!Loki fandom does not, in general, refuse to accept that romantic/sexual pairings that would be incestuous actually are incestuous. In fact if anything it embraces that element of such pairings. It is usually seen as the defining feature of them. If they think siblings are fucking then they will write about those siblings fucking, and they will not be shy about it!
And aside from that mentioned handful of AU fics, sylki is not written as incest. Because it just isn't incest. Look, if you personally see Loki and Sylvie as siblings to the point where the pairing squicks you out, then fair enough there's not much either of us can do about that. Do your best to avoid that content and don't be a wanker about it and I wish you well in your endeavours. But that isn't what most of the complaints stem from, is it? As usual in recent years fans who didn't like a pairing (which, btw, is allowed) wanted to have the moral high ground and some bright spark hit upon "this pairing is INCEST" via some slightly odd logic and it spread from there. Because we can't just not like something, can we? (Actually, that's also allowed!) No, we have to be better than those fans over there, who are all terrible people in some way. They are problematic.
And this is a lot of words for me to essentially say "no, the sylki fic and the thorki fic have very different vibes actually" but... well, they do. The sylki shippers are not denying the incest, because there is no incest there, and even if we for a moment pretend that "siblings" is a reasonable and indeed expected interpretation of the variants concept, it is clear from their content that the people who ship Loki/Sylvie do not see them that way. And that has nothing to do with DNA or otherwise, which I can prove with this very quick question: in one word (or less, if you can), what is the relationship between Loki and Thor?
You said "brothers" or "siblings," didn't you? No, you did. I know for a fact that you did, don't play coy with me on this. We all understand that these two characters who definitely share no DNA are, in every way that matters, brothers. This is not a difficult concept, it's not somehow confusing large numbers of fans either way.
tl;dr - Sylki isn't incest but if it was we'd all know that because the fans of it would not be constantly denying what would, almost certainly, be the main appeal of that pairing for them if that was the case. You can deny that all you want but 11,731 thorki fics (as of 10th December 2023) back me up on this one.
So there.
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comshipbracket · 1 year ago
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Antis DNI
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Winterkov Propaganda (Selfcest)
"Corruption. Winter King is a Simon that truly only cares for himself and has hurt many to be `sane`, but he's not really himself anymore- and Simon is trying to recover from the traumas in his life and just wants to feel happy and content. But he's tempted to go back how things were with his crown- and Winter King supports this, honestly. It's a person facing a glamorized version of their worst self."
"Also, Cake yells at them to kiss, and Winter King straight up goes `Don't think it hasn't occurred to me!!` And slides away"
Reimob Propaganda (Age Gap, MinorxAdult, MentorxMentee, EmployeexBoss)
"It’s psychic kid + fake-psychic boss who drags the kid along and makes him do all the exorcisms for him. They’re wonderful and charming, and end up fighting a lot of other psychics along the way. Psychic kid has a lot of issues with self esteem and bottling up emotions and his sleazy-ass boss is actually a good person and encourages him and helps him become more confident."
Moriarthree Propaganda (Incest - The three are Siblings)
"I'm going to start with the devotion. And the enmeshed boundaries. They create a persona, separate from the three of them, that is also all three of them. They cannot exist without each other. Louis flat out admits that his reason for living is William. He wants to be the same for William, and he's not enough. He begs to come along and murder people, to take the same stain that has been on his brothers' hands since they were children, because while William wants to save him from that fate, he sees no reason to live on in a world that doesn't include William in it. He wants nothing more than to be useful, and most especially, useful to the Lord of Crime, to the Plan, to William, to Albert. He takes on SO MUCH WORK organizing two households without other staff (read cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry) and they are LARGE HOUSES. MANSIONS. Because they have to keep up the appearance of being nobility. And Albert, who finds them both as children and is immediately struck by how angelic William is, how he knows he must have him."
"To have them both. How he invites them to join him, to become his family, since his father would like to adopt orphans for social reasons and so he can help cure Louis and give them resources to achieve William's goal. Kill the bad nobles. Albert for who the world darkens at the edges more often than not, sees nothing but light when William is around. Albert, who feels incapable of action if William isn't in his life. Albert who sits in jail feeling guilty -- not for his very real crimes -- but because /he asked William to become a criminal with him./ Because he was a reason for William to stain his hands with blood. Albert especially values cleanliness and order and so Louis ensures that he always has it at home. From their very first crime they have always shared in all things."
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supercomputerz · 2 months ago
nobody with "selfcest dni" has been able to explain to me why it's actually bad besides "the suffix is icky." like yeah it kind of is but im not the dude who came up with it and if it was up to me it would be called something else. i just think it demonstrates that they don't actually understand why incest is harmful apart from "it makes me personally uncomfortable." selfcest quite literally cannot exist and has no basis in reality so it can't hurt anyone (unless there is an adult/minor age gap but pretty much all selfcest i've seen is like, sans au shit where they're different versions of the same guy at the same age). i think there are more important things to worry about than a weird exclusively fictional fetish. like yeah im not gonna police what makes you uncomfortable but there isn't an actual moral reason to dislike it so don't pretend there is
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majorpatheticcas · 2 years ago
Welcome to my blog, folks!
⚠️This blog is for 18+ only, so if you are underage, please leave this blog. It isn't for your eyes, little ones. (MINORS DNI. NO EXCEPTIONS!)⚠️
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『』No, I will not be posting anything explicit, but the theme can sometimes suggestive.
『』✧ Navigation ✧『』
⑅ .⁠*°˳˚∘✧∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°*⁠.⑅
『』Just an artist that successfully tripped and fell for a skeleton. Or in short, I'm down for a skeleton. I am 20-something, but I won't be specifying my age anywhere in social media.
A Pansexual and a Demisexual.
This account is specifically for sans lovers, the main thing you'll see in my blog is Oc x Canon. Sometimes I do Readers/ Y/n x Canon too.
I do not feel comfortable with Frans, Sanscest, Incest, Selfcest Proshipping, or anything that's problematic, I do have the mental capacity to deal with any of that.
Keep them away from me. I am not saying I hate people that likes it, it just makes me feel uncomfy and uneasy. But I respect people who do in fact like it. English isn't my first language. I am a filipino artist.
『』✧ FAQ ✧『』
✧ .⁠*°˳˚∘ ✧ ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°*⁠.⁠✧
I do not have a drawing station, well, not yet. Can't really spend too much money at the moment, meaning, I draw with my hand AND on my phone.
°. How you draw / what do you use for drawing ?
I draw specifically with my thumb, it makes it easy for me to line art or sketch honestly. Well, in my opinion.
°. What do we call you?
I go by the name Cas. 'Kas' is my OC's term, so, to avoid confusion and all, just call me Cas and my OC Kas. if you need Kas' reference, click here! This is not her official design yet, I plan to update it in future.
Kas is my main OC, though I plan on making a sona for interacting people here.
°. What pronounces do you use?
She/Her/They/Them. Please do not use male nor masculine pronounces such as He/Him/etc. when it comes to my pronouces.
°. Do you do art requests?
Maybe? It depends on the request! Though, I may not be able to make it right away.
°. Do you do commissions?
Sadly, no. I've considered opening slots for commissions for quite some time now, but then I realized my schedule was almost always full.
Perhaps someday I will, but not for now. And also because my thumb can't handle that much pressure, I can't break my only talented thumb.
°. Can we massage you?
Yes! You definitely can. As long as it's stated in your blog/bio that you're an adult.
°. Will you answer our asks?
°. Do you have any other social accounts?
Yes and No. Yes, I do, but their for my personal stuff and interest. No, I don't use them for posting/rambling about my interest in Sans nor are they used for posting my art. But I probably will make a Twitter acc (obviously 18+) once I have enough time. (I have a lot of nsfw inside my ibis paint, been craving to post it but there are children here.)
°. What does it mean if you're my mutual?
I highly respect you. I personally don't follow back many people here since I'm rarely online here, so when I spontaneously became your mutual, it means I enjoy your content and that I'm aware that you're an adult interacting with my content.
°. Can we make art of your OC?
Mutuals or not, as long as it's stated on your bio/blog that you are 18+, I don't mind. Just be respectful and don't make my oc do immodest things or that will result in block.
『』Some things you should know about my blog
Do not repost my art/content!!
Even if you ask for my permission to or dm me, I still will not allow that so there's no point in even thinking about that.
Be mindful.
when it comes to asking/commenting in here, I can get uncomfortable really fast and that would most likely lead to a block.
Be respectful.
Insulting others nor me is not something I tolerate. I will block you.
This blog is for entertainment purposes only.
don't take what I put out here as canon or anything, as far as I'm concerned, what I post here are my interpretation/headcanons of things or how I see them as.
I feel so stupid for not having personal tags. Whatever, I'll make some in future.
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bluebunnysart · 7 months ago
Quick PSA about this blog
The anon and I sorted it out over DMs so all is good now!
I'm not a huge Tetocest fan or anything, I just like it when someone draws really nice drawings of them and they happen to be Teto x Teto, so the chance of me drawing Teto x Teto is kinda low but not zero. Like I wrote in my chart, I mostly treat them as a cute pair of sisters, and that chart was a Miku x Teto chart because Negidrill is my OTP.
If I ever make Tetocest art, it's not with the assumption that they're sisters or related or seeing each other in a familial way. I'm grossed out by incest of any kind, and I'm also grossed out by pseudo-incest. Tetocest (selfcest) is literally Teto x herself/a different version of herself, not a relative or anything, so I wanted to make that clear.
I'll be tagging all my stuff that isn't quick doodles/text, so if you're anti-Tetocest or Teto x Teto or something, you can blacklist that tag or avoid me altogether because I don't hate it. The chance I'll draw actual Teto x Teto that isn't cute platonic love is like 5% though, 'cuz I like Miku x Teto more than anything and that's my main priority.
If anyone has beef with anything I like, I absolutely encourage you to unfollow me or avoid me because this is where I post art of MY interests and I don't want to be treated like a criminal in my own space.
My Miku x Teto is NOT proship (I always ship them around the same age) and I don't support proship or anything weird/immoral. I'm fine with criticism if I do something wrong but please don't be aggressive towards me because Mktt is extremely precious to me and I don't want to be chased away from my own space. You won't believe my ability to self-isolate lol but I'm not afraid of being alone, even if my love for Mktt will never die (especially not 'cuz of anyone).
For now I'll continue to draw/write Mktt/Voca/UTAUloid art at my own leisure with my own headcanons and interests, and I'm not doing it for attention. I'm doing it out of love for the characters.
Thanks for reading! ^^
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wordgirlnextgen · 2 years ago
Blog rules and regulations
The blog mostly follows along a beck boxleitner au storyline as well as lore made by my friends and I. As well as featuring my redesigns of the canon characters. This blog does heavily feature a canon x oc ship (experimental cheese. Steven/Dr. Two brains x oc).
The three main characters you can ask are:
And Blu.
(occasionally squeaky. Yes the mouse is still around in this au)
You can send asks for other characters but the main focus will be on the boxleitner kids.
There will be a storyline I am trying to follow with this but however I can take random semi off topic asks. My content will sometimes include angst but will be properly tag with trigger warnings as I go along. Possible death -shrugs-- bc you never know.
the fankids are some of the ships that are mentioned below-
Quesibrent (miss question x Brent the successful everyone.loves him sandwich making guy)
Plasma rope (miss power x the amazing rope guy)
Dupey x the butcher
Starcrossed cheese (tho technically since Becky is a canon character she's not a fankid but i figured to put it here)@v@
now for the rules:
NO NSFW, PROSHIP OR INCEST. request for that will be ignored and you will be blocked! Yes I'm counting aging up characters and selfcest :/
Ship bashing. Trust me I've dealt with more than another ppl attacking me or others over a ship. If it ain't Pro ship or incest I don't want anyone sending complaints about ships
Racism/Nazis/sexisim/toxic/ overall.anyone who is rude and disrespectful to other people. Its 2023 for the love of god!
The blog open to magic anons, asks, dares (tho not always so ask first!)
no ships between the next gen kids will be canon (so don't pester me. Anything that isn't confirmed by the OC's creator definitely isn't canon. But ask them to see what they are fine with. Chase's and coral's creator @ninjastormhawkkat, Janus and Apollo's creator @dualnaturedscientist / @drtwobrainsstuff bunbun's creator, @liloskull343)
crossovers with other Aus
spam asks
tagging this blog
rps, if I have the time I will say yes
collabs, ask
And thats pretty much it. I may update this over time. If you have any questions or want to say hi to me, my main blog is @melodythebunny
In the meantime!
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inkwell-publications · 1 year ago
Hello and welcome to my writing blog! You can call me: Charlotte, Paul, or Inkwell This is where I post my fanfics and take requests! If there's anything you'd like me to write for you send it to me! And I'll do my best to get something done for you! Read the rules before submitting a request pls! If your curious about anything ask!
Ships I'll write for:
Dead Boy Detectives
Payneland (Edwin x Charles)
Catwin (Edwin x The Cat King)
Paulkotho (Paul x Pokotho)
Paulkins (Paul x Emma)
Macnacross (Wilbur Cross x John Macnamara)
Made Inevitable (Paul x Wilbur)
Elphaba x Glinda
Javey (Jack x Davey)
Hazbin hotel:
Huskerdust (Husk x Angel)
What I Will Write:
1. Fluff 2. Hurt/comfort 3. Headcanons 4. Understand my ship in five minutes (I know this isn't really writing but their fun to do)
What I Won’t Write:
Graphic or Violence
Abuse of any kind
Please read this before sending me a request:
Feel free to send me any request at any time, I will do my best to fulfill requests that are sent to me but i do have problems with inspiration and writers block. And if I do find myself unable to write something for what you’ve sent. I'm very sorry but if you can think of any more prompts, please send them and I’ll try my best to get something done for you!
If you send me a writing request for a ship/prompt that isn't on my list it will be ignored/blocked
I will probably add and remove ships on the list so just be aware of that
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oneangstymotherfucker · 2 years ago
Idk if this is a stale take or not but as someone in a system uh. The concept of antis hating ships because it's "selfcest" is really dumb to me? And kind of feels...uninformed.
I know "selfcest" doesn't directly mean people in systems, but as so many "other people in my head" stories are out there and so few "i got did" stories are out there i'm gonna give my two cents anyway 😌
Loads of systems have couples within the system. Most of us in mine have SO's within our system, and it's something that really feels safe to us and helps us to be way more functional, happy, and secure. Building strong relationships (whatever that looks like to you) with people in your system is a known way to help reduce memory loss, provide support, and ease switchlash. I've heard multiple therapists reccomend it and go so far as to say that in-system dating is a good thing.
And so of course we love a lot of "selfcest" ships, (like puzzleshipping!!! Which i have no idea why is considered selfcest 🤔 but is very relatable to us 😌) but like. It's not incest. Most of us aren't related, and you aren't automatically related just because you live in the same body. Every system is unique and diverse, of course, but it's important to remember that because of that we are stronger.
Also even if you WERE somehow getting it on with another version of you or something, like. It's nothing like incest? It's more like...masturbation? Antis calling it selfcest (derogatory) makes me think of all that old propaganda that suggested if women masturbated it was basically "self-r@pe". Which completely ignores the autonomy of the people involved and is very very silly and obviously made to try to keep people "small" and in a box. Which ofc seems to fit the tone anti's take with anyone with any kind of trauma or stuff going on. "No no no don't ship that ur hurting yourself with bad coping mechs uwu ur too smol and pure!!!!!!!1!" 🙄
Anyway it's just funny to me because antis will go on and on about being "so careful" and "so thoughtful" and then they go and say that something that actively helps systems is a terible horrible thing and liken it to actual real-life incest (which would be abusive and wrong obviously.) Which of course isn't new at all since antis seem very anti-any-kind-of-coping-mechanism but i've never heard anyone else talk about this angle before.
And ofc as someone who has a lot of incest ships the irony is not lost on me lol but still it's just strange to me.
Anyway i'd love to hear other people's opinions on this!!! x
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i have a question and if this makes you uncomfortable i am so genuinely sorry . i really hope this is okay to ask
i recently saw a post asking if selfcest is part of proship.
i’d consider myself an anti, and admittedly selfcest makes me uncomfy but it feels morally fine . it’s not real like pedophilia and incest are
what are your thoughts?
Well, this is a tough question.
In my opinion, it depends on context. Like if they're the same person in theory but completely different and unrelated otherwise, maybe it's okay? Still a little odd to me but I can shrug it off as simply something odd.
However, normally the stuff I see isn't something that makes sure to separate the two characters so it comes across as incestuous - like when they're calling the same characters their family or things like that. It reads closer to shipping twins together most of the time and it's very uncomfortable. Like with the Loki series and how they pulled that weird shit with pairing him with Sylvie like they don't have the same family and childhood which was brought up an uncomfortable amount of times. Makes it feel like they're literally siblings when they pull that.
So in short - characters that are "the same" as in the same character in concept but otherwise completely unrelated to the other - mostly okay. But being like "they're exactly the same biologically and have the same family and everything" - very weird and to me it's no different from pairing siblings together since that's basically the same dynamic.
But I guess it depends on the individual and how they see it but this is just how I've sort of dissected the issue myself. Most of the time it treads pretty close to proship territory and I don't like that.
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