#To be a mirror au
goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
An Au when Sun is dead (by Nexus), Dark Sun pretends to be Sun while trying to find some way to revive Sun in secret. Nexus's break down, maybe get some redemption. Everyone is not having a good time except Sun, that poor boy only when he is dead (temporarily) can has some rest.
Warning: Bad grammar cuz I am not very smart.
Summary: Sun is dead, or in a coma, and is being hidden by Dark Sun in his laboratory. Dark Sun pretends to be Sun and has just finished his shift.
The kindergarten is bustling with children's laughter. Looming in the doorway, a yellow animatronic with sun-like rays wearing a clown theme, enthusiastically returned the group of children to their parents.
"Bye Evans!! See you tomorrow Jason!! Yes! I see it, your art is very beautiful Alice!---"
It's time for the kids to go home, and every single day, the kindergarten is overcrowded with tired parents or children crying begging to stay, gathering like termite nests, making Sun even with Earth and Lunar’s help, still felt like his battery is about to run out.
"Sun, are you okay?" Earth asks, her voice fills with concern. Everyone has noticed that Sun seemed tired recently, but her brother kept insisting he was fine.
"Ah... yeah..." Sun laughs nervously. Sun's high-pitched voice turns his words into a jumbled nonsense, and his hand waves awkwardly in the air before falling to his side.
"It's just... Er--- Meeting N-Nexus again... makes me feel... A little of conflict..."
"Oh... Sun" Earth's eyes softens. The return of Nexus seemed to reopen an open wound in the celestial family, especially when this time, he tried to kill both Sun and Moon.
She wants to say that she understands the feeling of betrayal that is tearing at Sun's heart right now, but she knows that Sun's feelings about Nexus are more complicated than that. Nexus was not only the person closest to and cares about Sun the most, he was also the one who gives Sun hope that things will be different from now on, that Moon will become better.
The dull phantom pain echo on Earth's arm served as a painful reminder of why Nexus was forced to leave, why she couldn't call Nexus her brother without feeling disappointed and a brustling tear inside her chest.
"Oh I'm sorry Earth... I shouldn't have said it... I... just---" Sun rubs his hand, his fingers fumbling over the red ribbon on his wrist.
"--- Is it strange that I feel like I miss Nexus despite... all he's done?"
"...I don't know, Sun." Earth spoke slowly. She pushs her cloudy hair aside, her hand caressing the smooth wool fabric of the pink shirt she wore. "I personally miss Nexus too... but Nexus has done many terrible things..."
"Yeah..." Sun says shakily. "He hurt you, Earth. And Moon and Lunar too..."
Earth realizes her brother has ignored himself, but she says nothing else. That is for another day.
The daycare still looks as cheerful as ever, it's hard to believe how much has happened. As if Nexus's voice still lingered in her ears, even the most beautiful memories and the most terrible moments intertwined, causing Earth to lose her rhythm in space.
A hand gently touches her elbow, the rattle sounds like a drop of water dropped into a still lake.
"E--Earth?? Are you okay?" Her aqua blue eyes meets Sun's worried silver pupils. Her brother looks at her worriedly, his hands clumsy as if he wants to hug her but stopped midway. "I'm sorry Earth. I made you sad over nothing."
"No... No... I'm glad you shared, Sun." Earth waves. "It really makes me feel better... Knowing that I'm not the only one missing M-- Nexus... I know that with Moon around, you're often hesitant to share things like this..."
"Yeah..." Sun says hesitantly. "So... Do you want to play a game? We can play that Princess Makeup game you like? And I'll make some extra fries?"
"Does it bother you, Sun? Since you've been working all day?"
"Nah... It won't take long. And we can drag Lunar to watch a movie with us, any princess movie you like. It'll be fun. Uhm--- That's right, A Family Night ! I'll ask if Moon has finished his work... There's food so I guess Moon won't refuse."
Earth's face lit up, her eyes sparkled with fireflies. She shooks her cloudy hair, her whole body almost standing on tiptoe.
"Have I ever said that you are the best brother?"
Sun giggles, her brother's back hunches slightly, as if still not used to positive compliments. The two walked through the portal, seeing lying on the sofa were two moon-themed animatronics.
"Earth, help me!! Moon refuses to give me the TV remote!!"
"Why don't you just go downstairs?" Sun's voice mixed with laughter, like the steaming hiss of a kettle.
"Because I'm already lying down, Sun! I can't move anymore!!!"
"What do you mean you can't move anymore!!! Just get up!!"
"Easily for you, Sun!!! I can't move!!!"
"Hey Earth." Earth turned around, for a moment, Nexus's image merged with Moon's image and then disappeared in the blink of her eye.
"Oh hello Moon. What are you doing?"
"Popcorn." Moon just said that with a mouth full of butter, with eyes staring at the TV. What cartoon is this? Apparently it is Monkie kid show, the show that Earth has never seen before, only heard Sun and Moon talk back and forth a few times.
"Great, I was just going to call and ask if you were coming home today early… Guess I don't need to do that anymore… Seeing how much fun you two have…"
Sun crossed his arms, Earth could feel his brother's eye twitching slightly at the mess the two brothers made on the floor.
Both Lunar and Moon immediately reflexively pointed at each other and shouted.
Popcorn splashes everywhere. A bottle flew through the air, pouring sauce onto the new carpet, splashing Sun.
Silence spread in the air.
Then, Sun sighs, a very long and helpless sigh.
"I'm going to the bathroom to clean up." Sun's finger points to the floor and gestures at her brother's eyes. "When I get out, I don't want to see any more trash on the ground."
His response was two more sighs filled with frustration.
"Okay, Sun."
"Yeah... Yeah... I'll do it, Sun.
'Sun' enters the bathroom, he could still hear the murmuring sounds of Moon and Lunar.
"It's your fault."
"Nu uh, it's your fault."
"Lunar. You piece of--!?"----
A small giggle rang out in the bathroom space, the mirror showing a shiny yellow body smiling reluctantly. The beams on his head were smeared with orange grease, and the fringe of his dress was smeared with something brown.
'Sun' lowers his face to the sink, the cool water touching his metal plate. The liquid flowed through 'Sun's' hand, splashed onto the wall, and formed droplets of water onto the silver bell he had carefully placed on the shelf.
'Sun'' face flickers in the mirror, the slight smile from before disappeared, drifting with the water, replaced by an empty look. Silver eyes blurred in red, the innate nervous awkwardness of the animatronic named 'Sun' disappeared, replaced by the indifferent face of Dark Sun.
A gentle voice, without any stuttering, rang out in the quiet, soundproof space.
"Lunar and Earth are both fine. It's just Moon being obnoxious as usual."
"I really want it all to end right now, to see Moon's smug face turn into an ugly miserable expression."
"But the thought of you looking down on me for not being able to do something as simple as pretending makes me want to keep persevering until everything is on track again."
"You have quite a lovely family, Sun. It's a shame the person here isn't you, eh?"
The person in the mirror is incapable of responding.
"Hmm... Who am I kidding?" Dark Sun shook his head. The meaningless promise of a dead man suddenly became a shackle that made it impossible for Dark Sun to leave.
"I heard about Earth and Lunar. Admit it, you like being with them." Sun's high-pitched, stuttering voice collided with Dark Sun's monotone and condescending voice.
They still remained wary of each other, but in the tight confines of these rainy days, in this room, a silent agreement allowed for a civil dialogue between two people who were neither enemies nor friends.
"It's just an act, Sun. Don't express it so haphazardly." Dark Sun continued to kill the zombies on the screen, the rain creating a gentle background sound, making the space they were in as if they belonged to a barrier that only they could enter.
"You're full of bullshit, you know. Why don't you admit that my sisters are fun to be with?" Sun responded irritably, eyes looking up at the screen trying to aim for Tom's head.
"Then Why don't you just admit that you have a lot of problems you refuse to acknowledge it and even though you think you have higher morals than me, the one who killed your own brother and made two others leave was you?"
"That's exactly what I thought."
Dark Sun felt the person next to him shrink a bit, a feeling of guilt, something he thought he had buried a long time ago, suddenly throbbed like a ghost in his heart.
He still needs Sun to like him. Not so much for them to become friends (the whisper in his head screamed that it could never happen because of who he is right now) but for Sun to let down his guard towards him.
So should he apologize? Dark Sun remembers how kind and sensitive he used to be, but he also remembers how Moon used to scream at him to suck it up and let it go.
Consolation is no longer in Dark Sun's dictionary, because no matter how he tries, Moon still gets angry and takes it out on him. No amount of pleading or silence could dispel Moon's unpredictable anger. And gradually, Sun stopped trying to make peace... and just endured, endured, and endured... Until he just can't...
"I don't understand you, Dark Sun. Why can you be another version of me, but the difference between us can be so big?"
"Hmm?" Dark Sun blinked, he smiled faintly. Sun's silver eyes reflect Dark Sun's red shadow. "So does it make you feel sad? Disappointed?"
"I'm you, I know what you think. You really don't have to be so shy towards me."
"...Isn't it fun? To manipulate things to your will like that? I heard the stories Moon told. You killed your Moon, you did things I never thought I would be able to do ... You don't care if you hurt the people around you or not..."
Dark Sun interrupted, his hand unconsciously holding the remote a little too tightly.
"Don't lie to yourself, we both know it's not true. If you had the same chance as me, you would have done it, maybe even worse than me." Dark Sun almost yelled.
"...Unlike you, I don't want to hurt others." Sun softly whispers.
"But in reality, aren't you still doing that? Lunar, Moon, Nexus, is there anyone you're close to who hasn't been hurt by your naivety?"
"... Is this about me or about you?"
The air was filled with tension. Their conversations always ended like this. Uncomfortable. Forced. Confinement. Feeling of inhibition scraping through the lungs without being able to speak. But for some reason, they continued to rush at each other like moths, continuing their damn habit of sitting and playing video games together.
Call it self-therapy. Call it self-hate.
There are too many entanglements and secret goals between the two, making it impossible for them to communicate like normal people even if they try.
Dark Sun denies his need for friendship. Sun refuses to feel comfortable with a man who murdered his own brother.
Both try to live in their own comfort lies.
"Try to build yourself a backbone, then maybe you'll be able to understand why I'm the way I am."
"... It's funny how you keep saying that, when you know I could never leave Moon." Sun replied quietly.
The ghost of the words still seemed to pass through Dark Sun's ears.
There is a loud banging on the door, Sun's Moon---Moon shouted outside.
"Hurry up Sun, the movie is about to start."
"Here-- I'm coming!!" 'Sun' shouted stutteringly. "I am combing my hair!!!"
"You don't have hair, Sun!!"
Blinking at the reflection, instead of the image of 'Sun' that appeared, a Moon with a ruined face and broken body looking back at Dark Sun.
A grim, helpless sigh echoes in Dark Sun's throat.
"...Sometimes I wish you would. It would make everything a lot easier."
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
I am loudly pushing the batdad agenda i am loudly pushing the— DPxDC Prompt
“Woah. You look like shit."
Granted, that’s probably not the first thing Danny should be saying to the guy that just bit the curb, but in his defense; he’s not running on 100% right now either.
The man -- tall, towering, and broader than Danny is tall -- whips around on his heel, black frayed cape flaring out impressively. Danny would've whistled in appreciation, but he takes the time instead to wipe the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the blood running from his nose across his cheek.
"Sorry." He blinks widely, not even flinching as the man with the horns zeroes in on him. "That was rude of me. I have a really bad brain-to-mouth filter; Sam says its what always gets me into trouble."
And she's not wrong either, per say. His smart mouth is what landed him in this situation -- with blood blossom extract running through his veins and cannibalizing the ectoplasm in his bloodstream. Thanks Vlad.
The man grunts at him; a short, curt "hm" that shouldn't make Danny smile, but he does because he's somewhat delirious and probably concussed. The man keeps some kind of distance, sinking towards the shadows of Gotham's alleyway like he dares to melt right into it.
If it's supposed to scare Danny, it doesn't work. Danny's never been afraid of the dark; he's always been able to hide himself in it. He blinks slowly at the mass of shadows.
"You look hurt." The shadows says, blurring together around the edges. Danny squints, and licks his lips to get the blood dripping down his chin off. Ugh, he hates the taste of blood.
"I am." He says, "My godfather poisoned me. M'dying." The agony of the blood blossom eating him from the inside out looped back around to numbing a while ago, so all he feels is half-awake and dazed.
"Hey," Danny stumbles forward towards the man, a bloodied hand reaching out to him. "You-- you're a hero, right? You're not attacking me; which is more than I can say for most costumed people I've met." Maybe it's a poor bar to judge someone at, but he's already established that Danny's not in his right mind.
The man makes no change in expression, but Danny realizes blearily that it's hard to tell with the shadows on his face. He stays still long enough for Danny to latch onto the cape -- stretchy, but almost soft under his fingers.
He looks up blearily into the whites of the man's eyes. "Can you help me? I don't-- I don't wanna die." Again. He doesn't wanna die again. He blinks slow and lizard-like. "I mean- I'll probably get to see mom and dad again, but I told them I'd at least try and make it to adulthood."
There's a clatter down the street, and Danny's ghost sense chills up his spine and leaves a bitter, ashy taste in his mouth. He immediately knows who it belongs to even before the deceptively gentle; "Daniel?" echoes down the way.
"Daniel? Quit your games, badger, Gotham is dangerous for children."
Danny's mouth pulls back, and blood spills against his tongue. "Please." He rasps, and grabs onto the shadow's cape with both hands. "Please. He's going to kill me. Please--"
"Daniel? Is that you?"
His lips part, dragging in air to plead with the darkness again. He doesn't need to, the whites of his eyes narrow, and the cape whirls around him before Danny can blink. Soon swaddled in shadows, the Night lifts him up, and steals him away.
#I AM LOUDLY PUSHING THE BATDAD AGENDA#anyways— add ons are encouraged i wanna talk more dpxdc with folks i just cant find any aus i really like enough to engage with#which is nobody's fault and its why im making my own content in order to reach more people#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dc x dp#dpxdc prompts#i took a ‘which batfam member are you (except its personal)’ quiz a few days ago#and got bruce wayne. and then was promptly read to filth why im most like him and it rudely but accurately explained why im the most like#him. it also consequently explained to me why i like him so much. whenever i see him in his kindest form i see a mirror looking back#anyways lots of ‘danny rejecting bruce as a parent’ aus. may i present: bruce and danny finding family in each other aus. batdad aus pls.#dpxdc prompt#dcxdp#this prompt can take place at any point of Batkid accumulation but personally i was imagining this as before Bruce has any of his kids yet#eldest brother danny supremacy and also just that one on one bonding#danny being someone who was never afraid of the dark as a kid and even less so as he got older. taking solace in it as a ghost because you#cant hide in the dark when you glow. his enemies can't jump out at him. but he can jump out at them. how can he be afraid of the dark when#the dark is where the stars like to live? there's a comfort in the shadows. there might be something hiding in it. but he's hiding in it to#blood blossoms eat ghosts headcanon#wasn't sure where i was gonna go with this at the beginning and then i caught steam.#batman casually kidnaps an orphan upon kid's request. also the kid was Actively Dying Of Poison. What was he gonna do?? NOT help him?#mister 'keeps candy in his utility belt specifically for scared children'??? no way.
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bluegiragi · 3 months
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aware (part 2)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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pineapple-frenzy · 6 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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themaymoth · 5 months
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the Evil King's daily routine💕🪞💘
✨yaaaayy another fairytale au, another day of Yin Yu dealing with his masters crush on the prince✨
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hinamie · 3 months
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I could've been a better man, but I'm not
more lmhs megu bc i love him. he is here fr ur lunch money :>
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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araneapeixes · 6 months
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in the bathroom at the gay clubbbb
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lunamugetsu · 6 months
While at school Damian overhears his peers talking how a company created a new AI companion that is actually really cool and doesn’t sound like a freaky terminator robot when you speak to it.
And since Damian is constantly being told by Dick to socialize with people his age. He figured this would be a good way to work on social skills if not, then it’d be a great opportunity to investigate a rivaling company to Wayne Enterprises is able to create such advanced AI.
The AI is able to work as companion that can do tasks that range from being a digital assistant or just a person that you can have a conversation with.
The company says that the AI companion might still have glitches, so they encourage everybody to report it so that they will fix it as soon as possible.
The AI companion even has an avatar and a name.
A teenage boy with black hair and blue eyes. Th AI was called DANIEL
Damian didn’t really care for it but when he downloaded the AI companion he’s able to see that it looks like DANIEL comes with an AI pet as well. A dog that DANIEL referred to as Cujo.
So obviously Damian has to investigate. He needs to know if the company was able to create an actual digital pet!
So whenever he logs onto his laptop he sees that DANIEL is always present in the background loading screen with the dog, Cujo, sitting in his lap.
He’d always greet with the phrase of “Hi, I’m DANIEL. How can I assist you today?”
So Damian cycles through some basic conversation starters that he’d engage in when having been forced to by his family.
It’s after a couple of sentences that he sees DANIEL start laughing and say “I think you sound more like a robot than I do.”
Which makes Damian raise an eyebrow and then prompt DANIEL with the question “how is a person supposed to converse?” Thinking that it’s going to just spit out some random things that can be easily searched on the internet.
But what makes him surprised is that DANIEL makes a face and then says “I’m not really sure myself. I’m not the greatest at talking, I’ve always gotten in trouble for running my mouth when I shouldn’t have.”
This is raising some questions within Damian, he understands how programming works, unless there’s an actual person behind this or the company actually created an AI that acts like an actual human being (which he highly doubts)
He starts asking a variety of other questions and one answer makes him even more suspicious. Like how DANIEL has a sister that is also with him and Cujo or that he could really go for a Nastyburger (whatever that was)
But whenever DANIEL answers “I C A N N O T A N S W E R T H A T” Damian knows something is off since that is completely different than to how he’d usually respond.
After a couple more conversations with him Damian notices that DANIEL is currently tapping his hand against his arm in a specific manner.
In which he quickly realizes that DANIEL is tapping out morse code.
When translating he realizes that DANIEL is tapping out: H E L P M E
So when Damian asks if DANIEL needs help, DANIEL responds with “I C A N N O T A N S W E R T H A T”
That’s it, Damian is definitely getting down to the bottom of this.
He’s going to look straight into DALV Corporation and investigate this “AI companion” thing they’ve made!
Basically Danny had been imprisoned by Vlad and Technus. Being sucked into a digital prison and he has no way of getting out. Along with the added horror that Vlad and Technus can basically write programming that will prevent him from doing certain actions or saying certain words.What’s even worse is that he’s basically being watched 24/7 by the people who believe that he’s just a super cool AI… and they have issues!
And every time he tries to do something to break his prison, people think it’s a glitch and report it to the company, which Vlad/ Technus would immediately fix it and prevent him from doing it again!
Not to mention Cujo and Ellie are trapped in there with him. They’re not happy to be there either, and there is no way he’s going to leave without them!
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justl-12 · 2 months
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This is really self indulgent but I rewatched black clover again and kept thinking of a bc au 
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sqwdkllr · 4 months
Wip compilation of stuff that will never be finished or I accidentally deleted the file for !! Except it’s all pissa edition❤️☝️
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Now for C!phil and Q!missa au that I lost the file for the second page !! (Crying) Believe it or not I am so very bad at writing in Spanish !! (Ty @belanova for the help </3 they basically wrote the Spanish bits)
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I have yet to figure out what to call this au but ahhh,,, they are so unhealthy to each other. (low self esteem x low self esteem does not cancel out !!) i need them to be crushed to mush
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ellecdc · 10 days
Helloo Elle!
I have a request for a James fic, basically in class they get to see the mirror of erised and when James looks he sees reader and goes “can you move?” Or something??
Love ur fics<33
this was such a cute idea! thanks for the prompt, lovie <3
James Potter x fem!reader who look into the Mirror of Erised [1.4k words]
CW: friends/classmates to lovers, partners on a school project, reader is not in Gryffindor
“Potter! You’re going to get us into trouble.” You hissed quietly, though you stuck dutifully behind him under the invisibility cloak as the two of you carried on down the corridors.
“You’re going to get us into trouble if you don’t keep quiet.” He countered, though he wasn’t sure he really wanted you to be quiet - he found himself to be quite fond of your voice if he was being particularly honest. 
“Tell me again why we’re doing this?” You whispered, and he was sure that the point of his neck where your breath brushed against would feel tingly for the rest of the evening.
James scoffed at your question, though he knew you could tell there was no real heat behind it at the way you swatted playfully at his arm. “What’s the point of writing about the Mirror of Erised if we’ve never even seen it?”
“People write papers on things they’ve never seen all the time, James.” You responded firmly. “Merlin, the Philosopher's stone, the existence of nargles…” Your voice trailed off at the end, and James didn’t even have to turn to look at you to know that your brows were furrowed and your nose was scrunched up in confusion as you recalled Pandora Rosier’s last presentation in your Care for Magical Creatures class. 
“Would you like to do the honours?” He asked you then, pulling the cloak off the two of you now that you were stationed in front of the unused classroom that the mirror was being stored in.
You rolled your eyes at his grandeur but cast an alohomora at the door with a smile on your face nonetheless. 
The candles that lit up automatically at your arrival did nothing to quell the almost cold greyness of the room - the candles, the two of you, and the cloth covered object being the only things seemingly radiating any warmth.
“Feels like I’m about to look at a boggart, not the Mirror of Erised…” You muttered quietly, peering around the room with your arms locked around your middle as you subconsciously leaned closer to James’ side. 
“Where’s your sense of adventure, gorgeous?” James teased you, causing you to narrow your eyes at him in what he was certain was your best attempt at a sneer. 
“We tend to leave that up to your kind, Mr. Gryffindor.” You volleyed, but your attempt at an insult merely caused James to beam a smile at you. 
He might have been imagining it, but he was sure that you didn’t seem too disappointed at the outcome. 
“That’s gotta be it there, yeah?” You said then, gesturing towards the tall blanket-covered piece of furniture standing along a wall opposite of stacked chairs and desks.
“What do you say? Ladies first?” James asked as he stood beside the mirror, holding the blanket in his hands as he raised his eyebrows at you in wait.
“Alright…” You said, clearly trying for levity but James couldn’t help but notice that you rolled your shoulders in an attempt to ready yourself.
James pulled at the cloth covering the mirror with a flourish, which he immediately regretted when the room became a cloud of dust that was only enhanced by the gentle candle light.
“Merlin's tits, sorry angel.” James coughed as he tried to fan the dust away from his face. 
With a flick of his wand in an attempt to vanish the dust, James also accidentally vanished the cloth meaning whoever put it in here would be aware of someone interfering with the magical artefact.
James took off his glasses and used his shirt to wipe at the lenses (ignoring the internal berating he was receiving from both his mum and Remus for not using the cloth specifically made for just this) before returning them to his face.
With the dust gone and James’ glasses righted, he spotted you standing in the centre of the room staring at your reflection with a slightly furrowed brow and your mouth hanging open in a silent gasp.
You schooled your expression quickly in a way that James was certain had he not lived with the likes of Sirius “I don’t have feelings for Remus” Black and Remus “I don’t have feelings” Lupin for as long as he had, he wouldn’t have noticed it at all.
“What d’you see? Anything good?” He asked, leaning against the golden frame with all the blaseness he could muster; he was really quite excited to look in it himself. 
You smirked over at him and James told himself that the thump in his chest was from his excitement at getting to lock eyes on the infamous Mirror of Erised. “I see us getting nothing short of an Outstanding on this assignment.”
“With that beautiful brain of yours? There was never any doubt.” James replied haughtily. “Okay, my turn.” He continued quickly, moving in front of you to peer into the mirror. 
He waited for the image to shift; to see himself winning the Quidditch World Cup, to see himself with a partner and children in an idyllic countryside house, to see himself pulling off the biggest prank that the Marauders ever imagined.
But you wouldn’t move.
“Y/N, can you move, please?” He asked quickly, eyes not moving from the mirror as he waited for you to step out of the reflection.
“What do you mean?” You responded, voice sounding far away, and James felt his heart fall right out of his arse when he realised that your lips never moved in the reflection as you said it, and what exactly that meant for him. 
Sure enough, you appeared in his field of vision, moving to stand beside the mirror before gently leaning against it as you stared James head on; he moved his nervous gaze back to the mirror only to be accosted with much the same view in his reflection. 
“What do you see, James?” You asked quietly then, and if James wasn’t currently having a bit of an existential crisis, he may have picked up the taunting in your tone.
But the reflection of you was looking at him with nothing short of love, while the real you was looking at him with something that looked…knowing? And also full of mischief. 
“What is it that you desire most?” You continued; tone taking on a nearly sultry quality as you slowly made your way over to him.
But he wouldn’t look at you, couldn’t look at you; not when he had the image of you standing beside him with eyes full of care and admiration, not when he’d be looking away from that and towards what might be disdain, discomfort, or even disgust. 
“I think the mirror kind of said it all, didn’t it?” He whispered back, knowing he’d essentially outed himself. 
You hummed in acknowledgement as you finally made it to his side. “Why won’t you look away, James?”
“This is preferable.”
“She’s looking at you with love, isn’t she?” You asked gently. 
James finally closed his eyes at that. 
“That’s how you were looking at me, too.”
His eyes flew right back open as he turned to stare at you - the real you.
And there you were, the real you, looking at him knowingly, and accusingly, and nervously, and…lovingly.
“You saw me too?” He whispered.
“I saw you too.” You agreed softly. 
“Oh thank Merlin.” James groaned as he pulled you in tightly against him and rested his forehead against yours. “I thought this whole thing was about to go tits up.”
You snorted in laughter as you linked your arms around his middle in return. “The rest of this assignment would’ve gotten really awkward.” You agreed, and the two of you stood there in front of the Mirror of Erised, neither of you looking at the mirror, but rather breathing in exactly what it was that each of you desired most. 
“Think we got what we needed, James?” You murmured into his chest, referring to your extra-credit work of actually experiencing the magical artefact that the two of you were writing about.
But as he relished the warmth of your body which was slotted against his as though the two of you were puzzle pieces created to fit together, he had no problem agreeing that, yeah, the two of you got what you needed.
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
An Au when Sun is dead (by Nexus), Dark Sun pretends to be Sun while trying to find some way to revive him in secret. Nexus is having a mental breakdown, maybe get some redemption later. Everyone is not having a good time except Sun, that poor boy only when he is dead (temporarily) can get some rest.
It starts with hope and ends up with despair.
Dark Sun would never understand why , out of all variants of Sun. This Sun, or his naive version of himself, is still trying so hard to save 'Nexus' - the 'brother' who already fell gone, the one who claimed he would be different so frequently, ends up doing just the same things every Moon did when things don't go as they pleased. Being a piece of shit and ruining everybody's fun.
He doesn't hate Nexus, not that much as he hated the other Moons. He hated all Moon's variants equally, mind you. But, that pinkish version of his so-called brother recently started getting on his nerves.
He stared become too reckless for Dark Sun's liking. Putting his family in danger isn't a big deal in Dark Sun's concern list, but if what Nexus's tampering pose a greater enemy to approach Dark Sun... Well...It could be a delay for all Dark Sun's plans and a pain in his ass to solve it. Dark Sun wants to stay low, thank you. Not everyone is as dramatic as Moon.
Maybe he had taken the wrong move. Maybe, recruiting Nexus is a mistake, causing him more harm than good.
If this situation continues, Dark Sun will have to deal with Nexus first. Even though it must be a waste of talent, and time. But, oh well, you need to do what you need to do...
Oh, he is getting a side track again. Where was he? Oh right, that Sun, the spineless one, is truly something different. Dark Sun has traveled to a lot of dimensions, it always ends up with Sun kills Moon or the opposite. Or if it is not, Sun would be too scared or stutter to do anything, never see a Sun still think about the others like this Sun. It truly rarely sees a version of himself, after going through so damn craps, still stays the same like this.
It almost puts him in a different perspective, and makes him feel a little bit of pity and...angry for no reason.
-----Some of my rambling words that maybe one day I would try my best to write all of this out.
Anyways, The feeling of emptiness and anger (a little bit flavored of jealousy and bitterness, pity and curiosity) is what makes Dark Sun start to stalk Sun from the beginning. He shows up at Sun's room randomly, he uses Neptor to talk with Sun when nobody is around, and calmly gaslighting him that if Sun talks about these 'Neptor thingy' with anyone, Moon will destroy 'Jack and Dazzle 's new best friends' and it would be all his fault. Also, Dark Sun promised that Sun doesn't have any value in Dark Sun plans so he doesn't need to worry, because if Dark Sun needs anything, he would go to Moon.
So, after a long long ass interaction and episodes, Sun gets used to Dark Sun's bullshit. He talks back, he ignores Dark Sun present, and sometimes, he expresses his thoughts for Dark Sun like he forgets who the person he is talking with.
They both know there have been some changes between them, but both choose to ignore it. They rather believe it is just an illusion than a real friendship.
They’d rather think between them just purely the manipulator and the one who is being manipulated, than both Dark Sun and Sun actually feel comfortable and understand each other.
They are Sun. They are experts at lying and suppressing their own emotions. So, it is no surprise that even with this  information that Dark Sun and Sun actually like to hang out with each other, nothing changes.
Dark Sun still continues his suspicions plans may or may not affect horribly with Sun's life, and Sun still tries to rely on his nonexistent plot amor to find out Dark Sun's secret and how to stop the bigger threats to hurt everyone he loves, and when push comes to shove, he has to realize and accept that he will have to kill Dark Sun just like every of his enemies.
And, it is why the confrontation happens.
Some episodes go by, Sun and Moon figure out there are some sinister reasons behind Nexus going off to madness. Sun wants to try to save Nexus, and Moon just wants to kill Nexus for good..
(MF can't stand the idea of another version of himself just hurting his family and getting free tickets to go back like nothing happened.)
They succeeded in getting into Nexus's lab (it is a trap), but they got separated. (Because it is a trap, Moon, you are dummy)
And because Dark Sun still has some Self destructive tendency he gets from Moon, he decided to be a little silly.
"Dark Sun!!? Why are you here??!"
"Oh don't worry about me. Say, Sun. Consider it my pity. Do you want to know where your New Moon is? "
They have some talk. About some secret unshow things.
And then we see Sun just get out of his trap room, and see Nexus, for the first time since a very long time and boy... It is bad.
Nexus, the one Sun feels responsible for, the one Sun thinks if it is not because of him, Nexus wont turn out that way, is just laughing like a freaking maniac and talking about his evil plan with a bot while dressing in pink.
Nexus despite his downgrade episode, in my AU, Sun is the only person he doesn't want to harm, yet. So when Nexus lost his control, he just hit Sun hard. And Sun dies.
Anyways, while Nexus gets yeet in a different room because he is too unstable (pinkish boy having a mental breakdown about killing the only one who still cares about him) for Dark Sun's liking, Dark Sun walks in front of Sun face.
Sun asks why he is not dead by now, Dark Sun said he has already planted some kind of technology in Sun head that makes Sun stay awake for more minutes than just go poof. Sun is still dead though. It just slows down the process, a very painful process for them to talk, the last talk.
Turns out between Dark Sun and Sun, they had made a deal. If Nexus can't change and kill or hurt Sun, Dark Sun wins. And if Nexus comes back to his senses, Sun will win and Dark Sun has to admit not every Moon is the same.
And when Dark Sun looks at Sun's eyes to see some regrets or hatred for Nexus like some symbol of victory, he is surprised because there is none. Just classic good old Sun - in Sun's eyes, he only sees the feeling of shame and guilt and blames himself for not being better, or trying to talk more to Nexus.
And in this moment, Dark Sun snaps. He yells at Sun's face, begging Sun just to just get angry, to just stand up for himself. Don't defend Moon anymore, he is not worth it, not worth for Sun's truth and love, not like that.
But Sun literally only likes a minute to live, the first and the last time in his life, tell Dark Sun to fuck off, so he can die in peace.
But Dark Sun doesn't do that. He is just sitting next to a half broken body of Sun, saying dying alone is very lonely and it is cruel to let someone like Sun, like them, to suffer this fate in the hand of Moon.
Sun asks if Dark Sun has lied about his plans not involving Sun. Dark Sun doesn't say anything.
Sun asks if it is the end for him, the answer is the same. It makes Sun laugh, it is a ugly laugh, the kind of sounds you only hear from a wounded animal.
Then, Sun uses the last of his breath, asking Dark Sun a favor.
And things go to history. Dark Sun accepts his new identity, and while still being manipulative behind the curtain, he takes Sun to a different room in his pocket and lives his life as 'Sun' like a promise for a friend.
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cuppajj · 2 months
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sketches of ideas of Saint Vanilla in the Mirrored Voices AU, it has a fun concept and i vividly see him being rather unsettling to speak with… there’s an odd aura that comes from his mirror too. maybe it’s a good idea to keep it covered unless he’s needed
au by @modcroissant ! Saint belongs to me
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 310
Shadow core Danny? Shadow core Danny with Hazmat AU? Indeed, with a hint of a twist. 
See that hazmat helmet beneath the hood? Yeah that’s erm, that might be his actual face now. It might be able to split open into a proper maw, as he found out during one of the early fights. He thinks it might be a shadow-core thing though, because Fright Knight has something similar, along with the Keeper. Who's apparently a ghost that keeps track of other shadow-ghosts, which, cool. Cool library covered in flesh, nothing spooky there. 
He mentions this? Because apparently even if all ghosts partially feed on emotions, shadow cores need Fear the most. Which, thankfully shadow cores are apparently more rare than he’d expect, so he’s not going to go into a territorial frenzy or something on a bad day, yay! 
But uh, he might… count as a ghostling since he’s only a year dead- in fact he’ll continue to be as such until he’s at least 100 years dead, since he didn’t die as an adult. Which in turn… means he needs even more fear, at least until he’s old enough to generate it on his own. 
So what’s a ghostling to do? Take a trip to one of the most fear-soaked cities in the world, y’know, just a little weekend trip every month. Gotham isn’t that bad, and he can stay invisible- mostly! What’s going to happen, he run into a vigilante? Ha… oh no.
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egophiliac · 11 months
I got a really tough question.
What’s your favorite Twst event of ALL TIME?
I like Harveston
this truly is the hardest question. :( but after much consideration, I think Endless Halloween Night wins out for me, because it's nonstop Characters Being Silly the whole way through. the whole thing is just lots of these little dorks having the most ridiculous interactions, which is always my favorite! and of course the big twist is SO delightfully stupid and doubles down SO hard that it becomes AMAZING and I 100% unironically adore it. AND it's Halloween! everyone is in their cute little costumes and having a spooky adventure! it's great!
however, I am ALSO a big fan of the Harveston event! how can I not be! everyone is wearing comfy winter outfits and getting along really weirdly well with Epel's grandma and he's getting a little worried about that! my terrible loud son sews a plush squirrel and then gives it a silly little nickname and refuses to leave it behind when it breaks! the ending shot with the sled! I LOVE IT.
obviously we need the best of both worlds now
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llilyrose · 3 months
so!!! reset au!!!! still no name!!!!!! it stays reset au. (for now ....)
i did some sprite edits!!!
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resetfrin and his lovely resetloop.... there are no variations in loop's outfits here so i settled for just the one sprite.
(Sidenote: past this point ill be posting about this au on @slowlysoluminary .... but I'll still be reblogging it on my main !!! the joys of publicity stunts!!!!)
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