#This might not answer your question! :3
superchat · 1 year
Do you have vision or desire for who you are going to become ? Not necessarily something you are resolved towards but something you’d like to see in yourself and would welcome . It can be small or nonexistent if you really like the way you are
Ohh, hrmmm. idk, i think abt how i do get older and what i will be like, would i be a 45 year old who goes online too much and reblogs too much anime art still or what. i feel like ppl have an idea that "oh once im older things will just Be Different" like their current habits just..wont apply to themselves in 20 years, but i think itd be very easy to just never lose them
I will be honest, i dont really like who i am and think there is an Inherent part of it with just how im wired, i think back to me in 7th grade vs. me now and how things i liked then is just the same now. i had no idea what k-on! was back then but my ipod wallpaper app had pics of the characters, i downloaded a ton of the wallpapers of bassist like this, especially this outfit with the sleeves and hat, cuz she was just rllyrlly cool looking but i was super embarasssd abt any of it, i remember when my friend found out i felt lik dying
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A song i listened to nonstop as a kid was nowthen by matt flinner. didnt have much understanding of why i loved it, but now i look back and im like "oh its secondary chords." i look at any song through my life where i resonate with it and its always secondary chords as the reason why i like them
So i see things like this taat dont seem to change and coupled with how i jost generally dont like myseof and thilk im weird and awkward and socializing alwys breaks down at some point, and im like "hrrmm. well. whatever ill be in the future, will probably just be me now, but more"
I think it will be a lonely life, but i was always one who veered towards being alone, my parents talk abt how easy it was to raise me cuz id go in my room and play with my toys by myself for hours at a time. and today i go home from work and i just stay in my apartment and go online, ive been in a couple relationships that lasted 2+ years when i was in highschool but thats been the most involved relationships ive had, i dont think i would be good in any right now even tho i rlly want to connect closely with someone, i think abt it all the time :33 but i dont think i can maintain that, i remind myself that im longing for a romanticized idea
So when im older i think ill be alone and half be okay with it, and half hate it but i dont think ill ever be like "this is unfair!" cuz i dont rlly have anything or anyone to blame, its just how i am rlly
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
Collaborative 2AL Comic Calling and Info!
Oh BOY did this blow up...
Ive polished up dialogue and framing, in total there should be 30 panels, exactly the tumblr image limit haha! Everyone who is participating gets to draw a panel! I will message you the dialogue, and a general layout once I get everyone in! :) I look forward to this!
30/30 Participants [full!]
If you are interested in joining, please message me here on tumblr or Discord! [Discord would be preferred in the long run]
-> Deadline for panels?
2 Weeks! Hoping everything can be ready to go to post by September 24th!
-> What style to use?
Your own! I would love it if you can have as much fun as you can making the panel! The more unique each panel is the better, I dont want to constrict anyones artistic ability outside dialogue, where characters are in a room, and a vague framing idea/expressions.
As for coloring, fully colored and digital would be preferred! Just blue blobs can also work! With the exception of 4 specific panels, flashback panels, in a black/white/red scheme to help differentiate what panel is a flashback, and what panel isnt. I will let you know if your panel is one of those specific 4!
-> How will posting and crediting work?
When the panels are all done, I will gather them up into a singular post on this blog. Below the comic itself in order of panels would be everyones @ to the blog they want credited, Multiple blogs can also be credited ofc (For example If you drew panel 3 you will be the third @ on the list)
You are also free to add a signature or @ to your blog in the panel art itself!
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cathodic-clairvoyant · 4 months
Oh hi there transfem discussing her experience in the trans community i just had a quick question about your post
What does tme mean?
Oh okay i see i understand, thank you.
What does transmisogyny mean?
Ah I see, I get it.
What's a trans woman?
Oof scary. One last question.
What's a woman?
Thank you for being my own personal google (not like you had anything better to do right?) and derailing the point of your post for my own personal education. I will now add nothing of value to this post in return. Bye bye!
#channel 3#ignore me i'm bitching#it's just like. somehow the word tme/tma magnetizes people who refuse to do a second of thinking EVERY SINGLE TIME#like on one hand i almost feel bad for bitching#because generally if someone is unaware enough to ask theyre probably not aware of the precedent of multiple tme people asking on every post#what tme/tma means#BUT ALSO it happens so often it straight up feels like it's intentional#and like even if you don't want to look it up i feel like it's easy to guess by context clues#but like regardless of that#could you imagine going to literally any other discussion like that and asking them to define basic terms#'hi thank you for sharing your math thesis with us. just one question what does that t shaped symbol mean? this one: +'#'hi thank you for your in depth analysis of whether the cubs win this year. just one question. what's baseball'#'hi thank you for this in depth character analysis. just one question. what's a book?'#like in all of these cases we can agree that either a. they're a bad actor or b. they're not doing the bare minimum to engage with the post#why is it that people think it's still okay to do that on posts by transfeminists? (<- knows the answer)#(also i'm sure this also happens to cisfeminists but i think more people know better than that now)#like. if you do this i don't think you're evil or like transmisogyny incarnate or whatever but like. in the nicest way#i want you to think through what you expected to happen with. like sincerely and ask yourself was this productive to anyone#did this add anything of use to the post or to anyone else#explaining tme/tma doesn't add use to the post because transfems have explained it billions of times elsewhere#and knowing what it means is generally the bare minimum for interacting with a post discussing transmisogyny#so who does it help to ask? further who does it hurt to ask? in what context might my question be taken?#whagever who give a shit
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chaosduckies · 2 months
I feel like denying my body sleep to tonight. Anyone want to tell me how their day/night was or ask me some questions? :D
Feel free to tell me really anything honestly!
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bloo-the-dragon · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜
@out-of-context-aro-ace :)
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Jesters - those ones especially (those who follow me know)
Clear warm days that arn't too hot with a cool breeze and golden sunlight setting the puffy clouds alight against a deep blue sky
Engaging in silly behaviours with my frens
That feeling of content satisfaction after having made some progress on an art or writing wip
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Thank you @airasilver for this question in reference to my OG Wayne Coven AU post
For what I have planned for this AU (and the eventual fic), I honestly go back and forth a LOT on whether Bruce would let his kids turn him.
A part of me even wonders if Alfred would accept the offer. I think it would pain him to put his grandkids in a position where they might have to live without him, but I also think Alfred would feel that he's lived a very fulfilling life. It wouldn't be a decision he makes lightly and regardless of what his choice would be, the Batkids would respect it.
Personally, I feel the issue would be a lot more delicate and complicated for Bruce. I genuinely believe Bruce would be content with his humanity and I could even see it playing a part into his moral code. The setting I have in mind for this AU is a more supernatural Gotham (though to be fair, vampires/werewolves/magic just exist in DC canon so it's not that much of a stretch). The only big difference that I can see in this AU vs actual DC canon is just that vampirism is more commonplace and comes with its own set of complicated societal issues.
Because of that, I could see Bruce viewing his humanity as a tool to help him feel for the fear and pain of others. Also a big part of Bruce's identity as Batman was him attempting to transform his own fears into something he could use to fight against the evil and corruption he saw in Gotham. I think there might be a small bit of Bruce that worries that gaining vampiric abilities would rob him of his identity/motivation.
There's also the fact that Bruce in DC canon is already an outlier among the Justice League for being one of the very few humans with no supernatural/magical/alien/meta/god-like abilities. So placing him in a world where a good portion of the populace is made up various types of vampire wouldn't really change much in that regard.
I think he'd actually find a little bit of enjoyment in the fact that being a normal human guy doesn't stop him from kicking supernatural ass. And having a literal coven made of vampiric children to help him out doesn't exactly hurt, either.
Ultimately, though, what I think Bruce would struggle with most is the idea of putting his kids through the horrible ordeal of burying him. Especially considering that he knows how they'd all react if he ever rejected their offer.
Which is why nobody ever brings the idea up. All the Batkids know how important being human is to Bruce and they know it would be painful for everyone involved to even ask. I have to imagine that their have been many late night discussions between the Batkids about how terrified they are of the possibility of losing Bruce even if it would be to a natural death. Some of them were human before they were turned as well. So a few of them would understand where Bruce was coming from even if they don't like the idea of him dying human.
But like I said before, I think Bruce would start to feel guilty and even a little disgusted with himself as well. Bruce knows very well how painful it is to lose a parent and most of his children's trauma stems from similar experiences. The thought of putting his kids through the same thing again definitely eats him up inside the older he gets.
If I had to pick a time when Bruce would ever be open to the idea of being turned, it would have to be the day he officially retires from being Batman. Whether that's due to a serious injury, old age or because Gotham truly doesn't need him anymore, that's hard to say.
Even then, I don't think any of the Batkids would actually offer to turn him until Bruce brings it up first.
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elitadream · 10 months
Hi! I hope you don’t mind me asking, did you go to art school or were you self taught? Do you recommend taking art classes and if so do you have any recommendations? Also if you don’t mind my asking, what got you into drawing in the first place? I hope you’re having a good day!
Hello! :D I don't mind at all! 😊
Also I did study art! My first program was more of a general introduction where I got to try out a ton of different mediums and techniques, whereas my second one was entirely specialized and focused on the 2D aspect. 🤓
I was aways deeply fascinated by drawing, and would skim through my old illustrated books all the time when I was a kid. Being able to create the illusion of life and movement through simple lines and colors was to me like a sort of cryptic magic, and I remember I had a galaxy brain moment the very first time I realized that traditionally animated movies were actually thousands upon thousands of separate drawings shown in rapid succession! 🤯😄
I learned many things through trial and error by experimenting on my own as well when I was younger, and gradually coming up with an approach that felt both comfortable and natural to me. But going to art school was what pushed said approach a little further and allowed me to significantly improve it. 🎨
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
ok folks this lives and dies between us but i swear to god with every passing moment and every new fact i learn i am more and more convinced that had i spoken portuguese at age 11 when i got into minecraft youtube the first time i would BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT have had a tiny little baby 11 year old celebrity crush on pactw
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pushing500 · 5 months
Hey sorry if you get this a lot but what mod pack or mods do you use for rimworld?
No need to apologise! I'm always happy to chat about my vast, laptop-igniting modlist 😁
I'm afraid I'm not great at figuring out tech stuff, so I don't know how to export the modlist properly. However, I have typed out every mod individually (along with brief and probably extremely unhelpful descriptions) right here!
It's also linked at the bottom of my pinned post if you'd prefer to find it that way <3
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guhhhhhhh whatever. apparently im just commited to humiliating myself now........ i i i like the the forced kindness thing i i i think somethinglike that would honestly be good for me.... im bad with... touch.... and... accepting that people care.... atm (as in right at this moment) i feel like a big stupid almost grown cat that needs to just be grabbed and held everyday so that it can be okay with touch....... just.... talk things through beforehand and then just.... acceptingneverythingthat comes with beingthere..... getting too tense and having gentle traces along my spine to getme just worked up enough to get my discomfort out of the way..... relling them i want to pull away and get pulled back in for the nextwhile..... fighting back and forth over me being there trying to get away and being held in place so i cangetitthrough to myself that noteveryone is goingtoleave and thatthereare people willing tostay with me where i am..... beingable tojust... express what imused to from people.. everyone leaving.... idk.... itslike a lot of stuff i enjoy also does seem kind of sexual from outside id say.... like... ... the... tracinga fingerup or down thespine.... like its not inherently that... ijustwanna be close and not allowed to go and be allowed to enjoy everything without having to worry about trying to seem like i enjoy everything in the normal way its not my fault my reactions to some stuff "seem sexual" or whatever... when its not.... blehhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry abiut.... whatvee.... just idkm...... we both blow up now okay? :) ummm idk... sorry? about all this.... can nevertell what is and isnt acceptable..... i try....
Well Sweetheart, I’m happy you like the forced kindness approach. It’s personally my favourite way to interact with people in a BDSM setting, platonically or sexually. So I get what you mean. The main reason is that a lot of people say they want people to hurt them but they actually only do so because it's something they’re used to and they want something they know rather than something they don't. It’s almost even more hurtful to be kind than it is to be mean to these individuals because, as you said, it's kind of like a stray cat flinching from contact even though it doesn't hurt. 
So I don’t find it strange that you want it or that you want to be touched in a non sexual way. Being touched on your back and going back and forth like that, and reacting in a way that people would attribute to a sexual response, well that's on them if they think it's weird. It’s normal to react when you're not used to it, and it's perfectly valid to do so in any way you do. Personally, I always want to hold people as close as possible and never let go which includes me pressing the front of my body down in a way that makes people think I'm trying to be, uh, “sexy” as it were, so I understand where you're coming from in the discomfort of people making assumptions about your reaction to things. 
Also, I'm perfectly comfortable answering whatever. I have very specific things I’m not comfortable with and if someone tries to initiate something like that I'm okay with telling them no (I hate the idea of kissing someone on the mouth, bleh >~<), so dw about it too hard. I’m just worried about my responses because I think I can take it too far sometimes so I keep a close eye on how everyone reacts to things before I respond, it’s one of the reasons I was okay with going as hard as I did with Loopy because I know what she likes. I just have to be careful when I add in some new things sometimes, yaknow? (One of the issues of being completely online through blogs is that it’s hard to set boundaries for the people asking rather than the one who runs the blog, which is a bit hard when the one running the blog is the one domming ;;;;)
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zukoandtheoc · 1 month
the number of possible song variations in stray gods is still so nuts to me. i feel like I need to draw diagrams
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 month
Hi, this is kinda embarrassing but how do I get into this fandom? I discovered shoot from the hip on youtube and found these guys hilarious! But I didn't know there's a whole fandom about them here!!
Hello anon!!!! :)) if you want to be in the fandom, then you just, well, can be!!
We’re all really friendly and this fandom is so lovely and I’m sure everyone will welcome you!!! (Welcome!!!)
If you want to be doing some fandom-y stuff then liking/reblogging posts here about sfth is a good way to do that, and feel free to engage with people, everyone is really lovely. There’s also lots of fan accounts on instagram, youtube and tiktok too if you want to watch sfth edits or similar things (you don’t have to or anything, just a suggestion if you want to!! :))
Also, if you want to be on the fan discord that’s really fun, too! (But you absolutely don’t have to) It’s a great way to find out more stuff about shoot from the hip and talk to people who love them too. If you do want to join it then feel free to dm me for the link (I think it’s probably not a good idea to post the join link publicly/not sure if I’m actually allowed to, but I’m more than happy to share it with people individually!!!!)
This fandom is one of the loveliest communities ever and we’d be happy to have you join us!!!
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hermitblurbs · 6 months
He’s been allowed a small table in the quarters of the castle, separate from the other imperial firebenders. The door shuts behind him with a silent click, and the incense is lit without even a bending gesture as he kneels in front of the makeshift shrine. Pine smoke curls around an old, worn theatre mask, and Cub breathes.
The servants know better than to disturb him at sunset.
Cub sits vigil as the sky slinks from glorious day to quiet night and then some, losing himself in the space between sun rays. He’s only brought out of it at the sound of footsteps outside his door, unmonitored and militaristic on the wood lined stone floor.
The servants know better. Bravo, on the other hand, seems to know nothing.
He’s accompanied as always by the feather-light steps of a dozen servants. There’s at least a beat of hesitance from them to open his door for the crown prince, so Cub makes sure there’s enough time to escape before he reaches for the lamps bordering the door, tightening his grip until they explode outwards into cerulean flame.
Bravo must learn something, because he cuts through it. Cub can feel how it left the line of his pinky singed through, never mind at how the embers smolder into his overdecorated robes.
“Come on, that’s not fair,” comes the grating lilt of the prince’s voice, then accompanied by the puffs of dusting ash. “You’re usually done by now.”
Cub opens his eyes to stars outside his window. He doesn’t have it in him to be properly surprised. He’s sat vigil from sun down to sunrise before, though that’s always been after the Fire Lord sent him to do something that left blood stuck beneath his nails.
Finally, he turns to look at the prince.
“Do you have a reason to be bothering me?” he asks, because Bravo never asks to spar this late. The answer is, as expected,
“I don’t, but father does. He’s called for us.”
“Us, or me?” Cub asks just to watch the smarmy look fall from his face. That in and of itself would be answer enough.
Except it doesn’t, because his grin only widens.
Cub sits up straighter. There’s next to nothing that would require both of them, not unless the Fire Lord wants another demonstration on how lessons have been going. Not at night though—night is for missions.
“Let’s go, then.”
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ask-idv-night-watch · 2 years
I’ll give you an example
Yo mama so traumatized she don’t even recognize you
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". . ."
"…How do you even know about that, first of all? Second of all.. how dare you. If that is supposed to be a joke, it was as pitiful as those who dare call themselves gods! You keep my mother’s name out of your filthy mouth from now on."
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questing-wulfstan · 2 years
So, the show had Gwendoline Christie's Lucifer towering a good head over Tom Sturrige's Morpheus. But we know from a certain unpublished drawing floating around in the fandom, and furthermore from Neil Gaiman's answer to this ask that Morpheus had the means to be the one intimidating his adversary with his height. So why didn't he ?
Is it that Lucifer, a shapeshifter themself, would retaliate by making themself taller, which Morpheus would have to repond to by towering even higher, etcætera, etcætera, in a clash of egos that neither can win, unlike the Oldest Game ? Is that something that happened before ??
Or is it that Morpheus would rather play the humility card as he stepped into Hell uninvited and bereft of his crown he'd precisely come to retrieve ? Feign vulnerability (or feign to feign vulnerability so as not to let Lucifer on his actual vulnerability. Not that the Morningstar would be so gullible) so the Lightbringer would drop their guard and leave more chances for Morpheus to defeat them ?
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coquelicoq · 1 year
Oh! Your answer makes so much sense, I feel a bit dumb not thinking about it earlier. Thanks for answering! I'm glad you had fun doing it. I also enjoyed that the tags were about as long as the post itself, that was a very Tumblr experience. :D
don't feel dumb! i don't see how you could be expected to guess that. also if i can be unnecessarily earnest for a sec: asking questions is fucking rad! by default we tend to assume that other people do the same things we do and for the same reasons, unless and until we're presented with evidence to the contrary. when you ask a question you challenge my assumptions, and by answering it i challenge yours. that exchange is an opportunity that you have given both of us by taking the step of asking the question. so thank you, sincerely, for that gift!
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