#This is random but I should give certain Ocs a birthday..
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skydreamplayzz · 2 years ago
Callum! Callum! Put on the clothes of the Crystal!
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chevvy-ryder · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday
Been tagged by @morganlefaye79 thx! <3
I tag: @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @itzsassha, @medtech-mara, @therealnightcity, @humberg, @pinkyjulien, @hydrasshole @kharonion and @elvenbeard as always: no pressure!
— VP
No plans atm other than preparing and thinking about sth for Arki as his birthday follows up next. Also promised I'll take some pics of Enzo and Jay as i couldn't make it in time for Enzo's bday. So I don't have much to add other than what I sneak-peaked last week that will be posted when I feel ready to push the button in my drafts (some pics are already months old again …). All other VP ideas are on hold as I still would liketo play the game a bit longer and only do random pics in between — but I need to solve first my problem I have with Thyjs' save data that is crashing when wanting to watch the deathshead BD in Judy's van. I want to look into it on the weekend because before I hop back into my bigger VP ideas I plan to get every oc into Phantom Liberty start and have them skilled a bit because that also motivates me to actually play the game from time to time and helps me to describe their fight style in the rp story. If I can't solve it I'll try Vijay next and see if he crashes too at the same point or not as I remember he's not far away from the Scav mission either. Then last I can try is Jay but he needs to get through the entire prologue first which will take me a weekend as well.
Once I get Vijay's npv, @nervouswizardcycle and I can finally start taking story pics as well, though I believe she might just wait until she gets her new pc for that. I have overworked "The Golden Demon of Kabuki" text some months ago so it is a better readable fic now. I will place it into layout as soon as the needed pics are done. Then I'll see what happens next. Probably try and get ch2 ready.
I've said enough now, let's give you another snip-bit:
CORPO PARTY RP SNIPPET (my part only):
He noticed that Vijay says something Ry can’t concentrate on since he’s busy staring the redhead down and trying to see through him, but sees V starts walking and so he follows. They walked a bit further away leaving the red-haired man alone, Vijay pleased to stay and wait until they would come back to him. Once they were far away enough, Ryder turns around and raises his voice with a certain gnarl in his undertone “I leave you alone for almost an hour and you take the next best chance to shove your tongue down the throat of one of those Corporats?!” “Ry—” Vijay starts but Ryder is not done and so he hisses dangerously. “ON A JOB!? — Seriously V!” Scharfenberg shifts his weight to one leg, breathes audibly through his nostrils, crosses his arms and waits for V’s explanation.
Somehow Steyr finds it funny because he knows Ryder exaggerates it as always. Nonetheless Vijay feels a bit embarrassed as well because he knows Ry is also right. He should behave in a certain manner here but he is bad at being a Corpo. “Calm down man — Part of the job now,” V answers and gives him a stupid smirk. “You weren’t in reach. Had to escape from that escort chick otherwise I’d have blown cover. Unlike you I dunno how to friggin’ corpo. Dunno how to even pronounce my fuckin’ fake name either. Stainback von Kra– Krawnee–” “Steinbach von Kranichstein!” Ryder repeats fast in exasperation. 
They’ve practiced it a few times before and V still wasn’t able to pronounce it right. “Yeah whatever!” Vijay gestures with his hands. “But uh— Arki happened to—” “Oh, it’s ‘Arki’ already?!” “—chill a few feet away from me, so I took the chance to escape and, yeah — he’s my fiancé in disguise now as long as we are on the job here. He’s the dude from the Afterlife weeks ago, ‘member? Could help us out on this.” Ryder raises both eyebrows, his mouth opens a bit and he feels how Beast wants him to yell at V yet he -tries- to stay the calmest he can be. “Afterlife red haired rando? Supposed demon — your fiancé?! Alter Vadder! Tell me this is a joke!?” Ryder throws both hands in the air and makes a few steps as if he wants to walk away now and curses further in German “Ich glaub, ich bin im falschen FIlm!” He wasn’t in the wrong movie, though. “Chill, bro. I’ve got it under control. All good,” Steyr tries to calm his friend. “V, you know he’s a—” Scharfenberg starts but stops abruptly as he realizes something now that doesn’t make much sense to him. Wait. Afterlife merc rando— a true Corporate? How’s that fitting in? “He’s what?” V raises an eyebrow at that. “Forget it!“ “M‘Kay, if y’say so.” V crosses his arms, not satisfied about Ry’s answer.
“Just don’t like to get into a fucking mess,V!” Scharfenberg spits his sentence out rather inappropriately. Judging by V’s face however Ry notices it is meant seriously, so he facepalms with an angry growl as Beast already tells him to just flip the switch, turn around and kill some of those poor dancing souls behind him. “I’m not riding us into a mess. I bet he can help us to klep the info we here for.” Ryder gets immensely fidgety, looking into every direction trying to ignore the voice as best as he can. He fiddles out a menthol cigarette, lights it up and takes a few long puffs inhaling it deeply into his lungs as he walks up and down glad that Vijay waits until he’s done. The least V could use was having Ryder in a critical state on this job, so V gives his best mate time to clear his mind.
“Fine— But we’re not done talking about this!” Ryder states as he throws the smoked up stub on the bottom to rather aggressively put it out with his double varnished fine shoe. He doesn’t look amused about the fact that his best friend obviously seemed to know this dude named Arki already better than he thought. Steyr must have kept this info from him for whatever reason and he doesn’t like it at all. But since it is not part of the job right now, he accepts this now changed situation. So he takes another deep breath and says under gritted teeth “Let's get back to your new flame then, see if he can be of help as you predict and brief him.” Vijay gives him a thankful gaze. He knows it’s not easy for Ry to control but he managed well enough not to raise any suspicion and V does feel guilty too for not telling Ry he knows Arki already better than he might think. They would discuss it later. But now back to business. So they walked back to the redhead who was awaiting them back where they left him, enjoying a cigarette.
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fang-and-feather · 2 years ago
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by  @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady
Day 2 - Mermaid AU
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Back to You
Ikemen Vampire - Mozart x Mermaid OC (Amy)
Also, today would be Amy's birthday so this is also to celebrate. I wanted to write a separate one for her twin but wasn't able to finish it in time. Maybe I can finish it a little late...
AO3 Link / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Two very different people, from different worlds. People that should never have met. It was natural things would end like this.
Mozart had fulfilled his promise to make sure Amy got back home, although part of him wished she would stay. But it was her decision, and he had no say in it, no right to try to interfere.
As the two of them stood at the edge of the beach, he knew it would be the last time they saw each other, or heard her sweet voice. It was for the best that she went home, though.
Amy turned to face him, holding his hand, as if she hesitated to let go. Her other hand reached into her coat pocket, from where she took a white shell that she handed him.
She didn’t say anything, only closed his hand around the shell and placed a soft kiss to his fingers, before letting go and running into the water. His last image of her was of a blue tail disappearing into the ocean.
So the tale of the vampire who had saved a mermaid seemed to end. A sad melody of lost love. Because neither had dared to cross the line that separated them.
Her parting gift, though, had two peculiarities. One was that, at certain times, Mozart could hear her singing if he tried to listen. It came at random times, but there was a time at night he could listen to her every day, but the songs at that time sounded so melancholic they didn’t make him feel better.
The second thing was a date inscribed on the shell. Amy had said nothing about it, but this was written there for a reason and so, despite the fear of coming back disappointed, Mozart decided to visit the place where they parted on that day.
The trip there was a nightmare, and he swore that, whatever happened, it would be his last one.
He could hear her when getting close, her melodious voice unmistakable. The voice he’d been attracted to, that had inspired him before he met its owner.
From the secluded bay, Mozart saw Amy sitting on a rock not far from the shore, only the tip of her tail swishing in the water, scales shining like jewels in the sunlight. He never had the chance to properly admire her mermaid form but, now that he did, she was a sight he would have doubted had he not been expecting it.
Amy opened her eyes and noticed him, waving with a laugh, before slipping back into the water and swimming closer.
“You came!”
“You sound surprised.” Maybe because her ‘invitation’ was a little too cryptic that she thought he wouldn’t notice.
Mozart turned around, giving her a chance to transform, only looking again when the following rustling of fabric stopped. Part of him wished he hadn’t looked. He wasn’t prepared for how underdressed she was and how it made him feel. Still, he couldn’t take her eyes off her.
“I am. I guess I left things a little too vague, so I wasn’t sure if you would come. Or if you ever wanted to see me again.”
“Why not tell me properly, then?” Frustration bubbled up inside him. He almost didn’t come. He questioned the mysterious gesture, questioned the relationship he thought they had built up. “If you wanted to see me again, you could have said it. You could have gone to see me yourself. Could have written. Why you chose to leave everything up to chance?”
“Because that day, if I had spoken to you, I would have cried and maybe my resolve would have crumbled.” Amy approached, not daring to look at him. “But I had a promise to keep. If you hadn’t come, I would have sought you later, but I was really hoping to see you today.”
She was too close now. He wanted to touch her. Wanted to say all the things he held off on saying the last time. And, on instinct, wanted to feed off her.
But he didn’t dare touch her without knowing she wanted him to. As for his bloodlust, it was one of the reasons he thought parting was for the best.
“Why today?”
“Because it is my birthday. I promised my siblings I would be here this morning, but I hoped you would spend the evening with me.”
Mozart wished he could, but how much longer he would be able to control his unnatural desire for her? A vampire craved the blood of people they loved beyond all reasoning. Holding back was painful.
Coming back had been a mistake.
“You have no idea what you are asking for. You can’t be with me.”
“Why? Because you think I won’t be happy if I leave? Because you think this is just for today? Or is it only because we are different? You knew all that from the start, so why you came today, then?”
“You’re right. I don’t know what you expect from me. And I don’t know if leaving your world behind and trying to live as something you’re not can make you happy. But beyond that, we are too different. You have no idea what my love for you does. How intensely I desire your blood.”
“So what? I know you would not kill me and since it won’t turn me, either, what is the problem? If it is because you love me, I offer myself to you. Because I love you enough to take a chance, despite our differences. That’s the birthday gift I want. To be with you. Not only today, but always. No matter what it takes.”
Amy crossed the rest of the distance separating them, getting close enough that one move their lips would touch. But she didn’t kiss him, only closed her eyes and waited.
“You’re so foolish.” Mozart groaned in frustration. He had been trying to protect her all this time, but Amy was making it difficult.
“Maybe. But I knew what I was getting into when I fell in love with you, and when I chose to invite you here. I have no regrets.”
She sounded so firm and determined that Mozart believed her.
“You better not, because it is too late for that.”
Drawing Amy into his arms, Mozart kissed her.
Too late for regrets for him, too. He wouldn’t be able to let her go now. Or ever.
They made for such an unlikely couple, but they chose to take a chance at love despite their different worlds, and they would do their best to make this work.
“Happy birthday, Meine Liebe.” He whispered, before finally biting her.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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radioisntdead · 10 months ago
Writers block? Quick write about something you're passionate about
I personally have been learning to embroider and repair clothes, What about you?
-Oldie 🧶🧵
Good evening Oldie 🧶🧵!
EMBROIDER AND REPAIRING CLOTHES SOUNDS SO COOL, I tried my hand at embroidery but it hasn't gone too well but practice helps ya get better bit by bit!
I like to jokingly refer to myself as an Ace of many hobbies [like jack of all trades but with Ace and hobbies]
I HAVE MANY THINGS I'M VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT, Art, yarn, crochet, candle making, as one could guess from my blog writing and other things I can't remember at the moment
Most recently though I've been trying to crochet a plushie for my online friend who's flying down this summer, they have a OC who has a pet pig and I'm crocheting the pig! The yarn I'm using is soft but it has like an odd texture to work with so I have to wear gloves or I'll want to cry, but it's worth it for my friend I've been crocheting for almost a year now but I still can't do too much like certain stitches or a magic circle, MAGIC CIRCLES ARE THE WORST RAAAAA, I really want to learn how to make a strawberry stitch
Strawberries are lowkey my whole brand on my main blog and socials and I love em' a lot, don't tell my friends but I actually prefer mangos a little bit more then strawberries. THE STRAWBERRY STITCH CAN ALSO BE USED TO MAKE PUMPKINS, I love pumpkins, anyways IMAGINE A LIL' BAG WITH THAT PATTERN IT'D BE SO CUTE
granny squares are also the bane of my existence I'm making a sweater that uses them, it was supposed to be for my birthday, my birthday was months ago, maybe I can wear it for my 19th! It took me a bit to learn all the abbreviations for crocheting, for example this list
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I usually [pardon my wording] bullshit my way through making plushies or anything really.
So far I've crocheted two dinos, a several octopuses [I've given em' to my family, my dad keeps one in his car!] A shark, a standing cow, a couple of blankets [two completed and one incomplete, the last one was supposed to be for my late dog but unfortunately he passed away before I could finish it and I haven't quite worked up the confidence to finish it but we're planning on adopting another dog soon so maybe I could finish it for them? I don't know I don't want my dog to think I'm betraying him or anything.] I made two pillows, a few of those little mini crochet Pinterest ghosts for some younger family members of mine [they loved em'!] And an among us character that appears and disappears at random
Here are some of them! The dinosaur is a present for my best friend's birthday, they haven't picked it up yet [Moony if you're somehow reading this, don't mind the weird parts of this blog and also DO NOT PROCEED THIS IS A SURPRISE]
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[Don't mind my nails, I have a bad habit of biting]
As you can tell they aren't perfect but I'm improving! I liked crocheting the hooves for the little cow.
I'm also making a mushroom hat for renfair! I'm cosplaying one of my OCs and she's a mushroom themed fay/elf thing that sells shady stuff from her stand. I burned my finger while working on it like a second degree burn [DO NOT LIGHT GLUE STICKS THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO GO IN A GLUE GUN ON FIRE, BAD IDEA.] So until I'm healed it's on pause but it should be done by the end of the month so I'm excited about that! I used cardboard as a base and then bendable wire to get the shape I wanted and then I put fabric over it, glued it and put the bottom layer of fabric on the bottom and then covered it with pearls, white spots and little details I'm gonna add more when I'm healed.
I got this candle making kit for Christmas that has a little transportable stove and I haven't gotten the chance to use it yet so I'm planning to make some candles this soon I'm gonna make some themed off of characters to give to my friends! I made my best friend a Silco from arcane themed candle for Christmas last year I think? Or the year before that, I cut a silhouette of the character into vinyl and stick it on the glass part of the candle, Might make a Stardew valley themed one for me, my friend likes blue lock [I think that's the name?] So might make a blue lock candle or one based off of their OC, and might make either a bluey one for my best bud or a game character they like,
I tend to use soy wax as it's the cheapest I can get and it's highly recommended I think, be careful on what you put in your candles [like dried flower petals, leaves etc etc] they can and will catch on fire and BAM SOMEONES ON FIRE.
This is more rambling then info dumping, I don't know how to info dump properly, I remember rambling about Flappers ago, I would copy paste it here but the majority of it is me referring to the wikipedia and taking bits from it to quote and then telling my friends that I got it from the wikipedia.
Anyways thank you for listening that helped a bunch! Time to write!
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missnobodymadness · 1 year ago
💯 ❤️💘🎂🍝🤩😓 for Evelyn Thorburn or Tirannia (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Omg, I love getting asks so much, they always make my day! Thank you so so much and I am sorry for taking so long, not on my best days lately. Since you said any of them is fine, allow me to answer for both of them. :P Okay, let's do this! "💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know." Evelyn: She was once saved by Levi when she was just a kid, as the good troublemaker she was (and is LOL), she found a way to get outside the walls by hiding inside an explorer wagon, even though Levi knew she should be reported, he decided to keep it a secret, taking her back home and having a serious talk with her parents. Spoiler: It didn't stop her from being a pain in the ass. :) At the beginning of the trainings, she used to have a certain rivalry with Ymir because she disliked the way she treated Sasha, especially when she used to take advantage of her, they'd get into fights very often. She has a very short attention span and is extremely impulsive most of the time, she has been called out for this a lot. Tirannia: She is half-Targaryen and also half-sister of Daenerys, her mother is an unknown Tully.
She is a pirate and her ship was a gift from a rich man who she manipulated to be obsessed over her. !!!SPOILER OF GOT AHEAD!!! Since I hated the tv show ending and my fic is about it, in my version Daenerys wasn't killed, instead she was saved by Tirannia, who was serving her sister as a bodyguard at the time.
"❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?"
Evelyn: Evelyn is actually a very caring person despite masking it most of the time, she truly cares for the ones she cares about and tries to always be there for them, this is one of the things that made her change after meeting the crew, making her less self-centred. She is also very capable but always overlooks that trait, she needs to be interested to actually show how efficient she is. She is also very forthright, so if someone says or do something she dislikes or feels uncomfortable about, she will let them know, Ymir is proof of that. LOL Tirannia: Very adaptable! She has been through all sort of situations (homeless, slavery, etc.) and adapted to every single one of them!
Can we talk about her courage? I won't go in depth about her past here because it may be triggering to some but let me tell you, this woman is a force of nature! The courage it takes to get out of the place she used to be, to face the man who had her under his feet, but mostly, the courage to keep fighting for her freedom. I could never.
Self-sufficient! Unfortunately she had to fend for herself since a very young age, she was just 10 when she lost her adoptive mother and since then she had to take care of herself the best she could, even though that brought her some trouble.
"💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?"
Evelyn: After her parents death, probably Sasha, she sees her as a sister and would do anything for her, even giving her portion of meat. LOL She loves Sasha deeply.
Tirannia: Her adoptive mother who unfortunately died when she was a kid. Once she discovered who she truly was and doing everything to finally meet Daenerys, her half-sister easily became the most important person in her life.
"🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?" First I'd like to confess that I don't know a thing about astrology, I'm a very skeptical person and probably won't be able to answer this the proper way, however, I will make sure to use Google while answering. xD Evelyn: Her birthday is on 6, October, which makes her a...libra! She was 16 in 850 and 20 in 854 and I have no idea about the rest, sorry. ;-; I checked Google for the typical traits of a libra and I don't think she fits too well, to be honest. ^^' Tirannia: Her birthday is on 28, March, which makes her a...Aries! She is 28 and I also have no idea about the rest. :( According to Google, she shares quite a few traits with Aries but is not exactly the typical one.
"🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?"
Evelyn: Considering the AOT world, her taste in food is not exactly what we'd expect, she really loves grilled corn, even better if there is wine! Tirannia: She never really had many choices when it comes to food, her favourite food is probably honeyed chicken though.
"🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions?"
Evelyn: 100% spontaneous, she is a very impulsive character and rarely plans her actions, she needs to learn how to have self-control. Tirannia: 100% a planner! She rarely acts without one and usually has a second plan in mind just in case. LOL
"😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?" Evelyn: I'd say she is a mix of both, it just depends on the theme, however, definetly open-minded when it comes to knowledge; she spends a lot of time thinking about things and is always excited for new information. Tirannia: Well...if the theme has to do with men...100% stubborn, well, maybe 99% after meeting Tyrion at Dragonstone, she kinda of tolerates him. LOL
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iamjungkooked · 4 years ago
Until My Last Breath
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↳Pairing: Jungkook x female reader
↳Genre: Smut (mild), Romance, Angst
↳Word count: 13.4k
↳Warnings: swearing, mild oral sex (f receiving), way too much making out, grinding (sort of?), mention of death. More than all of this Jeongguk is just fucking delicious in this fic (that’s the biggest warning i can give you)
↳Rating: 18+ (Don’t read if you are underage)
↳AU: werewolf! Jungkook + human OC
↳Summary: Sporting an undercut and tattoos Jeon Jungkook waltzes back in your life after 5 years of being away. You think you know him– and just when you think you have gotten close, he reveals a secret (or two). Following this, is a series of trials and tribulations that concludes in a way you never expect.
(Alternatively: the one where Jungkook creates a mess out of you)
Your hands hurt from holding the grocery bags. Mrs. Jeon did offer her help but you refused because she has so much to do. If anything Jimin should have accompanied you considering that he’s always going on about how he’d marry you if he could.
Alas, he wasn’t there either because being the beta of the pack meant he had to run morning training and education with the younger children since Jungkook wasn’t there. Generally this was something the alpha of the pack would do-- but Mr. Jeon was busy with the politics of the werewolf and human world. Had Jungkook been here he would have been running the session seeing as he is next in line to be alpha of the pack. But he was miles away on the other side of the country. He has been for five years and truth be told you can’t even remember what his face looks like anymore.
With thoughts such as that the only accompaniment, you march along with as much energy you can muster at each step. The house comes into view. Once again with no other company but your own to entertain yourself you take a drip down memory lane. You remember the awe you first felt when Mr. Jeon brought you to the house. Your father had just passed away while on a drug raid. Mr. Jeon being his best friend brought you with him.
In the early days, the entire family tried to hide their secret. But then on a full moon, you curiously followed Jungkook out and watched as he transformed from man into a beast. Initially, you wanted to scream with horror, but the air got stuck in your throat when he began approaching you. Rooted to the spot and with no escape, Jungkook-- rather his wolf form nuzzled his nose against your neck and whimpered. The fear was gone just like that. All night long, you accompanied him, roaming the forest behind the house getting into all sorts of trouble. When the effect of the full moon began to fade during the early hours of the morning you remember sneaking back into the house and rummaging through his room to get him clothes for when he transformed back.
You kick the giant black gate open and walk down the cemented pathway flanked on either side by lawns outlined with a variety of flowers. To your left was the gazebo that Mr. Jeon built when you were sixteen as a birthday present because that happened to be your obsession at the time.
As the foyer nears, you see a huge commotion outside. It seemed everyone and their mother was present. With urgency in your steps only worsened by curiosity, you reach in no time. You stand on your tiptoes to get a view of what was happening, however, the five grocery bags in your hands weigh you down.
Momentarily the crowd parts. You see the outline of a face that isn’t recognizable-- the hoodie covering half the profile.
“What is going on?” you gather the courage to speak loudly against the chatter of the crowd.
It is loud enough to get the talking to stop and everyone turns to you, including the mysterious stranger.
He pulls his hoodie down.
The grocery bags drop from your hands, just as your mouth hangs open.
“Jungkook is back!” one of the kids tugs at your arm in excitement.
Well shit. You never could have recognized him even if someone planted his younger version of right next to him. He is probably just shy of 6 feet tall. Although engulfed in a black crewneck, you could tell he was built. His dark wash ripped blue jeans contour his thighs to perfection and just when you think he couldn’t have changed further you notice his hair. He had gone off and gotten himself an undercut. His hair was on the longer side, and it was parted to the left of his head while the undercut was visible on the right. He had even gone so far as to get tattoos that adorned his fingers, and his forearm-- a music note. Well now you were fucked because how could you ever resist a man with that kind of hairstyle and tattoos.
Correction, how could you resist a fucking werewolf who wears an undercut and has tattoos?
“Y/n?” he speaks and you swear you could have heard angels speaking to you.
You keep mum. In fact, you can’t even hear him. You’re too busy undressing him with your eyes. Your heart pounds, your knees feel weak because this man is simply too gorgeous to exist. How the hell is everyone else standing on their two feet while you feel like you’re going to fall any moment?
You say something. You have no idea what exactly because your ears are ringing, but you know something comes out of your mouth which causes everyone around you to giggle. You might as well just turn around and go hide somewhere because you’ve probably made a fool of yourself.
“Huh” comes his deep voice, but it’s faint. His remark only makes you wonder what you spat out.
“It’s hot” you fan yourself with your hand. Your mouth is parched, dry like the desert. “You--  Wow. You look--nice to--- welcome. I mean, g-good— to” you look at him, and pause to collect your thoughts. “Good to have you back. I think...” you are completely breathless and dazed by the end of that word salad. Your forehead scrunches in a frown as you try to shake away the magic spell his presence has cast on you. You don’t even bother to wait for a response as you run back down the pathway you came. You follow it out of the gate and turn the corner. A few paces up the hill you come upon the gated entrance to the forest.
You hear someone calling you out, but you’re a damn mess. You aren’t willing to let anyone see you like that. You run as far into the forest as your legs will carry you-- far, far, away from him.
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You can finally understand the phrase “avoid like the plague” because that’s what you have been doing to Jungkook. For the past four days since he has been back, you have done anything and everything you can to avoid him. If you see him in the house, you immediately make a u-turn for your room. If you see him outside, you hide behind anything you can find-- a pillar, a bush, a tree, a car, another fucking human being.
Of course it doesn’t help that everyone tries to keep pushing you to him. Well, mostly his parents. But also random people like the ladies in Mrs. Jeon’s book club who on Saturday made a spectacle out of you.
“Come on, pose for a photo” they had said when they saw you and Jungkook out and about the house. You weren’t even looking at one another when they swarmed you and him, taking you by the arm and making you stand next to one another. They didn’t even ask nicely-- no. They demanded that you and Jungkook take a photo because apparently you two look amazing together. Despite your protests, and vigorous head shaking-- they basically pushed you to him, and thankfully he managed to steady you on your feet by catching your waist.
His arm around your waist as he holds you flush against him and your hand on his forearm while you two looked at one another-- that’s the picture they took. You may as well have just gotten a whole fucking photoshoot done while you were at it.
“Y/n’s probably always had a crush on him” one of the ladies, Mrs. Ri had mentioned while all the others including Mrs Jeon crowded around to look at the picture on the camera.
A tomato couldn’t be more red than you and that's saying something. All Jungkook did in response was shrug at you like he was enjoying it. Normally a man might object to being treated this way. But he didn’t utter a single word. Only he looked quite amused by the whole situation and your reaction as he smiled and chuckled to himself.
On the other hand, his parents always mentioned in his absence that they would love if you and him got together. You never paid any mind to those conversations in particular because it was Jungkook— atleast how you remembered him before he became a fucking Adonis. Not that it’s the only thing that matters. But you just never felt this way before, and now you do.
You tiptoe through the house while everyone is busy at this time of day. Mrs.Jeon is probably with all the other ladies for their book club, Mr.Jeon no doubt is in his study and Jimin is probably with Jungkook, training.
It sucks to be the only human sometimes because they can always hear you, and know what you’re thinking. But you can’t do the same. It makes you feel vulnerable. But everyone is good at reminding you about how lucky you are to be human.
You traipse through the living room, peeking behind from walls here and there to make sure Jungkook isn’t around because if you see him you’re sure you’ll lose your shit. Again.
There is a certain chunk of the wooden floor that creaks under pressure so you take care to avoid it. Because in case Jungkook is anywhere inside the house he’ll hear it.
“Fuck” you mutter, shutting your eyes tight and carefully lifting your toes from the damned spot which makes another sound.
You hear footsteps on the stairs behind you. Too scared to move, you straighten up.
“I was wondering when I’ll see you again” comes Jungkook’s voice.
“Heeeyyy” you turn around, plastering a smile on your face and it screams fake.
“Four days huh. Good job” Jungkook looks impressed as he comes down to ahalt at the last step . “How did you manage to avoid me for four whole days? I am curious”
“You knew”
“Of course I knew” he’s mouth moves as he chews gum, one brow raised at you, looking absolutely devilish (in the best way possible). “Too bad the streak has come to end” he places his hands in pockets lining his black sweats.
Well fuck. No point in denying it anymore then.
“If it wasn’t for this stupid floor I could have gone the whole week. Probably” you decide to give in instead of pretending you have no idea what he’s talking about.
He steps towards you, one corner of his mouth curved up in a sly smirk. “That would never happen. You’d have made a mistake at some point before that”
“Maybe” you shrug. You’re so surprised that you’re able to find your words this time. “Welcome back by the way” you offer a genuine smile, trying to make up for that botched attempt when he first arrived.
“Thanks. It’s good to be back” he sighs contentedly. “I missed this place and the people.” he looks around and then his gaze comes to rest on you. “Well, one person in particular” he looks you straight in the eyes.
“Your mom” you reply. He loves his mother.
“Yes. But also someone else”
“Who?” curiosity gets the best of you.
“Just someone” he shrugs.
You’re about to respond when Jimin comes in. “What are you two doing here?” he looks at Jungkook as he stops next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
Wordlessly, Jungkook’s eyes change color from his hazel brown to icy blue. He steps towards you and Jimin, and then pulls Jimin’s hand away from your shoulder. He looks at the boy, jaw grinding as he chews gum. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” his voice is calm, but his eyes are absolutely terrifying since they harbour a cold, mean look. They change back to brown in an instant once Jimin nods. You notice how tense Jimin looks but he walks with Jungkook anyway.  
They’re probably only gone for thirty seconds. But when they come back their body language is completely relaxed. They look like two pals reunited after years.
“Everything okay?” you ask Jimin.
“Yeah. All good” he nods. “I was just congratulating him”
“What for?” you look between the two of them, feeling awfully suspicious.
Jimin is about to open his mouth when he catches Jungkook’s gaze. Jungkook shakes his head and you notice, at which point you turn to him. “Fine. I don’t want to know” you huff. You start towards the back door which leads to the backyard where Mrs. Jeon is with her friends.
Just a couple steps in, you’re tugged back. You turn around to find Jungkook holding onto your wrist. There is something about the way he looks at you. You’ve seen this look before in movies—it’s the way the hero looks at the heroine when he thinks she isn’t looking. It’s soft, but it’s wanting-- a complete contrast from the way he glared the life out of Jimin just minutes ago. He looks like he’s got something to say, but he’s holding back.
“What is it?” your voice is quiet, like you’re too scared to speak out. As if your voice will give away the crazy whirlwind of emotions in your chest.
“Nothing” he blinks and lets go of your wrist. “See ya around” he turns on his heels and walks the other way as Jimin follows him.
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The woods at this time of the night are majestic. Moonlight bathes the tops of trees in a silver glow. The moonlight filters through gaps in tree branches, and covers the ground in a white sheen. It looks nothing short of magical.There is a slight chill in the wind, but it’s nothing you aren’t used to. The fallen leaves crunch under your feet. Sounds of crickets chirping, owls hooting fills the air.
You walk through the pathway bordered on each side by large trees the branches of which meet in the middle above you, forming an archway. You feel safe in the womb of nature like you’re protected and nothing could touch you. Without fear, it’s easier for you to take in everything. The air you breathe feels fresh, and crisp. If you could, you would make time stop so you could stay in the woods at night and never have to leave.
As each step carries you further into the woods, you feel more and more at peace. The trees become more lush the further you go. The animals are more noticeable deep into the forest. You see squirrels running around the trees, there are bird nests high up in the branches. You can hear mockingjays in these parts of the forest too.
You stop by the clearing in the woods. This side of the woods is your favorite. You sit against the trunk of one of the trees, resting your head. You look at nothing in particular in the sky. It’s clear above you, with a full moon shining. Your mind immediately goes back to Jungkook as you gaze upon it. You feel tortured every time your thoughts turn to him. You don’t know if it’s normal for you to want to cry, but you’re already shedding tears. Your quiet sobs accompany the sounds of nature. The weight seems to be lifting off your shoulders, and it feels easier to breathe. But then you think of him and that someone he mentioned. It causes you to sob even harder. You hiccup, using the back of your hands to wipe away the tears.
“What’s wrong?”
You can’t forget that voice. You look up at Jungkook as he stands with his hands in his jean pockets.
You shake your head. “Nothing. I just-- I miss--” you begin to cry again. “I-I miss my dad” another sob escapes your throat.
“Can I give you a hug?” he asks in a soft voice, which makes you want to cry even harder. “Please”
You nod.
He comes over, sits down next to you and gathers you in his arms. He pulls you into himself, wrapping your arm around his side, as he holds you. You place your cheek against his chest as you hold him close. It may have started because of him, but it continues because you do miss your dad. The moment you said “dad” was when you knew you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to.
“I am sorry y/n” he strokes the back of your head. “I really am” he sniffles.
You pull back to find tears staining his cheeks. “Why are you crying?” you look up at him.
His gaze is locked onto yours. “Because, I can feel what you feel”
“Sorry. I forgot you’re a werewolf” you shift back on your spot, forcing his arm to fall from your shoulder.
He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it. He looks at you a few seconds longer. “Yeah. That’s it” he says, blinking and a lone tear escapes. Your fingers twitch at your side, needing to wipe it away. But it might be too weird so you let your fingers curl into a fist.
“Thank you for doing this” your mouth curves in a soft smile. “How did you find me here?”
“I’ve seen you in the woods for the past four nights. I didn’t know who it was at first because I only saw a flash of your hair, or your shoes. But today I followed you and it’s good I did because pretty girls like you shouldn’t be crying alone”
You snort. “Right. Pretty girls like me”
He raises a brow. “You don’t believe me?”
“I believe you. I just don’t believe your words”
“Then tell me what I can do to make you believe me” he states. You’re sure he isn’t serious but one look at him tells you he means every single word.
“Jungkook, it’s alright. You don’t have to do anything” you shake your head. But then it strikes you. “Although there is something…”
“Anything” the corners of his mouth upturned in a soft smile-- one that made your heart skip a beat (or ten maybe).
“I want to see your wolf form” you look at him tentatively, wondering if he’ll turn you down, or maybe even shout at you for making a request. Asking a werewolf to show their wolf is a sacred request and not something that should be asked lightly. You know how important their wolf form is to them. It’s like talking about sex among humans, but much more of a touchy subject.
“That’s it?” his eyebrows are furrowed together at the miniscule nature of your request.
“So you’ll show me? Can you do it on your own will?” your hands clasp in front of your chest in anticipation.
A laugh bellows from his chest. “Of course. I’ll show you” he stands up, dusts his hands, and the back of his jeans. “You may want to close your eyes because I need my clothes for later”
Without needing to be told in exact terms, you close your eyes and cover them with your hands for good measure. You can hear sounds of feet shuffling, a belt unbuckling and soft thuds—probably his clothes dropping ctx dagainst the soil.
“I’ll count to five and then open. One, Two, Three, Four, Five”
You give it a few more seconds just in case before you’re uncovering your eyes. Standing in front of you is a majestic white wolf, with icy blue eyes-- Jungkook’s eyes. Your mouth falls open, your mind unable to come up with words. You cautiously step towards him, hand reaching out wanting to touch him. He meets you halfway, nuzzling his nose against your hand. You laugh.
“You’re beautiful Jungkook” you whisper as you stroke the fur, which is softer than velvet against your hand.
The wolf whimpers in response.
“What can you do as a wolf? Any tricks?” you ask, forgetting that he’s not a dog.
He growls, baring his teeth.
You throw your hands up. “Geez. Sorry. I was just curious” you reach for his muzzle as you continue stroking gently to help him calm down.
He steps back, turns around and starts further into the forest.
“Where are you going?” you ask.
He whimpers and motions beyond the clearing with his head. You start to follow, when you remember his clothes and grab them. He’s already a few paces ahead of you. It seems that even his wolf isn’t patient.
“Slow down will you?” you yell as you run to try and catch up. He doesn’t listen though as he continues on.
You’re breathless by the time you reach a beautiful meadow full of wildflowers and fallen timber. Flowing right next to the meadow is a stream littered with little stones and large rocks alike. Moonlight shines through the cracks between tree branches above you. The air is cooler than you have ever experienced in this part of the woods. The grass is lush and soft beneath your feet unlike the rest of the forest which is mostly soil. You don’t know how you never came upon this place on your walks. But then again Jungkook probably knows the forest best.
He is stopped at the edge of the stream. You drop the pile of his clothes on a log, and walk towards the stream. You crouch and place your hand in the running stream. The icy cold water sends shivers down your body. You flick some of the water on him, at which point he growls at you again.
“This is fun” you chuckle as you get up.
He whimpers as he tackles you to the ground, and nuzzles his nose in your neck.
“It tickles, it tickles, it tickles” you laugh as you try to push him away. You doubt you could have pushed him away in his human form but as a wolf it’s impossible. You rub your hand against his fur. He mewls and falls on his back next to you and you rub his underbelly. He loves it as he continues to make these cute noises and all you want to do is hug him.
A twig snaps somewhere in the distance. Jungkook jumps up to his feet, growling, teeth showing as he paces in front of you looking in the direction of the sound. He continues to snarl and growl, pacing increasing in speed. He looks ready to kill. You abandon your perch on the grass in favor of standing up. You tread towards him. At this point you’re more scared of what he’s doing rather than where the sound came from. You reach him, stopping by his side. You look at him— at those blue eyes of his, and take a step forward but he’s quick to nudge you back with his head.
“It’s alright” you reassure him as you caress the top of his head.
You try once more to step beyond where he’s standing but he gives another push and you tumble back slightly. He snarls at you as he looks back at you over his shoulder, warning you to stay in your place. He turns back to inspect the woods, pacing from side to side.
“Alright. Fine” you give up. “But please don’t do anything. It could just an animal like a squirrel or something”
Ears perked up, he stands towering in front of you.
“I don’t think it was anything” you stay in your spot, as you place your hand on his flank.
He holds up his nose, moving his head in every direction like he’s trying to smell something out. He starts stepping back, his rump hitting you as he does. He turns around, leaning his muzzle against your shoulder, like he’s trying to comfort you and find comfort in you.
“It’s okay” you whisper, skimming his fur. “We’re fine” you wrap your arm around his neck.
He lets out a small cry as he snuggles into you.
“I brought your clothes by the way” you let go of him and he steps back. “I think it’s best if we go home. It’s already 1”
He steps back a few paces and disappears behind a tree while you turn around and wait for him.
“Give me a sign whenever you’re done” you call out. You wait and wait for what seems like ten minutes but is really only a minute or two.
He clears his throat. “I am good.” he says.
You turn around to face him. You really missed seeing his face-- in the human form. He was majestic in his wolf form, but there is something about the human side of him that you can’t get over. In all honesty, he’s a sight to behold.  
“So, what did you think?” he rubs his hands together in anticipation.
“You’re amazing” you meet him halfway. “I’ve seen almost everyone’s wolf form. But yours is breathtaking”
He chuckles. “Thank you. I am sure he’s happy to hear it too” he closes the distance. He reaches for your hand, curling his fingers around your palm. It’s the warmest feeling you have ever felt.
You open your mouth to protest but he’s already cutting you off.
“I am not letting go, until we’re out of these woods.” he tugs on your hand as he turns around and begins towards the house.
“Thank you. It is sweet of you to protect me”
“It’s my job to protect you. I will always be there when you need me” he squeezes your hand in reassurance.
It’s nice to know that you have someone in your corner. “I wish I could say the same. But you don’t need me to protect you”
He nods. “You’re right. But if I ever need a hug, I know who to come to”
Little does he know that you are ready to give him the whole wide world. “Anytime”
Your eyes lock for a few seconds and both of you burst into grins.
Walking in the forest by yourself is always peaceful. But walking in these woods hand in hand with Jungkook is euphoric.
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A pang of dread fills your chest when Jungkook ignores you.
Just when you thought things were going good, he distanced himself. You don’t know what went wrong in the days following the night in the woods. But he was avoiding you. It wouldn’t have felt so bad were it not for the fact that the way he ignored you was cold. It wasn’t like you where it was more benign in nature and it was clear that you were avoiding him for fear of embarrassing yourself. He knew that too. But with him it’s something else
He wouldn’t even look at you. A frown seemed to have permanently settled on his face. He was never present anymore. He was always lost in thought with an inscrutable look in his eyes. If you showed up where he was, he’d leave wordlessly. If you tried to talk to him he’d act like he couldn’t even hear you and that would be followed by his departure. And when he did look at you-- the only way to interpret the expression in his eyes was: resentment. You had no idea why he was doing that.
So as the whole family, including Jimin was sitting in the backyard under the canopy for breakfast, Jungkook made to leave just as you were approaching to join them. But his mother made him sit back down.
“Jungkook, you’re not going to leave” her tone is stern.
He rolls his eyes with a huff as he sits back down.
“What’s wrong with you dude?” Jimin leans in, thinking he’s whispering but his voice is a tad bit louder than that.
Even you can hear him just as you are a few steps away.
“Nothing” his voice is devoid of emotion. He leans back in his chair, sliding down against the back like he just wants to disappear. He fiddles with his fingers.
“Hi everyone” you offer a tight lipped smile. Everyone except for Jungkook replies. “Hi Jungkook” you say after not being met with a response.
He stays silent, holding the same sulked posture as before, not even acknowledging your presence.
You catch Jimin’s eyes. He gestures with his head to Jungkook as if to ask ‘what’s up’. You shrug because you have no clue what has gotten into him. You take the empty chair next to Jungkook and you can see him shifting in his chair uncomfortably. Your heart sinks in your chest, but you dismiss it. You look over at Jimin sitting on the opposite side of the table. He looks between you and Jungkook and you just know he’s thinking something. You both look at each other-- a silent conversation ensuing.
“Oh no. I forgot the cutlery” Mrs. Jeon jumps suddenly. She gets up when you interrupt.
“It’s okay. I can grab it” you gesture for her to sit down. “Do you want that special set?” you smile at her.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve all been together like this. I think it’s time we use it. This is a special occasion. The box is in the attic. Will you be okay?”
“It’s okay. I got it”  you put her concern to rest with a grin.
You glance at Jungkook who still hasn’t moved an inch as he is still playing with his fingers and ignoring everyone around him. You make way inside the house, and up the stairs to the second floor. The entrance to the attic is on the second floor. You turn right on the landing, moving towards your room and at the end of the hallway. You pull the rope which unfolds the ladder. It comes down, you climb it and reach the musty room.
It’s full of boxes. You rummage through them to find the one labeled cutlery. The box is quite heavy, but you manage to climb down with it safely. You push the ladder back up, and the door closes blending in with the rest of the ceiling. You carry the box down the first two flights of stairs, slightly shaking because of how heavy it is.
You lose your footing at the beginning of the third set of stairs and down you go five stairs. The box slips from your hand. A scream rips through the air. You manage not to hit your head. But your ankle twists during the fall. You’re laying on your side attempting to get up when everyone rushes into the room.
Jungkook is the first one to arrive. “Are you okay?” he helps you sit up and you wince.
It hurts so damn much, you can’t stop yourself from crying. “I- I am” you grimace. “I am fine” you croak through a strained voice, tears sliding down your cheeks.
“No. You’re not” he cups your cheeks to make you look at him. He inspects your head for injuries. “You’re not fucking fine” he’s pissed as he’s practically at the verge of yelling. “What the fuck were you thinking?” he slides an arm under your back, and the other under your knee as he picks you up off the floor. You lock your hands behind his neck, keeping your gaze cast down. You don’t want to look at him in this condition.“I am taking her to her room” he announces, and no one even gets a word in because he’s already started up the flight of stairs.
You try to contain your cries, but the pain is too sharp especially at your ankle. You can sense him looking down at you.
“What were you trying to do?” he shakes his head. You should have called for help, you idiot”
“Sorry” you snivel still not meeting his eyes. “I was just trying to bring the box down and I lost my footing”
You reach the room, and he kicks the ajar door fully open. Once you’re in, he kicks it close. He gently lays you down on the bed, adjusting the pillow underneath your head.
You wince in pain, wiping away the tears. For the first time you look at him and he’s pacing, like he was in the woods except he’s in his human form. “Where does it hurt?” he sounds concerned but it’s that angry kind of way. There is no softness in his tone, if anything its gruff.
“You don’t have to worry. I am okay”
“Bullshit” he stops and sits at the edge of the bed, as he takes off your shoe and sock to look at your ankle. He touches the ankle bone, and you inhale a sharp breath. “See” he shakes his head like he’s disappointed. “That looks like it’s sprained. You could have asked--”
“You for help?” you complete his sentence, full well knowing that’s what he intended.
His eyes flicker to you, but he doesn’t say anything. He begins to gently feel around your ankle for any other injuries, brows furrowing in concentration.
You watch him, as he continues to look for other wounds,or gashes-- scanning your legs, arms, and face. You can’t understand the sudden shift in his behaviour. “What are you doing?”
He stops to look at you. “What do you mean? I am checking for any other injuries” he says in a blunt tone and resumes inspection.
“That’s not what I mean” you push his hands away from your forearms just as he’s looking over for more bruises. “Why do you suddenly give a shit? What do you care if I live or die”
He opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again and shuts it, grinding his jaw. “I’ll grab ice” he ignores your question and gets up from the bed.
You tug him back by the hem of his sleeve. “I need an answer”
“I don’t have one” he yanks his arm, and the cloth slips from your fingers.
“This is what I am talking about” you bite the inside of your cheek just as he’s approaching the door “One minute you act like you give a crap about me, and the next you act like you wouldn’t blink an eye if I died”
He’s reaching for the doorknob when he turns around. His brown wide eyes stare back at you He scoffs. “I wouldn’t care if you died?” his disbelief reflects in his partly open mouth. Do you---” he covers his face with his hands, taking in deep breaths and letting his hands run through his locks before looking at you. “You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about” he turns around and reaches for the door when there is a knock.
He sighs in frustration. “Who the hell--” he opens the door.
Jimin stands on the other side of the door with an ice pack in his hand, and a bottle of what looks like medicine. Jimin peeks over Jungkook’s shoulder, about to say something. But Jungkook grabs the ice pack and medicine wordlessly and shuts the door in his face.
He walks back and presses the ice pack to your ankle, while holding the tiny bottle out for you.
“I don’t want it” you say sharply, looking to the side.
You hear him huff. “Do I look like I give a shit right now?” he seethes through clenched teeth.
You turn to him. “You know this whole tough guy act doesn’t scare me”
He pulls his lower lip between his teeth. If this were a cartoon he would have smoke coming out of his ears. “Just take it”
You study him, your gazes locked on each other. Neither of you even blink. His nostrils are still flaring and you’re still breathing heavily through pursed lips. “I hate you” you snatch the bottle from him and chug the bitter liquid down.
His expression changes for a moment-- the look in his eyes softens. He blinks, casting his gaze down momentarily. But then he’s back to carrying a frown on his face as he looks up at you. “You should. You shouldn’t like me at all” his tone gentler than before, hiding beneath it an infinity of disappointment that you catch.
“Well now I don’t. You damn well made sure of that” you grab the pillow next to you and hide your face behind it.
Seconds later you hear the door slam and that’s when you scream into the pillow.
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Your ankle gets better in the next couple of weeks, but your relationship with Jungkook doesn’t. You’re still distant from each other. Still angry at each other. Your silent fight has tensed the atmosphere in the whole house. It’s awkward to say the least. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon skirt around you both, walking on eggshells whenever you are in a room together. Dinners are silent for the most part except for when his parents make conversation about their day.
You both ignore each other. Neither of you even looks in the direction of the other person. If you happen to pass each other in the house, you avoid each other.
Perhaps everyone has had enough-- especially Mrs. Jeon since she broaches the subject at dinner one night.
“Alright” she holds her fingers in a steeple. “What the hell is wrong with you two?”
You and Jungkook glance at each other wary of how she’s speaking because she never swears-- not even use the word ‘hell’.
You both say at the same time. “Nothing”
“Bullshit” she slams her hands on the table.
“Honey” Mr. Jeon looks at her.
She dismisses it. “ No. We’re going to address this”
“Mom” Jungkook looks at her warningly. “Don’t”
“What happened?” she looks at you. “He won’t tell me” she glances at her son from the periphery of her vision. “But I know you will”
“Nothing. I promise” you offer a half hearted smile.
“I wasn’t expecting this from you y/n” she sounds disappointed.
“Mrs. Jeon. I swear to you it’s nothing. Even if there is something we can sort it out amongst ourselves”
“Well that’s just the problem isn’t it. You’re not. You don’t even look at each other”
You avert your gaze sideways.
“Just drop it will you?” Jungkook sounds frustrated. “We’re good” he doesn’t even look sincere in the least bit.
You nod finding purchase in your lap, barely making eye contact with anyone.
“Whatever it is, apologize” she demands. She looks to Jungkook, raising her brows at him expectantly. She waits for him to say something. He avoids looking at her but she is persistent. It’s only for a few seconds but he crumbles under the pressure and mumbles a “sorry”
“Look at her and say it” Mrs. Jeon says curtly.
He looks at you, eyes meeting yours for the first time in weeks.
Something changes in you and once again you feel like crying just because he’s there.
“Sorry” he looks away, folding his arms across his chest and chewing on his lip.
“Well you can tell him Mrs. Jeon that if he isn’t going to mean it, I don’t accept it” you glance at her and then back at your lap, leaning against the chair. 
“You can tell her that this is all she’s getting from me” he looks at his mother too.
“Tell him that he’s the one who started it. So, if he can’t even own up to it there really is no point in talking about it” your cheeks feel warm as you keep your gaze fixed firmly on your lap.
“While you’re at it mom, you can tell her that she shouldn’t be talking about things when she doesn’t know what’s going on” Jungkook rolls his eyes.
Your nostrils flare and so do his. You’re breathing heavily, cheeks red and eyes wide. “Maybe Mrs. Jeon you can remind him that he never actually told me what his problem is” you glare at him.
She looks between the two of you and your both lower your gaze.
Jungkook scoffs, returning an equally contemptuous glare towards you. “I don’t have a problem. It’s not my fault she doesn’t understand I don’t actually want to talk to her”
“Great! you throw your hands in the air and look at his parents. “You can tell him he’s the biggest asshole I have ever met in my entire life and I regret ever feeling anything for him” you slam your hands on the table and storm off.
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The breeze is cool as it caresses your face. You sniffle away the tears as they well up in your eyes. The woods seem to be the only thing that can comfort you. You walk down your usual pathway, hugging yourself against the chill. As you look around at the moon bathed trees, they look different to you. But they don’t seem as beautiful to you as they did when you were with Jungkook.
The whole forest feels different.
You reach the clearing once more where he found you. You’re overcome with emotion, and your eyes tear up once again. You choke a sob away. You sit against the same tree, look at the same clear sky blanketed by stars. His voice echoes in your head when he asked if he could give you a hug.
You don’t know what happened to that boy. You don’t know where he went and if he will ever come back. You thought he was a friend. But it turns out he wasn’t. He’s just a stranger that you used to know.
You’re immersed in your thoughts. You look down at your hands, a bittersweet sigh passing your lips.
There is a rustle in the bushes near you and you’re immediately on alert. You slowly stand up trying not to make any sudden movements. You look in the direction of the sound and see two glowing brown eyes staring at you.
Your breath catches in your throat. You don’t straighten up fully, for the fear of aggravating whatever animal it is, so you stay in a partly bent position, hands visible by your side.
The animal steps out from behind the shadows.
It’s a wolf-- a black one. It’s not Jimin because his fur is brown. It sure as hell isn’t Jungkook.
The wolf growls at you. It steps towards you like a predator towards prey.
Full blown panic sets in. You’re frozen on the spot. Your heart beats hard and fast, as if the sound rings in your ears. Is this how you die? Alone in the woods? Your whole life flashes in your mind. Among all of that the only name and face that echoes in your head is Jungkook’s  because you would hate to die and not have a chance to talk to him. That would be the biggest regret of your life.
The wolf is still approaching you, and it’s halfway there. It growls and snarls-- saliva dripping from its mouth.
“Oh please no” you whisper, as your knees begin to buckle.
The wolf takes a leap towards you. But at the end second, you see a white one knocking the black one out mid air. They both fly some distance and fall on the ground.
“Jungkook!” you scream running in his direction.
Those blue eyes look back at you as he gets up on all fours.He keeps growling at the other wolf.. You know better than to interfere, so you stay behind him. Both of them snarl at each other. The other wolf howls, probably to try and intimidate Jungkook. But then he howls-- it’s loud and fierce so much so that you have to close your ears. He then makes a sound that is a mix between a roar and a growl as he steps towards the wolf.
“Jungkook no” you hold your hand out for him but he’s just beyond your reach. He looks back at you. You shake your head. He turns to the other wolf and makes a sound that sounds like a threatening bark.
There is a moment where they both just look at each other. Then the other one whimpers and leaves-- tail between its legs quite literally.  
Your knees give out and you fall on the ground, sobbing and hugging yourself. Your cries fill the air. You sob hard enough to make your whole body shake. You have never felt such fear in your life and not just for yourself. You were more worried for Jungkook.
He comes running to you, fully clothed somehow. He immediately holds you in his arms. He holds you close, chin resting on the top of your head, as you bury your face in his chest, body shaking in his arms. You can’t even breathe  properly-- gasping for air with short shallow breaths.“Jungkook” you whimper, holding onto his shirt.
“I am here” he squeezes tighter. “I am right here. You’re safe”
“I-I” you pull back to look up at him, eyes swollen and red, tears still falling down your face in droves. “I thought you were going to...” you bawl again just at the thought of something happening to him. You hide your face against his chest, wrapping your arms against him so tight, you’re sure he’s having a hard time breathing.
“I am okay. I am not even hurt” he reassures you.
“I was so…” you hiccup. “Worried that--that s-some-something w-would happen to you” you manage to choke out the words.
“Look at me” he holds your face in his hands, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. “I am completely okay. I was worried for you. I was scared. I was so so scared” he gazes into your eyes, and you know he’s speaking the truth because he’s beginning to cry too.
You sniffle, trying to control your sobs so you can tell him. “The only thing I could think of was you. I didn’t want to die without talking to you. I was afraid I would never get to talk to you”
“Me too” he croaks. “You didn’t get hurt anywhere did you?” there is panic in his eyes as he suddenly realizes that.
You shake your head. “No. You saved me”
“I told you I’d always protect you didn’t I?” he snivels.
Your lips just in a pout, lips quivering. “How did you know?” you slide your thumbs against his cheeks to wipe the tears.
“I came to the woods to cool off for a bit” he stops to rub the tears from your cheeks as the water works start again. “I was just so pissed, so naturally my wolf took over and I transformed. I was just roaming around, when I could smell you. I followed your scent. I saw the whole thing and trust me, my heart almost stopped. I was waiting for the right moment to intervene and when that wolf jumped at you, I lost it”
“I am sorry I said all those things” you clutch the material of his shirt tighter, looking down.
“No. I started this whole shit and if I hadn’t you wouldn’t have gotten into trouble. I could have lost you tonight and it would have been my fault. I could never forgive myself” he takes your hands in his, curling his fingers in yours. “I am so so sorry”
“So we’re good?” you chuckle.
He doesn’t laugh with you. “Look, if this night has proved anything, it’s that you shouldn’t like me. I told you. Don’t like me. I am not right for you. I am not even good for you. Look at where I landed you tonight” his fingers begin to slip from yours.
“You’re wrong” you hold tight onto his hands.
“I can’t y/n” he avoids your eyes, his shoulders droop. He looks absolutely defeated.
“What’s the reason?” you press on. “Is it someone else?”
“No” he’s quick to shut down that train of thoughts in your head. “There’s no one else. But I can’t. You hold too much power over me. That’s exactly why I can’t”
“I don’t get it. You do all these things for me that no one ever has. Your actions say one thing and your words another. What am I supposed to do Jungkook?”
“Don’t like me. Stay far far away from me” he pulls his hands away from yours. “I’ll take you home”
“I am taking you home” he says firmly, as he lifts you off the ground in his arms.
You hook your hands behind his neck. You let your head rest against the crook of his neck. You let him take you home because you’re too tired to fight. You don’t want to fight with him because you know that you love this man. If the night taught you anything, it was that.
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“Y/n we’re going to be leaving” Mrs. Jeon hurriedly comes into the kitchen, opening up cabinets and grabbing food.
“Leaving?” your brows furrowed. “Where?”
“Jungkook’s dad and I have to go to the orphanage in the city for an event. We’ll be back by tonight. But Jungkook is home if you need anything” she packs up a bag full of food, probably for the journey since the drive to the city is 2 hours.
“Wait, you’re both leaving? Jungkook and I are going to be alone…?” your voice trails at the end, having been met with a dreadful realization.
Mrs. Jeon’s nose scrunches as she walks over to you. “Is everything okay?”
You’re too busy worrying so you don’t even hear her.
Mrs. Jeon calls out your name a couple of times before she physically has to shake you. “Y/n, what’s going on?”
You blink rapidly. “Oh nothing. Everything is fine. I just thought he would go with you too”
“We asked him, but he said you’d be alone at home so he’ll stay too”
“He said that?” your eyes widen. You don’t understand his concern.
She nods. “Mmhmm. He also said he will stay just in case you need something while everyone is gone. I would ask you to come too but I didn’t want you to feel bad”
You shake your head. “It’s alright. I’d cry the whole time anyway thinking of my parents” you chuckle. “But you know I can take care of myself”
Mrs. Jeon chuckles. “I know that. But tell Jungkook that because this boy was adamant on not wanting to leave you alone. I don’t understand him” she shakes her head, like any mother aggrieved of her child would. You can’t blame her though. He is a unique specimen.
“Yeah me neither” you purse your lips in a smile.
“Alright. We’ll be off then” she gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “If he troubles you, call me right away”
“I will”
She makes haste of leaving, carrying the bag.
You spend a better part of the day hiding in your room, avoiding Jungkook. It’s the only place in the entire house where he won’t come. Not after everything that has happened between you. He’s honorable in that sense. Things have shifted between you once again. There’s no anger anymore. All of that has been replaced by awkwardness. Now if you see each other, you only nod at one another. Occasionally, you talk too. But it’s always surface level things. Nonetheless, it’s a step in the right direction.
At half past one though, your stomach starts to grumble and gradually all you can think about is food. It’s a relief in a way because it distracts you from him. You spend ten minutes trying to persuade your brain that you’re not actually hungry.
“I am not hungry” you chant it like a mantra hoping that at least for a while it will go away.
After agonizing and torturing yourself for half an hour, you give in.
“Fuck this” you grumble as your hunger gets the better of you. You drag yourself down to the kitchen. Unlike last time though you don’t tiptoe around the house.
You go into the kitchen, open the fridge to find two plates already filled with food. A note, no doubt from Mrs. Jeon is stuck into the cling film: don’t forget to eat.
You grab a plate for yourself, leaving the other one in the fridge for Jungkook. You’re about to shut the door, when you change your mind. This may serve as an excuse to talk to him. At the end of the day, you’re going to be living in the same house. So you figure you can’t go on avoiding him.
You grab the second plate, heat both of them in the microwave.
You head back upstairs, where the bedroom’s are. You turn left at the landing towards his room which is at the end of the hallway. You stop in front of the door, and seeing as your hands are full you settle for calling his name. “Jungkook, you in your room? I got food”
You wait, but there is no response.
“Jungkook” you call again.
No response. Finding yourself with no other choice left, you somehow manage to balance the plate on your forearm. With the free hand, you turn the handle.
You peek your head inside to find the room empty. Just as you’re about to leave your eyes catch something at his bedside table. You know you shouldn’t go inside, but you can’t help it. You leave one of the plate’s on his bedside table  because you can’t lug three things around. You grab it, meaning to ask him about it when you find him.
You close the door, and head back downstairs. You walk the whole of the first floor from the dining room, living room, kitchen, family room calling out his name. But he’s nowhere.
“Maybe he’s in the basement” you think to yourself as you head downstairs. You walk down the steps.
It’s dark save for the blue LED lights running along the ceiling. You walk in further turning the corner from where the pool table, and the arcade game machines are. You remember that before Jungkook left he had set up one half of the basement as his gaming room.
Sure enough as you near the room you hear sounds of gunshots, and rifles and some mild cursing which makes you chuckle.
You don’t bother knocking as you enter. The same blue LED lights adorn the room. You can see his black mop of hair against the couch.
“Are you hungry?” you say tentatively as you stop next to the couch.
He immediately stops playing, throwing his remote on the ground as he turns to you. He takes off his headphones. You notice his hair is tied up in a bun, which manages to make your heart skip a few beats.
“Oh hey” he says, straightening up. “You didn’t have to” he notices the plate in your hand.
“Your mom said you haven’t been eating” you hold the plate for him and he reaches for it.
“Thanks” he offers a pursed lip smile. He takes the plate and sets it aside on the side table. A few beats of silence pass. He taps his fingers against one another, something you notice he does when he’s nervous. His eyes stay fixed on his hands.
“Will you make me a promise?” you look at his profile.
He clears his throat. “Depends on what it is”
You roll your eyes, fully expecting that response. “Just say you will”
Your persistent gaze makes him shift uncomfortably in his spot. He sighs, looking ahead at nothing in particular, while thinking over your request. He turns to you. “Fine”
“Promise me if I ask you questions, you will answer. It can be anything”
“That doesn’t sound very fair” his lips quiver at the corners, a hint of smile making an appearance. “What if I don’t want to answer”
“Too bad” you narrow your eyes at him. “You don’t have a choice. So?” you raise your brows giving him an expectant look.
He considers your demand, looking back at his hands again. “Well looks like I don’t have a choice”
“Good. Because I am asking right now”
At this, he looks at you wide eyed.
You nod. “Mmhmm. Tell me why you won’t act on your feelings”
He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “Don’t deny it. If you didn’t feel anything for me you wouldn’t have lost your shit the day I hurt my ankle and you sure as shit wouldn’t have risked your life for me” you remind him. “And you wouldn’t have put this next to your bed” you bring forward the picture of you and him Mrs.Jeon’s friends had taken-- the one where you’re both looking at each other as he holds you by the waist.
He lets out an exasperated sigh. He rubs his hands on his face, resting his elbows on his knees as he keeps his face covered. He pulls his hands away , crossing them together. He looks at you, trying to determine how he should begin. “You’re right. I do have feelings for you. I’ve been here before y/n and…” he pauses, swallowing thickly.
“And what?” you prod, placing the photo frame next to you.
“She was beautiful. You should have seen her. She was amazing, just beyond I could express. Everyone here loved her. We used to spend every day together. Her parents hated me for it” he lets out a chuckle, a nostalgic look in his eyes.
“What happened?”
“She-- she died”
Your mouth hangs open. “I am so so sorry. I had no idea. I am sorry. Just.. forget I asked. I don’t need to know” you feel guilty immediately.
“No. It’s alright. I’ve already started. There was a fire in the woods years ago and she died in that. Some humans were having a bonfire and they left the fire burning. It caught on and somehow she got stuck in the middle of it with no escape” he looks down at his hands yet again.
You shift closer to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders resting your head on against the crook of his neck. “I am really sorry”
“Thank you” he places a hand on your forearm, leaning his cheek on your head.
“If I had known, I never would have pressed you. I feel like an asshole” you mumble.
“You’re not an asshole” he replies.
“I get it now and I promise you I won’t ever ask you to consider your feelings for me again” you lift your head and place a kiss on his cheek.
His lips curve up in a grin immediately and he is quick to place a kiss on your cheek too. “You’re amazing” his gaze locks with yours.
“I know” you grin. “Can I ask you something else too... ?” you say tentatively.
He nods. “Anything”
“Did you… did you imprint on her?” you ask, noting just how close you’re sitting to him. You can smell his breath, and feel it on your face as he beholds you in the most loving look in his eyes.
A coughing fit ensues for Jungkook, and you unwrap your arms from his shoulder, in favour of gently patting his back. “Sorry. Bad question hey?”
“No” he dismisses with his hand. “It’s just I’ve never been asked that”
“Forget I asked” you shake your head.
“No. I promised. Not her. Only my human side loved her. To imprint on someone all of me, including my wolf has to feel something. That’s the only way werewolves can imprint and it would be a far stronger bond than what I had with her” he sighs. “I have imprinted on someone. Not her” he finally answers your question.
“Oh my god” your heart sinks. “I- I have no idea what to say” you shift away from him, feeling like you’ve violated some rule. As if you have made him cheat on someone with you.
“Y/n” he says as soon as he sees your body language tensing. “It’s not what you’re thinking”
“No” you shake your head. “I am sorry. I am so sorry. I am so fucking stupid” you get up abruptly and march off while he calls out for you.
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As is customary every third Friday of the month, the children from the neighbourhood gather around the campfire. This time Jungkook is there so he’ll have to answer all their questions.
Everyone sits around in a circle, some on the logs and others on chairs. Jungkook and you sit on opposite sides of the fire, Your eyes are fixed on the embers burning away. He holds a stick as he’s poking at the coal to keep the fire going. Your eyes meet momentarily as you both look up, but you look away first, busying yourself with watching the fire burn away the wood once more. You can still however feel his gaze resting on your face. But you’re too resigned at this moment to feel anything but emptiness.
“Is everyone ready?” Jimin comes along, absolutely chirpy and the complete opposite of how you look and feel. That’s when you sense Jungkook looks away. Jimin settles into the empty spot on the log next to you. He passes around drinks to the group. He offers you one too, but you decline. “Hey” he nudges you.
“Hmm” you turn your attention to him.
“What’s going on with you? Everyone’s been asking me what’s up”
“Nothing’s up” you shrug. “I am absolutely okay”
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. But at least don’t lie” Jimin purses his lips in a smile.
“Sorry Jiminie. I am just not feeling great. I’ll be okay I promise” you note with a half assed smile.
“So who wants to go first and ask Jungkook questions” Jimin turns to the group once he’s assured by you. The group is made up of mostly older kids in their late teens. But there are some younger children mixed in the group.
A chorus of ‘me, me ,me, me��� starts up.
“How about we go one by one” Jimin suggests and the sea of hands in the air disappears.
“How was the city?” someone from your side asks. But you couldn’t be bothered to know who.
“It was good.” he sighs, poking the fire logs once again. “But it was dull compared to this place” his eyes flicker to you momentarily.
You catch him, if only for a second and then look at your hands as you fiddle with them.
“Did you find a human mate? I am sure you met very pretty girls” one of the girls asks. The question you piques your interest.
You remember she was the one who excitedly told you Jungkook was back.
He doesn’t respond immediately which only makes you think that he did meet someone there. Why wouldn’t he? She’s probably the one he’s imprinted on. You would leave were it not for Jimin who holds your wrist with a shake of his head as soon as he sees you’re about to get up.
“I did meet girls.” Jungkook says, looking at the little girl. “But they are nothing compared to someone else I know” he shifts his gaze to you once more. “She’s beautiful, but she doesn’t see it that way” he looks right at you, like he’s speaking to you, and you only. Time seems to stand still momentarily because he acts like no one else is around. “It’s a shame because she really is the most beautiful girl I have ever met” he holds your gaze, rendering you unable to look away.
You hear aww’s and squeals from all around you which pulls you away from the trance and blinkingly you avert your gaze.
“Does she know you like her?” someone else asks, this time a boy.
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. I think she does. By the way, I thought this was about exchanging stories about our ancestry” he looks around at everyone.
“Yeah. We hear those every month. But this is much more exciting and romantic” one of the older girls probably in her late teens replies, and everyone agrees as they nod or offer a ‘yes’ in agreement. “Tell us more. What’s it like to imprint on someone?”
“Are you sure we should be talking about this? Aren’t they young?” Jungkook looks at Jimin.
“They won’t tell if you don’t. Right guys?” Jimin chuckles and everyone nods eagerly.
“Alright then” Jungkook continues.
At this point you really want to leave because you don’t want to hear about how she makes him happy, and how his whole life has changed because of her. But you stay because some part of you is still holding onto hope of you and him.
“It feels like gravity is shifting from underneath you. When you look at her, you can see everything clearly. It’s as if your past, present, and future come together all at once and everything makes sense. It’s as if you finally find the ‘why’ of your existence. You’ll be anything for her-- whatever she needs be that a protector, a friend, a lover. Anything… he trails.
“That’s so romantic” the girl squeals dreamily. “I want that too”
Jungkook laughs. “Any other burning questions?”
“When are you going to tell her?” another question comes which only furthers your resolve to leave. You get up, having had enough of it. The moment you stand, everyone turns to look at you. Without a word, you begin walking towards the house.
“Don’t you want to know who it is y/n?” Jungkook yells as you leave,  his words halting you in your steps. You feel everyone’s eyes darting back and forth between you and him.
You look over your shoulder. ‘I already told you”
“I think you’ll want to know,” he replies. You hear the crunch of the grass beneath his feet as he walks towards you. He gently places a hand on your elbow to turn you around. “Just let me tell you”
You glance up at the man. “I won’t be a--able to hear it” your voice cracks.
“I did imprint on someone—“
“Jungkook” you say warningly.
“Just listen to me” his grip on your elbow tightens, his jaw tightening.
“Jungkook please” you beg just as your eyes begin to water. You avert your gaze to the side. “Please. I cannot do this” you shake your head.
“I love her” he continues anyway despite your protests. You know he’s looking at you. But you can’t. You can hear the pain in his voice which makes everything so much more worse because that means he could never love anyone the way he loved her. “ She makes everything make sense and-”
“Just stop” you yank your elbow away from his hand and walk away.
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You sit at the edge of the pier which juts out to the side from the boardwalk. just as the sun begins to set behind the mountains. The night market bustles in the distance. Crowds and crowds of people and come and go. Yet you feel calm, just watching the waves ripple beneath your feet. You dip them in the cold water, shivers running through your body. You splash the water, trying to pass your time.
You would have gone to the woods but given everything that has happened in that forest, you’re not too fond of it at the moment. This time Jungkook won’t be there to protect you. He’s out with his friends somewhere. You didn’t bother to ask where, not that it is any of your business.
From the periphery of your vision you can see a group of guys jumping down on the wooden planks of the pier.
You feel disappointed because you won’t have the space to yourself anymore.
They’re laughing, and being boys in general which makes you roll your eyes.
They pass by behind you, being as loud as ever. You ignore their incessant and annoyingly loud voices as you focus on the sun which is still in the process of setting. You close your eyes, the wind blowing softly against your face, and through your hair.
You instantly whip around to come face to face with none other than the man who had made a home out of your thoughts.
“Jungkook? You’re here?” You question, using your hands to push yourself up.
“Careful” his hands come out as if to hold you in case you fall.
“It’s okay” you tuck strands of hair behind your ears. “I am fine”
“I was just with my friends” he turns behind, and points to them while they stand a respectful distance away. They wave at you and hesitantly you wave back. “Why are you here?”
“I needed to get out of the house. The woods aren’t exactly my favorite place right now. So I thought why not come here” you shrug.
He nods, sliding his fingers in his jean pockets, rocking back and forth on his toes. “So…”
“So…” you fold your arms across your chest out of sheer self-consciousness.
“Do you maybe want to-” he starts.
“Hey Jungkook” a random girl throws her arms around his shoulders from behind, chin resting on his shoulder.
You look between the two of them.
This must be her. She’s pretty
“I thought we were gonna go eat” she pouts at him questioningly.
He doesn’t look at her as he speaks. Instead he locks eyes with you. He stares at you— wordlessly, like he’s lost in you. “Yeah” his reply is intended for her.
“Well introduce me, won’t you?” she looks at him and then at you.
“This is…” he’s still looking at you and you only.
“I am Alix” she extends a hand, much too cheerfully.
“Y/n” you can only manage to press your lips to feign a smile.
“Ohhh” her mouth opens in realization and she looks at him, like she’s impressed.
This time he looks at her and nods.
“Well y/n, do you want to come to dinner with us?” she offers kindly. But to your ears it’s anything but.
“No. I am alright. But thank you” you look at her. “See you at home Jungkook”
“Just come” he says just as you’re about to turn around to leave.
“I have to do some stuff at home” you say listlessly. “I’ll see you tonight” you reply with a ghost of a smile.
Yet again you turn away from him, not even waiting for his response.
You walk all the way back home, thankful that the way back is quiet, and not many people are around. You take the road from the pier that merges into the street that leads to your house up the hill.
You kick your feet beneath you, sighing heavily every so often. A fluttery feeling intensifies in your stomach the closer you get to home. Your chest feels heavy, a dull ache coming on. Your breathing quickens pace, not so much from the effort of walking up the hill but the mental exhaustion that you’ve faced in the past few weeks.
Love fucking sucks.
Your thoughts are occupied by Jungkook and Jungkook only. Every thought begins and ends with him and soon enough your head is full of memories you spent with him-- good and bad. It’s like a movie playing in your head-- beginning with the first time you saw him after he came back, and just a few minutes ago to Alix and her perfectly pretty face. How could he not love her?
By the end of it, you’re positively bawling your eyes out. Tears upon tears cascade down your face, with no indication of stopping anytime soon. You wipe your nose with the back of your hand, sniffling. Your legs become heavy with the weight of carrying you up the hill. Your head hurts, and you’re sure you’ll faint if you don’t sit down soon.
You quietly continue to sob, head hung low as you reach the gate. You push it open. Your feet drag beneath you, a heavy tread leaving marks of soil from the walk up on the cemented pathway. You open the door to the house, only to hit your head on something.
“Ow” you mumble, rubbing the spot that’s starting to ache. It only makes you sob more. “What the hell...” you lament under your breath, beginning to cry with the force of someone writhing in pain on all fours. You fall on your knees, everything inside you giving up. You cry the way a child does-- hiccuping, heaving to catch your breath only to have it be drowned by another wave of painful sobs.
“Just stop” Jungkook’s voice cracks, as he falls to his knees in front of you too. “Stop doing this to yourself” he croaks.
“I don’t know how to” you strain.
“I can make it all go away y/n” his cheeks are stained with tears too. He gathers you in his arms just like he’s done before. He kisses the top of your head. “Just let me make it go away. Please”
You break the embrace to look up at him through tear soaked eye lashes. “You can’t” your voice quivers.
“If you just…” he stops to take a deep breath, arms loosely wrapped around your back. He’s defeated into silence by your cries.
“It hurts” you clutch the material of his shirt., tucking your chin into your neck “It hurts so so much”
“It’s you”
You don’t even hear him, as you hide your face behind your hands, your body shaking due to your forceful sobs.
“It’s you.” he says again. “Listen to me. For once. Please” he’s begging you at this point.
You uncover your face to look at him. “What?”
“It’s been you all along”
“Wh…” your mouth remains open as you gawk at him. You hastily wipe your face with your hands as if that will somehow help you make sense of it.
“It’s you” he says in a whisper. “It’s you” he looks into your eyes this time--really looks as he says it for the third time almost like he’s saying it as a mantra. “I love you”
As if on cue, you stop crying because his words sink in. You don’t just hear them, you understand them. You begin connecting the dots. “Holy shit” you look at him daze. “I never even gave you a chance to speak” you bemoan that fact.
A bittersweet chuckle softly crosses his lips. “You didn’t. If you had, you wouldn’t have tortured yourself like this. Couldn’t you see it?” he searches your eyes for an answer that will make sense to him.
“How could I have? You’re you and I am me-- clumsy and stupid. You acted like there was someone else this whole time” you rub your eyes to dry the tears away.
“You never gave me a chance to tell you. I tried so many times. That night in the woods when I said I feel what you feel, you misunderstood that as being part of my abilities as a werewolf. But that’s not true. I feel every emotion you feel and I feel it ten times more than you because I imprinted on you .Then I tried to tell you during our conversation in game room and you walked away”
“Then why didn’t you do anything? Why didn’t you just act on it? You should have stopped me”
“You know why” a slight frown adorns his forehead.
You gulp hard, realizing the depth of what you just said. An apology is just at the tip of your tongue. “I know I said I wouldn’t ask you to consider my feelings ever again. But Jungkook, I can’t. Being around you overwhelms me. All I want to do is be around you, have you in my sights and when you’re not I feel disappointed and sad. I miss you every single second of the day when you’re not there. ”
“I have seen the entirety of us y/n-- everything that was, is and all that is to come ”
“I’ve imagined a whole future with you too”
He doesn’t respond.
Your stomach feels tight, your chest feels like something is pressing on it as his silence continues. Your gaze doesn’t leave him for even a second. You feel like you’re naked, as if the whole of you is on display, vulnerable to the point where even a single look will be enough to make or break you.
“I am just asking you to love me” your soft voice doesn’t dampen the gravity of your words.
He scoffs. “That’s just it though. I don’t just love you. I am bound by you. I am bound to you for the rest of my existence. That’s far scarier than love”
“I don’t know how to reply to that. All I know is I am in love with you exactly the way you’re in love with me” you shift closer to him, locking your fingers in his. “Because I can’t deny you any more than you can deny me”
He looks down and plays with your fingers. “That’s true. But I haven’t stopped thinking about the night you got attacked. What would have happened if I wasn’t there? What would I have done with myself if something happened to you?” his words reflecting the guilt he’s been feeling.
“Quit blaming yourself” you chide him. “Anything can happen to me, or to you at any given time. So stop worrying about that and keep your promise of protecting me. It’s not like you can switch this off”
“Not any more than I can stop breathing” he replies.
“Then love me. It’s simple. Jungkook, we either do this, or we don’t” it’s not that you are giving him an ultimatum, but it’s a fact.
“You know as much as I do, that even if in some ridiculous world I wanted to say no, I couldn’t. So you don’t have to worry about me not loving you. Because that just isn’t possible. Not only because I chose you but because that’s just how it is”
“Then what are we doing here?”
“I already told you I love you. You know that I do”
“And that’s supposed to be it?” you raise your brows at him.
His lip quivers into a lopsided smile, the solemn mood beginning to shift. “Tell me what you want”
“Just kiss--”
His lips on yours quiet down your thoughts to nothing. Shivers cascade down your body in waves. He invades each of your senses. The fluttering in your stomach grows intense. His lips feel soft against your own.
Jungkook keeps his eyes slightly open, taking a guilty peek at your face. He still couldn’t imagine if this was a figment of his imagination, or if the universe had gifted him this moment just at the right time. But he felt thankful for it beyond words could express. Every breath he took smelled like you— like water lilies.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time.” he breathes heavily. He doesn’t even give you the chance to speak because he’s pressing his lips to yours once again— softly and gently. His hands run the sides of your body, the material of your shirt gathering together, exposing your skin.
He guides you up without breaking the kiss, pulling you in to erase every inch of space between your bodies. You can feel every contour of his body against your own. You hold him tight, trying to take in the feeling.
His hands slide under your thighs as he picks you up, you wrap your legs around his hips, as he takes you inside the house. He carries you as if you don’t weigh anything— through the house and up the stairs to his room.
“What” kiss. “About” kiss. “Your parents?”
“Not” kiss  “here” he mumbles between a kiss.
He kicks the door open and carries you in until your back hits a wall. He gently lets you down, till the tips of your toes are touching the floor. He breaks the kiss. “You know I won’t do anything you don’t want right?” his gaze, fixated on your eyes.
You nod, running your tongue over your lips and tasting him.”How could I not want this” you pull him by the nape of his neck, unable to bear even one second of distance. He happily obliges, melting into the kiss with a content sigh. It kind of feels like you’re drunk because there is a slight buzz and your mind feels hazy. You’re thoughtless at the moment, and your entire body is burning. Kissing him, touching him-- is all the intoxication you need to feel out of control. Neither your mind, nor your body is acting under your direction anymore
Your whole being is responding only to Jungkook. Every kiss, every soft touch, every caress, every stroke elicits a reaction from you.
“Tell me what you want, baby” he asks, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and to your chest. “Tell me exactly what you want” his mouth parts against the skin of your neck as he bites down gently.
You can’t help the moan that passes your lips and fades into the air. “You”
He inhales sharply at your words as if that is enough to turn him on. He lifts his head up to look at you “You wanted me to love you right?” he pushes your thighs out by burying his leg between yours. He pushes his thigh against you exactly where you’re aching for him.
“Oh my god….” your voice fails you.
“I’ve thought of you so many nights, for so long” he pushes in more and you grind your hips against his thigh.
“I want more” you can’t help but mumble. “Please”
A corner of his lip raises in a smirk. “Your wish is my command” . He swipes his thumb against your clothed clit. “Is this what you want baby?”
You nod, a whimper crossing your lips as the sound of your heavy breaths fills the air.
You continue to rock your hips against his thigh, while he continues to rub circles on your clit. “Does that feel good?” he asks, but before you can even respond he’s shoving his tongue down your mouth through your parted lips.
You moan into him. eyes shutting tight at the fluttery sensation between your legs. You clutch the fabric of his shirt, unable to hold yourself up longer as you clench around nothing in particular. You feel the adrenaline in every part of your body-- in the pounding of your heart, in your breathless noises, in the way your body grows warmer by the second.
You open your eyes to look at him, cupping his face in your hands. But he’s already looking at you. His pupils are dilated, irises beginning to change colour from his chocolate brown to blue while he continues to kiss you. His hand stops moving against your clit, and he removes his thigh from between your legs. At the loss of friction you feel like a starved animal, needing more, and more, and more. You didn’t think you could ever feel this way, but he was making you abandon all of your inhibitions and want whatever he could give you. You didn’t know if you would ever feel satisfied after what you started.
But Jungkook knows exactly how to pleasure you and then some more as he picks you up and leads you to his bed where he lays you down. He hovers over you, palms pressed into the mattress on either side of you. He gulps.”Are you sure?”
You only nod.
He shifts down, unbuttoning your jeans, and sliding them out from under your legs. He throws them on the floor. He parts your legs, resting his upper body between your legs. He doesn’t waste any time, as he licks a strip on your clothed clit.
“O-oh- oh my….” your fingers curl around his hair, and you push his mouth flush against your core.
He moans against your flesh, laying kitten licks against the sensitive skin. The friction tenses the knot in your stomach even more. Just when you think there’s nothing more he could do, you feel your insides being stretched as he pushes a finger into you. Your back arches at the sensation. He buries his finger knuckle deep,curling it and inside you and hitting that sweet spot. Broken moans and gasps cross your mouth, while your toes curl from all the pleasure.
Seconds tick by and turn into minutes which turns into hours and just like that the night flies by. You don’t know how many times you come undone under him, above him. You stopped counting after the second time because you weren’t even in a state where you could think about thinking anything.
You lay under the sheets facing each other--limbs entangled and noses almost touching. Every few seconds the tip of his nose touches yours as he moves in to kiss you, but then he stops.
“Stop being a tease” you pout at him.
He laughs, showing his pearly whites. His eyes crinkle at the corners just like they do when he’s happy. He leans in, to place a peck on your lips. Then he shifts his head up to kiss your forehead. Then gently, he places a tender kiss at the tip of your nose. He pulls your hand into his as he brings it to his lips, laying down gentle kisses on each knuckle.
“Who taught you how to be romantic?” you tease
“I’ve always been romantic” his gaze locks with yours, a gentle smile coming onto his lips.
“By the way what did you talk to Jimin about that day?” a sudden curiosity shifts the subject.
A look of realization crosses his face “Ah” he says. “I told him about you”
“So that’s why you were pissed” you chuckle.
“Pissed?” his brows crinkle together.
“You were jealous of course. You looked like you were going to kill him” a corner of your mouth lifts into a smirk.
“No. I wasn’t. That’s childish stuff. I just thought he should know that at that time you were kind of taken. Not really but you know…”
You tap his nose. “If you say so” You trace the outline of his face with your fingers. “Are you happy?” you whisper.
“More than I can tell you. Are you?” he licks his lips as his eyes flicker to yours.
“Mhmm” you nod. “Happiest I have ever been I think”
“Good” he kisses the back of your hand. “That’s all I want for you baby”
“I can’t believe you’re mine” you look into his eyes-- finding yourself falling in love all at once.
“You better believe it” his lips turn up at the corners into a grin. “I don’t know how much humans mean it when they say ‘forever’. But let me tell you us werewolves tend to take the stuff pretty seriously.”
You chuckle silently, huffing through your nose. “Your point being?”
“You better believe I am yours, because you’re forever y/n. Until my last breath”
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a-chlolix-blog · 3 years ago
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Kagami Tsurugi/Mamushi Muse (Snake!Kagami)
Kagami still shows up to the school to join the Fencing Team.
But things go abit different. Instead of Marinette being the one that says the point goes to Adrien, it's a random Adrien Fan that just so happens to be on the Fencing Team.
Adrien (with Chloé behind him) goes to try to get that rematch, but rejects it and gets akumatized into Riposte.
Kitty Claws and Draconia have to protect Adrien (who couldn't transform into Stallion Star) from her until Scarabée shows up.
Until then, Kitty Claws tries to talk sense into her, as they fight with a baton and sword arm.
Kitty Claws, blocking Riposte's attacks: Clearly Adrien shouldn't be your target! Why are you going after him instead of the obvious psycho fan?!
Riposte, trying her hardest to hit Kitty Claws: BEATING HIM WOULD'VE GOTTEN ME ON THE TEAM!!
Kitty Claws, dodging Riposte: Okay, obviously you're not listening. *turning to Draconia* Is Scarabée here yet?!
After Scarabée and Stallion Star (after Draconia hides Adrien) shows up, they all fight Riposte, defeat her, and purify the akuma.
Chloé, Adrien, and Marinette (after hiding to transform back) apologize about what happened, they all introduced themselves and promises to clear up the misunderstanding with the fan & get Kagami on the team.
The three are quite to introduce Kagami to their friends when they see her.
Kagami still tries to use that Friendship App. It weirds them all out at first, but once they realize what's going on, they all help her out in different ways and at different times.
When Kagami's introduced to Alix, the two get along so quickly.
Kagami gets Alix into archery, then Alix gets her into LaCrosse and roller derby.
Although Kagami doesn't join the teams, she does like to watch Alix and certain others play.
Kagami often finds herself hanging out with Chloé and Sabrina when Adrien and Marinette aren't available.
She even teaches the two girls how to ice skate from time to time.
Kagami finds herself being quite protective of Chloé, especially when it comes to Monica Bisset (OC of mine).
Chloé often finds herself ranting to Kagami about Monica while clothes shopping.
Chloé, pacing back and forth: Like seriously! Who does she think she is?! I know she's on Alix's roller derby team, but she doesn't OWN her! Alix is her own person! She's so oblivious to how clingy Monica is!!
Kagami: Obviously you've got your target in sight, you just gotta know when to strike.
This advice gets Monica akumatized into Ice Queen & here's how.
After Alix's team wins another roller derby match, Chloé and Kagami goes up to congratulate her.
Before Chloé could say anything to Alix, Monica subtly pushes her out the way, saying "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Chloé and Kagami just glares at her.
Chloé and Kagami then watch as Monica gives Alix a wrapped gift box.
Monica: Sorry I wasn't there for your birthday.
Alix: I understand, you were out of town that day. *opens the box to reveal ice skates* This is too cool! How'd you know I needed a new pair?
Monica: I've seen your current ones. We've gotta go ice skating sometime!
Alix: Sounds like a plan!
Chloé: *starts walking away only to be grabbed by Kagami*
Kagami: You know Alix, I've been teaching Chloé and Sabrina how to Ice Skate for a couple of weeks. May we come too?
Alix: Of course! Maybe the others would wanna come too!!
Monica, with a fake smile: That sounds... great!
Monica ending up watching as Chloé and Alix's whole class (plus Marc, Kagami, and Luka) skated on the ice.
She storms off when Chloé and Alix started skating together.
And with the promises of being able to show up Chloé & show Alix who she should "choose", Monica's akumatized into Ice Queen.
An akuma that's able to turn Paris into her frozen kingdom. She also has the abilities to freeze targets in place or turn them into her Frosty Followers.
Chloé's quickly able to escape & transform while Alix wasn't so lucky.
Ice Queen was gonna transform Alix (like she did the others), but Kitty Claws in her ice form stops her & Alix runs off to transform into her ice form.
While Kitty Claws fight Ice Queen outside, Scarabée gives those they chose as heroes Element Charms (a charm they keeps someone from being affected by Element based powers).
One by one, each hero is given a charm & goes outside to help Kitty Claws fight. Scarabée made sure one hero was out of sight before giving another hero a charm.
They're all able to activate their ice powers too.
They're all able to come up with a plan that involves Kitty Claws & Draconia distracting Ice Queen, Arman Renard' Mirage, Stallion Star's Voyage, and Busy Bee's Venom.
This plan works & they beat Ice Queen as well as purify the akuma & uses the Miraculous Cure to turn everything back to normal.
Monica actually leaving the Ice Skating rink earlier than everyone else after that situation.
Kagami actually blamed herself for Monica getting akumatized & apologizes to everyone.
Kagami: I'm sorry, if I hadn't invited Chloé and myself along, none of this would've happened...
Alix: It's not your fault, Kagami. It's Hawkmoth's! Although I didn't know Monica would get so upset...
Chloé and Sabrina starts inviting Kagami to their secret slumber parties with Alix, Juleka, and Rose (along with Marinette, Alya Mylène, Aurore, & Ondine).
Kagami likes to sneak off to the art club at the main school. Everyone loves her drawings!
Chloé often takes Kagami to watch Kitty Section practice their music. Which she actually likes.
Chloé even invites Kagami to her birthday party (which is thrown when she's left in charge of the Hotel, which gets a certain someone akumatized).
She's even having fun when the akuma shows up and the heroes are getting her out the way.
Kagami, holding on to Scarabée: Are all parties here like this?
Scarabée, holding Kagami: Surprisingly yes.
Marinette gets Kagami to model certain hero-based outfits (she mostly picked the Draconia & Kitty Claws based outfits) alongside Juleka.
Chloé, Alix, Adrien, Rose, and Juleka even introduce to Prince Ali & they invite Kagami to hang with all of them.
Kagami obviously has lots of fun with her new friends whenever she can.
Of course this fun takes a turn when Tomoe is informed by someone (Gabriel and Nathalie) that Kagami's been skipping Fencing Practice to hang out with bad influences.
With promises of being able to punish her daughter & those bad influences, Tomoe is akumatized into Lady Lies.
An akuma that can turn anyone who has ever lied (about anything) into a flying white orb with one cut from her sword. She's also given the ability to sense those who lie.
Of course Scarabée and Kitty Claws figure they need insurance in case one of them were to get hit.
Kitty Claws: Should we get Lapin in on this?
Scarabée: No, his power's too dangerous. Besides we'd probably need to only go back five minutes.
This gives Scarabée the idea to get the Snake Miraculous and give it to Kagami.
Thus, Mamushi Muse is on the scene!!
She's careful to avoid calling Tomoe "mother" during the fight & after a plan that worked (after using Second Chance a couple of times), the battle is won and the akuma is purified.
Kagami's also made into a permanent welder of the Snake Miraculous.
After the fight with Lady Lies, Kagami's able to talk Tomoe into giving her more free time to hang out with her new friends.
Of course she'd have to do double the classes and training. Her friends' texts of support are a big help.
Kagami was always told there were no second chances... and now it's her power and she LOVES it!
Especially when it comes to protecting her new friends.
She comes into play for another Akuma as well. Desperada! Instead of Vivica (who is quite chill), it's a different Guitarist that dreamed of working aside Jagged Stone (They're quite obsessed with him actually).
Mamushi Muse helps Scarabée and Kitty Claws (along with a few of the other heroes) as much as she can.
Of course they win the fight, but Kitty Section are amazed by Mamushi Muse.
Rose: Who is she?! She did such a good job!
Juleka: She was pretty awesome...
Ivan: She's really strong too!!
Luka: The way she played her lyre was quite nice to listen to.
Kagami, hiding her big smile: ...
She also finds herself being quite protective of the other heroes as Mamushi Muse.
They don't mind one bit tho!
Inspired by: @emdoddles @muggle-born-princess @symphonic-scream @justanotherpersonsuniverse @dcschart @princess-of-the-corner
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botwstoriesandsuch · 5 years ago
I’ve done what no other has done before (to my knowledge) and found the aging system for the Zora! 
Ok so this started as simple research for this ask
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See, I misread the phrasing of “best educated guess” to “research for 2 hours and come to a conclusive answer” so anyhow before I indulge you into the answers of the universe allow me to explain the research I’ve come across 
[TL;DR at the bottom]
So firstly, we have to look at our conclusive evidence, from which we’ll base our theory/headcanon on, which can mainly be found in the Creating a Champion book, and some dialogue in game. I’ve compiled them all in these bullets here
Zora children are around 20ish years old [as said by dialogue with Finley in her love letter sidequest, I don’t have a screenshot but please just take my word for it]
150ish is considered middle-aged for Zora
Muzu is around 4 centuries old 
Curved claws, weathered fins, and worn noses are signs of an older Zora that is more than 3 centuries(ish) old
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Zora that were friends with Link must be around 150ish (not just 100), since you need to also account for the 20+ years of growing from a child stage, to the more normal sized form that you see them in the game, ergo, it’s that age plus the 100 years stasis that we determine the “middle age” of around 150
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150 is the middle age, double that for the average old age of 300 years, but I say it could go to 400 too for additional reasons I’ll explain later with examples with my final age system. Anyhow, Muzu is around 400 if you take the 100 years for actually growing up from childhood, additional 100+ years of holding a different job as I doubt you just straight out hire a councilman without experience, and then another century for where he first started working in in the council, training Mipha, which would overlap with the period of the pre and post Great Calamity and Link’s return, meaning that’s 3 centuries plus 50ish years if we’re being generous with the overlap. This would help line up with the “for over a century” line as that doesn’t quite mean 2 centuries of working in the council, but Muzu is definitely getting up there to 4 centuries for his age alone
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Now, I thought, this was gonna be my breakthrough, this screenshot here, depicting the traits of the older Zora. The elderly Zora are probably around 3 centuries old (since King Dorephan said they were young men around Mipha’s time, 150ish+100 gives us the range of 250-300), so I was like “Oh l can look at the size of their fins and noses and head/tail things and find a more efficient way to find their age” but nOPE. There is very little variation in that ballpark, the Zora either have exaggerated weathered noses or nice and shiny fins and no in between. The size of their head fins are roughly the same, with again, the only exaggerated differences being with the King and Sidon which doesn’t help at all because the Royal Zora already have a bunch of other difference such as their SIZE to name one.
I even went to the part about their curved toes, which initially would line up with some other Zora like Muzu
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And let me tell you
I’ve looked at their toes
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This is them from a child, a middle-aged, and an elderly. Color doesn’t matter and the curve? Well there’s
At least not nearly enough to find an efficient way to find age. Even Muzu’s final model didn’t have the exaggerated curvature as seen in the book.
I looked at their tail tail fins, (not the tail on their head, but their actual small rounded tail fin by their butts) because the book also mentioned how the grown Zora have more pronounced tail fins compared to the kids, but it was the same for the 150s and the 300s sooo not that helpful
So I kept digging. In the book I found that King Dorephan was crowned around 100 years before the game started. In addition I reread the 10 Zora stone monuments and found that he had killed a Guardian with his bare hands and thrown it off a cliff, which he still had a scar from. 
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[and yes I attempted to find his definitive age by seeing how long it takes for a scar to fade but I gave up cause Zora anatomy is too different to find a conclusive answer]
So I was like, “ok Dorephan had to have been around 150 when he came to the throne, then 50 years later the guardians are excavated giving way to the story about the guardian...” blah blah blahbla I even went to the supposed site where that guardian was, but it all didn’t really give me that much more info than what I already knew. I was researching ways to age the rock monuments from visuals alone which needless to say is pretty impossible, so I gave up on finding Dorephan’s age and I kept digging. 
All I wanted was something physical that could properly give way to identifying a Zora’s age was that too much to ask???
Now this is where I had all but given up, it seems that my only answer was this vague note about how their fins move up when they grow
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Which, to be fair, held true when I looked at the in-game character models myself, but I can’t exactly pixel measure these things for each Zora.
But THAT’S where the revelation came. I was so focused on finding inconsistencies within the elderly Zora, when I should have been looking at the young baby ones. See, this pictures, literally right next to the page about elderly Zora that I was analyzing for ages, is the key to it all
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Now, I was thinking about the rings on a tree, and certain species of banded fish that grow and discard different markings as they grow older, I even counted the neck rings on certain Zora to see if they did that thing where they add a ring for each birthday like some African and Asian cultures do (look it up, that stuff’s pretty interesting!) and that is where it struck me.
Count how many luminescent markings are on their head 
The males have 11, the females have 8  (on the one side, the other side has the same number of dots but for simplicity purposes I’m doing one side)
Now let’s count for these Zoras, who are middle aged-ish
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The male has 10, the female has 7.
Now let’s look at the oldest Zora that we know of
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3 dots above the eye, four on the tail. Muzu that motherfucker has 7 damn dots and I couldn’t be happier.
First we have Muzu, who as I’ve preciously stated is around 4 centuries old. 11-4? Oh, it’s seven, and that’s the amount of markings he has? OOoo??
How about this Zora Lady who recognized Link from 100 years ago?
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Seven dots? 8-7 is 1 so shes just over one century which lines up timeline wise. You can even see how the third dot is slowing shrinking on her head so she’s coming up on 2 centuries 
Ok how about the elders?
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NINE. 11-9 is 2 centuries, with again, the dot by their head shrinking significantly showing how they’re getting up on 3 centuries.
The part I circled in green there is jewelry, not a marking, however this only goes further to prove my point. What better way to appear youthful than to have jewelry that makes it look like you have more markings than you have, made with luminous stone, no less.
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This guy? Seggin? Super close to 4 centuries, those dots are fading away fast. Count your days old timer
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Random dude that doesn’t recognize Link but is an new apprentice for sculpture making? 10 dots, a fresh 1 century pal, lookin young
I was a feral child running across the Domain screaming people’s ages in their face like a rude, naive, brat, I was elated to say the least. Especially since this system even works on the King himself
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[plus one dot slightly behind the fin here...]
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King Dorephan has 7 dots, he’s 400 years old. Which still lines up timeline wise, especially since he’s similar age with Muzu who he has stated is one of his most trusted advisors, beecaaaaaaaause of the years they’ve spent working together the timelines match uppppppp
This system works for almost all Zora, with 2 exceptions. Guards have helmets that cover their markings, so it’s impossible to tell. In addition, Prince Sidon, has sixteen lights on this hammerhead because he’s fancy like that (we already know he’s canonically 2ish centuries old anyhow from the DLC)
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EDIT: I WAS WRONG THIS WORKS FOR SIDON TOO. The sixteen markings I was referring to was actually the amount of marking on each side of the head total, however if we look at the markings for only one side, like intended
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Ten dots, Sidon’s over 100 years old. I’d say he’s closer to 150 given the timeline
Essentially, the most surefire way to find almost any Zora’s age is to identify a male or female Zora, count the number of lights on the side of their head/tail thing, then subtract from 11 if they’re a male, and from 8 for a female. The number left is how many centuries they’ve lived. You can check to see if their markings are shrinking and fading to get a sense if they’re coming up on the next century anytime soon. Comparing this with the oldest Zora we see in game, we can conclusively say that the Zora lifespan is around 3 to 4 centuries since no Zora has been seen with less than seven markings
Now go and make your Zora ocs with your appropriate number of lights. I’m gonna have a cookie
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kauma-kardia · 3 years ago
🤥 (Lana) 🎂 (Mila) 🙈 (Issea) 📎 (Mithra)
🤥 - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
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“Well, ugh.... No. I wish I was but then again, I don’t. I tend to stumble and if I even think about fibbing I get all weird and my hands get clammy and I just... hate it. I’m fine with not being able to but it sucks having to be brutally honest.”
🎂 - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
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“Oh, you’re asking about me? If I tell you, I hope you realize you that I might be expecting something from you, now. April 6th. I usually am busy seeing my parents on that day since I get less time with them now than I ever did before but, part of that is also that most of the people around me don’t really look at birthdays all that much, anyhow. Don’t get my hopes up, now.”
🙈  - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
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“A bit of background, I used to dislike the way that certain things just don’t... affect me like I feel that they should. That despite my open heart and mind that my experience limits my ability to care about certain people or things that deserve more time and effort than I can be willing to give. That my selfishness could keep me from being consistent with my own world view and used to think that compromise was weakness when it came to things that I knew were much bigger than myself. i.e. How I could go on to take lives when I so vehemently argued for its value.”
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“Nowadays, I recognize that that’s the exact reason we come to rely on others. That we’ve all got a bit of hypocrisy in us, and that we can only hope to carry so much on our shoulders. Entrusting and Hoping is all we can do for others sometimes, even if the burdens feel immense.”
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“That said, I still don’t enjoy having to betray my ideals, even if I the power to make the hard decisions. And I don’t enjoy having to bare it all to others when I feel my ugliest. When I know I’ve done wrong so that others can be right. I feel all out of balance and I get pretty self conscious about it. For those that still stick by me despite my selfishness, my irrationality and my imperfections, it’s still a truly humbling and gracious experience.”
📎 - a random fact.
“The hell? What do I look like, a goddamn snapple cap?”
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“Fine, if it’ll get you’ta leave me be. The only ones left of my relatives are all demons or demonkin, on my great great grandsomething’s side. My family died out long ago due to their own stupidity. And I’d be even more idiotic to even attempt to bring anymore of our cursed kind into this world.”
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jhoudiey · 4 years ago
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve added anything to Loru, but I’ve FINALLY finished her birthday fic! Yay! My bird girl is 18 now! The only warning for this I guess is Implied Violence, 2900 words. Borrowed Theo and Kore from @girl-in-the-tower and Scarlet from @rikanoctrix since I want to try and add more OCs into Yoru canon going forward.
“Neee Fugu-chan” Floyd grumbled, having kicked his way unceremoniously into Yoru’s room
“Floyd it’s too early for you to be this loud, what do you want?” She mumbled, not bothering to pull herself up from her mattress where she way laying face down
“I wanted to be the first person to wish you a h----aaappy birthday”  he said, stifling a yawn
“You’re too late for the birthday thing, sounds like you came for a nap”
“That too” he said casually, throwing his uniform jacket toward her desk chair. It missed and landed in a pile on the floor. He jumped over Yoru and bounced slightly when he hit the mattress. She shoved one of her pillows at him, opening her eyes the tiniest amount.
“Its only 9 though, who already said happy birthday?” he whined, clutching the pillow to his chest to look at her. She blinked slowly at him before responding. 
“Ortho at exactly midnight, Idia at like 6 this morning when we realized the time, and my dad when I got home. If you wanna nap do it quietly, I just got to bed” she turned away from him and buried her head in her pillow again. 
“Have any big birthday plans?” he asked, looking over the edge of his pillow. She rolled back to glare at him
“Dinner later with my dad and some staff. That’s it. No you can’t come. It’s not a party. Good night” she said bluntly, shoving her face back into her pillow.
“Night Fugu-chan!” Floyd murmured, curling up on the other side of the bed.
It was already dark when she woke up, she could smell dinner being cooked from downstairs and hoped that Crowley had at least asked some of the cafeteria ghosts to cook instead of trying to cook it himself. He’d tried to bake her birthday cake 2 years ago and almost set the house on fire, he hadn’t attempted cooking since. Yoru showered, threw some clothes on and made her way downstairs to the dining room. 
“SURPRISE!” She was almost blown backwards by the noise and took a step back. The room was full of staff and the few friends she’d managed to collect while haunting the grounds of NRC. Floyd grinned at her from behind Jade and Azul, Ortho was floating near the front of the table with a huge smile on his face with Idias tablet floating nearby, and the staff were all gathered around the room wherever they’d fit. She’d never had a birthday where so many people came for dinner, and was taken a aback
“Neeee Fugu-Chan!” Floyd called “You said I wasn’t invited but I bet you never knew there was going to be a party for you!” He smirked at her, Jade chuckling softly beside him. 
“Uhhhh...what...is going on?” she asked, looking around the room at everyone, still shocked to see so many people. Crowley swooped down on her from across the room, draping his arm across her shoulders. 
“Oh my sweet daughter, I thought for your 18th birthday we should have a spectacular party for you with all of your friends and family!” he gestured around the room with his other arm. “Everyone is here to celebrate with you, so make sure to not run away!” He steered her deeper into the room, sitting her down at the head of the table laden with food. She awkwardly glanced around the room, was she supposed to say anything? Were there customs for this sort of thing? She sat in silence, fidgeting a little in her chair, hoping that someone else would say something to break the tension that had settled over the room. 
“Yoru-san! What sort of gifts did you ask for!?” Ortho chirped enthusiastically, flying a little off his seat. For Idias birthday the three of them had hidden away and played a few board games, what she wouldn’t give to be repeating that experience right now.
“Ummm… nothing. I usually just get whatever I need throughout the year myself… I don’t really know what I would ask for”... She trailed off looking around the room once more, were they going to expect her to open presents? Was there even presents to open? Generally the teachers gave her new notebooks or reference books, but they’d always just leave them for her on the table without ever having wrapped them. Yoru wasn’t sure what else to say, and was worried she’d be further interrogated about gifts; she started filling her plate, hoping that the food would at least act as a buffer for the pressure that was slowly spreading through the room. As she was piling her plate to tottering she noticed an unfamiliar face in the corner near professor Yule, she paused and stared at the girl wondering if they’d met before and she’d just forgotten. The girl smiled shyly at her and waved, Yoru was certain they’d never actually met before, there weren't any other girls at NRC, and there wasn’t any reason for a random girl from the village to be here…
“Yoru, this is my daughter Kore” Theo said to her with a slight nod “She’s come to stay at NRC with me, though she’ll be living in Ramshackle dorm with Yuu for the time being. I’m sure you’ll get along” He smiled at her, knowing that it was unlikely. Yoru was, afterall, prickly and not very open to new friends and Kore herself could be difficult. Yoru grimaced and gave the girl a quick nod before turning back to the table, hoping that there weren’t any more surprises planned for the evening. Theo let out a sigh of relief “honestly I thought that was going to go way worse” he chuckled a little looking at Kore. She had her face set and was looking towards Yoru’s back, fists tightened into balls, daring Yoru to say something about her lack of magic. 
The night carried on, conversation flowing more easily once everyone started eating. Azul was trying to worm the recipes out of Crowley so he could co-opt them for the lounge, while Crowley was giving every excuse he could to not have to admit that it was the ghosts that had cooked and not him. As dinner wound down, Yoru started getting anxious again as she wasn’t certain what was supposed to come next. Why did Crowley think it was a good idea to have her entertain a room full of people? Luckily everyone was entertaining themselves for the most part, so she’d been able to have a muttered conversation with Idias tablet, making escape plans for as soon as she was able to sneak away. 
“Yoru-san! Me and Ni-san made you this, he said that it would help you out a lot!” Ortho cheered suddenly from the table. “N-Not so loud, Ortho” The tablet groaned “Sorry Ni-san! Look Yoru! It’s a tablet like the one Ni-san has! He set it to easy mode cause he knows you suck!” Ortho beamed at her “Wow Idia, real nice.” She said sarcastically “You know what I meant! You suck with computers! I made this one idiot proof, just for you hehehehe, there’s no way you can mess this one up!” Ortho thrust the tablet at her, where it floated near her head “Oh this is weird” she said, looking sideways at it as it beeped quietly at her, even if it was set to be user friendly, she knew she’d have to get Idias help setting it up later.  
“Yoru! My girl! You’re 18 now! Congratulations!” Vargas boasted, throwing an arm around her shoulder. She suspected him and Theo may have had a few too many drinks, he was being more affectionate than normal, and Theo was actually smiling. She didn’t blame him, having to deal with Crowley out of a professional setting could be draining. “You can’t turn 18 without a proper gift though! I brought you something!” He beamed at her, pulling the largest container of protein powder she’d ever seen from out behind his back. She couldn’t help but laugh a little, of course he would think protein powder was a good gift- not that he was wrong. Protein powder would be really useful for her to get back into shape, she’d ended up losing a lot of weight over the winter and needed to gain it back... It had been a while since the two of them had done any training, she made a mental note to ask him to get back to sparring once her wings had fully grown back in and her mobility was back to 100%. 
“Vargas, isn’t that a little… hmmmm” Crewel had started, before sighing and shaking his head a little “Nevermind, Yoru, I think this book of antidotes to rare poisons will come in handy” He said, glaring at her. She knew that look too well, there would be hell to pay if she poisoned herself and needed his help recovering again. She’d hoped that maybe her New Years accident wouldn’t have made it to Crewel’s ears, but Crowley was always a loudmouth so she suspected everyone in the room knew that she’d almost died a mere 4 weeks before. “Thanks Crewel” she muttered, rifling through the pages. 
“A book of antidotes, Crewel? How disappointing” Theo scoffed, cutting Crewel off before he could respond to Yoru. They’d had a long standing rivalry and no way he’d let Crewel get another word in. “here Yoru, this may be of some help. I found it on one of my expeditions.” He handed her a small compass with the needle spinning wildly “It’ll point you to what you need most at any given time” He smiled at her, chuckling a little at the needle spinning dizzyingly fast. Yoru grinned, Theo always had the neatest stuff, she was glad to be given an artifact of her own, even if this one seemed to be broken. If it wasn’t, it should be pointing towards the Ignihyde dorm, since at that moment she wanted nothing more than to be hiding away in Idias room in silence. She slid the compass in her pocket and  glanced to the side toward Kore who was there holding out a cabbage. “I didn’t know what to get you since we’ve never met, but I think everyone has a use for cabbage so here!” she thrust it at yoru who grabbed it with both hands, a grin growing across her face. Cabbage. As a gift. “This is great, I love cabbage” She smiled, thinking it was probably all downhill from here, food was really hard to top as a gift, good job girl she had never met. As she turned to put the cabbage down, Azul cleared his throat gently from the table. 
“Ahhh Yoru-san! While we’re on gifts, we’re pleased to say we’ve brought one for you as well!” He smiled at her and Floyd handed her a box. All three of the Octavinelle boys were smiling at her as she opened it, it was quite unnerving to be watched so closely by them. Inside was what she realized was her Mostro Lounge uniform. Azuls smile widened “I’m glad Professor Crewel was able to lend a hand to assist in the tailoring of it, it should fit perfectly for you to start work with us in the Lounge tomorrow”. Yoru rolled her eyes at him. “Oh yay, can’t wait. What if it doesn’t fit?” she asked. Crewel scoffed at her. “I tailored it, of course it will fit, there is no question.” She sighed, knowing he was right. He’d been able to alter her high school uniform for her perfectly before she realized that Walpurga Nacht Academy had a strict “no alterations of any kind” policy. 
“Here Yoru-chan! You can use this to take orders in the Lounge!” Scarlet interrupted, beaming at her. She’d been the nurse at NRC longer than Yoru had been alive and was excited to be here celebrating her 18th birthday with everyone. She handed Yoru a shocking pink notebook with cartoon unicorns all over it, complete with a neon-holographic sticker sheet of cute and cuddly creatures. “You can use it to take notes too! I know how much you write down, so I knew a notebook would be handy!” Her smile was shining so brightly Yoru had a hard time looking at her, she felt guilty knowing she’d only ever use this particular notebook if every other object that could be written on disappeared from existence. She took the notebook and placed it on top of the box containing her Mostro Lounge uniform, ready to be carried upstairs back to her bedroom. She felt her chance to escape the party was approaching, the pile of gifts needing to be carted away a blessing in disguise 
“Hmmmm my favourite demon-chan has so many gifts!” Sam exclaimed, looking around at all of them, “Perhaps she doesn’t need another...” he teased, smiling widely at her. “Hmmm, but if she didn’t need any other gifts, then what would I do with this vial of Dragon blood?” Yorus eyes widened. She’d asked Sam if he could try and find her some more than six months ago but he’d never gotten back to her. “Sam! You found some! This is amazing!!!” She was ecstatic, holding the vial in her hands, an entire new world of potion making opportunities opening up to her. Crewel and Crowley gave each other a short glance, it wasn’t a good idea for her to have something so dangerous, especially if she was going to continue experimenting on herself. “Hmmm Sam, perhaps that isn’t a good gift for a young woman?” Crowley tried to protest, the glare Yoru shot him quieted him down immediately. “Thank you Sam, this will be really useful”.
“Ahhh Sam, again with the dangerous gifts” Trein sighed handing Yoru a small book bound in a strange leather. “Here Yoru, you had asked me before about Harpies but I wasn’t able to tell you much. I’ve found a history of them, as brief as it is, hopefully this will answer some your questions” He gave her a small smile, she accepted the book with a small nod. She had been beginning to wonder more about her mother and the Strophrades Isle, but there was nothing in the library on the topic, which she had found strange. She’d meant to ask Crowley the best way to get there and information on her mother, but had forgotten . Even if she had, she assumed he’d talk her ear off, having been starved for conversation with his daughter for the last month. She had vowed to never speak with him again after he’d given Azul permission to drug her, and so far had been able to keep the promise to herself. 
She placed the book on top of the others and grabbed the pile of gifts to carry up to her room, the cabbage and protein powder balanced precariously on top. “I uhhh.. Don’t know how birthday parties are supposed to end so thanks everyone…” she muttered, walking out of the room to start climbing the stairs to her room. “Just a minute, Nugget!” Crowley called after her “You never got my gift!” he called up the stairs behind her, she ignored him. 
“How embarrassing, headmaster, your own Nugget ignoring you” Jade said quietly, staring at Crowleys back. “Jade, if I ever hear you call me Nugget I swear I will rip your tongue out” Yoru yelled down the stairs. “Fufufu, than I shall make sure you never hear me” he grinned. “Neee  Fugu-chan! What if I call you Nugget-Chan?” Floyd yelled after her, Azul, Jade, Ortho, and Idias tablet laughing quietly. “The same goes for you Floyd! I will eat your tongue for dinner!” She threatened. Everyone remaining in the room grinned, trying to think of ways to work the word Nugget into their everyday vocabulary. 
“Oh!” Crowley cried out suddenly “We forgot the cake!” He rushed into the kitchen, returning moments later with a two-tiered white cake with a large 18 drawn on the top in green icing. “Yoru! Come back and get some cake!” Crowley's face fell when there was no response, he knew she’d likely left out the window already, the promise of cake not enough to bring her back. “Well, it would be a waste to not eat it…” he mused to himself before looking at the room at large “Okay! Who wants cake!” He smiled at everyone raising their hands. 
“Hey, where’s the cake?” Idia asked when Yoru pushed her way into his room.
“Cake?” She questioned, holding the tablet he’d made for her out to him. “I need help setting this up” He sighed and grabbed the tablet from her hand, easily tapping through the screens to set it up for her.
“You come and ask me for favours and don’t even bring any cake, what kind of friend are you!?” he complained.
“We didn’t even have cake, what are you talking about?” She sat down on his bed, watching him tinkering with the tablet. 
“Crowley said there was cake, and you didn’t bring any with you!”
“Oh. I must have left before then. Ortho is still there, get him to bring some back and we can eat it here”
“Oooh! Good idea!” He whispered to Ortho from his tablet, a childish grin creeping across his face at the promise of cake.
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The Dutchess’ Garden - Part 3
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Series Masterlist - Chris Evans Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Pairing: Chris Evans x OC Emma Meijers
Warnings: Strong language, age difference, smut but not really smut
Word count: 2476
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‘No, just admiring you,‘ he says casually. Emma’s eyes widen, she feels a pit of butterflies in her stomach, and her face turns bright red. Lucky for her, Chris is not looking at her. ‘I’m stunning, I know,‘ she jokes, flipping her hair to play it off. ‘You are though.‘
‘Morning Chris. Ready to go?‘ ‘Not at all. I feel like shit.‘ ‘You big baby. You’ll still outrun with me ease.‘
A week goes by faster than you think when you’re having fun. Chris really doesn’t understand how he got so lucky that Emma decided to call him that day. She could’ve gone down to her neighbors, rung a friend, could’ve taken cold showers all week. But no, she decided to call Chris and he’s thoroughly enjoyed the interactions they’ve had because of it. When they first ran together, he was scared he might have to slow down and ruin his own training so that she could keep up. Boy was he wrong. She ran like the wind, even on her bad days. He enjoys the challenge and saw significant changes in his personal records while running with her. And then there’s the privilege of seeing her every morning with her drowsy after-shower smile, sometimes accompanied with a towel turban or wet hair. He enjoyed seeing her like the others didn’t. No makeup, comfortable clothes instead of light- to heavy makeup and nice dresses. To pay him back for using his shower, she invited him to come over for lunch every day of the week. She had worked as a cook several years ago and makes amazing food that Chris definitely wasn’t going to say no to. Plus, she often had raw meat for Dodger which is great for his diet.
‘Chris. Chris?‘ Suddenly he realizes Emma has been calling for him from the bathroom. ‘Y-yeah?‘ He calls back, a bit flustered it took him this long to answer. ‘I forgot to bring a shirt,‘ she says and he can hear the hesitation in her voice. She doesn’t want to have to ask him for anything else. In fact, he knows she doesn’t like using him like this. He remembers she told him that her dad wouldn’t allow her to work for The Dutchess until she had promised and proven to not get emotionally attached to the guests. As she said it: “They’re actors for a reason.” And he supposes she’s right. He is an actor for a reason, but he sincerely hopes she believes that he wants to be friends with her. ‘I’ll grab you something. One second,‘ he calls back and rushes to his room to grab her a random shirt, trying to be as fast as he can. ‘Just stick your hand out the door, I promise I won’t look.‘ She sticks her hand out and he drops the shirt in her hand. ‘Thank you.‘ Chris walks back to his spot on the couch next to Dodger who picks his head up and looks at Chris like he knows something is up. ‘Don’t look at me like that. I know,‘ he hums to the dog, crossing his arms and falling back into the couch. He sighs and looks at the ceiling. A friend. Yes, that’s what he wanted to be to her when they first met but it only took him a day to realize his feelings were rooted much deeper than that. He liked that she gave him a reason to come back and he hated himself for coming back that fast. He had brought Dodger with him to make the “I was walking the dog, so I was going here anyway” excuse, but she hadn’t asked him why he was there. She just greeted him like he was an old friend and let him inside even though the bar was still closed. But what if she’s like this to everyone she meets? After all, she’s a hostess at a bar. She can think that actors can be liars, but hostess’ are the best liars in the world. They have to pretend they like everyone and put up with everyone’s shit in real life. They’re not given a script to rehearse, they just have to be ready. If anything, he should be scared of her using him. Wait, is that what she’s doing right now?
‘I’m so sorry Chris. I must be such a pain,‘ she says apologetically as she walks back into the room with her backpack, ‘if I’m lucky, I won’t have to come back tomorrow.‘ ‘You’re welcome anytime,‘ he says with a gentle smile. He looks at her in his shirt. The bordeaux henley shirt. He hadn’t even noticed that he had given her that one. It fits her well. The hem reaches a little over the middle of her thigh and the buttons are done so that they show just the right amount of cleavage. He can’t help but form a picture in his mind. Her in just his shirt sitting at the dinner table while he makes coffee for the both of them. What a wonderful image. ‘I better be welcome. I still have to drop your shirt off,‘ she jokes, ‘same time tomorrow?‘ Tomorrow? She still wants to run with him even after her shower is fixed? ‘Yeah, of course,‘ he smiles. ‘Are you coming over for lunch today?‘ He shakes his head: ‘No, not today. I have a lunch appointment.’ Her face drops a little bit. It’s just a little bit, but he notices. ‘Of course,‘ she pushes a smile onto her lips, ‘Monday it is then.‘ He nods. They say their goodbyes and Emma leaves for the day. Dodger tried to go after her like he’s been trying the last few days, but Chris holds him back. ‘I know buddy, I don’t want her to leave either,‘ he admits to his dog. At least his dog won’t be able to spill his secrets.
Monday rolls around and soon Emma is back at Chris’ door. Before they leave, she hands him his shirt with the promise that she washed it before she gave it back. He wouldn’t have minded either way, but he doesn’t tell her that. He just takes it and they go on their run. They had decided on a shorter run for the day since neither of them felt fully rested. Emma had wondered if Chris had laid awake for the same reason as her. Chris had wondered the same thing, but they didn’t ask each other. They never did. Both of them viewed their relationship as purely platonic even though both of them want more. During the run, she had teased him for having a hard time keeping up. She had called him grandpa as a joke, but the word kept running through his head. She had told him her age a few days back and it became one of the reasons he was keeping back. Emma is 26. He’d turn 39 this summer. That’s a difference of almost thirteen years. But it wasn’t just him. Emma had felt awkward too. Between his playful attitude and his inviting personality, she thought they were closer in age. This could turn bad if media caught wind of it. But that wasn’t all that bothered her. The whole reason her dad told her to stay away from the celebrities at the bar is because of the whole concept of the bar. If she became a celebrity by dating a celebrity, it would be difficult keeping up the secrecy of The Dutchess and she didn’t want that to ever happen. She had enjoyed running the place so much these past years. There was no way she was going to lose it now. Not because of a handsome actor after she encountered so many of them already.
With both of them lost in their thoughts, the run went pretty terrible for the both of them even if Emma managed to keep ahead of him. Back at Chris’ house they both down a glass of water and Emma almost wants to go on her way, but decides to talk to him for a little longer. ‘Bad day,‘ she asks Chris when both of them stand in the hallway. ‘What?‘ He looks at her a bit saddened. ‘Bad day,‘ she asks a little louder, ‘it looked like you were having trouble keeping up. You’re not overworking yourself, right?‘ His heart jumps a little at the thought that she cares about his health. ‘Oh, no, I was just taking in the view,‘ he says, ‘I normally don’t go down there. You showed me a whole new world.‘ She smiles brightly. She knows it’s just an excuse and he doesn’t want to admit he had a bad day but she doesn’t mind. He enjoys this look on her. Big smile on her flushed face, just nearly breathing normally, with a sweaty shine covering her body. ‘By the way, I brought something,‘ she grabs her backpack from the hallway. It’s still a strange sight to Chris to see her backpack in the hallway instead of in the bathroom. It’s a normal place for a backpack, but he had gotten so used to seeing her bring it inside. She reaches inside the backpack and gives him a present. It’s neatly wrapped in  wrapping paper with ducks all over it and some ribbons around it. ‘I know it’s your birthday next week, but I’ll be out of town then,‘ she explains, ‘so I thought I’d just give you your present now.‘ ‘Thank you so much, you didn’t have to do this.‘ He smiles brightly as he unwraps the paper. She gleams as he looks at the book in his hands. He smiles when he reads the title. ‘Whiskey, a tasting course,‘ he reads out loud. ‘And it comes with an invitation to try some whiskeys at The Dutchess,‘ she tells him. ‘Thank you so much. I love it,‘ he smiles and pulls her into a hug. Though he knows the book is to tease him a little bit, he enjoys it a lot. Sometimes he gets presents from co-stars and they’re always things he doesn’t need or doesn’t want that have cost too much. Her present is small and something she knows he likes. When they part she reaches in her bag again. ‘And I don’t really know when it’s Dodger’s birthday, but I thought I’d get him something too,‘ she hands Chris a squishy package. He opens it for Dodger and finds a small pluche animal with a squeaker inside. He bellows a loud laugh. ‘Are you trying to make me go insane,‘ he laughs, handing the toy to Dodger who starts aggressively biting it at the discovery that it makes noise. ‘Oh, damn, I didn’t know,‘ she says, but she knew. He can see the mischief in her face. ‘And my shower is fixed so you won’t have to worry about me leeching off you anymore.‘ ‘Really?‘ ‘Maybe,‘ she admits with a mischievous smile, ‘your shower is way nicer than mine, so I might just break in from time to time.‘ ‘You do know I have a very dangerous guard dog?‘ ‘Dodger would never hurt me.‘ ‘That’s true. I’m almost certain he’d leave me in the gutter to cuddle you,‘ Chris admits. 'Absolutely,’ she teases, ‘if he could, he’d go home with me.‘  ‘I wish you were kidding, but he always tries to follow you when you leave.‘ ‘I guess I’m just better than you,‘ she jabs at him with a huge grin on her face. ‘Is that so?‘ ‘It is,‘ she smirks, ‘I’m faster, sweeter, stronger-‘ ‘Stronger? We’ll see about that,‘ he laughs. Before Emma can asks what he means, he has her picked up and thrown over his shoulder. ‘Put me down Chris,‘ she yelps laughing and softly hits his lower back. ‘No way, not until you admit I’m stronger.‘ ‘You’re not stronger. If you’re Captain America, then I’m the hulk,‘ she laughs. ‘Oh, now you’re asking for it,‘ he smiles and walks over to the pool. ‘What? No. No!‘ He holds her above the water while she tries to fight out of his grip. ‘Admit I’m stronger.‘ She stops fighting, looks him straight in the eyes and says: ‘Never.‘ Next thing he hears out of her mouth is a scream about how cold the water is. He does decide to do the kind thing and help her out of the water. ‘You are terrible,’ she hisses between het teeth as she shivers like crazy. Chris actually feels a little bad about it. ‘But think about it, now you have a good reason to use my shower again,‘ he jokes. ‘Oh you best believe I’m using your shower,‘ she mopes, ‘and I’m stealing your clothes.‘ ‘Fair enough,‘ he admits, leading her inside. But before he realizes it, she pushes him on his chest. He loses his balance and ends up in the water as well. A string of curses leave his mouth when he comes back up. ‘Captain, language,‘ Emma teases before sprinting to the house to make it to the bathroom before him and avoid being thrown in again. He climbs out of the pool with a stupid grin on his face. Dodger comes up to him to check if he’s okay. Chris runs a wet hand over his fur. ‘I’m finished buddy,‘ he tells Dodger, ‘she’s going to be the death of me.‘ ‘Hey, you coming,‘ Emma calls from the front door. Chris looks up at her. ‘That was a dick move.‘ ‘Language!‘ ‘I’m showering first.‘
Sure, she let him shower first but he refused to go before he had her wrapped up in several towels so she wouldn’t get cold. Thing is, though its cold during the night, summer is well on it’s way and it’s terribly hot once eleven am passes and Emma is suffocating in towels, but she doesn’t dare take them off. Not when Chris tried so hard to keep her warm. She waits for the stupid giant to finish his showers while enjoying some Dodger cuddles. She wishes she could stay forever, but she can’t. She has to keep her reputation in mind.
After her own shower, Chris decided to drive her home so that she wouldn’t be seen in his clothes. This also gave him a reason to come inside and wait for her to change. And for the first time he saw the bliss that is Emma in sweatpants shorts and an oversized shirt. She handed him his clothes back and he couldn’t help but notice her scent lingering on them even though she only wore them for a minute. And suddenly words leave his mouth: ‘Are you doing anything tonight?’ ‘Me? No, Monday is my day off,‘ she tells him, ‘why?‘ ‘Do you want to watch some movies?‘ Emma’s head overflows. Movies? With Chris? Yes, of course she wants to. But what if movies turn into something more. She shouldn’t allow herself to indulge in something like that, but her lips move before she can stop them. ‘Sure, yours or mine?‘ ‘Though I’m quite curious about your place, I’ll let you decide,‘ he says. She smiles at the thought that he values her boundaries. ‘I don’t mind you coming to mine, but it’s quite small. I think your place is more suited for two people.‘ ‘Okay, so come around 6:30? We can eat dinner together?‘ ‘Sure.‘
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aeducanka · 6 years ago
OC Profile Meme
Thanks for the tag to the wonderful @gingerbreton!
I decided to go with my precious darling, Em!
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(A part of my birthday present from wonderful Annorelka. Go follow her on deviantArt or Instagram! She is an amazing artist that you need in your life.)
Name: Emerald Aeducan.
Nickname: to most people she is either Emerald or Em but when she was a child, her relatives used to call her "Emmie" (even in the Prologue Trian was still using this nickname in a condescending manner). To Sten Emerald is simply "Warden". Alistair, Zevran, Morrigan and Oghren sometimes call her "Princess" and only the context says whether the intention was playful or hurtful.
Age: 23 at the time of her recruitment to the Grey Wardens, had her 24th birthday slightly over a month later.
Species: dwarf (Orzammar).
Morality: (at the time of Prologue) self-proclaimed lawful good, (after the Prologue) self-proclaimed neutral good. It is debatable whether she is truly good or just a neutral with a strong inclination to do good, especially to the people she cares about.
Religion: officially she believes in the Stone and you cannot prove otherwise.
That being said, she is a chief supporter ONLY of the reformed "church" of the Stone - the foundation stays the same, but the principles are as follows: good people enrich the Stone, assholes weaken it, and your nobility will not save you from the Stone's scrutiny SO YOU BETTER BE NICE.
Sins: greed/gluttony/sloth/lust/PRIDE/~envy~/wrath.
Emerald's greatest fault is her pride. Although the time spent in exile made her, more or less, aware of her shortcomings and able to express genuine humility (or even self-deprecation of sorts), Emerald, deep down, is convinced of her superiority to ALMOST EVERYONE. She knows that she is awesome, she has the papers to prove it, and even if she does not flaunt her superiority in your face, you still ~know~ that she judges you in the categories "If I were you, I would never make any of your mistakes". She goes to great lengths to change it as the Queen.
Virtues: chastity/ CHARITY/ DILLIGENCE/ humility/ KINDNESS/ ~patience~/ ~JUSTICE~.
Ooh, it is a tricky one since Emerald does her best to project an idealized version of herself. That being said, her humility is more often than not depression-induced so it does not really count. Her first marriage was very chaste, but then she did not love her husband and so I would not count is as genuine chastity. She may appear patient but she is still very much struggling with it. She is also very just for someone raised as a spoiled noblewoman, but due to her sheltered life, I feel that she has still a lot to learn.
Known languages: her mother tongue is Common as spoken in Orzammar. 
As Orzammar is a fairly isolationist kingdom, I cannot say how much impact there was on the princess learning foreign languages. A language nerd myself, I like to think that Emerald knows at least a little bit of Orlesian (due to Orlais being Orzammar's best trading partner) and Tevene (due to the dwarven minority living there), but it is purely my speculation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For sure Emerald picks up random words and phrases from Leliana, Zevran and Sten - partially because she is a nerd but mostly because she knows that ~being more understood~ would make them happy.
Build: scrawny/bony/slender/fit/ATHLETIC/~curvy~/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average.
A friend of mine saw Queen Emerald take off her shirt in the shower, and she said that Queen Emerald had an eight pack, that Queen Emerald was shredded.
(She seems curvy only to a non-dwarven eye, though. To dwarves her charms are only slightly above average.)
Height: ???
Scars/Birthmarks: information classified! She was lucky enough not to receive any scars that would be difficult to hide with casual clothing, though.
1. She is a born diplomat and a pacifist who will do her best to resolve a conflict without unnecessary bloodshed.
2. She is well-versed in Orzammar's politics and her unshakable composure attests to it.
3. She makes excellent first impressions and can befriend people easily. 
4. She is a good leader and advisor.
5. She makes for an empathetic friend who can listen to you rant for hours.
6. She is a good tactician and I firmly believe that she could beat Cullen in chess.
7. She is a trained warrior, by Landsmeet physically stronger than Alistair, who relies both on her smarts, her dexterity and strength.
8. She draws fun and happiness from the world's most boring hobbies which surely must be a some kind of witchcraft.
9. She shares Alistair's sense of humour, enough said.
1. Her reputation of a fratricidal ex-princess makes any negotiations in Orzammar kind of difficult.
2. She speaks very posh which triggers some people's *Oghren, cough, Oghren* bratty princess alert.
3. Despite being well-versed in politics, she is a bit too idealistic, too merciful, and she used to trust her family members blindly.
4. Her composure does not really falter even among friends which gives off an impression that she is keeping distance... which she is, but not to THAT extent.
5. She is an excellent advisor… until she becomes frustrated because her advice is not listened to and her input is ignored.
6. She is good at listening to people for long periods of time, but if it is not important, she may not give the rant her full attention (getting just enough gist not to be accused of ignoring the person and dismissing the most of it when it is no longer useful).
7. She does not step up for a leadership position, despite her qualifications, unless the circumstances literally force her to do so.
8. As much as tactics go, she is miserable with games other than chess because either she will not realize that her opponent is a cheater (Isabella, round 1) or, which is worse, she will not be able to prove that her opponent is cheating (Isabella, round 2).
9. She is smart and well-trained but not very inspired as a warrior. She could be defeated by stronger people, more dexterous people, smarter people, luckier people or people who, like Kallista Tabris, are very dedicated to their craft.
Food: anything that hails from Orzammar! Nothing makes you long for your local cuisine better than a bitter exile. Also, she would not put herself above eating a nug. Sorry, Leliana!
Pizza topping: (modern AU) corn and mushrooms. Emerald is by no means a vegetarian but she is very picky about meat so in most cases - a vegetarian pizza it is!
Colour: her all-time favourite is purple, but, frankly, Emerald is the embodiment of "Do you like the colour of the sky?" meme. Her exile to the surface made her aware of a brand new palette of colours and she loves them all. That being said, early on her "comfort" colours were the subdued earthy colours of Orzammar.
Music genre: she mostly listens to instrumentals, both in the canon and in the modern AU. She is very picky with songs, though I could see her enjoying a band as “low brow” as ABBA. During her exile she develops a soft spot for Fereldan folk songs and Leliana's Orlesian-Fereldan repertoire. 
Movie genre: Emerald is not much of a movie fan. Generally, she does not have time for them. She mostly watches documentaries with some classics/awards nominated movies thrown in for a good measure. She could be persuaded to watch something entirely outside her watching preferences when quality time with friends is the main incentive.
Curse words: Emerald does not cuss, especially not in public, but I think that there are certain dwarven words she says in her thoughts when the situation goes badly.
Scents: Emerald does not like the smell of the rain and she even agrees with Sten about Ferelden smelling like a wet dog, but during her rule there is nothing she misses more.
Bottom or top: that is disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get- why would- Her Royal Highness has never had sex with anyone, anywhere. It is none of your- you have- the nerve, the audacity, she is the Queen of Orzammar and about to get married. Warden Alistair is her former companion, barely, and he is just awful, humour-wise. And how- how- do I know, frankly, that you are not sleeping with him? Maybe you are. Maybe you are trying to throw me off? Hmm, check and mate.
Sings in the shower: not all all, she is too aware of her lack of singing talent. Sometimes she hums to herself, though.
Likes puns: all kinds of them, with strong preference to Alistair ones, and ability to make almost EXCLUSIVELY the terrible ones.
Phew! It was a long one. Sorry, I have a tendency for writing much more than I should. ^^”
Tagging: @bitchesofostwick, @bluekaddis, @etoilebinaire, @dekudoodle, @lady--revan and @visionmarred (Hi! Reverienne here!), @gingerbreton (Freya? 👀). As always, there is absolutely no pressure!
Tagging back is fine but only at your own risk!
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opsecretsanta2019 · 5 years ago
FAQs (mobile-friendly)
This is a mobile-friendly copy of the FAQs page for easy reference, accurate as of 24 October 2019. For the most updated version, please check the FAQs page in browser or on desktop.
FAQs below the cut! Mobile-friendly rules here.
Where is the application form?
It’s linked in the rules page. Please read the rules before applying, thanks!
What is this?
It’s a one piece holiday gift exchange on tumblr!
When are the deadlines?
15 Nov – Applications close. 22 Nov – Santas assigned. 27 Nov – Santas confirm assignments. 25 Dec to 31 Dec – Post the gifts! 5 Jan 2020 – Tell me if you didn’t get your gift. 9 Jan 2020 – Backup santas notified. 31 Jan 2020 – Backup santa gifts posted!
The close of each day is 11:59pm HKT (GMT + 8h). Please note that my timezone is ahead of most countries.
How do I join?
To enter, you must read the rules and complete the application form linked on the rules page.
You must send in the application form before 15th NOVEMBER 2019 at 11:59pm HKT (GMT+8h).
If you apply, please commit to creating and giving a gift.
What’s this password thing you have in the application? What password?
If you don’t know the password, please read the entire rules page carefully from top to bottom. For easy reference, here’s a link to the rules and the mobile-friendly rules.
Applications with an incorrect password will be rejected during santa/ giftee assignments, even if applicants received the response email.
Oh no! I made a mistake in my application form/ I got the password wrong/ I left out something. What do I do?
You can edit your application anytime before applications close on 15 November 2019 (2359h HKT). You should have received a response email with the edit link.
I made a typo on my password. Will I be rejected/ do I need to edit my application?
Nah, that’s fine, I’m willing to accept typos. Your application will get denied if the answer clearly shows that you don’t know the password.
Who sees the information I put in my application?
The middle section with your preferences will be copy-pasted and sent word-for-word to your santa. Your santa will also get your tumblr URL/ username. If you addressed any comments to your santa in your miscellaneous comment section, I’ll pass those along too.
Only the mods will see your email and other details. For now, that’s only me (@codedredalert) and @narramin. Since the volume of work got overwhelming, I got her on board as a mod.
She’s a close friend I trust, and while I don’t think we’ll have anyone else joining us as a moderator, If you’re very concerned about other people finding out about your email address and other application details, maybe give this event a miss.
What do I have to do when I post my gift?
Mention the name of your giftee in the post (like this: @url). Also mention @opsecretsanta2019 in the post.
Tag #opsecretsanta2019 and any appropriate compulsory warning tags (#n/sfw, #graphic violence, #major character death, #noncon or dubcon, #underage , #chose not to use warnings , #no warnings apply).
Consider writing a nice message to the giftee to go along with the gift, if you like. 
If it is Not Safe For Work, please put it in a read-more and tag it appropriately.
Send me a link to your post! I will be re-blogging all gifts under #finished gifts.
How do you select Secret Santas?
I sort participants by naughty and nice into a SFW group and a NSFW group. After that, both groups are separately put through a random generator. Once giftees are drawn from the generator, I will manually check to make sure santas/ giftees share at least one mutual interest.
You should not be giving to the same person you’re receiving from.
What does it mean if I’m in the NSFW group?
If you choose NSFW, it means you are okay with making or receiving NSFW content AND are at least 21 years of age.
You do not have to create a NSFW gift if you don’t feel like it. You may or may not receive a NSFW gift.
Can I make/ receive NSFW?
To potentially receive or send NSFW material, you must be 21 years or older when applications close on 15 November 2019 2359h.
If you make something NSFW for your giftee, please put it under a read more and tag it appropriately. If your NSFW gift is/ could be flagged, please post it on another site and provide a link in a tumblr post.
Why must I be 21+ to receive/ give NSFW? I’m an adult in my country.
I don’t want drama/ legal issues about adults sending NSFW to minors. 21 is the highest age of majority as far as I’m aware, so that’s what I set it as to cover everyone. Sorry, kiddo.
I’m not 21+ yet but I will be by the time applications close. Can I still say I’m 21+?
Happy early birthday, I hope you have a great time! Please go ahead and put yourself on the NSFW list if you want. I’ll take the cut-off for age limit at the point where applications close aka 15 November 2019 2359h HKT.
What is considered NSFW?
NSFW components for the purposes of this event (loosely based on the R rating guidelines of the Motion Picture Association of America):
      (1) Violence: Canon-typical depictions of violence are generally SFW (eg. brawls, blood, stabbing). However, violence that is detailed, realistic, extreme or persistent would make a work NSFW.
       (2) Language/ Profanity / Swearing: Generally, swearing is SFW, but you’re encouraged to keep it mild. You have a maximum of one (1) singular “fuck” to give in a SFW work. Use it wisely. Excessive or extremely graphic swearing would make a work NSFW.
       (3) Drugs/ Substance Abuse:
       Canon-typical depiction of smoking is SFW (eg. chain smoking or smoking several cigarettes/cigars at once is SFW). However, smoking/ nicotine addiction that is detailed, realistic, extreme or persistent would make a work NSFW.
       Canon-typical drinking of large amounts of alcohol is SFW. However, alcoholism/ alcohol addiction that is detailed, realistic, extreme or persistent would make a work NSFW.
       Mention of drugs used in a medical context is SFW. Otherwise, any drug use or mention of drug use would make a work NSFW.
      (4) Nudity and sexual content:
       Nudity that is depicted visually (eg. art) is NSFW, regardless of whether it is sexual or not. Please post a censored/ partial preview of the art and link the full piece on another site. (Tumblr might flag it otherwise lol.)
       Non-visual nudity (eg. writing) is NSFW if it is sexually-oriented. Please ensure that it is under a read-more.
       All sexual content is NSFW regardless of medium.
       Hugs, kisses and cuddling are SFW.
Can I opt to be in the NSFW list, but still say I don’t want to receive/ create a certain type of NSFW (eg. specifically not sexual content, or drug abuse)?
Yup! Generally, giving more information in your application is better. It’s good to be clear and upfront about your likes and dislikes. It helps me a lot in deciding if I need to re-roll when I double-check your random match. It helps your santa know what not to give you too.
Is ____ pairing/ content/ gen allowed?
As long as they’re canon One Piece characters, yes. This event aims to be as inclusive as possible. Just make sure you tag appropriately.
Are OCs/ self-insert/ Y/N fic allowed?
Sorry, nope. I’m sure you and your OCs are lovely, however, this is a One Piece event, so please only feature canon One Piece characters.
You CAN sneak in a little extra cameo if you really want. Eg. a random person in the background/ a random shopkeeper in your fic. But the focus must be on canon One Piece characters.
I personally consider ____ content problematic. Will you allow it?
The compulsory warning tags (following those on Ao3) generally cover a wide range of potentially offensive content. Please be responsible for your own content regulation by blacklisting the necessary tags. I cannot be responsible for everyone’s content consumption.
I’m personally triggered by _____. Can you tag it?
Your personal triggers will already be accounted for in the application form and the information sent to your santa. So, this shouldn’t be a problem for your gift. Also, there are the compulsory warning tags for you to blacklist if necessary.
If you think there is still a very high chance that other people’s gifts will have your trigger, send me an ask off-anon proposing (1) a feasible identification system and (2) a tag name. We’ll see if we can work something out.
I promise to hear you out. However, I will exercise my discretion as to whether it is feasible for me to impose your request on every post on this blog. If your request requires a moral judgment or a lot of work on my part, I am less likely to impose your request.
It’s not possible for me to please everyone. I’ve done my best to cover the generally-accepted warnings. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
What kinds of gifts are allowed?
Anything digital as long as you personally created it for your giftee!
SUGGESTED minimum guidelines for different types of content are below (feel free to go above and beyond if your heart desires):
  –  Art – 1 artwork, sketches are okay as long as characters are recognisable
  – AMVs – 30 seconds. Please use only official art/ anime/ movies as your base.
  – Animations – 3 seconds, sketches are okay as long as characters are recognisable
  –  Animatics – 30 seconds, sketches are okay as long as characters are recognisable
  – Edits – 2 edits of good image quality. Please use only official art as your base.
  –  Fanfiction – 100 words (prose), 20 words (poetry)
  –  GIFsets – 2 gifs of good image quality. Please use only official art/ anime/ movies as your base.
  –  Music cover – 1 minute. Please cover only official One Piece songs/ motifs.
 –   Playlist –   10 songs. Please try to find out about your giftee’s music taste and cater to that if possible.
  –   Podfic/ audio reading –   You MUST get permission in writing from the fic author before making the recording. In your recording, you MUST clearly state the original author, the title of the original fic, and the website where the original fic can be found. In your post, you MUST give LINKED credit to both the original author AND the original fic.
Do I need to meet a minimum for my gift?
There are suggested minimum guidelines for different types of content, but there are no strict minimums. The gift creation for this event is intended to be very achievable, stress-free, and accessible even to first-time creators.
Do I have to follow a winter theme in the gift?
Nope. Anything goes! Just try to do something you think your giftee would like according to the information you were given.
Can I send something in the mail?
Sorry, please don’t. This exchange is digital-only.
Hey I'm a writer who uses Ao3. Is there an Ao3 collection for this event which I can add my gift to?
Yup, here’s the link to the opsecretsanta2019 Ao3 collection. Please feel free to add your fic(s) to the Ao3 collection during the posting period (aka 25 December 2019 to 31 December 2019). It would be good if you could drop me a message on tumblr when you do.
I don’t know what an Ao3 collection is/ how to submit works to an Ao3 collection/ how to specify gift recipients etc?
Here are the Ao3 Collections FAQs.
I’m not very good at art/ writing/ etc.
That’s okay! As long as you put your heart into it, you’re welcome aboard! 
I want to join but I’m shy/ intimidated generally/ by my giftee/ by everyone’s expectations.
Hey, it’s alright, we’re all nakama in the same anime pirate boat here to enjoy some holiday time. Just try your best and have fun!
I didn't receive my response email?
Ah, the automated emails have a daily limit, sorry. You can send me a message and I'll send you a copy manually. Thanks!
When and how will I get my Secret Santa assignment?
On or before 22 November, I will contact you via your tumblr blog. Please keep your askbox/ submit box open between 14 November 2019 and 23 November 2019.
If I can’t reach you on tumblr, I will use the email you provide in the application.
If you applied on time, but did not receive a giftee assignment, please contact me.
When should I send my gift to my Secret Santa?
Any time on or between 25 December 2019 and 31 December 2019.
Can I let my giftee know who I am?
Only once you post your gift. In other words, yes but not earlier than 25 December 2019.
Can I contact my giftee to clarify things about the gift?
Yes but you cannot reveal your identity before you post your gift (eg. use anon asks). If you can’t contact your giftee via tumblr, just do your best with the information you have.
What if my giftee doesn’t have anon asks on/ doesn’t respond?
If you can’t contact your giftee anonymously via tumblr, just do your best with the information you have. Most people wrote detailed applications, so this should be workable.
If giftees are feeling up to it, consider keeping anon asks open for the duration of this event so santas can make clarifications if they need to. It might mean that the gift turns out more to your personal taste.
Can the mods contact my giftee to ask things for me?
We’d love to but we can’t afford to take on the extra workload of being the go-between for everyone’s giftee questions.
You will get your giftee’s tumblr URL. Feel free to check out your giftee’s tumblr and see if they accept anon asks. Please respect their personal rules on interacting if you send asks.
Oops! Something has come up and I can’t participate!
If you have to drop out, please do it before 15 November 2019 if possible. I want to make sure every participant receives a gift.
If you have to drop out after 15 November 2019, please send me an ask. I will assign backup santas.
Please note that if you drop out or are deemed to have dropped out, you may or may not receive any gift.
Please note that if you don’t confirm participation by 27 November 2019, you are deemed to have dropped out.
Oh no, I missed the confirmation deadline (27 November 2019)! But I can confirm now though I’m late! Please please please will you still make sure I get a gift?
If you confirm late but before 15 December 2019, maybe, but at my discretion. If a replacement/ backup santa has already been assigned, likely no.
If you confirm on or after 15 December 2019, no. It’s up to luck whether you get one or not. May the odds be ever in your favour.
I don’t use tumblr much/ my tumblr is dead, but I will be contactable and post on tumblr for this event. Is that okay?
Yup! As long as you communicate and post according to the timelines, it’s okay.
How many mods are there?
Two. The older posts like this one use mostly “I”, since I started this event alone, but beacuse of the number of participants and the workload I got another person on board.
My art/ writing/ main is @codedredalert, and the second mod’s writing/ cursed/ main is @narramin.
Have you, the mods, ever run an event like this before?
Nope. I, Red, have participated in maybe two. Take that as you will.
Suggestions and advice from experienced people are welcome! I may not be able to use/ implement them in this event, but the learning is appreciated.
Are you, the mods, going to be participating as a giftee/ santa? I want a chance to get content from you/ give you things.
Awww thank you, that’s so sweet. Alas, I am just your humble mod. I’ll have my work cut out for me running the event and some major IRL things. Anyways, I'll be doing the matchups so I feel like I ought not to participate.
I’ll step in as a backup santa/ pinch hitter if necessary.
Since narramin leveled up from being a humble participant/ backup santa to moderator, she will be still participating, but due to her own request she won’t know her own santa. Needless to say, her santa will be randomised too. 
Will you read/ comment on all the gift works?
I would like to, but I don’t want to make promises unless I’m sure I can keep them. I,,,,, will try.
Currently, I’m considering reblogging with functional tags first and slowly going through to add the fun comment tags later. I think I could make that work.
I would be in a better position to talk about this after applications close and the matchups and drop-outs are finalised. Thanks for your understanding.
Is this event affiliated with _____?
Nope, it’s just us, alone, in this coffin-boat built from our own hubris.
I don’t like your bad jokes and your weird western pirate talk. Can you stop?
Does Zoro have a sense of direction?
The question I wanted to ask isn’t answered here?
Thank you so much for reading the questions before asking. Please feel free to send an ask to this blog or an email to [email protected] .
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silvertip-studio · 6 years ago
hi can u do a fic where theres a cute irish boy that works in a flower store and theres a rly hot muscular guy that works at a tattoo parlor with his sister next-door and they fall in love over mutual bonding over a certain flower (i like bell flowers)
Ok, this is actually Stryker bc she’s been bugging the hell out of me to finally post some of my OCs. So, here’s a random one-shot that I had written of two of my characters!!! Enjoy :)
Flowers made Ruairi happy. They were Mother Nature’s gift to the world, and were able to bring joy and life in even the darkest of places. Not only that, but there were millions of different variations of them, just like there were millions of different variations of people. It was the perfect system. His shop was brightly lit with large glass windows, and different flowers were scattered across the store. While it would appear disorganized to an outsider, he knew where every plant was and had clearly signed it so that shoppers could find what they were looking for.
Right next door to Ruairi’s shop was a very different store. It was a tattoo parlor. It had clean lines, and was perfectly organized. There was a station where two large, leather bound books of tattoo designs were clearly labeled, the walls had tattoo designs hung in cleanly cut, black frames, and there were tattoo chairs in the back or private rooms along the back wall. It was pristine, and Ruairi couldn’t help but say that he admired the organization every time he walked by to get to his car.
Of course, he had never gone in. No, he had no reason to go into a tattoo parlor, even if he admired the owners organization and the general aesthetic of the store. In fact, he had no idea who even owned the parlor, only that there was a super cute, or could he classify him as hot, tattoo artist that worked there everyday.
Ruairi was daydreaming about the brown haired, broad, muscular, blue eyed tattoo artist when his doorbell jingled, signaling the entrance of a customer. When he looked up he smiled brightly at the panicked looking man before him. He was in a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt, his black hair was messy and unbrushed, and his green eyes were wide with fear.
“Hi, how can I help you today?” Ruairi grinned, glad that he never had to worry about getting flowers for a significant other since he owned the store, and since he didn’t have a boyfriend. However, he did sympathize with all of the poor souls who had come to his store in panic over the years.
“Uh, yeah, it’s my girlfriend’s birthday and her present isn’t coming for another two days, so I need something to give her!”
“Ok, does she like flowers? A specific type of flower, maybe?”
“No, not really. When we first started dating I got her flowers and she gave them to her mother.” The man sighed, running a hand through his already messy hair.
“So, then why do you think getting her flowers is a good idea?”
“I don’t know. I’m desperate.” he ran a hand down his face. “She’s going to get home from work in a few hours, and I have nothing.”
“Lemme see what I can do.” Ruairi offered, then began wandering through the packed aisles of flowers. He scanned them, hoping to hear the customer that was trailing him make a noise of triumph when he saw one that his girlfriend might like. When he had walked the majority of his store with only one bouquet even slightly catching the customer’s eye, he turned to the man with a sigh. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I have for someone who doesn’t like flowers.”
“Fuck.” his hands found residence in his hair and pulled. Ruairi watched helplessly as the man all but sank to his knees.
“Does she like tattoos? ‘Cause, there’s a parlor right next door.”
“I mean, yeah, but that’s her brother’s…and she works there. I can’t exactly go get a gift card for her when she already gets the family and employee discount.” he sighed.
“Have you asked her brother what kind of flowers she likes?”
“No, but I’m gonna now.” he turned and left the store without another word. Ruairi shook his head and laughed. It was always crazy watching what people did out of desperation. He was returning to his little counter when he heard his doorbell jingle again. When he turned, the breath was nearly knocked out of him. Beside the black haired man was the tattoo artist that Ruairi had been fawning over for the past year.
“Fuck,” he breathed, “I-I mean hi.” Ruairi raised his hand in a half wave and felt a hot blush rise on his pale, freckled cheeks.
“Hey,” the artist smiled, glancing over at his friend hesitantly before continuing, “I’m Ryan.”
“Oh, I’m Ruairi.” he stepped forward and extended his hand to Ryan, praying that his hands weren’t sweaty. Ryan’s grip was strong, and Ruairi could see the veins of his muscular hands. It was then that Ruairi realized that the tattoo artist wasn’t wearing a sweater, or sweatshirt, or flannel which he usual wore in and out of the shop. No, he was in nothing but a tank top. A tank top that showed off the thickly corded muscles of his arms, back, and shoulders, as well as the tattoos that decorated his upper arms and shoulders. God, how had Ruairi not seen his upper body before?
“Um, yeah, so I’m Matt, by the way.”
Ruairi quickly pulled his hand back from Ryan’s, looking over to Matt who, damn him, was smirking at the two flushed men. “Yeah, so, Ryan, you’re Matt’s girlfriend’s brother, so you should know her favorite type of flower, right?” The red-headed florist scratched at the back of his neck.
“Oh, well, she’s never really been a flower person. No matter what my mother tried, Erin never quite got flower fever, or whatever. No, she always hung out with my dad and I.” Ryan chuckled, his eyes glazing over a bit as he thought back to his childhood alongside his sister.
Ruairi hated to interrupt his reminiscing, but he figured he couldn’t stay away from his shop too long, so he pushed on, “Well, do you wanna walk around with me, and maybe see if I have anything that could possibly fit the bill?”
Ryan nodded, and the two began wandering the store, Matt trailing behind them. Occasionally, Ryan would point out a bouquet with a smile, but most of the time it was about a tattoo he had done and not about Erin. Despite these anecdotes being useless, Ruairi smiled at the brown haired man. It was interesting to learn about how their, oh so different, professions overlapped.
Ruairi was about to lose hope in their mission, when something seemed to catch Ryan’s eye. When he looked at the bouquet that Ryan was reaching for, he was pleased to see that the man had chosen his favorite flowers. So, he took the bellflowers from him, ignoring the way his heart fluttered when his fingers brushed Ryan’s. He quickly rung up and wrapped the flowers, handing them off to Matt with a smile. Then, he turned to Ryan, “So, why bellflowers?”
“Oh, my dad used to always buy them for our mom, and so they were always around the house. I’m hoping they’ll remind her of Dad the same way they remind me of him.” Ryan shrugged, looking at the purple flowers with a fond expression.
“Here, why don’t I throw in an extra bouquet for you? On the house.” Ruairi wasn’t sure where the idea had come from, but it felt like the right thing to say. He definitely knew it was the right thing to say when Ryan’s face lit up with a smile and color flooded his freckled cheeks.
“I couldn’t.” he waved the offer away.
“I insist.” Ruairi was already running off to get the bellflowers, returning through the crowded store to find Matt whispering in Ryan’s ear and laughing. He had to hold back his chuckle when Ryan slapped the taller man on the arm and hissed something back, which only made Matt laugh harder. “Here you go.” Ruairi quickly wrapped the flowers and held them out towards Ryan.
“Ok, but you’ve got a free tattoo whenever you want.”
“One bouquet of flowers is hardly worth the same as a tattoo!” Ruairi protested.
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to keep giving me flowers.” Ryan smiled, then dismissed himself. After all, he couldn’t leave his shop unattended for longer than he already had.
After that, it became typical to find Ryan stopping in at Ruairi’s flower shop to pick up a bouquet of bellflowers and talk for far too long. Each bouquet was proudly displayed on the front desk of his parlor for all to see, not that Ruairi knew since he never visited the tattoo parlor. At least he never visited until one day he barged in with a grand idea.
“I’m gonna take you up on that tattoo!”
Ryan’s head popped up from where he had been studying a drawing a client had sent him. He looked at Ruairi, stunned for a second, before a grin spread across his face. “Finally. What do you want to get?”
“Ok, first lemme explain, ‘cause you’re gonna think it’s weird.” Ruairi said. “They’ve been my favorite flowers for years, and it’s just coincidental that it—“
“What flower is it, Ruairi?”
“Bellflowers.” Ruairi said, flushing red, “They’ve been my favorite flowers since I was little because my favorite color was purple and I thought they looked like bells. I mean of course they look like bells, they’re bell-flowers.” the red-head spoke so fast that Ryan had to strain to keep up, only managing it because of his years listening to Erin speak impossibly fast. Although, the lingering Irish accent put a strain on even Ryan’s skilled ears.
“Hey, dude, it’s totally fine. First of all, I’m not going to judge you for liking flowers, for fucks sake you own a flower shop. Second of all, I noticed when I chose them for Erin that first day that you got really excited about them. So, I kinda already figured they were you favorite.” Ryan soothed, chuckling slightly at the dramatics of the Irish man.
“Oh, ok cool.”
“Also, we can be tattoo buddies!” Ryan laughed, leaving Ruairi to stare at him in confusion. Of course, Ryan picked up on this confusion and explained, “Look, I have a bellflower tattoo too.” He turned his head and moved some of his messy hair out of the way to reveal a small bellflower tattoo right behind his right ear.
Ruairi blushed, staring at the tattoo with a slack jaw. How had he never noticed the tattoo during any of Ryan’s many visits to the flower shop? “I don’t know. Isn’t that weird?”
“Nah, people have matching tattoos by accident all the time. So, what’s the difference?” Ryan waved him off, already standing from the desk and walking over to the leather-bound tattoo design books. “C’mon, I have a few bellflower designs in here from when I got this. Plus my sister, Erin, has one too, so there are a lot of different versions in here from our brainstorming sessions. Trust me, she just couldn’t quite ‘vibe’ with one.”
As he said this, a girl appeared from the back room. Her shoulder length brown hair was braided back, and she was wearing a barely buttoned red flannel and ripped skinny jeans, and her ears were decorated with glinting piercings. “Are you slandering me?”
“What!? Of course not.”
“I totally believe you.” she threw the towel she was holding at his head. Ryan caught it and glowered at her. Watching the sibling’s squabble reminded Ruairi of his sister, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the fond memories.
“What?” Ryan turned back to him.
“Nothing, you two just remind me of my sister and me.”
“Ah, so you know my struggle as well!” Ryan laughed, throwing the towel back at his sister.
“Struggle my ass!” Erin tossed the towel onto the desk, before joining them at the design books, “Since my loser big bro isn’t going to introduce me, I’m Erin,” she stuck her hand out for him to shake, and he couldn’t help but notice the vast array of rings decorating her fingers. He shook it, noting that she also had a firm grip.
“Ah, flower shop dude, nice.”
“You know me?”
“Of course I know the guy who saved my boyfriend’s dumb ass.” Erin laughed, “Plus Ryan hasn’t—” she was cut off when Ryan jumped up and covered her mouth with his hand. The rest of her words were muffled into his hands. Ruairi looked between the siblings in confusion, positive that he was missing some key part of the conversation. When Ryan removed his hand from Erin’s mouth he hoped to be enlightened, but he was almost cast further into the darkness. “Fuck, ok. So, sensitive.” she poked her brother in the ribs with a teasing smile.
“What?” Ruairi finally asked.
“Oh, nothing, just that I of course know the guy who keeps giving my brother his favorite flowers!” Erin waved her hand at the bellflowers on the desk. Up until that point Ruairi hadn’t noticed the familiar flowers, and when he turned to see them proudly displayed, he gaped. He had never expected Ryan to actually put the flowers anywhere in his store, let alone front and center.
Ryan smacked his sister in the arm, but then turned to Ruairi with a smile. “I mean I told you they’re my favorite flower, and they give the shop a bit of color, so, yeah.” he said, turning away from the florist and scratching the back of his neck. When he turned back he said, “Anyway, let’s get back to your tattoo.”
“Ooh, he’s getting a tattoo?”
“Yeah, Erin, that’s why he’s here. What else would he be doing?”
“Well, he could’ve been visiting his—"
“Don’t you have a client to talk through tattoo care?” Ryan cut her off as he flushed red.  Erin shrugged, but retreated back to the private room nonetheless. Both men stared after Erin, too scared to look back at each other considering the implications of Erin’s comments.
Finally, Ryan broke the silence. “So, bellflower designs. Of course, I’ve got my favorite design behind my ear, but my second favorite, is this one.” he flipped open one of the heavy books to a page that was covered in various pictures of bellflowers. For a second, he scanned the page, then pointed to one of them. It was two bellflowers with their stems overlapping and twisting together to form a heart. “I mean, we can change what the stems do if you want, but yeah.”
“No, no, I love it.”
“Ok, cool.” Ryan noted the design’s number in a notebook, “When do you want to get it done?”
“Oh, um, when are you free?”
“I could do it tomorrow evening, after closing, that way you don’t have to close early.”
“You-You’d do that for me?”
“Yeah of course,” Ryan hesitated, “you’re my friend.”
Ruairi didn’t quite know why, but his spirits drooped a little. However, when Ryan smiled at him, he felt them lift again.
“One, final, but really important question.”
“Where do you want it?” Ryan laughed when Ruairi’s mouth fell open. The florist hadn’t thought about that. So, he made a split second decision, and tried his best to pass it off as having been planned.
“On the inside of my forearm, I’m not totally sure which one though,” Ruairi extended his arms and turned them over so that he was baring the area to Ryan. He watched as Ryan shifted into artist mode, studying each arm and then thinking.
“I think I’d go with left arm.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Once they had discussed some of the details of Ruairi getting his first tattoo, Ruairi returned to his flower shop. However, he found it ridiculously hard to focus on caring for both his plants and his customers, instead daydreaming about the man who was going to give him his first tattoo tomorrow.
Ruairi closed down the flower shop in a hurry. He’d spent the whole day in excited anticipation of the evening. When he walked into the tattoo parlor, he was grinning so hard that his cheeks were aching. However, the tattoo artist was nowhere in sight. “Ryan?” It took a few seconds, but Ryan suddenly emerged from a back room that Ruairi had never realized was there.
“Ah! My favorite client!” Ryan smiled brightly at the Irishman, and waved him over to one of the chairs in the back of the shop. It was already set up for Ryan to give him the tattoo. Ruairi seated himself in the chair and discarded his sweater so that he was in nothing but his t-shirt, arm resting on the armrest.  Ryan cleaned off the inside of his forearm with disinfectant. “You ready?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Good to hear.” Ryan brought the needle to Ruairi’s skin and started the long, painful process. Immediately, Ruairi had to grit his teeth against the searing pain lacing through his arm. When he glanced up at Ryan’s face he was immediately comforted. His tongue was sticking through his teeth and his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. Ruairi couldn’t help but find it endearing. “We can talk if that makes it easier. A lot of people like to talk.”
“Ok, yeah.” Ruairi agreed. However, what he didn’t expect was for them to end up playing twenty questions. He didn’t expect to learn that Ryan’s first kiss was a boy named Alex in freshman year of high school, nor did he expect to tell Ryan that his first kiss was with a boy named Derek in his sophomore year of high school.
When Ryan finished the tattoo, Ruairi still had one question that he was dying to ask. So, once Ryan walked him through taking care of the fresh tattoo, he asked. “Can I see your tattoos?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth he wished he could take them back.  
“Yeah, sure.” Ryan said with a smile, and Ruairi was immediately comforted. “Can I ask why?”
“Oh,” Ruairi blanched, “I don’t know, I was just curious. Just, I don’t know, I’ve never really seen them all and I’m…I don’t know.”
“Whoa, hey, don’t worry, I totally get it. When I got my first tattoo I was super curious about other people’s tattoos too.” Ryan gave him a reassuring smile then pulled his t-shirt over his head. Now, Ruairi could see so much more of Ryan than he had been able to see when he wore the tank top, and Ruairi knew he’d made a mistake in asking. Especially as he stared at the wolf head on Ryan’s left shoulder, then the mountain range on his back, and then the three patterned bands circling his right bicep.
“You like?” Ryan looked over his shoulder at Ruairi, who was still staring at his tattoos. He smiled, proud to see the awestruck look on Ruairi’s face. When Ruairi saw Ryan smiling at him he nodded, bottom lip caught between his teeth. “Do you want to see some of my other ones?”
“You have more?”
“Hell yeah.” Ryan laughed, turning to face Ruairi and lifting up his left arm to reveal four hearts forming a four leaf clover on his ribs. Then, he lowered his arm and turned it over to reveal a tree that appeared to grow from the inside of his wrist up his forearm. Ruairi couldn’t hold back any longer and reached out his hand, lightly touching the tree. His fingers traced up the trunk and then the branches of the tree. He realized what he was doing and was about to pull his hand away when he felt Ryan’s fingers wrap around his wrist.
“I-I’m sorry, I got distracted and—“
“No, no, it’s perfectly ok, Ruairi,” Ryan whispered, keeping Ruairi’s fingers pressed to his tattoo. Ruairi instinctually stepped closer, head still bent down to look at where his fingers were tracing the tattoo. Suddenly, Ryan’s hand was no longer holding his wrist, but tilting his head up to look at him. Then, Ryan’s lips were pressed to his and Ryan’s hand was in his hair, pulling Ruairi down into the kiss. Ryan pulled away from him, eyes still closed and breaths coming in pants. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.“
“No, Ryan, I’m—it’s…fuck it,” Ruairi surged forward, one hand on Ryan’s cheek as he bent back down to kiss the tattoo artist. His other hand moved up Ryan’s arm to his bare back, pulling him flush against his chest and deepening the kiss. With the reassurance that Ruairi shared his feelings, Ryan pushed Ruairi against the wall of the parlor. Ryan’s hands shifted from Ruairi’s hair to his shoulders, holding him against the wall as his mouth shifted to Ruairi’s jaw, then neck. “Mm, Ryan, fuck,” his hand had moved into Ryan’s hair and he tugged on the strands when Ryan nipped at the sensitive skin of his pulse point, “Not here.”
Ryan finally pulled away from Ruairi just enough to speak, “What?” he asked, resting his head against Ruairi’s collarbone and nuzzling his nose against the base of Ruairi’s throat.
“Come over to my place. We can have dinner, and continue this more comfortably.” Ruairi breathed, pressing a gentle kiss to Ryan’s cheek and trailing his hand down to rest loosely against the side of Ryan’s neck. After a few seconds, Ryan nodded.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Ryan pulled away, then went up on his tiptoes to place a quick, chaste kiss on Ruairi’s lips. Then, he grabbed Ruairi’s hand and dragged him out of the tattoo parlor to Ruairi’s waiting car.
“Somebody got laid!” Erin sung leaning over the front desk of the parlor as Ryan walked in, fifteen minutes late.
“What are you talking about?” Ryan scowled at her.
“Oh, c’mon, you guys weren’t even subtle.” Erin came around to the front of the desk, standing in her brother’s path, “The shirt you forgot in the heat of the moment,” she held up the shirt he had abandoned the night before, “And, oh, what’s this?” she pushed the hood of what she guessed was Ruairi’s sweatshirt off of his head, “Hickeys! You and Ruairi sure had a fun night.”
“Shut the fuck up, Erin.”
“Seriously? Ryan, if you’re going to have a make-out session in the shop at least have the decency to own up to it, or delete the security footage!” she cackled, dancing away from his attempt to smack her.
“Shut up, it’s none of your business.” Ryan grumbled. At that moment Ruairi walked into the parlor, a fresh bouquet of bellflowers in his hand. Erin hid a smirk behind her hand as Ruairi came up behind Ryan, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I got you fresh flowers, love.”
Ryan blushed, shooting a glare at Erin before turning to face his new boyfriend. “Thanks, babe.” he took the flowers and swapped them out for the old ones that had still been in the vase. When he turned back around, he found that Erin had approached Ruairi.
“So,” Erin started, and Ryan dreaded whatever she was about to ask, “can I see the tattoo?” Ryan sighed with relief and Erin was already looking excitedly at the part of Ruairi’s arm that was covered in a bandage.
“Oh, yeah. Ryan did an amazing job!” Ruairi grinned, peeling away the bandage to expose the fresh looking tattoo to Erin. She smiled, taking in every aspect of the tattoo, from the intricate petals all the way to the heart that the stems formed.
“I love it! And look, we’re tattoo buddies!” She pulled off her purple flannel to show him the ring of bellflowers that circled her bicep. Ruairi noted that, like her brother, she was cut. Erin also had tattoos decorating her arms and shoulders, and he saw the edge of a tattoo peeking out from the back of her racerback. “Ryan, you’re the odd one out!”
“What? But he has a bellflower tattoo too.” Ruairi protested.
“Yeah, but not one on his arm like us!”
“Wow, if it means so much to you, Erin, I can get one on my arm.” Ryan sighed, leaning back against the front desk. “Where would you like me to get it?”
“Ooh, you’re letting me do this!” Erin was shocked, but she quickly transitioned into smiling with glee at her brother, “Sit down! I’m doing this now.”
“Erin, what about actual clients?”
“We don’t have any appointments for a couple of hours!” she argued, “Don’t worry, Ryan, it’s gonna be great!” Erin tugged on his arm, attempting to drag him back to one of the chairs. He resisted, raising his eyebrows at her.
“I think I’ll leave you two to it.” Ruairi began to back away towards the exit, “I have to actually open up my own shop.” he smiled and gave them a half wave.
“Wait!” Ryan broke away from Erin and raced after Ruairi, grabbing his hand and pulling him into his chest. He pressed a quick kiss to Ruairi’s lips, then mumbled against them, “Have lunch with me?”
“Of course.” Ruairi smiled, gave Ryan one last kiss, then left the parlor.
“I ship it.” Erin cooed as soon as the door shut behind Ruairi.
“Fuck off.”
9 notes · View notes
clove-teasdale · 7 years ago
holmes & watson at the ball
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
A/N: challenge #4! I asked for two more days cause I had a lot of things this week (IM OFFICIALLY 18 YALL. FIRST FIC FINISHED AS A TECHNICAL ADULT(?)) Anyhow. Here is the fic. I was still pretty busy today so this might suck but thERE IS PROGRESS SO. have fun reading and forgive any weird writing or typos. Ft. detective crooks ™, one of my guard ocs cause I always bring one up lol & nate. Thanks @brooks-schreave @nathaniel-schreave @eloiseduval for the rps that couldn’t all be included so this wasn’t a monster fic. around 3,2k words
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
“Your drink, Lady,” Rogers said, offering me a glass with a half bow as a joke. I snorted, but accepted it, taking a sip of the mysterious orange-tinged drink and tasting the alcohol.
“Well, Officer Rogers,” I stated dramatically, ready to tease him. “I doubt your commanding officer will approve of you giving alcohol to a Selected.”
He gave me a fake glare. “You said to surprise you. I just complied with a cocktail. Besides, it’s not like you’re not old enough.” His amused grin disappeared when I raised both eyebrows, silently asking, ‘am I though?’ He took the drink from my hand and set it on the silver platter of a passing servant. “Never mind.”
I laughed and stole his drink instead. His was just cider, which is what I would’ve asked for if it weren’t for my curiosity of what he would bring otherwise. “I see you like to keep it clean.”
He nodded, gladly taking my comment as a compliment and glancing at the ballroom. “I’m technically still on duty.”
“Fair point.”
I watched the beautifully decored ballroom too, in the midst of couples, spotting Eloise now done with Officer Barnes and dancing with Brooks. The prince looked different in his suit. A good different as he laughed at something our shared friend had told him. The brat kinda had a nice laugh… but anyway, that left my options to be, hanging around Rogers, chatting it up with another Selected or finding someone else to dance with.
I knew at some point of the night I would end up dancing with Brooks since we’d agreed to do so when our lead arrived, but that wouldn’t happen at the moment. Eventually, I was certain Rogers would be asked by another young Lady to dance with him. With no doubt, his good looks would help him. That meant I needed to figure out what I’d do next. My goal of making at least one friend so far had been accomplished with Eloise, but I had yet to establish any meaningful conversations with anyone else.
I was planning on it. Really, I was. But I was always too busy with research on the journal–or actually, any excuse I could come up with. After the success of Marshall’s birthday party, I considered her to be a good prospect though. For a moment, I thought I could try talking with her tonight. Even someone else for the sake of trying.
Many of the girls seemed to be getting a bit too excited about the variety of beverages available, however, and I did not do well with drunk people. While searching for sober familiar faces, I found the one prince we were all supposed to be there for. Finally free to talk.
“Go ahead,” Rogers teased when he noticed where my glance was.
I rolled my eyes, but handed him the glass back, telling him to shut up and walking over to Nate. Tapping his shoulder, I said, “Hello there,” and he turned around.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Quite free to dance at the moment.”
“Well so am I, would you care to dance?” He held out his hand for me to take.
“My, how unexpected of you Nate. It would be a pleasure.”
“Hello, dear Nathaniel.”
Brooks. A mischievous smile on his face and a confused Eloise on his hand as he approached me and Nate mid-dance. Stealing my hand from Nate’s, he changed my place with Eloise and told them to have fun. With no further explanation, he dragged me away.
That wasn’t how I’d expected him to ask me to dance. Not now. Once I’d offered Eloise and Nate a polite smile, I gave him a deadpan look. “Was there no better moment for this?”
“Nope. See that guy?” He gestured towards a group of men that were clearly advisers. His hand was on my waist and my own on his shoulder as we easily slipped into our waltz. “That’s William Holt, father of the advisor John Holt, and one of the names mentioned in the journal.”
I spared them a glance as casually as possible. W.H. “Our mystery initials from the notes?”
“Yes, dear, our mystery initials.” I did my best not to roll eyes at the grin accompanying his joking ‘dear’ and let him continue. “I spoke a bit to some advisors, and I think he’s here on business. There’s been some talk of someone stealing books from the restricted section of the library.”
I raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “My, my… is that so? No wonder I never saw that journal while I was there. I had no access.”
A smirk of his own spread across his face as he whispered, “Neither did I. But tell me, why are they so fascinated that book is gone?”
“Guess we’re on the right track.”
“I have a plan. I’ve noticed key advisors have been flocking around him deep in some random conversation. If we stay close, we may find something.”
“Lead the way…Highness.”
Dancing us towards the men, I could see the same excitement coming off him as I’d seen the day before when I told him about the ink. It was kinda cute to see that childlike enthusiasm. “Be very quiet and listen.”
Once we were at the required distance to do so, I acted as if nothing was more important than our dancing, in reality, eavesdrop alongside Brooks on what the group was saying. They were too immersed in conversation to care about us or the other couples nearby. Nobody was supposed to be interested in their conversation anyway.
William Holt was older than my father but still managed to look decent. His son, John, did not share his silver hair yet but had the same cheekbones and bushy eyebrows.
“I figured this would happen. It’s a bit soon though,” William complained to the others. None appeared too concerned except John, however.
“Aren’t you worried who has it?”
William took a drink. “My bet is Levi.”
I exchanged looks with Brooks at the mention of a name.
“After all these years? He’s ancient by now.”
“He was always a resourceful one.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“Last I checked, Harrison still lives downtown. He throws some annual New Year’s Eve party. We’ll check him out after that. We wouldn’t want to draw suspicion.” William finished his drink after that as his son and the rest of the advisers nodded in agreement.
I mouthed, ‘journal?’ to Brooks and he danced us away to talk.
“We’ve gotta find that Levi guy.”
“Can we be sure he’s our guy?” I wondered. “I mean, he’s definitely related to the whole ordeal, but he might not be the writer of the annotations.”
“Regardless, it’s a lead. He may know who wrote them.”
His hand played with the fabric on the back of my dress as he spoke. I did my best to ignore it, unsure he was even aware he was doing it. Why I didn’t feel the need to mention it was also beyond me.
“Fair enough. We should check this guy out…But later.”
“You’re right,” he nodded, “We have to stay at the ball for a while longer. I’ll get in trouble if I leave.”
“Such a tragedy,” I said with an eye roll, but my sight drifted soon after to the advisers talking around the room. Dad hadn’t come and I pursed my lips, mumbling, “Strange…” at the realization. He hadn’t called me since his last visit, but I assumed he’d be here. He never missed events.
Before I could debate any possibilities in my head, Brooks spun me around. That earned him a laugh as he said, “Riveting.”
“What is?”
“This whole thing. I feel like I’m a part of the Scooby Gang.”
“A two-person gang?” I asked, amused.
As our investigation hit a pause, I found myself truthfully focused on dancing again, taking more deliberate strides as I watched my feet and smiled. All thanks to one name. I couldn’t help but feel excited. One step closer to the truth. “There’s always Holmes and Watson, you know? I’ll let you be my John.”
“John, really?” Brooks almost scoffed. “Dream on.”
“He’s very important too, don’t belittle the guy.”
“He’s the sidekick, Clove. I’m obviously the main attraction here.”
I let out a single laugh but noticed the small smile he gave me. “Don’t flatter yourself that much, Brooks. And stop insulting John! He had the heart of the team… well, depending on the adaptation.”
“If you prefer him so much, you can be him. I insist.”
I rolled my eyes and smiled smugly. “Need I remind you who of us managed to decipher that horrid writing and translate it?”
“Need I remind you of,” he twirled me again, “who started this in the first place?”
I feigned offense with a gasp, not missing a beat on my steps though. “I was doing my own research before you came along in case you weren’t aware.”
“But I definitely sped things up for you, didn’t I? Admit it. You needed me.”
“I had already admitted that… in my head, at least. From day one, that’s why I agreed to work with you. You needed my help as much as I needed yours. We wouldn’t have gotten far without each other.” I cleared my throat, noticing how my last sentence sounded and clarified, “Each other’s help, I mean.”
As I watched the way his lips parted to reveal a small smile, his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “I really do appreciate your help. I hope you know that.”
Unable to drift my gaze away, I smiled too, pleasantly surprised by the sincere tone of his voice–the honesty, lacking any hint of sarcasm this once. “Well, now I know…I’m glad to be included.” It was strange to feel shy at the admission, but I only averted my eyes for a second and then looked back up. “It seems my help on other matters served its purpose too.”
“What do you mean?”
“No stepping on feet so far…and I haven’t been spun into oblivion either,” I teased and he rolled his eyes.
“Don’t jinx me.”
I chuckled. “Just keep it up.”
The song slowed down even more as he pulled me closer, like when we’d whispered to each other during dancing practice. The difference was that this time, his hand also covered the back of mine and pulled it to rest against his chest. I wasn’t sure if I imagined his heartbeat or not.
“Only for you.” His voice was dramatic as if it were one of his many jokes. Nonetheless, it somehow felt like there was some truth behind the words.
Blinking up at him, I was unable to reply for a few seconds at the change of positions. My head kept making mental notes that seemed rather unnecessary, such as the warmth of his hand seeping into mine. The way my heart almost fluttered at the proximity of our faces. The smell of hazelnut on him. My lack of concern for how close we were to each other. It felt very different from yesterday’s practice.
I rolled eyes at his joking tone, but when meeting his gaze again, a lump formed in my throat. I hoped my freckles would hide my slight blush as I said, “Lucky me.”
A small laugh. “As a gentleman, I feel like I should compliment you.”
I chuckled softly too. “But as Brooks, you must mock me, I’m sure.”
“No.” He paused. “A gentleman would feel required to tell you how lovely you look, but Brooks… I would mean it.”
My heartbeat was definitely skyrocketing now and I wasn’t sure why or how to make it stop. He’s just being nice. I stared down at my dress, smiling. Hopefully, not too awkwardly. That was actually… really sweet of him to say.
“Is that so? Well, you look quite handsome yourself.” I kept the tone light and decided not to make a big deal out of it. “Not too bad…”
“The word you’re looking for is ‘dashing’.”
“How very humble of you.”
A while later, the song came to an end and he released my hand slowly. I kinda missed the feeling of it wrapped around mine. “Meet me at the door when I signal you. We can research the address of that guy. We don’t have a lot of time until New Year’s Eve.”
An hour or so later, when I’d danced with Barnes, some politicians and chatted up with Eloise about that new trinket around her neck upon her return to the ballroom, I saw Brooks near the exit, brushing a thumb over his nose. I returned the signal and made sure no one was watching before walking over.
Brooks pulled me out into the hallway.  “Sorry if I cut your evening short.”
“We have to figure this out anyway. It’s the best lead we’ve got.”
He nodded and led the way to another part of the palace forbidden for the Selected. Once there, he gestured for me to be silent and got a key from his pocket. I kept a lookout as he opened the door cautiously. I had to reprimand myself for suddenly agreeing on his Scooby gang comparison.
He let me walk in first and closed the door softly behind him. I decided to ask where he’d gotten that key at another moment and followed him as he swiftly made his way to the single computer in the room. Technology had been making a comeback amongst some crowds in the past years but was still pretty rare.
Despite that, Brooks didn’t seem to have a problem browsing the computer. “This is where they keep the online files of addresses, birthdates, castes, stuff like that. All we have to do is look at past advisors and search for a Harrison Levi.”
My finger traced the top of the old equipment as I took a glance at the other file cabinets and bookshelves in the room. “In how much trouble would we be if we were caught here?”
“Lots and lots.” He glanced up from his typing quickly and asked, “Why?”
I focused on the different folders he was opening on the screen. “Aren’t you concerned?”
“I’ve spent my entire life being nervous about things. I’m past the point of nerves now.” The relentless sound of clicking echoed in the room as he continued. “Here’s the page. We just need to let it load now, which could take…” he squinted at the screen, “a while.”
“Just because I’ve avoided being caught before doesn’t stop me from being nervous, sadly. Especially because this is so much worse than just being out after curfew. I don’t entirely mind the adrenaline, simply want to know how much I’m risking here.”
He replied nothing at first and began humming instead. I couldn’t stop the memory of our duet from crossing my mind.
And all I’ve seen since eighteen hours ago is blue eyes and freckles and your smile… Spinning around in his swivel chair, he faced me, a hint of uncertainty in his features. “I really am sorry to have pulled you away from the Ball.”
I tried to wave away his insecurity. “It’s fine. I had already danced enough and made my presence.” Moving the edges of my skirt, I made the fabric dance around my legs and added with a shrug, “And I got to wear a pretty dress so…”
“You’re not upset I pulled you away from Nate? I know it’s hard to get time with him.”
“He’s a busy guy, but what we got was good. He has a lot of other girls to worry about more than me.” I thought about our conversation during the ball again. I did feel good around Nate, but not like there was something yet. I even brought up the word ‘friend’ without a care in the world. “I‘m pretty sure what we have will always be a friendship and that’s okay.”
Brooks lifted both eyebrows. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, that’s what it feels like… I like him, but not in that way, you know? Some others already seem to have feelings for him and as much as I care for him it’s not… romantic. I came here knowing love had a very slim chance of striking, so I’m not that disappointed I guess,” I spared him a glance, “Why so surprised?”
He repressed a smile and turned back to the computer. “I’ve always shown an interest in your love life, haven’t I? I’m nosy like that.”
I clicked my tongue and narrowed my eyes at him. Smiling was unavoidable though. “You’re still horrible.” Leaning forward to take a closer look at the screen, I asked if there was a match yet. The computer seemed to continue running over a million old archives, however.
From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw him spare me a glance, like my proximity made him nervous, but the screen finally loaded and stole my attention away. The profile picture of a man in his early thirties had popped up along other windows behind it. The photo was not recent, of course. It had to be from the days this man worked as part of the royal cabinet. Ginger hair and lively green eyes had once gazed upon a camera for that picture.
“It’s a match, holy shoot, it’s a match!”
Leaning even closer to the screen and reaching for the mouse over Brooks, I held back the euphoria bubbling in my stomach, clicking on the other windows to see more information. His files confirmed his years working with the royal family as an adviser. His early resignation did not go unnoticed, but a few clicks later I found what I was searching for.
In a handful of documents, one of them contained his signature. My eyes widen as I read aloud, “Harrison Levi… It’s the same handwriting.” A grin slowly took over my face, “the strokes and loops, the way he strings the letters together.” I turned to Brooks with a wide smile. “It’s him. He wrote the annotations.”
He didn’t move for an instant as if he’d been watching me from the moment I opened my mouth with some sort of fascination. The second passed by fast and he stood up. “Do you know what this means? Clove, we have his address. We can find this guy!”
Running a hand through my hair, I looked back at Brooks, beaming with excitement. “We found him…He’s alive and we know where he lives.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “We even have a party to crash!”
He ran a hand through his hair as well, full of disbelief, in the frenzy of our eureka moment, picking me up, hands on my waist as he swung me around in a thrill. All I could do was chuckle with the same happiness and anticipation. A sense of butterflies in my stomach I finally understood.
Nothing could’ve prepared me for what happened right after, however.
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messymagician · 5 years ago
The Devil’s due
Sarah (Arcana OC) X Julian (Arcana) Follows the main plot story, with changes. 2.5k words. ________________________________________________________________
Chapter 3 : Theatrics.
It's barely any time at all before their meandering stroll leads the troublesome duo to their destination. A small spark lights in Julian's eyes; a beaten up and scruffy looking shop sitting quietly beside the street. It feels old and weather-worn, the windowless walls already carry a small air is mysterious security. Sarah mused quietly to herself, intrigued by why a 'teahouse' would be so closed up. Though she had suspicions that this wasn't really the type of place Julian's prior description would actually be.
What once might have been a gorgeous display of fresco style art was now worn and dilapidated. The paint strokes having cracks following thin lines and heavy discoloration of their 'romantic' scenery. "So it is still standing." He barks almost triumphantly, making Sarah giggle silently in her head. "I used to come here all the time, back in the day. It was an irresistible spot." His looming figure leaning just a little closer over her hadn't gone unnoticed. "High ceilings, great ambience… little booths, tucked away~" The innovation to his words made her shrink; desperately resisting the urge to turn beetroot red by staring ahead at the building in fascination. "And underground. You could lounge around for hours, just talking. And we, ahh, I've been meaning to say, we do… we do need to talk"
Do they really? Haven't they been trying to talk all morning? Not that Sarah has had much of a say the entire day so far, including this morning when they had left the house. And 'Just talking.' Why did she doubt that? An enclosed space likely containing some form of purchasable liquor was bound to rile some folks up and attract the secretive sort. Though, just thinking about it, that does sound awfully Julian… a renewed sense of danger tingled across her shoulders but it wasn't a frightening flight or fight response. Eagerness, perhaps? A willingness to adventure let's say.
He pushes lightly on the wall and it creaks angrily open. Not sounding rusted or underused despite the aged appearance it held, no dust flying from its hinges. Julian ducked under a low wooden beam while Sarah merely needed to briefly raise a hand to make sure she didn't catch her hair on any rough edges. She squints in the dark staircase, eyeing Julian's gloves as he tries to pry open a stubborn-looking iron door. Eventually managing to get it to budge aside before putting a palm on Sarah's shoulder and leading her in. "After you, my dear."
The atmosphere is immediate and undeniable. While it's very dim it isn't badly lit. Lanterns hang from old ropes here and there while all around them drape loose moth bitten cloths. Alongside them, the ceiling sports long dropping fabrics of bold complicated patterning and design. There's a heavy air fighting between smelling comforting and smelling boozy. The actual walk space is narrow, Sarah's hands instinctively appearing up at her chest in anxious support. All around them sit strange and unique looking artifacts and random piles of what might seem like junk to someone who didn't know better.
Julian, pushing her ahead slowly, regularly stops her in her tracks to check around an upcoming corner. Each time he leans over her head She catches herself looking up at his chin, trying to figure out what in particular he's looking for… 
It eventually hits, lighting a little bulb in her head. There are voices in here… as much as she tries to see the confined spaces and thin walkway make it impossible to tell where anyone is; though she's absolutely certain the place has other people in it. Julian's eye wanders from searching, down to Sarah's sweet if a little aimless look of confusion. "Well… this is all very unlike the way I remember it-" he assures quietly, not that she quite believes him. This place has his name all over it, from the awkward spacing to the dark but cozy atmosphere. "The place must have gone under… that's a shame." He sighs, heavily, a nostalgic look in his single lantern-lit eye. "They used to serve this smoky tea that I haven't been able to find since."
He sounds disappointed… yet keeps leading them further into the fray. More interesting items passing by as she finally takes note of a few to try and identify their use or origins. A big metal moon, clearly hammered together roughly, with a wise and timeless smile. Large swaths of fabrics laid haphazardly over a very high-backed chair. Many weapons, mostly a cluster of shiny tipped spears and a few open chests of assorted trinkets like messy feathers and old worn brass bells. "It seems to be some kind of… oddities… antiques… artefacts? Emporium." He drones out before she could say the same. "How embarrassing… it's still cozy though."
A hand had drifted idly down to her hip, which she hadn't noticed until he pulled just a little, tugging her closer. The raised brow and wide smarmy grin he wore made her snort; quickly covering her mouth from the awful noise and pushing him back away with faked anger. He goes to do it again when something catches his eye, causing it to widen. "Now what have we here…" Sarah, tracking his line of sight, looks over to a large mirror. The glass old and dusty, it's surface speckled with mold. And perched atop it… is a doctor's mask. Much like the one she'd watched him relinquish the night before.
He snatches it from its place, almost as if to hide it, while her perceptiveness catches sight of boots coming from behind the mirror. They too vaguely resemble the high leathery boots Julian has on, causing her brow to furrow. "What's this? It's not really a medical mask, is it?" He fumbles curiously to himself while examining the long bird-like apparel. Tapping its beak, peering intrigued into its glassy eyes, before flipping it over to look inside. "We used to stuff the beak with-" 
"Herbs!" She finishes quickly, a sudden jolt wrestling with her shoulders. "R...roses and camphor…." Her voice is barely over a whisper but the initial outburst must have been of quite a surprise as Julian stares at her with a wide eye. "It's… not a real mask. The lining is too thin, and it wouldn't cover the face properly... Those eye holes are too ornamentally shaped-" her hands reach over to point out the flaws, leaving him speechless in their wake. Just staring at her for a moment before all the colour goes to her cheeks and snaps him out of it.
"Er- yes- you're quite right I… didn't expect you to know quite that much about…" He frowns down at the fake mask. Looking into its sightless gaze in silent contemplation before Sarah swiftly changes the subject, feeling her ears burn red.
"Can you hear that?" There's a brief pause, both straining to catch what she meant. "Voices…" Another silence...And then it finally catches up. She wasn't lying, there are for sure sounds coming from nearby. The previous conversation seemed to have derailed Julian's cautiousness; which was now back in full force. His whole body beneath the angular clothes that widen his frame goes unmistakably stiff. She was sure should his gloves have been off she'd see his knuckles grow white from the pressure they were gripping the mask with.
"Yes." He hissed back, a notch quieter than her inquiry, nodding just past a long drawn curtain. "Coming from…. Over there?"
The soft background buzz of idly chatter quickly cascades into a mournful wail. It gives both of them quite the start, but… something about it puts its sincerity to question. It was warbling and almost tuneful. Comically fake sounding and very over the top. "Sounds like somebody's faking it." He huffed, halfway between relieved and unnerved. Fixing the false mask securely over his face much to Sarah's surprise. As if out of habit, almost, completely auto-piloted. 
Curling a free hand around hers he slowly holds the other up to the beak of the mask as if gently shushing her. Pulling her along towards the sound of the cries taking care to not knock over empty bottles that littered the floor. Towards a distant heavy-looking pair of curtains. They were drawn tightly, only a small gap, widening from top to bottom. Dust particles danced excitedly at the sharp beam of light coming through from the other side. Peering through, the source of the hysterical wails, from beside a heavily torn cradle on the other side, was… an actor.
Sarah's shoulders dropped at once, a heavy but silenced exhale of relief parting her lips. Taking a second to collect herself before peeking back through. The man too wore a mask, though very different from Julian's. Porcelain and only half-covering with exaggerated streaks of mascara that were smudged from 'anguish.'
"Wait up in my room? On my birthday?!" He mourned, loudly, "What do you expect me to do all night in here? Clomp around in my hooves? Beg the busboy for table scraps?! If I can't disgust anyone doing it, what's the point?"
"Oh my god." Breathes Julian, trying to hide his sneering expression with an even bigger grin. "That's fantastic, it sounds just like him." Him? She looked again out at the 'distressed' man, pouring his heart into the role of an angry, vengeful, and pompous bastard. Was that supposed to be...
"Count Lucio?" She whispered, still unsure of that answer, as Julian leant a little further toward the curtain. This must be a theatre! She didn't even know Vesuvia had a theatre. Even without word of it around town, the seats appeared to be absolutely packed with an audience. Laughing along to the cheeky dramatization of their former count. It seems to be quite a popular thing in this part of town.
"Well I'm glad to see the arts are flourishing. A renaissance may have begun while I was away." He cheered before looking suddenly quite stricken. "But… if this is about Lucio on his birthday then…. You don't suppose this is a show about the murde-"
Much like the rest of today Julian's thoughts never come to completion as everything goes wrong at once. The audience's roaring laughter is just barely outshined by a heavy sandbag that lands with a THUD between them, the curtains starting to close. During that same second the speeding rope quickly catches around Julian's ankle, hoisting him effortlessly high into the air like a deer caught in a trap. Sarah's eyes squeeze shut at all the sudden movement but when she dares open them again quite the sight is ahead of her.
Julian. Suspended upside down on stage in front of a silent crowd absolutely frozen for at least a heartbeat. She can see the split second it takes for him to plan his next move before he thrashes wildly. Wriggling like a snake caught by a bird; something small and shiny flying from his boot. Something he just barely has time to catch, a knife. With a hard grunt of effort he swings up to fold in half, only just managing to grab the rope at his ankle and swipe wildly, severing it- Falling clean out of the sky with a hard 'whump'. Not onto the stage. But rather Count Lucio's lap, the both of them looking mighty caught out.
"....Doctor Devorak! Here to cure my boredom!" The actor for Lucio cheers after a tense pause, rolling with the occasion despite its unusual nature. The crowd adores it, exploding into shrieks of laughter and applause, while Julian appears visibly nervous. Sarah can see his throat bob uncomfortably with a hard swallow.
Unable to watch, knowing he'll be more than embarrassed, Sarah backtracks immediately. Only getting a turn away before pacing densely back and forth without thinking. Oh my god what the hell just happened. Oh no he's going to die of anxiety-she should have done something about it! What would she even do?! Feeling jittery and suddenly confined she flees for the exit. Retracing their steps mindlessly in a speedy trot. Managing to get free of the building and immediately press herself against the stone cold mural of the wall.
Why would there be a play about the murder!?
That's awful. A real murder not even a made up one… and worst of all nobody has a clear memory or story of the event! She begins to pace immediately once again. Debating whether to run further away with a growing bubbling guilt. Luckily only a few steps into the pacing… 
"Sarah, there you are. What a trip, I'm still one foot in the meta realm." Comes Julian's usual comedic attitude as he fumbles noisily out of the door. Clearly just a little disturbed by what happened. "Well… the good news is nobody seemed to think it was really me." He huffed, sliding some messy locks of hair out of his working eye. "Was the neighbourhood always this sceptical? Probably…"
Realising that even here, where he is comfortable enough to walk the streets, Julian is a wanted criminal Sarah's face goes pale and shaken. The sight makes his smile drop a little. "So that wasn't what I had in mind…. Let me try again." An exasperated sigh escapes her tired mouth before both of Julian's gloves take her hands and hold them steady. Looking forlornly down into her eye, obviously asking for yet another chance to go somewhere.
Her feet hurt and heart was still hammering unhappily, but she took a deep breath and squeezed his hands softly. "I'd like to head to the raven for a bite… If you'd be so forgiving as to join me?" Owwhhhh, her weakness. Being polite. She puts on a clear pout to let him know she's unhappy, one he responds to by looking fairly embarrassed. But…. She doesn't say no, instead rolling her eyes. "My treat, of course. And… after that-" His thumb brushed over the top of her knuckles, almost forcing her to melt on the spot. "A… nice walk down to the docks. How does that sound?"
"It sounds like you're buttering me up." She grumbles, though not aggressively, avoiding eye contact for a good minute. Perhaps it would be a good idea. a free dinner and…
The idea of heading home felt like something to avoid. The thought twisted her stomach. She'd only been around him a day and a half but already his chaotic aura had pulled her into so much… mischief. Besides the past few days nothing much had been quite as fun as today, even with the interruptions seeming annoying at the time on reflection they were enjoyable. "Alright… but I'm paying next time."
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