#This is probably ooc but oh well
k-a-s-e-y-1-4 · 7 months
Cole and Lloyd reflect on life:
So I got bored in class and decided to start writing something, this is post crystalized btw and openish ending as well:
————— “Do you ever get bored of the life we’re living now?” 
Cole looks up from his notebook, straight ahead of him Lloyd sits, gaze fixed out the window. It catches Cole off guard, he’d never been asked that question before and never thought it would come out of Lloyd’s mouth of all the people he thought would ask it. 
Cole looks back down, eyes fixed on a roughly drawn pose. “What do you mean ‘boring’? Pretty sure someone threatening to kill you doesn’t happen to your average plumber.” 
“Not that, Cole.” Lloyd lets out a sigh. Cole sees Lloyd shift positions out of the corner of his eye so he’s sitting criss cross. “But the way that we’ve been living in a loop.” 
“A loop?” 
“Yeah like after every major battle we get a break before we’re thrown out to fight again.” 
Cole looks up at Lloyd again. He hadn’t thought of it that way and in that sense, yes they had been living in a loop. A constant cycle of never ending fighting. After a while it does become boring and exhausting. 
“I guess but when we accepted being ninjas, I think we kind of agreed to that y’know?” 
Lloyd casts his glance down to Cole’s notebook. “Do you think it’ll ever stop?” 
That question catches him off guard. Cole didn’t have the answer to that or most of the questions Lloyd was asking. Truth be told Cole tried not to think about it too much, it was better to not think too much about all your missing. He found if he ended up thinking too much he fell into a loop himself, the last time he’d been in one had been years ago when he became a ghost. He shivers at the thought. 
Instead he gives Lloyd a light laugh and asks, “Where are these questions coming from? You don’t usually ask stuff like this.” 
Lloyd is quiet for a second. “I don’t know just been thinking. We’ve had a lot of free time lately I guess I’ve spent it thinking.” 
The words leave the room in uncomfortable silence. The ninja usually didn’t have free time it was either spent fighting evil or doing whatever you could before evil attacked again but now it’s been 7 months since the last attack and the biggest bad thing they’ve stopped was a bank robbery that threatened to blow the place up. The situation was handled and everyone was fine but it’s not like the police couldn’t handle it, the ninja were just bored. 
“I think it’s finally stopped Cole.” 
“What’s stopped?” 
“The fighting.” Lloyd looks up at him with an unreadable expression. “I think the overlord was it.” 
“Okay…” Cole closes his notebook, gently. “Are you upset about it?” 
Lloyd shifts position and lets out a frustrated sigh. “Yes, no, maybe? It’s just…what else is left for me?” 
The realization dawns on Cole, Lloyd’s been fighting crime half his life and that’s the good portion of it. He doesn’t know what life would be like without it. He doesn’t know where he’s supposed to go. 
“Hey, hey, we’re still going to be here just because we stop fighting crime doesn’t mean we can’t be together.” 
Lloyd looks at him, his eyes filled with tears ready to fall, his knees are pulled up to his chest. “No, you won’t. Every time we stop being ninja we have to get other jobs, we have to spilt up again.” 
 He’s not wrong. Every time the fighting stops long enough the ninja drift apart and as result have to get new jobs. However that was under the circumstances of a team mates death, first Zane and then Nya the team falls apart fast. Cole isn’t surprised Lloyd’s afraid those fall out weren’t pretty.
“It won’t be like that this time, Lloyd. Yes we might drift apart, we have to grow up a bit after every thing. I mean Jay and Nya are probably going to want to start a family eventually, when Kai lets them. Zane and PIXAL aren’t gonna want to stay in the monastery forever either. I mean while we’re at it Kai and I have thought about moving out when we’re older but we have time Lloyd. It’s not going to happen all at once and it’s not like we’re going to disappear off the face of Ninjago and never talk to you again. I won’t let it happen.” Cole places his hand comfortingly on Lloyd’s knee. “I promise.” 
“You pinky swear it?” 
Cole lets out a laugh, “Yes, I’ll even pinky swear it.” 
Lloyd gives Cole a small smile in return and lets out a small giggle, shaking his head. 
“I mean c’mon whenever you find that lucky girl or guy you’re not going to want us around in the monastery for that.”
“FSM, Cole!” 
Cole watches as Lloyd’s face flushes red and laughs with him. It’s been awhile since they had laughed like this, Cole can’t even remember the last time Lloyd and him hung out like this. 
“FSM, you’re so embarrassing.” 
“Hey, I’m just thinking long term here, it is going to happen eventually.” 
The laughter dies down and Cole sees Lloyd gaze drift down. 
“Hey, you will find someone Lloyd, I don’t know who but I’m sure you’ll find someone to match your nerd energy.” 
“Cole! What the hell stop bullying me!” 
Cole lets out a laugh with Lloyd, they both know it’s all in good spirit, the teasing, the taunting, that’s what the family does because at the end of the same they all love each other as siblings would. Well it’s really odd family but don’t look too much into. 
Cole opens up his arms for a hug and Lloyd flies in not missing a beat. Cole wraps his arms around him and Lloyd does the same. 
“Thanks Cole, you give the best hugs.” 
Cole smiles wide and hugs him tighter, “No problem Kiddo.” 
The sits in happy silence like that, the only sound being distance shouting of Jay in the background. 
“FSM, Lloyd when’s the last time you took a shower?!” 
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nekomiras · 7 months
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theres something so yuri about them
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moeblob · 5 days
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North and Simon: (shaking hands on killing Simon potentially)
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moldy-cheese-being · 1 year
Scollace (comic specifically) headcanon things bc i can
Oh kinda implied nsft in like onw sentence by the way lol
★ Scott is incredibly clingy. This mans love language is physical touch and it is VERY apparent. He cannot go two seconds without touching Wallace in some little way. Whether it be full on cuddling or just having their shoulders kinda touch, it is absolutely REQUIRED or Scott will literally die (no he won't he's just dramatic.)
★ Wallace is not that clingy. In fact, he doesn't even really like being touched. Of course, he's willing to hold his boyfriend while watching a movie, or sleeping, or whenever scott wants, but he doesn't need it the way scott does.
✦ Wallace is actually a huge fuckin' lier. He absolutely adores scotts clingyness, and will literally initiate the physical affection if scott doesn't. The second Scott gets home, Wallace wraps his arms around his boyfriend's waist, kisses his forehead, and asks how his day was.
★ Wallace likes listening to music or podcasts while he cooks and cleans, and if he's not really in the mood for any of his usuals, he'll just ask Scott a question about some niche Nintendo fact, and scott will instantly start info-dumping. Wallace genuinely doesn't understand how his autistic ass boyfriend manages to always have new facts, but its convenient and adorable so yknow
★ Scott literally BEGGED on his hands and knees (in both connotations...) for Wallace to not tell Stacy until Scott decided to. Of course, Wallace entirely ignored this.
✦ Well at least Wallace claims to have ignored it. Really, he just got a little too gay while talking to Stacy and accidentally let it slip.
★ When they got together, wallace let up on the drinking a lot. Not because Scott said anything, but because he just didn't feel the need to go out drinking anymore. Before they started dating, most of Wallace's free time was spent hanging out with friends, while the other bit was spent with random dudes. Once he stopped being able to have those casual relationships, he just kinda didn't need to go to bars and clubs.
(Yo! So i posted this, like, months ago, but since then ive learned how to use a ✨comma✨ so i slammed those little guys where they needed to be. Hopefully my faggotry is now comprehensible lol)
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billcipher-rpblog · 23 days
I find it hard to believe that Theraprism would grant its..."Patients" internet access, not nearly to this extent at least. (Though it could be argued that they're unaware you run this blog, but recent posts disprove this theory) But even if they did... Surely the real Bill Cipher would use Yellow text...right?
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there was a really loud bad sensory party at my flat tonight so i redrew a doodle i did all the way back in september of last year. drawing autism sasha cures all my woes
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bonus sashas from earlier this week::
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cowboylikemalika · 9 months
Simon “ghost” Riley head cannons
Warnings?- fem! Reader, fluff, probably very out of character ghost
He loved casual affection, when he would come home after missions he’d just want to cuddle. No sex just cuddles and/or hugs while you do what you need to do.
Simon just came back from a gruelling mission, it was especially hard because he had been missing you. It wasn’t much better there were quite a few times he came close to death, he would never actually die though, after all who would take care of you then? He seen you, you were there making dinner for when he came home. Simon’s heavy boots making little to no noise on the hard wood floor, sneaking up behind you. Being honest even if Simon was being loud, you wouldn’t hear, to caught up in the music playing. He pulled you into a hug, gently swaying back and forth.
He was a very homey person, he loved lazy mornings and late movie nights, he hated being away from you.
He splashed out on you quite a bit, he would never really buy things for himself so he would spent the money on you, you looked at a dress for a little to long, he’d make an excuse to go into the shop to get it for you.
“Simon, baby, look at this dress” you say excitedly showing him a picture of a dress you seen in a shop window “mhm looks pretty sweetheart, how much?” He whispers the last bit into your neck. “Uhm 135” you mumble under your breath, “speak up.” He commands “135” you say a little louder “use my card baby” he smiles as your eyes light up “you sure?” You wipser as he nods into your neck.
He loved the way your eyes lit up when he mentioned something you said that you thought he didn’t hear, he was trained to listen to everything going on around him in the military and that carried out into his everyday life.
He would wake up always at least five minutes before you did so he could watch you, all peaceful, In your dream with nothing to hurt you.
Simon hated not being around you, you’re gonna go to the shop? Give him a second to put his shoes on and he’ll go with you. You’re going for a walk? Let him get dressed and come with you. He especially hates it when he has to go on missions, being away from you for that long drives him insane.
“Hey Simon, I’m going for a walk.” You mention putting your coat on “give me a second baby, I’ll come with,” he says grabbing his shoes and shoving them on, messily tying the laces before grabbing his coat and keys and walking out with you. “Simon I’m going to the corner shop, want anything?” You shout across the house “wait I’ll come with you!” He shouts scrambling off the chair he was sitting on. “Simon I’ve survived without you for god knows how many years, I’ll be fine going to the shop alone,” you laugh “I know but people are out for me baby, they might use you to get me.” He explains
He loved making you coffee, even if he hated it he wanted to show that he pays attention to everything you like, even if that’s coffee with one part cream.
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alienwritestoo · 11 months
Philza Minecraft is a wizard who accidentally became immortal after meditating too hard.
Missa Sinfonia is an engineering student who got turned into an vampire after going to his first (and only) frat party.
Decades later, they bump into each other at the bar Forever Anonymous.
"So you... don't want to be immortal?" Philza eyes his drinking partner.
"Hell no," Missa scoffs. "I have to get my engineering degree again." He puts his head in his hands. "I chose the wrong career for being a vampire, man."
"Oh thank god." The blond wizard relaxes. "I thought I was the only one who hates immortality, mate." He puts on his hat. "Say, I've been researching a way to reverse it. Want to join me?"
The dark haired vampire clasps his hand desperately. "Please!"
Years pass in their pursuit to reclaim their mortality. Missa makes himself helpful to the cause- "It's okay to take a break Philza, have some enchiladas so I can live vicariously through you!"- and fashions them in the mortal regalia of the decade as time slips through their fingers like quicksand. He keeps them to a schedule of new names, new jobs, and new towns so nothing inconvenient props up once they've figured out the cure.
They take a small detour for Philza to conquer Antarctica for a couple of decades, but it was well worth it for the penguins. And it helps that there's never much sunlight during the times of year they're there, and the vampire can't really feel cold. It becomes Missa's favorite vacation destination.
Returning to their home in not-Antarctica is less exciting for a vampire who can't be in the sunlight.
"Are we there yet?" Missa complains as he sits at their normal kitchen table, eying Philza's sandwich mournfully as it sits untouched and unappreciated.
"Not yet." Philza smashes golden applies into a blender hooked up to an absurd amount of redstone circuits behind the wall. His eyes glow purple as he waves his wand, mummering an incantation as the machine screeches impassively. "Maybe this will work?"
Missa drops his head and sighs. Being an immortal vampire can be very, very boring. Maybe he should visit the penguins and see his Great, Great, Great Grandchicks.
Philza sighs as he rolls into bed. He waits for ten minutes before slipping into Missa's room and pretending to be really, really cold.
"No problemo, Philza," Missa says as he opens his cold arms wide. "I'll warm you up." He teases with a quirk to his lips.
The wizard sinks gratefully into the cool skinned embrace of his vampiric companion. A couple of decades ago, his face would be turned carefully away in embarrassment while spending time internally combating a sexuality crisis, but the immortal has long realized that labels are bullshit and he can ask for a hug if he wants one, dammit.
"What's on your mind?" The cold-skinned vampire asks him, seeing right through his bullshit.
"Forever told me he's in love with me." Philza confesses softly as he lies prone in Missa's embrace. "But he's not actually, because I remind him of his old partner from when he was mortal. Same hair, eyes, taste in clothing-" His chest grows tense. "I saw the pictures. Which I know it's really sad that Forever's life partner was mortal and gone, but I hate that it means I'm being seen as an imitation of someone else instead of the person I am. And it's not like I reciprocate his feelings-" He glances up at Missa. "But I wish we were at least friends, you know?"
Missa huffs. "He's a pendejo, Philza. We should going to his terrible bar."
"We did meet there." Philza reminds him, both amused and pleased by his partner's defensiveness on his behalf.
"We'll go to other bars!" Missa counters irritably.
"There aren't any other immortal bars, Missa." Philza points out logically.
"Well, he has to pay somehow." Missa's grip tightens in anger with vampiric strength, before he remembers himself and loosens his hold. "I'm not letting him get away with treating you like a convenient replacement for a ghost. It's rude, man!"
"We'll think of something." Philza placates with a suppressed smile. "Let's sleep on it. Okay?"
Missa hurumps and settles down to meditate. "Only if we think of something better. Otherwise, you know I'll burn that place down, Philza."
They both drift into unconsciousness and wake later with revenge in mind.
The strange pair walks into the latest government's registration office right before close in winter. They complete an absurd of paperwork and giggle as they walk out.
A few weeks later, they receive marriage certifications in the mail and proudly display them above a picture of a sulking Forever.
When their friends ask why, Missa starts to theatrically sob and accuse them of not believing in true love. Philza, without an ounce of shame, always just laughs.
They both refuse to elaborate.
"Ta da!" Missa jazz hands as he slides into view. "I found us a son!"
Philza blinks as he stands in the foyer of their home, looking down at the dragon hatchling stabbing him in the leg with a wooden sword. "A what now?"
The child is wearing a duck floatie. They don't own a pool. He has never been more confused in his life.
Philza accepts he has a son minutes later after listening to a peacefully dull, ordinary tale that makes him relax about the decision his husband made. Something about an adoption center ran by polar bears, a "Federation" kidnapping them at some point, inconsequential stuff. They could absolutely raise this child with no worries whatsoever.
He corrects the child's form. "Now this is the way to stab someone, mate." The child chuffs happily and proceeds to stab him a bit better than last time. The immortal wizard looks up at his husband. "What's his name again?"
"Chayanne!" The vampire' grin drops at the murder in Philza's eyes.
"I thought I said that name is banned in this house!" Philza yelled, chasing him around the house with his son's wooden sword. "No cheating!"
"I'm sorry!" Missa wailed before getting thwacked. "Its a good name!"
The name inevitably sticks after the dragon hatchling refuses to answer to anything else. The immortal family of two swiftly, and spiritedly, becomes three.
"How did we meet again?" Missa asks his husband as they curl up around the fireplace.
"Oh that?" Philza hums considerably. "I think we were at Forever's bar and bonded over something we both really, really hated. Can't remember what it was, though."
Missa gasps. "Wait, I know!"
"What was it?"
"Engineering." The vampire says gravely.
"No wonder mate." Philza groans. "Not worth relearning how things actually work every decade."
"I know, right?" Missa says, sitting up as he becomes more passionate. "I'm so glad I switched careers to creating destruction wherever I go and reaping mortal souls by drinking all their blood like a mortal Capri sun."
"That really is so much better, king." Philza agrees. "I think Chayanne would be perfect at that when he's older."
"He's 200 years old, cariño." Missa reminded him. "Our little huevo chose to fight God with Uncle Etolies, remember?"
"Oh yeah, I remember now." Philza lies. "I heard on the news, after the Capri Sun ad, which, I don't know how that company lasted so long-
Missa suspiciously smirks. All the employees are his minions.
"-That the sun's going to collide with the earth in the next five years."
"Can it be sooner than that? I can barely remember Forever, and he's got a name that we have to say all the time." Missa groans. "Immortality, forever, whatever man!"
"Yeah our memory's fucked." Philza chuckles.
The married immortals stare into the fireplace and hope they haven't forgotten anything important. They go to bed to meditate the night away.
"Shit shit shit!"Missa slaps Philza out of his trance, who rolls over in protest. "Get up, old man!" A bucket of water dumps over his head. And then lava, which tickles. "We forgot Chayanne's birthday!"
End of fic
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propertyofkylar · 11 months
I really love what you write about Whitney 😍😍 I’m not sane about him at all, especially after everything Vrel unloaded… good dad Whitney, Whitney loft event, Whitney and his plushies. I LOVE HIM SO MYCH😞😞(sorry.) he’s so real tho. Would you write anything soft about him spending time with his family? Like him, PC, and his son in their new home after skipping town. I think he would be a boy dad tbh. Sorry for my long ask 👴🏻👴🏻
eeeee anon thank u that's so nice! and no need to apologize. this is a whitney lover safe space.
i LOVE this prompt....gonna go crazy with it.
cw: not much, just mentions of previous dol canon-compliant abuse
Whitney quietly closed the door behind him, instinct telling him that someone inside was fast asleep.
He was right. The first thing he saw walking into the tiny flat was you and your son, curled up on the couch, fast asleep. The sight brought a smile to Whitney's face.
It was still such a novel concept to him. Never in a million years did he expect to have his own small family, much less enjoy it. But here he was.
It hadn't been planned, Whitney thought as he took a spot next to you on the couch. But when you told him you were pregnant and he was the father, he knew he had to make a change.
The two of you had worked hard. You took the money you had and ran. Now, you were here. Far away from that godawful town and all the horrors that resided in it.
Whitney worked in the day and took classes in the night. His free time was spent with your child. You worked odd jobs like babysitting and cleaning homes - jobs you could do with the baby - and took online courses. Life was busy and exhausting. You didn't have much, but Whitney was working towards a better future. For his family.
You stirred next to him on the couch, letting out a yawn with your eyes closed. "Thought I heard you come home."
"Morning, slut," Whitney teased. The afternoon sun was starting to set.
You weakly smacked him on the arm. "Told you not to call me that in front of the baby."
Whitney rolled his eyes. "He's asleep. He won't know."
You opened your eyes finally, just to roll them at Whitney. You handed the slumbering child over to him. "Your son has been a needy shit all day. Just like his dad."
Whitney chose not to point out the hypocrisy of your language, opting to be nice. He wrapped his free arm around your shoulders, admiring the tiny family he had.
"Got a nice tip today," he announced. "What do you say I treat my slut to a nice dinner?"
You sat up, raising an eyebrow at him. "A nice dinner?"
"Fish and chips is nice!" Whitney protested. "Whatever. Can't you just be grateful?"
"Mm, no," you said with a smile. "But I'll take the dinner anyway."
Whitney leaned back and sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I thought after all this time, you would stop being so annoying. Guess I was wrong."
Your grin grew wider. "Yeah, but you're stuck with me now."
"Guess I am," Whitney said with a smile back. Only, he didn't feel stuck.
In fact, he felt freer than he ever had.
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whitherwanderer · 10 months
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. : r i t u a l i s t : .
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deus-ex-mona · 20 days
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i miss her…
#cant believe i forgot about her till the photobook q&a im so sorry witch mona~~~~~~~#press f for honeypre atelier gachas it was gone too soon™️#(currently e x t r e m e l y worried and stressed for tomorrow like never before b u t i have to appear like im fine sobs save me monachann)#(can i go on a stress-prompted tangent here about something inane? no? toooo bad im gonna go off anyway~~~~)#ok so. like. since witch mona is the image i have up ‘ere and since it’s still 七月… today’s tangent will be on irl spooky stories!!#s o. presenting a decently repressed memory from my childhood that resurfaced while i was hibernating at home:#anyways. well. thoughts about the afterlife can vary from person to person yes? there’s no one true correct belief after all#but the one question that unites us all is probably the one and only ‘are ghosts real?’#and well. for personal reasons i think so. i mean i’ve seen this one dude i hate get possessed a couple of times so welp. cant deny it ig.#wild story about that actually. back in the day my family’s finances were allegedly doing so badly that [dude i hate] had to pick up#a *c e r t a i n* side hustle for extra cash. that side hustle? literal grave digging at the cemetary. at night no less#and *ofc* he wasn’t respectful about it in the least so ofc some spirits followed him home. yay. free roommates.#one(?) of them even took residence in my room at the time and im 80% sure they ate my history textbook :( much sads#anyways well once that guy had too much to drink (which was rather often tbh) he’d get possessed. fun!#the only possession i ever saw was the n-rarity angry ghost who’d just huff and puff in silence with unfocused eyes most of the time#he’d occasionally put on a leather jacket too. but that was like a r-rarity event that didn’t happen that often#my mother had the chance to also witness the mosquito (who tried to barge into my room for fresh blood) and the 姑娘 (self-explanatory)#which is kinda unfair tbh. i wanted to see the ur-rarity ones too :( mostly bc it’d be funny to see a guy i hate act ooc (impure intentions)#oh right. ​how did we get the dude out of his possession? we just shook his arm really hard. prolly caused some lasting effects but who know#i think he could also just sleep off the possession but idk i was asleep for the ur-rarity incidents.#cant ask the one witness of it bc i dont want to bring back unnecessary flashbacks of [guy we hate]#anyways it’s been years since we moved out from that place and i still want my history textbook back. mostly for the principle of it but—#and so that’s the tangent of the day. i feel weirdly less stressed now thanks witch mona#i do wonder how my grandparents are faring on this 七月 though…#b u t !!!!! tomorrow’s date on the lunar calendar says it’s an auspicious day for wishful activity and starting a new job!!! so… maybe~~~~?#hauauauauauauauuauaaaaaa anyways insane tangent over stream mona’s new album ok bye#oops forgor to disable rbs i hate how easy it is to forget to use this function man
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sharkzippo · 1 month
fics that remember jubilation lee is actually in the original trilogy ( despite having less than a second of screen time ) and have her as john’s actual non-bobby best friend are so big brained, actually. and they’re right! jubilee is 100% john’s bestie and his worstie all rolled into one.
#⧽ ⠀ ⠀ ── ⠀ ⠀ ooc : maybe magneto had a point actually.#jubilee being more john’s friend and kitty being more of bobby’s#it just feels right!!!#god i love thinking about the pre movie school dynamics. they’re v interesting to me!!#i don’t think john had many friends outside of bobby. like... it really might have just been jubilee because she’s as stubborn as he is#and refused to be pushed away no matter how much john tried to scare her off with his asshole persona.#like if bobby is his best friend then jubilee is his closest just by the nature of their personalities#as much as ​john loves bobby (which is part of the problem) they end up butting heads more often than not.#there are things he can’t talk to bobby about. things bobby doesn’t and couldn’t understand just because of the sheltered life he had.#but jubilee does#and even though he’d make jabs about her 'finding another pet project to fix' she has become one of the more important people in his life.#she’s the one person he actually feels bad about leaving behind once he leaves.#but yeah!!!!!!#these tags have gotten too long and i probably should have just put my ramblings in a normal post but oh well#even tho ​i don’t write with any jubilees (yet?) i wouldn’t expect them to adhere to any of this anyway!#this is all just personal headcanon and mostly serves to round out my john’s life prior to what we saw on screen#but if any jubilees are reading this (👀) ​i’d be more than happy to plot or discuss any different ideas you may have!
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sunoflegend · 5 months
it's a damn shame that the more issues i get into skybound the less of a fuck i give to be honest
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mechahero · 4 months
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//🌺🫧🍹🍍🐬 SUMMER LAMBDA IN RH!! 🐬🍍🍹🫧🌺
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angelsandemons · 3 months
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This is the funniest thing Tumblr has ever done with this feature.
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taleswritten · 17 days
i don't trust this game, i'm not picking up a damn hitchhiker.
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